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Libertyville Independent, 4 Aug 1921, p. 8

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THE IJBErTYVLL NEPROMi, TUURSDAY AUGUST 4, 1921. Palatine. Mr. andi Mrs. Fred KropP un~u~eMs erold o Ffstnsis vst S AI RE antiNi. and Mcc. George Grass 0 ai NE Salte Milîs home. 8 TPC I h - ,Zt iilooîk a inuior boat tntMAl reiîrt t fa b le a wonderfuîi ffair. tl kii*-Wailworth won aver Gurnee ,Sfitr frni cliiîttî ' Giai.ke tu as UWaa., U ff TED IN ZION; i.. fillmihe urraig I KtOWNLI1D AT ha avery exciing hall gamne.The O A DE T R ake- ta,.! Sunfaia> rat.co.-aras 9 ho 8. - NE c tXU ;aaFreii c it-guests of Mc G ES LÀKE iII taleave for points in MchiganAT6 G SL R NED ~w B UE:L W ~ iti~i- ~~Sîan-- Suntiay. ÂGES weeki. Tltey wili mire the tripiG G SL KE WNED M.ant i cArthuricKiesi andtint -,b>,auto. - aRL , i tfPai iVew ,peni Stnday w1Ith Chicaqo youth, aged 13 gesiAîaong tire Ralt ita vtilirs Satir- Many ýwin pri es in atW~etic wORK; S ~nian faces charge fdvE. IG. <Nî.t k < o-ey ad s- wading; steps into oes a iîîweeLatHans is contests; "1free everything aST,, WAUX kLk 4la hihf,,ris k t orneill.Miss Sîeers andi Mr.9 L.ouis ;andt lien, anti Mi. anti Mrs. Eti oreeybdl Ung î g W yW sw in ( Mrsand M E.g. iae nti sofng body reoovereu analiMa,., Glen>n Mihia. freeybd"iWANTED- makngeys anG~c nî îauhic.Etel a LngMc. andi Mrs. Frank MGraeitiers gace. G roN '*a iiedl ai iliaî- J. I.. Roder antd Jeseî,h Kenmpiners. 13 years olti, re- Sutida> lit the Ihonie o c' i. andi Mrs. Te annulai o<ling o tc apen frteg A, ld bIne ama: ' .li,îIa <'n t-orgal S'ttai!Iahoni,, ic- tiSnda> ai!- ,idin'gaitai5151 Gray's treet, Chicago.H.EFlo.frlcaN.14.m, ted b frthgl otinto iiaration. ernoOn. son o! Louis Kempiners. mens dmowfl iThet. Ningsa Il great tiav Sun-8< cteua niîîeîesa icr~î~o le«s the :anti fli jrul, aiit -- Mr. anti Nrs. liatr> M titi eî t onSaturday at Gages Lake' faTlie cratreti was brougl1.11tatn a ninee ~ alti'iiitai a' ittitT!iitl>con tanti.. a m .lc TuaiDon yTe crwdwasbI j fIai n n ti~,lt o îiglct ibu p tidi eiti alaiti- wtl'Hn Statîtsan. l Mandllecflice weatul wiaeme heanti the fanîiy of a eigh -ar sieclal train Iront Chicago. Two lalu Lake Sriatîa'. hur tîo. Ton a arCti 1 lttaei Whi.in ter il, (oFislItLake- Sun btwr çclli c iactt5bss at iaso ut sngera en ilti i srcai alu tavaitllîi"tiio Write Inti gthoMnthi- il, fCfdli' charge.] im'.i ie. iaNorrt ton dit, at il iSlien! aileda ter. etlpiit'c watiiog ta ittaîtteti. ties tocalc 'ý uICthe iiiitt" lot lutiig it,<ia cMt, un!- it '. NI * oi i' rîitio;, sselt antI %vas cansidd.- cia ahallow pîia i utthe Ea tii' Nashbîirn b. t W > .fii Ititii Si brî- refres ient -i ns ofîj g tire Ivli,'lreks' iacation.creatna andti)t' 'ti-r ttt ,gtFRSi. 'takan uc. <iaI> t j, Mita % - 'iliors as'i ak-. beinai unabte f0 jwi t'reIli ih' I -M r. anti Mrs. Keet l liefli Sunîlay iit lt a. tu ltiii% t,~.lî M Kn ltapend.0le , Iîott lthet menabers of ihe Party> misa- itîiîrn1nie oiî n at f thu elle utîs. ;tîti ldlta ts Saucellai McKnle '\fi- llnei ,N andl Nia s. E. W. Fi-nti tandti thaii t ain) A - ,earching pari> amas «- hooigi esuhrilp fte ,lios n l S Mta1 il. w ot, h ieiî tS f i,[t1 ît ,. W a-liaI ibcfîta îaiti l ' dtg-ENtllyn. iotttiiedIo iiMcl'en ganatzed andb is body was ecOverei coat Wi"fli>.POITO S8. ROI bolii l u d.C 10e .t ,s t1: ' îîtnnt abolit i Sl eit o t iti ir. 20 minutes -I-lit aditi on t t !,aîi t i i ,c i OeTII 4. hV orilil il, tat*lcdoc - * aiea. Meaniote a Cali for ltelp ail*000 000 O 0 0000were a:tie oaisc Th.u et iti - îter ni tu lit? MU I LLB UR N Il. Nli ît(i etwitit;t tungMOtOt S A K *WB ua- .