LIBERTYVI LL LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT INDEPENDENT VOLUME XXIX-NUMBER 23. LIBERTYVILLE. LAME COST ABOUT $6 e wlokaonadse* #k the cglibre of many of the week. * k v îc O 3i~L *i leu prnted in Ilinois, and con-4 À VOT TO LECT * pare them ,wtb the Llberty ville* mEus * lndepefldeflt, we oftentines won* T 3 JU Ei~.* der If he redera of thxe ndepe:d * THE JU OES * ent and others in Lake oounty* 'SmaII vote througholJt the dis- * PAPER TheIsi depenient actually tric bu it asi as iitcti * paper lu fthe state wich tg belng* as if 't£vas heavy * prlnted ai tile $150 raie as is abot - * The Independent. They are now If cOst ot $0 for $7 lper vote f0 ç 1ji2ependeflt la one of a few that* re-elect the three cirtuit jadges, C. C.* ha&' - f611 ble tg tay at $1.50. Edwards of Lake cotinty. R. K * Thi la due to- a large eUott1lee Welch of Wlnnebago, and r . D * and ail during the hlgh Prces Of* .3hurtletff of VcHlenry county iL the * wax 0 sOR rcewsnot judicial lection held on %londay firu 4F eisaged. Oýit thtis the l7th judicial, district. * Every week Tite Indapendent* That in. it rost abouit that ration lire* * pitints no lents than 12 pages. and * rîdîflu fthc entirp district voted onl * ofteïtlmes kt runs as bîgb as 22 * th -maluie batis as in Lake countY. * and %4 pages. 'The weekiy paIei Na an ëxarQile lun the Fttli plr(itit * ail ovaV the salle print in the* Wankegan tuer ai',' 12 voies cast? * total about 4 Pege" of houle flews ,Of T'hese six wei itas' t he trjutges * the inside liages being what ia and ierk, stowîflg - l itirs '%ie,* termed 'patent' or *'hoier plate si I i, ik ti' iioulI-ýilTii luT,,]wi'pulls *.1Yet they are nliarging $2 ou iand-- 541 1<01 .10 ii i iii- twtii::T of * 1.5f0 for t lîti sor t " aà hue 4t )al,îç-. t,'iibuT ioi. relul uý. r *palier, wherea', The lndîend'akrflt i-in En iX.-?Waukeeiati pre l* lloh* Nen2o>ihoiuninifltu10a* i i t rei-inTt0it t?$-o o $i 4 page', la gliing îtts reade-rs fi-. il u,îi ,'xioenss- per.i'î îî'-în Ti' n iaile S-six liumes a-t iuUci t ni-'A -, a diX >iîuut runt, about 117--. -,thi-r outhfi,- 'Aeeklyimpîaters. Anîl witth weivf- lot-lia ttibet-n 4 Wr uîerely îîeniou îbis tact 4 and 7 I i.- sain,' mi i p..'%î a1ng t u impressa uîon our rvader'- that a!t ovi eît1hi-rolntvilT iccu 1,1hw al 4 heY surel> are getting the.' 'Aur? h 4 tinc- o ree wprc -vi osur ilyî1 *of t bir in one> ani more toi>, i. dici-iîingltt th;litep i tie' * tijat they are getting Q<sur ut l'i-* - utd .' reîurne tei. heir seatA. * best tweekly paîers printeid 0 intIe . ('fcourse ti osis jus? as nil tIl Il) tUnited States, and ihat therefori' .