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Libertyville Independent, 26 May 1921, p. 10

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11f~~f MUil toffl FOR WAR "'VETS" AT.FT.SIERIDAN 1>0.000 Ex-Service Men Are to iHave a Real Rest at the Fort this Summer. ILSO AT CAMP GRANT Uncle Sala vill opyenl lIVaScouple bif SUmmfe r resorts begunniflg Juiy 1, 21 i, one at Fort ,lcridal, the ~tler t Camp Grant In ROcfard, At Fort SheridaS 10.000 ex-§erv]Le cDtaking aocu'iuonai tranîng Jr E1ii1nois, NMkhlig.in. ruod Wisconsinl baae been invited te lie Uncle Sam',' ietta for tavo wçekp. At Camp Grant a rail has bcen Pettout fer 1.200 men beween the >ges of 16 andi!&.in Ilitioa.Miéi nd ilWi.conin te attenfd he citi bne iiiary tîuining camp. Juis Il in the date for Ibis camp. Army Dril at Camp Grant. At Fort Shecridan flic vacation vilt e 'ail play anet n vork, vtlie at Jamp Cran t - the couse has been l anned e Peciati! for mnen who bave ad ]fille" 'r"Doe j.revhîus milit ai y Irioning. bte quii!y it.em for en ro i- Ir.snt in the ùorgatnilzed iea r. di t encourage ttîlem te entistint the lma- #ional guard. The bupinesFs atd profeaclonat loicn are Invited te the C'amp Grant trainintg camp. This courre Ih;flt te bien.c on fumes!. il im Pxjiaitted.with t, rcccrve fficiers' tiaining camp. Coitege Btudeous aoniy aie eligibte te lte latter. Application Mtarks for admission Ie (Camp Grant wiitllrc obtinabte tweon aIt te Mitar', Tiaining Camps 11isocoation, 5 south Wabaab avenue. Chartes B. Pike liq chairruan oftIhe gavernnig- committee. Thiis course ia for four weeks. _Ail1 P,!y t Fort Siier id.1n. -1..tes have atready been sent te Ufflo se vcemèn iaviling tei tet the Foi t Sheridan camp. The camp ,wil] close Sept. 15. plans are belng jmade te care for ilie men la groups 'Of 400 or 50, and!te t6tai capaclty '»f thte camp ut one lime wili e about . 000. Each eI soidier viii bave ta >ay a Dominal sum of sis. The best crteers Ir. t1ue country lpave been engagcd to arrange the ltenue. No mess cuiti, the vacation- its reporting for bis meai vtea lie .>ihes IL.Bascbait diauaondp, teD. làs courts. aad golf linkus have bien Irranged for the ex sodiers. Chartes W. SYlvetiter. dstrict vo- >tionai fficer- for te Ctih army )DrPsaraea, le ia charge ofthlie vont. The S tory of Our States 1>' JNATHn i" AC£ ,XLIL-IDAHO *l's> TuE year e ur fgag lu- 3 crecse f roi S-tiurty-eigit tuf * fa)rltasto, fur fniir Sates vere added lailuhe Union ta tat year. in 18)0 taa-amore States vere adtrittes!, ie irai of aviicti was Idaito, so tliatt uiîg tise two years the maaufiîctiîrer must bave been kejît Iua>' lurn-à lng eut new faga aittu the prop- er flamber o tars. J Idaho >la ver>' rîîoaianous and Sthe uiame la densves! rain tue shil rna biî idittaword meaning ..gem e0frmounataiius." The firsi awhite explorera anre undditttdyLewis and tCark an jtheir meirabie tnp luii SU4-5. > JIdaho vas a paru ot Oregon territory, wtuct vas jtiitty oc- cupies! Ly ltritiiIt ami Aiaerlçia'u u ntil filue Treat>' of 18,6 defilite- 17h turnes! aisr to thec Uri et] States te Country coutli of the 4Pth parauici . ilu uSd3 ltlu wa-asorganizeila erioy vit u ln forci t ircec imes the size ofIlite prescrit siatu'. a4 it ln- cludes! m(olaria 11ii1(1ipart ut W'yominug. Thue ieixi yettr bMon- tania aias $et off fir a terrihor>' b>' itself, aliîd lin186 yoiti,' vas organizcd so itafta in8tHo viieri Ittabo aiasa4ulîîitted as the fortythird suite of îlle Un>' Ion,lits area vas reduces! f0 83.