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Libertyville Independent, 28 Jul 1921, p. 12

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WILLIAM J. BRYAN FVNCIIED TWICE IN TRIP TO WAUKEfiAN I SO0 BRYAN'S gIIWU(4 THOUGHTS ONIMNRAOU PEACE 0_,F __,WORLD OFANTIOCIILAW The car burutid uP thle noad sud. wondertul botl. He sauf ho had la tact. Jack torg;Ot lbere vas aunbs-an nof hese Saîvaîlon Amy hote-lt a id of agriculture eul ta the acceiferator Ttey Just but this vas the tiret uie lie hall- flev tbroug'a Ille iuntry and ftnaly been lu one. TELLS OF THE BENEFITS bIit Kenostia. thîen WinthlipHlarbor._____ $bDey came teaitfg dowu the cernent La tUfhf t11It and aimost reaCh'ed the soutb end at iU D DA IlI. Sncee rapid developirout of Zinwe h it ito arbor Con H TB B N IS9 tise agriclultural extension service. stan blen uic t 'sîitîîîO lted the cet' Uns-; lite public biait tet intereat ln the stabl avelook Il, h rîed t 'il ' xperini'ent station, accordlng ta and alIîiet WOi u 1 e s. jflUj O." WILL 'e -Why tbis la Mn. ilyau a-t v we ['rof. Eugene Davenport af lue Uni. are hutTyiug ta gel mto Waukltan IEve ratoicynoisv. onylasbe viseère hleta 10 lecture; we are ltte C VLR S NP3cicly onw oeîlasbe nov." said Capt. RIiodla. apîîroprlated iu the United States --That's the,.acm-, isaul Mr Kelly. iait a whoic for agricultural nvesti- *,iboppC nJack Larâtow galion ince 1914. Dean Davenport as ihetho" i fe ha afluid Six-foot veteran of world war, suys, sud the result te that 80 pet b. vas having aund prohably feeling shot and beaten but gets cent et lihe station vorkers have it ws area tart t li pinheuhismanchangel Positions sud about anc 511th wih vasman re at i oskt be Puieo hs anof the moat experienced bave left dotb a e m Maurite ostahvasapîce ite experinent stations enireiy for "ýWhy aune enougilitIla li e 4said Muietay miiliPolie niore attractive empîoymnenî. the copt and te atsa let tîei go. uiman wiîo wassvounded-during a gan . "That the experimeni stations have -Arrive Labo -.. fglit vîth îwo îreîght car thleve8 heen of Profound influence i affect- And the grest' co.-lninunni i aîîei early besteniIay mnulg. vili recov- îng American agriculunai practîce jt a little allen eîgbit.hll a bite un, S<conding t phtysiciens. Herbent viii have ta be concîuded by any ta et and then detît-ered his lecture MIcGamuitoind of 4154 Northi Tripp ruse a-ha coniderls the changes He admitled fitvas the alo9t excit- avenue, shot by Leahty. wiltl d.iethe wiich have talion place during the loride hie hadl et-en1asd; tuaI he physictans ~sy.îuirty years ince the experiment sta- £à nua for tings cveu as bard lu Leaoby wiuo lit-os ai 2034 Seminas-y lions vere tated aud vbich are previaus Years. but baid net-en con St-elI sud lanauA. E. F. veleran. traceabie directiy ta the vork o! tbc amy more carnet! uv ard auytlting mfore thui six feet tai. vas recentlY stations." continues Dean Daveupont. as h di lu n'Ig to get to Wall- niarrimd, kea.Wliiie on duty in the Northiwstern "Whepi the experimeut stations It a ea emtskea aon- yards ah llodgett lie 515w Ivo mes were ctalished. farinera vers bcd- luat time sud Detev-au la% on slow