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Libertyville Independent, 9 Jun 1921, p. 14

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PAflFSIXl LIBERTYVILLE INDE~I'OENT. THÙRSOM'. ____________ M __________________________ _____________ I Park oiajectors. have itrepared their la' tii. hlgher courte. They thua e. IlIromÂS E.Mc CONN PITCIIES COLLEE TEAM TO VICTORY Local youth helps U. of 1. win championship of Big Ten Colleges at basebali GETS $450 GOLO CHARM 't oums, E. Mefani. .rofuWauke- rui. 011t. of the bcd AtIllelc'>aat Ilie Ifni tlv uf Illinois. ha% more than tIrcade gcouit lduriing hab coliege career up tuthie present thumi. lic ta taking a course ai Ilite univei'sily to perfect tinîspit as an aliletie di'tClOr. iaRt acason thie %%atlgan your-9 mian made Illep arstty football squad eut! gave an exceillent aucoui t fim- s'el F * lis apringe heasadtie une of tho lVm1,%i iilerS ofthie vat ety base bail tain and was une oft he ie ptuipal O t. iî.st~of thfie train. '.'ecconsln'a 7 10 6 îictrluy uer Michîigan in înday P, llcwedlIlliinoi lo in thje Btg Ten cli,ioionsiltp In laseball 'for 1921. l'or tlit bljUant woric le peiform- C,!ilii liplpin-- lu in the hunor Mc- Ciao Jr. al receive a gold Lasebal Ut watlcliarroi, valued tot $450 Thte c1iarmin lîl be nceiy moiiogiani<d. In Dddiiion u h icce!ve an asidiliotia lconar. a leller *" weater tand cap. InIte onîcrence Illinuis aurn 10" gauipe and luit 1. whlîe Mliîri-an. wîltcIlî lanîledi n second place, m'on 10 giîtes andîl bt 2. !c(ann 1, %ici u~g lits parents. Mr. and Niis. Thiomas Il. MrCanui in Wau tzegin aiIlUe tresent lime. le will rernain untîl lWeticsdiiy exî'ning wlieti li: wîll leave for Notlh PitOa 1wî'e ic- will mmii k auîldîplay bail dluii iug the slîîiiîiler t acation. l ac% Bairtiioii.sou ut Mi. aud Mrs. - Ge'orge Batistow of Watîkegîuu, aiso) 'I, le li o rlm lits 515 utliineisv acratton.:le" niade tIL eFreshnicu vasitv hall Ipalt 1lich season aud lias aliî'ad>,,ieî'cived lit-I îuîîîerl aI WINS BIG IIONOR TAX OBJI3CTORS TO STORM COUNTY COURT TOMORROW Waukeganand Highland Park objectors plan to fght 30 per cent boost in values CLAIM ACT- WAS ILLEGAL -The countp court will 'be stonmaed by lax dbJectora tumorroi#. accordlng ta lassent indlactiong. Attorney R. J. Dauly, representing Waukegaas obJectons. and Attorney 'E. S. Ge-li, representingIliighiaud THOMAS E. McCANN .Picture of Waukegan youth when he pitcher for the Waukogaos Town ahip Hi-gh Schcol in 1917 when the toam won six straight gantes with a 1,000 por cent record, and who this yoar pitched the University of Ilii mois base bail teantet the chaimpioiý ship of the Big Ton Collegea for 1921. Ho wiI receive a gold basebail watch charmn and a letter 'Ir, sweater and cap. Alone In the Jungle. bine. Clementi. au Engilsh Womes wtîu bas achrieved a reputation es a traveler and explorer saya: "To blu lone even for a minute [n the jungle la alarmnilg, for mucts in the profound eltée iai -lcôUtmt fla' l hue5atee rifying sense of belng hlnicBlY watcbcd by unseen thingiL" 0f the foreat noises one of the naost uneAnnfY Sundiala as Time Telers,.are close at lîsîlî, the whole air la alive wili thte diii, so tiiat you ('5lv- Riudiltscati lwîaîs lit'rend 117 aottell from whlch i'îreetton it pre- tIse altwo uiticlcrs. iii! 1<1cm. Tlîcy ceeds. Yvery nervo in your hody tin- are slow rom u-2f1;lu c'cîelAîr t glea. and tiiere la a curiorns fascina 15it tsi fînnom 15 cto S hutw 1, UQoin lieUrneact Voluumie u ofSuHiL", (roufast îru:îl'" ' cl'e 'erta,_3__11110____14___and -,on .