- M88 square fute.-. Et-en Sa if ranits as fthceieveaîh state In The rapid set tement of Idaho vas due ta the diaicover>' ot gotd, te saie cause whicb no rapidi> buit up Cie adjacent States. If valltIn 1882 thaf gold vas founsi a Coeur 4'Afene luthie ort lerai part of Uic state, andi minera lot- niedlately dfoctsed tute l atie JIngrent nambera. There vas serions talior trou- b9e lantce.Coeur dAtcne sec. lion Ini 1892 and again. la l»9, viten martial law vas- estab- * lishai uttil peaure between thte minera andi mine Gyners van eftected. adahis lfitilfrein the end inl theli 11f cftates accorsing ho *population, an(] accrdinlgy lias natlt u . sie i u tal e C tora - But the ate If ee l cipjng rap- Ilty. - i C@br MeCaie N.-paur Syniailes K9gllsb Mercy for Crîmitals. I Eagtand a sentence et lite Ita ?MIsonmentt isaa'ays reveecd nt til: )Mid of 15 years, attd If the pri.suner'f >, Mpdut lias been aniforpily goos. h 4s ui.uaiy retaset. Thtis In particuut Ir thie case vitere a prIsonel bas lie, C entenei for mtîrder, for niardercis sýe said 'te be usuali wet-beli« TUE Ola» ZONE TOWN IGHILAND PAR K'S DANCING PLEDGE PROVES SUCCUSS S uburb gels along Nicely With- out Jazz Music; Hundreds O. K. the Plan. When a young nan invituE. a girl fe dance la Hîghiansi Unik Fritc i piedge*'i' .This doilnt't mean viat imsd lu. la indicatea silVifheyDuuag vanuan's ueFire la, lnow vhel er mcito - being Iniieu tea aprivate (lance or Io go ",camiuuttlng."' Site hapes it is ielttler, for danceq put'on by the 1-igiuianul ark Commaunify Association are epobnmor- ed by the bestwpeintalova, t- tended by titose dashilig itidiers from tite flrt-usnd not Ia go -us-alla eomething fke soctiloct r a c m. IlighItans Park Jing. evalveil a rordel dance, . must Respect Four Ruies BUT Itefore You can gel in Yeu have te sign th, ptilee A vounil mca vwhoin alete 10ktep a cIssin coitar for S;alurday right inmt alieO keep a s'Iefn congcience and ble vili- tng Ia ahItelé byfte raies--fcur cf thent. H-e goes te Mrp. Havard Wreinfl M rs Thiomas Wyl&ec or MrF. Banni-i Flatte or came cf Ihe ailier wamea taterevts! nulmtsgiacni a f<hp cf Pa pcv te ign. At the top of it are ts se' rutel-: 1. The correct upriîltt roittan In EYISTUiLEY WHEN TO WEAR THE UNIFORM Former Service Men lnclined te se Tee Modest in Appesajg ln Army Toge. Pormner service mca are ton, modet ta appear ln unlfor-m on sipeciat occa- tions, accorring ta a k'ft'r frein a Mnember of the Americau Legion. The tetter tolloava: *'Armistice day brougitt withIt t orne aew revetations of vtewpoint on the weCrtng of te unifurr aet ceremonica and cetebrations, and, innacmuch as ln te future ave toast. confront te prob- hem Unie nfterUlime, 1 belie-ve the 'Qustion ehotilsi bce- ettfed nov, one way or the otiîcr. 