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Libertyville Independent, 18 Aug 1921, p. 1

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r's LIBERTYVI LLE LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDEMT I'NDEPENDENT WAUKEGAN MWEEKLY SUN. BE IIOME.COMIN6 ti EVENT THIiS YR., el esident Grabbe in letter, tai this paper tells same af the feuturesI ( lînfhi. saf .ý tiii' us T ti o f uFir. ai se, !ise iTiai il-asi c Tl> h isi fIs' m : ti T'e.t le ftnii liigli - i e[Ois' i nt ' I i..ii. i loiti (.Il i.,.s.kIng ' l) %uii ii Ii.. l'ourilit ut i'. , N'5! Itsiu Iay v',c On ihis «i ' 'i.. te:S , xitpiiu" I I:, s. .IiI lit i. iii ~ ~ ~ !i- i oli'i;it i Dignis sof li,rs a .~spli ii.i ' I'>1iai- ns ss'r wcrk. t. ! -a' ; 1i nitî Isu eIII t lio il> 5 lSus III)) isl iT--' ))i-IiiiliSiT el' ilis airi' fol i~~si pi)! ", nd si 55' s). Li SO l.it' 'aisiloti of T 114.it, i i s "e of s'nse> ng t hil lie >' ng 1,(-0- , o11 ' il'si! ilt'i ie h Iigni cf ;,I w. (..1 Ilsh m lii(' isI. pain]!-' loa.kn iii i , actionî.5 5,0 5 m i t;itil;l a n d .r.. s! ti tt v.,- 'kt .' h- iefflK ofa' a % cstil'ait nepa w ': fil ii' itiiji 'f î'sîg ' 'l iiitgiisii t. . is i aniLt i non. t n(leperntlni's' ri i. >. i tiblît r i-ks and loiling r. for da,,élI a ii' uand vie jota a' ' is > îiliî- ý"otf ots and 11 n. Il"'.' s Ii ch uasré, doing %u Ul .ili t1.'AtiI i. i" - Ti l g ,is' sfandatd'd of riii peits'l iii. 'f 'uta,-"-of uuiîtnc'e lit i li, a n ntiiei .-abo. fia>% gril bi- i ri baill 1Tise r r.;t.te. utoifsfite lFa it, 'rile»iI' wîll b-b.' se"î- Iai s'on' 0> 3. Vine t' ,ogI'atis' fis',' acts. hIi.s'sba1,iansoi iiplans 'ltsflin iid- dit.Oion iltéis' TinoiaiR t alexbibits tu, assured. Pre#rsn of Harne3s Races Labor Day 2:24 Troti $600 2: lt)Trsot60 0.00 nsPas.' rio.0lI Ïiajnni tn l..f100.00 .dsjiiov. izas urciesiîtfair last i c..rIf wis . uhicidi-'d ti innoctî-tîte e li a;là,uita l it l i i 'w Iîiooîl wiiil e'.id I-ld'î ilsin'siill tInînilnewlilfe. PI .ns çere laid în iegin cari>' the worit tif ît'aoniing ;&iiproducbng 'TL$ (h s'tùtil't iunt, Parr in lits' it'Y"Thi, year'is Fair wiirivalilany i 'os.nt3 Fair in flié country and 1 ,r Ipit;' ans thlng i t i ne ever at' toempled in t1lislorilltyftsvtng tie f.',t Lhall rais-tract In Lise country, anc betng newti eIquippet i tfh lnerw act2 spaclou. buildings. the Fair tircunssthis vs ir *111 be Ille cene et '1w pruducion of whiltiç s'pub- i ' 'cela jugtiY Proud. 'The Laks1 Caunt> l'at)its us,!a ti ng confintsIlss onc"i'Tain localtf> ilt, an expntiiili n v.'licilîtie en" Il 1Il Soitîhern îparît niIlilinois andi So5Iîern W'iscons.in *take interest and L.Alliîti' us- sgrcilîural in- i 'i.front ir, ii' hkonù' tf nOus "'n'Iere ilein lie asi m.tcl of in- s'rt.ql fin he people af the ites and towns Ibis >'ar a,. f ie a ihe res-t- deliiofthie lirai estînaunities.1 'rocretore il lia. alreasi> resotved1 i "ci' Into tir( gi'sales.is'nmmtnity en. iucjtrtse and sisu îcît c rpeeivtng tbe liut piTansicnd io of fle us' b- fr,' tngenersl. FiveeSig Days .Iondtuy..Sept, 5,. Labar Da). UesdaY. Sept. s;. Waukegan Day Wednesday, Sept 7, woman's Da> 'riureda>' Sept. S. Faim BureailU;;,%î1 "st'.SPIîti . 