-terT officers If a simili vote is catt *.verybod> (ou ghl ti, btialîl> as if a full1 lote ~ is rpcol d.i Thte bal *<mi er suci itutii ii IJti hae Ic i- v,ýrinied and tiie houa * ke'-t, uîri with the required numîer S-44 of ;uîlge- a rd lerks, the'reniais of_______ 'hlfart ttat thret', itiîng j udges BO S IC S JJ iii: oilîerd fottowiu., Tleir O il îninatiîîn ~Vnie time ago ai Rock- f , rdmade il certain 'hal a ver> FOR DIVORCE O wi, iu<ii ,riallér ilian geneî'alil an- fi ipateti and in ,,îme pollin5 ilai-e, RU-iCH R fiiring th-i new".- iiii ofif ic e the' nl ýh- iontsno %rocs were catit cx. <e[tinî > th<i' s 'ir îmiges ani Mrs. Kittie Hicks claims mate .-rks who iappeneti i, 1)e 'ittiflklif. threatened ta kili her if Thu the élctin f hse threse she sought courts luiges milans that tbeî-e aill bcéino '.ti8nge in the juidlc11arv utfthsidis'-î'tarî'ncp i osu-ii tlîks, frnier con i-ictl but the' incunhent.s 'Alîl g or stable andl dry agentr. i, uade defeiîd '-,,t àf fiey have durlng lthi' lus? antin a quit for ive- randtinjune- Salary la Rai.. j tien. filed in Lake ('ouuiv circuit Salars of the oew crcuit, jude. iicourt Friday hs NIt-' Kittie IHicks. i -cd te, $Vmiif hli-,hien 1$15off ,e- wao charges hlm wittî .dýxtri'Tie )- I'- iig'. dsarls is the ' ldi-'-t irucîties andi Tbta' to kit! lier if n yi'lie -ne i t îu . r e.'ioda> -Iider '-h.'souglît relief in 'h.-',.oui*T,-' V.-i'tlilii fiink ,t ami *%tr.Shurtleff Th.-suit was filet] lii \tti E F, -thT ttii- new îudg.- appiifl i u ni)r jan.d aîi()aili'-'lai tii.ks h.' I1' larianc'5sotit oi i'agi) 55 ho 110w n'arai nid froi ui 'ar it fln ciitaltegeti PnT crs a wttîîtî- Tî-î ii as i terîally tîrealts agaînsi hl ieri. and i aI-o lu ch-, ted jidgr roomîel hiflt i o lire up roperis' tîhicli Figtiring aitl i;,-xiî-ii n hoîlding NMrg ilirks rlaîiis la inher ewn nmie i1 'trrletioflinu t4ke crûi i- is tes.-and iahlti. -'he rentes h4 refuses Tlu -;ýàed ihail ip cu' rui us aboui. î_7< permit lier li 'ake tiout o ti tut01Pe. .1 prîeciurt. As lîî'îe are fifts ott-e M r- Hpi. -ttiir i' t h tas , i n lr. ri- n tak.,- ie.iit i' nicans Ihîr ,,',; a n-t r-0l lt-ks peart.' n. itil iei .er.- rasl u in 't - il. 3~ if thitseai - heu. \trs- tînku b'tc.usei il ta tprobbe h ai r ttiIlle- iotl c r , lie.' -ru tlit] bri ii i tný fliniihi-i iII iitu fat ll i- t an 1 in nan> Ta isteýIti ph" i w istT Tiie'ffl t l al. e-'ýcion i-ýd fere il, thp jaF -rh izeshe a i r, ai h li-'!,, illiCn otlir occasionIilr>atenpd tier lire anderdered i er (mit cf ,le, lO use TRIO RELEASED anil foi-laîeli er to cn ak n *pfftf hp refusedl W permit fhei to tale O N $500 BONDS lerpprsonat ilnigs Seas acuses tinu of iiting abusive andi pro- IU (ftîre tanLuage dlrectrîi toward e EAUIAFTE cfThe llichui réside a '2E N. ChApiel EACH Aff E ROW street 'lîrs lcs asks the custody of Gieron Iick, mior on.the Paul and Itarms Sahagian andu Ma cellierrhildren att liavinlu reariiell sauf Kerekorian. under arrest fol- majorîtY Slip breuglir lihe suit as i1 Sedaray Afakltian. a younn man, poor person, whrh means that if uno Ica ing a frpe