SiADDITIONAL LI BERTYVILLÉ NEWS -rDi 3n rf ER Dodge Brothers constant gim s to sur- round eauh and every operation that enters into the coutruction of the car with safeguards whidi wiil comipel tiiose operations to be as dos to perfection as human effort can fhuke themi. The taslinecoemmmpdoj' à unusuaily ow. flhc tire inle s ÀmumuaiY high. LIBERTY VILLE. GARAGE J. N. BERNARD, Prop. Phme 202 ;Prty ville independent ln~e<ndtt-WmkgaaWoklyâSu id at tbe Puotfoe at UU.rtyville, Ill, uad CM lae M atte. iPTION PRIÇE-41.5O PER YEAR, STRICTLY IN ADVANCE. a $IOO,9MOFARM DEALS CLOSED BY T. J. STARI & COQ" Mrs. Anna i)eithorn iid relat ives in Waukegan Sunday. MIS. Warren Gruiitt and daughs ter spent SatUrday in Chiceago. Mis$ Rena Miller s i,, euç îflg a va- Cation f ro mher wdrk in Waukegan. E. C. Baumnan or Grayâlake trans- ated business iu Lbertyville Tuesday. Miss Caroline'lBurke of Chicago, sent the- week end ai tlise 1etges George Triggs, who lias been iii for the- past iew nmonths. la siow.]y lm- pros îng. and NO ~lrs. Fred (rcker. spent isat Su0nday' ai the homeî cf Mr. andl Mis. Lee Iluson in oio. Mr. and Mrs. H. Haunschild- vere in ieerfield Sunday. guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Kieanp. MIr. and Mrs. George Wolfe, who have heen living with MNr. Wolfe's par- enta, are n0w residlng at the home of 1Mrs. .3. C. West of Hubbaid Woods Mrs. Wolfe's parents, r and Mrs. vais the guEaîs of irieisds b in berty- POrteous onLkesret ville Monday. -Miss Anna Rîtiner ofCi lIicago NSa ited her fathar, John Riner, in Liber- tyville 8unday. Mrs. R. A. Woodworth cf Milwau-1 kee, via the guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Ciby at the May Party. Mr. and Mrs. George Smith of Ares spent SUnday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Sinali on Milwaukee Ave. Mr. and Mrs. George Mason andf daugbter Ina, vieited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry S4aling ai Long Grove the latter part or last veek. The Young Peoples' Conterence of the Lake County Sunday School ÂAs&- ciaUiou viii be beld in0 Ubertyville al day Saturday, May 28tb, in the Pres. byterian sud Meihodist Episcopal chtcrhes. Good l seakers wil sddrss A. C. Richards of Prairie View Vas a Libertyville visitor Saturday. Mr. Richard* has sold his tarin inthe neigh- borhood or Prairie View and yull movc. l oon to a honme purchased ln Park 'Ridge. M r. and M rs. T. Arthur Simpson ag. daughý ers, Helen and Rlimer cf Wau- keg ýî Ilrs. Nancy L. Clark of Chi- cago.r and Mrs. Harvey A. Barton of Seattle, Wash.. called on Libertyvîlic, relatives Saturday. A good atteudance is desired ai the Prograîn of the Libertyville Musical Society next Mouday eveulng at the Methodist church. An orchestra yl Play. Mrs. Mabel MacGutffluwlll read a paper on "Women lu Music," snd there will be organ sales by Mis. Fiera Duraud aud vocal solos by Miss Carnie Chgrd and otber numbers.