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Libertyville Independent, 4 Aug 1921, p. 4

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THÉ IiRgUaTVVfl DPINIpENW<T. THUJRSAt.AUGUST 4.,1921. Libertyville fndependentOP3NFOX LAKE3 ADDITIONAL LIBERTI 4am iCouuty àde lnde U -Wauhegan Weeky Sun!I RM DI E BIDS; TO MisCaaH erya 1Pgtqf0 'OI ' ~ tti.Potffc t ieryIIO Xi.së Sec n "a" M RD ~CONTRACT tWlRi alwrhae ~na, te MJUCRi1IN PiC-4150PER YEAR, STRIOTLY UN ADVANCE.hi office Telephon@ Nu-ber 1, LibertyVillO Exchange. l'Mabl.1onnaniierial cîs W. J. SMITM . --..--Editor lbridge ig to beconin e a lit. fi nMlwake.nt W. J.SMITH ............ w iÏdb oîî.eitiontora ilynd it iwike or 0 MIH ----- ----- -----------Local---Manager CNf.i< ed entua i nr w ai n il is Mi. tand Mrs. L. Lairsen dm1 daugIl Watt NL .NALYnntr future. Tiiere îi. i rry teasun er. June. of .Xphjonn. Iis,. ws e t i te boy s CRUSDE GAIST sE.AING ~îI m o vaiî Mrs. C.string. and ti ler relatives. CRUSDFAGA ST WEA G. leres ig ta dispal h fotMr NOody whethcr lhe Ile a Roman Catholic, Presbyterian. Nethodist Or Spiringfel I Ay îutc p1.îai fin T iaeboys Emptst, oreven Volivaite, coulci have anything but the kindeat words Il ctpri ofthe ne\%. . iN ipr for rco li en ioi4jIl le Ibbak for the 1017 Name Soiety, an organisation launched by the Io- ink chanfel stee-I bridge s extrat lisel> lic, pasl week. the- cau.se nesda 'tc, htae leplace of the îftfiif i biereol being ia branîl new lu pîoun'i cours mu Catholics. wootlen structure nezzîr Fox l..ik(>,*1.. b rIv.ing atiuIisouse lasi Friday.,0b As sttel elsewhere in these columans today the object of this Society wilî be recelve Inothie laie div' > h ar m.ecua enc to desist from the Unfortunate habit manY men have lion 'If higblways in thei.office or,'mie Ju)> 291 . This is ifhe third son for f bey Lg6kc county superinfendefll of Mr. andi Mrs. Proctor f beý "i swuing Contlaoasly. igfays;, August 3. The ne's bridge ticket la osier-to encourage men ta refrain from "taking the 1o rw's naineif; to bave a aran of t;3 feet, one 19- Mrs. Eugene Sullian of long Lake' verth foot roadway andf one sfdewalk 4 fi. was f aken btb e NcAliste* bospital windi ta val this society wuas p.nized and bas a penalty ýwhich ia self- l t;Inîlies wide. in Mlwaukee Monday, where site wa% .Ipi by members, naiely tht of contribuating lOc or 25e to the poor to have an operalfon iterforuset. ,Bbc' bu in th&iro» curcli for each timt they swtar. was accomjaanied il)fthe hospitai by ofth The tendcuoy for swearing ha growu througbout the country and 1-Mrs. J. J. MeCormick. ertyv Ch rCf tilonir iwa ea la thear hMay conversation swear without really knowing or M.at r.LnWinîadM.ua lodi1ip tht they an1 d0iil 80. ST. LAWRENCE, EPISCOPAL and Mrm. L. E. liay returneti ioe lb-- rori Tberefore. azy organimation that starta to overcome this W c di Rev. E. J. Batty, B. A. Priat. first of the week front a visi t ýwtb forIl tis a i a co=iuity ouglit ta be encouragtd in eCry1 respect, regardieSs August 7f h. Eleventh Sunday after Charles Ray in Coloma, Mlcb. They, 1gbit - Trinity. also vis.ited in Kaaia)z00 and other tilMe le religions affiliations. HoIy Communion ai 7:30 a. lu. Kices in itbe Peninsula tate.