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Libertyville Independent, 4 Aug 1921, p. 9

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d'.RTYVILLE Lake County 's Big Week(y Circulation Ggeatoe dma othe Weeklies in County Combinad WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS, AUGUST 4. 1921 Cali Eleiction in Antioch Squabbl1e1 i:, a 4-roOm mefor 1500 106 bead of ary outbuld- il of cattle go n was bought elh for $15,000 y and stock- ?r yeaK. This bargains ln a this country, mold il yburt iundred acres or, balance of ..Sevî'n fine mng mupply of ely guarafliet remetnted. t of other fine railroad fart' this land. A- [[noIs fariners 'St countieti in écountry aind àe 8tari. This 'neral farmini, States . f om- a.(lba. New 26-tf ooni bungralow Itiî laki' privi aSclauer. lArki 29-21 j .Ji'itty bull. ividual. Senil ) tii-l. Ra% me ILl 'iorn. 296:. 31 :11 acres. al] t il. il ai Llbi-rl %illi'. I;rayslaki', In [frfc-ý 31 21 A fariu of front tii' of1 trm 3 tii nu'g tir Gi-rgi' il. M1 6t Lake and Wau- one Watikegati 31 lil be picked front [. Pepperas. hall wo miles Siouth ali) eacl fart 'il I -y-The INDE- ces. in bigm w IV MHE NWX ."le andI'~ %î01 8 5.00 .2.11< ta $6.00 $15.00 UP wbcm flW[S01 Dt;Viagecrs WatcbAcflo Primary will be held August 19 and election on 8th ta choose 4 Aldermen PRES. KING UNDAUNTED' Irutir ririi i'r 5 îont otritlie ra i l Ic ergeti lien ilfir'ttit King dis i i.iugerl ieritl olicer Congd-un in C unîr(cion awit hli i minfocenient of tIti. rpeeti. lav, tht'village oftAntiacb I. in fle Most unu'.ua Poitlurndn 'rrlae tant' counryns asli eusfoie. lliowcer, lire rpemainhig Is'o tnemr tus iof fle COUn il. deàrâr. ["osasanti (0"rrronti togother witb Preideol K I fli and CitI>Ce rk Ifiar ry lbasses. rit-(talitIhe cîuncii rtenis Tueiday li-iil an tanok lteps lueMI1fire va- c-1ti tes auticti fy tire rearignation ut Hisî law-kins, Crics, Sibley anti iiltliai dg. %ît- . lttinild aIf'uaukgan wa-i rt-.'tanti admise-] irile 'nno t c unril" htaw Io procet'-oi tiiere i[ý wIiît lie> tuti: K' iti nîg roklits lplace ti Iiilis rjrn i irk li-dat:i alien ilIsreroll airirnir ltruom-n. t'os,; snd Osmnondi. r 'qsotilcti bere' Su lucre %asi n îrt1îî ti lanti actortllrgI i ai n ptirn iruerita aýi niatl I, 1 îtide ie Iiw virt 'i ii oat r 5 <t ri toi. -n r in-iandti ilaknrrwn that l s il lic trrian.l. ny iiîttr to t a nctti. li e Irrret. or Irctk I-ra 1t t7l;t t r r ait .ia i-Ca 1,i-t(tit tr'thai tita qtjntnrtttras. ftt In.', t r . lit- in . ' t t a s-t'tI r n lun 1,ri- t1h'it- it!,.- [t n Ii. mirIr- - r rilrrn i n -' . tr ta "tt ittt-i ait- fi . t. . lli i.. t fi-rt a Itv trt, c i on art- i n il.-'.. , rrt' r.'tt s-. r.,rirtî r .t i i 1 ir .t1I(ie. King Stands Pal. '-rI aPerl'itt i t -i .nt (i î:nii' ttt itaI1-1r ir h. a ý,nlr 1t- urtiin ltire ttrtiitr1 iitire te fs-cri 1an uItlý t iest l'i,.ft Ilr g i lit.'tirn.lie stat.s Iire hairnio la t rrinrof backtng up anti viile lire gl Iaitnnrtll.' regrt-t iraI ittie crlitr t .,nn:icilnren fIl itdsoriseitu0resign oa r- f Ii, action Iruvird Cotrî n rn. Irn' trîs tint is l1ir rilnir anti Ili n"t-, iconrc.neri. lie insitstata k, Ii-ýc-iat-gv'rI('ngdtrn