'I tiicgo D.a> 1s1i1l1îîts el 'îil îî lsi s, lutor Dits i'Vcnian'i. Day. Futîit Rureau. ('lîlcagot i-' OWaulsegan Da-s, loi' tiha' Iurpose c, îshîîîning titi,' î'nierl.îinnîn iansi f*'in îIflglue tus itrtt. il if .le- i iîeî is cIlw inn iglnitiii Tsà gi î tIyits n " IPa s.i :lîl'w 'î's'nd Io nons' s'.,a 'nt n s' 0 tii, lîs". amnil 'higgesi ci' IllT' 1s' 55n!) r.'t and ifsiliw 'exact ll'"Ts ifii.tliiîiîi or h%11tis si î'tlii sll .stsakv' ii> ily Il_ i I iii i'(if of o tit î ri-1ogoiî ion ihat tan lie dug uls, Be. kir ni, f s' ts i ' o> 1s ai I gi-iatei' >11 ii 'I ï, bolîsînl usftsfi, s a s'cînc Muisl'e' taloi i.tjii1s b.>" ig par't 0: 'Ii' .- L ki'oiiîsis f", i rIs i decci'- nsj.ei utiti,'a sociatiiontf inpi oser i P5g Waukeýgan Ds%>in 4i s .iondr. 'Pheu tfan înaanucls as Chicago [)avpi' (,sî s'fsen se':. au îngIy in re'éd5ence in keeliing oht: Paira leader P>,' boostiug the, attenslance in years geas isy. tandsin tonor of lhe thson- :.'t.of J'i'glT t crlia tnsdboys wis< hgî ' ,foutîsi lheîî Wmay ' Ilîitgreat we.,'der cîty. togeise,' witis their familles and friends, sie dedicate te them Frtday Sept. 9th isaving thée aimaurance ut muci assistance in the t5417of Publlcity and transportation tiervice by ChICAgO'm bist and biggeet vwtmoers. Thé. people o? Chicago aile going te b. tld of the opportaity or gel- tMug more for tiseir money t rom la& lily taenr SMg Fait r ais snytbing LIBERTYVILLE. LAKE COIJNTY, MLINOIS. TI-IRSAY,AÙC.UST 18, 1921 IWHRN- A FELLER NEEDS A FPRIUND chi sr appoint a comiisntteé 1tsiois MASS M ETINî ceesi witii tue organîza ioîînios ains is ittees ln "ici'>' ban in iLake si ~rOF b backih# th'laie"s atiorto-tin h tight toi lav. ents'rceîui o s Tii IN EDEENT OFrrauw.xmt1tfo h ývi COL. SMITIIS WORK i "'-r""p in!" Many persons; at Lake Forest "I T Rogers a. tîis'nis0i 1 o i"'commitcee hear State's Attorney praised ' 'iii' McClutre îîsades'hsiort ad'lie.s. for worka.siltise mmeet ig closeS wttls a 'Cci, for worklion tb Colonel ansi NIre. Smiths. An snfiusiatlcmas meeingv.a tain Gorb>i's commihfee wil lidAt ntiue sii s eein ghsrci a lioiîi tmeeting lonightIo ladeteristini' lielak e reetsny sering. TItin furtlser steya tu lie falcrn ln accord 1 ak FoestSunay eenig. iti j ace iththeresolut ion. meeting va".huiS to showv Col. A. 'V________ Smitheihat the people ut L.ake For> est vew se)Piid hin uhie efforts ha enforce tflIav lin Lake coun. aud 10 plan for more effective bacli. SENSATJONAL "NJD ing foi, tise tafe'sattoîrney, F. Io. vereit Of Highland Parkl N PN 1 ----I vas invites inotlie chair and Mi'. T. S I R Quayie. the agent of lise Lake REC AiL fLED V UI county Law iod, Order league ln 'ÎLL 1 trOduacpd Colonel iSmiths ln s short s peech l isich he aullinei somne of lise condtitions in i.ake countv. Past 1 Klaburn Wilson says wife is andpresent c a~~ keeping children