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Libertyville Independent, 14 Jul 1921, p. 8

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THE SERTVILE ID EXrl THUMSAY JULY 14, 1921.____ _______________________ UMM 1~ON- TIREE IOOZE COUNTS; ietrof Lakeside hotel ati ~x Lake made two sales jury iinds %tI Bein, propnefooi of thie Lake' a boltlaf Fox Lake, who lestIf ied b"d seven bartenders. wlic were ItýbIsY drawing near bear on Deco- ftDY. was found guit' on three Utlate Prlday affernoon by a Jury Sebunty court. was con "icted en îwo sale, 1 Une for keeping intoxicating Il- )r lor sle. The Jury returned the l4tf ai 6.45~ o'ctork afici- being ouf w. ashort finie. l'h beer was5liauled to Fox Lake a, Trevor, W l,. via auto truck and l a Isbled non-thfoxlcating MMwa on the witxfess stand in t oWn behl an ffd froni bis evidence vau leerned lie does a thriving buai- la duirng hoidays; He testified his V" bartenders sold 14 barrels of br lt two days. but flie cf almed it a non.lntoxcstlflg. dMU testltied he tormerly was in tbatelier business in (Chicago. He f benc operat lng the L.akeside hotel titre. or four years. GM8T11 fiRÀDEý (Continued lrom Page One) À*ther Chrlstensen WIUdred J. «uli 441mieve Sanborn PIith lfMai Bdar Mact. S.Hunier. Pearl Il. Mnie ýXatgiart M. Golden ýÈt[îls éR. Brodlc 1WOèey E. Stary ýetade E. Muscb Gum«aie choof. JOkSWes Ir. Brown. làbdui E.'Johnson, LeursX. 8tedman. Musflce G. Dx n. MU«le M. Stubbs. paul U Swanson. JgOMph E. DeVries. 90"»U Hania. iDrmu thi Mcutuh. GrAysiake OSebool. AMla 8. Hook. ilb#ena Lehr. ÇM IL olduer. týf« D. Barron. 1~A. Wlghtman. It9Ujer Horenberger. 1 l*rShrman. ,ý T. Joansen. >ielf Day Sehool. Plorence-Maei;yeculer.0 *bleen Wylle. 'Mbred Stancliffe. luloipli (. Hansen. *wst lndatrom. .tuila Gleuson. JIlience E. Maether. Arthtur H. Herschberger, ï, - ex. -Jbia chr hol 4korge Gleselw. Ymouit Siyrne JMwart Ernst. Valter J ilaurf Maergaret M. nk. Wauoonda Schocl. florothea ýE. Stroker. Iargaret E. Daley. * Uwln Seelbach. Jr. Wright. R. Faraswortli * W'reerlck C. 8eelbacb. antevillIS chool. Authony TrafIks. On'rrac1ks. . e6orge Wblte * PrankhlnHendee. Lyle Ia.'L'oftus. Saugatuci School. Paima DeMeyer. amli DeMeer. C4ild!'Van liecke. Wllile H. Thomas. Gras@ Lake s choof. VÉra Marie Netson. 'Charles G. Paddock. JusAmnlger. ~4orge Anzlngei. G, agea Lake SohNof. 14ertrtide 3. Portegys. a j .'erry. z M6Wâ. Portegys. 'ggrtha F.Chard. Pr.aces U Beai. Swan choof. Akibert N Srensen. ,AMber A. Grabbe, Axel B. Larson. P Leonard W. Wagiiei Ilvtrit Scheul. Mary ýB. Yore. lielen M. Tulloy - EmaVan, Landuyf. Oruce Lake Schoof. EVeIyn Harriet Wrigt, 1 charlotte G. Plutitis. WilmOét choct. K.fely chool Ufhbh lTlU 0Al o * ee ** * * o S R. flf1 UNIAN Edna Hd. Hornl. PJIJU UuILII'Ji1 * WAvkUCoKDooA !.AL VI3I Perlev G. Nîta. R Mit Iburn School 01. rs aci0f lg pethOe lent . .