for ail tiglîtait he judgifleflt s entered agaînst the de- Arnienian Produce tarin, two Mlest; endaet tne persons wll gef ans feés saufhwest of Area. Friday. in which for thleir serv ire,,in connertion wth were seriously lnjured. the latter ,s te ut Paul SahagiaLs wlfe, Verken. and Few men lu Waokegan are bettfr taining a fractured akuli. were re- known than 'Bonss" Hicks. H4elias leased fromt the county ]ail late Fr1- always heen ldentified wtb Police day afternoon under S5090 bondeg matters -in the clty. being a police eacb, pendlng the action of the officer for- nany years and at nue grand jury. tîme assistant chier of police. Then the tarin iin partnersuîip. Somne fime the left the departimeiitIc0 tale uit ago and the figbf was tise resiust of a other lines anid later was elected quarrel laver soms, live stock, if la ai. constable after which he formed a leged. The woman was kicked in file patnership ,wlfh lits son-ili-la-. hec abdommen and ber conition ln ser- Warnei'under fthe name of Hicks and loua. Farmer and tbey did a rollecting bus The defendants ail are villing te mness for years. conduiotifig the mont sdI oufttheir interest in the farm complete system ,of the Ijil ever o: and are now trying to décide wiich c4ated here. one should buy out the otheçs. They As the dry wave swept filic count.J have retaifled Atty. J. A. Miller as C'onstable Hicks with Dell Weale Iheir counsel. The titree conschaus conducted fthe many raids ion bous --partners are nof exactly pleased wth ail over the countY- At the récent the outcofne Of their ventuire in co town e*itioII however, )tifl were de operative faruing sud réel that here feated for coustable andtifi was el lifter the fart,, shotiid lie oîerated by pectefi that their part ln booze raidý one person - Ail are wiling t o seil would cesse. ttîeir sharel or huy thosCof the, oth- However, State's Attiilfue%.S Sult ers. bas retaincti l-tcks as ai jit te de ______________tective atnd lieclbas heen dolîle worl for the states atforneY's office as. b. LIM T 0 $1TO E fore. Ce mpiiifltthave Ieentuîadt LINITOF $ TO Mbv voera n t nî mater, hcîng tedg. e~ass d wltRhfthe states aitortfeY Pe'rtio aily, through fbbcu, cf. -r owevc, ON.OOZ DI RIRT hie auswer lias borts plaiun: If thr 1-ttesartorn.ey wishet lu ture au Springfield, June 2 -Representa-0 body 10 do work. hé lias a riglit ico s five Sef's. bihll mting a phySclans iert is mau unîer fthe law andi tht tees to $1 for a lîquor prescription wss lbe has béeenasitbits bis right i -pased by, the Housse. 