tning ta bte-ak the lock au a fneigbt iug vhabev-er tbey happened ta have. tista ieconfusion in hours car. Que fired, The bulel: tarse eten If Il ver. tlmathy bey ta cova. st.ulted sud b e wvas ardy. tlîrougli the policenatan's abdomen. a-hule bran and mlddiinga bit the car- Banuit Without Hlm - but Leahîy. vliadai been under fineelad ent tuiu the rivera sud cat- it vas about 6:45 ihat a spécial before. oid nol tell. He cbaigod. touaccd vas icît ta rat upon the -ecuxmitte.e frntm the réeptilon con Stnlick on te head with the bit of gnound. At tîhe seml ime they vere Witen vas a-led to go uta r eoî-rb lt ecn obe.hepaylng Out ihouagude of dollars fr - ourt. "Mn. Bnyan te dite et 7:05- tîll ddflt falter. but keptt on. lecnietlfeavihvn h please go sud gel hlm. We jujst got sa a suîadoa-yteoni sudfilred fit-e by the stations ta ho vortis no mare -a phono front Kenoslia" aaid the tiunes. Five bullets pepetnated te and no less tissutise same amnount elerli et the desk. boday of MeGamuniond.. of oit Meal. The commilîe vcnt The car McGanmonda compaulon vas lat- "Tb@ blood frin thc slau-gtcr- -iieand nun Mn.Bryanu - ar capit, erol my the Higianul Park 1- lbouses vas tiscu work»d lnto ferf- The commilîce phone! headtluar- lice, lie 8wadlihe vas Hiarol . tilîzer. but the statians speedlly tors: Brandt, 3916 Montroste avenue. sboved netot auy hat It vas iuch "Hee vîli ho tijenoet 7: 1,T' aa muore valuahie as a feel foi Young th.word -RU ALpige lu halancing theo ration. but fthat The comniltue rM-urued Ia the tUA L T E n raisiug Young stock Irom corn banquet hall and the gruestq vere lamore supplemenlary Ieed vas noces- talit: "a"adlt-ey dIIIwiîb a fA n lC &l sait- vacant chair there for Mr. Brtan- CARRIERS 3AREJ ,White Corn Lacking *h vbdidu't coame. "Il bas; been bell hy feamera gen- The commit tee lheu vent b lieo th~L~eraliy t bat a-ite and yellavcorn 1:58car ul ers aitng fr Il [R J~ [UIV IEL voe equaliy valuahie for feel, but arrivai a-heu enothen message came: réenct expérimente seen ta showv - They have found Bryan tîc'we,-n that vhite cornnfla deficieut Ilunme- - enoaha sud AnloI-and l:vue are Oue of the récent enaçtmcnls by thlug tecessàry fer lb. grovîl af mev hbrngýa-g-hlm iere via auc,, . the Iliînois iegisiature was a Iaw ex- young aninials. At laI hia15 roc And sute enougli. shorlIy aber enîîmlîng rural niait cariers traini as a laboratery experimnit lu the - elgbt. the part- drove up. %Iir lBrn payîni; an aulul license Ice, but ln gnowing o! ais, stepped oul. hurriillv doffc-d 1,icls ai Lhitreot carlicatriien vilIobtain "Tthe extension service is of un- -isty clothlua and cnfercd Ij,. ban a i I-.tinit awli lwill be issuel Ut- iritel us,, la agriculture. butt ceau quit hall. UI:- suqeu- -ry of slaie uricon ile pay ut-ver replace te expeiment sta- Thora vere about anceitunîrsire ll c nt of twt)icîaî.tions. snr oUl expérience o'î'O St the tale-fite b-lance.,,ru ouit 1ttm-itut n austoti) t-se lîts take te place of investigation. by vaitiug. ho eD Ili e hall nulIc l-m m- t iiil, lc.uayint of appt ox.F-Vrtt-ucna ili nom- discover vitamines goe ta I re nn for thse ici-lire iOua, -ty eWitldollars Cutiler tue e ucw ii sptectaîcles any more than they i Jamen.0. Welch mo-bailer!laaned to las ttîîcatliet %jlltie leiulrpd ta i îi i tudy baclenia vltb a pîtchfork. 