& I.C A IJ. 1tîttian 1- Sro-î-1- Mildred McCarth' WikU mothferwMri5 hs Dii .Wè ra i M1~LE 1.K B LE'moher M. Cas a"tî *gj~jfl18WANT ID-A 0000 COMPETIENT WANTED-One o rtwo glood Hoisteli Clofrd Hare N IEFOR SA E su WDeay. i ata hcg uiu T l N 8 GIRL FOR GKNSRAL NOUS£. 1cows; fresh or to freshen 800n, Pr3 t' a drduyS. WRKSMLLFAMYiNvWSM fer tuberculin testd. E WllCOX t'n E.oowrd . C.L.ratt was a Chicago business.ComINO MRS. SMITH, - N. GENESEErs I II hn 7-- 9 Luo c . !Charles Kennedy fou1IU gyilty; 1 îator Tuendiay. Co mittee appoinited Thurs- ST., WPUKEGAN, PUONE 429. .ArsII.Poo7lR22t MaceinG. e s h. was convicted only a short «M::ey to ' bas been on the sik. day atternoon to complte WAT£ -Mn r wom«a totakeor JOIEHOSCISLAWSKY & CO- Marclin G.i ýliâtforthepasit wek divrd ur-arrangements ~Spaulding time ago mh alg hi. plaea H E. Mai-Ifo ignflega5ee ho.ry GN.LL-Fode0fnepnut Walter H. Wright. 1frteglmn um» ob7iGN L.Fuiro needu AnIrse3nWllîan's store, The 43rd annuf reunion of the 'fui lin. for mon, voSm or oldrel. Reas, Estate Agency at Cuba, N. Y., FOX Laite chqoo. Chiarte,, Kennedy, poprietot, of al Merlin Hughes of Crystal Lake vis, Lake courity.soldlers and sallore willl Butminates darnint. W. »ay 75e.anAtlegany County. Have the bient ferme Lllian E. Kazlauîîiy. resort ai Druce Lake, was ?'ied and'ilied Wauconda triends Sundsy. 1 be lieldln %Waulçegan on Aug. 1-4 andi bour sparsfUe, or 184.00 a weei for wlth gond buildings, wlth fine Hostein Heunian Swenson. fud1 ît ncut cut'lue enw~ o uî ksvstd. ,it WZas declded Tlitrsday atter- fflitinte. Ex.muerleue unneOea7.1cattie; fipes bornes and ail necesary ArhrH ker i on utyl onycutTum enX iFofTns ka vhd MrhiedGH o W anlr. day etternon on a charze of havlng at the home of bIs grandmnof lerr. 0000nat a meeting of menîber3ansd Write International Stooking IIMîtta, iachluery. wlth great orchard on ev. Mide .Hwr 1.1 îi o al lhsAieGerfu ek elegiatcs in G. A. B. hall. Watiiegsi., Norrlstown, Pa. ery place; trou forty to slzty dollars Phuînian Hanna. ýtûielafing tcirfrsl dlt lc erls ek A coniiif ttee wa4 appointed to per actre, încluding ail stock, Iforma- Quenttn's Corniers ýcicool. place of business. The Jury wblclî Mr. and Mns. C. A. Golding and chil maie tîhe neccssary arrangements. FOR SALB--Caoîce raldojice lots ozL lion ac.2 quIck service. Honest Eleanr .Stri iard tlîe case round limi i gujîf on drefl f Chicago spent tlhe week end ai [lus organizaf li conslsting of C.eo. 'McKinley Ave. Mm. Grimes. i-tl; dealngs. 24-tf DailS..oecui.Tia h eodcn hie home of Mr. and Mr %Vni . lItiiofoon of Lake Forest; S. F.-._________ Mahef Sockel tîction forini. On May Io lie M'as Golding. tireenleaf. John M?. 1esleY, John WANTEIJ-31rl to do housework, wîtb FOR SALE- A tarin of 404 acres in Grace Sturtît. lire. Jerusha For atcîîssed awa'. uf 1Pag an Prd Wrthof W~aukegan. or w lthoiit eliierience! good psy; Allegsny county, New York, AIl Aptakîtic schooi. tried for self ing lntoxlcating liquor li er home lu this village lIset Satrda TI l e bvfff icsssSte(l hfle follow nice home. WrIte to Mrs ira. 2-let-el anmotpduieladnte Alexander