secreted sa, Coonl mih fac afulla u 1 hp t'nnot find tlîem tiles, a nsmu.r f co te chses2Ol wtich adi denionsti-atei thp lacli of law enforcement and the necessitY for vigorous action on thie part of the states attorney. Captain John W. Gorby of Lake Forest ihen tnok the fluor. and ln an eluquent speech commentedl on the work ai the tate'a attornpY. andi de- manded ta know. as a soldier. wheth- er thle eowardlv ruffians malio cons- mitted the outrage on Colonel Smiths homie "belteve thatila soidietr who ijasigone flirougli the .rgonne- and Chateais Thierry .batis'fields could 1w scai-esi off bY suritaits. Captain Gorby then offeresi tihe'foi- iowing 'esoiutilon. whirliîwaa lunan- iitiuily adopte.l 1w a rising vole: ItesaIs ed' rht il's th(, sens@e ?f t hi. înpet'ng i hai incampaign in Lake cotntfl hle ai once planties andi ceali 'ed wt <h l!i have foi iL, ob jesi th ii.Vi<ation and maintenance or a pubilic sentimîet lwhiîciî sha fltoT 1Y sppor t or site's. itsi' nle% in lus n obi"andiI'itif c igliî I 00W going ton, iîisîwli'elî ashah ahs insisgur.sTe a new era of obpl iprce ansir"l ifor, law. A woi ion w i.1>1.1' i madeIs'tliai flic ever befosi" iithin their teacli. for thil; in goiua iu aurpasa in every way anyfhing of lils kind, throug'. varie t) of amusements and attractions. Tihe f irstt week of September. 1921 bias been seiected as thse officiai Home-Conîing Week. whicb will be teatured and advertised to thse ex- tent of brhîging home fram ail parts uf the United States many of the people who have moved away and wiil visit Lake Oounty during the ssof o our Pair. The Lake County Fair &samoçiation hereby extend to every rensillnt of to..attend the OStb annual event and the county a mont hea.rty invitation wish your assistance lni giving us a show o? your fine stock or ther ex- hibits. Truly youra, - red Qrabbe. President. Théî' îe'is'al in circuit court iscre of lise Klaburn-Wilson div'orce case recalls thse sunsational events whsich led uplu il about a year ago. At f bat lhme Wilson went to i'ox L.ake v.'iere bts vite vas employed as a nurse in tthe hume of Hgi'nan Mieyet'. a isoat builder. She sad i ier f vo chilSieq with hler. Wilsou is clsarged by isis vite vits havlng kid- napes tIse chilsiren, bringtug thens to Waukegan. wbere )sis whfe later lu- cated ihem. Bitter charges vere maide by bath parties buftishrough tise nmeiumnohftise Sun a reconcil- lation was effected ansithfilansil>' returnesi to Chicago 10 resune iiousekeuping. Both promisesi ta for- get the pasi. XWi toinhuunicusts' s'ithyou ini a year andi show yau huw weI! we ais' zelitg alûflg logetliec." iley saisi. il isas not long howvser befoce i î'subî' bi'oks' out atresji anSd Mrs. Wi lsnî fl#ies aa suI it for id'vorcce 1 agusifsi lieritSiusbiI. ciiusging Tii W iiî l its-iu ty AIi lie preiîtliat' ihearing tihe cuslody of the ie 'dren Ws1 i sn tu isth to ur.fll'jI*iil urnu ot'vd<"ît lians>$200j a iseek Io- Wal th uIeir Lfso' Failuse to pa> tisalinsons for sesciai ss'eks causeS