81 to 2. keepipg Hcks on the job. M« an ar bu to al sr 'J in Il r te COUN'IY. LLIOIS. THURSDAY. JUNE 9, 192 1. $I.5OPERYEARINADVANoe' $15 PERYER I-AVA lii aithat at the pre',ent time * O L C $ 97 *cupation in C06enz. German! * *The thoragbt cames 1t e eInde- FNES INBOOZI *pendent that with the war practi*IIT * bç interesting, therefore, ta learn * State'S Attorney A. V. S ! * Accordingly. if you or any of * circuit clerk * your frienda. know of any Lake * * county msen who are stilil I ser- * A report of ail fees and Oies Skl * vice In the Germait Unes, won't * lected by States Attorney A. V. * you please send the namw ta The * Smith for violations of the prohflbt- * Independent, se mention may be * ory and allier laws, f rom March-1 * made of the fa'&t? * te June 7 of this year. t4hows a tdWl * It la interesting to know that * of $9,248.450. of whlch $857610 19 * the men now at Cobienz are being * fines and $6172.35 fees. * instructed In a mechanleal scbool * Fines f rou iotilations of the pr«b- *in lathe work. machine sbwn praC- * hlbitory law furnistied thé major par- *tice. radio work, etc, In fact. they * lion of the fines ar.d fêes. are busy doing nothing in the way * The faltowinq rpport has be *or war, and the officers, are giv *1 lied by tue saf,', ,,orney, in the *ing lheti the advafltaige of ex (ircuit rouît. lien instruetions aiong varioua * Persons fini-i fir Viltion et- the 4Unes 4Prohihition Acr Walei Kruse. 1 * 81. Nlariin Sciiutî. tiVP): lharleu * . * 44.-i4-' * 4 4 4.4 4. 4* iuiu. $101,:Antir, 2nîiSophie Du- \lc. 5r-n 4"- ktoltokl WTfY IS UIFE ISIf!1- $'- tallieMan.* A LWAYS UARASSED. Lanl (. 2')' 1 Kil ewadows:t - ~ '- i ___8_11 si", ilat T t R uIl. $3-ao:i i eiw- ioe auleauiiow siki. $10o: Johin Grattek, $300; <'PPue f ort Lk d.J. E. oodalt. t'.m ndrew flial- cl r s w ife s ff ers th r ou g h "' .'-$100. M -t at ' "pe , $56 40; ars uesJohn Allat,. $200, Ra% P. genaer, fhis alleged misdeeds $200. t.Penard Srhoeben, $M0; Agu.ea Kîntt. $20n;. BetsWatts, SM0; t esti lal'aho,I)iites ire ePeter Masclwski. 121- 15Peter Wem- -i ,Firliik, ýnsi!m uidber' 1ii. i'lia-, Kennedy. $200. Pbii' ip Pink. 14-,: 'A'n,. Rîrh.$100; Hici- ~' ~ ~ ,O' j 1 Oit mssis ii> ansT.,-,) id o nul' îiîiti d î ria n $114 tJohn 1-ewono- - Titi' Tt ht .îtilln N"'tiprr .er- wc. 41 i-' bZih-oski. $200; S-SfER't'b-~"" i i tlvant tire woîuan 'A ii lalipens te l'rnk .t_- 1iafrit. $200:1. George lie ss eaIîing lt t s tu, iiithel i cti ni ts heof u. i tou u ,fl-n,'w trîla grasS- -' ---n i g T oc w lîirli 1h' h ,im,î'1if s iPc, e l.s nt n e lin g i : F ra ce s 1O U- iotties. 24 quart baffles 'mndi a five oiv esponsitile kas )RY' R IDERSloSn; ug ofit.LA E C . P TIE T P position wati expiaineti te Johnui t gmi 's us f!ndior hqvt DRY'RAIERSBUSY i he aidrs aso ncoeredartal-LAK CO.PAT NT hisplir when lie declared tirat heeilectinellt act as deputv tiheriff. le -ai sstniofÂamig u thueuglit the authorilies of Lake îcourt The tuttowing nien wemre finedti or :F haeEben rallerANn Ic il, thilaborate gamASYLUMes M&XE fRRE T.S A D nteo,nsliianbe'whisk,3 as the reau bond.' ATI SY U FOR Tshsebe-ale iiari.tet unn atn uue i dliquim Il i rharged that the treatnmeîii Of l it, ie. rs. (,race Philip ,'wandewst<i. $250: Paul K. rtPaules usedIl rfsuigar ansd rolor- Paute. aho actftialiî tises aIi he re- hec.