~.rmat. trlC,îPearl@. OSweet evîrni tjiiîiitl" ntG * TMie insiilar îiîtiilk'IiLpearis of long aàl i'iau! hcîîldniiç tii e-Ci. utnieicet.ire globul.S o! gatias ined celient doorinînt uthta n leî,eîasîîy !tlh a subitasce deriveui fromnt th 'atîresi andiile Ii, w iii le jîîî'leamd &cales of a fiati calicd the bleuir. It D~i ot kickî k up o ciin rg rug. "he la lutu ti substancetC t itthe Ili. mon cia lilr le isîi l n'uriîdilscence of te seules uofnuy spe- cidor or dycc. cles ok fleli la due. "Whatever you do, do it for Waukegan." (Keitlî) - Thîis s(tlfiom offen on the lips of a ilietîiîgiillîcd citizen li s ecti (ir in- spirations in building and opctin% tho PANTIEONthe plac"e of î'efresh- î'inn'î, t'aiîdieci and ice raîns andîl Lakq ('i îîîtv'c fincst plice 'of titis kîîîd. \\c' id it for Waîîkegaîî. UONIE AND S4EU. THE PANTHEON Ice (2ream Parlors (bis' 1>. (b uî'gaui Aîîdî'cw B. I alis Siîcessc s to Colwell Storage Battery Co. Starting - Lightiug - Ignition Experts COmRto igmîtioui Part Brushes Anneturea Electric Bulbe Everything Elec'tricalý for' the, Car. Storage Batteries ALL MAKESWfflT W ful ille of Sioi'age Batteries to fit ail cars lai stock. .Stoxrage Battery anîd Automotive Electrieal work is ail we do. We arc equippcd for this work; 'have cQlnpetcnt w'orkînen; do the work right anîd guarantee it. A rheap job ia alWay8 an cipensive otie in the énd, quit experimenting witb the so-ealled elec- trical repair or garage man and give us a trial. liste whlch will be preeeaited formai' IY. Tuesday waa dlaimsder ln comnty court and was t1. baie been the day when Iudge Persona entered an or- der coufirrning ail tai judguîenta ta whlch no objecttors had been made, but attorney repreaeuting the tai objectonsasaked that they be given two' days additions! ln wbidh ta pre. pare their prtnted forme and the re- queat was granted. The majoritY of theolajectora. pori haps ail or thons, will claMM, It la aaid. Iliat thirty per cent Ilterease ln valuation. made by the boar'd o! re- vew. w»a illegal. Atorneis repre- sentlng tiiese objectors have tender- ed to thse cpunty tresaurer, Part pay* ment of the taxea but they lÉve been retused ln easdlI nstaice. Lent year' thie objectora wun ln couafy court.- The case iras appealeal-and the7woni lUNE 9. -1921 c"'ped payment of the tirty per ceat,. This pear they 91« tota oliotithe s"ie course. Douglas Fln Hlghly Valud. The wood'df the Douglas fir lg cous. para tively liglit. but vcry strong. lor lis welght It In the stronget wood tui the, world thut le Oblaînable la structural sizea and lfi qîîsntllles. it vares ln color front straw-yellow tg sreidlnb-browui. It la Pecultar. «Newspaper gilys are faner. Whcn. ever lbey meet tiiey aways est, 'Wiat de you knowl' Tin other says, Noth- lng. snd tbep li.e paper the neit ,uornlng la filed î,lth newsY-i'ort- land Ofr-,girn. ALEX HEMIN;GO. - Save and Redeem Our Tradinig %5ps SPeclalSavings hIA..