RXJt 111~~TE UERTYVIILE I)PENDEN, TURAY, JULY 28, 1921. Days. The congregaf ion was most en-a thituiastic-oser flic prograff and volecd filial, fby wouid fîke faoIear hbe sanue ingera render their regular enferfain- ment jrograit. if s quile likcty ihar the oppontuniufy M ilbu gisen sanme ime tai> in th- rafi. 'rite evening offering was Ile lacgesr in anv sc* vice up ta date and lul> caTit id afi expense i-. vi ba IurgO uit rgin. The Union Service in thetîsornin.u was ecl i itendtd'antI set-s relresen- tative. Tite'sfflo b>.Jack tBradfoard was enjot iti by . , SOn ihia caning Saittaifi nighi' lif th ainattfouti. six o't ock.it Central Park. ft-th, eaker of the -.venung wifl Ile thti Rex fpit Wif. îîf C(hicago, Feld Rttr 0t1isa r the Boards of Benexofence. o fIffeietheiIst Episco- pal churcli fie is a t-sf ltin Miffi a live message. ite wiff defixer s strong iires. 1'h' itunuii nit) ; a rfatge l, cordiaflyinii.ed. Titere wxx itbegaod muIl 5 tisit fritt rtc ce ti itî'mt ht"t nien of artair'. itu thefie'- ftt.tit' M l d. HOLY NAMdE SOCIETY MEET Al WAUKEGAN NEXT SIJNDAY Accoidine i plans. înnounced tut' week by .1. E.Itea in of W .ukega~n, Whois ortuunIx ufairntaî titi fLake ('conr t>. ii fur th ,nnrîaf iitt-tng .c lic Acif diocesantUtioan of. Ie 1lIai> Stitie Sut cil. the f521 %,feiît ii fr, fieftd ai tue ,Ai nioi tin tt'uuuk ';iii tcîrSun day, Juf> lisi. Tire Archittici,-.a i n tt Un ion i au siu ciation offctu rilioluufNii i ts Including it nuttuber ini Laki c(-outily, Lbat bas at otalirueîubersbîlî ai about 8,000, ,Tiir- tieîting ait Waniteian is for the flurfuls-e of aeqitaitftig Catth- olic Mcii aifIlic counir) 'l IlIlwtî. work of flic H<îfy Natre >oci4. Mr. IReartian bas been tsked b> It. 1ev. A. J. McGavirk, 1if.làf, spiritual director i, fihe Archdiocî-san Union. to namne s Lakre counixconuitee t0f i.ree nictiftont -aîb <atîtolir churcb ln iii, 'ounts . and tiué fpersonnel 0f tbis coîtîfuift te' s', be announred at a tater date. Bishop Mgi c.Johfn IH.Mane. preidet; C. Cl. (rinî', execufixi, sec.f rets ry! Jtohn fIl. Ford. cliairman of tt i organi-zauon ctifttl-;iion. .1 Huriey. chaîrînan oi the big brother' ."militi ; Anthony Matre, chairmant of i hé'fecture bureau, anti neai ,100 oîut lu-:fcosinetut f' biagitans, wii Ilbe tini Warkegan for ifre rîtetfiig OBITUARV i.'.IiA si'IiAN( K TAYLiORt L.auca hciànc T 'a> fatuiu ieeftiaulit ter of (."0'gi' If:tnd MaryCtc Schanck, was bortnfin the lu'Id Scbanck farcit. knooxn as Sbeidenuiurst. a uitile wtItitof Lbertyviite. Marcit 28thl, il. Wben a mai girl lier parents' mos cul to tise village, wbcrc sfic grcw up anti iIvos mit the time of ber death JulyI ulie, lui.c A4er eompietlng ber- education sfic taUght -adtooi for two ycars snd thie' cûho&ls and -cenmpeted - twi>jca as, --n Vfnr I efflby, Dorng and-IlU&In te _LTkesfl ta sce"k wh -are aa-.hom Jiv@ m-ar Mr.l'asey was emiloyed as a The funerai was fîefd Sunday aIfter- miner in Miontana. He trled fa enfisi noon ai 2 o'doAt, ai the Presbyferian. traifed wifh a contingent front Mon- Rev. Hari C. Morgan off'iciating. Thel P u ana: jind feff for camp Lee, t'îrginia. focal P'ost v.as assfcd bY a firung Nfay 12. 