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Libertyville Independent, 4 Aug 1921, p. 12

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Waukegan peaople wtll be shocked aud imucta tnleiesej ta read.the tee gramn below ftm onida wblch tells of the- mysterlous ahoottng and 1<111- lng -2ITred Miltlmuré.-lie fIirt mailt carrier of Waukegan and foinser weil Imowu resîdent. Mri-Mitigmore in 1894 mjried Ll Bucki, aiter lior eîayr Fred Buck 0féWaukegin sud he la a don- &la of the Miltîmorea ot ibis city., The tact tha1 Mittmore wass the tinâ al iltcarier ln Waukegan. tisat be wss transferred fromm Waulregan ta Chcago,. ter ta Florida and then back ta Chiîcago ln the postal service. together wllh the report frram Florîda that he was mixed up ln a sensation- et postal theft sdds considerable ln- teresl ta the tragedi'. news of which hia% just reached Waukegan. Brtetly Mn. Mllîlmare's dealli is re ferred ta tn a -telegrarn trons West Palm Beach.'Flonida. under date of August îrd as.folowe: Weet Paliss Beach. Fia., Aug. 3 - Acurdig la L. IH. Joahnson, chier postal tnspector for the soutlieaiiern district, Mis Tna Cark-. postmis- tres here. cuiit "-1 in ber ccli at Orlando, Fia.. Tuesday niclît slip alune stule la o îegisiered jpac'nageo contalntng $ n2,0 . saing froîu l&L' terni puatoffice since July 2,1, %liass larke i., aile-d îl rlias c sa-tht Ilà7i00 of the inisng rn tn-y wxmli lie round ai lthe residence of J . F Chambers, This amount wa reciv- ered.loday, Oitihec,7um8 wcre Ise t ta rover a deficiit in Miss Cla,.rke,'* ta- %îtas Clarke Is held without bail at Orlando iu connection with the kilt- tug there Mouday night of F. A. IWltimare. tormerly employed lu tha local postolfice. Chambers la Miss Clarke's gr-sud father. wth wham she reslded. Mil- limace. praprietur of.a restaurant la 'Ortando, who was ruund deado there Moaday nlght ln a bute? room, whlch pmvelousîr had been eserved. by Ilaes Cl#rke. Beside the body were two baga whtch had apparentty been eut open. Tliey wene ot the type osaI ta carry mufley or other valua- ltes. I.EFT HERE 20 YRS. AGO Miltimare was the finIt carrier la thte Waukegan postotftce and It was &bout 20 yeara ago that lie destred tu retre from. the local offlice and re- ceeved a transfer te ttse Chicago of- flce. Ha went there and filied two or tres different positions aller wiîcli basked-for s transfer ta Fia- rida. He was there fon a time and -tIna akedfantransfenral hacktt Chbicaga agalu where he remalned a rew years. Now it secmna he lias laie- iy beau ln Fiorida agtln in the postai service, but recenlir iiad eirpcd and entered the restaurant iusineiesi Miltimanes long nofliectionf th lte Postal Service gave iini many Inside ideas on poiltal mal ,-rs snl in conneclion vwilî bis -,id'n deaili, w-tII ramiirations ivadiîng io a bilg tiîeft by a a otmroce- sin, 1Fiorida. It ta reraliedthtuie1walwvw.aas aI sort of vionany man w:t i t itsDer- tsining ta Postl imate:, SUJGGESTE[> Si-IEME Il Was but a iew yc ri agra lit Mltimare suggested laote DsivSun that. thraugli the prlvilegt's affrd'd by the second cias itivilege $t1ble Postal DepartmPnt, hie Sun or anY ter newspaper rouit evolve a par- ticular eysteff wlit eh)Y add:e-se., of Versans Who mure avis" front a town cotrtd lie proctrred a' a s;îeriîîeît oumî easchlie aenîleasored t go! te S-to ta adopt the pion and esahlis a col lectton