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Libertyville Independent, 9 Jun 1921, p. 11

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,WARFARE A4IAINST 140SQUITO STILL IS BEING-WAGiED Stagnant pools in, creek being drained; city plans to use oil :.. instead of digging JRESULTS ARE -APPARENT White the public generally la Dot avare of lue fart the balle of ex. termînalboil againa!t the f ly and mos- quilo le beîng waged persiastetl>15Y the i). lncidentally ibis ac'untlS for the fartthiai fie@ anîd ro!!QuitOca1 gre jgcarre Ibis year. Trhe rai mes are beld 10 Le cne cf the best breeding placés for tLe motl quitta. For Ibis reas§on tLe City and ls mosquitîs. squad Lave directêd1 nuchet ofIeir attention in ibis slrpc- lion EfMorts are being made te drain 1he ravine of stagnant water in wbich mosquiloes finit a good breedlng At ibis lime of year the creek 19 cm-y 10w And Las practicaiiy ne foiw. This ashows tLe vater 10 colet Inj stagnant pools. Te drain these pools1 ILs mosqullo squad Lan Leer. foliow- Ing lhe plan of digging trencbes iroin one te tLe other. This ta a very la- boriotis procees and in8ty be Rban- doned. ('oomisiofler Peler NMcfleirmott and Vity Engineer D)ouitLit vent o%'er the groîînd today. The former la about convlnced that it could be ad- viable tu use 0aIl(in Ibese pae iLan le try 1teudrain Ihîcn. Tt eoul rosis but eirbi Cente a gallon andl i- considered iruuh cbeater thanth Le lalior reqjuitrd binîlgng LibertyvillehInde penden t Lake County hapnde"nt - Waukegan Weekly Sun h A CONgoI8SN EWÈOI ON THE 108. r t jo jdeed gratitying to note the close attention Conpfremn Carl jt. ýChdblon pays te matters that rise iuntaise Ceunty which require bbs ttentioi.at Wahiggten. Those persons vis have had occasion te Staise up wvitb 1Kr. Chlndblom details Pertaining to var -,ttes or other affair which nee5Citate officiai action ini Washingtorn areeJoad lu their pmW ofethtie quick rempolise which the Cengreman gives upm each occasionl. Osne O tise forcefu illustrations oft tiis tact camse i tise »clent Word., Xorrow eue viseremn Mr, Chindblot wau appealed te lu thse endeavor te .:rt recognition for Xrs. Morrow, widow ofthtie decued lieutenant. Other Spenas hall lailit. get. action but ne progresa bal been mode. Pinally Wc Chindblom vas appealed t. andit hid not taise long for hlm te get the Wàr lisk Departitet te uccogulmetise elaims of Vur. Nor- _A row, wbereas her hubaulba h bem fersuafly dlacharged au phyuically . K. yet thse geverument owed a respousiblity uchicis it was mot villing te siirk through a techuacality, However, ft muet be borne la mind that such a course would-,Iot be adoptel by tise departunent unless strong in- tercetssions vere made and lu this cas quicis action ne doubt vas brought about through thse efforts of Ceugressian Chindblom. It la reafy gratifying te kuew tisat Lake Cennty, a part efthtie Tentis >istrict, bau at Washington a congresuan vise is always ready te ft. sponi te the appeal visici cernes fret s mceutituents. Iane case hu Thse Oun fund Kr. Oindblosu ating visen aaybody frein this district bua ppealed te hisu ln matters that vire verthy. Tise tact is that altisougis he is eue of tise uew coeusmen et Wash- iugtou, 1Kr. Chindblom occuples a very important position and holîs con- iderable prestige smnong the congressmen there.0ERe is alive and up ad deiug an tise time. That he bas been able te get action on matters of impertance proves cnclusivell that he bas a good standing attise capital ad bisreadinesa te assist local people lu matters wviicicouceru them us endeared him te people generally tiscougisout tise district. Mr. Chnîblosu la making good. Re is dong more tisa that. He Sis previag hisieit tobea real congressman in every tente oethtie word. lits at P- -- ýPèsent lunes of imode1s will be season.