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Libertyville Independent, 14 Jul 1921, p. 4

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~AoeFOIR 11MEUBERTYVILLE PENM, THMJSAY, JULY 14, 1921. ] Bruno Radtke of Oak Park bas Pur- _ I c g ýthased a lot ln the County Clerk Addi- Libery le Independent ADTOK IETVLENW ADDIIONA LIB RTYVLLE EWS, tion on Austin Ave., Libertyvîlie, and -_- _____i& uidiazLewt~dnc o i M ~ for, h a Btti.PotofceatLbetvile II. aSeon laamil lit ter H En n M'nNI The Misses Emnia ad Ethel Titus, -Mn.H Il oet îeryil ? - l'r ne % ntoHighland Park Tus- Florence Lucelt oDrotby McLaughln, a ona h os srayfro .UIJSSRIPTION PRICE-41.5a PER VEAR, STrRICTLY IN ADVANCE. day oatnd te uneral of 1 li Fox Jean Schanck, Dorothy Rearn, Dorothy cuîîancy. More new houge - ae bintheCniy Ofic Tlehos umber 1, Libertyville Exchange, 141 iIy who wre il in an automo- Davis, and Elda Klepper liked to the ui n n rund the~ village this aus y W.J MT ... - dtrbl cident in soutliern Indiana laat Bulkley Woods Saturday afternoon years than for the past tive or six th m om o d y m r P. O. SiTH ---- - . F.. . . .. aae riday. Mrs. Fox was formerly Miss and held a picnic, This waýs strictly a years.NilgsetclraotteE~U~~E8 V~I~~II' Ir.ci.SMIH ------- - -- ---- ..... ....... :ngerAnne ome!o Lake Zurich, and ber girls' affair and aili Iad a pleasant building boom. but Jus! a stesdy addli- iilg and get acqualnted witll 014^8. D. NALLEV .-.- -----.--- ---- ------------...........Local Manager parents reside tlîere. They were well time. tion to the housing farilities.h u n cu n ---- inown in Libertyville and vicinitY. _____________________________and________________and__ WA TER A'IHIG N T ORTHM Waler McLaukhlifl was called -toi wring and lift scores of heavy With thse three members of the Libertyville board of trustees, Messrs. lai Day Wednesday un accoutto Grmmtt Hfeian ndSti-, avngvoedto award a contract at Miss "&Useam ng ple es Grmiit, aemnnan tumhai..voean In, wbo passed amal h ie High;- 1 ujCf TWO AND A HALF TIMES AS MUCH a a lower bicider offered to do ladPakr ptawhr st*wsWrestle with wash boliers filied witb boiling ie work for, there is ample reason for the taxpayers of the village to removed about a week ago. alter be- ae.Sop n tec n edutlbc &crtinize their work f rom now on with utmost care. They may seek to ing ovepiýome with the heai. FuIll pa-ae. Sopadsrtc n edutlbc exIasthirrasn terfr.bu he il b ui o soe-thse factI ticulars o ftbe death of the loung lady .* 5I7 and arms are. breaking. 15 thak they purchaseci sometiing at TWO AMD A HALF TIMES WHAT wl egvn utMe.Aganst Accidents Then, peraps, youllI understand why mother is IIIE COU.D HAVE BOUGHI- FOR-and they useci the publicSI Miss Jeanetie Taylor arrived home do ~~t. is: Monday roni a tnp to Niagara Falls a p n it o rA to o ie ot Iooking so weII this sommer. snd several othen points o! interestr And yauil be Riad to know that you can relieve Mother Tlie Datural thought that arises intise mincis of'tise taxpayers ili teeaetern part of the country. Oue. Was there anything in it for themn to soi grossly misconduci village busi. 1 was witb a party of friends f rom - ail1 this ttil by having, us do your family washing. nm?ff Dot, WHY would they do such a thing ? What personal motive Nçortbwestern UTniversity. 'Miss Taylor sur --your iCar intiOld We7Il wash everything So carefully that even tise most coldimeltbm o e rasl marprset is txpyesAn, f ill send athe hre fi-n r e vaa-critical cant, complain, and wiell return joeur bundle with èhey wce eselling sosnething belonging to thse village, would they follow Driondher a! .Tbeybor o! lier aanents *,.1 *t m I Âthr toiron sinilar course? If tisey'd do sucis a thing inone case, wouldn't tisey D.adMs .L alr LineiCompanies that jal e ih icsli o ahrt rn -do it in another? If tisey'd brazenly do it openly' what WOUIJ they do Lîberiyvîîîe last Fiday viating Prof.Tyithiwek Shlleleer0musbttr d steaihuly in case they badi a chance? Chas. D. Nicholîs. Mr. AkIey vas en offer real Insurançce. you will too. JUST PHONE FOR OUR DRIVER. Thse1 Independent doèsn't care a whit olver the Ioss of the smnall route to Pasadena, LCali.. where hie amount of business that is entaleci. It is flot enough out of the total uectato locate. He je a profiinent THE RELIABLE LAUNDRY Alîe v his.