agenry. *tha' la an agent-v for r ollecting addresae3 o' îi.oit¼' wlib auddeuly leave îown and leive buils behtud. Hia Idea wMsS uit, 1incaus ie tt average persan ssha leaves town glives thTe Posmaster s forwarding oddress aud îhat a newsapier sent "' te the local address wauid li fo warded ta the new addresà andI the pisper accordingly notified of te change.,l woulîl furniali te mens witeraby the newspsuîer riulil trace titrougî UneeSanm itahlre sof te indivîduai WoMitws 1' sing ta escrape bitte. ~[ White the plan look'id as though if would work out al igît flhp Daiiy Smu vas flot tti sted anti never tried ta ollaw It out. TWICE MARItIEfP K Miltîmone was marlied îwice. Hifa firaI vlfe vas MatIle Woolléy. vlioae llarenta used ta lira near Grange iliait, Warren township. To them wpee bars two dhldren. Hia wlfe dled and ln 1894 he married Lulu Buck. Mr. Chîdeater nftlciatlng. To thent eue echtld vas born.. Mltimore vas 58 ycars of age and Ilvad moat of bli ta m Lake County. Mittàin6ra bacame the ctys *firet usatîcrrer Jauuary let. 1892 and Worked lu the local office until 1904. Haevau an active mati ln a numben of dlerent 1ludges. tg "rut." A Mitf j)!éîa:iii ciused s a alip port ln called a strtti) aa t. îs'noq wbo a skstiffly tand 1jeunlousiy ahoutt la salit ta strui. Both wi>n.ii> re ut SScandlnavtau origin antI te "" le- Rewla!s Word W1tv '.tr tteît' u tecî « r ut 1. "as tac Three Strikes and Yer Out! JIns Davis. socretsry af laiton. trted ta knock tse caver offth ie bail but the kid ttither aI Mouseitearit auned hlm Mosaeheanl Ite na. tional chldren's home of te Lcm-at Order of Moose inlulîltuts fDavs., ireclon gerel u f thte order. spend bils vacations tînt-e playlng villa te thouaaisd anî.iatte In ataes. BlJG STEVE'S WIF E "FJRED" OFFICER' DISAPPEARS; GRAND 1IVAS'BODYGiUARD JIfilV '11A LPT. rr mn ir à iil a 11)II AL I Widow -of blue eyed- giant,j Jound siain at Haif Day, -missing from inquest SERGI. KELLY A MYSTERY The dlsappearance of ttae vtduw ot "'Bi; Steve" Wisnewaky ot Chicagoa vho la alleged ta lave beau murder- ed by the 'Valley Ganx" sud vhose bullel iddled body vas faund lu a tieId near Malt Day today addad new complications ta a solution af the munder. She faited ta appean at the Iuquast hld Tuesday aI Lîbertyville,1 sud bar attorney, David Alexander. ut 11 S. La Salle streat, aaid aIe lad moved and ha cauld't und lier. t T. J. Stalit ut Wauikegau, foroman of the juîy declared lIat a man ciaimîng la he Sergî. Kelly, ai tbe Des Plainas streot policé statiou,. prubably can shead mach ligît un île8 matter. Shavîng a star Kelly vent1 ta tle mangue ta sen tae lady ofthlet blue-eyed glant. [lealais la a frlendt at Hanny Suyder. wIîa ivea near Di- violon aud ,Robey streetq, Chicago.0 §ergt. ICelly wvas auPPuaed ta appean at the Inquest, but il ta clatiuad liee la nul known ai the Des Plaines sta- f lion. Snyden pnatlsed 10 Sund Kelly.d AIluiney Alexander diaplaye theim inacriage ct'm liicate, vîtidliDeputy1 Coroner Md. Conrad demnander! be1 fore giving time wldav pa.