- hiq act, it ia cf interest to notice that tht Roana Catholic «kurelh Church School ai 10 a. ms. bu stated this plan and is a pioncer in the natter of orgmmïzing against Holy Communion 8f Ifia. um. Mr. andi Mrs. W. 1 Collins andt ieir to eulae itin ome imiar m»er ilSermon, .The Pharispe and t he Ptub- daughter, Nliss Vi rginia, afld Dal e Col- ILIveryb wefl for thtaear rchommunaeit ix s ot ainiam antoiter.licayn 1,606 28 lins. of the First National Bank, wfih knoa tat swarig cmmuitydot no atrac taitiif Mrs. Taylor will sing te Offeriory a îiariy of frientis f ront Sycamore, Ill., ami jarticular attention and dots not indicate a bigli standard of intel- Solo. li'a'e next week (in a tbree' weeks' loutuality. for, tht frequent conclusion mode by the public is that ont -o outi ng ai Mînoquti Lake, Wisconsin. ""oivears continnously is short on hiii vocabulary and resorta tel h PRES YTER IAN Rov. Eaan C. Morgan, Pastor. Ita> Andrews, local îuanaget of (Il. 2 Ugg7 wont" lbcauae he cannot forccfully, express. hinsélf in plaini Sabbath School at 9:45 a. tu. W iftlinois Bell 'relephon ýCo., has joine.d - Mao* iat lic wiahes ta Say. G. Wells, Supt. A growing seltool, tihe Plhtocraftlas,. anti now rides ti W. eu sec bow tht final results obtantd by tht 1017 Name 80-wtb very able supervision in ail île- a brand new Dotige iouing car, deliv- partments. You are welcome. ereti the latter part tof ast weelt by oiety w" e ubvery beneficial la al coninuaities whtrt it operates. Preachlng at il a. nm. Thought for tise mornlng sermon. "The Brigbtem J, N. Bernard, ofit ls Libertyville Side of LIte." Children's sermon. A Garage. FEM1TENTIAY SENTECE FOR STEILING BOZE. cordial invitation -to tbe publie. There are nym c smen mt ta jail for maf.tra illoit liquor but Community Vesper servir at cen- Mr. andti'Irs. E. I. Langworit itOand tral Park 6 p. ms. These peker of ithe son, Thom"a,li Montis> on an auol ÇuIem Jobalm, Ohicag, vau is capectel ta arrive at the pcntetiary evening la Mr. Ketchum, of the Saiva- mile f rip îlsrough thse western state. âb wek,@MbwM o fom oe t twntyyem hasthedisincionoflion Anny, Waukeam. Mr. Ketchum Tbey expect tb explore fthe Yellow. bain the fistinan in tht state snce prohibition to sufer mach a penalty The ubic a vitad srn sg. stone National Park, as well as visit '." "".orPrayer Meeting Wedneinlay, Aug. 10. the ober famouti pai'ks tif Ille Rock> Topic, "Wby Did Jesua Die?" HeIpful Mounfain region. Tb sentence vas imposti by hudge C. C. Edwards of tht circuit Court diacussion. You are Inviteti. Wt labo Couaty,' who overrlti Johnson's attcrney's motion for a.- ne w The Court of lionor, Boy Scets, While reiiairing a ence at hia home 111l meet at thse Club itoom Tîiesday norlb 0f f own lasI t riday, Reuben telul. ev~Fen lg. Souat ts. Ntc el Thomas was siruck in ithe eye b> a f Johm« vu uT«W a year lago with WM"Choir, er ngtt 'hi ractlce each FPriday evening. nail, andi he fi.as been laid ni.e\e %bâhiit dtectives 0apturti Jhaon in tht atlt of rcUling tWa barres of F. J. Wright, chorister; Mrs. Flora since. The pisysicians îfink te sight *bi*lïont of a freght car.johason atttMpted ta escpe ald vas shot. Durandoai st of tise optic can be saveil, but the in- 18woUEi5May mik lhm a lifeloig oipple. IVANI4OE CONGREGATiONAI. jury is very painful I The whole country locks with interet on the devdelitat in tht ,Tbe adult clasa conducteti the open- C. M. Long. seceita ut bu'Ill Ilanis Zabo cacm e tausc it etabliahes a precedlent coverimg tbeft Of lui; ezercises of tise Sunday Scisool Hostein-Friesatn Association, waila m -m.u ee tve last 18unday and hati a fine ps'ogram. vvilg üd.M-.Lu a"n *lIs,t"ibelng te rs es.feras asnown that aà x ias gvn Suaday. Aug. 71is: Churcis School fî'vilg1Mna.1i1og a l fapà emfrthtetot tint or at 10 a. ni. Subject of leason, "Be- terviewing farmeri' in fi seccf fan tof s'puoster ta tt tefIcf iqur.cousing a Misslonary." Churcb Ber- tbe stue telàlive to ot-ganizifig purei __________vice atil a. ru. Subject of sermon.isd bul) associations. 