TH-E UBERTYVILLE JNDEPENDENT, THURSDAY. JTUNE 9, 1921. O. C Aakei.('l St. Lnuîe bas Taken a Mrs. Lincolni Luk sk liIi'TiTT it-ss T!-r iss ..: - -e i ~ ~U Position at Stuit's barber ýlî. 1WaukeiTisflTuisda) f lt.Tufsda:.. a d P a,%,Po n Miss Virginia ( ilts Ni.ant iMrs. Fietl Z. ,n iin4îi A tn t a\astnT two weeks' vacation frouni dotaui-. Libertyvlfle Vi.CTTIII Tflur 941:tiflni.aiiT>se-ta Srt Items of Especial Interest to-Libertyville People i iii iit . I~ccaI a iia I'e rsFrank J. Y, riglh s isitifle ai M~rs.H. J. Hagert:. l-J.Ei a liam da sn. w BU k tonring cai u-. .l Mrs. Abner Tayl or vlsited ai tht'! Abner Taylor. manager of the A. & the borne of My. and Mmi. Francis': lu week '<isiting ielaties and I jTri d- rC pig a h iF, F'eeser borne ln Gurnee Wednesday j P. store, la conffied to isborne on Steele at Kewanee . inWauconda. TV( nt i1nt nTak t..n lit Mrs Saoîe Sndianspat te ocount of iliness. Mrýand M'rs. Peter [feVries oi Cli Mr. and Mrs. Lewis M% daiiWa.Sna week enld la Grayslake vimiling ai the1 W. E. Mller returned homte Fray <ago avent Swsday at the homte Of Mr- 1 kegan. spent. Saturds >evo-ning in Lita- fro Sa Beito Teaswhee h ba an _Mà. ohnF. rye. D) ~Surneriskoi as lunie troni Tiie Beckwith home. I -m anertyvTeilleOO o a ad r Jhn'i D>'r1eMr.î andMc nve-ayPaulinisfo hMaucne J.E rgsrttre on ues1apent the pas, few inonths. J. M. Fuller- and famiîy of Wau-'Gutfflu --e*MWiit - ..ivcatiqo. Ilioi-fr hes - e day night frm a sojourn of several Ed Seller bas returned to is home' condla visited tbis mother, Mis. C. A. lMs. Charles G. Eiwell (if Highland 111on01lths la San Benito, Texs". in Area, alter a stay in the bospital at Fuller, Wecnesday. They came ln thefit Park wu a Sunday visitoi a*the hobme Mise Maude Butterfiel ii sted Sun- Waukean. e la ettlg alog niel' ntW cr. ab*. ýo! her grsndparents, Mr. and Mns. E day in Waukegan a a'bre0 e Miss Heleft BUlkley. who attended ' site. iofMay leon the Unversity of Illinois the pat year; Frank Haven bau returfled home, Mr. and Mis. James Yahnke ani, W. Parkhurst, sJe HeuMr%, Maywh o shn aîn 18 homea for the aswmner vacaion. iater a vist with bis brother, Scott Mrs. R. lol dvisited ai the hl m U.Mr. sudeMis. William f 'aedthan i Mrs.Jame Hanou nd Ms. Mry'Haven. ln the centr-al Part of the: Of Mr. and Mrs. Garrett Newbore. t1 daughter, Helen' fle Iie, edwt i nte ee * stamsate. ad rs Mry Area, Sunday. 'here Sunday visiting Mr. anti M.. W. Hanlon of Pleasant Prairie, Win., via- M ektne0 o:a.LIwa lied wth Libertyville relatives one' Mr. and Mrs J. G. Me:.ers and lile' Mis. J. E. Smith of Grayslake basF.raznJ. day, lut veek. îiaughter of Chicago $tent tbe weeký been here the aast wcek visiting br Masi onis Fredericksas unesîgneil bei-e over the a,-ek nd a isînitgM1i end at the honme of Mr. and Mis. C. E., daugbter, Mrs. Grant Lusk, and otbe-; fe oiin tt. î. .îl and Mrs. George H. Coopel. 18091 MXO§Y, Joue 7, to Mr. andl Wh.