-sessiîin ari Big; Stes cm toly. il abowed ttaey were maiti î,l t Ci own Poit, Atgust 23 asat y@-%r- lIrs. Wtîrhewsky. Alexaner, il- ly sud Sus-dec weîe aidered ta ap- pean belote itie Oclober grand lui'! aI Waulîegan. as wilnesses, and ses- ecal ciueî now hîing traced uioiise ta iead ta tImportant disciosurea soan. Second Floor lit lxil BKIAN Antioch off icer who arrestedl Commoner protecteci him in Chicago as policeman Theras oua thtng Iliat cati ha sald wilh aniphasis raucerulu; J. B. Cungdou, tle neceuly deposed village policeman of AuttocI, lia carnled out the leller ufthtIe lav sud was na ne- spectar af persoa. A veek ago lie srrsstad thé Hon. William Jenaînga Bnyan, the Great Comuioner, for speeding, but aisa L.ake Forest sud ather mîlltonarlas, J. Ogden Anmaur, baIng one of those lie "pinched."- lunranflecîlono îith tle armaI of Mn. Bryau, eaugdin once served ou the Chitcaga paître fonce sud durtu; the lime ut democratie conveai01 la that ciîy Cu5gdon vas dasign-. ta serve sa the bodyguard ufthîe man wisa raiaad grape juice ta ils présent Isigh esteeni. Mn. Cangdou Ilus made lthe ecqualntaura ai Mr. Brysu. and Iharetone e ncagnzed hIa vlan ha arneatad lna luAntiarli lasI week. it M'as Mns. Congdun vîo lased thaI Mn. Brya le e ld fon trial on the speading charge, but Marahal Conigitn believed thetesllver-tanguedl ut-ttan slîouid nul la pravented froat filitg lits 'prince orf Peara" lecture engagemlent lin Waukegan. sud thena- fore aitowed lin and Jlack Bainslow. driver for Mn. Bnyan, ta proreéd. Congdon la roported ta lhave stop' ped Ctîanics G. Sdhweppa, Lake F'or- est millionaice. Sanday. but. wile lie Mas tlkine la lîlnî anullien car eît)ed past, wiliil lie pursuad. Mn. Srsheîi)pe diove on utathle occuVant ai the ailier car, wlia lappened ta be J1. Ogdmîu Armt1ui.tîte ptickc'n, Mas caugit a*nd îîatd s fine Out$Il)- ilarshiit Congdon was fied bY Frank King, sillage presidanitTon Ili' pecalalsen anforcemnnt 'tise anti- suteading urdinance, failowîng whtcli four ai the six councliman resigned.. CONSII3R A NEW $10 A YEAR TAX ON AUTOMOBILES Waaslungion-'A lax af $10 a year on automobiles and lirtîs. a cent postage onu1 tlera. a 2 cent fax on lauk checks ansd sonme mtsceltaneous taxes,, iuluding au tucrease on elga. raIs, vere cous idered hy lte hotase W4ys aud meaus cotumtta. au recoi- meudattan ut Secnelany ofthîe Treas' ury Mellatki Other Taxes Ofoe.d The complets pragraiu tollowa tle lne Of suggestious irevtously dis- cuBain! ly hlm vitl members 0f the -com1ulttee. as follava: -Reiseal of the excesa profite tas IaI%4.subetitutton utf a 15 Pen cent fiant lax on corporation iIncomes, tnstead of the presen t lax of 10 par cent. Etltuation otf te preslent exemp- lion of $2.000 ou corporation Incousas. Repeni nir mo'ltfiitlou of te capi- tal stock li% Reduction if Cto hîghest suriez rate on ludîviduallucanes troan66, Par cent lu 12 -ppe troui. Icls vIl the normai ts utf 'Rpar cent vîlI malus a minimum ut 40 Per cent.' Revîston 0f sorne ai the lover sur- fax ratès lipwacd lu arder ta abtaln the sam@e anotînt of revenue as a'et prasent. Rtenetian of normal taxes oau mdl. vid4allucarne0 a i letapreiient rata of, 4 Par cent on net incoqies under 84.000 and 8 per cent uonn felIncarnes save that amotini. Reductlon or tranaportatian lax by 50 Palr cenl,,for a period Of une year aud complate liminaion Ibeneafter.ý Repeal of socallai "nuisanice" taxes. sucit a.3 tle suds vatar tax, whlch do flot vielîl nmicitrevenue. *Retenton ofaitîtof Iltlete e1rl Preseut mlat-el ioneotlï taxes.