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Libertyville Independent, 16 Jun 1921, p. 12

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FOUR ANY ARE 6IVEN FINES IN BOOZE CASES, CO. COURT State's Attorn*y NoUe proses cases against many iquor Iaw violators SCORES TO PUT UP FIGHT The docket of the coualy judge la begtnntng to assume tlic proportions eta quarto editiona! Websler's die- tionary. ard scores o! ases were dis- c posed of thia week or set for rt a1. Nu.merooa cases acre noUle proeised, corne o! which are ta lie taken op anew. Joc and Grace Pauîle, Fourth L.ake. on Tne.sday jleaded flot guilly ta charges of ntanuticiniing intoxicat- iS ng iquor and gave bondi for $2,'"'0 Those wlho pl.'aded guilty and were fined are: Arthur Nugent, sale of intixicâting liquor. fined$,. E. J. Olsen. sae.10iu fine. Frank Corn, sale, $100 Ilie. Mike Zeieznicis, sale, $1() Oie Jacob Noi ak, sale, fined $!it). Firank Plescda. purchase a' rOlox- Icating liquor, $10u fine. PIescla was one o! six wch0 cexe ta*iglir lauling beer fro' Wic onsin ta Fox L.ake when thitr Iucli c' att' nes:ti'l l eur Lîberty ville. * Steve Kioli.li' lîe.l . 0 Those w11o.e (î,î.', coie nol'i * prosaLd, 'and ctha: g-s '1:op:ed ai e: George Zutîon, sac cle oluin-f toxicatiiog hquor. 4oe Nliekus, î,ai:facîu.în,; iquoi. J. 31. schc ail,, id n1hilja(tipii, Se.iîart cwasls eii4ýL lor biter, MaryDeli, mnuoicure. blie 'ahio, rîanuacîure. Joseph Dlrassler. muanufactiîu Josephi SIt(uuhch. nianîiacture Sam Millec, manufacture. Felix Filipegyk. maruuhacture. George Balinjetec. manufacture. John Lniovec. manufacture. ALzxHIEeGb Waukegan 's PoremostMiilhner Special For 7omorrow A Great Sale Trimmed Hats Formerly SoId- Up To $10 Duvetynes - Ribbon - Georgette -~ Strawv ..09 A very special purchase provides these landiome new millineiy creatuiilu thue very .nîarlest liaIs o! duvetynes, georgelss, duvet unes. rîibous anud slraw sport liats, taffetas and hala wiîb sequirie crowu and Gleorgette brini. There are al coloranard a "zaity of.1 apeà and styles.Really wonderful v'aluns S t lii diculotisly 1gw pruce. AS LOW AS S $1À4 000 =w WaIk Upatairs and Save $10 and more on any Suit in stock. -Wc arc out of the }ligi lientDistrict, thierefore cutu sel chcaper titan others. Waukegan Clothes Shop' &ènM Q2es&oud Vor~ 106 N. Genesee St,, LIBERTYVILLE INDEPMEffDNT, YHUJRSDAY. JUNE 16,1f921 SEIZE IIUSBAND FOR DESE RTION; IS À* BIGAMIST? Dennis Robert Marsh captured in King City, Mo., remarried in Missouri, claim LOCATED BY RED CROSS Charging that lier liîu.sand, Daniel Robert Nlarshr, teserted tipifisea days after she niarrled hlm nt Newark, N.' 0J.,~ more than a ypar ago. and that during lits absence she became the mother et, his chiil, 4Irg. Madge Marali, employed at the home of A. i i DY. Ferry, wealtiîy Lake For est res.'I dents, caused lits arresf and lic *as, brouglit t10 Waukegin Iodai'. MaisIl was captur.etl a i. 'i M. where lie w usiofd by ie Redl Crossý, antI ikusn t l A'îily, ai whiclîhil1aci i.' w.