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Libertyville Independent, 7 Jul 1921, p. 2

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PACE IWO THE LJBERTYVILLE NDEENDENT. 11-URSAY. TULY 7. 1921 ROUD, iA((iE> t THE FAVORITE STUCCO DESIGN fv IETN WODNDE137 JAMES MORGA14 (Copyright. 19.'0. bY J.- e* orgapn Russell Kerr. Goode Taxi driv-AMNAFO er was kidnaped by- twoAMN FO thieves who stole auto 1797-1801-Vice president. daggeda ,ws aXýdent, Pcaged L57a.. cab drgge iio iie tonneau of the 8-PrhsdLuiae car, pumrmelleil and beaten and then l d7Ent, aed E5ago. c Bat onHas lieRlty in to uncocscIo. $tt ae as 1ie uer was.driven about 119-eidt otC16 * thirty miles. hourd hand and foot and S6-uy, died, aged 83.mie gaggeii with a handkerrhlef after________________ vblch lié vas faken te a serluded spot luawoswhr iws ett i furious storm aioused by theTh G a ey If Providence qo uîIght viii iî-tbis T IR.a between Thomas Jeferson - - h a e a --asthre experlence which Russel and Alexander Hamilton, thre gresteht Kerr. Waukegau taxi driver. encoun- - gadiatora te face each other Intheii to N orh r ~ e n o d tered Friday morning atterithe tIwo erena of American poitirs a. in m o t er akes ont Wod atisugera at 8:40 o*cok bad engaged reet campaine eem like omnhow. hlmtotab tem o plnl ner ~ Eusa.? 0 of Oaik W&aHamiltonlans scorned to est and tue Bluff: 8641non roeeblirk, axd someétimleai even toPly Nr hS hrMTa. Kerr vent îhrough the most frigirî- - wth the jeffersonians. To gAve a nù Wi enc that any local taxi rab Thi l me of tbe moMt Popl j~he imrig iho.c driver bas ever iiad snd vere t t lt 01M*fI tii. mias «ethti. arr .. . 1fI aoiabeione et or i mies. Worthe. fart tbat lhe robbers negiect- Il mu. :bus au o e im_____ ad to lie the. vires bicb boued bis *jlet a"cia ona p .L n m1 bande la sueh a manner that ho could - iwl $ip iew" éus ecom et 0f a- or t PM mm-T hé reat vvay atili be iylag prone on the. grund lua domihli wa5011 d oubi bit ter. Mm rturnd t Wauega Friay t ettbé l àcotaton hostilty to the old rWil &Itm fe i mlyrArt =- 1 _ b=mtetitemdl sae n e CONNECTIONS AT MILWAUKEE for Waukesha, Osuode bai driven douz Io Nu irr Ongland. The nev parties caiied- tiiw j» Vikèd imu t, a frghtened sud ppe, o uble te ýub ugrnt mives PederaiAst@ and Republicus W atertown, OcOnOmowoc, Delafield, Pewaukee euimblbiiiocked Young man. Riso.e k 5 ljr Oa stivre>tioepr *tory vax newhirir voold 1>. thrill b ithfflP èb b U 8 Stbu f10001 tisefougit for't»e criri-of Washhig-. ft even for a dime novei escapade 'IU offl m lahi 1 MMh51 li ton I 1796, the resait vas saose Lake, Lake Beulah, Sheboygan, Sheboygap Falls, Md hbis story la veil vortlr readirta mode LpubaWU t1,v i à r o or tiat Jefferson came vîthin Ivo P relftItn i m o t ,~~in .Il.L m il ahows the. extent tea viicithe-se so thot l M?-- R fe P r W s in t n P y ou h ry t l a e young bairditsviro are travelling I WooJd lue to dm@#, tbey cclii 1is -port of the, plate viilinlutirir .*0, Iim ....DAIL BOAT LUNE CONNECTION S for 'Northe'r perience vhirirh beencouniered shovws a e Pb Ii uni~~s.dL jutbier tintsteelsetuslt o d e M iichigan points. Pere M arquette Line Steam ers afed toi commit theft but unnecesN q wini are ettirely ncalied for go fer pl mar>7 ommt cimeaganatmanrndciiaie eof lticitn estl, f rom M ilw aukee t o Ludington, Frankfort and as being able to sccompiish their *fio<evlciyUl qd greatly to ceue! deaire gais. the economy of tuinislring. > Onokem a. lu- SEEMEI) ALL IIIGHT 1ýae kltcîep as net large, bu It vas about 8:4a FrIday mornmng pitte lu evety respect, th.e liaIt we youIlg men about 29 >ears plikty of 1i1 ovqr lthe w IEcean, swift electrics of theC icgNoth hoe Mlauee'"lr etâg, onethelingi cptexion sppad gt often <àia. Tih e r¶rtog asarte ideal for SUMMer travei. The