unton. He pleadeil guitty saif Wii fi oeil$1tJO, rnlng, Juîy 9tli. nerat srviesing repregentatîves otittîî- sartou: N. LÀnden Ave., Highland Park, Il, or coufft';soonte machInery; a 14-roolu llarotd E. (,les. iand costs.i were held at tehmeMnaîf ter îatrlotir organîzatlotia . . telephonie Hghland Park 167. -26-3Î house; haro; poultry house for 1500 Cný -tnse ott on St oa M-SF. ela.WnnsR-chîciens; hog liouge for 100> head of (aroline E. ljîisclî. olit th, case Tliursday. inese otin i1:30 o'clock. flurialtook oac S FGrenef.Wntn'dR rd 'il Sg mad e raiano eedP oita1 yneief C Mn. NfiWRA.l»NTîer fflc huEIork îuat btetgr ood - eri osan otene$a ^ n S hoo . 'le ine li placeadrin ing. They cn- iIP ; A.R . a n e R a ,o h h u e o k; m â c g d Cook ; lngs. H o mses and 13 bead of cattl e go MatnF 1 einutela co niabt he nly cof Mr- adMGPam A.< R, IiahrSos references requlred; three ln tamly with the farm. This tarm was bouglit "nau fisateda. onsierabe qantiy of Mr andMrs.Pear Vrtt ad so Ro W Bache, Sns o Vetxani $1 perw$12 H.W.rCok.ek.eBlH., W.meCIo$2.00; kel oil fr $1,00 Sarui 1 catni oîe . boftled wliskey. The officers saltl of Syracuse,.1N. Y., are stîcncing a twu Alîîeît L laiAtii-ean Lgi . i I.Tf e hore730. b> me for $12.000 a îl cinydse oc1500 >SrahK. Csif own. thta Kennedy confessed to theni that weeks' vacation althle thonte tofMi Mr. J. 1). Tîhbati., Ladies' .uxilf 11 000 cash and 1,000 per year. This Lairý E. Vafrowhnf. le hat been selllng Il. Kennedy dld and Mns. C. L. Pratt.,ui>utlî Aniemican el.gion. FOR SALE -Teanmot work homses,.1 l s one of the greatest bargains luaa William B.H.i 1t fo ti he l e tn r.WlimSs n hildren oft . G Hnderf. Spa:nliWsi i efev 4 years and one 6 years old; welght good tarot to ho had ln thîscountry, Bertie WalaceAnteCaeO Tdy Kenosha are vislting ut tlhone, ans. 1601) tach. Can ho seen on Sexton sud le worth $50.000; sold 11 yearsa Tlîe case of Paul Bein. proplretorl t the formers parents. Mri, îs-fsrin. on Milwaukee rosd. Mite Am-afro for $7501. Three liundrfed acres Jorie E.ad ler. onreialIneCi..e i of urtatFo aitoeph Turnbull. brome. lhonè.Waukegan 975. 28-21 cao be ployed wlth tractor, balance ot Mfarie E.Keader. wa fIoneralbFcOIfy niri od> f MaiL ad e ott i erswho raided hie Place, 1 i M. sud Mre - H.E. Mfaiii A tie[ n rcÀ certptces F SALE f'nusuatîy gond 7 . K lan pastr eveud tiner seven fn Lak BuffSdOuf lne 2 testltied fo listing selred se'.le oudae in McHenr> ut t tiitires, ni Ijaspot purens at e ye allgspyu PltSBSERA"ugelJefin Mccdttrshunper 5ai ureilter 1Iahsohutely gusrantee liglitCsudoraayextras. lncldu euevervthing to he as rehiresçOnted.* '.Vlted FC arksn uat caes o er ord Itç-oice. anr - rtM s .N iitetaiE r .M raP so.Willa d bstfen Price $65000. h-ewes 1 a v eetls foh rfn Heln . altnfi ter Wîteu mfrMl foieii M, and Mra Trui-c> lase> ioiNew :SbaihafiSeloot at 945 B.a. iohveasit]otoi.hrfn f une K. Freeman hu nob anoffîcer lnftîe vmpiloy of targe alntoe n Gnse i Wahtr N.Heler fi taute-watfre.