> '6W titi. ,jrdimfltttet-in Zito s- .a ",i 0 ; o<~ . aoliti the ili i il abid> wat$ recot'-0aiA.K O E01C. arI &u. Ieraf iî,.n1ad1u le .O 000ret00 000000e000000ln aiei. OO OOo oo1 oo oo o ytii> Race'. til tuai ol ttI'o chat »ypersn (i, ny sl o al. erd. ffili, l; 1 Il aild, 0 000 0000 000 001lieson . pcket lkîtife. @* w rdaisgn0" sgnlwiic i -lili :lou aienin:IIwIýe.JtIiy. 27, 1921. lI tace. if t i .-s itît i nt WOitK W. ~~~~ wod o, cao o ignl tiacitlit5 Ni ,î l' .au:I 13.n! t g titi a i i iniînm- ttIoî-t er èMmonîy spolie of as fiitl i ai ttuIh (alta ..ttat1 i, ettii -u ae a V ' 1P' tablerit ant i wle il i t o .i uesnhcli: boxt <a u'ttn'tN >ount Ini oug." NAnd ileic tenaltv tecefor ss-It i,. 1Poloc o i itcgo lut 1,r,- kegan, b> Wetzet &ut teen.un- 1Lyonflanti wife, lot -..i-a w Fls ,adti, Sho.-Race fui fatut c Roil,!fl'or,- $,etIîn. la igu oi r .!frointita i îtin $«2ifoii- acta il- au -p s( iini,,litrt acatilofit alicctîkers. ioîtawing an inqueuti t atthes -de fartain 01 8<1 1r;iaea bi l.,. e [laîtî l l ei atut ris. ta t ihe-MiSse. 1 agi-s tLake c h> I)eptît> Coronera. l l E t hmIltstacvî '.n A Il. te; a bI bt wel1 fi), airaesitok place Sa ta'Ntrir unwa~rîi <ont'ait, of Wtukegan, n - kil oais C. F. Ahi)Olitttn if-. ( at ; i . P. Latiies, Four lb I t i . - Ing t mal. MY anti Chattes Weske ic ihe (If,- Sce . H :Itl-, tlitai' WetnIlti'en autChitatgo tat(, SaturdaY Ibiltt- t>tllaî 'St ' I f iti'i ot'xk e.d Iiaut.. Nom miwe îIidni tment li tut H la!t -nk j it'il NV iliii ta Tthe tîn.t-ai t wa s I ilti n 11tai iLo on î a wî.(dint . $1ti1 ia. !- tI ~~. , hiI -LA E F eUanie' résute bîfot- hecatîo-a iti h -,lInirdCm-1LAERI ~ dea't ater ii lte w hîr iinui i ata ltti lain ,a itihiral no ii. lui i', - 1J. o 7 îo~- t i ilaF afi iiis ttk i/i la up whicîî ouni s Ni c t th, ia-fl'a it I tul tir failli]ttt 1oeit' tttt r> tir raiet u ., Lake Fore'-t. w' il$111 siroi)a lt-tLake,a Firot Time lm World V P, a-tlttt I '.. Tlii!'isdac Iotiî sit ul.10 0 0 o 0 0 9) 0 , lie - Nii iuI P a.,l'a atSALE !a. ý' , lzt, Yes, the issaîte of flirliO teiion i(lit Iî,- tr.Ni t ci. ;: tiit . ittta--itery ars sin.tlan ho ti Vla . 1-"t0t Nii'O4 - t,- i tiault Iak coi ,ord at a, i tiet inie n ale .1 Tîtato î'n 1_ Maitltiianit i<ujiera- t 0 l G1 O A A< N. A baugh an itia it- t . 1)i- î-gui Rit' . < ii iuý,L rk 1% arîda histoi'y.Natttali' Zion ('ityi l>l c dti Ibu' t!"MIl atO i al ' liitti 0 00000 1O 0 00 O000o0o 0no o ittrti.tatd of tlandilit NE 1 1 il t . ;aîiditil lii.t.tIs.Iilu l e!,Iff. Nd-I -at the Place t.l- 75Cmuet, ue.tilmfl. il lu'd ata j- iîîtîo icîa . ltG aatm,' d oýM(1,, R '. ) a," t oc ati h cil - lîtta, -ý ý r '! iii,î ii lc (,li> -\;n ;i lllllg olJuIy 25, 1921 tutun ia n f*' ittCttta')i thàt rt w tittil lace i t filtr .alitau,i.. i, t îu'Jant':fI(Ali. ,Laket- 'lla la> D itta> NAl ita l;; .1 ýI tdl > and ti S ,' u.