$25o; , ' D oylt-. $200. -oit aherause slip 1 M aut wilc Tire ofîllowing were convicted flair CONFISCATE BOOZE! itug material ta gierItle Othiiie P4ST 47 YEÀ4RS .Caiu. e niiIS%ru trieP anC nt h uec ___ oo e nuine whiske%. Then ta ire- niisnonievfr Nfer M Patrie was tecTe eil s, tc Atfred McKlnneY, $5; arie, proprietar af notorious ietîiîiets, the aliegrit doception il tm Frank Dis Jones sent ta Elgin ntiiirditdwi h 'hat ninîle 5M-ien D ei~ St- r -,$. Mc ael tz s-aidi Ille%. ptacellcilt ýnbaffles- con g hei.' s taptillsetiIt so liappens tinit $27: ho- fBuscli, $10: W . . ts, Fort Lkereor, ndhe ý,tiiin tlahels of a-ruu known braîsds Sept. 16, 1874 and has re- Th ii. iirtitn m a iwas nîmllemnritire titi jolin 5.'Jlli. $11):John Hougb' husband, are jailed. 10f wtiskè,tiand titsteti goeiuiitcn mained there since. 1ali e a.l ai, nuitiesigt iiton .Iî_.a cnitlo 1, serie-, ot raids stageti Sattîrdav The Other Raids. t1w..fair gaveie ic tc chus naine of .î raultiui a -t fireti $20. glt ani Sunilay ,ysout"s atTeOTt j t the les,,ptlai-rlite raider- it Eltgin. -Winneri age counts- sent Ill 'te i'andi as a resutt of that lii Volktiin 'ai-,arresTeti and a IL» iiîking tndte il-t Illa),it1u "i'i'îneila ýiii-ltint uTsof nmeonshinu- tii ,t patient, Anu Fennside. te Elgir iltlbas aiwaYs lemain tttarbedta lTer ~vof $,t %%i,, i'uiitrci.on chargeutofp> tle, Atorueî .5' tt i .h\ V, itv htspjiali Tlias auuounc.tliT'>NoI she-it andi tlir-hushanti tre flot ta iti 'i -ur t Itefse. si ln ti' arresi of a Tutiubt'r tutal .t Treituti réîeraiieri ss.'" la,.in ii- t-ri-ibling of (fatu thie ir i~ît > e n iJace ifler'- ýgeti pîrohibiîtionu tu siohîUur, anti ju-t ilunie Ils ti-eul nthe hartentiî niiiiil.rtiii isui t L"t ( 1) ei-t tcofi.ation0et t.1la rg i t nItm i t ti. etits hiut i lTetfbonze !'n, aiii.? iiî l 55i-tu iti iumt' îuna iiliiB U F1 1E14)IL - îieot-lti-ji'sîuke W1,-1111unes- lw aterls-ti'tti,) !,, Ile ci idenne S ear. Wite M istreated. îrrîi io lm - t l'îest t. itlook . i n i i ity~rouis tomj1nt.taJit have bcu Tie 5..'n itou Tii' uîTl. ti t sît - i zllgt tii ofut,-Oftie tt#,at-- int e fic go riiant, sil Itt.tiu isaiM ýiul tt;i i . i z n.trn ýiti , ii) ,lie inci af' liericafe iag oetiihrtic m na at tPa l lics, ha %is The Places Raided. iilaemc nuti CT' tt!)t,.tue Polatsekut Stie w-as iisciîargell 'A Tii nonditrtons l'atit sI lri ti>i icliliofCtrtîaT E Rc-ri r~ istt. ti-, t)f -i \.iuk"ein 5.. tîrilie îaidint pai ty iitnsanigtl Marrh 22. ll-';,Ien,îî t Timentli us tî,tIl hudiii)tl ir earcmurti t E RCO FS il,.i-s t inT on iiie' i t-ti-e Sundas- tietnine hitiiiiii i or tI. 