1918. siufroint ilie t5.aukegan I'oýi. The; tir. Casey w srviice witf. the 317ui ýbody xxas bu clef ai Lakeside. j j'1 l i 8011 Dr ~ltf ivision, on rIfle tfeui.e- The ayrn ia fille bodica 1)1 lieuten'I oiF u Agonne. Whl nte odbe afeitho<lied 'over t here" is making Aier- beifg tel te d Ifront lt-ont tl.ue servie'.or f raday reafize t-yen more point- hews rite wt ifuez,<he eHere are the Lowest Furniti ledeix days li--Novembe 2fer e petty sacrifices and no._ 1[918. i1- went wes 1'"mter the arînis- lences; today we are realizlng sorrow. ice but ftis sup)rerne sacrifice was a The intereat manlfested by a hast of: part o ffte foul of fthe vitfory. friends îast Suflday af fhe funeral was Rockers Porc Tîtere survive, besicles fthc parent s that of a wholesStte, patriotie senthi tient ied above, the following brof b- ment. The Community ia glad fa man-j Golden Oak Rocker, gensiine $78 4-ft Fu ers and siaters: Nira. Edna Burdick, iest t s spreclation andI love I owads, ahe adsat.7.. . 85 .oml Vhiladelphia, Pa.; Helen, Libertyvilie; those who have give(n t hir al foi'tur Large Fumed Oak Rocker, im- r, A fw Mrs. Ethel JarreIt. ilîberfyvilie., and eonritry. ii e lKdMCouniy Independeri Waukegan Weekly Sun .btured at tie. Postoftlce 'et Ut,.rtyvUle, Ili., -as Second Claa Mail Matter. fr. 0. SMITH -- .-- ------ -----.-Manager N CHAS. D. NALLEY --- ---- .c.... .. ---------- Local Manage, -~ taster. unil er t rîivctgeo wi> JSI-bi Taylfor June 1. 1895. Tltref daugîtters Ibfcssed l fletr union--FranresMîor f ST. LAWRENCE, EPISCOPAL 'Marianit ordon, now tirs. Paul i'effir, Rev. E. J. Batty, B. A. Priest. gilof (Chicago. and Laurtu Jeannefte.C'. July 31sf. ltît Sunday ailler Trit!. esides ber ltnsband anti daugfuiurs. Holy Communion at 7:30 a. m. site leases two brothers. Lewis H. and Church school i, 10 a. M. Gordon. and two sf51 ers, Elizabeft and Moralng Prayer alitl a. m. May Srhanck, fo mouen ber loss. e Sermon. 1T'The Upright Steward.» Mrs. Taylor look an active inferest Eflm 512, 490 andI 622. in everY movement for fthc welfare of l Offertory, violin solo by Miss Jessje te communlty. She seas a member Drury. of tite Met bodisf chnrch. and iii ail ffs Boys' Club on Monday. activities was aî wiiiin y-wik,,. Gaîldt meela ThUrsda>-. She vas one 0f The organizers and 0o- charter otemisers of te Libertyvilie PRESBYTERIAN ('hapter of the Eastern Sfar, aiid vas Rov. £ari 0. Morgan, Pastor. a Past Wortby Matron of the order. Babbath School at 9:45 a. mi. Wii- She wasalaso a member of the Royal Dam G. Wells, Supt. Neighbors ot America. andi for yearl Preaehing ati l s.ini. Topic of the gave much a fher imie and eutcrgy in mornlng sermon, "The Pibroch 0f the the worla. She ws alaso one or te CWana' Junior Congregation. Good charter utenbers of fthe Libertyvilie musaic. A hearty welcome to ail. We Women's Club. and it is due ta ber are glad Iof have you wrship wth uis. Initiative that the Liberlyvilie public Thse Community Vesper Service, 6 library vas starleti andi mainlaineti for P. M., 5f Central Park. The soeaker of sa many years by the club. and wblch thse evening wiil be the Ret. Dr. Neile, vas recentty turneti oser ta the Cook of the Bloards of Benevolence. Metho- Memnorial lirary board. She gave gen- dist ilpîscopai church. Dr. Neile la a erouaiy flot oniy 0f hlim tne, but of atrong speaker andi wiii bring a good lier means fa every warthy cause. message. The upbiic la welcomc. 1 Mrs. Taylor was a woman of very FPrayer nteeting *kednesday. August keen intellect.,mt greaf reader of good 3. Toplc. 