ocds oc to $1.15 Oc to $1.19 ...... 59e .....25C GOOD KI. ...... 49e .....59e [nown d of 1 lors, ......2k . 25c a Ce.- ,alize the bendent1 rapsl LBERT-YVÏ LLE LAKE COUNTY INDEPIENDENT iNDEPENDENT Lake Countv "'y Big- Weekly GCailatloGoem toean otit Weeklies in uounty Combined LIBERTYVILLE. LAKE COUNTY. ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, MAY 19, 1921. $800 FINE AND CHRISTIAN SCIENCE LECTURE 50 DAYS IN JAIL -k. 11 ,il : ,in(e i- FORM T((I1LE66EER IL<IÂonard CS 3 ieiie ojt Tony Petkus Sentenced When ient ýt inSo.Naý.! eIl Motion for New Trial is Fr la>ev ;UZn May n h aiel Overruled ave .Hi glland PlTk. Tii.publi< i, cird l: imviied o aittend, \~ ,fi~. kî- Marl,'ei sref .? ound TYî..r;--A Awlmwnîî ut urpaf-larsN EW BA ND STAND '- 1-k,, fii , -f o rifl Ciflg a ri 'Flln"foloweil a raidiicon TOB EECE)N i rf1iî'- Crikung oUIut 1ho. T EEETDI -. r ne f., - 'i'<'lr ia rallon 1EC0>KP K I.-. l, i flle(] Cilil t h--' Peiku'.H CO PR i'. (r Oui; Filiay iîidge II 1. ['i. otlt I i i rf i' t i îîof foi a new B\' lla, rard luirjrnalirrnn rît hIî ul ",îi o], e now i.,fldif'kf ,on i r' AD*rrr f f i.' rr~ ~î,r andl ('4-rk andr , il it.li o la.il .fi f lf.-ri til, .- ilr i iaxrfiir it fié re, %,]~ rr~ aIl of. mlvrn bc on, gui r "f l f '11. o i'1,'nný iIrr'I',t rl , lin 1 iii.ilttl, r-!fi 1 , ,n. ' i r h i i l . 'rndl filaS hs.' (nfl i,ol. ! J nrrlii .r. r Ir r 'n. fi ,ftr i runc.îi aIr r f ni r f r' Iflilfir A r. lîr r I r r.I rrriri tif r r r* ff r lrfrf'rflrr' r r rrrff rr 't fi unr. r f f r. r r rfi Vrii. r-f r "1 r. uni If If i frrf f fln r r ~. r rrîr r 1, fr1 r' ~ 'i if r' r r rrf . r f r i Çrr r 1fr r rfrfr r f~ r i 'If ilifr if I ~r rfrr r r rr rf~ rI fi f r r r f ~r fr~ r jr r f. r r r fir fir r. if -r r fi r rrfrfirri fI iT fi1I1'1 I-f r "fi pli%. ff' I. Foli,' rll if r n i fii r r t frfrf' r ' f. and SI ' r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ * -" 'n guu .!fiirlîî.rh rda' finn ofC$1-' WM. SCHMIDT EIETS $60 FINE; AND- 50 DAYS IN JAIL Fox Lake Violator of P rohibi- tory Law Found Guilty On Two Counts. "-,mSchmdt * Fus Lak-,i- esom I ;'p".aie Monda> zaftenî.oon war. t niýd $i0t) andl gis cu a 5U-ds> jail n bli-10 h' udge P'-s.L Persons lni ifeCUI-court fori-îfhe saleori n- iur'uealfng liqtuir. upu!, which charge hf- recentîs vas f,îund guiity ou two tr>uèv -% 'rî.'ed ullaler.inlunction ecent- I. 11fffl !bv 51ts"' Aorney A. V. -lillii uustlff ias be. grauteu b.' .Iudge '.C. Edwards in the circuit Snu rt a' i clicomîpc Selînchidt tolutu uli a i.r< n order iuo open lis place rgint. rIhe bunrd leiug foi fPei,,iif -ni". nv-iifI thue ielrf>huitory ag'iiit. Jusî before seutencung Sclitaldt, r1f'lîcarsous SIso assesseul Gos liainuns, Pive PoiLifs farnîci. aukus 'r-ýW $7.0 in fines aud 101) days in 1 ui <,ntyjai DAU4iITER 0F SEN. AND MRS. RODNEY B. SWIFT DIES Pneumonia Cause of Death of Clart Swift, Two Years Old, Sunday__Moming.' Clame. two year old daugter of Senator sud Mr.,. Rodney.B, Swift. of jýr Lke Forest, dieul Sunday moning at la o'elock, of