îs wi S1Ii'irtf luierrGreen of L.ako CîUniu', ent after hlmi. ri, justice tleiey c. Couisons court at Waukegan todlay Marshî ad- ilitled h le hd mariied anoîher wooî- an at kL~rg City, b)ut declared thiat lie thought his first wife liad obtained a divorce. Desertion of a child unîler 12 years Of cge InL Illinois te a Prison Offense. Marali was unabie 10 give $1,000 bonda and was placed ln the cour.ty Jai pendirlg a hearing June 21. The want ad& are worth something you need. COSMANQ, IN JAIL Itontlnuod Frini Page One.) Wliîo'e lin is being liîed 1îî"nîltig s tisaliliîg in ("i i , fi'sîna i. tlieli in 0Ilie la!e ('ounty jail. aiiî' bond lq $10,00A Cosmo is perhalîi te "most li piorant" piisoner the Ilke counly jail bas held i n any a year becaise lie and Murphy now are f.cing Mie~ nînat serlios Charges ever confront- ing labor leaders in Chiceago, naniely graf t amtong Iheir own unions and regolar ouI c'est robuen les as weil. Naturally Sherfrt-reen la kecping hie eyes open wtde whie Cosimano 1.% being teid bore tiecaulie he le allted wlth a gang who wouid not besitate at anything> 10 get hlm free if lliey thouglit tliey hait a chance-and they havent much charnce witlrh hla I the Lake counly lait. $1 IYou wonien and yoiig guIis chu) liav(ient already iîouglit a coat should pay particular atico- thon t0 thuissale as ame of the seioî'i iand.,orîe.st rmodeln are tîrciuded r i-te, ý,as'oîrtlenît.1 a rndo rd "ruoni.ll, aie ,3p,t,4sad regiation coats, cloîli and kniltA dwaol capes June Clearance Sale Features *Bring 7hese Sensational Bargains In A Great Sale of Women' s Suits Values Up -to $62.50 Special At $ 075 0 50 mm Many women wili welcome 1h15 antiooncenent regarding thie underpricinîg o! fine suits of' wvool Jerseys at $10 and ai $19-75 and $2930 7011 may dbaose frons sults o! tricotinea, eeries, velours, Poret twills,î et.c.. in .8, really excellent varlety of diever modela cnabraclng inost ahh -,ALxHË GO. Save end Redeem -Our Stamps- An Importnnt Special- Sale WasJi Dresses J,)i3eplî Ilolzron. nmanuifacture. Chairleýs iaznin.nufarture. Josviplîi)coiimrianufaciture. Ctii!eliand MNaie L-asiiwi,. martu * o Il Il, ii D G. hall, sale. ('l i IFraînk IociUu f Noî fi thC inco, t lia geit wilhtîiîpersonat- iii a2 offi cer. lo. effli owalev.i. imanufacture. houri hhor., mauafUacture. Cha rles iire uskewicz. z,,iso known as ('harles Anderson, sale. Mary Pink. sale. WKaiter and Mary Walontowicz, sahe. Jlosephi Zoziol. sale. Josephi WoJick. manuifacture Henry Il Watts, sale. Those wlio pieaded "net guilty" te the following charges are: Frank Pethkosec. sale. ~Jasper Logindis, sale. John Sifler. manufacture. The petition for Joe and John NlIe- kuafor release continued. They are charged with manufacture. Those whose cases are set for trial continued or undisposed of are: Sani and Maîtida Durhiam, sale. Set for trial at the June terni. whtch begins next Tuesday. Williarrî Jackson. sale, continued. Johz. and Jonnie Sedey. mranufac- tors, continuoed as to Jennie. Kate lvkovic, manufacture; con- tintied VeSI is Kasplarai ig, imanufacture; cent inued. George andI Barbara Koetlî Fox Lake, sale; continued. George and Theresa, Slieldiso, Fourth Lake, sale; gontioued as to George. L.enaugusta Taylor.,luouse o! 111 faile; coni inîreut -Ruth Toney, houisi of i fane; con tinued. Mai i Balise, luouse of lIt famie; cool iiiiel. Franci Kopric, manufacture; con t loucrd Mîchal Rota, sale: continued. .i5'liiCPopul us, sale, set for trial. - Tfony luoiitssek. -gale-,. -osstisusd. August GIazewskt, reteased pend tng trial. Ilerman Tobin, gambling; ccntin ued. A 'ipecial veniire waî ordered by Jud.ge P. L.. Persona for 9 o'clorhî Jne 21 te try tse cages I Handianie rîî*w node-ls fgalur . ti a i b. cr c f i Is Idotted Swlsee4 ' girîghsrma voille-ssnd orgaruihia snd iii vii urus conihlnatlons or tfleue.rualerials