'preaent Mr. Irvan lu a nice a-at- id..m;,ltIV ao-îe mm- icîîsr In- triel ta' old tise banqiuclera when o f litiiai-liti tm!i Would Nt Be Kopt Buey. the~ deigy vaxsteen Finaily Sibe I A aeiîi-r of itlieii ta'c i lii-'- c"Ify(,imît î Iîîmri dnittiiem-cm1 teill ~sver. dopirting rallier stead Ipauv-d iiîltu se - anîd lfi l R p cc-i--- l leut- rtîl. tlî 'il -I: Tose o of o "o ce&D0_. a are entuura4t-d t10 mieîe ifî' -i.-î..tîIl i- n mmhoe ltna un wu fccins lm»I, th ti ~mola cloe.et Land vhen atifl c- ii ia fi d oyr & à MMes wlif ullaw !te lead -____----_ ---- éeitt- j4s4e Here are some of the thoughts expressed Tuesday evening by rvrnbe o peig Great Commoner has thrilling Mr. BryaI, ane of the greatest statesmen of the worldand ane rie aboffrseeig expenience with Lake Coun- the most conspicuous advocat.es of lasting peace, one af the devout State's-attorney investigates ty cops Tuesday big men in public ie and one of the brainest of the age: more serlous charges SHE NEVER HEARD 0F HlM Great Britain and other countries are spending much more per HAD STREAK OF BAD LUCK~ - -year right now peaigfrwrta hyddbfr h ra it mustm have been quite painful a.Ti rprn o a ta hyddbfr h ra The automobile ride through Anti- to iaJenningl an re i a.Ti country of ours is spending four titiles as much for och WU more disastrous to, iv. Wau- bo bas dnnFt for womaes suffrage, war now as we did before. the war. kegan Men th"n It was for William and prohibition. la hear the wire of . ennaBynTedyngt h the Antioch speed cop, aller ber busI Yet there is more hope for permanent peace now than ever. quintette was fined and the Comn- moner was reieased with a warflhfg. band hadJ stepPed Mr. Jryana car If you long for peace you have more hope today of seing it 5t- Win. J. Wysockl. aouthBaide mer- Vhen It vas speeding toward 1i1e tained than lever befare. This is shown in the. fact that the. secre- chant. lui Whose car were four thers, wee arrested for speedting, ami then Waukegan meeting Tuesdlay night, taries of war and navy in this country were refused the men they wthe village marshai. J. B. Congdon urge hum ta arreît Mr. Bryan just as ho woud anyboiy else. asked for in their departments this year-showing that Congress, came ta the conclusion -ie èmelled "Wiho ia William J. Bryan? 1 neyer a eulcncnrswnsls f'a n eso rprto S8Oethlttget-ronger than water. heard of hlm. I dont see why h he w.' oher ourNeni, . e oiitha h as any more@ rigide on thie roid tilan Fry oaONilJeSnt n anybody else. Take im aong!"lu- This action by congress shows the growing sentiment is Jack Carroll. wîleaftr li' oains wa-andSa t. i toard The Inarabai al-.o overbeard somte- aisied the ipeed cops'ie a e è gis a-n congre s regards i The tendency hstwr ody aay that lie siiould have been lbad foliowel an dsîtrped super 1_ viser Bairîtows Hudson îeuring car. peace rather than for war. It grows stronger each day.