FMI JvC DRMlNA@E PROJECTf 1INI iDWV. (AI I THE LIBERTYVILLE EF<r. TIPSAY, JUNE 16, 1921. May Report of Lake County Testing Association FIVE H~IGHEST PROOUCING COWS Lae FOR BIDDERS ONR. Lae ViDa Drainage distict à,NI M i . a »J à l. ready to act. also have John S. Nichol ..... ....... ...... .. P. B. H. March 2170 3.8 82£5 $28.69 hearing on another j Rouie Bros......................_ G. H. April 1396 5.4 76.3 $20.81 ____.Havthorn Farta.. -................... G. S. Marcis 1479 6. 74.0 $29.79 .Rouse Brun ----------_................P. B. H. April 1671 4.3 71.9 $24.9 The drainage nCefbmlitionera 0of 'G . R. White....._............................. G. H. Avril 1610 4.7 71.0 $27.47 Lske- Villa draiage district No. 2 *Owbsed by G. Andermon latter haîf of mentb. arn cslling for bills b ha opened JuI3 1 fer labor snd materials for the cen- AVERAGE FOR IIGHEST PRODUCINO MERDS COWS IN MILK. atruction cf drainage work ln thai The work includes the lsyinx of .ga &M000feo f 18-ineb drain tIle on an average depth of about six or ceven jWNER -.» feet, butln someplaces as deep asro a . 10 feot. iS S I aj j oes Thse improvement wiii greatly en 1 John S. Nichol ........................ if il Hostein 1414 49.21 $14.66 baive tse value of the iow lanid in Rouse Br-on_....... _ _.............. 29 29 Hostein 1313 46.90 $18.41 thse district vitichi j now of a -watt. P H. Krogï-----------........................ 10 9 Hostein 1242 44.09 $17.79 or nature. L G. Hutchinge. ....s....................... 12 6 Holstein 1227 38.35 $17.75 Varlous other drainageîroi e( t8 GRofe............2 2 osen1453.0812 l a ilinar nature ste undei wa>i n .R ht ........ ................24 2 osen1i6 3.0 $12 thse couflty. AnoLg tiiese the \Vau. During the month of May thare vare world record for Brown Sviss lu all tond" drainage diitrict of Lake andI 498 cva on test. Of that number 142 ages from twa te five years. i1 thlnk WcHenry counîles, uloî wlticb there prodfle 40 pounda or moreobutr these are lthe onîy voîrd record cova; «IIlbe a hearing in thie (ouuty court1 bred and raared lu Lake couutty. Juna 20. Tis proect is an nipari fat. Reusa Bros. had 23 covs ser40 Gormn Anderson of Antlech nougatt a ait one. axtending o'. r a lai ge as .. POUnda of butterfat. or more than twlce 1 bard sire wbose twa neareat dams av- the numlier ot any other bard Mr araged 26 pounda et butter n seven q 0 0o0 0 o0o0 0 0 0 00 0 0 4aine monti in theAssociabtion. predays; ha aIse beuglaItva 0 f the boat Ha tom arinfurishe a ure f G R.White'. grade Hoîsteins. Mr. 0 LA KE VILLA 0 O0:.bled Ijrown Swlas cov, Hawthorn White seld 17 grade Hoîstains ait aur- 000 000000 0000 OO Daiisy Maid braad, and à el'loped ut tden. tae average price for- vbich vas C IR. Thorne bas maied the cottages the Hawtitoru Parai. tinisbed ber year $155 par bead. Titis gaes te show thlat fro rute Lehtmann proparty tii bis'record witb 17,905 pounds oft milk and tite A.tioch people are baginning te Cedar 1Lake .reçerty. and lias t l (tent73.7 pounds ot butter fat. Thtis s a realize the valuaetfgood cowa. ready for thei summaer visters. orlil record foi- Brown Swiss fixe- ANTON CHRISTIANSEN, vear old. This tarai nov hlods tha Tester in Charge. Paul i îng anda a riand are (tut fromt Cicage evar Sunda> toe llpbis grandmother. Mrs. Mary King,elu ijeth et aur sillage, Bev. .McCIoske> brale bar ninetieth it rthday. ite itad iîarfornsiug thte creion>, viticit as Daverai calers during ilite tiýti.,con iw itiiecacî unis b> itise inediale rea gratulaie ber, luesoethlie bride aud groom. TheY Mr. and Mis. Beeket aie te ri ain -mîil]iaieatlt ei r lttiii for th(l is i sent iag zbeir daugitier trous Si. Louis. - wittae greail's parents WVae extnd Thte Fast Fox Lake cumuler) wSut cengratutatiens te the hapity cou»Ite. bold a picnir un Piunnus GroveCo Miss Nuritia Cleeitns vas a townI Wednesday. Jua 22. Bring yaur owII Tuesday tor argÉuization et aur titree lunch and enje> a da> eui tnte cool day Citaulauqua, to e h hld SeaiS. 