'The Minisfry of John fte books andi capable of ietaining wbaf Esptlat." she reati She las eu everyfhing tI n n- Thse Boy Scouts wili meef foc an 0f, turc. andi her knowiedge of fiowers. ficial meeting Tuesday. August 2, ai birds, trfes, rocks anti sheif s vas a thse club roomn fitiaftion of Tenderniarvel fo f hose who knew lier well. foot. Tests for Second Ciass. Huai- But. what was dearesi f0 lier was nss session. Inspection prompi ifi flter hotue and famly. and whife ,-he 7:30 p ni. andthfe bUntaîs for tlhe fe! wvas Inferesiet ini aif ýtîtose ofbei l0w alto faitf$ Ia resp)onîor whh ta tîtings, ber hotue ias aIways îeî baue. nîost i ber nind. Camp Fire Girls Tuesday evening, Abouftf wo years, ago site was taken Augusi 2. af the Manse. Business ses- ill. and inost of the finie surce had slon.and work. been confined to fier bed. Butf durung, ailau liai finie bei acfive jmmd oetr Jvanhoe Church Notes losf interes t in home and affairs abouti The Woman'a lSociety will meet at her. Her courage, patience andi cheer-, te Frank Wirtz hotue on Thursday, fulness mlght he an exampie f0 ail. July 28. Cars wiii leave fron the store 1fr. Taylor's cousin.,fthe Rev. T. E. at 1:45 for those desirung f0 go. Taylor. of ntependence. Iowa, presch- On FYiay evenin gthere will be fthe cd the funcral sermon. fthe service be- regular choir practice. ng îteîd in tfhe Methodial cburch last Sunday July 31sf --Cliurch Scboals at SaturdU~ affernoon. ldtei'menf wRs 10 a. ni. Subjeci for stutiy. "The tîtade ini Latkeside cefltery. Teacher ai Antlach." --G Cisurch service atIil a. ni. Subject PREfIEIlICK HARIOLD C'ASEY of sermon "The Wbesf and ftle Tares." Lesson front Matthew 13. On tsar Sunday airnoon fte body A- tennis f ournament wif I be helci of Frederick Hsrold Casey was laid ta during Ocfober AIl tennis ffayers of rest ini American solif, afier ltsvingý tise communif y are invited f tonipere boen buried ini France for nearfl y three lu the games. yeara. The body arrivcd early Frlday - tornnng, with a military escori.' but The congregatton airicli attended the escori as cottpelled Iot ven thse Commtninif y Veaftet Service iasf lmmediatefy berause bis^ services vert' Sabhath cvening vas as large as the needed fa cscort other bodies. attendance to any number of this ses .Fredierick Harold Casey. son of Mir. sons Recifaf fiClitantauqua Evet'y seat anti Mrs. C. i. Casce. Mvas boum in Chi- ln tise sent was tilleti andi a large group cago. flinais.,itecember 21, 1892. At lsad fto stand. For anit our and i lie live years of sge lie camoe wif b fle, minutes the choir of St. Paul'a Presby- fantify to Libertyvif le. Here lie attend- terlan church. Chicago, rendereti the cd antd graduaI cd froîn flic co*timoii .1.1-ieium i tadie ofPlataton- * M 25e Ceylon and India ,j Fancy Santos Coffee> orange pekoe tea lbtUC Per pound 25e TOMATOES, Large, ripe tomnatoes, packec in large cans, at, per can ---- - ------- c Triggs & Johnson The Club House Quality Store Phones 24 and 25 Libertyville, Illinois tation leather seat and back...~£VU Genuine leather, golden oak, large high back rocker ..........$190'85 Kelly Morris Chair, G. 0. Brown, muleskin imitation leather.......$ 50 Kelly Morris Chair, muleskin $ 82 imitation leather, overstuffed $ 82 Kelly Morris Chair, G. 0. Brown t2> imitation leatier seat and back $2 .2 Overstuffed genuine leather $2 6 rocker ........... -- $ 96 Dressrs Golden Oak polished finis dresser, base size i 8x4O, plate glass murror $2 8 size 22x26 - ................ $ 6 Ï Golden Oak polished finish dresser, base size 2Ox38' mirrot sîze$2 0 20x24 ....$ 30 Golden Oak dull finish dresser. base size 20x4O, plate glass mirror, $ 68 size 22x26 ................... $ 6 Ï Golden Oak poished f inished dresser, base size 21x4l. plate glass mirror$3 0 sz222,oval $ 15 Golden Oak polished finish dresser, base size 20x36, plate glass mirrol, $ 96 size l8x2O .......................