îalil>ii K j P titl, ' tra <ut iîi hi, t îIl-tui '- Theicits tc I -Ier, 'i untt iatt -tib.Re iiier choit jlttit'ti4t' tas! i i l<t .lltig 1ith i te Ii! l> hiit locai lx Rnd' anc tii ttoiti'boc 1 ai = iflcit-fltatil> I ha> ti r Utîci tit tilli li- itit! i !. îîr i tiglas. it'da> -'.inint, ai NI,'i-. itt ît ',tik tttit'l-Stî loi ltii.a , NW 1) e'Attuttit ti u ie'ilî'u <11t0 - . - I > tlait W..ukegait anti Spt-h2ftlit ie1-Nt- K lîut tiet ii 'uiiag-ktîîîî-. E ectn b jlsin îîtktt> ttib' ttî . Th cae was calletiias Ni thioit NîtMl. t M, . Lci i l isai.lui l i~ t even ,*'-It,(î-k s50 s 1o gl- tt.týi .- an~d iibd l u Sie c u oiii ti iiiltî nd* Att>'- lÀttbl 'Ba elti O! AttY. Beau olteifiiRound Lake saient Stanuta> a lla budy aa tattentte-ti u ('<Tit'. ttlîat aami i-.lait- 4,1-,fii49i blisas office vwas on bhal ti 1 tefen i l,..lati-cIîîîîtaer. imeeting ait -1tw home ut 0. A letîchi-it Sltuaa e Lut) tuI iatg lt;k . W 1) $hhti< r &m iH Wusk su taproe iai ie cte tii Mca. C-1 Hiieckei antiaile(, ao-Mrsback, %'htch watt bie alIciiiiiti cocli tK. li. Wbîtaius etIl i alt. F. Saw.3LU LrA SI LE àc daaterdly tblng itotaflirt witb H,,Sin. anti cililtrIfior Natikegafl fe'.. Kithahn 'will filîli tan 1114 tîca, Iltut:12 SylianaWos etAt E E SRA S .'perm.uetbe opff esx seciai- pient Suntis> f bi < t ant, tProblem.' Le-t us &tatted a nd oi i, \u1) $14. GN 1 et lnuiti trttili t- habt ecai ela.fico S-btrmn ttuse andIC B IL~Rea1Esta Ir aot In Zioný hiw inlar.rlo cerun latmtei, M S EFL D Aeagn 'rbey werniabatie acra>, relati> Niss Enns I îe îî 'urrtai. 'isii M. n a I er iiai ndILraiJICiaI-sBrm, n wtAMî5if ltgand ! Ma. nti Mcaya ent aîa n tmi ittintî> t!'.Blck 79.iHiglan'd 0t tawt ot a"4 fit foi the occasion. But fie citY andiliht iiiting Mcc. Marin. setSniyahriiiia eIttns~,lttl 9 ibtnlPark.W DI A~ îe efin SZon waniet imtie; in fact, it litaiti Mrc;d Mcc HItges ut Gitnsuut. wiih relatives. i I VlE>mhne' linbav tie osori h a cai. ue li! t . fit,'E. J. iPolock bortie.- MrscAugiasI Si,îîi p, -ti .'t tuticdi f'rI fi. sitniwit-i ;ha5e el nd î5wwhl Cal-aoteon las. I. e-WITIIIN10D S ih -id saoteaCse -cc Nîr nt lsetiten14c bec tgel t iiilgltanît -i -nî 'Si,lai 9. ittocli 1.Dutle.>place; NNissuci Wa-,(ettnicaonspSu Sutlin\Niashaleretaan t- Ilitllaicren mct )JNoad&>.In filie meanfiimethbe week endti wth Miss Pearl Clevelai. Park bospital. W ashingtlo nfi'ttirSai-ak . (i fiaîcha> itis OMMney lor- bath ides willIl hveai ica-. l'ihon au, olince o (il einto details anti tic-licarren Clevelandut hacao 'Ualney Foiue.,baile ý slia okun M 1n.Juîy 6, 1921. iennlil -L. 0-in-W.tigo t tue oIl alit sine uaI laa W'csk i ticlti s it affîai taeeSunda> . i mille Salorta ig tatîanduls talcFcii wac s t tîneîeîneWhnu iaiiasait lua. 'aliu,a'. c-i la' ing oeial:c iIlU *OW il iî~tei lie ottahat to tic plan ;et ik< 'Jhlcotia.tili- e i1s7i.ltîeiiuine P c I t lu id<îtiis tîî5 ttck S rlmort1 i>' 7 b teaio iided, ua '>lt A ilaiet, for te offerts(,. athe, î-iuach tieru flCxt Sunday. :accsuiis. krnutigte,taboitt$50.,'NVîîi<czan. W fD $1 Ci ,gages anti t-.nveyalngls. liereatter Alea Ut isni- kuown ta the defensi' wtîtte t li i.aiec id suciel> w ill gii iaitai L4oukc t i- local ta lent ., icitl.lt.'im r n tciifti O !i> ata-ita- tlt aiian ien lss utlani orb ho ebcargeai witlî firing wittîlbis ici.-F cî ,an I lrtoita Tlctii> e'. coi% n -g h a a!t a>t" " -nuitug l gluit ia1Kirkar izitian. ois 23 iii 27 tand S. Tfi i--%it' ci-iti on 1ibi iti as î'îaiic 5 ilile, wýt hils bantis. sittt tala moufta Au it i i t itaboui :îîau> gi l l ' it iuiiitaie aïw atii t~ 8 ansm isu asîl ui tttwc or vitb tais ahouitiers. Ttucn there are li tit as-iletceiioL ttlt b ii kc nn. W. 1).