oulyiter rît,' pIrrttlrcgarditg itre law liat bt-cii s.a genpr.il. file took tire stand Ibat fir adît Iemîifr-rntintanty saurnces tiaI a greal nrrlaer nofîpeople ace r a',oiding Anliachr hecarrie autoistat acre afiaiti thenv oulti be it-eslei If lire>' droce iirouiî, no mtticr rov ctrefol>lvIrley vent 7Have a Marthai. Anolîrer inluvrestng iLing hwvr liq Ihint Congdoii rcally wag nol the village maratai. Arccrdîng teta res. King Lewis Selier la andi waa manab- ai of the village anti Congdon waa put on nftîely as a speciai ofilcer. coa'onstaatedte 0titis paper bow- er-er. ibst be beldth Ie position of vil- lage imarsaaiandi batibeen for lIre pîIst Ugo mniontst. . The presidet'th owever, saiti htia fie was mnereiy a apecîral andt lure- fore tire tact liraibe was disebargert matie no xartcular differellce in lhe - 'enforcemeînt of Iaws because Mn. Sel- l er la tilib atlnfg as marahal anti bas ours assistanit. As a resuît of tire adute situation deolopied witir itire past few daya Anliochil lai apparent tiraI a treat- I el .conleal .will develola foe lbe Pri- Ian- anti for ltre Pieciion, nrîw tiraI flIe 1rcmiining counicilmen lai-e fixent filesdais. ir. lti-aprnncelectirir ilIs Year thi-rs vaaconsitierabie comîuclilioui foîr ottf,,In5 and now ln visa' of the 1reated l nontoverasy on ln the village Ile clnt'res-tae bath tirlea wililfini' .11t.rilhIviiIl qieir enengy lu)tlomitnito tIre cottieili n allier v-ortsIl i na case of ".41melers vi. anîl-speedera" or "reason rt ilnr-eaon"for, V'ilage P'retabdeflt Kig tid atllier business diheu lt1<"tIhe staindi lraIi:l la unres. ln. i. tis da.,,and ilta *t IIII be, corne to us. A vrsît wr11 explaîn. Drs. Berger. q Meyer CHIROPRACTORSt Office Houri: 1Ô to 1.2 A. M.; 1 to 5 and'7- to 8:30. P. M. 123 NORTH GENESEE STREET:: WAUKÉGAN, ILLINOLS WORD ON ROUDS OR ALLEYS FOR TlIEFT; NEW LAW Three-Cent letter Postage also asked of house committee by secretary of treasury A drair' chrange w,îu itin tir,' crinal code as ta the 'punilnrusnîr for Iheft, rlrrring t -th astsirîn f fle logisiîrtire urider tirs oew a-sw Pt, y pei'ttts t'rlvict,'rl of 1.îrnenv if tIre -sfoI," t n Iî, r tr' y exo""'i-t til,, valie, fi tri tir.' : rt - i n ' ir 'r. liall b" inr;. ro tr n t Irenitrti ry flrt ---r ir rtt not. nf l.t rrrr tti i-i D t Iftr if i. '[ lr t0;retr tt i , i , rr 'r(r ] i,-t il!]r r' h- I .-ttn rtf ain ,.-r nirint-r t r. ' t itr m. - n3 lit C.flt et l t ir 0ti' orl n r rreetsn 'ru-rof tjir-'irttr. ri t lti, public rr r r " Is i i-'rrt nrt i 'rtt'ir i riror uniJr tire rir"r rri if ri1ht'-h fr asl ti'c tutt, v r-rt-l tray i vltrtii Tor. nol ex e an yon. a. r.ant i ne fitV1 exe"tiing $0 No dtla arrîtîser at tie incre-asing flnilber of litoîriupst-i iir0 legiatiut-e chrangetiltiti3 law o tliaI regardeiu of Ile arnîounîitrolon fornulthe per- son . a conviction carrieri wîiii it a lAenitentrary seniencp. Under lthe nId 11W the value of flic Lrortny silefl nîust have been $15 or tipwar-ds ire- fore îuch a sentenco COUbir be given. WAUKEGiAN VÂLUED, AT $1695379110 SAYS ASSESSOR books turned over toboard of review show increases ex- cept in, capital stock CHECKING UP ASSESSORS The total fulI1 cashl vaine of bath personal pi-ope 1 Y. lots andi lande la WVatkegrrn ald Waukegaq tôwiabip s lt.i1r.according 10 the books, ar A -,,,or rtr tInireî, whri haî Iune-I oîr tio books lu(tire board of rýi ev es iit-li now is at work check- inîr up tr~a-roesOri ite varlouï totrttît Irrîri1«tyIo o tttrrnonlng Ii toe r atco'tt tfor riiocrepan. tIn .iii rrtuind .a-t rorrtprred ta t te ir a.z-t '1h-tý.u ( ttr-.t eiIri tain Intobrpop- .qttî trt- .xrc.s;,I a4 ta capital stock- Lt -r yartircatl stn-,k Was littet r 1tt~tcorport- lions tut neti i l aet t cýtltliiiz,t value. llowever l[t W a ,litas n t rat the real or market al iteOf tIti-tstock in many cases was only a sinaîl fraction of its capi' 11,lizeti value. Many fileti petitioflà là tuýe county court andi riowed Viere. tle rerturns on capital stock as Madie. byt lire assîcasor was at its capltaliied value rallier titan the real or' mariet.- value, andi the court decided la thoir favor. This year Ibis stock bas beet lîrteti accortiing tlalilsmarket valuS (Turn tu mage FOUR%___ IT WAS NOT ME" TWO MEET AFTER 22 MAKES PRECEDENT BRACIIER AfiREES Lieut. Gov. Sterling breaks YEARS; HAVE LIVED Co. Treas. Roy Bracher, who TO 61IVE SCIIOOLS silence by saying that if bs rnn o, save b o LE anybody withheld interest IIERE ALL THE TIME ~~jGm yoert MONEY RLE on state funds, it Was flot much interest and sets prie- he Who got it. - William Arno and Guy Randail cedent for other coû1bty Action 'of school board re-1 - -lost track of each other over treasurers. questing settlement means - ~a score of years saving to schoots S MEET ON STREET TODAY- SETS FINE PRECM ENT - ~ . Twenty lwu yeîrs ago CGuy Randalf Wirn the anortal retort 0or ýFi- andi Williamî Arno playedti ogether as - n c. '(onimîjtte.' of thes Wauke'-an1 boys ln Waukegitn. Bolli reqidr'd on tir'y seitrirli sas Pr.-. t ' rtir t'.Park iventîe anti hotu attE-nrietithe n't,L re cof înrtt talle I t n rn t - nii siol TleY a'cra iaitula 4 iori fw rim ,iý- , -~~ 'i n'.perîbie. W'itrre aire vai )n locaf-mon 4*ieboclose atiîîl ' 'tat. rarg rtaei On h dtittrltins W-a I.; rpar * riteI ','t i on, a: R nd-lsT. lepI t h itw*'da't r r 1 :itr Ir.ntt r ;r"Ir rrrtrf ir' t K t tii I[w' i tecar,.lî-- nir a i r iu( i hotillttý:l11,1 ) i t ire year si e'rî lu roll!Yî l "rlu t Ir> lrrrrr ,'n.l'rnç irnal 'ie rtt tt nIwittr L-~ ~ '-ire chuit-rrîiig or ctamulnaraing 5"l !rastitra i wi giàtw tir ' crt- 'ret-iriter mtlfir as cn-oa wrrr eclini si itry lî'i Iri kofln -' irat t rliai îer'n the cnt i 0,il Othlr'ai eotaîfultl.-: asif dn Roy'W'. Brachir to rrr for Irs cant easorer to ni-e titin iP n oojn ln . Ail _______________________________ it t ilriti an of nirone>s colei l y te Iine iîry ltvil imrt a Luatrlle Itinit itr Io the trie 'of ltir silo. andti aliart lan Waukeg-an, OFFICIAL LISI 0f REAL ttr"trmin trir- balance ofrteitroneyq jToday. after a liî-ipof tirwenty'dwo ;'Vi RA~ED rrrl froai l eiment wa% mainii. At lage the ie r of Arioc iears, tire boys. flng stoice grown ta10 T TANF lire nreeîinq of lire board hield laI 'Tws A "Warm" Meeting manhooti, met in Geneget' Street. . vuT h urist li2tunt'.ILtran uttrr .)tare