$ 9 Î Red Star Oil Stoves No wicks or wick subsitues. The Red Star is a marvelous adanceunent for homes with- ont gas. Two styles. No. 230, $31,.50 regular price $45.'00.. No. 218, comnplete wîth oten. $5250 regular price $7500 Refrigerators 80 pounds ice capacîty, w'hite $24-85' enamel interior Kitchen, Tables Porcelain top white enamel kitchen tables, with drawer. Rugs 8.3xlO.6 Tapestry Brusselis, ttxo grades. $1 7.95 and . 9x 12 Tapestry Brussels, tsto grades, $27.85 and 6x9 WooI Fibre Rugs, during thcs sale . $24.50 $31.25 $8.95 Ail Grass Rugs, siiks 3x6 feet, 8i10 feet and 9x12 feet at 25 per cent off. ory chai swing,1 Lawn S lengths Eiglit-pj coauist chairs,à 8 footY irance Sae Il Swingt -re Prices in Years Ch & Lawn Furniture -aned Oak Porch Swing, t2 ete with chains . *- -- $ . odd reed chairs and rockers, OId Hick- airs and Rocker, and OId Hickory Porch pricçd BELOW COST to close ont. Sete n4 and 5 ft. $6 5 iat $2.65 and........ $69 Dining Room Set ijece F.med Oak Diuing Ro.um Set, tg of 6 fuedoak "aier slip seated i42inch fu.ed Oak buffet and45 inch roud Oak table, for o.ly 1$93-50 Meats and" Grocenies CORNED BEEF --T. & J, CORN FLAKES or POST style, plate or navel0 TOASTIES, at per- l0e at, per poundC package- -iC U. S. MAIL SOAP 39 RUB NO-MORE40 10 bars forC Soap Chips, 3 Ibs.40 Hot Weather Specials HEINZ BAKED BEANS14 Medium size, per can --- -- ------ HEINZ MACARONI AND CHEESE Per can ---------------0e I -ENZ SPAGHETTI AND TOMATO Lxo Short l'el N 1 t. 1 I RVtl. J.an rmto r l' c j . - E I é i 1T> or ant- lt.tt.nl>s ot a - foi, a coupie 0f Merriti A. 1 liere Sunday il pec A. Warrpu Sulas tVriti 51m,. JJ, 1%il Witukegan fri< Est inger t',r#- pztrt! ili Cltr ril iiWýI-nsd mo-Oit Mr-Il.. ii 1Pt111 r. b oni.- il. i-n t1 datîe(ý Saii i io fer-U yl il al h- h-4 The Ray Furniture & Paint Store Telephone 9. Libertyville, Milnois m Open Monday, Friday and.Saturday Evening ILLINOIS. AUTO EXCHANGE ji 21 Bank Lane, Lake Forest Telephone 1134 Two Bargains If Taken At -Once- One Baby Grand Chevioet, 600l,000 8 onths old - One 490 Overland 5-passenger Touring Car -- - $350.00. THESE1 CARS ARE IN FIRST CLASS SHAPE nfltrkutor%* Y YA X1TPT0CAme riu's'Firgt ..PI Of H yIN: 1Eb--Car 1see Us Befoe You Buy. Open Day and Night, Ben c 1 A( whil Lak R How FALL wintei BU ILD plenty We for yoi cou li N, Getti An: ch.« LIBBY COOKED CORNED BE Per can---------- -- --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Children's Wagons & Toys FLIVERS-Size No. 2. $325; $2.95 size No. 1 ..... RED RIDERS-Size No. 2. $5.65; 48 size No. 1_ Badger Coaster Wagons, No. 303. at$59 "The Dreadnaught- Farm Wagon$98 complete with box and seat . Wheelbarrows-Small red wheel $1 barrows, metal boxwood wheels $18 SPECIALTY BARGAINS W. have take. in trade several Phonographs, Sewing Machines, Washing Machines, Etc. These have ail beenput in furt clas condition and we offer as folows: : PHONOGRAPHS Symphola Mahogany Phonographi, large sie. and 10 selections of music $87.00 No. 2 Victoi Plaonograph. style \Y-IV and ten selections of music$1 .5 for onîy Brunswxick stîvle I110, fumed oak. coîiiaitnîng f ilung cabinet for records and 1 0t Q f Brunîswick records. 20 seetos 9 .5 Brunswick. style 7, golden oak. I0 Bruns- t'.fdk records. 20 selectîons$1 0 0 of music $ v~' WASHING MACHINE Complete Electric Washîng Machige, netx I1-4 hosemoornevparts $48-00 n '\-No. 1tripe SEWING MACHINE White Rotary Sewing Machine $2 .5 golden oak ca'.e just repisired $2 . VACUUM -CLEAN ERS Eureka Vacuumn Cleaîîers, in good txorkin rdr$11i.75U