- run over. The pei-ion wiio made thie driven by bis smn Jack, a.,;tfîeY - - eir a dnild ebr passed througli Antioch and werel It may bc that this conference to discuss disarmament as Of the Party denied tuit any of ihent made il. and declared It muust have about te turn eagc.l Tfiey bai heen littin il ni) for IL alld by our president will prove the most important conference been some lierson li t te crowd that wasnît unI il 330 ifut Jack Bair-itowvlthe world has lever seen, even mare important tItan the anc which gaîlered When thîe aVieit was matte. "The marshal piohatîty tought wie wa3 told by biis dad "Go wili îCap. settled the armistice. e tynteg aa- serd Rboda and Ret-. Mr. Kelly t lf eetyn to getawe ae ;e van. Wis.. and ring Mr. tiryan ber.' 0 Sihtoa."bcueu t(ere on you have to g-ýt ilii lure îy u1 1 b.lieve if the world starts toward disarmament, the mave pretty faast andI weri- unbebso oclock." wili grow like a snowball-once it starts it cannot be stopped and down astlulckly ai wle otherwise Jack cl-, 1,11- 9,13 'l diw4Y ail nations will all in line, and it wjll do away with ail future wars. es ape." W rîttIigt tht-y Went. W i--i, îh 'y cive-rl t4lia Wysockl vas finvi s i() anacost-9 mniles and vexe ht-te hy Mo*oclt,**o for speedlt:g. il -n 1thie otiiers even if flet dil fue tlié ilci'Of! Our% is the nation where peace is at the maximum and militar- bave been reiorti-1 I )Stata' Attor- tlm"r lit-cs1and i-i-u if Mr- tiYf sm is at the minimum. The influences at work in titis country in- ncy A. V. Rîtui ti y vijo ii-tn altmcmsti I n iitw cfio i.louei1.vslangteci, ohvn nc et Antiocli on t unt"nhir:Iltîr,'ciul militarists, navaiists and munition makers. Shall they contraI , 'tîangt ci oflmi n -e.fu s and our destinies? Are they aur masters? Are they to direct toxi-ailng Iiuor la îftui, terri. Wr'1n i e-'ievan tcLid i us ta wars? If that is se, then we wlr"have ta tUrn to the people Afe'enilu-itf.îîf ttl alîcad. of thun and they r'xracecdi the whoie world and let them speak for themselves. 7) oCcck tItis uiornhii. foltiing1 ther tep 1 ti ti aeralt b-m-u,-a-- .theeir arreat eain i mî'ct'îk la,3t nîght,ý Cn hae beg aFasatveru If other nations wof't join this move for peace, I believe ours tii-y gave bond foirJiiol set And henh.ean ciaeAlteren jWhîite aeeking boiidsmien two har- the Waukegitn men gave Mr. lryan j is strong enough and big enough ta start it and then ail peoples ried ta tbe honte of Justice Hlarvey.i chas wheh rvaid Oly bs C ofe other countries af ail classes wilil all in Uine because af their C. Coulson ai 2:30) oiock and roused igtr e teiev chi.T, O mouofle.iaiqbre pIat cOmuioner did Dot know tbey jlove for ance another. the roads twa ofthte tireti on the car vitesafter hlm and he leigurely. tii__Oexploded ln front of te Justlce'sI ded along ln s hîred car to,,ard Ours is the greatest nation in the world and we are respected bouse on Grand avenue. Netghbore Waukegan. Fi'nally they overtook titis morning were ail exctel snd thet hlm ceai the Antloch-Kenosal turu as no other nation today. The. wholc world is tired Of war and s report th.y hadl vas that ihere had al. puahing ahead of is cal. stop waiting for some nation that will lead the way ta permanent peace. been a serlous automobile accident pedaid -Gapi. IRhola aaid 'We'v@ t a nd that aomebody bai been sabat. bsoa Iooklni for YOU." And the great This may bc the time when the world will declare that teThelr lumbers were further disturh- leader fel for a minute that ha vas Prinace oi -Peace bas corne. ed because the automobililet% *re poSbIMy the vlrtim or a holdup But. compelled to drive away on tthe rima. capt. D.ada qtickly expluined mat- hï po aregheey.biglcle.nu terf, Mr. Bilan junTped itob the Hud- Mr eat ere glad when the armistice was signed than texaar hl eng thceelknou ou -and th Py qtqrted sout tm at a lever before when a single act was performed in the words history. bot Palc aeth usutb If that was the feeling then what will it be if thîs propoaed con-22 tuie speed cop. The vitle vas obdur terenÇe puts an end ta war for aUl timne? 'Jointd Seakt' Realiy Lzard. ,,and- Inisted ahe dldn't know The -pIssa, or so-call djutnted Ste ad-'tcr . wa L ta nake, la reali>- a lîzard. Wlien Iaân- b hud earreited. The l'u- a ut l robabi hbe ga tMisaftsdied rougllY the lattiPOrtiL4 sWll bea.id ser nto the face of the l;rda w tsyS>Kâ, UND FORbreak mbin o oor ihree pîem.esf. Cons- - ret eoct-Iand rccognirýed WIiitiir wsaaud estion ol trarto tasuperstition, iliesetie tî swillî liain J. the exodus and therEciore there wa-. uitu l 1515 lt nuitwitb the body agalit. iluaugis teth ttgi ls ibaud ho said: a good crowd vben Mr. 13ryan rcacb LLf-J aJ IA<M 5rudimentary tota orntimtmt de- «Rleo Mr. B3ryai-I votcd for you ed the table. Mr. Wel-iî presentect velopeli aff-r lic tirai one - lî.~ for preaident tbree timtes and I gueutabina wth this remark: "Tiere la only _________________ 1 mlgbt as vt'i dot Yeu annuler one William Jentuingm Bryau ln the TESTINEi TA IO Iac-ur la d hope you united Staes-and lie needi no inST TO rsacb Wau t'gau sa feiy. Cood bye. îoucln And tiîeY sarted on. Mr. lryan açoke briefly. acccptingpons t HatdAanthe weicouoe and compliuieting the Dean Davenport pons t iWAUKEGAN LOCALS Exective Oficer lrucht of thc ns val station, accompanied by Baverii OtIfer afficers. attended the ryan lec- Sture last evening occupylng oests on the pintharin. Commander Fruclît la iu charge of tbe station during Capt. Wurtzbaugbs absence. capt. Wurtz- baugh la taking a week'acluise on the laktes. The commandant loft on lhe subcbaser 419 and viii vîsît Mackiuac, Detroit and Cleveland. re- turnlng ta thia atatiôl uext Sa:tur- day. Mille Pappaa. 131 S. Genesee atreet. thîs marnlng underwent a major aper- ation at Victory Memorlal hoapîlai. Elgin Courier: Mis. R. W. Mead, 470 Arlungon avenue. entertalncd te- iday at luncheoh lu honor of Mns. William Waudel of Waukegan -whe la spending saine time witb Elgin frieuds. Garden flovers were uised lu decoration. Covera vere laid for lvelve. The Juiy 'business meeting of thi lEpvorth league. Postponed on sc. count of the lecture given by Win. J. Bryau, vîli be beld Tbursday even- lng ai Arthur Golwitzer's. Members and friends should takre the, Main line car ta the golf station and Borne one vwiii be there ta direct theni t, tîte Golwilser hQme. Car lest-es Ed- ison Court aI 7:48 o'clock. Mr8. L. P. 1-lannaas condition waa nuite serlous