joy of your outing begins the moment ut. t i G omof lexo inon apeated t>o Pntr. It *c~f0 you step aboard tlie North Shore Train. Your Milwaukee trp is smoke- lufweete ane e'onaohp eà a*i ba ked Kerr te drive tirem te10 like Thre bak r acii. y uiless, dustless and cinderless. You travel in comfort, and arrive on tame. erovd wviiniras te hoid a pirnir." iit pon10 ro f o r lea Wr. Goode vas net aithtei office attire I lnjore o i L'mîted Trains, Ieaving Libertyville regularly, malte connections uhat take you time se Kerr thought ho vouid aîart One oftie muet de@ra,ýleIp irct to te t hore ~CLT'a ttoi iwe' uinescetuer.con- tl out immediately, thinking ho vnuid lc hii6sa îa pcoc ro, .orema>Ston îmîauesuies b.ba hfoe r.Godearlvd 8eff!lf à omtLnmItbvenient to hotels and transportation lunes. liea k 1he .I. b ear eat d, se, ti. Ob lie got lu the front seat and tire pas- ek lmago a telythe b- ksatdf o9tton ard us itbN lm i ot longatervteyard ttone of4- 1h. - . 1 Chicago North Shore & Milwaukee R. Ré, lake Bluff. Arcording te Kerr filvas eo g men rrawied over in thre front seat #W. ~no LIIERTYVILLE TICKET OFFICE AND PASSENCER TATION PHIONE 74. tritb. hlm. tirey drove oD "0 11<,A«pkgee j ~ Bluff. Kterr notired tirat the men dAd mes'~I JefieSn. 1 o oientmte know juil virere tire pic- J!jWCIOtoealivotes of winnAng the pr sDelc aie vas going toehoc>reid and tire- ~sCtnaz againait Adams. In lie second battle, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 fore tirirdirection vas vory vague. wuta oêcoooeeeino8Wclioooo L Tiey drove along Shreridan Road pa8t Adam Ws 1gO0 LAK100,UireHhea the. Stanle Field place vhich l ust ay etheamiiem& ryof LAE0 0ZURIC0H000 Iluff on Shrerdan Rod. Tire.they thre tugging of 1he vire on his vriat..HS, hlnhT RgCTrsfhors. 10 d t is n guapio ne, Thuorare thefo f t ut V r k n a . a ordered hum te drive Into a privat. Kerre arms vere bedly lacerated adand Jefernwaidaked t a iri teugaatAnisiirhe-te ra 0 ir citNN PEM OR Y $1.50 fILyI W driveway ai ~~~~~~~~~~te second place south considerabiy avoilenfoth reusGrgPusiansn.erFr, ofF etd'$ oewondered viraltirey twîsted for te vire as IN bougeSSUN uF wa s d bckt* a re uednSi r II I FEI13 II iIL *ere going in tirere for but irad t0 Furtirerurore Kerr found that the IN-..ES INO hundreel yards eway. This marn afoot ran M.C.Eloitoa i____ obey orders. A I RVS roirbers irti cerried off iis sirnes andLO.B C WA dreamer andthorst, q uaelY hered deughter ihave uîened titiir sumnrer____ "a SEIZM S EDRVE iisap.Hovever, tiret dld Dot mat. .0 B O A n tatdayamoelsigrv itctgefrhe.aon ter for imnredlateiy upon releasing ta mnoMior.ai oudbvectaedfortresoarlson eilad o -* As tirey puiied nto tirs drlvevay iimself Kei-r made for tiremain higir- tv a svord and wbhif <>Qj end Orvilie Meirvr-s of Barringlun, I111___ Kerr fouthfelr 11 w In tire rear seat v a sd *e iport flime ister uvas n- a p lti gï~ n ora e sho t iat. r. airdu Mrs.Chte s te ............__________________________________ arhold ofba. a im -iro e te a ie oflle . le were noviree teto -n et Litie Fort' * Bellevl.g ta rvjd.i hould Tr o uptr ilg rrhs . ~ u u - oset ncdahr a sno tre otna ire cald r. b > begin at hm efesnrevolutlonIzed recently errved Friday and lv betg-mg mn s ized lire vireciand prevented cus o f s eGoode U i t lceremoniais viricir had. heen adopted Miss arion Burk ofrIeay the caruring carneouidniretfe ndtehl vay toKuSTUPN vry epîcarenttielre rr.I a ira A p-dmpirtet entitted: "An Art t10Ila afeetrle mIttion-of klngly courts& to vek end vutir-Mise Rose tonne:,'ý Incorporete tire Tovn of Little Fort, OPening tire doors ta ail. vtiroat re Mrs. John Fink tokthtie Sunda 1 Tire manriIn ire reer seat pusired one abject in viev, nameiy, of set i tLaeÇoîrnty. Ilîlinois," la one of tire gard te social