'Reporte nov are that the hot wtather bas pasti and that the baance "Sioru Tosseti Men." Text Mark 6. The new constitution for the' choir t th semaonwll lie cool. Well, we've had enough ROT Wtather SO will be decideti u»on nexi. Friday eve- - tbat nobody vil be clainoring or hoping for-it mach more this year. It ning. It is impotant that every meusna-- _ ber, bc present. Plans forautumn will utely bas been a record staSon and with prospectst of a cool AugUSt evry- also be decided upon. Wuiy vill breaiih a sigh of relief. The Sunday School îmknic, rlosing he mensierahip contest will be belti - 5f tiangs Lake. Waucontia, August 12. You canu always tel tht "tightwad" in a penny-ante game. Ne looks ùî'Ilauîs wilî ise îublishled nemi wevek. A touriait cam't htlp noticing that tht average small town garage is 616IANTIC FEAIIJRE IS- *e bet building in tht place. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ADDED TO BIQ CIRCUS - therefore we arer Ringlinm Bras., gnd Barnum & Bail ey or slight our serv Program Incliudes Europe$ Great *Wid Animai Show.W e a Mvh u[t iîe4 gs acai aned ani- .1 ~ E D malushos as, one ititan> pl,.did Sfeaturea, ie -Ringling Brohers andi !R E D us& utile> ('omisineti shotwstROI wilf exhibit aftet-nmofl anti nigitiai Chicago from Saturda> - JiI> I3o.o Sunday nigbt. August 14. 'greaiest congresa uof attraction., in his B u ne Co p r or>. Withotuu einîinatfng tîny of the housandti bri ls îroîuced b> fiun Crystal Closet with R, women î,erforniers. te R ln rs - bave stideti, wilbouî adîitionai charge. tise 0sf sensational of wiil beasi idis-« O e c r ilb phiys. Not only wi-ii >oit Aee itie ;ait ne c r wiIb fisaWho occuxi ithe titre.- rings. i ivei HL otages, thc greaut iroirme irack W e k y VVu t andthie terfal rigging in thit teut toi) ibu four spacious ste. i aena., iflemi 'e wilîi wild beasas as Well. D A . 1Tigers rfdlng peameably on the bach Three Cwards wvili lof elephanis. ilack-mnand Afri cat iotns ____________________________________________ springing 1h anti front gailofîing honu.mta un fplai es, great ftropes of p9lar beait' waik 8 ing rwpes or playlng aI sev-a, ec ards jumping îbmnugb -ioopa f ~**f~ ibese are anme of the niarvelous thinxs UNE i14t tiese wonderful animitis di). 'F or L &ille aWlile ibese beatisfful creaiures ai- 'V ft y v - under'absolitfe conîrol, the: ai-e Pl. senleti onîy In greal areits 0o-l. Aside frons the dîîmb cresitiies art' nal10)clowns. A gorgeonis tounfa ."Ï1SATURDAY P i.wih li,>sear -fronî hsofrefc cthed ini aislpdinle 01 sbîpubi ei'- fmanni'r isat a ireresvet T haed MW WOMMare-4i ta b -- --oug 1b he -c Gaage boarti were seated arounti a sil! Srýholl Foto nfort W'i'gi June iltît .bhleTh, olIdfashioneti kerosenei ta 251h Tfhis was ai oIOt in' whîîck IaL EW n et n iîso miid full aseasure -,ai <lutyI>'lîîîusands fc îtw nutiius i" n oifmtiIthi OVL E NE SmncieMore. .But fitHe business w:~is toing sIhîa $!orC-tfinhi ited ut 'basebaillenctoit uet dfea t iori rnatdb iebad te hn risadCaaa( se 1cond lime ibis year lasI Sonda>. tltallow ing of bils. The Imiesîient NII. Siiiftlt u iti ef Ied h, til <ccii md fast MecHenry teanu Winning in na as a îîf borizetiltoaiturchase 10i) si e. I l'nioftiti lrizer Th! i tti n.quel. e1> hougii ganse by ;t sarm. tif fuir' cand ti reel aigns fta be ltt-fiomn w <s îîmt,îmabi- t iltI"' 1ic-uir :1 tlin'gane beng ilaynf t Mc a itai ntei ruections, showin g l'i, cepItilts tandl -tik in r", . ttin iui Ir> Tit- Iacing adnfnist-eef bytnati, ofeticit sueet Titis î is I'rtNa>s. iiiii ,lS ecndia tire Sonda> befoîe did Ilm(omîfance wilb regultions of ili, ii'ltohm iiiy , .,.c tai îîeîîurlmeni, whlch lplan% to inaug nogilt'ie ý\ý sa loi of goond. anti ihe>th fretît-vryo- ailin he . lroid hi AI G. I. î-'. tAil, ina hall.