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Libertyville Independent, 11 Aug 1921, p. 4

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THE JBERTYVULE'INEMEDT THURSDAYAUGUST 11, 1921_________ .Litbertyville IndependentCOOK MEMORIAL ' ADDITIONAL LOCALS- Lai Cont Inepnde~î Waukegan Weeiy~Stun LIBRARY SOON To Miss'Anna Hyatt is vi-îting at the PaIe e h ostoiffîc* &t LIbertyville, iii.. au Second Class Il Matter B inuTOn3nïl.S. Hyatt home. oficeTeO pRC-1.50 PEYEAR, STRICTLY - N -A-VlNE. OPENI- UIPUBLIC Merrtt A. PolIay of Chicago, visited Offce elplineNumber 1, Lbertyville Exchahge..eeWrnatda -. ....- --.-**.--.-.-....-- EdtorILiry Board Give Report of 1r's. Howard Wilcox of Minneapolis, o,.OS .NLLEY.....---..--........ ----.. ----------.-Local Manager OdrfrOeig Mrs. Howard Wjlcoi> and Miss Verlie NAs.D. A ...~.. Oderfor penng. MeClain were Waukegan visitors Mon- 'Tii bard to determine which is the greatest nuisance -wen living ,The library'board are juat as anxioua athe patrons for the opening of the i -ba a flat-the fainily living above or the family living below. Cook Memorial Library, and have been1 jvery busy in reorganizing. the olil !îbrary and getting the new building in order. The floor is covered with cork Over in Canda they wont aflow the members of the legisiature s<> carpeting, which is the best addition1 ifer te euht other as "puisyfoots" as it nugbt arouse augry felines. i akngth lbrryquetan Mr. Hawk did a splendid job in putting in the she'Ives and new electric fixtures, for correct lighting. The Thse lake County jail ia evidently quite a cenvenient reserve for the libraywl eoe eeyatrio and evening, except Wcdnesdays and flerai courts lit Chicago. Tbere is notbing like mrsin the institutions Sundays; hours: 3:00 till 5:00 and 7:00 &«Mfu, even if we have to borrow thes ubjects. tili 9.:00. With the inventory withdrawing and _______________mending of the old booksanmd the order- tng of Wb5 new one the library expcct An Illinois professor bas produced an ear of corn witb alternate rowu to open wth 2M0 volumnes. oi , white and bine kernels. Now if he can put stars in the coi be's Some recent gvfts have been much mi apprcciated and later a lit of the tbelorilstuli. donors will be given. A meeting of the generai finance _________committee and the library board was held Tuesday evening,, in the new A Kasasentrnoigia ba bi ona ne ucemeto u tie crti ofbuilding to diacuas ways..ed means of à Xasu ntooligst as it o a ew chem toridthe art ofraising more fuind for the Library. w*e. grasuopper pegt. Re lacs it by a secret inoculation process and Following is a financial statement: be, "hopps" work wbile the Kansas fermer uleepu. They upreai the 1tKICEîPTl #~~~~~ April 30 Balance ...... 68..........$W82 Insoultion that means their eventful death. Ver>' fine! Now if that May 2 Fines ,............ ..67.90 fdhow will extend bis operations to the other "*pesta"i of society-the two Jan. 6 Gift Modern Woodman.. 115.00 Jan. 6 " Royal Neighbors-18.23 heggud, four legged, and may legged, be'll be a real aijuuct. Mar. 21" Americani Legioa ... 16.68 M or. 21 - Woman's Auxrillry Mr21 Commercial club.. ..00 AU fl) = imiMar. 21 'Woman'a club.... 100.00 Tm ?tesantEpicoW conferences bave inioruci e derisn May 11 ~ B. H. Miller-..... 