* tihe auembiiges at beth churches. À A do u ble aboyer nssga iventu h luncheon viii be served ai mldday. Misses Bettye Jochie n d Anus Rit and a banquet lu tbg evening. A big uer lait Thuraday evening at the honte delegation la expected f roni ail the of Mns. Joseph Peddle ai Highland____________________ Sunday Schooia ln thse couutY. A corn- Park. The saIr vas uuder the aus- pîcte prograin vii probabiy be roi P ices et the Sisaryl Girls. hotu young for the nert issue of the Indexoeident. ladies beiug vinners et this club. Tite _______________ affair vas a surprise, both thikn A Mrs. Veuix. recently îîîoset-e Lib-'heocsnvaargur ertyvilie, sud vho la eînpioyed ai te theocsinis e ue i' ofALLINS N, 'OVER Chatiel-Talorborn inLak Foestthe club. Upon arrivai they found a n aeFoei umi>er oet tnds resent, sda et vas vaccinated for smalipox Tuesday. greeted, with congratulations snd . TIERE' AT LAST, on accotant of possible expesure t0 the ravritofuelanpetygts diseose there. Mrs. Hobart Chatfîeid getvreyo ieflsdpel i Amiscellaueous aboyer vas tendereil HAL D 1MARTYR Taylor, Jr., iasuliferitig with sinailpox. t ls iteadMs ohen Sunday nmght Marshai Linîberry ir' was thse neciplent of, remenubrances oi-Ili,. ii ti SosA1linw-or, if 1fiL,ý1 ceivd atelphon caI fofliti 1 iplîc uiminum vare. A veny pleasant est- i Park ",hoîr-'î- .-i ~ilF depntimnent to have Mrs. Velix go I 10 asst.M ainyre si ta t i ai. n ..n1,aiî ai fvî physician for. vaccinatio, and ihlua ent wre er.d NliaRiîailî 1îi-n fw!.1 im o, foreatali any possible spread cf lie.e- s er srve. isiRinr u, . i. op.11,ikil .. !ij , dread inalady. be inarrled on Junt' Sth to Mr. W.iî NI v, ~a lii'!.-.--M-n Themeber o Ecelio C ONeilli orLake Foresi, snd ce Wednes- s liiW i, i-F' w,lin ii The eiuer~cf xcesîc Cacit day. June 151h Miss Jochheim viii ise.j Al~innhis -r in itv Royal Neighbors cf Aiferica. wilii cil conie thse bride cf Frank Huher of Lih- r ii1' M:ff ~ 511. t-braie tiseir 25th anniverary on flexi Iitit- Afit 11(51.Fi it-Oia o lc- Wednesday evening. May îSth. -A p ro- il.îîin~- grain Is being iarepared. aud gaines and contests,vili foiiov., Several fine prizes are te be awarded dur 'lng the evening. Lunch vili compiete lte ave- nings entertaînment. It la îiesired by eetr> memsber be present tu heip ctle- R1ed Star brate the passing cf tise quarter cen- tory mark cf tise Camps actIvities. 1 W -W Wate _,% Vapor OÙl Stove DEMO0NSTRATIqN!-.. Mr. Ce-Le' Carpenter of the De- troit Vapor Stove Co. wiII be with us ail day Wednesday, May 18, and demonstrate the Red Sta r OÙ Stoves. This is'the kerosene stove without a wick.. It burns with great heat office Telephone Numbohr 1, Libertyville Exchanlge.I Henry Oison Purchases 380 A Tho cmîîson Supt cf lihe John IL. 1 4 TEY'E Fl 00»KOAS.Skoglund Farm at Rose- Deion, Pa., near Philadelphie, whee IR Our meet trip ta ]Monlda, the writer vas aaturalîy impresseà i h crans for $60,000 he look lie horses; te be shown in1 M ýtà ,but anc Of the autstauding conditionsvebaeletoU Trefandaicntmtd th the Philadeiphia Society Heorse Show Mýtw"Mftkfte cadi Wh'h W aledtO U Thee frnideal cosumaed IthAil tise animais vere isackneys. two *e1makbl on -Of tt roaUdS-in in y-gt t oMte&-jur inthe iasat'nmonts by the- T. J. $tahl ntr; Iti4fedLw!ad*'gd méalie n ol Cuay e roe R dy n spal; oidsan w wreand- companfy reaity îirm to ftal *1-0,- i etLis'adLa. aucelu alkCouty e doveailday u aphat rmAsaidve ere000. one- cf the iransfers being tht- j ng Article." were recentiv inîoported OU that ln the total the caunty has* 350 Miles of aimait perfect roads. Skoglonul