lest nigbt. and the fan- ity PulYsîcîan wiaà called at 2 olock tii nornlng. Slie is touct ilmprov- ed today. Mi1 Clark, vuie of Dr. W. N. Clark o! Grays Lake tînderwent an opera lion for intestinal obâtruction ye-t ter-lay ut %'ictüry Memforial iîosîital, and it gettlng aong nicely tolt- Michaiel Schîînînel. whio Ownisolfiîe lots at lluntingtou Beach, Calîf.,lI cated wi'bin a 1ev liunîined îciŽt of oul guotîcs, haa jue tord tilum-timrteo Butte. Mont..ruen may aIt-o hmc'tnîî- ail niagitateà as a re-,uit oftiie l'ir clseof a set of bookg fiouolin1, agi-ut severai biais agm. As a li,iu hiti witbi the books (Hie tuen rc.-l-ud the deed 10 a lot ai liunfîngton, Iteacti The- e e ocatî-d vîtthiff5, le" of-,h, big gusher. Ni-litai Ii-arlontBaya tsaI Chica go nierciîanta wlio hmave been lt-pendt in, upo3n Wisconsin for a large por lion of the supply of eggs are uit agalet fi since thât terrllory lias he come se papular with lourlga.- The tourigts huy up munt offIie eggs whblle camping In- Wisconsin aud then whlen they start for home theY take along a big smîpply. Praperty fronting on lakeil la [ncreasagIngl value by leapsi and bouinda, and many apeculators un the lladger state have trehuled their moneY lu a couldeOf years as a reauttî. WE lN8URE aLABSESAGAMlS? BREAI<AG, 109 South GOenosee St Thret Doctors Two Hour evc 111 N. Gentee. 8t. Waukegan. l11. Ph3ne 793 Sensation-al Wash Dress Clearance IGinghams-Voiles-Organdies-Swisses-Lawn S - Wash Dresses Up To -35.98, Very Special At Thea three snatoaepict utd ureebar ne ftse aasons haudlsome-t dreses ta the six viurtty modmt; iltustraled will atrlest. Thtu savirigs are tbo greatest atiînouîCed So far buis season enud are wcll worth anu's special attentiont. At $1.98 yau, may select tram sicoveiessa Jumîper d inaa a aiiety of colorianatd at'$2 98 and $798 there are ail kutîdu4 t? tlcanadu colore, .,-ý j ire flew (rosa the shoes 'of a Tho triai ef beesqesca ele sced- streot car motermau Mautiay uigbt, uled tai b. resusued lu eonny court vhen lie attempted ta untangie a trol- nerf Mouday, les' pale fri- a live v1ie ou Northî Charles Itukas and Mns. Autenetta3 Avenue. Tld electrical dlsplay. vhen Kîreilis, boih of Waukcgan ver lh. the motarman'à led provided ltheccoetouarluCcao uad. ..ground" for the current was se, In csdt ar aCiaoTedy teilse il awakened many people in Mr. and Mr3. L, I. Mtier. .Mu.s the neighborhood. Tue rnante of the Jouesud Mrm. Harriet Pauzer auil motarmnu as not learucd. Junior. Suuiervidor Geai-go Mccul In a published accaunt of t littie bough. vile apid dauglîler. Lucile snd Iracas at ithe Wire MilI Picnic at Posa Mise Ileasie lian, Mc. snd Mri. L. Park Salunday aflernoon. it vas stat- . aell i us Mdii cd that Willan Ganter of Great Lakes .WkfedanaiàMdl& had enaed illam van. NrthTomînasseu ail of Gurnee lef t Tuc-ct hicdg mned, willauEa.Nh day màorning for a week or tcm da) i Chiagauegd. itha gun. Evans. sc- otîtng atittoeliels. tevîls Lake antt cording ta, the article. drew a iazor tu, pratect himaclf.'Ev-ans deules thîs other pointa OI initereat lu Wiscont part af tIhe accnt. saying that the sin. 0111Y razer be ovus lis a safety rasor Mris. Pauzer