6.00 il is bsiessofohrees n ewpaeru Tsebuines f <h~May 12 "Emtur Star-......3.00 et te bimaof harhes n -newpqm Th buù u o th chrchMay 16 Woman's club ....... 313.48 Jhe biggest business of sU. It bas te de ultis mciii a vital as food May 16 A d elaine Miller's. md éohthig. But visereas ail mca know the>' neci foo und clotbing, achool ............ 60.00 as1t a&U of tàsm melle their neel fer religion. Tise chmrcbuba corne to May 19 Lambert Player ....83 45 m-Oat it mut oate in men a sense of neQdfot religion. And lise neya- $1388.24 pe sru avertisement toda>' is prefomrin thifnction of disciples teacis- July 5 Haze! Davis ........ 1.00 July 6 Fines................. 20.00 Mg.1 religion in a new wuy. Prom ltime te ime Waukegmn cburcies July 8 Mrs. Celiu Nobles ... 2.00 hve dome eupaper aiverting, but tise mistaise of net kecping everlast- Total..................... 36...0.* .96 h* a t it bau been made. DIBBURSBUENTS Voucher 1 C.W. Wilcax, work..$ 34.43 __________2 B. H. Miller, ad- -vance tuN. S. guCo 40.00 3 Mns. Waltost, work.. 1.00 Agia Waukega figures in a nation-wide sensation in thse Florda 4 W. F. Fralazen, mold- meuler cause. Yen can't getaway from it, this cit>' figures more promln- 66...... ia ig ove te cunrytha a>' ut' ci rns is ue Trigga & Johnson .... 2.26 UR nbgdeungs vrtecutytmayt e ie t u Keystone P't'g Ser. 8.75 ltblag ever -breaks, no matter wbat section cf the country' it is in but . 7 Titus Brons. ......... 89 70 «Mi Waukcgmn bas a link in il in smre way? Baen't yen noticed Ibat 8 Paul Ray, wall paper 12.96 -fo?9 J. Hutchins, work ... 76.00 ________10 C. Wilcox, work ...20.80 il1 Clara Colby, supplies 3.03 -12 North Shore GsCo. 17.64 -If Antiocb an other villages want to chose ail thse truie of resortens 13 W. F. Frazen ... 60 au . n. zsfrn hi iixen 4... ~ .. .. teuikest , * to do it 5s t ...,.est 14 Paul Ray, shades and «Mo> driver wbo happenste Intomis head left wben he should tu= itj slesl Jusl bocause he owma a car iu no reason vis> ever>' mai who drives duMel u tribute loavillages vblcis bave trouble meeting expenses other- * wlu-yet tisaIs wbat they're doing: As tox as the>' gel a new roI - rough tiseir bemudries, they &ai start ont le seize eery autoist the>' ca Utel ir hais On. Some places tix the limit aI len miles, others at fif- liendi mre t tveîsty. YET in Chicago where tisore is REAL CON- UTION, Ibe>' KXE yen Iravel 25 or 30 miles an heur und, it's dont - mis general salit>'. Tel Atiocb uni a few plicesu liSe tbat, assnring ma importance in the world, take the stand tisey're budier tisan Nfichigun £vmae or State Street, Chicago. Small tova stnff, lbat's ail -*ith the ' orost t as lbe goat. 17 19 20 21 paper.- -----....-...-...33.-71 Keystane P't'g Ser. 1.60 H. B. Eqer........ 72 W . W. Carroll & Son Co ............... 24 Demacrat P'tg Co.. 40.88 Mrs. Colby, sheif supports------. :.12.68 Mrs. Colby, mending material-----------...... 4.20 F. B. Loveli Go. mending material.... 2.05 P. J. Hawk, ishor on shelves ........ 50.00 1P. Ray, cgrk carpet. 332.74 $795.631 ;Village voucher, P. G. Ray-.... 1.44 Well nov, wasn't that strange tbat ever>' ontet thase seven siga. $797.57 hourds vbicb Veliva erected in Zian siouli ail start bnrning at the aime Bis still unpaid .--------------. .... 