-etfli 0 i kngVm Ct.annouoce ihhe hîril fi iia freactuing ai 11. a. ni.-.'rupte otiltiGrg.trn v ndGnse farmi, and wlll refond airoad taire AioLk.Hotet. Under cross examinat ton<otf -Gustie"' uiorongi'egation aijd mi tfSTf> A'!32fn portunf o fffol Aineî .a col yJameke. - hfrth deenîliGood-fiusi- Afit ai-e weltoine - heieo.cîed floisi, general nurner >b ettie in une uft Ohe ttcounties lu .HarriiîE.: odge - lie admtted fiat bheâtliait .~ rat IIJIIE' LANIS irUIJ ian adee. at pr Fîifik Baiîiigiirtnîei drinks 0f intoxicating iquor tiefori jPaik ilat6 1). i.i Prof. Hlhonitl.st Sah r nent positiIon; isiamiditAddmcss C. A.iiiie big iiiooey frîunî flicstlir. Ths Franktin Doton. lie went to the Lakesîde.gi a noe hruhv>C. aendpnei gjstebs aryndee-lfrmg Hawthorn Farm Schoot. l.'emesg hswe ile cutyiteUnedSas.C e Gerda Tliorgren. TA EN BlDA B ie - s,. oihltfA corl ?dfFO0R1SALE Ford anddtr.at S", tu ~ ~rîc a Rs-JanahesenBA D STAND 15 Prayer miefting Wednesda> eveoing. ,-is, in A-I shafie; very clieap; wl York 26-tf 1 'oe ak cel RIIA , J LboT l> 21). Toptul or-discussion, 'What 'taie your eat- in tr-d.ideRtSTIC. Hall - Margaret Kanlager. T A EI___is the Most Important Eelenicof in the!,1)ay, 111. Phone 285J-2. 28-21 Firut In Laists ouny-Tha INDE. White Sch0ol. T BE 14TOVEille Traiuing of the Spiritual Life.' Runi -nawîhac- PENDENT. Dorothîy Melow. (Contimutedf -Tnesday, Juty l9th, will he the An- HOIJSEKEEPEII WANTED,- -Gonfle-________________ VeoSho.The achool clsildmen of liheit'vi nual Sabhatli School plcnil Rud nanwt n grown daugliter. wlio VeaM. V'ase>-. CENTRAL PARL tos(flas8t Fiday a comîtanion, anî tuitn Lake. Ail who have automobiles aie. is awa> aIl <ay. wants housekeeper: S.lla 9E m Edd e rifnn. oo.adults u inspiration in lie deaili of requested [to donate tliem tfir[lie day , work easy,*,a good home for the riglif w uu.s MS Strn Shol.'Rthe"Landis. for transportation.. The Sabbath School ; î>eson. V. rite lu or rail on F. N. Tom. TrdiepHoffman . Due tu thue'numerous complaînts e- RIuth Marguerite Landîs wus hoo n n cholars will be ;fl[fie churcli hy 9:301 min. 4:3 BrtoadiwayNort h Chicsgoj DIAMOfl BAN Elizabeth Rockentiscli celved. the Park Bord us muoving the insdaIte.tIllouis, Miircti 8, 1908. She fli te inoiung. 28-Zi Long Grave Schot. îecenthy completed band stand froit*ia csnie wlth lier parents and tther ment- Boy Scouts wiIl meel t i e ctuh I te t.tiaows bers ofthfle fsmily to Libertyville in ooni Monda>- eveuing, instead of Tues- WANTEIS Woîian to taie charge ofl 1-4- Jittis J. Kafibrenem . Cook Memorlal Pari to Centmal Pari. 1916. .Most of hem ichouf wori wait day. A bg meting open taait Scout.,. bosîsllng ouse; mîut be experiene C; w . Grange HllI Schoof. The attiltude ot the people desiring flic donc in the LibertyviIte grade schoole8. There witf he lots of wori sud lots tut!icdasd able [o cooi tor twelve me'n; DT-1 Coon Ochool. .chunge in the location ut the band IHem churcli uffiliaftions were wih lie tun. permanent position and good wages à*y- ,. «.. t ssifor C7 :; cmIS-TU a ConSho.stand it liard taudcrrt and, when iut, Preshyterlan churchi CampîtFit-e ;iils wîltmneut authflicto righi-periiou Address Lewis Witt, 1 -1oi',8S 0Nmosn R lftBecîu.li coushdered jhat Central Pari la eîtl-: 'Ruthie" suttered a ses sic spinal ai- Nianse tun Monda> evening, iustead ut' Longwood Faroi. Laie Villa. 