classifications and viti- Scirovl ciaeofut tache gis OD '1= Kerrdvnr d ir bwto 1 trenart yovli lre arbeausptreevoldveuedposesinbifsens Outon- ounrdr o pecdoneirstenI vs oîig Der jrve irr-dT sud. according te Kerr ire hegan hardi>' expect a taxi driver so earlywy , eodro ed. trIe r n Nr.Fe rp n a i NTIN U vnathemrecorder haofmadeeds.eY"first corne, first aervedi." D-emled MrOfl Ma.Frd G B UTnd[au pouudlng hlm and set upon hu.b iraI eng1 avemcroe' Tire pamphlet besîs tire seal or 111 tiret lie prosideot. aslire salit, sirould vent te Palatine the Four tirlu see tuI la ail triralKerr renrenberedutlieo rr.inosadtesgaueo .S ol k ipa hteeig vokre up Ita tie voodo Jrear Nules and How'-'er. tire , iAd lnet teve vrlmosadtiesgatur fH . colrese t0be a personago. hoe stopped tire vunisdsiatreevng bisbelefla ire tre eiiv fle pul-Kerr lrappened to have. and tonk iris Oy, secrotary of stele. and us dated tire rustom a ofrelebrating a preisîdent', Albrnt Meyer ol Fremnit ownsip M M ' U IM M his bhlmintla htth eo e ull-av goid vatrir. six dollars In money and Foi. 23, 1849. Tire Art vas epProv- birthday, nover made a pabieî tour, vas a calter lucre !Saturday..4*II - doalth ir tA a hiov on tire iead bie_ a eoio ring. ed eb. 12, 1849. and tirerefore tire, did iris ova marketing and went and Mrm. Rose Segnait and tamitl)ut Bar- î111 cause iis Dremor>'ia.psed f ront tiret WY TA", SHOES? lter changed,10 Waukegen, was of' rame flkeayo rtizen. Altirougi rmagt.on .sent Tuesday et lire John 'Orme an untîl ire avoir. It was about Wirv hiey fbokhis sirnes and cap flcieily founded on tire anniversar>' Doa uccessor lias tirrowu a Britishr min- -Hunu homo. 10:45 viren Kerr calied Mn. Goode hy s liard te figure Oeil unicas At vas of Abraham Linnoîns birtirda>'. lofer lnt a fit of indignation by re- Mirh Esthr Schrultz apent. Satuifde> tephone sand tldmb iral irad h-liai irt is siroes iappened te ho nev. T elvAag bim, An slippered feet, Jeffer- withr ler cousin, Mrs. JohnI1'rfhinr V"d eUgrdta lto h uthwi apne htterb h c rvddfrteeet A play' based upon 24 E>, stauor aou a irur10drvefrm ier iadlad er o a eahe mlt o apresident and six tr-ustees. and sfinSlpIA> ahtmr ln Miss Elle Houri of Laite Forest viei- etFgr bu ntu ediefot br âili ero ete at dlvided the tovn loto tirree wards. Washingonian coaurtiinens romains theIed Dlleîa Norton over tire veoitend. lAie Bluff te wvire they fînally de-.nmesn ut-h an Isoiated spot ID tire Tir. Finsi yard conststed of eveq.standard of presidential enadurl. Mr. and Mrs. Birown of Cenutenter thlng soutir of Little Fort river, ànd It vas tire strango fortune Of litis ville are visiting Mn. anrd Mrs. LsItoyh u s o e a i n Keir aaya tiret about 10 o'clonklire vas due to tire fartfliret tire men adail altrioynrho htsranmn hruhon aiitt idLnwr 'i.oke 01> 1eflnd himseif lyAng on a been tirere before and tiraI t lvas tertr Doti0fiaIsem motlrrnrongpAaIa ndLdvr - leather bed about 60 foot off of a sort of a rendezvous wvicirtiret iad leter ciranged tu Wenkegan, vas of- binself at the. boiraIn tire -mdat of Mn. and Mrs. Ezra Fninit and soens aid radan sveal ors ro trehee uedheor. hey apparently ignated as lire Second yard, tire a vorld at var. Whou the globe vas uf Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. OscarM a ager Mai road near Elles. He ofuad iis 1e-wvire.tire>'ver. laklng Kerr Tirrd yard consisted of al tire terri- bristiing n-Ah bayonets untAl itl ooked Prritks and sons of Wlnrette reiled onr bande and foot wresenumel>' dad huh t ol evn odplace tr ot fCato tet leapamupîne.lire calm]>' annoanCe dtieir sister, Mra Luc>'Latna,-taturdey orIti pîrture vire, tiraI eaianditerniA.!tla serete hlmn and prevent hAm i-e- Little Fort river ta nov mnown as tiraI ponce vas iis passion, and gtart- elternooin. EC r p e e p o