pueuflonia. The Swift home vas quarantlned for rcarlet fever, but later the littie gi rl uuderwent an opeation upon hem Ibroat, and then pueumonia developed. Suie underweni anoîber uperation Salurday night. Because of the nature of hem Ilnes ne pebiic tuerai service vas held, Ciare vas borni<vo Years ago. APril 10. Besides ber payents she la 'sur vivel li alittIl.Wrothef' and aiter, iz and seeL~kreaid. baiuine~mkeForent çemetery n'sI ii, 1w Fý -fi 1 , i k.lrrll irfrlnf", h' ln M il . 'rf iprie ll r n f fil r . :nîî,lir:, i - i' ni' i ci !h.ffi . i iii l I*. i '. .~f i i I r iii i-r-n iri r :,îil r'c ': i ii f~~~ ~~ a :.~'rrrri -if. VIL1 E ONI 1 IOLD ADJOURNED MEETINGi MONDAY~ 'i l' rrlî' reut(i i i,, n idjriutii ,.t I r- .r fr- 'tîrnrh.iî% nirihil l It-iOI1 11f 'fi:,! le i àrýei (MIlr 11i-l - Ne.r u 1ifi> lrif it fiid rtzneriloullîne ohfIti', 5'rrk' If n, r t0fr h. .enurui ng i f it i 5 I îadt' A specilicomiîîiîlee as a pPOintecd Ifo nur'r' i Cufi 1e'lr'tfefl> itIfli' on Park aenue. tuariaute for fie pav ine with concret-. of liat fhuisulare a en-f ronu MudlWaUk iX<eÈaTinue l'r ih iillagie lim.tSIalu cver(licci a nli Ile i) iîosed rounf> tuit t u Area. Tlîî atinual relaul t r flT reaaurie r Mo' risý aas receis'ed andl rcferred(o filue finance' commiffef- permission C'as gilen fhe Lîberl> %iI Ilb andllu use part or fthe undill tower on tire Anseil B. Cook property for a baudsfand. tu be ercctrîd lu Cook pîarler The wetkl'i baud concerts tis suiniuer wlll biefield there. and will mîake il juore conveulent, as îî s near- em lIre business district ihan Centrai park. ahere the'concerts bie been helul heretoiort'. Ir Cas arrauged to have the week of May 23 to Ma> 28. inclusive, as a saneciai dlean uîr week. Trustee J N. Vernaî'd was iustrocted to secure the necessary teanis to haul astres andl rub blir front uan> pointinluthe sillage fu the soulli end of thie olul gravel pht. An>' one having rubbish of ibis charac-, ter nay have same renloveculb> icle p)boning 22 Tire meeting Nîuîs barmonlous, and ecd member of the officil faniily showed ho was on the job for the besr interests outithe-village. Quitte a nuni- ber of citizens were present and îook an interest in the proceedings. I The next regular' meeting of the council wiIl be held ou Monda>' nighbi lune tb. T0 LUMIT BOOE DDEIIPITIh1C Td Feeling More Like His Old- Tinr i JAS. BLANCIIARD, FIRST WHITE CIIILD IN LAKECO., DIES Death of 80-Year-Old Pioneer occurred Suddenly - Today at Hot Springs, Ark. .l.iiir- tliaf liai I lth,- I.1-n S I it' f hfîtr hfîri n i lakt'('uunr > , nier. '-iî n'fîîTfif-'r'.ia , Hr li51un- ri 'hu're hr' m" i îrkinrn ith, baithi" mn viihturnatisu'., ,iridni to afilef'r a" 1 recel' cd b> W'aukcg.