of- lvanhoc it vWîiit vhich lie keepuaiS home for tousarla ai the haine of ber son. George. og purposes, rathier than as a veapon of West Gurtee. vhite Mra. Geor;e defeutte or offense. Pauzer la away on au dt lng. Tîte Ladies' Aid of lbe Gerinan i White cISnking an auto. (ieorg. Congregational church yul mccltato Harding. Jr., 619 Juilan St., aprained aev Thursday aflernoon at lte home bis wri4t. badly. It vatt ueceasary te ÔI Mns. Helen Lage, 116 8. BelvlI cake an X lt:ty plure and il showed dere street. a dialacation. Commandant W. D. Wurtzbaugb Arthur Schmidt, 21, of Tngleiluic.. bas lsuel a apeclal invitation lu thle, anti Lida Cîrbet-ry. 18. îaia reaiu National Ship of Stale. a Woman's du-ce. taday ottaiueîl a liceule tu organization, to attend the review ai wed liene. the Great Lakie Naval TralnIng Sta No bet 'tr wsy to flow yir goP1 lion on Juiy 27. The waman's rclb judgment ti-mn tu buy yuîur n-xt pain m-yul give an excursion tn the sîbtmmil Of 41tii 8tthfue XWaiik'igflitl1111 en tat date. in charge of Aîîuu il S'iae St1ar@, 21t W. Wainito)n Si Viola Gréenle. (ul-<tai strs oui-r tit- lion T00 t VOLUME XXIX. ANTIOCII A COUNCII Controversy oi of speed Iaw sationa the Vilage.- u filay ah' "":u"t retiineti by Fni-dt iguatioflathîrcutti ci-nt Prani, KnM itnat fi an (,nilctt-u sctn-i ni- i Ant mmci mi lîm làt l i .a tîliil ý )ic- Wl-.- - -iiUn t'- o - lii 15. Miles 5:1 ul The ï.1 - 0i. a t*-i ifur ht-i î(milî 'ii-n d iai barge o! 'ea, S been Ibm,- ' j1 ;i,tt I.iueiil -ýor--.pianie mil iiui he - ioiq Ioib 1 1 5 m i l e ' t.. i ' u r -a ,il i m i -Pro, i. s , i - lfert ;ri,î MamnnSbib-v. The ln nu t;isse nom- bei-n ifi ion ar- M.- i, As theth imu 1 loge of Au- . a r'outneil an i , te, trauaci h,-jBics Thperme i- itu pies and lu.. cIik yet kna*fl uînî fi as rep cial 'ie Anal)tii..t -iui grardinit ti -mit CouucjIluieu ic unanahal t-t' tif- bleetinît-a4., il- cided th,, -ni-or the apet-ti s, n heur. AccuilîIngi Wiiui; n- - Itiî Hie dld 5 o i if the councul aJii actiy that l -N Nov then un ci SICYCLE R1 SPIRITI PAl cycle raceut, o 1. uîternoon. i aa cycle race a-lti -imucb lu paru iiod haen big ras rode for to le si arcunti course f va' a meginter Ciosely contestei Jauýtz. 2129 Bell cago. flnaliy tai] WilliîamnBlumn. 2 rago. lnd. Het-m ctîtral Stctî-et 'hi -ago Lbots co mff.« ias-ing ridi th--- ay front tht.-- Tl-y t8ht tilc.rn(cc and ivm batk afit-r the rc, Tft- sec-ond t-m years ant iotder t-rutkepi chuSes Kopmier front tock tiht-is-atiaut tf L.P laps. ('lit oiiL. Geoîrge Heu :l rd; I)t-iizict Ar The tirdel-i o-l-ipen tiila1 filines. f6 2îîî E. Ilinlîn 3rsl. Davidi Dani N. 'hticago. 4lb. Edvin R. Gobu Wa-ikegau V.Y -top for the race-t tiI--in tcing off withotît frict ft;.n. Hl is-adî hoyF mindeu'li aiklie sa 1h vîlutare leal. Messera lliggl bar, well-knovn nyele mou of W conl Iomake They llheraliy cluding a fifty e. The judges ws gar W. Crofi. a 1b and Un Oci 1 ilý 490 Touring .........$-50 490 Roadister-----.-$675-00 P. B. Turing-------.$1ifOoO F. B. Roaclster-----...... O Delivered F. 0. B. Waukegau ARTHUR E. FLYNN I209 Madison Street 1 Waukegan

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