2. 3 Verdà. and 4. We bave securad unusuali> E. U. Wald saerte dfor lits home în geod talent, tfc hicit yeu vili bear Tempe. Hla.. aftar a two weeks' visit morie lter. mIls friendsanmd relatives bat-e sud ai Mr. and Mns. WAiI Pester entertaju- Burlingion. ed tise latter's sister, with ber Iusband Mns. S. Hall ef Chicaga spent a few and son.,vito drose up trom Knox. dmys lest vaek witit ber sistar, Mrs. S. ludimna, Salutday. rensainiug until last Bbervood. Tuemday morulus. Cblldros'a Day services viii Se teld «W. J. Sebora et Whitug. Ind.. vas ai 10:30 t tIse citurcis next Bunday oe udyt e i agtr mgrtAng. Children viii ha presanted uposrSns acetsdnitr fer batsn eit titis tîme as a par of M r. and Mns. Wormboff anterteiused the service. You sre Iuvited. 1 friands Irons Oak Park ovar the yack Mm. Andrews, e clasMate of Mr. end. MuoMookey, vas tbaîr guest the f im - Thse Royal Neighboris yl beld asos- of tise week, sud laIt Waduesday for cial mieeting, alse for bazaar work. New England. vitIs Mra. Hooper on Friday. Juna 24, Mrm EdîtIs Keeley and chiîdran et and ail are nv-Ited to attend. âmo are anspendlng saine lima ilaw____th___ ber paremts. Mr. sud Mm. Fovler. sud tended ber brother's veddlng. BIG MMR DAMKE AT HME W. A. Truax Sas added s stock ef caidgods, ta bis cash sud carry OJAS41. .NmGRAW SATURAY ,narLet. $ Thse big Thse Band Lake Cemetery Society ad by Jam wilI bold thse annuàl election o! offlc- lui; belve ers at the home ef Mrs. W. H. Mller da, vas th on Thmrsday. June 23. You are very and entari, vjolene. that coma Thse E. J. Lehmnann, 0. W. Lehmann Thea Barrir and J. K. Deering horser, vara broùght vas sporns, tante this %veek from the South Shoe Gro*sC Country Club. Chicago, wlîare thay ad snaýPP-y catiurad thpir share of the honors. L ainera pu Saturday evaning at 8 oclock aIt te tie light ehurch eccurred te marriage of F. T. filled to o Powlar. Jr, and Nlis, Marie I'Armiand. of thte val RE.DP CHAUTAI. iINCLUDI Dunbar's White Band and Maie Ci 'NOTHING BUT TIH Sparkiing American( IIIPPLE CONCEWI Gretchen Cox and Grobecker's SWIS tBeulah Buck -..,E ALTO-N PAIC Master Cartoonlut- Humoisi in ,JOY NIGHT" Pi Notable Lectures on Tini 5-BIGCiD A REDP'ATH CHAI. Season Tickets $2.50 Plua]1 Chautauqua Week Here --- J WISCONSIN DAIRYMAN SAYS COW TESTER WOKE HlM U? -I tst wishl u write a lew woi'ds lu let ltae taraiers in genaial know wt1 thougt of, cow-testing associations a eyear ago and wbat 1 thimk of thaîn 3now, writes a Wisconsin dairyman to Va field agent of the Dairy Division., .Unhted States Dept. of Agriculture. "About a year ago I was a.pproached on the subjeet. and, aftar corne tall.it1 isaid: 'Go abead; if yots can shoot In forty or flfty dollars, 1 car, too.' So in April. 1920. ve organlped; snd t0 top it they elected me secretary of the association. 