1 amrn eutraI Onl the subject and ain aiittg te do as tJIe bundi' does. "Since their dIscharge te majority of bath officers and enlisted mea bave rhown more titan e littie b0stancy ln Putttng thte uniformn back on for npeclal OccasIons.Thie truc gpirf oort e- gion ta nfntinitest ln aay parade wben the majrity ot the men appear In civitian etothes and a itandful mai-ch in'inifonmr. on sucit Occasions lte uni- formed Man ie in en embarnssfng Vu- siitlon, and be vova: «Never agate ' 1 thinli Modesty la reeponsibie for nicat men's Preference fer 'civvlcEW on formai ocRsIons, but 1 knoav that someoargue Ibat tbey do Dot aant te bc in uniform aill a bttnch of mn awcarlng ol"ers' utiforma and Iniguia. «I arn sure there le not an ex-offilcer In thte Leffion vite vouid net wiiilngiy diacard bis lnignia if It operated as a bacrier te harmony. But ic', hane a standard ruic-elturc-rdlves or uni- forni." FINNY JUD4EMENT ____ D ÀY; CANNIBAL fI1SIH DOOMED Brobdignagian Sein for the Wicked Carp That Eat Little Bass-es. FOX LAKE BAhSS ARE SAVED An inîere!,tng event, accortflag to lte famity ducior, ltb about to traL. pire in thte lome ef Mi. and Mrs. Bacs oai Ecaiîhec. Set cit hiiHuc t n ai iLaasbEare ex. pecieci i-on. rad Ibie wtiLe gonui neya ]net on IIin ta e prous! laTents, but to tlite ts-brnit-n ms v eh. But a titofI terrible b)gty mai, lnhaile tiP innit vorld. Ililuikë In h aaiupw v-eed beds s here Mr. amnd Mrs. l h. a rve their nurs-erv. And when ls ,,F -a tile sticky nemt. lie Ca',"',."..01, i nosimmediateiv proceEds a o a f uuc1ioL process t0 trar.ster Ihetgpr Io Lis Interior. In o0i0er w-dFt*x tutu 18 intest- ci! vttb an 1a1î'y 'ci 1voracious cari> and gar-"îtgs. as lha-y are calied Iby te claIe êkarre vt.ruten. Sentence Fiait "Cannitals." But ( -i-ii f il (St' urcgialîry iaIt lave issuI îuîisî cahiarges of tai.nibàitaiîi andti îfnturCtîte, ans! have bain Ior src d üm ieuh. 'rhe0 sentences tie 'oow. tt -.FLuct-il cal. Tte whbh ais cçflb-are uc- coaropii'u t y t 1 i i scine a rie longa, a (.in.s vtI_ i ((lth. '15l <a thiss burgýi I ý1 tittor büis itît aaccuût..n etf 'o i oi h mrsail siz( Ihf.uhs--,j. Aund if ycîu t<(nittaaye the-te aie any ftll.in flXx ' 1Vs 1 utI c.-voai Le Il'nLe i. Sa[ W.L t S'! -t: i i Lt (, cuir C!I thc nd tuniles. r.cul i ji nticand! Irr' at guir and cari,. F.nmy Judgment [Day. H ere. In a Port aOf nis- ' uugment dlay, tte Fl.5s-p Lie bstiiur;'s'" f"itn tegoats. Tbe Fgood ibiltare thrsyao barts m ite voler, îîile tic"pga are tent i( narle ThuF. in vuew otf Me .levîsh Wlii- daya caumiless(art :and gar vere shipped ils ast e- Ïb ('ickap<'-.WIen there 1a nu uruuicutt êans!for Ibis food *.flic 1ilSit ai s ent le tli.estate inatitutonju. iflsfacet ttncihtmhofl seineiCult ten ( r fiicen ions in the cour se et a dutyi ut s",Ean'.une of tht larger fipc t vs îigt o a,3 DnucO s5 paunda p.s 7oliginil amt over "teep wil the firgt dancing. I1j I-as grest 2. No gum cliewinr- Ile want a&a are worth detnnleý Dg o mutgext Oit Iln the Frosnuom et gYUn-cufofla AtI flic boita teaplace forids inanie andt ailureas. île signa ans!d * * m - Mailes himslf responuible for li * el f and is t parlaer We tilte yaung run-.no h i a' flra ior vith ain hi hans! Woe ta the gi v hoapp r V-i'h ltp tueh raugro,.o* ld P s-fé tIi.are bliie hibr n h glrIF, îheuu partne', ,taI play for tii 'Thte' vung ipic lk h : ;rs. Stade tvabi-. mneS-IIr $ rits voh)ave 3 ; Icn rit ik 30 ta 11-:P. The tisulge ir, crIs a t meuins aofleuing eut adiehe- I ,We 1trv le avcuid Jaze.'Mustc. WeiM.. co'nfn i aore deileiiulizti' iliuiit anvîting s-V-e. Ttei ci 0041 and li%,Lui notruh In ;Fm we bu hle alilite F1-t(un ses vîjt aduipi s îr uc.ad1lF say i ould' uinif tf ('birago hoiets ans]r"I.liig1 n + Fi-;ti ritponIutien'. S e + The partis aÉre Vils ev-ses'QiCtir-.