1I1. 281t sîb r, T., LZ me J:rua. *uterlei Shosl.uated tia amucli lower level and not' aci whîen four- years tut age, which Tuesday. A big meeting foi afl th( c.a u i-cui..îet~uvU Rtissell H. LIII.as etrally hcated, f hus restricting' lef t lier crippled and easity susceptible menihers. L OS T- West of Leentleld, mans ,,';.*,.r A'aykis. C von ce iaeicol. theariabeneflîed by -te weklyban 10the rav.ages of other dîseasie. Choir practice Fritiay evening. F.J 1bonsi of.cnann e s ad LO BY -A I..L GIS' Costac schit- 1 .CMWI t'. F concerts,. About, the first of No'.ember ast abe Wright, director; Mrs. Fhora Ituranit-Eh s 1pin.' Finder will ilndfy Phone ~ E Tt woutd seeni that f licie objections becaoi'r Sedtast, sud hus remainei a organlat. fleerfleld 255. 28 it ~~j R ~i! Schultz School. would he elîminsteti by leavlng f he failent. yef withla cheerful, sutterer Fred Hutt. stand' in the Cook Memtoriat Park-s tint il death reîeased lier froni pain on- _________ - --.-'.-- - Rosevîlle Schoof. more aporopriate place under thle cir. FiidaY, JulY 8. 1921. Sarahî F. Lowett. cunistances. There survive tie sarente. Mr. and BuÀsh sehool. WItb tew exceptions., tle band stand Mrs. John Landis, and the oilhowing Mariau A. Slusaeî-. in most towus is ocated as near the isîcr-%ansd brotheî's: lrene. Charles, Grubb Schoot cventer of' towO as possilhe-uualyJon. Ettene. anti 1-Icen. Also the Mat-ion E. Nea4ousý lu tlie business district-by pptr grandiparents, M. anti Mrs. Charles Channel Laie Sehocf. consent. Lîbertyvltte sentiment liow- Landis. and Mrs. Welseustein. C'ornelia \Il Robertst. eyer. seenis to ditter radicalhy in thus "Rtthie' tiadtsatide circle uf friendts. Russefll SchoI. respect. ýA layniaî c she never coUld become h No B y »Y u Franes . Nweil Cosidringthedificuly o man.hecause uf pli>sicat limitations; but iddfscomb Schoof. taiulng s baud in previons >years, anti ler tl'.ing disposition made lier a mucli essie it XWalace......... ... the increaued iuteî-est ahown ths >ear. soulgit conilaotio Hem sunsliiue made York House School. when it vas kuotun thut the band wasbei aun npiratioun ta mnaoy adot. Thet Ilessie Lutisas. coing "up town.'"i eis ooba.smpt e f lCcommnitygesoi Hickory Sheli. that any Change shoulti he matie. If la to thie faniuf> andI especially 10 Mrs. Eftv R. Clristeusen. to be laped [bat the band i ltf not tsndis, wio lias heen twjce bereaved (fuertion Worth. titis move. Gut whly the mnove? paesed away lese than ten tinys ago 1Rotift4 Lakre Seisoof. Baudmanter -Nichonse and theý boys- Miqctsjf thse-uerd aIn lu wa - 'erma R.