ILldete lui-its irat although the four Estit Slared ailthe olirer unr'ertainly mm bqustecýnYfrate amie .aemen."' Hr iawkins, Orie, for a mroment. t'tnally Chey brîhed LAME CO. TITtBa #D4 TRUST CO pairment ta the'rit> tretrettrePr of ail SrbleY antd Reiards. iîy tieir resig. heCawesfrom lreir menioriers * , T ee*d. ha. tioneYî collWt'î-ed ybirm lelonging nations nrad ni furîher cunneetronh andt iere vas intauai recognition.Md phn4 li, tyâoiq wîll lb t-ctIf a inintrralion tirat tiîey] "Well. if IL 1unI Gny.' Arno sai- Bracher ta Witîrng niade IL a pint tel)@ présent lit the wîîîî a glati cry. . Ilor- lit airan. countyIt-_Ir -suret wai councît mieeting callui roinlîccialici- 'Bill, ' ou olti rascal. wircre have Au@. 1, 1921. t ntiici If iraaciija talien bli the îona Ttr-stAi.'tVnirg Ir> Plresitient IVou been Iherte laitt wenîvtw.i i tir-I if Eruluetrn. mil y.r",:Jî King. reinr." Ranlalldtmandl.'da i te w Ott Scbeiner ant i wf cUi 'ti, ita rire rly r' l or tL, uitifa ripectîtar1 1 ito nunibrtt'tl al leait la'> Exîlanaîitîns acre in aider and irî i lsidite, W-d. $201)(1. ofr'ix.-ai.--r'i'lt' lalncrefr or 1 25t Anti inIrle ttImnq alsu vaslt &telopd thâtiib qsnie siran4e lai'> (i. Caniield ta D. i ..i the Ia tslesy of D") -HIirt ' pîi iliv former ottict'r Congrion m a ialiIurally lrn fft bsetr ogmnafnd wife. loI 2-). iblock 1, Ki,, U pî'rw-lire c tny '-eiestr,,rit-ai ia ti frn il aou ile ele atcrnat i1 @rale e i-rr tsi'about t r oîr cls adJ, Waukegau. s d. $1 o-etIftictittnf i rie. uaabt ir1 liavei tnr-d aIl thre cli-f a -M r .ta-ii a ler r la i1 lij Il tralrtaid-eirrttatotft tte Paýt les' n,,r a score of vearq wa-lt tranchrn ayi atct ulsm 'tarte r ir ntr ' ain Ct ai a-ý l, 'yidiret dày'-- mng ta umcclfate Io facer. piîî.,-tari t i . trItcwa)o iliî at rtIttlt nrt'fttt aaai. r 'I6Vi - i'trtint,- ii wr r uIod -i e tIr fur 'Il doe.n' sem te:t-ttril le te Lon g laite. W- i.$1 riîr wittg t îk'r nelnt ti tir' It t tstti' 0t ttiUtttC IiHi flt r'etirtnd tr titelets il fisa fartl" Arn-r as - Emi tl sti tItiwrfeet aI tGlu ' ti- t- f ie crt irolOî ber ~ ~ ~ ~ 8p*ý rue1.rarr . îgrrcr-srldtour I ofGren liIaiwonricre.l Andrison. 'i 1,ft !,. 2 Nfi. 'an t t Il irgîr scliocl Dut t-tct tsi t ta r a. t-lwa il ui Itecoloîr rf Hr'.ut nrot ibloc'( 4 îplat - l'C' tr)r erof ecirîrnthir inrnegftire ~co îrr-t~~~~~~~~~ 1u ieitar irrftr ertrtr-"neî-r ec iCt sa'i-.10I tg ai trirt'I'. t 'lar ire .-,t-ient hlt oar'nitd antittigaboti ti lie hl i I., P. DrAl i ai ri anee' it>Jna î H, otf rx Irf niunty Trotnrr Iler it îttt'w. n tka gr. t' .ritrn -\t-ttr tfri a s as thîi fU ti î k t-, . h k 12,- l (ra.- tI Ilte Il tt,t ia tti rtiefl ir' t i tt N tt t.tt .t. aW.iEstabuiha a Precedieit lithtr tr t ti l r'.) r %i ..n -S-of tr trn't -til te- I'- on l'.trk anInu" $1r s- - nntt' til f t 'l h tî.'nig r i trririi i n.ii titrnl at a r.t i. --n l .:r, rr l 'î i in itt. '.inl1Iw i,,. 0 Jo-in ' ,rti 10 of r t T:i" ht- ' tn %%mite It t. t.aiexotl Tiry s-n tît.