- \uae ihufmeedeliery o tual itsfisi silage soon. The strict nîarkeîs and.Siuea ts -'ia 't t~ -. anm Mt-s. J. Bernard anti lue bouse numbering wilI also be a gi-eau t Janet iiil .td liec standiNI t'. anti Mm,. Paul uîay andu tonvenience in man4 ways. especiaî,y Luce and tIgEîîeî- Luc.- roi tui, Glrit hiidt'en drove to Chicago SS'e- fou ireclina îti-angei-s who conte tootii. T hls î-rcîus stis j - cirtinc-tionte da> u to ttendth ie big cii-ius. <i Libi r y ville.oftl,% - estlii . rViel rse Paull antiJack didn'f wuînt i lecut.Triiaswn but the boy-s raisetisurlirta fus-i ilusimasfer Alleusian wisies oli n .-îmetîf oii. andil-i * 'tcis tii y eesimply compeileti ta. Tiseni noune'îisat no more itersonai cbeck.i lte îîî i iorsivit and I!-., ,ýuni-rai ai) bail Io use tisose perfecîîy adoti willl ie receiveti at thée postoffieS in t îiuautni"' ofIlile -ishom' - tir.s fts lisey receiveti for allowing ad-th-fe îîsyueni of postage. Tfilt, postall trs J. IL Ail cî-iiîi or,) ,himldri-e e lasina tuf tise show placet Iin tiseir regulalliana do flot counienance tbis j Snnîîj> ftiJudaî. Wt.. -m -Main about kows. juracuitte. anti thsepostntaster luas t fa - k vstneM..Alea' stand gooti for ail cbecks. Hée basir-- ck'siltiMc.Aeafi t akes more tisan tise sbuttinlg Off decideti Dot to accept chsecks trous an> fparent s.Mr. anti MmciEt Kade-ry Ulr. te electrie ligs ta stou ~te ib- oeatrtaula h aeienAlI-man is îaklng hi'. .inil vYacation yville board of trustees from func-. centîtieti at tise isnk on wisicu lieyfmii)tu rkafsci'tff-endh ing. Last Monday niaist tise reg- are drawn. peuunding numusî or b tilti fithiti. Hi- rAuguat meeting was helti in tise w as seen Wednesdav ai' -rnoon carry ,tu in tbe village building reaerved Ray N4 Smitb, uhe shoue dealer. iiaq n akt iil t aid uontalneti tise tire tiaistina apparatuse. Thse just been awarded a valuable prîze Ium wo dozen troas. Nn wi ,mait' fat of tisa big motor trock were uhe excellenice of thbe'wlfldow triml i. we can teIllisow iliosi ftiogi wei'e tseti .ed on, and the members of lise designe" for bis store turing the 1Dr. ant irlie esuli. ILLINOIS AUTO EXHANG 21 Bank1 Lane, Lake Forest Telephone .1134 rwo argains If Taken At Once One Baby. Grand Chevioet,4glfff 8 Months old $ 00O One' 490 Overland 5-passenger Tou*ù <Car - - - - $3 50.00.O THESE CARS ARE IN FIRST CLASS SHAPE Distributors iUAVM1NAmerica's First Of . IALL > Car See Us Before You Buy. Open Day and Night Ill eoýý t e m es1 I l lgegges e qm ,'t t g: O not GivigPreum flot Compelled to charge extra for our merchandise vice, as we have NO 1NVESTMENT for premiums Lve made arrangements to distribute gers Silverware free. ýrative Advertising plan which is your opportunity NofI your kogers Silverware without cost to you. given with every twenty five cents in Cash t rade. : considered as Cash if pai4 In full every week. I be given for every, dollar in trade on monthly in full every thirty days. EOur business Cards fhey are Valuable ASK FOR THEM ,tive after Fniday Aug. 5. ing to us and we wiII exchinge it for a Card. iv Carda Ail Accounts must b. paid at the Store. No Carda Sent by Mail. RL H. CORLETI PHONES.33"-40 LIBEIRTYVILLE. fia. - Hom~ FAL ivint BUIL plent w for y c Ge AhG C =h s. ROGERS' Silverware FREE t Cu'orners EARL H. CORLET GROCE1RY and MARKET Phone 340 LIBERTYVILLE, ILL .1 1 Short 1 iai sbii-t F : it T r i g gi gabi -lient K I. -imeil h., 5 i-i-k., miii il lInd Mî-,s letd Be a tiam Miss hi fier positimr tditon <Co. iii ani-1 Tu"wlia> ailt Nil, Fiait ins 'lletzat. Chic-agoti%1i aih holumo relumneul Tf Cbarleafon. we-ks ati nitîoh-ir. Mm

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