în reiatiivces, t)eath was due to hîcari t'rouble. Mr. ,nlan charri w a" bo Pft su ai L lnut'Y - 'uur tiers,.nnue miler w.,- fi1 Waukeginn eiell>' i ars a,rfFOrI Ilei'a-i tirl.' vears MNr. Blanchuardl huuubeen ink îng yearî> trips lu Hoî Spfrings- He had bheen there about ,nrx we,'k"ilii- yeai, Forrnuany y.ears ihe decea-seudl iad couducleul a fat ni norîlu or Waukegan on Northi Sheridan rmauil.or thirty vears or more hoe hall been higbwut> commissioiier. Four years ago ho solul the farm and -oved to Waukegan. ince then hie haul been living ai 431) North Genesee street. Mr. Banchard leaves the folOwing rhiidreuf Edward Blanchard. Charles Blanchard, Mrs. R. D. Wynn sud Miss Alile Blanchard. ail of Waukegafl. andl Mrs. C.E. Beek of W'ayncsboro, Vtir- gîuliu. He Ieav'es Ile îoliéwing broth- ers aný1 isteraf Arhur Banchar'd and Mrs J. J. Staffard both of Waukegan, Mr'. E. Selleck of Baraboo. Wis., and Mrri Marîha Axteil of Waupaca, Wtis. Charles Banchard lefI at once for- HlotSpringls lu brina flue boul.'home. MILK TIIROWN IN SEWER TO BOOST PRICE, 15 CIIARE runveIgation into the blgb pre of WIS1AJI~~SllN n l Lake Coutty, Indianla. dis. $100 IN W S O SN lsdTbursday thal Ma an O mn k are belng poured in sewers daily Hearkeli ye of Waukegat a ho are -su tbe suPPly wli not exce..! the de- Paylng $3 each for boZe pecmîp. Mand-and there wiii ho no "reason- tians. for lowering the pimce. In Wscosinthe're oin tueut Il la declared that the Mlk Pro- u Wroisconin nthee pgoing ii aducers' cooperative marketing com- outrs pRoferdiso: heeprcospany, havtng some 17,000 menibers In iso nRa.is: Indiana, Illinois, aud Wisconsin,. thug MadîonWis. Nay 13.-A new disposed of 1,70o caus. about 54,720 "One bock" law was favored b>' the quarts at Gary aud East Chicago, Assembiy practically unanlmously Imd., a few days ago, and that In April ibis moning, The lower bouse with. tbe number of caus thus dellberately out opposition eigrossed the Maeis- spoiled averaged over 600. jng bill to lini!t the cost of liquor pre- The- mille producers' comlpany. it Ie 'scriptlons t0 $1. The Artl'aaiooà laid, hias a place lu Gary, at 1530 Mad league appeare.! in.committe »to avor lema. street. vhere the 'surplus Inili lis pamiage. 1 sl taken and separated fromn the bat A, ailhh biBliabu been introduted ter fat betore it la poured lato th La tba flàunoh .bererai aseu*IY. sever. ONECENT TAX ON U%, E. (iAS 15 ROPOSEDI PA! r' ru I r i, r gnil n rfi r .rirrr i m, lf rrulU;i ir r b; ide Averag r 1fr ýIiI- rr ia, ru h i .r Il!r fafe 'n II ui 1,01i f Agc 10 Soif WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVAW HUME r F 1111 AVEC, OFFICER ROBBED OF GEMS !ALISETR _____ nl\ÎslI.n"~ NAB VIOLÂTORS AT i ainondf i9, f. i :1',f .r, ), tl) i, \u ii- rfI- n lgnu Mr 'i tli<n --riî Village Blacksmît o f Town l la.Ni l un' oArrested for flot Having U - cense: He and Son Fined. M U SIC A L SO C IET1y w tt nPetr SW O dd " LberyilMonday. te cheCk là HE D IN M ETNG onsl lieSe. Three mien Who> MON AY I4 l ected provide themnselves Wt IIEL IVI~EII~ c4nsewere arrestedland find.U A indi tedac [it' >îegr Maitl'Pester and lis son, HarrY W" 111011011.%lmsicae fte anetY i-he firr.,ttwo 10 be arrested. 11W e'xcellen t î,runraiii' Made uliir an rn Pes t ier v ile o rdu léi bacm àfl jr.i' rule ,rrenI Miss Edilli Adkins oî spt IinLîbertys 111eqfor eara V à Vr'liiei,' Wdr iisiting musician. and upclfgh1rreuedatt l I.1ti hul ra rnuiib,-i oirl,lightful ceuse lu sho.