$2. 7li t se-titonItlt i N) t!otrga g'. i trut <1.-cii MM Wbo caui wiggl' ubeit foce.heatis o O o o Oo o oou0o oo oo oU 110111117)Aid 1mufnl>. Atiet a lainganît t Wi1i1t Johnson andîeta) f,-iîMa>S. t-tint i-vatnc,- m«tfçeronal toPractY fijd '41tr In auch a way tiat ih also ~catetutidisacussioîn, I sicot ü( litui-1o nk1-_:ip'rtlotis 142 1hîto 0Ilil itisîtîîli, 'valîia- agaîloatalie -cretit- elim bê termeti firing if.anc wtah * W UC N DA, Shi,. o titi otherm Ise. A vote-'as takit In i ta-t N lit> t1. ors of aile iiictgagoîc. cç-ienthoad-o 'ut. lu tact. Weskp says hat lhe once- 000O0000000000000O0O0Oant I 001tus'. '-ru-uiet'iiI tgaiflst Jl 8 91 lelt eod spoie nSc 4e afeliow whîo cault maile moure itet ht-building conilt. ewittoetdtienaele nIt' I r ditt4a tl dcîneai hhb sign a îuî movbie ace Born touNMr. and rsIc. hesliiî 'ran penîri îlion sait] Miasioanar> .iît.and'i i ailii i bu î. t; analtitii tl. tu. io fî Iro iais'ecu r t.n ir tîte ofice of lte A W,»tuelgke tcl ars ble vrfairte o eleLawsig h ml tat Wieladn rinI h let h teinia talut îti ait Kat11 t'.î i iledforec ordintifles-tîo ficofflic Attn tblana mat ibe ever saw bull. on Monda> mornaing, a bah> girl. willt tari wark kjh an cari> date,. i %%.(1i.ii$i44t.trecordi in fie office of the recordet wfauybody in Zion, In tact.,lhe wtitrn' come off. tîher tia>. Charles Kueaec îiscavered il toil i,iilis. lil21. bltck 15,Wakilà. ten dussf f s execution. anti an> MY 1 j tzme flow anybotiy woulti want Wauconda Wbhe Sox won anijt.tiert' a aticanake in tint- uitthe ahcks. ImIauyla i; 't auk,-gan vi..4 sucli nioriage. trust deeti or conveY- W- expert to flirt with gan>botiytxcitfhn gainie Sunda>y. ito-eating the cîikieti andti eti> tfoibusiness. Mr-. '.h SuiIni i11 sife tIo 0.V.ance of pei'soeal pcopemhy not fileot helespeelail> thosi- a-liawauiàD undee .AIl Stars b> a sdore of 9 ti,7-Kcucger calied theuttieaîn. andti ater t, at I tjo oil Il, aindaIiN. %%ait wiglit'e f[(anrecord allhln uto tJaya;of the. 'îîîî a~ea oulantagana iimfo d- Next Sunda) they pis> the ElgntahEsat c.unchl ot wtr tl'Sas diicidi'd au atc -1 it lt for, ho aa>' e ewauldn't flirt Ends an the home groundsi. andt iis hetaiuh, iai onie. At-intithem - eauan leI le oi.$1w, sahblie fraiulienî sud voiias tu Porce if a umber a! the 'nigo roie at a xiiagae as seliesiia aitvaitltable w-apoans, thel i urmtai~'t îataaciîeditois *Porce du sduad lhe toeslna care who the Elgin theam la the ani> ane thatbac isaeneiuumituttsaea-sta îa, illtli ioi hasbdefeaied aur boys un îbg(tUns.-andt att,",, hlm Tht-cc l- nu casual- îîligbîanoîPartk. s.d $Ii.(-I S*on £verybody Flirt? diaondtiis gesi. ies airufla thu attackhng force. Wî Coca smaiilelatd iItutatOêang]Luttî'.A. GIRISD0W YOU WAlI' PERIA- litti Ad tallaithe first ftitataithe Jamnes Gît-ens. wbo ha, beui-n e(hua tre infurme-utthe venoutius aretillitat I IoneY> land.îîtiite. trceof iauîi in NENT VWORI INICAGO? li '~wsaU o tliting bas ben caise t, hie haih tfor thejparti 4at passe iveiti-raile, antionu-,huit. wa tî't, thai 1$W 1-tSi.1enn1wt vi v»$i the Zion ordinance fuie out- awa> ai the home (ofMc. Patrick tant ofîtlau ake <is.14 Stenos _ .................419-$35 Tri-al 4M wlli be watchet iwtt takeen in- couriffey, wlîb wbom be ball madie bis We tr- glati iet)eshalalfiaîiia ULiber- i Juîy 29. 