'arr-îuii %%ss îthii 0Th, 'Vtle ti ilrin w i . t, intirets 1f5.ti-'-i î'.ti-. \tuitot' r i Tti' tt.vnd rt i îî,ul - it , f n1'id sîtting idc i ti ýI 'l72.the ie rsfu ii .i 'tttîuponibP fTuîi)[ sîi u 'tic ions. 1, tisouni ti il- iiiir;iOn tliii't tiie Tini.lie i eailtneit a ii - ,%plaitn, tiîitî n-Ir tiil5par îents Arthur Nugent, praprietar sal jýol a, i litiT i i aks- tmite P i o t a 11 nrTid b ile c le li niu' i ir'inhan, J--etli Pl-. tt~pu): bootziieebîtîî ieaited Eg5 its ts timing ,flicuî :1 ru Ni tii" - il Ot i 'Ph'rit'Lake. to have been formner prohi-s ucit tf hc i ae imt it 'iT i agenttsT;5 liiiiini -.tiChicaagosuu tttFari ,tJt(t .th latwih I uiv r r- -t i tîse bertu gtîo. t irns ot ils vex istenetîu uandtitIle t1lîrni known s n it' i-Ialien' Courirt, ge t in C iag lat'pd utid.1, i-r i a nti tod eet u Sundativ-foi I.ui Rohu ers. i Grass î'i'rcn trials, hlas ta itric Ouf l i. ciiihn t 15 il . tI i ttii ii-, e l'titite 'at unir' 0011 Wau'andlde n îLaketii' o 1 ut insîcati lie nuar es, Ut icse 150i aro e t Rar- i in 'Il 3 alu ni i>4 cîît telIhi Tie s uîirteriote] conducted ut rhatte dNOflice seasen.ti.rTe 5W.ot-d %var-. Tfie h' aie euîn 2 2.' dalii'-itgîtter. li,- Gi-ac. Blutff l'b nhu uet 5 LrieProtck titace Siiurdtiaufîeî-uouRothers lplace îsum. îaideti Sunias hi ,soldieis af tire hostai dîtng fie Ttiru. tîtter liais le sîel os csea-, iaîe ieen a formuer prohibition agent lut ties%5e,' ntote-at-cil lioci tii' -e iody e il-% agents r lnu States AfferntvA. fast tfise saîsl'aio shave )ec tundlicîuiug hack i i tue army. in Chicago, aims lauiediMna Ih ,ounts jail uutil la o'ctocnîat îighr - Snifî to -"îttseiziug rwi'n granîcîlto îcn, i'iglitf hase oscapedillPauis' ulu'rde(iC luit !e s'ould go into hy States Atortsey A. V. amith f5 00ejaserpoubuci 52iuus e ein dtsiîuingei anlflitlue esulr t Iusintc, mdnd uade a tieai ' squad" anti , ielded a case of imodnianlu Waulgau.sîguti teir Tiue states ,attorney hati a filsfbat have be lico uii,targeiltuti,tise iii 'siiel) ie tipîurnliaseul fieîrîîpenfrrtlyttd v'seyadabre )ontis ut $2.000 Parhi. lbeen ias tîmîssInu fîeely al Grass dieu hionslitsir aicOf,ýin l a%%iseîleokpas- cf beer. Nugent was-arratgned .b- ANST)N 1HSS PLACE.-A retonthale anti sent tiRs ter outiein--t in Old Timers in Hosp . s tttuanud titiSrun l sînce tîat tore Justice tlarr'Y HoYt of Wauko o rl Fox halem. ess was placeti initier toî-ieiie-titun liis 'As t eir b1ls 5iteUg tite cliit:nîers aT iuil- iitruire. ginanad svas released in bonde Of t-t andi hrougbt f0 Wauîeeafl Sar day' rutien ane Claus Poenson îuf Wili Natuî titi, duîlîî uits ., tttnne On t2,.thii idav nigt balbutlaier was ireleei Rothers as teteaseti on S2,1ft~e.runis. 