~e to cut mucis figure one way or another. MIS' r S msîla, nh asMreo nvatgiteunderers, Dry Cleaners and Dyers, ~ -~1 -i~iora~ ~the corremmo!ndence course viMaM. Phonie_ Ni tyÜ'"7E- oi the three trustees who pshxamfully violateci their oath of office i pressed witb tht, excellent worlt nr. doins ýht te aeu d thivrythngwadeidntNchollel.i dolni. Few People inLib. AUl form of Iinsurnçe- Covera______________________ Ihat tisey hadi their mincis md tdotsveyhigw vdn ertyvîlle are avare of the scope of the f s.iTh aeu dsefl ui.av te a work Mr. Nichoils is putting out. t! is fin the outset. Ont of tht trustees even adinits te having a grievance big aerl ogtbyiuiiusas'assf. d. n i Ieed lemtsee r e c s t. .l. agaznst tdis paper. THEREFORE. THAT BEING THE CASE, WHY DID 1 band Inen ail over the Unted !States.Mlaâynwl . ovaeimdw'mee isti o TMIE VE BOTHER TO ASK FOR BIDS for tht village printing? If - Atteajundmeigo h - thty were not thinking of P1.AYING THE GAME HONESTLY, why go 1 lage boeardjou rue ee tn dth ily to the trouâble of~ having bicis effereci at al? 'Twoucid have aved I ot night, Dennis Llmbenry's appointment of camouflage if theyd just said they dicln't neeci bicis, that they were as village manahal vas confinmed. Mn. powers witiin themnselves and 'without tht Jaw, and therefore would1 Limberry vas named by President J. do as tht>' pleaseci, no matter what tht ceat to thse taxpjers. iS. Hytt ai the first meeting ater the sping lection. but the huard of tru..- Yts. thisgroas misconduct in effice of these îisree officiais brandsis ees refusai lut-n-tifv th- -.uuOlntie' IbIi. at once as being in the class of public officiais wiso need watch- ansd MnI. Limberny has been a hoied-Over im& anc the Indlependent WRI watch them tirougheut their term. fromu last ïean. The board meets next Ldirtyvilk boards in thse past have dlont same things which dici not Monday night. when the question of a but eye beorehas ucha sameul volaionof ea~village treasuren ill igain ha seem just proper. btnvrbfr as uhasaeu il tiste tned u taxpayers' rights Leen executeci as m itiis case. lt was the most brazen, thteaMost rotten, piece of village business ThmeLibertyille base bail tesmu vii hemii of oWc-tinirs, andi the question iil continue to previ theT'hIs promises to tbathe rtea as-i T~ 6 caUiU1t7 *'Wisy did they, do it? Was there anyting in it for them nthsea.adagocrd oU' -ON SALE SATURDAY, JUýY 16 fw awarci a contract at TWO AND A HAI TIES wisat lit coulci have b ha nud. The Highland Park clubte purliaec fo?"bas beau 'cleauing up" on tbeir opPo- In sons of these records Brunswick casts seriousness asîde for the moment, and invites th hu uc»dfr"nents, sud the Libertyville teain has a world to dance te the most fascinating assortmeflt of dance music ever recorded! Corne n. Tht Iacependent's circulation b"o& are offn tb any repsu l ean recordni bhaving met defeat let us play eni for you. ctim fr carefulinspection andi the subterfuge thty think this or that this vear. The teani reports for ne 10034 T&O WWidCa't GoRound Wfthout Yeu (J.rdos-Lamb4@bW<8u) Supprua. DoethwJardo way as regards circulation is benk. pure bunk, a camouflage of tise tice ai the Fair Grounds eacIi Tuesday 11.00 t.(uitat) .r h Soi. tcenecieneugis iir circulation matters to eveninquire wisether the Inde- The egularniouibll îîîeeting of their. ie mi S orenad) Bib. u...é ie Sll E" ram 1.2 3"9"ré meo (=Alamid with Cati Fot..'.OrdesUs pendent haci twice tise circulation of tise other Libertyville paper- or Commercial Club will he held in the B.Ds wooalIBlueo (nhomj> ArmeI (Homard)m whetiier it printeci but a handful--it hasn't mattereci to them until, try- club roonis nexi Monday iebiForera a»dI Aiu'tFm-" igto use lit as a cloak. tht>' betrayeci their trust as they dici on îast nTionetnul h eeî !aulaLbo No A Lk Ls asim .Id rsl eaa m mbu imhu Mg tun ai the las! dinnar of the clubbuiS 14uM Aié. . Famk Fu ie,.Cod md uoui a rht- June l6th. Impuotant business wW .uhi Is.(o, H'). AI Barmaid wth Caoi Fotons Orchestra Modyevtnrng. 2107I Fme anmd Johnla(LeigkAto F-,o) -. . .ABamdwthaiFuts cota in-- - - s a om. if îisey would do a thing of tiis sort in suçh a simaîl matter whatc weuld tise> do in case something big came up to themn for disposition? n - tsotthing for a man-to be isonest and-not have to prove il, but it is another thing to HAVE TO PROVE çneý's ionesty of intentions in public maters-anci this trio is goibg to have a riighty isard time ex- plaining .