Isins f0 be ciîeî i in court >lonaa>. lie agreed to ptha 1e $1201 back alimon>' next Fritia> ansI ai tisaflime tise coutir whll set tise iearing for divorce as Wilson ta anxious la hiave the mat- fer Sisposeti of. 5Mrs. Wilson, accslrding f0 tise hue' ?banS, lias beels empolyed as nurse 1while bu bias buen out of wurk. He saya he Js nov living et tise home of bis mother et Oek Park. Some 1rather startling charges probably v iii be brought out et tise divorce 1beartng. Il la expectesi that same order yul be giveu also which wIll establisi tise statua o? tise tva chisi' ren as Wilson nov dlaims tisat hi, vite la secretlng theni avay tram b. $1,300 REWARDS OFFERED FURDB TIIROWING FIENDS Supervisors and Bar Amsa. add $1,200 ta Sun's $100 of fer I-Kudred Dollars. offered by The NDeiySn. "-1,000, offered by Boud of On- Ilevin. "-200.00 offéed by Lake Conat7 Bar Association. Thse lake county board or super- s isors. iseadesi by ltRay Paddock. chaiîman. (es' Waucouda. Friday at Waiakegan announcesi tiat a reward nf $1,400 v.iil ho' paiS for Informa- lion leading tus the arrest sud con, viction of liiose responsibîe for thse bombing of lise bomneof Ashbel V. Smitht. plate'. attor'ney. earls' Tiurs' dais niornlng, Tîe lsofnhing, tise sl1atesatilirney said. undouistediy w.asa areprisai]isi' fIe bootleggers ans iS 1assonsltfi. . agaitu vhiola lise ha,, condurted an eigist montis v.ac. iesîsiling in thse convi'ction. of mute Ihan 200o violators o? tise pro- iiiorv law. 'rite Daily Sun. Thiars- dia% olferesl a $100 reward. Tise judiciary V(liiiitltee o<f thse board of siti-isr.s't a titee'uI tton lthe $1.00 reward. 'rTe ILake t'olijnls ar-associatuon offereti $200 rev.trd ansi tise Iire offets thugastotal $1300 for tise arrest ansi conviction of the culprits. 'lhoasandt of Iriends of Shate's Attorne> Smitli hase raliied fa liss niS. Not only dud tise offer word., o? assuran'e huîlasosent candi' ansi fiov.ers. 'Reports Ihat lue Prosecuioslitait been offered i li.001i a ianth ii hi' would q"la>' o h!" ie notieggers in tise lakes region- during tise sum- mer are beiiei eu to have 'neen mîade upat sescerai orrasions, but lie re- fuses In10 iseuas. he natter. l'Il'it- i i.S('Vlituii. visa erves i nl Francs' fos. niore tisan lwch .years as i.ieltitnzni coloneli witls 'Relll>"s Bîticli." inIiii'lle19thfielS artitlery, sipiettsiFridi>tulai isereafter he ssi! l tiku'tls't,'ses Of persiatent bootlegger., 1,TifictIegrand jur>' o that he wiii bc, aille 10 ask foi, pli lso sentence, fosi's iniattafl of itie pro- Ihiiory ilaw atiler tise tiref offense. The 1police' lasi Friday night guard. ediile hone nf Col. andi Mm'. Smith and tlis pîlan wili continue~ as a Pro' tect Ion to ulsemn ansi their property ansi prevefli reiltiti on Of ihs'env.w ardly alfitck Li[son tlieti %Ieniber4 a! the board of supersis- ors declareu tat If necessary a!n amount vilIisbe s'IeS to provids spectai dePiaty gitards (or lise ft' altorney's home. Tise annuni Browe e Scidi reunljon viii bu beld ai