92.57 mnent in tise lea of night ? And nobol>' kiowa hov tht>' startel bnrn Estimate of necessary bills: th>'vee oaciinou Prbpatie nl-Vlia oIaRepair af funace-----------.........275.00 k.evun Ühongb te eesae nol Pr steat-oiaflsCoul bill-----------....-......------...20.00 Piu7od Ibat tise rays of tise moon Migt corne tu their assistance. At an>' Appropriation for new books .... M.0000 rate il iste mile on the part cf those wbo have bal no personal interest 6951 la tise Zien figisl. The big voider is tbat tise igna, containling snch Balance.-...........---------.......44.82 - -g ateril, bae dstnud m the face of thse apposition as long as- -r ' e - hae.' ie'l duvetavelselisun'gisrcmmat' it$n 2360.96 tbq ave/ Tey w"ltbav lated n ay ohercomiuaiy fft I The board hopes for the co-operation idautms We su> tis even in perfect sympathy vils tht lhought'>liat of the people in raiaîng neccssary Tova au ni bis people ORT tecetrol generul conditins in Zin b.- loney ta carry on the required repaire OMil lM tisir cil>'. However, tht sigavent prett>' tar, even fartiser1 fer remodeling of the Library building. j'I'hc otmmate for new porch and stucco -tbua thse average ardent tllower efthtie overser veud coldoite. 1 covcing for entIre bullng la $240. iFor.the parch alone is $1600und au our balance la 644.02 we are anxious for internet cf the publie along this line. -:We feel that uothing bai been donc wu£E TRE MWDZREPP but what la abeolutely nccesiary for Lincli Journal: A Piiladepisia pisysicln liftts p bis voici tM varxn the rigbt start of a Uàbrary wo-rhy of kg. Sevuul>-five per cent ofthtie vomnenof Ulis ceuntry', both li Md aur town. Yeu&g are sufferint hem varions degrocu ef irritation efthtie septum, tht: by bartlilagintons piece tisaI seprates tht neatrils. Il ernses, Ibis vsse ASCAINPC aIMÉ m»»ncSitrom tise over liberul use efthlie powder- puft. If Ibis The office torce ofthlIe Illinois iAricýutural &ssacMation $pent F1- hUete Part efthlie teilet couli alvaYS be peulormed in tise boudoir il rday ot lent week ut Round Lake. wM hb possible te give protectionb>' inserting collon intise nesbris,i The pticnlc, eb> made an annuel bait- mienlise us t pubic n snb prcautas ae pos-bl. ), for the Association office. About b« t o*ap is upplidin ulen e ratn r " l-tf) came on the train and in auto$. 11. e idr f drawi in vils the breatis, s deposilci en tie delcate mem- The Lake Coaty Farm Bureau bu" M pay&hëb «ergy witis an imprtat part et the huai assistedin getting an abo ndance af >~r>buaâ ti paisbibgenzui>' oasingcar and rlcb, cd lmIk LstomY I, i lausles. te hope tisa tise varning viU là, ieedel. NIestiri d b the basket limnera. â5i.le~ ffl w e 1mev to e dtepaver o e ret ofthe llathing, rowing and a ively bal h byen tie ls-cpres, purit gante served for recreation. ",4 tisbe meilmu profession. Il is menlloîed here oui>' as un inter. The> belleve leke Couity a gool foatre 1 Me onIbi ineresiagpluot e oui splace for vîcnlcas a-the onc last *"gI"tre 1 lfé it hisintretat.laiet l ors.yt-ar sam ht-Id in tItIs caunty. day. Miss Lee's Sunday school class of the tM. E. churcbhchld a 1îicnic at Lake Bluff Monday. Frank Ingrish of Chicago,thas conte to make his home witb his sister, Mrs. Howard Mason. Mrs. Reimer and son, George are