'Il did flot tbiuk much more about It until the tester came tu my place the first lime, and vben 1 saw hlm ut vork 1 comneuced ta vahe up.. 1 had two cows 1h51 had treshened about Ibree veeks belore that sud, ljoth of them had helfer calves vhich 1 iuteaded tn sel for veal; but atter the test usa de 1 miv that ibose twu ec>vo vere niùiug more butterfat for the m*Wnt bm ony of my other cows. 1 decided tu keep the valves. and furtber took Intereot enougb tn velgh the milk from esc!> cow ln my herd. And nov these Ivo cows are aI thse top of the lot for the vhola asso- nov ba er!ocently complet- cimîon. Mr. and Mrs. Joeapht Tomisky sud nas McGrav, a fît-mer nesld- **Y<>u may askl, viaI about thoeeI daughter o! Crystal Lake spent the aun Barrlnutou.snd Waucon-tvcevs WelIfyubv 30ycanettebmat1r.udM. se scene o!flthe moat unique w avs WelIfyubv$30 ekedathhoefMranMm .ainlng damces ever gîven lu YO hI gset theus; butnet forrleas C. L. Pratt. muniy let Sturdy niht. tis taI, aven if Ibey are grades. Mima Nattie Murrny spaul Saturday unnîy aitSaut-ay iglt.Dees testing pey' Weil, 1 i AlBay sund Sundsy at ber home hare. ý mo ferite ChPos. es ad if 1 cen kaetî tise asacliO B orn, June . 2, leMr. sud Mis. Albert sorfo h &ycprtore.andua ging ext year, you bel I vi 1I nMaether, a son. riui u ieCi rt zsic. neo aletr- o OO O"" Oe cago Sciteai et Piarmacy, and John ut )epint th trppes f 0 000 060 0ONN06 00P. Btanck oftitis vittage, have- teased fantastic, andl the place vas 0 IV A NHO E ltae store building and ire creaunartaîr o-rfiewing vit thlie peoplea **OO* 0ooo O Oo Oo O oofetMiss Eleisa Jenks fot a tiri et serti part etfte ceUnI'. >aars and vili open a firsIitais dîug Tite setvices tfti ieyt StIIasunoe sIote The r eies'.cui-t till stbe 19, ate. Cburcil Scitl .liiai iii. oknownas il 1e Wauconda t'baroîac>. Tlite .ubj.-tt of the lessat i i.-..anging1 A nus- soda teuniain lia: be-untt ji lie Socital ordu . Sliecial uîusîr b% 1rhatteit -and iî s'.il bu tflic aîi i ilii- te ttitca cas. l huret ssel-vices iai 1tira o iet . he-îîcttr uicendit Il a. m. Subject of sermon., roitng.andI %.icinity an uptodate sto I.- n..îîî = t., Talent-s Welave,.' e.,rt.T Icy rîîî-îl.,ao i H lM oIcï i-a _et caletonr h--1 ~~~~~~~~~~é T " _riIiý~lt tla!tildb> Jonc tî ordnaio ofIle ol attii In RggV rff@NVUN JQ U A =' of favoabl ciou, tht- ipublic -e-rA" foa àTuIoDtIldO d 13011lsmfldfYu. = t vice %illbe blit ie evening ai - cm 7iam O e u'lai.k in it urch.T'the lie%. Sie___ la__ W._______et..__________ML gregatonal hurhb.wil1 til- O :)NS 1 = inaion seil ti-ti HIHE iRSPIL Coij li i ght m111 0>tee AMOeBRANO) Monda> esî.nung, June e .unl a'.'n 'et Wîlliîani tiun Eîeî>eNnct'. s i, d JL P WW te coule as early aftte'spaa is'.î -o' e. -.a- i IUuuo4 ~ bhe. A good tîie is assured lii ail. % H us ars Thi wll c le Peiiheas, te e 4-t.. liru _ .aN go nds. ru crutiiu d cake villisale.- Y'.;"r T 7 cou e sed by goefor banaeotenfileurio e .%I me ýl . ' .1 i i ced og frbnvlntproeî KAler sunsetl lie Ja.'îanese lantai-na v-ii l .= ,._4 ,j&i.<ÇJ. IE Rha beligittai. A pleasant surprise is i ni .:.nit'1t. f. tI., iL.fll -Sve store fer alvite attend. , 7--,"y% Rla. le. Comedy - __ SOLD PÎÀ-U . '11lîGISTS Ir COMP'Y = 000000000 'Roya y ! o tenslt home for hits sumn F D O RA B BE M visitail ah the F. Piesiihomieila.,, Sun. A C INE RN ;S Yod lers s* E. Kuediar sud J. P. Ititzentiatc1 FARM AND STOCK SALES ansud family laIt, Tuesday nîernlng toi A SPECIALTY ataend a fansily icunion atil)akota. 111 .-ntertainer Mrits. H. Cocu is visiîîug vitibaie 547 NORTH COUNTY STr. Bou and famlly at Wuukegan. W U EA = Mris. Long, vito tas hbenau I>m AU EA K-A R D -a ciMaelblet-,esvas PHONE 2441 J.