-eluek. daughfer. Mrs. Lncoln Luasit, ant i utr t hange of the Illinois B, 1l Telephone R',Fte cK-aa assai Mms. Francis Steele, o on1, at their rltt' etTîua trbrpso f Si. r '-eowbu.Easfoant, .oeanKwe, I.Mr. and Mrs. luair NMission and Nlenioral Day (D !borpne andileu Te. INfo e eelî- forsnerly resideti in Llbertyville. waalI hi- uberved by the W. C. T. U.. Mise Dcli aSnydii siO Ms.Hrol.I, brel ilake w5as aLiherfyville val for mondat:.. Wtt<-î,dli ila.i an la1dea . i 'ut-Hoay affernoon, June 14, at Bet.e)l l sîanfTuesday an North it dît 11--s. A.. DLietliorn NXii- F'.jtaniî r.a. Ms.1oreH.-ulr J. Wrtli(I lw nfadi ýu tho-faui.<f ,% MIl . Mler. eagtj aft111 -Joeub BeirtelI, bia a.S.P vl-oi.TOIilu'- tMoi.iana . GeoairigeH. Cafpra .,' Texas. An opportunify frit.tan tILTeee.Ttfoial ii li rl-KnigeMoror-P.Eti i-a F iiiiifî' at, niofr s en bir.n:.on ih1i n in caes Clse t - prîaîuean i en Xi aa î- *T'o lb:. and L; i.h . tI iC Frý1tn 1 i das )rjýKnge mtegd s lu i iT a niî rs.GorZI. Coicr, dSitray ited ainount uf S-raci ,Ierîtîon, ,ieîti-llo,-TT.andilson, Byron, and Fi Mr- 1eiturnd %iiý Xift h. Maa vore.1.Coer r quci sl. dd.asllînTn Xi il i 'lr ii-i uiîa . ~ BitliThe denaonstrattn aitthfe National li a- . iiVU.ia X ai-rn. aa Mis Doritcta: a:'i i-iiiIt l ture Store Ia8t waek, fît-a- tl argel i.iit.,i, i.T.r~ 'iiiTli a.îarty of Iriendii Fi idas ir n.Th,,i I l f n .. pi iii1,. An..,. pAl 0 i Ég Cleaning Mrs. Smith. ialways the es. "'Why the Reliable gas well as You will bye clean -near- Iry, ML, ILL. THERE MAY BE SOME CILEVER WAY. -bt succeed without saving moneyj, but yeou will red il you will ask that about 99% of Ihoe Who ARE successful don't know what that "Clever Wa!i" is. Theg DO kgow. however, that 111f got where they wanted to go via the Savings Bank route. Make YOUR start loclay through the savinqs departmient of this bank. A single DOLLAR as ail you need--aod the WILL-POWER to act. Lake County National Bank L1BERT'YVILLE. ILLINOIS Total Resources of Over a Million Dollars. .When You See Otheërs Buildipig and Repairing- IT IS TIME FOR YOU Ge.t îBusy! Don't ýDelay! We can lave you rnoney, time and worry. Our plans are easy t. get and plain to follow. Corne in. and let us help you witb your idea». ifii I, id L A- i 1, i'-ii .~ ...iii t Piii >l.u , i i.T., im hai i f Va.-i an lai. -t, inaoi antsales wero made of i ial Tnan atboi* ip.n )n aftr wný I V. savang appliance. i. ,n- er% .-. AUl --i - I.1 1Tii a îjot.ble tie. -Mai.. Maynw hai.t-la.i dTtutil ut1 dut les at tl, plaînt .t ih*,.Fuould, XMJ! T .I. ,i, i (tii,,. Taio -pl: A i. \Vebb. rianlieu -, iii a ilnd saus cii.eti.. Iil ai. > i iii i- at4f litait '., 1- T , ,ji iii big iits _ i-tfj i Thî,- çupils uf the ni,-1i,, ta laij . ' ailia- f iaittTi-rei si Lf.nt% il le grade ntiiika-i l- .î,T, il 'Tta.. 55.iai'-i0 ~i..itîed af aaçicnac gi'-n iT,. Tltu ii acfi- 1- . ikiiý an -li-J.lial et Miss Theresa WaIt,,all. at-t- tieim,,(e! Frankîuarl, nd - ni-on. AIl bad sjoli,- i- r aie Ti-iiifg ai thie E A Bishopula n laitielt- - iý1*.Slliýl' ep o-n Va riefaf t i-1 f TIýe e:. ixfui--<f1Tub' litue for about Iwo acces. 