- Witt Give Needed Revenue Tt M'as tldir-,iît ili lte.reaaury, Officiais tliIaIPnîlerisPiogratu t1Wst revenlue froîn mntprlenal taxes vouuld fait a ltte aliori of Ilise $4000.00îý"D whtcit bas heen Il idte îu leeseary. The revenue fiot tlis saturce, Il was atated, pruhahis- woîld lie letveen 13.81),.000,000 snud $3900,000,000. lu view ofthl- :tîans of lte van fi- haste carpoaoiwi'Ioti lke rare "af rallroad needs witiîout direct appro-1 prlaausti. the ltet ot lb-' tteasunyt nov ta flIat lIaI amotint wlll hal sut- fîctent. The treasury catimates flitecle- toma revenue vlIamount ta $45,000,- 000) snd that salvage ut van supplies may yeld $300000,000. Representa- tîve Forney, chaîrman of the was sud means cammittee. expressed lins* self as believtng abat $500,000,000 coald ha cul off tram mtha treaaury estiates. Full Instructort. A traveter ln Jîttîmiatells 4T curions ,noticeg ha saw lu ahap windnwq, aud espectally an oiuteLlI mnicipal notie tsu motolsts: "If a cow obtnuct, trot 'er auothin,-lY; if site continue to obstruct. tout 'en svih vîgor; tIsite still olstruct, siait tîl[ 811( pàss awa y l"ý-Tbe Chrstian Advocats (N'ew York). Wornld'a LargeaI Pctrifled Forest. Vi Tîebureau ut farestry Raya thait fie petriflcd forcit tif Arizonais l cou- aIderai! Use langeaIt luexistence, ami rîiay suat on çut in a rlit,;qwtI th. national parks of-tfle United Stalle.. Tttire ni,- ptcrilicd f-r1st8 lu Colo- nuýituîtNî'briîska. luit iorie (caiîParel sitiloti-'ri- f..i- tArizona. Bachloo nod Chidrem, Accorditig to aiele riinttit littt'ary su I lriytbtle heat tdescript ion s ofi itîti dr,n -,I oif chilI 1lifbas-e hen writ. tll , -ielors. 1 Second, Floor tY2éJ3eçt 8tore- on the lorth shoee Fashion Favors Black In The Newv Frocks For Fail 1921 A s Seen In An Interesting Display of the Latest Modes A particular delightfulness and chaa'ming grace vas one notes in dhii display of new Fail Frociks as credited dhis season to thse change in detail-for thse line. of die alins, youthful-lookcing sil- houette are retained. E"I frock pobesses distinction in i4s varia- tion- of an authoriatixie mode, certain' of success, an important point- to* be considered in the -early selection of a'new season's wardrobe. To choose now would h. to receive thse utanost Of service and satisfactioni tbroughout the season, whereby a real economy is effected. The Ne*wWidened Sleeve hi Charming Versions 1baNoted' In several lengths and greatly varied in cut. Wide silk fringe and rows of but- tons addf greatly to the at- tractiveness of these frocks. Sorne haïve tie-back aash. Kittens Ear mnd Canton Crepe are the. mater- "aisFavored Botis are materials weIl- - known for t heir beauty as welI as serviceability, Geor- geýtte in contrasting colora as welIl as bliclc are inter- estingly dornbined. Prices Range From $45 Up and'Nearly Ail Sizes Are to Bç Ijad, WAUlIÙIGAN VALUIgD (Continued from Page one.) and theretare the books ,tsow a de- cresse thi, year ln these ltmes. The full cash value of personal 'îu-operty ln the City la $2,508,580, white lu the lawn8htP il la 8716,680, The full cash value of lots ln the City la $10,433,450, and $675,620 for lundi%* The full cash value of lots lu the township lo 81,073,410 white Usat of the lands ta $1,229,9»8. The net amounl returned by the Easasor on preantuma on tire, ma- rIne, lnland Davuation. and auto bazarda insurance was aloaCbed- uled. Tla doeas fot IllelUde auto lias. arda £overaing damasa 10 peraon. The amoupt of business they have writ ,test 1u ttis citY goedlute the pre- onding figures. The fuît cash value