~Beginning June r-ce will be 'as: ýFlint, Michigan. new l3uiek six-cylinde-r carried thru the 1922 lst the new series and follows, f. o. b. factories, us- Old Prire. Mod 22-44 Three Passnger Roadster, $1795 Model 22-45 Five Passenger Touring, $1795 Model 22-46 Three Passenger Coupe,- $2585 Model 22-47 Five Passenger Sedan,- $2895 MM22-48 Four Pausenger Coupe, $2985 Moddi 22-49 Seven'Passenger Touring, $2065 Modul 22.0P Seven Passenger Sedan,- $3295 New, Prime. $1495 $1525 $2135 $2435 $2325 $1735 $2635 IBUIORt MOTOR COMPANY, FLINT, MICH. Pioneer Builders ol v lre.lss-Heed IMotor Cars hameuaIPmwitw cù-D-Kwiswyam Local Delr C. G,. Wenban & Sons is Washîntu ù, akegan iOi D.rpeth Ave., Lake Foreet Phéme 22 bas gme .te Chicado where she wIl! enter training as a nurse. Ebe will retura t0 aigu tL, legai documents wbich viii peritthîe Teskes 1-0t adopt the baby througb a court ord.r. ily Tpiey btop Counting. The beat yesrs uf unë' life ar'e trnm iglteen le itventy-foîjr, 5535 a wrller: no we reaiiy cit blâlme our girls for lingerlng lielu-en fiîo,. yenrs ns long nas posmilie-Bosîua Transcnipt. Food for Puqili8t@. Correspondent Intrlgued hb, "Mewed uffercutsa" on a bill cfDtire as Le ordered ome. T'be dish ,tnrntd out to e hastwed apricots-13osîcn 'han. FULTON BANKRUPT; LIABILITIES $789000 ASSETS ARE $3794 Accordîing 10 a Chicago dis at eh John R. F'uiion of Waukegan filida pelîrion in banikruptcy in Chicago iuerday In wbIch Le stiowed Lis lia- bilitles at $78.045 and assets lotating $37.464. Mr. Fullon t is recaiied. was bead of tLe Fuiton Nlanufactur- ing company when. smre time ago. it weLt intoîLe banda of a recelver and later tLe equipment was sold at aurtion. At tLat lime reports were "s .~,' .~ . a ra~s.' a out bat Mr. Fulton LlmdeIf was finais-IUTCLJ cially embaraesed and that ha, prob.'nwUD9NESSEX abiy woold La foreed nto bankruptcy aia aresuit e1 tb. voflapeeofetbis cago . b T hM.isult dldnm@ take e PRICE DOWN AfiAÀIN' gombuan]. PuThis wa monte mnthe necehsary sleps unlil now. It Ia said that La in'ested La is &IlInîte man- Fur the second lime Rince t:st 1Pâli ufacturing cempany and that as a re- a réduction ln the pries of ni! 11ud suit, of a audden pressure of debîs, mqon and Esqex menI"tli s announead was forced b o 0ILto the jeceiver- by ihe factorv antflelioi'. sLip. he flot only [oat al lie Lad ln The new pnice,,pife-tlie lune '.cd. the manufacturing concern but EtI.3o gise a rnher réduction of $150 te everytbing Le owned persnnaily. Mr. pach moîlel. Lapt fluthe ecut on Fulton in now empioyed by a 'om- Hudson Supper six cars rangëd $200 pany whichbLas beadquarteis in. the 10 $460 and ibis latent loweriflg makes manufacturera termninai, a total réduction of $350 te $600 lu onny a 11111e over eight monîhs. 1 Oid Centroveruaa. On Essex the reduction tast fail was Row perfectly simple oid cWt~re. $24)0 on ail modela. To Ibis the latmt veraiez always aeem.-S. ilcC. Crotb. redîiction or $l"0traites a total of eNS $36o on eacb model. "4BABY RICIARD"9 FINDS HlOME; NEW PARENTS JHAPPY Mr. and Mrs. Emil Teske of North Chicago take two months old baby boy ARE DELIGHTED WITH HlM "Baby Richard ties found a gnod home. The apDeal which tbe Sun made a few days ago, for sorné one to adopt Ibis Pretty 11111e 2-month old yourg- ster wboae ninther fInds JI ImpôssIbLe te care for beause the death ln an automobile accident recently of hiis fatiier, did flot fali on deaf efirs. "Baby Richard" has hie choice of mev. eral gond homes. Mrs. Emil Teake. 