ý e f tiis n ig-ittln Ilite Il igi lci ihatl iltn 4 l-tghltuau! tPark. Any girl or young mitain ic ava 'We have the good4 SPIECE FROMI ENEMY'S LUNES cutatraw h IR doors and windows Coptuned German 77 NovAdornnae th ra k tsadeai Publie Square in Mîti'Sifield. r c e sa d b ls * Wisconsin. ô lis a tarmuleýsa uece of jîiak now, Sbut Il tornicnly spoute vitti consitici-tbte * R o ller. Skates slegrce of autliority. Titis rapturesl German 77 la now ROLLER SK~ATES, Uî s n H 1il'i & apermaneritl>'rs'iins , on the pablicla * Barney & Beriy; itîicke-h-uiled, -balul- square in Maraifielsi, Wim. 11 ir avas lirni. adjus ithle. piaced titere b>' members ut Wileam Commurity.Baigria price paitr 2.50 SI I.GilletflteRazors * ILLETTE RAZORS. flot sîlver phuýte catievas $6.00. * r argala Day.................. 275 M Aornes Ms11retfl.ld <Wis.) Ptbic* Square. J. Lese'lvoun g pdt astih appropriateM ceremoünits. iurng thie festivîties Il aas nokeabie that Argonne veteras n. lies away trom the' business endi of I theC gun. 7'9 he iiavs' 1 tie i atu"sîd b B ue " a ih lspe me fi)." adii en moan; "ma but 1 krtoss 1knows " Then i~e ~ 'N e e TU ile vent out as! bouoglt cire w -in05-107JN . IeJI - Id cal iniig sbst'k tuas! ecotd-liand -- Lo.hr car.--CiînisfIan Lit.' CHIAGOMAR-KET The Best Creamery Butter :31c ]Fancy Brick Cheese ---19C Lamb Leg,. Extra Fancy --22c Hamburg teak, 3 lbs. -*25c Sug'ar Cured Bacon - -i9c Fancy Roast Beef ---12ic Pure ltendered, Lard -- 1 i2c Fancy Frankfurt Sausage --14c MyEtery Atout Dad. cr ulonîotîlng. île LflI vli h14~ fui c r one nigdfo ti tie, uaind fxi flornig beL îlify periuliêvt. Mnmhe d, "wiîy îiî,e pafia use the rbis atcep?' Waukegan, Thursday, May 26th Us for Hot Weather Goods s and prices are right. Included are lawn mowers, garden tools, iose, lawn sprinklers, nozzles, wire cloth, poultry wire, screen s, sprayers, ice cream freezers, croquet sets, basebali goods, tennis Make our store your headquarters Commùnity Bargain Day. Ingersol Watches INGERSOL WATII-ES, Tankse. nickel Cfait E.,Bicaun plu( ........1.75 MýIDÇET Gua Mets] finish urisi vafeli- CcMUIUly Bargiin vute ..tutu..3.25 WATERBURY <lita Metal fe;h vi tst aatches .7 Csimmunity rau gain price ...37 Sterno Stoves "Cajnned Heat"- -For btaièînic ihi sSumrner STERNO STIOVES NO. 6060 tove vih $2co S C(li -----t ---- 1.45 STERNO STOVES No. 5b1lsioa'e wifh Alumnittii Istte adiray. 75 81.00 cps-Ual for .............. Mixed Paint A very good grade at M per gallonM $2 MIXED PAINT-Iniand White LcAd Co. lirand, aay cotor las stock. Sp ecilt per gallon ........... 2.0.0 ea4r w~hitcle aJîlClCd cov'ered Berlin kettlctt, $1.25 .85 size', speeial ...--------- -................- - - -... ....... iPolaîr w~hite cnanielc<1 covered ]Berlin ketties, $1.50 WAT'ROUS SONSi ee Street Waukegan, ,Illinois, * as. Thi day. ci Bai Sai $1 f 1 Il

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