2fr. Kianai liii talerTeaie end, a ueest 1 Ni.t and NIr . M Fitzgerald tiI .auu hi he ve .k end az Ifle NIr. and NI ne Fred i-aine.-: Nll- Fizgerald sc fritji1 i: l-- Siallih J, takin, of lxnkakee. 111, anal îv eIl knoan an .îbert:. sli.-, fiaTnl s -ut cd liere c bans uîme. liiiaai..inS lo ý i s*a 'i - lta-.' ui, i-T au A atî an %-t i nLa. iii%~i ii r«. liai-e piie ifuoIei l i- qîu. f i- 1,. i- i i fia. . f Ti li Ad. tire-s lIan Tlon. îi X ,Iin.tnSI i i . u-inii l u.Ih, 1 - .. M , h hi in i -on'. t- fAtai-1 E . Ti- Il. , pI i l ,î'i---Xl Mti- Fi d la1ut 1,-s Mat1lab, hai i i i i ii ii ' [ITO h Uri. Il. iti 1-1- Mr. anald t ii' 'iî Libliri-:.vill-- . It s requested tirai al i tliaisi atde sire i-o bave their loi, i-n Lakesid&- t ii-ftr cared [tui TuiI !I elit doflars required fut <uIi aaie to2'MISS luiogene iSchanck beltîle lie first o Jul: as the funds fiiThi-. lurliose aru t.f1.exbausfed. Xirs.Jultus Hi-ai-ne, itn, -nit DonaldI. andul iaOghtei, KaTftT-ainî-, nt Chicago, a%1( la i xsatinr Mi S.Hm ii-, ai cntý. NMr and is. aisaus oid ,anti Xi.nn Mai juri- eaik-i inpfent Tue>da3 i \Vauknlii iCr îI i, -r. Thonmas Ettin g-, iand tTli T lTT - Xli munXli>- 'a tiii.and .son. I ttnajii. itifitetl <t f rsi ka lti Tueti laý atT, ritIlie ald- n aeddinwaannitae ri 1- ,mand a lisErnes-t XVtin. r. Il ilan ai init-b~i T-i- . i 1;i I \\Xi>iiiati a nd il VI iii ~ ~ ~ Ml iat~- . i - ijleaae. liiiu a 11 1 - 1 -.- t-- h, li. 1- i nin..e.riii s..r- ii M ii H i -n-I. &li sTitiforlI,riilî i iîf-i n I.bertx fî,ýLik, I.k ui II I-"iiI 11eIltt ii,- S1 1 0(lii i going tranioai li',,ti ;it11,!ih - iH I li, il , 1 il. Il OUI T 1 ýe Til 'i n ti o f A n '~' li I l Ill lit nit aTît n I l & Comptany, îs fnaniow l-ft< - iii- FP-lu NIf i HlIllîn Cfhicago l t gagedi n the reafal sate business. 1H î oliii-, II. buoys 01 .t.IaS 1kn i iliii110 lssB:i.Iindfll Thme :îri.t band conel inT le Lili i vi -1 . i imiTllitT cli h i i eî-fiT IlItfiband was ivai tTI- he pik Ilelin iialoil T as OserTulieIt f Mi- la-,i Thlr4Iiit aý -nninii Tiise cnpin Bs..! wi îîll*4%Iiîî out. recei%,ifg plil a : %e i. 1id 1 pop;iiiar aoiti elb-> injuiies. IIl L I w 'o boys w a' i.-ai a h If *.acfi î:Iiy.,\i-Ti-lîl Thie ne,,. burled oiul.but îleN were uitf Sli2lilli'IN band.tand w itllîkel:. be nonplte d fiar i ai i i naines Wenilfda nextwfI. an d ,îa b ilf onIit i in iFirnil anIT liaT les Gieska. Ne I -1: iil. hl-w Cotoik Nieiioriat i i',k. Band!-a as anniroiT ft he'Clark ainatr miaster Nichuf liaand T teiniflflibe, o iîT an f l Ile fuo v, ire T a k.n i)ta Ti aT tihe banad are busily engeag'-d in builit'l'Il. TiiT anltr wilf be tenu.' ni!ý- ing Illn stand. Nichoils istheficchieft-t .lier hmiazî-n Wauconda ni*.t arehî.t tand Glenn Bubbarul is acf inidays -i ntiii i.,tougtithaT. ef.iel i*tij as niater builder. les a iiil oT fil uS iseriotls. NOVELTY DANCE ___ ___ ___ AT RAY BROS. PAVILION ~~AIJ,, ATRDAY NIGHPT Diamn Lake vJ U N -E 1I1ITrH Iina u.ifîafiaPiian exinil. ab- tai1--ifui- iii flns.