visiting at the P. J. Fielan' home on Eat Park avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Henr: Ev ans andl tam- ily, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stocke vpent Sundey ln Highland Park. Mr. and Mia. C. E. Miller and daughter of Austip, spent Sunday at the H. B. Eger home. Eger & Litchfield have been awarded the contrach for extending the wMer main on West Park Ave. Mr. and Mis. Marcellus of Chicago, Chia-ch Jeruices~ METHODIST EPISCOPAL OBITUARY 0f the late Mrs. Charles w. .-Backus, widow of a forimer Lak Cik Pnntv ftt's ttor- The pastor is on the job again after .-ouiyjci a pteasant and restful vacation. y Sunday school at 10 a. m. 1). A. 1-1 n iaks as o-ii Young 15 superintendent. It isgratîfy- î1, ,)wn if Waîieni. ake (îut ing to know that the attendance con- iil . .iil.v 'u a rnild deariedi iiis tinues to increase. lii . .!ik26111, 1921, il1 the agi r o 76 Morning worship at il o'clock. The "' . antil eighten ilys. Sle was i. -IIl od ocobeî ',Ist, 1867, (o clia!teK sermon theme: "The Man Who Missed hi.',-L 'il.,% o jIIa.sd away J une 15, the Meeting. " The pastor will be glad t Tli-re was Vonli TO ieir Union to greet a'- large attendance at this, iwo chcltdren. fGuy %V. 1ackus, of' <iii serice %%iriila . anti NIasbel Bl. Lawson. of The Cominunity Park sorvice at 6:(X) San V iilc-iO. Calif. l'Or Ilue- hSt iW aIlle t>1~il. ceasîîd as mlle lier p. m. The pastor of this church will jul.. ilihi ier daugtîter in San -Fran- deliver the message. Therne: "The!rî i.scai She wit., broiîglit tii ber Greatest Needin Libertyville.' Gond 'ildlil îiit loîrbîirial. Ser-vices were muge. i l front the Methodisit Episcopal a!ii %ri taukegan. Ill., on' Tues- Epworth League devotional meeting ,~ August 2nd. 1921. flunerai ser- in the church at 7 p. m. Theme: "My '.ces were conducted by th1e Rev. G. Favorite Sayings of Christ and Why?" V Francombe andl the Waukegan Leaders, Gladys Eger and Vera Morse. thaîuer Order or the Eastern Star Thisin n exellnt paS o spnd ni- 0.209-. 51ewas qlaid to test beslde 'This ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1-1 i.a xoetpaetaseda uilusbnand In Oakwood Cenetei-y. hour profitably and enjoyably. She b> reiuemJiered by those who are The training clams for everyone, rnhar and dear t0 her as a lot ing andl young and old, mene on Wednesday at dev oIed mot her and a faitul frît-ml. 7:30. Tho pastor will have chrgeof the opening. Prof. Speemn wilteuch the leason. The interest uhown in these 616EANTIC FEATURE IS lesnons s inmont gratifying. Corneand ste for yourself.AD E U A glati welcome awaits all stranger. D TO BggjCICU Fry'@ have returned homte, conte on Sunday. We need you and Pragrain Ineludea Europe'% Criât Home--made candy sale at Walrond's you cecI us. Wild Animal Show.. store faturduy, Auguat 13, by the C. F. Kieihauer, Pastor. Wjtlî Europe s n;ggetst rained an1- Youn peole o St LawencechurhniaI show as e of n0ioany splendid youn peole f St Lawenc chuch.f(-aurýes. lth-Ringling- Brotherse and Born to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Vanton, ST. LAWRENÇE, EPISCOPAL Barnun & Balle> ('ombined Show> a nine lb. son, on Tuesday, August 9. Auust 14, l2th Sunday after Tiginity- WMilI ibee uagnoonandnug a Mrs. Vanton was formerly Miss Lorna , Moming prayer Il a. m. This mars cI cit-cus of 1921 ufres he- Madole.Cburch achool 10 a. m. greâti-at coingi-iiss tof attractions un fius Mr. und Mrs. Harry - Dagher of" Mark Ellsworth wili sîng th offertory tory. Wtihout etjiinating .an of h.