- Sale of New Wash Skirts 1.098-3.98 Wonenms new wasiiB kîrlauin plaut whlîe aid whitte anid black coniblîîations as weli as satin striped effecti la cottoui gabardines, pique.i, e'c., ln a variety of clever new styles [n ailsime. Sport Skirts to 18.00 At Ù A veryy iipecial groupiiig uofv.onîennsa tyiîih 'paitîsktlirtct tnkunisi kuma. faille .3iks. mallisons, barronet, natiui,, fancy suit crepe» and ~ 9 9 tevery neaw ide î3trlped flantueic. The vaioua nîatc'riala lnclude ail coxloringii and nîany styles. -ontinuing Our Great Jane Sales---1 Witlz the Most Unusual Values In A Great Sale of New SiIk Sweaters In Values Up to $15 At Ttuese pretty ancd ityli,.li n,ýw 'îîk '.% ctrs in aIl the want- ed colrîigî bave a' trac ted c'iumd-ratile attentbo)n beicaus oft tieir biauty excellence of quality and extrenie low pricis. Probably no one garmient ln a wui s' Sommer wardro'i 14 More> s ucifîitiîuu a suik îweiit(r. Sale Trimmed Hats. to- $8.75 -At umoinem4éat et1th.e esom. noeréarebabs er Han Sobafiner & Mar Palm Rach Suifs 1j45 They're flot just ordinary hot weather clothes; they're tai.lor- cd in the fine Hart Schaffner & Marx way to hold their shape and give you style satis- factionas well'as'-coimort Fins aII-wool suits -thm Hanl Sohaffuic & Max $ 2850 We're stili offering a good selection in light s'um mer weights, at $28.50 If there's any place where you can beat these values we haven't heard of it The home if Hari &chuffner & Marx. CI>tlàes L LA VOLUME XXIX.-! SEEK RMOR1T CONDEMN p POWER Lii Public Service Con 150 foot ulght oa . thro ughco Acordmng te latesti power lin* which the compaOy plans e t*o voltage of 20.00'ael or station je flnish.d a 4aad it ill be the plant inte cOufltry, suffîctent toe, upiy &Il river Valley with "Jui the coînpletion of tet auean that Wa ukogan calme the conter of e tri the middle west anc tIne higat centra far routinii the worid. )r fii m il , f-niosi lit, ni itu i m i n.s i lii "I t nr ir ir long lit Il ;r i A! .t.-ake (C I e c s li ,I îîciîi. c onsir i; 'r Rori 1'k."1,cr. ~I lîî f m il I lig'i li)tI ç lvio. c einditi i th FierRo.,s ;h. 'tin of tdwiius I cih preipel t' As ilu n- t iiebluff il Utsc W'ilder lrsc t rinw Owni tiC i - v 'iftl kgllt wtîtch ail1 v tîtc1î5rnuit the' I s tct c i jnIwiiai rc t lefore th- c uMîiin pi rcn La~kt Coui il Pi' c'P liil On c ' <iliclti cm arci c ucliocn c ' ' " , ccn, ' X1c c f 'I c' t"c erI 1 tilpatS îof ,' ite t~l .111 tl.ri.cnd liickf l ifl iii cniciticir i' tI 'prtulcO i'il i li iii 'ir' of hcjtci wicîlier lîcl thî'oi bpCIàtfarusinlchii C VaiuablC Propornc ii" tost but drelii ts ii o! afYsWta an he are thl go patiinthhyu eaita TO PRISO I EN EXO st. Louis, %Mu.. J was pasaed on (ou defuliet Motur Tel t)anville 111,in latiti East St. Louis Yest Moore, former presi izatioli. is to serv LeaveUworth, Kaus or $500 on eaCh i usiug the mails tu Patt received 3 Y@ $2,500. A. L. Le years and a Opne uf V!ickers andi J. Fý grantesi uew trial wheu the .inuù(a that the cases agai nulle prossed. 'i TickeR formerlc thve at Springfield 8th district and* w out-- , oui Leke Repend 4ubt the ýmut eaational ml every desoiptwos-aII styles, shapes. a"ac spore bats e" OtboewIb lovêtey'

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