u to vas staffed in ils moutir, and ire porlung thier tireft of tire aute. Il vas tire Ravine. ed ont b>' ruttlag dovuibis lItthorai>' Mn. and Mrs. Geoige Wrlheabeig C m___pr d ct o Im. ie t ir e wouid irave ta get iras>' apparent Ihat Kerr- had not heen tire Mr. Brocicy l isesotire poasessoi. one-iralf and b>' talklng of iraullng uP and son of Libertyvîlie and Mn. aad21 lu, order la ave hAmself from beng over a iraif an heour or go viren ire of a clipping of tire Wauitegan Ga bis seve a asiHieRA ont>' Intereot Mrs. Walter Jolie>' Of Chicago spent laflted by tiretireantlantire dense came toeiis senses and extrieated zetle -or jul>' 21. 185.5. conteining tire la tire 1apôleonie stratifie vas 10 keepth ie Fourtir et H. Heifer's. mb by a N4ew Y ork castu wooe. imsif.Kerr la about 20 years old, torporate proreedîngs of tire Tonaout 0fI. Mr. and Mrs. Artirur Buesclulng and BREAS MS BNDSelgira 146 zraunds and tirerofore, In of Wauitogan. Thins lipping refera Novertirelesa virile lie mlitai'> pov- deugirter of Cicmago surent Sunda>' e fBEAK S IirS iBaNDaoSom tire hàlada of tva men ire ouid fnot ta action on tbe Goaesee street end ersvore -figitng ovorlittlo Islands H. Buesciringas. t Artugie b. alitsedba fndie tire expert tehave done munir In tire va>'State street bridges, tire latter, being snd 'provines sud drenciAng Europe Mr. afio Mrs. Roland Buetier asudl AUi(~E 'tie ie axrelévd unfndirl e g ain a>' tle racOe @tire uo arodlng a reW.uH.ille'o."Th 'presidnt, vAofouChicangoa mirI, gali.Soit>eoerytire eoit en vine vas iving av>' and 5 ire polr. 0 nrcon tire nase but vas State sîreet bridge aeeded repîacnng vir ltirîrblood, liAs mont uamilitary rrlrn0 imaopstdMsHayW ~E atork lte eJob vitir tiere man iât aI 0f egaing h t raceMn.ond.tetautir o- cated ne t.he puistion.Tiere <~. . lié vas ahi. te pull iis bande apart. mobile..itir as. been tire mont darlng HMiseprapert> ls tiret on vicir AT. I e rd la fatrinospois tiran tire vie- Fred Snirennlng of Bine Island VISa Tien ut did Dottlaite hlm long t e. e-trickt of th ir nd ever rerounted lu Berry-' home nov stands. - tors In twenty-fivo >'fBts of vanfare Ited irissister. Mme. Anna Giesta, Sun-UE 1 1 ~ AP E , inove tire gag fom iis mentit and tire taxi rab slonies o! Laite Cousaty- divided amqng tireaumelves aetlire con- de>'and Mandày- m _____________________ Kerr- and his friends do flot have t10 < reof- Vionna. As jeffero ee- Tire irotlasd resorI iteepeî s around *RI EI. i P5 A I TjH No do munir spenuialing ta figure ontt iu ion vas a blonuie«, tevotho, iis airie report tire ]argent crovds lest - ------ irad bea ta ve efr.Webt ireen unaened it iln trepurrirase of tire Immense- empire af Snady Irà eWr befre WWirà MEW LAWS FISHERMEP EFFEcT Amendo-vents t Game Act, y 1- imprtnt ameadr rit fiilv.rerean gislatume. vent la Among tire mont ting a seasan on change ln tire lsv near a dam anmd ai 'tire lava regarding ment &a d sale of mals and bides,. Ufider tire nov ai hig basa flsbing. ttu tends f rom MasyI1, ulve. During tuig îe enght oniy i- irc tire>'are cauglît in i tire lev directs liraI turned t tire val iroav>' pena ilv mai tire vioator. Restrictions are s lonitirand numirer may ire heurt viic taches un lenglir am alioved to castch o' day. Tire next, imponi ishod tire penaltya' witin 100 fted âmendment provide me>' tIsh irvithlia mal kanti uný i lt ment . l1.-ri-tofî,re. Bons5 vor- fliDrd for o1f proiston. The. HUntir The o tI-n 5r-asof .:eParing aimai.lia trom Nov 1 Io IiM shall close Jan t 1 lowed ttr ar-llonrlui tire hidi-i of any fu Tthe former pn<îvauol tihe is.st day. As lte 1ev 110vr lowee tla sdI or b firaI utrainn a pf s traliper aliowed tr 'w.-or G.: L TH] FOR FAC SCALP TI Tollet Prt CON SU OFFICE Ovor Roart

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