ln a w do mgi or p tty c,,r IIngs in al l Bz'a. Women's Bathing Suits WVuuneu, s Ool batirg 'u ite in ail l i;I tl anud becom Jng cioiui lu a nurub r of iwantd 13 ] sTli i .uitî Wore made ho selI for $9, a speuiaîl twtauitl -ncneiiuiiii h enables us to ssiI tîreri at $4.98. -Bathing Caps 25c, 59c, 75c, $1 Maues Extraordinary Are Presented In 7 his Real- Great Sale'of Corsets BDtiFront and Back Lace Mode/s IDiscontinued Numbers -Corsets To $7.50 A lu- iiio ,miî k,île a nu îîunc c miltI ildi' ed, fuir lîsi e YOiî wl il fiîîd consotslani fronit arnd hack lace niodels lii styles for ail fig- ores ln nost ail aizefMbst of fluese are liti dlscuntlnued nuni- bers, lierîce Mie low prîce. 1.50 Silk Corset Govers at 79c L LA AEX .I 7Save and Redeem Our Trading Stamps 7he Season's Greate,çt Values Are 0f fered JIn 7 his Sale Coats, Capes and Wraps Values Up- To $55 Special At $ $ý 2 VOLUME XXIX -NI. ACOURT Hou ÂNN13X IS Si TION 0f BA Supervisor gets bo Pone additin pIE vestigal Afler lhtetning tO a dozen architectS offer t*qs for bu Ilding an Lake ('ounty Court H ing îliem wIlh one agaînst th- plan of bu (ion lbu' .nstead urgeu 'irri a ruimplete ivets !3aard of Supervisuir> qaiîlklv grasîued anal whueh coutltemoporal i.tan iiiiul thu'bourd uni vi n fer ilfi nec' fulu oniuitc Iuirunittt.e ut r ' I l '?i' - c lic r Tis diucng nilplans f cfl'a ri addition Ioth.ii 1lou si.an'; fier thev i c u5I i i'ii'Cfut ,-aulnR hoivin flic a ,lv liu. un.'satitf sctl (;.otrgte losrsow cdv I' SI on On w lII ci) lth- î.ýrk -.ol delernilie Here's Tr. tiairstow * Thal tle Board of i lot close ino town on a building whichî ale for liousng ail cira nt flow carel I 1lIonse, and aiso take olficers which willbN 1ihF nerf coupte 0o! ,uIt o!flice increaIe« Mr. Balratow's Ides ing o! this sort could whal thre Coiiflyha wlîat virlcorne wlthl 11, laxes. In otites wO Ibt a building of th builît wtthout resorfIl suteHi idea la to in question for sever i ltimtes have ebanI inters o! Lake Couni ie a hond issue o! f permit thre teariftg il ent court bouse anrd 0, one suttalîle tf0 I * Cociniv fo' iman' s'eu TO SELL T Mr. Bairstows 31u1 I 1 ouId le usine s lowo his plan'- whlch ing i*0 arranhged tii lienre when the cou ru'r huserecleut S ié, fiai nebilding'f1 :i bond fh3 . l' ,,Iîld bu' ra o~Xii.c f LakeI i k e:uepltsu tf cOr ;i01iii Io he pres#fli i i s i ii n Ot b a il, S i aur ulrwii liii' aii n unirs o-c% Iil- tmgg-ftiOl i uta tanis nneX HA.VE SuFFICI Witte about $10. mjone now onl han crme ;ilfor bulidj. sucr. it l5 seen tirat .2u iilanad boy uiîtlinti'r ieon su, r 're for tilti he col are 00W Ilîusel 'tSi coutllie of soffici iocomodcIing uu1 i -nil' ttic suporvistt 'with their plans for prescrit court houai esstui vole on a would mnean the e phete new buildi! citla the needs of ttairshnw was Oft few yecrs lience il iSsue ho caver a maore read]IY than wch iwould bave $10000() addition t which. wheti finish well il migit lie ratier patched up Mr. Balrstow ha' did not press It hi thougb lie and oti Migit lie wortliy o to.Tiat sugges counity enter loto t rangement with t Waukegalt wherel loin hnsi h ing whlci would nex andt at thre sai city.u..officers. Th tinne comes thsat il ed a new court ho would buy o! thre share in tire City In tis waY-it would -ire PrOlde Values From $10-To $22.50 Swisses - Gin ghams- Voiles Organdies 598 - 9,.15 - 14.075 iw -.- ý

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