on persoata ProPerty lualte clty asat yesr vas $2,707.740. This shows 'tat the In- crasse thîs year ta $199,000. j The fuît cashs value et personal ProPerty la th e tôusll Iat j.ear was 8i745,750. showîng a stiglit de- crasse of $29,070. TiIs ladue' ta the ladt that the value of gratia,lilve- stock sud varlous otiter Items en. uumeratad have deureased lu market value. Aithougli there has beau Do naval- naton Inmlre. atite. blvbIco..lvaiun" evee 'tour' years, aud viiluaetba chauged for tire more yeara, tUse lo a conalderabte lucrease lu Itlnb the city. Titis la due te axtenaive lm- provements hling baen mnade. Price Coats ~ Up bo $55- Schi:iFfman & Ki Northt ( Sale Whers Auatralla Osta tne Natsa4 The uaine Ausîralta in taken diru 1 tront the Latin word austrotrl memînîn;sottrfi. Tluas lte msani of thit ivecontînenla ln the sono~ land Ititi -e -. i-an tii i t ei by ltitr Iîl ttarches of crstal,% th. wali et-buesand t y1119Al vernitt of. the rock formatilon,"~ Dot reaaeuaer tIsaI IbIs particular Caitt7wsn once of Ineat practi beuefit lo the counîtry. F0or Il was.b reasur of ls Imméense deposits of iI Peter, us4il Iunlte utauut'îure tof. mis tsowder d- ug lt e W'r 0f,1812, thae ah a Or'- Dot", Max 'rnwoG Noathrf~ i ut. Gr.at.at Store Por Women and ChI&drn !n the Auguit Glean.Up A- Up to 82..50- ti1 HALFPRICEI disposai of women'a coasand aults Includes every liglit weiglt rosit aud suit-lor lata, Sumaner and early Fal-in Our stock. 0f course there aie other Itrice3 thau the ana quoted but theae rill glve you an excellont Idea of wbat to expect in the way, oif values la this aensational sale.I E3 * Govermmnt buMlings andi material at the. OfficerB' Materiala &bcool, jGreat Lakes, Ill. Camp located directly west of the North Shore EIectric i M Station, north of the Vive PQints loati eant of the. E. J. & B. tracks. Lumber Doors Sashes Windows Frames Screens Roofing Beaver Board Plumhing Boilers Pipe Radiators Fittingks Flag Poles Vifre Electric Poles Kitchen Supplie's Smoke Stacks - é. stnikint -i fanil -- tads, .--imoto] meany mustai lr ype ai1 formerly us ilgît ofthfl plclure ps klceýpt chll e. cansped «spaang t>aeip dan i a4 th Whou.l S-avâge. Co. 10 SPE TO SPEI &NTIOC Reported f some of -1 May Irmo Iii. % j h sal' - t *-lhiti> Il 1h: t- h lt 10 9 antd nI. w oulil h the Salie i titan ro uli -i reaitrici], * nuble. llover. m atio leal: -'e law'-t- put 1 lienrt Cître.i restgned '£-( K-ing si,,l.t.-d ý, wauld 1 un t u e,! wli.u the Itto t-lde un fmIen iait lie der;,, mniry action -tnd damandi- nt Iliae t c.('.rir. ,or a gau.-r..l Rxi-trsistt-'ý thse hols' rt - 'lie specil- r.aSllows: f'.ftee-n mit. 'rie., 20 mile. 'iÂOC. I.i'fspakilat sairc We rai day aile-rfioOr ïetil:Ofin iAn' pie ttnlving i mC- ýarute IL, Cti ago. 0O, tir way the 1I - zrehing 40Iacething an neicspead tint hia . in tisal .îiy ,tggestiC 'jar.qta evac5 wr musItlot wltn autolsîs 'n o -JtIis i îsct oudaued stfergua 1. eaking t .an Ex-rustee itel tlit It ni 'tqîtur ely to an ht, îietti tt.: tamilit: Net A i uate i a, e te rs i.. :Irad 15 1.', e Pl-, ttn til Tuî'sda titi'_1ond'aý *il[" TU * VAN FOR for' LateSummer and Early Fal The Coats -* Vp tol18.50- Upto 27.50- Up to $40 7981981 9à The Suts-ý Up to 16.50- Up to 27.50- Up to $40 17 98 *176 19V BUY NOW AND SAVE, MONEY MATERIAL IN.EXCEULENt CONDITION 4 lit 1 -

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