'Alo a-as ftintueen etlin'v arions ,occasioins wliiloin 'hicago Nugent h-as 1been af Bluff Lake a n bonus bonds pendiug flsi-.triat.tnront aJelsminvillv' stafe bospîltil cri iand elsewhemi iet. ub5ite uoled after romfiarativehs' shorf finie, He seema4 COLONIAL tIOTEL -Fosx hake July 2, 1872, atsd Frank D. Jones aoîIlis business mi ilifse bapporîedeîtIlafsurprîscîl whîen the naidersaaPPeAr$l icrel ronulutetibiy Fratsk Newton. Laap~. waur kecounfy. on Sept. X, .1874. aiucn Pafule ias awa hfliittfinie tire ots the scene. anti informed-.lhM The ltler 'a55 arnestetiSatturday 19 êAye1 YL Warsnsli. Bons nmen are eniîpioyed place 'asit-iatidedmi oIif tilt absence that le a-as an 'ottlcer" snd that ho igliî at tie finie of the raid and A ECO N YC nte ballet room. Jones' îsir is bis ait.' was arrestud.ilcunsideret ilhrather'ýatsunusual pt*- was brougbt f0 Waukegat.. He SUC- Ra Ilii! ItUA l iâte ant ihe la growing feeble. Steaing of tte maiater Pafule t-aid. ceedîng for off icerif0 raid feU.W of- eedeti in kef fine s bontisman. 'W IN B à NIlU1IK Former proulînent sportsmîen noea 'I arn ailti:'.u tuo-tiin 1rn i-.ea'n fiî'ers Tire prosecuforsagents Vwe POLANSEK HOIE-The Josephi a he state hospîtal are William erantid-cth le rtnteqene h fot dîîedb-hi1ear ~ Polanse1c home. 311 Belvidere street, Biliy" Yott. barebhanded catchecr of case 1 i ns -t,'i"t itb siolatig thie conmluctine a thorouglu search10C Wîaukegan. was a naded Sundaytooro j *riejunicr tlincce-year'oid class re'n ttiLfm frte li lb ago h loaeveu iýt ucîuse such a thnally intigee tirlle-booze front ls .ng f 10oclol. olansekwas n.or, ord for Illinois lias been exceedeti by Spauldings. Northwesferls uniicnsity hreîugî . t "J-gsutrhe udn lc airoieî a? the finie, being i. Wis- Challýnger's. Ohelia. 'She flrisheci anti Minneapolie tera. atsd 'alvin it is rne neason - îsieuu'i'i the au States Attornecy Smith willl consin. lie as expecteti homie to- heî record wirhu the lighl production Dmrs.0etueamtu îrat ionre -efl rt- ai upots îouch for lure tact. Ihat thse wh day anti iî asa piannedt 10place hlm of 12904 pointit mî' milk yieiding t6i) champion. Yott 'ats atiiîifletiOct. ut>-place itiaotIth- li - i sitîantiseizet was bonafide honded goods unîlen anresu as sool as hie ariveti. pounis ot biiTter-fat. Rer test began 19.«1599, anti Demarest Nov.. El. 1915 contront lier walit hti -' uuit' li of tbough if gave every .appearmiUe Second Time for Paulee. af fb.yee years atndt fourç monflus cf As s professionat Voit played i wtîh hages litail it) ut..-:ý a tgainst heing uscli. In the raids h bas ilwsel atJnayta uYage. Minneapolis af a salary ot $1410!) anud me. This is (luire atirtt u-iiti celîns ductemi ie lbas fou nd tilat laa t tsnllat aury tanf aury The riîirudîîmntlî etlien lactation tiue Fort Wayne club hat a sabiry of te feîlow anti, sa act, it eh.ý ee o fcases the iioîfles that afflafi- Paln an riîcicurt I uauiîvo egan iuntiaa is aun dî" îlllu uepo- 6 e r Hi' conmiteîi utlii crs but-T- i aliez* . place, Ilî .t 'lntI oriuun'lSi n U W Pni atigbis 'a' iltioncf heiin duceti 145t4 peun4s tif tsiik anti foi-eseftnîiîe at'r tiiitfing hase-lu tie îics.nht.'