farnm cf ?78 acres, ai Rose-j iroms Englanil "Jack Tai bac' s ht-ben >Necae as ealytrue of Lake Couuty, . ij ris . laHenry Oison, for $60,'000 entei-ed in 0 7(shows ansd cairied oil 69 M revs en'r. Oison lias occupied the farmi for Is Thsloewnte A"d as we vent over the caunty and saw how asl settled the five ears oni a c-entai tiaiis This blue ribn hshrtvnts aparsesy fa rni is one of lise line- t bin he rounty chaîîî lionshl p ai tise show lieldhin Mail mobct vras ive canld nat help but thiuk that many of the thickly POPU- heing splenîlidly eiiuipied, and Mr soen ',ai Grd"'N Y1k.i.- Imi counties oif Ilinoais such as Lake Couuty are far behind soine of the ti wnsilil dt'vce niirh finie 0tinsl.;eE)n in"i h hm)o pat riFi Fg -ii erpris.- fias n g a fine Ii i l n~ w ts lsi lc rarida cauntiet in the matter of road improvemeut. elof îll-efs road lo, i I*he United siaies, and Of course this is partly detote a - t ra bidigi -' d . ýtof Cihirago. has jiorchasi-il lia,; oi ), i(.nhi-sien lir it-lia S!tlo" 1 8'ncb cheaper than iluIlinois, In Maily places the rond is but by sii.e g iook for ilar A ohadjjsheii -e mely hauling a certain kind of tone te the road. putting it thereon. TIFe AlItrcd N. 1-on fain -ai- \Vî ia hwii i.-Uitd tte lr rdgiàg it sud then placing a layer of asphaît ou top. The regular asphiaît us ,t-n IO hs-ilsbo lînihl..I.rui - IlniscnOcir' l)Dzii, ic-, of NXi Ir (rilcago, land ht-I ii ilnîil iu1 il)i in the- singli- cla.s aii1 Mstructiou la net necessar because of 'the nature of the rock or gravel 11-v sownrer lias aresîls saken Pîsises- -Mdiso Sqare- Garden. This animatl, kg quletian. That aida maateri&lly lu gettiug a lot o! good reads intat w~ iti f"ii.,. tîi ng Art ie,- ciii p5es I lle date but neverthelesa the fact that good roadle have been huit shows that . îriv liî-îiýi if Miss Ruths Tiioniiis>of. àk people there are alert and up sud doing. Kowever. if, caunites that D M (IE IA .Tht-. Tlîomflisoniaîîiiy honte in Clibil s preysettled canaffard ta build roada as exiat in several af those I as YrN o Ileisas ht-en sl, an h- i n 5t- Matsevncounties it doeisement as thaugh Lake Cauuty, IDi.. could at cesat UAR1113I11UINDFAEU lis IlareI h-i 1>5igtarci hne t *Most keep puce vlth thein because there are so ailluy more praperty owu- L N F XRIE tht- ii dielitel in Chicago. Ra4MI taayers here thon in the southeru sates. O OXR V R F h. it, iuaîut-s in Peoria, the Sar It.takes a trip of this sort ta inupress one with advantagei a! his ouni ansd Joiiina,l raisoid tht-jr ad">",.,.- ýgl uyand az h adatg fcourse te irimytiig riest ht- firsi of tise ytar. and .suny aso te dsadyutaea. f tere xe a P 1 Dl< luing the lasi aveelî, Fox rivet-ihas sb whcve surpaus the Plorida couaties but it Must be admitteid tht risen se ililgi andl overfiowed lis tise fourai lage îllpartcsent sales bqare àhed of us su raad construction b atiks îîsqt an arers vholibve lsere conihined 1t ettdowu ihe -walong the river say lhierland use price. Tut-v discontiured tîseir cc-vs- 1kfamers davu there ment to feel t.hat when a gooderoad is laid Seing tiooded ih severai teet et tirplace the property la value fer beyoud vhat the vater and tlinatlîhey are unahie t0 paper advcrtising. and in place of workeouJil. See oftiein