1921. Stenos Dictaphone ......822.50-$40Att toreuL ~home the toash four yeams. Ail during tyviile Pecoaple ami- fil ,itiOtîi-theiri LitîiruNI, Scî,îtlani! busîtanti ruAn- Typist. gen'l office-......15-220 An !bb whle 0c11untY wiii wouder thte ilîtiesa af Mr. Givena, Ms. CaUrf- Chitufauqua tor nexf>'îar. Many' fromleMScut.oi2bok1.%s- vWber Weake will bave tf0 ay82 ney ant iber tiaighter hav.e giten bina tîiiu cOmmunhit> înjo>Ieodiliî bis >uar, ,tcîc o lci Mc Swtchboard Operahor ~'.18O or hetbe tIsebeato! cae, ani heleti imii a tîni mo.,iin',hi'soit-noxsa oh < the Nil 'X L10. tnt $10 antiTy ----- -----2 for "ermaking tesg re hetea'h bst f a,, ad alpel blhutuiandmoeîustriik- iii1âe oLouis Cinîittst t LuiuCia îsi at oeaa grave tisaI ho tidt itdo sla braieacU ntil the final sulattOit5. Hlcoing >eat, Il ha gouiicii-an enteutail i-:t. u . - i N17 fi. lot 32. Xf-- uiF ada o s Rb«]e admits bie bas the short waa the youngeat son of 'Felix rantacf anti ougbttho h-apmott. latnieis ,ait)la Iliciant Park. w.uI ALMO & 'aNN j,0f thelattck because if aomfebody Bidtget Giveis. wVellaprecedet inko f' Tî-thching ring in this A-iimmaîun 'tkba that a persec bus 'made ees"the great beyond. Bis father Ill t-ti ltians ta, finish the tastfil ai ei-he. Nait uhuMlANeaaiî M L T E T A E C ilit tGff, It'a bard ta prove that the3' away 23 year§s aga antilbis mothier tiedTh rie grain. lias been frtining ttiuiiui bu i *Ii -oMliNela ra M L Y E TA E C dI 1601' If a Mmnoo 0011coattutes 12 yeama ago. He was barn on theii-ad tFry ighl 'SIi bii ias1ant2Etii R.m1415-13W oliatlàg. It's clalmedti tat everybody ivenka iometeati. 24 milesautia oftl'ttîeHaîitD% it».,ou> fîua>cîîrtt i-ai,ddan600 i ugels nhtaîlIou N.iht 5-23W.Madss ta Lake Count'., Zon not excîuded. ilur village- anti waa 54 >eara ;;:: a tiautut v ~ aln h oiltu gra<ia-.ndaitm 60~mcgl là.MernLable to ibis rmle. for. who aid5 tisys aut a. Be has atterr t tt ju!Sunotai>, tL-sî iina < 1 u F'anh lK iteai> )tu Jlin ttaune t h ateaslooak thëee tiys says lti.,lire in abus communlf> antibi h' îta teIlim oi F,.ai'.ng 6,-ua 21 inant Iwiltst tt andi 5i. block 4 Rà ffi - mtan>, friends will be ort->-to beta, of uîcu>sa tt'e*îi.-kuîîcut, e-niîîtu [ntwil~ i nt hitt tm .tilîa iPr> îi. is îeaib, Be teaves ha moacn lîhebu titi'yiirtuti> et tiait c ' betoth ue Oa'[I I~J)IE **B** e..... se @ *Rasta one brother, Charles, who cidao li ic scastan. I___ ___ AIE A ~~in Cuba fownshbip, anti anc alter, Mca. Ni Moore of Chicago ~simt a ARAGilfoy, wha In a refient of Chicago., .. toulemrsoitsi.u or iltac ta.i ai-i-k. *SCCCC CCCSOSC CCCThe-fuheral waa helti front the Trans Siimitta>Sclituat Aitusu 7 ta l>au.ii ît ~auyare confîng u ate i g iuration Catholic churcb Thucada:. i Cilisentvices ai 8 taim.t ubi-c XâVla liare u da>, Aon at 13 1hl t11) alan, the Ret. Faiber G aliagan* -rh.- liali-nae iofJesu- Tibia,> -'M.a t lia R pb ekl fK n tfiitn , ahe w h th- rtan-I ~iMWa.Joa~bWeakiy.ter>. 1>afterGURNeh* IhI H oistein m" pent the woek endi with Mi. antid n ItHet nth ahah-t-,ieiii,,,uo t ' it, î .u .ýqient utday at the H. C.Meyer --Nan toie cotitOtiltg lt itttindutiig Etta Etidy af Chicago ù; acpn.ti' eweek with Mr. anti Mrs. Wm. F*a mlirb. Albert WoiIl it Ierk ~T~CRUl spent severai da>e wtb thel 1 Chantier family. î>Wr. ami lira R. F Itousýe entertain- itu fi'ormer 's siter Mi'S. Alice Og of Waukegati, oter the week enti. ,ýWr. &adti ra, J C. Dotfier attendeti be aoi'aa f Mr.' Ft-ei-ck ail Round OWXcâdeay mat-mgý . Ur. an"i Mrm Chatles Ctsnberltn, Kmt. J. Knlggo anti J' L. Chambemli babord to Chicago iSuntiay>Mca. J. L, Chamberlin. who spent a lew da>uu eftl relatives in the cil'. etireti qmvuitiiena. -VMu. Wheatoti ant fieunts iumi heu. l1. , calieti ah the R.la).tok hontu 89Ayafternoon. 