- horsr.Thes' were Ar piaino dru Z Sîiail*.I uCncir it rches- raigned before Justice E. 1). HubbaW ; IWr - lUl oi, lil-Ilual Iligh anîlwere iuned $25 and cosfs eflek.1 .ý,irId'I li nid r-ln'irie ii~ Tii, >ounger ni the two fgLuaIli? * i 'iiifihfO 1,-.Itrie t'li'rl l,tiI ffrrl tri lupay the s.-, license fee--a 1' ~ irrff.-0fl ,'l ad ilt, fine :a., ui4pendefd. The fathb nan i UriC. svh it-I'l waI' jvýr,,.1 . i aidl! rel tir -& [r wai i-'ar nds'r î( flljus î, iI esrsa> ahe wiip l refi f iii ifi liiirr ioiilo i i tii l, <ilaln Ui fh ..se r iine f.bu inely ss u' 1 h '? i- F ni E lu raîl.Ni -r.l)uandh - lio e u iioerian t -' M -Paul NlrEilý(;tllfiin r, h':U1il il ran hla k outa buinse o et i-,'nluetrun,. Ihei i n- fautIes. Williau Volknian, emiployed at ti Ar(hu MiiifNlle' lliruîtledlilen- Amr'ricilfl 'ire Fenct conipanY W" diri rinîancionhlantinienls anml Dal,, finedl$1, and! Gost-,$850 in al for 1w ij Collin- i r ndrp(f fiilui, obliraiîlrfo rilihasing a lluniberR license. p 'ti, <'Irhfif r l' ~ilsThro insîrecturs also found that e A ,r iw' rflt ti.ion ofi the lrworan'iii a 13rovin and Arthur Meyers. emfl flilwstaw er a mnied. rl Xir.,vChalfrl beî'n doingplumbingwork, ilnfiberi'riilaeîr.abolishedl.andIt out o1 iaiflingthene aary iii-. x 'r lrrt i l a i l i ,g ilir mie ein s O o i h i me n w e re t t ed t a O is' ..ocitqiî rhuilrl he open ir) the pub- fore Justice Habilat he btey ic The by-law't were further arilded fined $. and ts.Bot. ies i uni i in ulia'îhul inslf ili usi)ende(l by utieHubbard. It PA~uL ~ -,l11 orlsilo rtiii)fanliuall'r 'aill be rn' heen seîeral mnt i n cn Bro PASTORi eiî d rl ni ftiefld.sof the'sociely wlîo N~îCshave e g n theP Ele uc Iorrnaie 1I, ils -suppr, an i ff raltc îh llnsi r i risucli lunur' 'hall bîr t'iîr rfi i I , i LitviIIe tY INCREAS SoriifO eliril and shall be riogniz xequesitd l uan urdiriatce j AS VEARS 60O N ecret,.At i riue îresenj lime there la 1 B ibihIlia alî dugtoes SalarVBANDwew ' N-sîe.i but nu violations WU ; aayNow $,5 - o . l aigte requiredI $869 Three. Years ('O CFITÇ Ti R ... .t -1 ,h LONCERTS TO HE~ fi iii, liS', lie riliOiftifip, H L HS Y Iliil'tr, 1. Iri 't'r'ifilfig iii f iaîrrîîlinl. 1î josîri iIl i ngsie>. 'l'h,- î,ill,îîingis Ir i s fiietlliai of N U D E N J O I N11 1 1D r if r'p ffn d in g s ie t r r' - a t i' an - t 'n i b u fo r ri f t he - u pi e r co n c e rts I lill ioeriu fufi lie bual.( rulutcuLfer_ and Igen,'î'aI suppiort of the Libertyville E1~UDifl crce elain i.tî,sri tHiee clich, Thîee Baud ai the finme ùf goilg lu lpress. N EIGIIIJR IFRIbM eai s ago' lie average -alary wa our narne ie ll apiear wel in lu s 8~6~haaai'ri ,t, ahîch la pubVshed each week dui ROAD Pitsa ir ustric ng the sub»cripîsqp perlod. and a do-r CLOSINEiA i "-! a uSfaygIj nation .aujsresss tpT.r.San h inîsters fthe htghest výearly Saa&rY. ,ecretar.' and f reasurer' of the baud îî.