say tisati Il liheSlthpîiir os-n auveriislig ilta#colisain taxes measta thern. Wheas the tlrne cornes tht every they ihall jus plantid graiu there aire. hi i hic-e nie)ntissi' trial iiseyI Wepayei lu ake Countty who oaus property throughout the .ount ruJ and tisai iiey fear ut vas ail vashied uound tire-y ere styend ircg iie as Wu Ot tisislasfact, then vili raid building be conductel ou an mtas- Tecuefrlserpdrs nmcclias e e w-[aper"deiiîi an defWnte plui this coaty. t he river la (tue te s part of the wotiid rosi lieaitishe higiier i-te plan dam guvlug av.ay ai Mclleury. it andthuai 1epv ssere net geltiflg tise --------------vas learued today. Tise river Je muchisl tsut. Th,-% hase al eonirsried foir - -- -- -- -- -- - - - - - -- -- -- 8900el ulaher lisan int i aiet hîs tiie of tltirge .sîuits cf. spart- ln tise îeorta tise year. accordîng te those vise jwpers nowsÔ iilie îialser have won have been eut un canot-s and row ou t hanîls do,*n lu tise fiais,. beais during lise last few days. ____________-Shenif! Limer Green: "Tise justice Jonas Kîîpîsenheinien, . 6.Pioneer frerîuently Fse cîy piyate office visen cioihing 0 anîfsctiîrer, died Wednes- tht-Y ierfoOs nimaniage ceremnonles lu day er.nir. aithe uppnheemrtise courihouse and 1i .m sconbidernugý 'D isc o n tin u e dmaysionIn Laie Kuoresht neroutfttîng il vitis aprepriaVe turulture ,,D ,c o ti u 'dMrauslo n heu n ae Pr ast. su1 ad censtlîîciing sn arcli n addituon Mn. ulssenseiiieîlia ben îî îe decoraîîng Iut vus orange nilsroi. for tisreut-$. f tlîlnk a sheriff shotiid be emtd Efe ç,a1 W e iscoAUUIIvedleivas ()ne ofaItirt- founders cf H. t ero rnmiage ceeuioiues. KuPslsneIxer k- Cc., F-ankliluasd Quite freîîueniuy 1Im, ans lle<twhen O rLv ry SeriFetongresstreta, 'Ciicago. peoplelias-e martiaI dutuîculies -and Mu'Kuupenlieumer le survived isy lu manc cgs 1Iget thein te pthu awidowv. Mrs. Belle Kuppeuhelmer, iheir troubsues. Tisais better, than Libe tyv lle G ar*aeand tiwo. aughers. MNitr. ertmmratsovin seinebody in Ji lralpb~ZogJ. . BRNAD, rop Kahn and Is. Louise Stein. Tise fng evenybody misenable. Tise coutls ---------- N D NADPop ~ do sdMis. Kahn live nit Ihe shoî4-eiect a peacemalcer i'd lhe al Dine i~te. -.ýh-Iniiîa1i- for_'hi. ofirý.- No Smoke --Rient aîîltp, hCs hç. o-nc es in Aip in oh-tep f sic 1100' :n' n iîr., of he inlt c - Iil glil.nd l.t,- il , . ti.- st-afitis vuuîî.K .:iifi ., ch ,l 1 1 ,il. " iii - .r . ' , Ii, Fri s'. si ' 'ln': t, ft n tr a ': i~~~~~~jt il:iSi4 .,,~114 5 No Odor Local Short Items of E The- ainl l unuiecn ville Woîîinena tClu ii -l Pr. abyierianelchsnet- Mcs 18. ai 10I TWENTI 1Frid MAY 13 12FU With JACK MIlwaukee A' !2!2 SIL Will wonr ail. Be Si our extena You'd bleti ers this ye laite planti What do us for eve LIBERTI Leti house cle~ Let wash, yc quilts, an your Orit draperies coats tha your dret whatever We- you m a3 to youiln ner andti We are Launder Phone Libertyvî Clean and, easy to operate. Farmer s and others without' gas -in their homes should sec this celebrated stove in action. Remeinber the date Wednesday, May, l8th, 1921, ALLÎ DAY IRay Furniture- and Paint Store Phone 9 Open Mon., Fri. and Si«. Evenings Libertyville mmmmmmmwRwý a THE 11BUMVHU WEPENDENT, THURSDAY, MAY 12, 1?21 E FOUR i