tise aId scisool neer 1Wadavartis neit Tbursday and ar- rangements are belng made ta have thse attair an important une among9 1tise former puPis of that vreli knuwn counftr'y cisOOl. CIIINDBLOM GETS fCAMP DECATUR BRI FOR COUNTY FARM Hustling cangressman com- plies with request af board ta get Bidg. f ree "Seif ii i ls) . g t wo Si i ils i l lIe Iiîilslînte, ,iiiiiîitise i the 'siilsei' 'ieIts in, in WTthe concu si thn th"ie% oui iii' i o! ('ilii' îles îi ni inniateis v. lin ecoiîpe s sunt f- i-a il ,e t ho brig sil. ittes'd suit%%lil, in" .ieei celis and si cjit %iaSi itTi . sCCi .e.1i Pie,'as hie buildiing, ii-,il, i,, 'i It lus 0) a n il'.s's I Tel), il, 'j 1, 1 11 i l~tiii eIi 'fs' ai s'i I ii" 1;,l s t iT'l 1 1 f dt.i n a tl'îgian ii. ei Tiî,' isi I lsîesn s)%hic'hsstatpd i n aii i 1ii lis'- fn siepai tis'ifi5l Itsa ih ,leis s liittitîlsafit att G( ai i..sIl." iitUaTO Ii,ýi" ldlinig 05 i t? i -oii îinii botardl foi' 15 sfileit l" I <elfe l)it iso ardIn Mc fle.i 'xs'n i taing lis bildiibog le. ) "lise "tits lii's. 'lixs le'îand c-i îai n > a ins' equiptsflin niOLtaiLt&i :Il Toilei'. etc. andi v.otld pî'obably Ssi le îs't houians or foi'nir iîosuanîi 'lîtîartu i' îuirchasesi fromt ihe sielail- sî't and wouls oi en-ice l'eiîtl silin n1, t; iuid,0ev. 'lite alacrits wjtî wticlî l'Tsig' cs. iian Cîh(lînsblfoi renon'ietu ciil.'re- quei ii htîi hswii'v 10 geli lis' otîs> biulding foi the couni> sli. sisaL. 1ihe congresamnan iiibu..> :11ait i' lîi' andi ever ready [4) do v.'liaiii,, toîithe bel'li nteresî's oftheIi' isiînt': SMÀLL DOLES OUT PLUMS IN STATE JOBS PAST IWEEK lsane count> ta amolg fthse fi - t f0 be recognisesi by (kw. SMallsinfthu dsltribution of pluma, lise governor has'ing appointed C. A. Towusend, Sociallal na>'or af Auront tntil last spring. as assisftant director o? labor and J. Paul Esahsu. Batavha Iawyer, as an a ssisýtant commerce commitslioner. Eacis Ioslitn fpays an anotial salary o? 15.000. A. T. Spivey. ediLor of tise East Sf. Louis Journal. lsas also iseen appoint- eti au1assistant commerce COMMIS« sianer. vhili Frank O5iryant. editor af the Washington Gazette at Asisley. bai; been named assistant Sirector of the Separtmenl o? tradP ansi cons- merce, or vhich aeo. A.,iBarr,. Joliet lavyer. is drector. Spis'ey ansi O'lryant cons f romt ise Ttodenberg district in soufliern Ili-i nois, vîticis ais arecognized tbrougb the appolntmeut of A. C. Bollînger of Waterloso as director aof finance ta succeusi Omar Il Wright of 'Belvidere. i'estgnesh. W. J. Sfration of lngleslde, Lake s'oîinî> has been appointei atate gaine ansi fIissommissioner f0 suc- ceeti ItalpliBradflord,. appuinted naval ofics'c au Chicago by President Har- ding upon recommensiatlon o? Sena- torss McCormicktand McinleY. Geci W. Ptllow ut Marion., Ernest Wifhaii ni' Chicago ansi Dan Deneen o? Decatui' areoaiier Sownsfaters vhisosGov. fintli has namusi toaiosts or respsn'siiil> duning fise pas! week. The tux comsasion laeiseaded bli Percsy il. 