-ragit.g $1.736.r and the- lowest sal arîll be jîucli apprec.lated and wii en- Farmrs t Wacona GoTo ry la Iraîiin LUlUle Rock coLference tile you lu a place in Ibis liaI of loyal. Farmes at aucona Go f ,negroî $325., according In \1ir. public spirîlesi band booâters. A gond Court To Decide Whether Iliugelcy, who said' band la an asset lu any rown. IlemeniF Road Publie or Private. "This has been thie besi îear for berî'1fhis and do your part in satpportîlUt preachers' pensions in the lîltor' ufthie local band. John Il, Dowe, a Waucouda farnur, 1h.- Meîbodist EPîscopal churcli. To $15.00 CONTRIBUTORS idefenulanl ini a bill for injunclior. lai monev paîd for pensiou.s lu 1920 A. W. Lindroîli f leti in circuit court at Waukegati Sal waa 2,l'.oSince January I. thp Libertyviile Luxuber Crompainy urday b> Tlîos. and Richard Dowell. Meihodisi Eplacopal clîurch has dis MxKhe who own an adj oinit.g tarin. tibuted tofthe nid preachera. their Llbert."viiie ludependent Thepettin sts orh tatthere wiows and orphans an increase of F. B. 1oveli Company. is aTh peliru e f fo o rth ngFirst National Bank la iîr> hîre oo rad uLin 11000.There are 7.467 clainiauls tPaul G. Ray hetween iîie wo ari aus. This roail.on thie pension funri ' ointlul ,l Triggs & Johnsonr il is conienderL lias been used as a !, 7ýwl lows andl t 4 nrph'uns.'Sclianck Hardware Co. public ruisîlfoi aver alxtY >eais, NO one eser coniîr'iilg that it was anu>'.B Ee tht liase adplats ail siiw if IILILNATION SUIT 10WCNRBTR tbiu els lu act l i poiteu$OUI IlEike- Rite Baker> toif h ubic ain north n ot ru Lu akre Counti. iegister Vihteilannrt n ouhra 5.00 CONTRIBUTORS 1 wy ote prot that il lsa -at) VS BREWER TO 6 a-olC rde ic road catifufl be presented b,' cause Denni'. Lliberiy îl eadro Wuod eý e- T A ,AM Ira) N.Sinilfh iii e nia ire In 1870. O TRIAL 1M AiINi Mtiin J 'The roadr il Io explined, 5is tfeE.W aku'" oui> tiueain' tif ingress or egres to E l. wr o the Dewelt [amni. Ray CakW oR ie 1- Mrs. Ni.00. rONtRIBUT Notwitlist.anding Ibis fact andtihle CakW Ried $1.Ni . PIBuflu 'urther irac, iliat the road la geucral- 000 Keart Balm Must Tell Fred- H. Siii'Ir ly recognuzetl as a public road. hila "isns"Agin .00 COantRIU N contended ihat Dowe has fenced t of Wuu WbiMinga CNI BUTN off and îîow hall plowed il up. con Hra cut îending tiial il le part of bis farni Heart bala inluthe forni ot a $1.000 JhE a bllar- The cofurtisl asked to eLjoîn hlm Judgmeut. obtained by Raymond Clark 0.A & Newsunie qfromu îakîng over the land. of Grayalake. agalnst Wilmer Brewer, it. J. FI'eis 4wealtby stock buyer of Druces Lake. .0COTIUON fl1~A1bfor alienatlflg the affèctions of Mrs. Wri. F. Hafemnialh C WIF D4 DONLYClark, returned by a jury in the Lake A. E. Schuînck WIF ViU T KE ipuluded alleed confessions hbis wife Mhas. Il.eilut Ti N hal v aulnide Ia the effect thaI Bewer <'asrirAerl 1541! U1 ; TAXES ai kissed lier, soch evidence belng L. J. Aies yprohibihed in the,Illinois slatutes iluaa desile, ai this titie, tu tîîaîk ecd P. Vui tIbskndadeli>contributor to Ibis fund. NE t'DID larkta uîosî damagingtelsîiliony yuur support la greatiy a.ppreciated > 1ar finalt Brew,'r wsA ihai hp awoke and we shall do our best 10 iAnder full n- Seri AlbertClautuer of coin. onf'night, tiiilud ffthie fluor and saw ý,'rS cein rettirlu inpany1,3.t infantr' at Fort Sheri. hi" wite ini ii,'arm-r 0f'of3'ewer.