- Grayalake, left Tuesday for LosAngeles, solo. thuadtrlspoue y hn Caif. Mrs. Dasher was formerly Missj Hymns 94, 267, 464. dr-Jds otfors the Rîngskllin en an. Katherine Cole of Libertyvilie. Guilds meets on Thursday. have added. witbout additions! chare. R. H. ýrummitt wili hol an auctian the- ôst sîînsatlonal of wlld beast i ýs sale of householforniture ý the - itays-. Not onl> wilti ou s"-eii> ait- I lai,- whn occuri> tIie- thi-et-rings, liv.. Clevelandl bouse on Newberry Ave., at PRESBYTERIAN stages. tIi> great bipprodrome track 10:30 a. m. Saturday, August 13. Sabbath achoal at 9:45 a. m. Wml. andt h,.serial rlgging in eht- ti-nt top, The Earnest Workers cams invite the' Wells superintendent. There are two but four spaclous stevl ait-na.s filIed ladis o th Misioarysocetyto onaduit clamsesnd one of the two will hie withu wlld beasts as isi-l. b ladies of te Misiioday socicty a join i.>Tigers ridIng peaceabl> on thebk theni-in a picnic at the Agard Reat ipralt cog11'meOt. Aaeia e-of elephants. black nîand African lions Hoine ae Lake Bluff, Friday atenoyjsaepreachd bil'a. n. Aspnue th e-.srnging to sud fromt galoping lhors AnuÏ12, leaving on the- 2:48 car. saepeee yreue;myete ts. great troupes or polar bt-ara wahk EAone sreuatdt big a subject wyul intercit rau: "Launching ing romes or playing at set- saw, leop- Euh n i rqescdt bin an-Out." Junior 'congregution. Good anis jumping through hoopis of tjc9*- wiches for themseîves and one other music. Pnblic invitel. tht-se are saine ofthlIe marvelous thiingk article of food. Aiso each one going is Te >muntsr-ieaCerl that tht-se wottdertul animal* do. ta bringa donation for the Home. T*O omht evc tCnrl While these beautiful creatures arc Park, 6 p. m. The speaker la Rev. C. unît-r absolute control, tIlt-> are lire- 'Llbei-î>ville frit-nil, have received F. Kiiauci of the M. E-. church. senteil nnly in greai ari-nas ofh ceIl. aniuouncenaents of tht- birth ini Waco, Prayer Meeting, Wt-nesds., Auguza Amile tram tht- dumb creatures aire Texas. on July 31. of a daughter, 17. Topie: -In tht- Valt-> of Sht- ulty 600 men andl women stars, and Ruth Edna, t0 Mr. asnd tirs. Janiesiht-ni." Text Josh. 8:30-35. 24-1-18 neariy 100 clowns, A gorgeaus tourna- L. McAtee. 31r. fdcAîe is a ,on oh Choir Pi-actîce eacbFrila> esenint- un ltneTt rgat.Ti-m- -r F. J. Wright, charister; Nr- FPlora c rie, -bit-h is entirelv sitiarate fromi John atnd Mrs. Ltla Davis McAtee. Ilursnd. arganisî. tht- animnalm umed in tht- vircens lit- ifornîir weI-knosn utsidenîs of Ltb- Reregistratlon ighr foi. the hon fororaincfi- it-e(li&-bgg.ri si-i raspeet ertyvîlle.j Scouts andl the CamitP ire Girls atý tht- -hurch snd manse an Tucsday. 