'MaU. amdt lireW. J. Vîttilaoac anti OMÜW andi lra .lohn . moaî-tm plë oGray, a îkî ii-,'ih ou gtay. Neam Mt-.. JJ. .Ritzei'hati'y-, Mr. lnu. W. Lochbeati . M Batgkins da"Iltet-, Cona, ail Of prairie , were the. gueta of lir. anti Mca t mfiii Bute-y mtem-oom D. 9. Dlph s petit Wèdetiâ-tay Mr ar~alt. anti lis H. C. ,M asilr William Ringunanut àpsut Sonday wfI Mli. anti PAum win Roder, Mrt. andi r, M Sir. nandi lra. M. R. hel Zoeu Zoom.r OtIl4 ma Mm. Pr"iPorep 0fi teSOQý 000 0000000 Man', tirec Cuutlng onitlathtnilu; lzke Villa Day Sahurday. Au>uuSi 13. Mesara Eti Wooster anti Cuwtee iwe-kei' sliett the week endi in Michi- Me. ,ndiSIrs. Pritsel amiîh Ia tt îu-î iii Cuilcago aie now visihinati i lau haomue af Frank Wilson. Jn..ay Vase> andfit ttdtutiiii'I laina relativ.es ai Toaliîlte. Mr. anti lra. C. G. Huson ant ieaur daughter of Elgin are spending Is week wihh Lee Buson. Mcam. W'ilt Dillon tand taiil> si é4inday wlth relatives su Wraucanda. Miss Sylvia Hoffman o f ('myshai Lakec waa the gueat of Miss l'earl Vaspy ert-nthe s-eeh end., Thiere whli bmatt ice creautso-ucial ait ilac home of John Meyer Frliay eve- nit. given by the Ladies' Aid Societ>. J. C. Saihor, state arganizec.of the I. A. A.. *Ill be witb us ho halk on rural c'un.nunity intemesis. Plan tb he nhere. Sami Kaufer. 16-% esc-aid, son oit Gi-a Kauf et- Lake Ct,, Waukegan, ia deaîi ai loritJaw.He was tushedti t fil, Victory Memociat haspihat jThursdtay when *Is jawa. hecamle Iacketi. This was the fii pronoutir- cd -symptons ai the tilseame. 1 Kaufer. wbo waî a Sihoîat ah Ie IWaukegan townshiyp high N.Pchoi icontracteti the disease as the resulu .weeki mgo when ho follf rom bis bi- 1cy" NeH.dued at 5:15 o'Ciock Frite-y rmorng. Missi)aathy Comelienteitaineti ber colege chuns. Miss Letifia Steîrsî of liearia. riverc the week endi. lut n %îiu> iiitogel ber s il I Yitanh Gmiia> ut Nlh-e EvatynFitenîiin anti' Mites Mel(î'.-uiotugli iii1lorid ti. I lie h Hsi-er t'ai o> lai tch t' tni',a. Bat (itiî'Oic ilitenus tirewMailin at itentlt> foi, ilie actomo aif>Ntr. anîl Nina. heleigb Mii liat-. Honey'iioiat days ire theima aii auî,.,,eol Wei i a'.e thiti. oîU beslli .'îilu-anti cngatalitioun,* ti-n thte> tatut-fn t he elsI .tîaoîtg thi- Gtitneu isitace,'l[rThe Plitnit Oct is .4Lak muîa'e: i.and~ a . tili-ne, Ju ie M illet , M ianul M r s I. NV Nahcfiu-ii. miss malitiln Thota I nîes.,îîî Miss Besaje iat-,N'I M. ant Mm. (Charles Hoak, NIr anti Mcra. LiigliaVincent, Mr. anti Mas.George' McCuîiamigh anti lrà. Harriet Panser. Laigît Vincent -returnet traon The liella Saturtiay la int is funiture un ible yardi anti bis haro bcnefti iai th(- groufiti Likewiae, is fieighbou, lMr. Cbubb, cetOnet rtrmthe Fautmers' picnic ai Watiawantbh o flot ibIhartn anti ne wben boume burneti. Netghbors were able Ici save both homes. The orngin a! the fit e is a myster>, but Il is probable thah a spamk f romn a paing saun engine causeti the tire. Thte Boy Stouts have returneti front ther annual camping trip. The *eek wasl epent at Gage's Lake. Cortioni Oâorne a! Chicagoallienf the wee kent i wth tua sOnt. lits. Sueeiby. A -iumjser 0f people havi been - to tbe Pageant of Progresa in Chicago. 