-their position in handling pdolic funcis- in such a shamieful umner. - According to reports from tise Fox Lake region, tisey'rea putting Etiser into booze to give it a "kick '-and as a re- suit, several men have -kicked the bucket" lately in a ver>' mysterieus maniner, some folks believing it dueto tise ef- fects of ether. Well, men who MUST have thet"kick" don't setm teo care much wisat tht final effecta are, so tht>' migistj as well dit by tise ether-route as carbolic acid. Ont seems about as certain as tde other. - Tise parole law of Illinois may be ail right in some re- spects, but in others it is way off. For instance two men convicted of heîping plan attacks on barber sisops in Chi- cage got a two year sentence, after being found guilty- now 500 men petition for their parole after two montisa have been served. Wha*s tise use of expensive trials and even af the worry and trouble if af fenders are ta get aut a lmest before tisey get in. 'Tis is tise season whcn '*rocking thse boat" is popular and fatal. ise first fatalit>' of the snasan took place Sun- day at Diamanci Lake when a lufe of a boy was the price paid for a boab fact of -rocking tise boat." Whesever you set anybody rocking tht boat in deep wateir, "bw them out." -tht>' don't knaw wisat tiey're doing. Tise place for tisemi is Elgin. reports of the various comuîiitees. A full ai tendance of thtenîcuihas la de.- sired.- SecretaryMaersaYs tfiure sIJI bu col drinks (ue'mnind vhs! kind) and cigans, sud rends lits appeaî oe tht munihens vith tht word COME. Harry mason. enîployed ait te H. W. Robhtns Woodworking plant, mut v.Îtti a vury painfu! accident at the facton> Wednesday morning. lie as oPerat- ing wbat is kuov-n as a jointen, an.! in some tuanuer bis haud was auglit in the machiné. andîl ii- apidly r- volviug knives severed ont o! bis fiD- gens sud laeeratedanoîher- on thet Ici baud. He vil! carry ýhat baud in a sling for soutlime. A vacation us d nicu îluing just ait ibis imie, but Hani ssys bu vould prefer liai m il cutue iu s different manuen. Roy P. Wiiglît bas annouuued li rusignation as cashier of tht Lalie County National Bank sud wyul lusseý nex! Mouday tu assume a Position a-, assistant cashier of thtetOmaba Ni- thoua! baud, Omaha, Nub. Mn. Wright bas been one o! the main coga lu the Libertyville business mjachine, sud bis absence vii ha keenly feIt. Htebhs taken a prominent part lu religious sud social affairs lu the village, sud ha leaves hart witb tht good visbcs nf everyoue, vbo hope te set hlm suc- ceed lu bis broadened fileld.' Alban Llndrotb vîlI takea aPîosition ilu th? bank. te assîsi vitî thte vorlt left b%. Mr. Wright. Now that thing are picking up R bit, ane jon patting a littie MoDey Rev. sud Mrs. Earl C. Mor gan vene îLito the savings bank every -day. The men wha saVed l"st jear now tbe "bosses" o! a party composud o! how eSay it wfts to gt pant the rainy days of this year. Yenl better ge Boy Scouts sud Came) Fine Girls on a ate the dams that insures againt the rs.anY weatÉer. It's labie te corne trip lu Chicago- Monday. Tht party any time.had dinuen at a famous Chinusu e s.i isunant. sud then sptut nosi utfime dav at tht nev Fied Museuiti. Tliose Anyway wed rather be a DELIQTJENT tax-payer than a taxdodger , wo made lime tril, are: athrn id Thet oi'iiir ofteutiints is ont who usuflot acrape enough rnoney together Vers Morse, M1avis (iallowa) (;Iiad> e te psy his taxes-the -other is the ont who RAS it but wants the oth7er Eger. Inez Schauck. Glsdys Lyomn. Jo:- filwte Pay RIS share . ephint Egur, MYnIe Sage, i-etuîîaî Uolî ~~IIov ~~~eubung, Flonence ILqvelh. loi,'ol That tain of Thursuiay vas surely s blessing. It caused people te Jack )llenmaler, 13adIeý Audreu, utter words of thanka as they realized what it meaut te the parcheil crops1a IGoneton, obem Agbey WIlt Fr- and incidentaUly te half-baked (ve 55y it as it readi. net as it sL. , HyaettIe, ohn Coly, AhnuyWtlt. Fo people. Pdley McCiain Myritu Smale. J- mi LocÀ - - --SisortItems NIrs. WilliamIn Ger'alil W3un of Tuesdas xîsîting .MislitesJedlig Ca, roil.is iserinuel 'uuautu.i Ali-nbuî visite-ul Tuu-sday m W. PIrazun, Jr. I l e n ('ai * ruuday Schionl el Rtoundl LaukeTues T h e a.u n n u a l po ie Lutheran cbunch P atternoon a! Copeli was a large atteni eut reported a pleî Foresut Sib tht Scoutmaster of Ti take charge of thî F1oresut is ie firit master o be namek tyvlls local cunci Benel car --Ge which ÀAC Lake Total "J]i Auto 1 be or Shop Tlei Bui Get We c~ plans are and let us CeaI Tine- Is GettinI Near

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