- Slanclît!, P. Brysat sud Miss %'itt Reverse Chayges m Busin ess ICa lit t Extrardinary = ban o! Chicago were callera in oull Irogram= village Sunday atternoon. ______________ MM Mrs W.' ShauclAff aient Waduesday =aI Nerveood Park. rîely Themes = Itenier the ice creani social u AR L INGT O N th Ihuc awn FrAday nlght, June1* Thechldr v il! gise thain pt-cgranMuO TEL Y ~~~~ H~ Sunday eain gat 7:30. Thit lister,î _______________ diate class is flie decerating ceait tee sud va look for soma(hing vortb ST AU QU~A P__ y blsand a it :l latier Good M eals 50e *near Lake Zurich, and v-ltt fri-nîis 10% War Tax * paîd a vieilte IlDeer Groea rin iiil ily 20 to JuIy25 ret reir..1Sna FI_ - I AE ONY- The, W U E ANIL IIltIhflfhIIIffhIII Indepe________________________ 00 0000O0000 000 00 BO.Father F M. Bay spent lat ThUrsay n Chicago. Mr. and lira. Mibe Obenauf and son Martin ver. Wauconda visitors SatUr- day afternoon. 110r= Mertel and family-spent Sun- daY. vith Mr. and Mrs. Je Dobuer at West Fremont. George Obenaut and son Albert, Mns. Wl!! Dlebold and Misa Bertha Hironi. mus apeut Thursday iu Waukegaa. georze Brandstatar and Fraak Dor- fier and fssnily of Grayalake calied on relatives hers laut Sunday. Mira. MoUalYn Muaon bas returned to Chiosgo, atter s6ending the past few mofttbs with ber parents. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Meyer. Rendes Bro,. of Round Le are Putting ln a fouadation for a new bar» for Jçsepb Teamgie. l3dl Smith and WiI Hîronimua ef Round Lake were callersa t the WiI. loy Farm Thuraday. The young people or Ibis vicinity en- Joyed a party at the home of Mr. Wolff Saturday evenlng. "UST OUT ~~02% WARREN SCIIOOL COMMENCEMENT PRO- <IRAM ON FRIDAY Many attend ceremnony when class of 1921 is give 'n their diplomas Warren townshtip lilgit 'chool fr1. day éveuIng graduated a clans of seventeen aud a large crovd attend. TIse pragram for thte Plan ng fol. love: invocation .. Rav. Se-th W. Slaughter .Music, Dawn-W5IIaCe ......... .~W. H. T. B. chorus ComneetAdd rei'... .om m t E. T. Aibertmon Munic, TIse Lord la rindfuî et Hlm avu .......... ...... Sem-Chorus Ciloe PreplîecY ... Resarn Kelly Ye olden Axe ... irdella Fiouod Mucle.............. MaIe Quartette Glft Addresse..F elastia Young .Validictorv............. Alvin PiIsI. Music ............ Gîtl'a Glea Club Averds. ........ Ptlu. R. B. Henley prenet.lstien of D)iplamas. .Ney Lambs Music. Anvil ('ou.......... .W H. T. S. Chorus îVa e, 0«Iniencellient sddrass vas gîven hy F ç.Nhr-on ot Indian- apolis. The Alunîni banquetl yul eha al thîs eveulng. Miss Pearl millet was tiass apon sor ibis yeaat %ticabers o et t aiis f1921 ari- Alfred Asîies. letn Le- VO 'v Howard Bond. tRobert LUX. Frances Carroll. i-. n Pîhi. Birdelia Etool I Vl.tWti Esther lHantes. u Ii Hosanna KFIP t Ici a Young, Ferdinand Knot.. iratnt, Welsclt Nargaret and N'tl,îrtn Plasen.kîî- e l o ) o 0ee ()IJ t il 0eUo 0o0o0.rn 0 o GLIRNEE 0 Te Hanicys ate -ntertaining Mrn. sud Miss Fariner et Indianapolis. Mr. WillIey and Mi. Glaii nliedtt Chicage Baturday. Miss Miller aud Miss DeCelles acconipanied tbam. Miss Maie Haines spunt te yack end vits home folks. Thse Misses Birdalla Flod, Esther L4aub aud Lila Wirtb lefttfor Blom.n ington Bunday Gurnee folks vere surprised to heur efth(e marr-Auge et Glenn Mîlîs te Miss Dorothf Herold of Evansten tsar Set- urds yat the home. af the bride. Thse honeymooners are nov at Te Dells. Congratulations. Nowsapfthtie milk situation wilha yiveu ueyt weak. 1110001116000000U601111 0 WAUCONIA s 000000000000e.0.... PL-ANVOUR T.RIP NOW TO THE NEW FIELD