- I),t-unuirs'ini tii ,j,-raTaut ---nîilýaTiTil:,-Pltain,- ,uîfaeLîiiil ii f1" o <li-Tex (ti littouuiu. Iltand,qtia atun fy, Texas fit! leai-est.orqui-k sali-- ait> t*iti,nga a 1imttîtîI at-ai-age i- UTié[ fi acre. Ten-acre ftracla should be woit b $50 lier acre an six months. Ad- dresa Hon Ton, 209 Washington St. Waaakcgatn In connection witlx the Menaoria.i day i services In Libertyviile, ln our Iaaf.' weeks issue we gave the restdence of:j Conirade [I. tD. DeLong as WayU~an.: i If should bave been Chicago. Mr.De long Is a Congregational minister. rel tired. Witta bis father and three bro-ý thers, he selred in the Union arrny during the Civil war. Wise Peoplé Save The wise man always saves a portion of his income- corne, for an emergency. The unwise men or wornen who do flot save sooner or later discover thrir mistake, when miafortune lcnocks at their door. Wise Practice Thrif t The wise rman practicca Thrift-the unwise extrav- agance. Thrif t brings to the wise man Isïep"'dcS -Extravagance brings to the unwise unhappiteas and dependence. Becomne a Wise Man It is easy *to hecome a wise man. just save a voation of ytiur earnifngs cach day or wesk, and you willind thàt rt will flot take long for you tb discover the real meaning of Independence. Cait at this hank and we wiIl show you how you can star a Savitngs Account with $1O.00 Philip Jaeger_ General Commission Merchant S Establithed 1858" SPECIAL. attention SIlOSfa fthe sale of Dres.d, Rage M.ut-ton. Veal1. Poultry, lUdae_ .tic Alto Butter and Esýà. P r ôc e ds of consgnli romptly remîffed. This lb.h -.lalest bouse on f ta atreet. Tau antI pr!cr. latsta urniahed on &W flicaftin.Colti $ton&@ MI«5 Stale 1 and S. Patltc,, Street Whoele.Mi CHICAGO. ILL. * I 5 ~ \!It may flot be in increased coste, * l~IL~[ i but sornetimes the greater expense is in time, cou- veniencel profits I"st. <'iIHonestly, we do not believe you wilI build more ~ &I'glicbeaply than now for years to corne C'os-t of Lea{ier Ne can take' care of ,our specifications perfectly 110w. 1' anT -eple ho nes-et usedc in rt i havinqg thcar *[Wh otbem planning at once? paied, are doi, î i, SOuT Rfpai.- Shp is ihù.una' the mthat it as migiayW .F.FSE Z ESI' BLE ECONOMY. Eili .âWe-'iI do the work nu ickly :3 a 7 WR NTiCTVf FALfEj ZÙ'BERï Rahngoe1,00rdesecwe-raeshob t E I1ECTRlC SH R UPA1RING Rahn vr1,0 edr ahwe-edr-wob a" JtDOftOR THtF LIBUniYYIWIK3W ticles advertised and pay for them, The Independent stands wih Il a rival as an advertising mnediunm in Lake county. New and Desi.rable CHILDREN'S !DRESSES Children's Rompers Children'a Aprons JUST RECEIVED KNITTED CAPES USEFUL AND PRETIY Ladies', -Men's and Cbildren's Hosiery NEW USI 1 W.^W. CARROLL & SONS' COMPANYý Patty Speliman of Lake Forest Phe29. LeryiII. -i .1 Il "JIM'S Auto Repair Shop- W HEN in cierf of Automobile Re- pairing try Us if yoil want the bestu INow located in the D,, rand Building on South Milwaukee Avenue. James B. Wetmore Telephone 364-J LIBERTYVILLE, 'ILL. Coal Time Getting Near Libertyvlie Lumber Co. PHONE 47 Chunk Wood for the Fireplace or Furnace