- tf onmuriIa' niU..5tpe înî xi str. lqu n ui vi laio o t ouncis of b uttfer a . tu [a! . Deniare sf wtts 29 ycars cliid ' t w'e. a ien n nie t-t iî. i -oalit y confa n no tilg but . 1555 anî Jutige Edwards aduutflsitred Challeniier's Opheliait la wned by 'Alen lue rafi,. 1 Etî lginiîî -,rtu 'The usual pltnmu t ut futul h iei alisley whlcb bias been color0 heavy penaties lalews etn-W. R.t peston. hiberryilllc. t i revivetalu ctai , ainetmer. a " red t-rsebl h cd ta liasai une of $;30 adservi' noi.-Thue 5.iitriüaii. rss('allielin :iiachgsaantler"rile eigliî nuntts in jail. tus aife was club. 'lute atits fuinfler tira? ai lis) ttrîîe The raid 'Aas promoted,. [i(ssel lln.ed $300anfd selt'voi','taf0serve i si ite liaitl ans pensonai inter wliîcn reports rcached -file offices r loTn-îth ino lis l atI ril, uIu-endanft' .Sr 11Gu1hnD ' w NIII & ..rI iii' t'en? f allier lan tii tt-t tftie, torevy that Nugant w«% took ir l alîpealto te Ii'ipeliate cutntLAKE CUNY IRL H0 0R IIîI . ARYCÀ LEma.wtfi> who mighf hie ioniceru ut setling bonzeand beer. anui anc uow uaatiiug tue uling oft ED AT VASSAR COLLEGE -nr'ï i c l"i: i t<Iii nîl-mI huisines on Une.'oet "t f luat colint. 1'lie Pauleosi î is cri' foîîut IEl' AI~~ l us t Deiui'hbrifAlber't BrankoW- guilîsuliier a *uiuisai1t ' 'iiurit o i ne f Chuicago. ti imuonectim> ts a ftise neîmmrteu i- Knod. iii antine Chicago th nitin iir Jde miss Fruinu e- letrsons tof I-vansiuu restf utn.B urnsatithe Paule Marlace dc aietiya fderai gtudl fdlrdtnul,,tNhurt..t.tîiimlu'îss flu-hiPauueigx'Mi',,ii -hi'agni'ri. riiiay.c Euw ni rdeneul tuhe sheît ff fi) close Pmîsu" ncr-Kelloog ttg e ii'mîitlurtti . 55 til1f-SitT îtu tl'ronPu' xmait ni'utlg iusa jicefeti ti Imoti cf $5.Outi Tu)iretr-oel i lin seil Ing liquor tn in i ' futurs,.loutre o ary tli tîti nigii Ici t tC, c.uci asi î' tîtia usih. rtîuît 55ut-of iret WItiu-un :îfri-r te Much Bonze la Found. esitiaitsv(trininr, tte claes a uy liair Mît, eaiueu. w' alun'Aat-utist.'r of Il .1 'rT- item itens hallîneovuarrnant for cases )t iiidiitmtfl. Tho, Tlue raidi by the staier Attcrney's aile -i 't Vssr inllege, Poulkeebic . . W5ashiin. 1)7 tîsistret. lsmna--i e.h - btt im i dt tîu liir i st-alil)usluu'.r be,'n uble toi t(pet Is'Sat ut ias att is-r on result- N.Y. .-' T M ,nultts In choot-jueqt-ti ;. 5! 1s )le itI îît uet teîti flt'Act i *a iIs e cn,'tI ': ' t i ttti t-i rt te t" a lit my mae 0 m'u tfi.,'cnfmiscat!ion of ti t-age uiau ii'it u tr as-cua i , vt eui, uans upenîtiots She teti Wauîegan 20 Xi.rPnec work t5uains w1,notlr t e- tesiric. -"The twety'tilT« EM tits of bhire.-eThierp 55el-e 44 pluT beault, Is tht ssle requireinf scasage. p(rèd. lltmneti in arri'5' art'est. Lake County's Big* *Weekly CaihtIsQitUhi8OIoeWeekles wmGounty Couibied WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN -'t