Osts its Namsa slia is taken di n word austraft Thus the smal ents is the soutÞ oil aa. la Nýties ::e n C ,... Mamm th cav tention s attre ehes of cryista s, and by ti formation, this particula f great prat ry. For it we se deposits of anufugture of We r of 1812, noto e a 0 6 0 5 :ht coat prices the way |||11|| 9 E g Schoo Electric t LIBER E INDEPENDEN LAKE COUNTY HOEPFH)ENT ba oun eet WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN LIBERTYVILLE, LAKE COUN11 ILI.INOIS THURSDAYAUGUST I 1, 1921 $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVAME "T0 SPEE0 0R N0 Caruso s Last Message to Amer ca PASSENGER R ATE WILTON SAYS THE . IllIN0IS THIRD TO SPEED" THAT'S 4-- CUT IS FORECAST; MARKETING 00. WIll RICilEST IN THi!# 5 ANTI0Cil'S PROBLEM TO 00 TO 3 CTS? BE BIGGEST ASSET SHOWS REP0Rt . . While traveling about the district. Northwest officials forecast i hm so many farnære complain Only New York and Pennsyl- Reported from vdlage that decline to near pre-war about the spread that f- being taken vania pay larger income some of "resigned trustees com thele milk cheek, and ihe qu' tu may run again * """ ""'" """ '°"" ""' "" °°" imue. Now Mr. Farmer have you lowe-r passenger rates, restorina stoppe<l to think how much spread income- Nix statistics hear out the The Anwl village irnbroglio ha of approximately the pre-war 3cent' Nestles Company wanted 10 take fact that lilinois is the third state in not setihd M-n in tlæ face o.1 the a mile rate. were forecasted today by from tlw patrons of their plants in wealth in the United States.. With a - 3 officials of northwest railroads. Such March. 1920, when they aswed for net income of $1,662.796,441 upot on by I readent King and the re à a reducuon is known to be under cak #1.95 per hundred on your milk. also which Illinoisans paid a tax of $99/ airung two councilmen to call a 1.r1 laration and early action is expect. ad in meir leuer of March 10th. 39m6. the residents = of this com- ry anti Wetion to fill the var:w . A 1 xtensive hearings untioubtedly and by K E Hysell, superintend. nonwealth paid 733 per cent of the il be held before action is taken- ent milk supply, that their l>lants at total income tax of the nation for the but the attitude of the commission on Mme an woul<l be year 1919. These figures have been our r he r:iilroad rate question indicates classi pernmnently? Ask yourself if made public in a bulletin recently now ops that 0 is bar i passenger rates will be material- r ha Nya fair a cornpiled and completed by the tne a ilm four ah mluent early tlas fall, it was de- the agreed. Ask yourself whv tiwt Mtml Stans internal revenue de- red rituent n whc ne ly i ein.d w n a W : 4mio o rates on ce pra at n i o ir i .gw York state paid a tax of $399, nion' N.n of tir shle n f aht commodities are exiwe 79G51, the largest amo-unt.paid .by para erms nuation of Ha firm sweeping cut undoubtml ny one state, and fen.nsylvania waa enfore ni of the ep will he made in passenger tariffs. rk you M . Fann u n you ærend with $128,195,161. Over 31 per y eve-r: a back for rech - 11nal officials anticipate. o lhe stoir wnh you and cent of the total t.ax was paid by Ne «J that miciign slogan oh Cut Would increase Traffic a b an i orker by both sans will be . The traveling public throughout the Seventh in per Capita Tax "Shall the t>"ed law be H11 nalion lias protested daily for tlie 1he buyere basket at 22e you h The higilest per capital income tag all it not" M. ast year against the 3.6 cents a mile amounted to $38 49, the rate -for-Net The omtion will he raths anm erica was a postcard Metropolitan Ope ngs rate anyle operative last la percent anel did it w 11 a York. Delaware is second with an and ,næsting to flnri so rus ads e salutations toyou and edices. I feel bette by ords of the commission. en u average of $'1361; Illinois is seventh e alder:nen who smideno -en every day. Soon I will , Caruso." nd he wiping out of the 20 per gent i er for $25A0 you pay 20' percent and on he list with a per capita tax à r reigt:son aenín cand ere or the most of it, will be smile \re you aware that the Nest- $15. (The per capita tax for th r lef t r under ilresig n t e 1. passenger and other :nilktocornpani s end uroi vas ap oximate RY FIXES TilE ROBT. N. H01AES CANNOT STEAL s'e®""a s red and be saveel that much ersming the vo ume of business The our surplus milk? sgy nothing To the state of Mississippi .go uble is BOUND 0VER FROM . sgher cos b n me ,he c ng the sm.,lest, However-. according to Antioch re- mediately noticed by the purchaser foi- us to awaken to the fact that centage of her population file te rts. it all now ir .a question of or prospective purchaser of a ticket, o be business men and cope with turns. Only 1.33 per cent of the reGi- nciple- and enforcement of the SUIT IS DROPPED a was 'emphasized. Recent freight business men, we must use business dents of tilis southern state filed WW med laws re not. rate reductions, such as that on lum- methods. It is useless to think that turns. Alaska, on the other hand, haf Put it (Jp to King. ber. have failed to increase the ton- the other fellow is going to use his. the hirgest percentage with over 17 Bert Grice. one of the trustees who gg panch nage hauled of the commodity affect. energies for our benefit, if wre sit per cent of her population filing. But resigned <ieclares thar President a by YOUng man, Wh0 iS Charged rinCipa S ed, tëaffle officers said. by and look on. ii.51 per cent of the population of 1111- King violated his agreement made at With S|Ugging taXi driV0r fr0m Which IOW S and autO Fall of Livesteck Rate Seen - it is a fact that 'every dairy farm- nois found it necessary to make oat with the enere council, namely- that - U C 0 ppegggd jg ggtt|0m90t Northwest railroads also expect an er is either working for his own in- returny. e would lr the speert uian" '" t0 he We|| reimburSed U er , early order reducing freight rates on terest. or he is working for the in- until Tue evening of this week -.- , t business 1,ivestock. Applications of shippers for terest of the corporation that has when the ogncil formal4 Joeld de Aftenr demwration tason.: 91 Roben N. lioimes. young man. who pa toer.canCharles W Ids and Jack. lower rates on grain, grain products had his services for the past forty KILLED AFTER A cide on the matter. instead of «loing hours a jury in county com I was captured at Devif's Lake. N l on Bennett of Bulkley Road, near and heavier building materials will be years. I-f he thinks riot, he is too that he decares he took the surn an a reement at 9:00 o'clock inv ' on a charge of having stolen an amo I ibertyville, have found out. They heard fyy the interstde commerce short sighted to see what the dealer mary action on iionday afternoon gick commission at Washington, August has dog and will do if our organiza and demandM that officer Congdon night in the condemnation ca mobile belonging to the Goode Ian were in partnership in the ch ed 15th. Northwest railroads will be rep- tion would stop doing business. Then sign. "TB- W added if he wonh! brought by the Public Servie cab company, after slugging anti rob raising business. Bennett c ar s-¡ resented at the hearings. the slacker would cry, "Why did you et he w: ave to dischare him fo tains ti owne t ni in bing Russell Kerr. driver for the urnt i ted of $90he woarth a achi k ns. To A preliminary report of a commis- fellows let it drop?" is it not time Mr. Grice 'ulded that King shoubi Hi bland Park to the Public Servh on July 2. today was held to the even u the partnership books Ben-, sion examiner was that the livestock to awaken to the fact that we must ted until TuesdaC even n P rates are reasonable but that, they protect ourselves? For example what. r a ge era conference company sub-station at Lake b rand jury, and was remande<l to nett secreted an automobile truck' should be reduced for "economic happened to the Grain Growers, whoi E. A. ViSSer Of Chicago Sp fnrti ihat The strip of land is to be used jail, being ble to furnish $2Mo I olds charged. reasons." ftailroad men believed the could not sell their grain for enoughi -trustr e Grice r electric company as a right a wa bonds Folds waxed wroth, claiming the commission will take a similar stand to pay cost of raisigg? The Beef SUnday St n0W home wh ch Ki d ninea d cid that for their high power tranymißion Holmes has a long crime record. truck belonged as much to hyn as and orde rthe reduction, and it is and Hog raisers have suffered more . Šjgter já þÏ|jidin line. *l'his part of the plan of * . to Bennett and swore out a warrant predicted that the grain and building or less than the dairyman, and if me speed r n Antioch would be tending this transmission lio to according to Sheriff Elmer Green who charging Bennett with conceiling the niaterial rates also may be reduced- the men that are making milk, see ßt e follows: .. Wakeggn to connect wirly the SS- brought about his capture by senil truck. to let the Marketing Company- go t.. A. Visser, president of th Pifteen m n the congested die 000,000 plant which the company a in word to the authorities in prac While Bennett sat in the justice b default, then they will suffer a Barnes Borden Lumber com t-ic:. 20 mile in otlier parts of An- b ild h e Wauk Folds 3900 North CrawfOFd avenue, was 'ioc to u er . . . . tically all the principal cities- in the oof Harry Hoyt in egan, . greater loss than any bf the above over and instantly killed by a The owners of the properg, ah caused the issuance of a writ-of re- mentioned sa e n p y tha rthalon et eern tough bittet l'nited States.Devil's Lake. S riff . ore J stice o tua †Ma-i LOSE WEALTHY SUM. --e - -e-"-t e--"'-- t'a'ser'da"·°'id'"e- day attemoon and evening the con ing h en condition about is the dairy farm Mr Visser had been visiting W egen in Antioch, as a result of peo against the condemnation procee na Green says he was toyally ente.tam- session of it. Figur e was e.v that will not help to protect his own sister Mrs. Annie Saunders, at & plc driving in trom the country, is and intha he r n ou ed by Sheriff Ed. Elliott of Ramsey g nstdiBenn tt alikeg°"a MER RESORT GUESTS nte e n*° bertsville and was return'-- - - c acute than on Michigan avenue. 9 ed heavily 'br the proximity of the county, and Ex-sheriff \lartin Olsoin Justice Hoyt dismissed the , case. his own business and he ping o automphile. He got out of the 00¢ he wa the m c i es p ar the h gh tension line, the dan age They took Sheriff Green on auto trile: After the matter had been thoroughly ack ask yourse if y u w n wa k to h ome 39 a mething 6erce a We had to do awarded by the jury, according to to various places of interest. aired it was decided that it a nb OttågårS fr0E OhiC890 SiSO this organization to fail, and the. avenue. t g i t do to 5 il s heard the ev de elief of ma w tic arry H rraigned before Jus a ma ter thacou oul behadecided antd Opp0S8d (O figid ORf0fC9men n we wi1 be nopla ing falk yo r. Vithe stal ted on the o in that section. However. on large to cover the damages. Theautomobile. which was recov- as that would be too costly, Bennt"he Of Spååd E09UlatiOnS' your neighbor and doing unto o ers dodged one automobile ande u estion we issued.strict or. The awards were made a todo ered at Devil's Lake, was practically was paid a consideraton an as you would- have others should to passengers, stumbled direct ers to every officers that above all Tract No. 1- Owned by Elmer T ruined and the best offer Arthru ease dropped. e dont w ncipa That the oontinued enforcement oi do unto you. God gave us our sen- front of the bus, a front whee wc must be gentlemen in dealing Selma V., Callsta, thofd. Lucile. Gee Goode could get on it was $1-¯ Ieehorused.ap ointewould le ecessary the rigid speed regulations in Anti ses, and God gave us our free$lom, which ran directly over hig - witn autoists. al think they all tried trond G. and Lillian skidniore. Price hancer The part- och would have resulted in depopu. lets use it! Mr. Visser was a member o n :lo this and any violation were paid---81722.60. Daninges o a join if taken u ibe clissolv . lating the town of its large summer in my judgment it would be like Hamilton club and formerly made moly the acts of individuals and ing land--$477.40 F AR MERS FORCE ned-h-p wt population of Chicagoans who main_ putting on the yoke of the pilgrims home there, act :ondoned by the council." Tract No. 2--Owned by Thomas E. . COOK COUNTY FAIR IS TO tain their residences there during the in bondageago wheback t pr esmilk a $10 000aundersshuth o I be Safeguarding the People. Lamb and Nicholas F. launb. Price R ATES- FEATURES BiCYCLE RACES hot weather, is the charge of Antioch ten Chic for 60c per can, with near the Wheeler crossing. lifr. eaking further on the situation, paid 13386 Damages to adjom residieted against autoi s 16%c fr ght deducted, or 43½c net ser has been furnishing the mat an ex-trustee declared: "Some of us ing i .. The Cook County Fair Association more than fifteen miles an hour for eight gallons of milk. The fnan for the job feel that it may be up to us to put up. Tract No. 3---Owned by i homas E" in recognition of the increasing popu- "There' is not an up-toidate com. who rides free now, is the man that turrely to the people t.he question Elizabeth and Nicholas F. Lamb larity of bicycle racing, has decided munity in the world which enforces may brirrg about this condition again. as to whether they want to h ve Mary Otonnor and Richard O'Con- to put on quite an extensive prograni the fifteen-mile-an-hour speed law." If you do, don't blame any- one but tnce families protected under speed nor Price paid-$380.40. Damages t" concession on freight on Ex. of bicycle events at the coming fairl one man said. In places wher3 this yourself. You- have had the oppor- laws that are safe or not. It may be adjoining land-$2781. which will be behi at Palatine Septem- rule is enforced the Chicago Motor tunity lo help. Mr. •Rowe said in nessari to involve it in an inw at t is figured that the awaai bv the port Orain ShŠpMånŠ$ Op.On$ ber 13 to 18. . I club put up placards warningi auto- his address at, Grays Lake. "Sell tw ziection." jury will give the owners a tur pric Way Bicycle races will be run on three ists to keep within the 15 mile limit your milk where you can gel the - Not Account of Officer. for their land in addition to the am afternoons of fair week, and will This is recogn.ized by autoists as a mosT t'or it." Kno1ting full well that 5 orustee Grice said: "The r i>ort ages to adjoining lan<l Washington.--Producers of farm sanctionet An eri a A big i stB ythe watning that a speed trap exists his Company~ would pay at , prese i w we resigned becaus- Congdon produce. by forcing a voluntary agree- e has already been donated by there. What is the result? Why the mar-keting Company pr ulbut va :ired is all wrone we osane 5 BLINDPIGGERS ent or the railroads to redne- e e Cycle rade merica whle autoi-ts deto-r and tahe -o-e o n Coipan ceased to Truck destrove a becæe President Kina ojoke hm t>ort grain rates, have successfully the Fair Board will put up a silver rohte where they do not find sue Ti - C he repres * :grament. Ih- promiwd no netion opened u.p the way for substantial cupcupandothertrophiesfortheCook rigid rules. If Antioch were to per tunction on could not untu Tuesday, yet he fired Congdon ARE FINED; ALL --- ne -ippem a- con county cham-ionship race Manufa n the campaign that wa delfraspect and do busi "Billy" W ks h on onday. We th;ere that wgen reduelions in freight rates on staple turers of iChicago.have also promised we would not only drive away the ness with our organisation. It seems war espectally in an otticial pos will soon he authorized to contribute to the prize list. . tourists but we wouhi drive aw some at our ma n are idrgetful of Battling the flamdh that .tig doesnt keep his woni on Action of the rail .executiles ill ; The big race will be the One Milel big l>ortion of our summer guest low lhey were treavd fifteen 'months veloping an auto truck he a atter, he s n a 1,osoon h sanctioning an application for a :!o Cook County CÉampionship for a sil most of thenr drive to and f1mo i in go when they had no place to pub ing, may cost "Billy" Wilks E n't be. per cent et on rates on expori gran ver cup, and all the speediest Chicago cago he r milk only 'at a loss of, $1.05- and he is in Victory M Fred Born of Fox Lake gets '""" ""st lakes ports to the sea boys are expeced tp be entered. Sex 4For that reason o >s ametal b Think this ovér. 'and ask pital, serlously burned on the hoard oær eastern railroads ex- eral novelty events in which bicycie rgè)dents of Antioeb 1Mt when a sourselt if you, are treating your- arm and about' this shqQld . 3 heaviest fine; pays $400 rected to be followed soon as smalar riders will race against trotting horses special election ts held '" eh" *" Mr. Rowe said at arays cuest, fotlowing an see i 8S pena ty measures to readjust the rate on are also on the program. Then there men to take the places of those wi o Laiw that 'the farmers were skilled occurred at . 