1 ANNUAL PICNIC. August 16. Be sure andl report. Ail) Annual pic and re-uninn of St. Pst- thtoie who expect to enrolb i tht-s.. rlcks church. Wadswoî-?h. on !.onday. EXPRESSION 0F THANKS raztin betore November Ist. 1 Auguit 15. ïeatures. Flag drill, sangs. NVe wusîî ro express 10 our neugh ' are asked to beprt-a;nt antd make t leir 1cbitki-n pie dinner. oui-n. womnen andl hors, ad fiens or dep pprci Wlpliatinieandpayhei tes. ind- childreu. hony and auto races. oratory. lion for ait that tht-y dRi for us ai hsntc.Te. bs-bl an ewe asot during our rt-cent sorrnw. Wt-de- i sOpRarate Meeting nf tht- Court oni and tGurnec. ho th-- I enung a foui sire to tbauk tht-mtor- the gslendid.H rfrjh-Fra lst cus piece orchestra wilitturnish inu.sic foi' floal ffrins nd ars os p- a dance at Forestere Hlall Trhî- ît>-nic florl oferins anl wods o syma jwiII be ht-Id in ticCartby's frosi-. mstt thy that was outs in our, hours ni First in LaXe County- The IND£ - oh Wadsworth. anti a Mositi ai - grief. PNET or sPtne oal tir-. Jcnnier,- obbins andfaui. EDETcmes -ynddtal s- 4, o 'p. a-. 4 4. 'p 'p "4 s, 4»*4*****G4~BBppppppBZppS~Qq'-V stock on Paymen ts When the Gomerment offered Liberty Bonds on rnonthly payments, a new plan of investing was inaugurated. Now ail stocks are sold on lime payments. We seli ail stocks, listed and unlisted, on the bais of 20 per cent DOWN, balance in 20 EQUAL MONTHLY PAYMENTS. 6 per cent per annum charged for carrying instaliment orders, com- --pûted after ffrst payment is paid. Ail dividenids are credited thec buyer's ac- Count, thus giving ail the advantage of a cash *purchase. This plan gives an opportunity to * make icorne - yielding investments 'on conven- ient ternis.I LýOANS ON STOCKS We l<an 5per cet te75per centef the nwa- ket value on ell active stocke. Lo.qs may run front 6 MONTHS to 2 YEÂRS at, Iesal interest Nobonus, charged handfing. Write for Prluui SE CUIDTIE TRUST CO. 10 So. LUSlle Streo -:-Chkcao, D.0 CARO 0F THANKS We wish tg thank 'th-. klnd neili bois and frietidi who *,Isisted dîji & ing the slckness and 'al of oui de;î liusband and! fatlwr. also for Il iitx beautiful floral -î,ft.-riflgx. NIRS. HENRY HIARVEY, MEIS. OTTO I' > î.32' R. WENDLAND,, GROCERY AND MARKET DEALE R IN Genheral Merc.handise STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES DRY000)S. NOT1ION'. BOOTS AND SHOES 'MATS AND CAPS - lOSIERM C ountry Produ ,e Bo gh and SoId Phtone 107-J LAIC VIUJA * S U24013 FRED ORABBE iAUCTIONEERINO FARM AND STOCK SALES A SPECIALTY 547 NQRTI- COUNTY STF. WAUKEGAN PHONE 2441 Rever me Cliaisesute ve&Cb P. II ILDEBRANDT DRLIGGIST REXALL GOODS AND COUGH MEDICINES stand" a"h& Fa.cy StaIiomary COWOdUmU Toe" Ati"k Pefuuery Dellie ad Tep PIIYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully ComFountdd THE REXAIL STORE GRAYSLAKEs lINOIS PURE HONEY We bave a supply off honey of finest quaity for Sale. WiII deliver in Libertyville on Sa- turday afternoon. ALMOND BRS.9 Phone Libertyville 294-R-I Do you know why To seal in the deliciouc Burley flav or. It'a toeated. LUC ISARET - - - - - - - - - - - - ARLINGTON t IHOTEL*1 GoodMeals 50e1 WAUKEGAN, ILLI Most a that il profpeî A grov 'May I the bal Now L% dollar Lak R HOW FALL wintei BUELD p lty We fo« yotu Col laN< Getta Ani -Chea Lot Short Iter IllVil on-'S .I(l il r>Il rj.lat Ilay 'oitti s> - ar *p. dîi l- yto.Nldtmi ar--pîndîg ;l Iuc i Wl Ro 1N.Snî ati>-iided tht- iimi>,. lit ili iam. -, Madden ~.riday,>. .Ir-. J.i- ils> aternooni .M lit 1).( Cc lndi.eodent o0 lIIý. lI, AI tti of W~aukr Ir-' Tu --------------- Ife 1

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