('iîk CHIAS- 1). NICHOLLS, Bandlasler. la dan, wroeohiswife as "vour bus- aiýos,îetîîied lIrat he ihen i'elurned t [hie 1.Lieri> ville Band. o0 baud who loe yo,' abortiy betfore lis' bed wilîiout sayiug a word aud was Ilni tt eaebsvi, >*sew lve a clomp oT busbea ou asleop again in five minutesi lr TheIlioaatseaehsîlrf il the gold coasît tn days ago aud endeil tesîified tIrai Brewer anti Mré. Clark $000t ul n nte 10 ly her life witb a bullet tbru ber brain. frequently weu t lu Chicago together 1)00 ta mainlaiu for the next twif Her lut leiere, wrltten to him, was on shopping trips.. years a veterinary coilege atthib a touad in the Dewmi of ber. dress. 'I Clark brooght suit for $20000 dam- stale univrsiaty. Senator Rodfley B. d- amn giving My lite 10 mare you happy." ages. He la epresented by Atty. JohnSlfotlurîile xaLdte k' it mid. D. Pope. lu the tiret triai, eleven Unîversîts if Illinois professors8 re- t- Today Sergt. Clatrer wili be mar- jurors heid out on several ballots for c@ntl.' denionstrated ihai aninls e rie.! to Mise Helen Corke ai Stirling. $5,000 Judgmeflt but fhualiy agreedhave miany of the saine diieSses bu- Illunil. uwr $1.000. imens are sUblect ta. U. S. INJUNCTIONS. SOUiHT AiAINSI IIAYECK AND W!W States Atty. Smith Files Au tiens tête ouTh*i-- Ingleside Place. Siate*s 4.torney A. V. Smithl F'rida, ied United States poilU againJIl Janies layeck aud biS 1 Theresaay,îeck,. ut ngieside. to i v'eut theni f î'uuî selliug or dispol of au>' liqifui 0'i futures inIl "d(rv" saluon. The action Wai t4 for tlhe purpose of prevefltiLg Ct11 vlolations of fthe prohibitorl liv Iý would require ihem 10 Put ub qp bond to niake their property setM in es en tilial îîeY do viciatei« L Hayeck last week was touai 0 of 'relling iufoxiciiIing liqUOr-Orn counîs lutflicunty court,.11a3 lias enîu'ried a motion for a neZ 1 St:uie's Atiornev S.l11,7 bi lil a illi reluo0s.vng ýliquor troa cellar hîuch had been place.! tù sunce ilie înrolhiiur law becaM fieerise lla.eck ciaimed <bat hA tr-fu i or il i $s W n tise. TIlE VES ROB TU - F À ElT !110 Burgiars entere.! Ithfe of the Chitiago, MilwUtl:r& railroad late WednegUiaF just about easn.. the Pla*B i rance va" gaine! by MOMM a hicb the fitte.! ithoek wortb of tobac So i a s., uter merchandlae MU9i urr'ogs, wbo COdUC5 store' at Ingeside, as tken.#k tiI.' of sugar vas s i~ robbei' dmoî'e UP to the'qàt siuh ua ruck , sud t p t i es'er.lhing in sight. sherlf robberya i dlgScvered. bUt i t iu , tf moin g 10 pres s no 0" e Cbampign -Mary Muidredd Waukegan. a 1i' iversty cf ' sen2ior, bas bcen elect. aiI forum by tbe illi 019 tetY. A. for the Genes ot~~ t'O sept. 2, ai Le» D 0e05. Voi! INIF XXIX.-NO. 20. « lumom. ý-Pittsburgh Leads %0 1 Uil%0141RI#j IY »piwý I., il 1