5h0. u.Ful Iar "U""ars ithi e î i-foui Graystak.- ,In aai u th.groundis Ilte l r.ate aitnt.GrayL ake. lit qur..ailnde1ti-fltiOffice. 31.21 29-41 WNANTEiI 1OItENT A fariu ot front 60 to 100 1aures; a I cas,- of hDot, 3 tu IOSCISLAWSKY & CO. 5 years itreferreti N*riiî- t., Georgl, STATE CO. FCO-M WAUKE A'letlhardit'. ayslake . t 3lit LL. Founder of Independent iOTTutef\n.'k 1îe{ n Ju> ate Agency ai Cuba. N. Y. Couni Ha%-. th tit betwe.n Round Lake anti Wau- buldng. bestolafein k.-gari t. e§-ardt Plialte Wauikegati db idn i.wt fieH lti ,9641 31 it ie tiorses anti ail necesary _____ wiih greai archard On eCt FOR SALE Have seten work lborsiîs. tranfart> ta sty dollars will seIt a teanstat be picketi front tnclutiing ail stock. Informa- 14o. I oqute i Lewis H. Pepper's. haIt ilquick service ilonest tmile norih tof Rollinst, two Miles south 24 if f Lk il.WilI alst .<eii farni i'ue17-J t (Grayatake,. :11- LE A tari ut 4111,acres i >y county. New York. Ail , siret ln Lake CogntY-The INDE- in e producive landi in the PENDENT. 3ack To Pre-War Prices. hià time everysue uhoM do thir ut"e9 to a»" i ugimg Pneesto aoeua lei. aM ingt.&MvbTW. PuCES ON GUARANIE»DRIIRY FOR THE NEXT 30 DATS AS FOlLOWS: 1rws 22 K Seamiessa ...........$5.00 atndl %6.00 -lain Crowns, Pivot Teeth. Trou Bit, iuuuld- $5.00 lnFillingr ..$20tu $6.00 (Will not change color) Inlay% or Fillinga. accoring tu size ...10 un ,s thai I gusrant'ee you can eat coru off rii" cob 8$15.00 up (Accortiing toamaterltal) îtuîtut. nerve killeti anti root f illeti820 . renember, 1 will not hurt you I use nmedicatte tirsi thai takes away the pain. THESE PuRCES ARE FOR 30 DAYS MNy, Dr. F. E. CORLJSS Washington, St Oven the Thomas Marke) Co. -WAUKEGAN, ILL. )gF1---ONLY $150 YEAR WANTAD -A GOOD COMPETENTI count y; some luachinery: a 14 room FOR GENERAL HOUSE- bouse; barn; poultry»house foi« 1500 WALL FAMILY; NO WASH.I cbickens; boa bouse foi- 100 head o1 eSMITH4, 509N. GENESIE bogs, andi ather 1necesaary autbuild- CEGAN, PHONE 429. -ings. Hornes andi 13 heati of cattle go _______________witbh te fari. Thia farmi was bougbt -Men or women Io take or, by me for $12,000; will oeil for $15,000 ing fionds and nelgbboru lincluding ail macbinery andi stock- ,nuino guaraateed bod.l.$6,8000 cash andi$1,000 ner yeaK. This or mon, women or chilren. la one of the greatesi ,bargains ln a darnaing. W. pay 75o an goond farmi to'be had ln this country, atimo. or $8.00 aw0 k oran laiswartl, $50,000; sold 11 yeers Emperience un.cary ago for $75,000. Three hundreti acres trnatbonal Stocklng MlllB,; cai be'ployed wwltb f ractor, balance of IPa. landi pasture andti txtber. Seven fine sairîngis. witi, nevir-faling aupply of ,---CboIce reglOonce lots or. pure water. i absalutely guarantee everyihing te be as reereiaented. br Ave. xMv8. Onmoa. 2-t!i 1alsu Ihave' a elect lisi of other fine faeras. andi wiit refund raitroati fare WAWTEI) Tttrofigbly ex- 10 purchasers of an), of thia landi. A Id fiorisi, general nursery fine opportunit> foirIltinois farmers nt gardener. wants perms- to settle in on. ut the best counties in Jon; inarried %d(lt--. .t'. A. the easteýn e)ari of the country anti [delpetie. 