1701 Kimbal! ave nue' North Chlcago, waes more fortu Date tban tLe rami, for tLe lbabv bas been given to0lier' the moiher turi- lng over the youn 'ter Tuesday after- Dloon. %Fr. Teske la the baplest wom an in North Chicago as a resuit. "He's a little darling and 1I muld love hlm almost tb death." see bld tLe Sun a short dime laier. "You mhould ses îLe' pr(eîiy way Le bas of emiling at me. I ranI begin b ôtell you how happy 1arn.', Mr. Teske, the baby's foster father, la a forem an of the Chicago Harware Foundry at North Chicago. 1He la 3051 as pleaî'ed aa bis wife. The baby Lad nôt been in the Teeke honte 1en minutes before Le was renam.'d. Hjs new Damne is Carl L.efto Teske. 3lre. Teî,ke did not see Siir,'s firpt appeai for soie en t5 supîil a hîome for the baby. The serondl appeal wa made Sa!urdav nlght. It "a"s laie Sunday afteinoon before th. Item 'wo. calied tb îLe attention of Mr%. Teske. She liurrled to the ie4ephone îimedlately and called op the Sun. tling how analous ah, wab Io get , fle baby. She was Bo fearful that morne or.e might get ahead of ber 1hat slip calledl up again Monday Inorning. !%?fore noon ahe made à% penional visit 4o the Sun office. thli Sun today turned aver 10 the motber the namnes ofthIose who de- eired tu adopt the bah,'. She coin municated wlth Mrs. Te"sle Oria Le- cause ahe a tLe ituai leappl>. Ar- rangements were ai. once miade for iaking tise. baby. The moîlier Second Reduction I.n Eight. Months- .Prices of ail Super-Six modeis are again iowered. Last fal a reduction of $200 to, $450 was made. Effective June 2nd a fur- ther reduction of $150 W'as made on ail models. The new prices, f. o. b. factory, are now as folio ws: Sedan ........... .~3250 Touring Limousine. .. Limousine .............. 9-t475 3850- c. E. -BAIRSTOW Phone 1723 213 Water Street Wankegau, Illinois Smashing Reductions f Redced$300 VVillys- nigh(. New Price $1,895, June s The Wî'llys-Knight Sleeve-Vaalve Mlotor Improves with use. It is amazîngly free fromn care and cost. The gasoline mileage averages about 20 miles per gallon. Its smooth performance is a source of lastîng satisfaction. PRICES F. 0. B. TOLEDO, 0OH10 Tourîng, was............... $2195; June 1, $1895 Coupe, was................ $28"5; June 1, $2550 Roadmter, was ............... $2195; June 1, $1895 1 Sedans, was................ $2945; June 1, $275Q, Reduced. $200 te $425 New Price $695 June 1lst The improved Overland, is Rugged as ever Economical as ever, Comiortable as ever. Its average of 25 miles per gallon of gasoline, its saving in tires and upkeep make it now the lowest pricecl automobile to own and use. PRICES F. 0. B. TOLEDO, 0HIO0 Touring, was............. $ 895; June 1, $ 695j Coupe, was.............. $1425; Juste 1. $1000 Roadater, wa.......i... .$ 895; june 1, $ 695 Sedan, was......... $1475, Juine 1, $1275 LE WISGARAGE 110 MADISON STREET. PHONE 77 Cuw la and LetUsTellYou Wht We W IDo fr Y é#O OvI&MandWWiy*4lhC* C te 0is aie ini the< th( nI. i I'. Four-passenger 'Phaeton . - . $2250 Seven-passenger Phacton ..., 2250 Cabriolet,............... 2850 Coupe............... .. 3125 adel 4igest s;uits su.I.t S98C m Hudson Super-Six Again., Reduces Prices 9

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