- Pif z. ofthfle viiole baud are rather t4 o f lie Cani.u. Pire Girls. .-Four of the ___________ çmmeuded fgr the excelent concerts i pîder girls, scfcd us pani bearers-MIss- 000000 000000 0 t00 ey are furishing each Ttursday eve- es Inez Sciark.Mvis GlOwaYA ningheytae, udot hefnendraetiCteine Morse ad G>1 ho gr.isMr<' Thei 0.- A RE A 0 forte for the bonefit of [lie- peope o tut r nienibézm- of flie o'gauizatiou 000000000000000000 ine'.ery wsy. Houai the band, and if Ithe' Siate. assistant guardian. sang. Au t oMoIIi l Mrs.hD. H. Hoînues entertaineti the yau must' inoci. taie yonr little otd Tliere were aima groupit troni Rthie's gravel pitrsudlt mite thelrfs ae outhfiegrad tyville B andA. Trop fo. nti 2.- fohowng ai a beacti arty utjIligllunti' lamer otundimeto he u rf ake orthetyadvi luot S, ti a rop ro n l-No' nd E j y 1'i C r D r Park Saturday aftemnonsud cvening: water. where gond liart inucks can The tuncrat stas lietti in the Preshy- o an 4 j y Yo r C r D - Mrn r. George Rossanson.' do but t itye damage. t erian churc.ît. witli buriat at Laiesitie. AysdIe*d M.andhy;M adhomrs J M ' Mel'n im antiMr. TndisRusM.ing, the lot Summer Months? Wade sud Irwlu Homes. fluddy Kane of Damond Laie sheut1 several days asat veek whth lus grand parents. Mr. and Mrs. H. Kane. Mr. and Nirs. E.E. Roder at teti the funerat ut M. Gise tat Long Gi-ove Sunday. Mise Mnnie Meyer was a Chicagu vsitor Saturday.t Miss Florence Beaumnsn 0fRouondi Laie lis aoeuding flic veek istfh fier lister, Mrs. Harry Mcrlde. Mr. amt? Mis. Henry iublank enter- taiued relit ives front Barringf on tasi Sunday. Mr. sud Mrs. lý H. Bîtlui wcrc Round Laie tisifors Suntsy. Miss Ruthu Wells of Chicago sîleot ftle '.eei end witlî Ares relatives. Mn and Mrs. E. Wlcox attented if e fumeraI of a retati, e al batiesvilte tuai Saturdtqy. M. Sud Ers. H. Kane anti daugîîîeî Genesieve apenf Sunday 'tith Mi. anti Mrs. Heury- Lulman. Mis. Lester Jurreti is apending se%- r erah days tuithi fricnds anti relativesf 1n Miwaukee. Mrs. Bert Cianiberin and suns 0i1 lvunhue and Ms. Chîarhes Chumberlin aient tfli week end wîtli relatives in Chirago. Mr. anti Mis. Thomas Russell entet- taineti reativ.eslfrein Wsuiegan ast Sumday - Mr sund Mrs. 1*iand Jarret f .ere Wauicgan visitonsSuntis>. ni. ant i-MS. Peter Nelso CIut 1li rago calleil on Area friend i SUuay Miss Mabel Johnson ut Lfberyv. i calted ou Mr.andi Mrs. G.Mtzner Suntiay. Mn. aud Mrb. M. Il Wells and Mr. and Mrs. b. H Wels niotoreti to Elgin Sunday. .- J. W. Chandier matie a businessi trip to Chicago Sunday. A cash payment -of $287,50 puts this car at your door with the small balance of a little over $1.00 a day payable in monthly instalments. There is No Interest Charged. COME IN, and let us talk over with you' our reasonable payment plan at 358 Central. Ave., Highland Parr, Illinois. Open evenimgs until 9 o'clock. FRANCIS L, WOOLLEY Telephone Highland -Park 237 HIGHLAND PARK; ILLINOIS. VOLUME XXE WfetcrlsnAsOl Leter Olsen aged i oin Horb r troldl Jote Ttueaday niglit wheî oif Martin Oflsen Who c tfflukegan huait ivery, u in thse local tiartuor boath ipa recovered hy thse lm" grappting books. mam Who wî'rs near thei &svnlng gày thse victiai 1 M ouf cry.'1'wo physi eaIId and ttiey wonked tin for an tionustumngi aid airtif i'-1s1 if-apliation. tha boy h'-1 ficu' luafthe an h'our slan t 1 l.Pet4 supliiief t. "î if vas atîtut 11:10 P. boat tiv(»r-, f "r "l'm g'ui.