-- arl i l !, n i(o-t.'t ' I- s 'al. la' 2!. i.rkIe Vies ju,tb tI-l, rn. 17 tO 'i, il rt ;--.1. , and U l i r illt a l 0nit-1r Ii th. fr i l: e unîrrr .k-. i 7m .o: n Pà Oit w'151 .,t n, tri .,tn s i r ul 'i i l:n.rt .rtr-I r g'rvt'i l donnr.r - n Ill"te s t. a îtn-r i rîto li t ir,' t 1ri It I litint-I ca rvn wint r' t -i tt t. i-t, irl, zl d an> , it i t 1 te t1i r tttr' r l ik t l-tti ire a-t - itetît o tir]t-tri tmi , ii t ttttttt i tt ri - r. r ng tir" law r- f i r .. a Congdon Explinrs Position. -flirt ilrit.' SonteIi)rît >iII iii rrr.ri- ;r1iî lire'-iii ires Protecttnr ir' in'r lk'el,t- <tIllre'tut pavoiranmrd roi dr-fi ule lirt e -ouirpell r t lernt tn .botl l iIaanti irtotber u-te Ile îtr1- e-ident a-rkiiIii lr ta "'ick upt mn ,L rrd nis Positio ire onisnio rr arr n i - m fîrnse of irs pris itin. I tr ow ver lire s'as nrî rons inlits orator> - Aler lue liait ftnis'ired li,; sitiof lieh te a tnrriorrotf buiîuness-t men ineýc ,ilteropnos fteG ainsBig inleJectt irt'tradlietei tfliren don Sevcrely. Oine of illin rlaid abouît hlm a lîrstrrg as tirn ken inun wiîonlire r arresteti and tielaretdi lIt a sstot e da viratl lIr vilage tiannei dons. HI-e fittlirIt tire officer hlli gone ti ftr.D D Ple a i ol e Aller tire tiscusuion got goîng prel- D amrws-h nypr 1>. slrang Preaident Kinrg tirciedthat __ o h nwtenicn' fCu was no place for a n erotigenîlîiýrrisnno nc h rnipc fCi ti accardingl>. he gltI niIf orci lImeeting auirci aa',iluion placei àirorctè i 85 in charge of tlid citiai'ns as a whbalei andth ley discu qseti natters pro and' cou for sanie tale, t Today 10,000 Chiropractors are <'ongdon ln the cortse of lits re - marksodeclaceti. Ibat lire feu( ha ws practicini 'this* wonterful h e a 1 t h the "goal" af the whoie siuation and latiers agreeti wib hit science. Fitre pcr cent of the Ameni- -can population'-5,000,000 - have * taken these tren'trentý-just because *MARRIAGE ICENSES*A î they get desired resuhts. Understand this scicnce isnt a fad Lloyd W. Jones, 24, Chicago. i Karts Aspen. 22, Chicago. I or fancy-it bas bee'n cotîivincinly Early Autumn Hats Hundreds o! New Styles' A MOST COMPREHENSIVE OFFERING 0F SMART, POPULAR PRICED MIL141NERY Th'lis plî cr lnstore i illed wîtli lindreds of clIe7 i.r llil)1iw, nhlro'Aîitiîiii- liats,- Milliîîeiv that rt'tlc.'t sc'cî'si tle variationîfl thle se-asl-originial luoccl. aîî-etltîs anid adaptai tiIItr.;i Iuhig.ler ptieed Duvt vifle ami e~lvct BaronnetylCaandi elvet I1,îîotîct and lî' xn V'vtanîd Metal Clotli Jet anîd Velvet La rge Mu shî'ooiis, Spaiîish Effects, Narrow Biiiîîett~il î'3 Bîoadside Effects, Balloon Crowns - t>î-kes, iii bla('k, browîi, cherry, rust, saphire and puiiîîle.- Tri înîîîiinîg toutches of en3broidered effects, y'elvtt ig bîi't'ts, fiige, oriîanieînt, and ostî'ieli. In Wo46 efiepaiel LI LAKE CQUNTY INDEPENDENT VOLUME XXIX. No. 31 I.NDEPENDENT Advance Sale of Hugo ..îîlben, 4, Milwaukee. wia., Gtrnute A. Rietz, 47. Milwaukee. 1Entneat R. Richards, 31. aJnesville. Wlmaa M. Rtichardis. 27, same. erntrosit iî HEQ222p î brr-,nit rtPeiurple stIlIe ParIrr' ýI 5V- good tI 'i p) Ian î' reiiar sa it-it irinte' to a curat6r ao of gooti fluoor priitit.fit prolons ha irir JMe and4 makesjýheta Marke) Co. grade and eifers Ternis 'I n -g IN2, IL a aieown tor. 16 il w th. ýVÉ r'l

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