3±16 o rain from central teritory to sea-|will be plenty.of races for boys and resigned it wiß he case of nel on men in makingmil , that they were morning on E Ividere fond Five persons. today pleadmi guilty board points. The reduction .uist girls of all ages, as well as an event votine whether or not a sMied men in selling milk, and that Jackson street, of violating the proh bitory law and atreed upon of five cents a hundreti for old timers of 40 or older. With the he permitted to spee tlw farmers should cease to control' Policeman John RahUng 09 received rines cana n from síco to po""ds o" whe-t eor" and r's 'ro" exception of the Coo- Cou.<reham whec., or n niio cm milk, when the. milk is delivered reported to' the station $400 in the county court. before Buffalo. Erie and Fairport, to ,New pionshin event the races will be open tain its summer guests w to their plants. They never have walking east on BelviÔete Judge P. L. Persons. York. and other seaboard destina jo all riders, and dealers and clubs of much revenue to the cit toh) you thoughshow much spmad when he saw a maf Fred Born of Fox Lake receivg tions y expected to result in a simila' the middle west are invited to send Hi bland they took to care"for your milk. The drew his gun and A striking difference in tlfe en- the heaviest penalty, being fined $400 reduction from points m central rail in their entries. James Rafferty, speciaa g Alarketing Company is the only Come stop. The deeing 10a age is noticeable today compared d costs teritory. W. T. Farwell. Jr., has been appoint. Park policeman, who was shot by an a that has ever dared, to tell the Lord, man, don't éte e to the days when the gypsy wagon anThe otlier four who pleaded 'guilty Shippers are preparing to ask the ed as manager of the race meet, and automobile bandit whom he reco a n er how much it oost to process burnt up." Offeer Mens a familiar sight along the coun- and were dned are as follows: interstate commerce committee to re entries may be sent to him. care of nized as "Tommy O'Connor, den. and handle your gpads, the man, who proved roads, according to reports re- Steve Kroll, North Chicago, $200 move the 25 per cent advances which Cook County Fair, 231 Northwestern 11, went to Chicago this wee toi d Mr. Farmer do you realiÊe thaf negro. He was ed imm nearby cities. The pow- and costs went into effect last August In west University Bldg., 31 West Lake St., tify O'Connor. He is firmly conv nchot u are getting about 33' percent of from his burns and cal motor is taking the place ind Anton svete, North Chicago, $109 ern territory on all domestic ship Chicago. that C'Connor is the matha he will he dollar that the consuiner pays, the hospital in the many instantes of the prairie schoon- t - ments of grain products and also the --- * him. Mr. Rafferty says h me goods' Did you ever hieantime the drø er type of wagon in which the gypsy and cos movec, 815 Market Street, 35 per cent raise which was given Great Lakes Bulletin this week not start any proceedings the now ofsa any milk company that called to where the g t of t viga . bands with th WaukeW rg200F d ts. $100 and practi a laci e grou f roads on pArv a lo sta i g menre u of gun nant'he Ch a otea thorities d e any dea ou ne I bel ed a 4 pkture painted wagons, an MVestern shippers contend there is enlistment expired before July. 1922. Think this over loss. Wilks asidy he engpt child n othma ghwa sd es costsjury was being iinpanelled this no longer any need tostifie business would, upon request to the command. The la edHendee, r erw a paid f c our f r yourself. Is the way from Waukegat to grant close to the camp fire, afternoon in the case against Paul with rafws that are prohibitive in ant be discharged from service. The Co Ü clerk, not a cousin as has Marketing Company playing fair, whea the ustthe their dark skinned masters disputing and Anna Yatkovick of North Chi- that the cost realized on many im- order makes an exe ption in e ca t been stated. He was the son of Mr. When they gite to you all, except of, whit as te whether it would be a wise plaa cago, also charged with violating the portant commodities will no.t pay the of a few rates in ich men are no Hendee's eister. adtual cost of handling th p step in the noat (dWn Set Me|BK þrOhibitory law, freight rates. plentifu .