îz "i <te a Pli OIF;on frirdi .,!î:n Trayflng the Lii I:' r. Ofruer HP d,)"nnî-f fi'î aihin wratied ti) f«" ftng p usînut i-ru s hrltsfathr boat hou'-' ti '.àk. ia t beach, If v .riidnigf't turuelt ":Whpre'rt Pta ased "Wliy. ,i1.ffif he as tather reptipeti Thers veto Iwo beach 1 or dovu f1lie beach sund tisouglit htx sounmiglit lài vifedta fo l-rie a, searchis Itahfotîntiany missing loy. Tht-n the turnedtri !lie boat 3iou&E ..We migtit as veti g9 rapptiig fr-s." li ai lie anti Tr.îyIiO4 rtarft in-wboaf T-riingstisanuif w1u1tietb ,vY'â rallier o grappling t"r5 The hi cafed aSuowhrtrY teet bathîng tA-r In about tîw water. Dm,. Jb C 'Fufey and F. vere'euîtirsne,]i The li rushed tu ite -«-.ne linch Peterson anihufa'nce. Ar piration watt -ied until tIl thse oxygeo nichne.. In b Fohey iroi-e tilt car tliro fonce near -111 o at tîver' Atter tiruiî' oifrevitlng bteen abandin.'.I the bot moved fo ti e Wefzel an funerat tiomie wfire the behd toilry a t Pleveni0oct It deur-ltpe faitflic inqu young mn o WeO itingc Iug pler ait th- "ine [li curred. Ttev 'id feeu avimnuitig O îr f l'e pieri tho attentuuuo fa hi'n. Tht outcry or moind of a nt-f wator. Afier a finie they -swîmmer but suPPosed t gens idiome. Potez OIsen t«ss bora in and b.d lt'ed liere prsctiî life. He woufd haves third Yesr In higli iciot Besîdes bis parents bh ete lowini brothlersansd ointet «of Chicago. 'Natahie. Thel Mad Floyd. al 0 liotm Ih 'h. Oisens llved at 3: jplace. TO CONCRI3TE 1 ZION ROM Woi'i of constructinig on Shseridan Rotad tisrougb Iag pushed and the north ready for coneretiug the of [bis week. Atter a te 'viii not ho neceisaary foi vonder boy ZMon people b eaven If [loy are cotupet -el 0,cr suchu rougi roade. ComnpIetlon of [hi. job the atîtomoubilsts trip frc Mllvaiee ih 0egrand,r '~ti erriy îhy'iIrolli ah heu need toar oniy thse FIRST TBRESII NETS 40 BI The tirsi ftîireqhing out( tion lu Laie county l at B1 . ,Ftood. at Wilson, aoutlivest of Wauiegan. w heat' tlirerlietiTueaday ta aAveraging 40 bushets Ide ld la btter [han 1 SEVC FI RST Your Voice Your .Messenger- A trip in person to a distant place often cosns, in time and money, more than the profits of the projected business deal. The universal long-distan ce telephone -service of the Bell System makes it pos,- sible for the business mani to remain at hisdesk.and send hisvoiceon important missions to distant points. Cali "Long Distance" fro m your own tçlçphone. IG.t cqualted wsth the money sud titue Mving "taton to staion" srvioe. ILLInOISBELL 171MiHONE COMPANY

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