MUSEUM 0F NATURAL HISTORY Be sure to visit this storehouse of treasures gathered from fat- and near. Take the boys and girls. More can be learned and enjoyed in a day spent here t}san in rnonths of lireseme travel. Acres of exhibits. Huridreda of costly collections. The Museum is a masterpiece of architectural art--700 feet long, 350 feet wide. It is located on the shore of Lake Michigan, just sopth of Grant Park, Chicago. Open daiiy, 10 A. M te 4 P. M. Free days, Sundays, Thursdlays, Saturdiays.,Alil other days, admîssisn 25 cents, North Shore Trains leaving Libertyville regularly, take you direct to the "L" station at Ranclolph And Wells street, where you can get an "L" train to the Roosevelt Road Station without leaving the piatform. A short wulk es brings you right to the cntrance of the building. ChiagoNorth Shore & Milwaukee R. R. Libertyvile Ticket Office Phone: UÀbfftyile 74 SERVICEF S lmprved Long-Dbistance Telephone Service Long-distance telephone service hma been greatly improved. Lines from Chicago arecflot over- crowded, service is rapid and trans- mission is god. Business men using this service obtain personal comnmuni- cation with distant customers without leaving their desks. Try it. It may solve your problem. Getmcquainted witb thse toney an!tluxe - aving "'station to station" serime ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY THE ÀN ]FOIR ]FACI SCALP TME LMieeo For j Toilet Prepi CON SUL' OFFICES Over Reardog MfIED RESIDENT Of iURNEE AFTER 3RD S' Ie lP. Peterson died 79 years; had f irst about eightyeart \P]s PSy anson. an ag of (Gurnea. Passeil away a Weduasday, Jua 8tb, at ageil 79 years and lotir te vas; due le paralysig aud ilinesseetnding over a eight years. Il was ouI.. 1at telse dsys. hoveve patient vas conflued te b Elght yesrs mgo Mr. S, fened a ligit strokeola vitîci affected bis rigS viticit did net preveut bit ting around- by mus About two yer% *go ho éther stroke t0 bis rigbt strpka also wu i Igis. 'I %4o a thîrd stroke causE fected tii entîra lot el hlm completely 5o1p speech vas s! fecled. Mfr. Buansen Vbà born but moved to Ciiro for 550 vliere for yemrs Se ltse gardé-u truck bu&inot Develi years ugo he myEs , .vlere ha purrbused o ahere ha bail resided F 3ec Ides the vldow. t lea%,pt 1h- followiug'rela larni svausor. etGurnee NcClintock Abert a, Swanson of NWaukpgan. ' g ranîtrIcid rau Funeral rt tm ie lst ,S,îîur!layi lun(e Il. atI ,va.. inWarren cielersý 400000000090 a MILLBUI 000000000000 * Mr.- Sarali l>edge vîsit' af te e nteutfJ. S lier 1nr. Nlar> Whitaetf teuded tite Jane mseelin aid trienul- Mr ,n.d Mrs. Leadei s-tient a week wilb Bev a, tite parsellage. Miss BertitS Cannon of -Sotie the Si and you vD1aut - i -E = i = i i Advertse your sales anmd have yotur mile b&I printed aittheL.ladependeni office. That ldad of publicity bruigs bayera m»d good prices. (pax Te) andTo.close oste of E. J. Countrytuan, 1I will eil i s «I.o- -'«» PUBLIC AUCTION --333 ACRE FARM (Oas Stop> b7 TUESDAY, JULY l2th, 1:30 P. M., on thie premis Ciii F.tss 's atra i Stuated adjacent to the village of VOLO. Illinois, 5 miles east of McHenry and 5 miles wesi of Round Lake, Illinois, on the Youll never w to stop Woodstock-Waukegan cemCnt road. -c.«: o thsetecorda This farm is well improved and in a high state oif cultivation. l.RAY Furanad Paw t oe Inspection is iflvited. (Open Monday, Friday and aurday Abeautiful place to live and a goo>d invesiment. Eeninc.) Charles R. Leake, Trusts.. Dixon, Illinis. phoo rio. 9. Làbertyvàfe.