28-~4( take big mufle> fbonm the atart. This ln the best datry andi general farminq country in the U'nitedi States. <'amé 'NEil ON F 11) B ant d me. Write for fuill partieu2s inin, recentI> arrivedti ren a 12 Expeiencd inail Joe-Hoà;ctataLsk> &Co., Guba. New E~îrinedi alkintis of York, 26-t! k. and i as,)knowlnx thlecroof:___ MWIiiing ta do ;an> kint aofPoli SAIL Modern 6-roota bungalow Ireas MNI"1V Il. Osirandeà iachtetd near lakfe. wiflîlaite privi iii-t i< llege. Apî.lb o KF. DEi'schauer. lAk. RONTAGE tt Polil'r F11Zurich. flt 29-21 Locateti on ihie banka of Ta> on-, of~ the hghest lake., in PF1411 SALE l'ure breti Jers,-y ball. l> . hiittil> wî,odedand. wel grown. fine individual. Senti 1 th i v m C, o o ti f i a ttn g , a t .u I o < ) e d it r e t. l'i i e d I o s e il. ta '. 1 0 IAling. l'roperty will be di 'iitH ihiani Pa.rle, Ili. Pton. 296: nreasunautS size.l tiieces fui 31 :11 .1. ilIi,.,- . , n Primary wilI b 19 and electi choose 4 PRES. KING r lîtîr uîîî't)îîîî or eiatiet alien ite- <lt ei pecial 0t C, nui-cti Itn vî t hft tIi- speetilw%. tIe k1 intieOMost uni ,0!itte an the roati tIoweepr, tire met oif-i ftite (OUnt il (lulîondti fgether htnic anti Cily ci ti-t(i he ctin niiht andti ank tg c.11iiaiîcauseti hy lIa' iaitdg. ilq'. lhî.nctîît c C un(Ilt" hoîIo uPi li tIte> <lit: K' -s ing look tuti tarnY it> aumin, r -,pofltu-ti "here"- i(uaiîutti antd accot t1ralearltetaw vm iL'aiiOtii ai antsIla t1 i t uhiI i a qtai t t,i l.uu iitut11 -Ei a '. ii" u ,Il r 1 a 1, a. t i fe r itýj c t'io ir i i l- King Sta s ý- il/I ilt!!Na!, t', t lirî e I'! il t sIt anit! u nt It!i i-t t, brtIue tt tac lit ilinlan t i s i i fv.-,'rlta dtri tic i ' iigit unittiis t' pl ile stlt t-a! fsutbachot - - ait riualîn' t i-grils t atLIuîcit tien fi-lt uti ~tulssais ui Ij!- as nOuicoica ne( lu tasIr<gitCing triatt-St regirditua i si genectil. lie ta- f.hs iatti tis ti ia't tliiat a abacat ni au a'.oiJing Autulodt scpie aiaiti the', i If ibe> trace ttcouit c:tcafuliy tiîcy yen SHave a Anatiier interesft iii titat Congdalu r> village mamahal. King Lewis Selter ai of the villagei put on mfteiy as ('ongtioil atateti ta e'.er. that hebe heti1 -' lage marshal anti pat Uo niofiis. The pceshdent ha hie waa mnerely a i fore tire act that 1 mae no particulat- efforcemietit of iaw fer flastill ftina aW one assistant. As a resuit of I devololiei wittîiO h Aotiocliîit ha spi rI.lconteat wsill de inisc> anti for the tlus cemnioiiacour la-. fis aptinit e, tht ,e 'as considle tain otflicesanti no, ' Itle ci-tit-t-Ci are har -111. yltîtatt lueire timicoiltnil. In ot case a! 'alpeciera or "reason vit. untu Pr-esitent Kig riti theit t;lt'ithe. tani Own-Now $525 la made or its great bent- fit.. You cannot profit by. its low price UaJ.ss 701 boy Wtllys Light. YQu> cannot enjoy its fil ty ad- vantages a£lfltt 700OWf it. Sce "thim lat with its famoos WlUy.Knight en- glu. tbat ' Mprov*s wtth .u nad you will sur.ly ulut ont in your homme. DIETZ MOTU CO. Tolophoela LIIERTYVI LL i %D Q 1Ir 1 r %l.N0hJJdi Wiil have two car loada, of high, grade Wisconsin ý Holstein Cows, Springers and Fresh, Cows -ý? One car-Ioad Registered Cows and Heifers 10 Registered Stock Buls Ail are Tuberculin testeda Reasonable Prioes RemonabIe Ternis The cattie ,nay be »eM and inspeted at MY Place orne mile north of Whe.lImg on Milwýauks<s Avenue Le.BSeAndersen Phone 126-R-1 WHEELING, ILL. VOLUME X> te Wiiats

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