'iffin tinS hi, coileagues in- chUde Fred l'rickson oh Cicago,.0Os c'tr Carist'ons-of Aledo. S. R. Teltord ut Stileni tandlW. Il..falone aif Pscki Ridige. KJCKED IN FACE BY JHORSE WMILE, GROPINGi IN DARKI Whlinaes Vuîc'îi .stt s'lîspiuye of lise Thiomasu Wilson îssîîss. West ut Norths Chicagos, eflereî tise stasl.' Safuitit inghit. liegroped about l'or lise slect'ie iclgl.t svitch. Instead of lsiuclsing tit'heittpn bis alugura cane ln contact. witi tise hînsi lug of one5 of lise homs. Thsis frigbtened tise animal whlch kickedti of its bots feet. Onu, 0f the steci'abod hauts sti'us'k arrett in the face, nashiug iltferrsbly. Wiscn lie rucovered bis seuses sufflciently bue crawleS to tise bouse visere bits pligbt vas seen. 'Dr. U, B. Jalley vas suinmoned and gave hlm medîcal attention. Varrett's con- 'SItillOn hi ute serious. AnnoUncemelit la made that tise annual harveaf home festiVal for te LaIke Bluff Orpisanage wîli bu huiS The Independent wiIl give $10 ta persans displaying best bushel of wheat and corn. Indicatiion'. r. p liaiT filie r'Si 1>1 of liives 'tosck . liii ii iosisîs . 's. i the' cosînIs idfa it this , 111s ii î\i ail lIres îous atîeiîs-andl ii di- now heIn ihatitf-lseî 5' ii i V OsiTi 5'* livieni iooin Tsi ;<lsiiiiîlii The sOtires ais'iliisitsi ' . foi-( andi Officiai. sof Che' laiti i' in t liisc 1<enc Litiagud l lii,'t i1ii' .(i'TîsiTi ('oiinY indses'nsleni mili tis' i;0a gl %'. %V, Il r ls ni $Jis -;lIl h s. l lom 1, $10 to the po<.'sss ispiayingy the finest bushel of cs.rn Ion eari.' 2. $10 to the persons dis piayisq the best bushel of wheat lii csiiîr'.' T lis 'îise aTii,. i' i i lm;ieu îsn m il sii,'o , ini 5') Inhs il h- l l i ,- hai dtis ss l c.T i ',rid Tsi,. s u s n 1 o1"îilq'î Il. , 'as't t u lI -r' ;,is bis' i 1 , , , i ,' î' pi, p. I ROBT. DARY PAYS WJFE LUMP ALI-- MONEY; DJVORCEU, 'i1li disiorce suî iwhicli Ilrs.. %lui V. s'hs 'ady, (ni',' lisiser'I aughiieî 01 a seleran ireighf agent foi. the St. Piaul rRilr-oasi ai Ltberly'.iile, endesi Monday when Judgs' Edwardam sinicresi a decree sofSdivorce.L'osier lise ternis of thse arrangement made .Mc ad lIS'receis esta fîintîs alinîony frsînti fef-'isbansi. Tise case was uns' sfs ltî' muaIun. usual beard here in soms' imie. The couple eloped on July 19, 1920. wilis out spriRing àven tiseir relatives of tise lac. Their hmoeysuoon wae short but by no means sweet for it developesi at the original bearing tisa f bey isad sejsarated ln St. Louis. Mugo. JulY 23, 1M0. foi, days aller thiet marriage. According lu tise chiarges .aîade by Mrss. Dady in ber original bill foi separafe maintenance, lier isusband was extremely cruel. Sise saya ise struck lier severai Limnes andi even menaeS ber with a revolver. Dady dIS nut cuntest the action filesi by bis wlfe and imtnated that therm wa4 a gousi reason 'by lbe refgsed to remain wils bis wtfe anly longer. The bill for separate maintenance tater was changeS ta one for divorce and t w as on Ibis bill usai the de- cee was grantesi. STONE IURLED AT $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVM I _________________ COMPANY 15 TO BE RE-OREiANIZS Meeting ,at Elgin Last FIa Resulted in Stops Being Taken for House Clearîng aiS'ssn:i -on e lbraIs were representel tu it-s'ii eeîlng of miik producers helM in Elgin las! Friday, August 12. The wVoodman Hall was f illesi with deWà gafes and farinera, aune of thein trob Wiscoansin ansd Indianas. Stand:! roons wa sesen a! a prexm. t, large c Irowd ovî'rflowing ta the et- ,irance and t iw spsice at the reai' uf thè ,lai!1 bcg f ilc'îi with interested wMlIK îsroduicers. 'lti'o 'wral senîtimeofu!th e *e itei ai th, meeting wta ta in siîi'i'naof brinzing ilie Marketing C 1hîssanY back iii'tse goodst sanlding P. siels!W mit i the iiiosucs'rsbefare the s'ii5tiT i il of 59') s'ent S'as muade. Tih. iesoiuî uns belov. uete aci.ed il p550 î"i(h îîtra graphitsessirately, a" thec resoluîfions aignesi b>3."ery doe. gaie lîreseni ai this meeting. The 1 oard If su i rectot s!ofthe Marketiug ('ampany la tsi act on ihese ,'esaistiêe on or before Salurday. August 2Otht The re'os<i front locais aItithe EZIM meeting sbowe i lIti 70 ier cent 01 their nîenîbermhiss i, wihîht he market ing Company. Tlsae press'ni ixlîessed 'ffiling fluas îsî asces! the aasistance o? the, Illinois Azriculiurai Association. . Reese. ireaaureî' 0ff lie Marketin.p., muade' ,he ialiawing financi epot as of fuis 30. 1921: Y CORONER IAYLOR Whsîle Dr. J. L'Taylor, of Liberty- ville, corner, vas. driving fe Wasake' gan iast Saturday toho blS anI nquest into tise deatis of J. M. Byrd, sailbr1 fruni Great Lakes. visu vas druvned1 lu Waukugan bsarbeor, Frlday nîgisi, ae sf une as large as a golf balvas hurledtivfh great force tisrough the1 wlndshield of hi., automobile andS camse near sfriklng lima. The incident iuok pîlaces on Milwaukee ruaS, juif norýth of Libertyvilie. Dr. Taylor wasi unable to discover wbu tbrev tise rock. Tîsre vals nu otiser automo' btle in aigisi vîose *heels mlgist hsave whirlenl il. LONGi LAKE DEPOT BURNS TO 6ROUND I.on jýýk,. i., lb , st. Pati 115'llltT ti ,Lng t tî s s ua estro>'ed hy ihi' s-is mintOand ls s (if abtt 215 susaiîs,'sd TI. it«,I-ru'siarîidti1'un 'spaaaing T1wIss gli-l'sss l lu' siisiiiint sia' 1'1.1.'l iîsiud s1'w . hîs> . i, iu'Isektd ittil. l) iai u .inasbu,' ilcheck'Tise flautea. Ilcui ic' hmsyianagedti us tase ii'siik it si sosand olier nesrby JAY (IRAIIAN MDE 111611 TRAP SCORE Ja an'sdSTom G'raham, noteS is'apsiiooters ofi ngiesîie. and tiseir netghbors. Fr'ank Stanton and WII iam Jlack~son were in Waukegan Tbîarsday ei'entng te a prlcp&te tu thse. Wankegon (I'w fl- '0 tvlhigbt shoot. jay Graham made as90scoref 49 out o&~.50. Walle Sunderlin vas elnong tise tisiturs.fil behsg bis lirai timeai thtie trapu aince t.e aart1ng'l uditor outshot hlm lu a tryout. Tisere vere a dosez et the tratPu. Cash on hn$ 1724037 Accus, receivahie . .. 493997.81 Is enlory (sines n01 include miik plants ...... ... 47 M 1 Tnt ai.. .. .... The Compsany oves the folIWfg Jiane milk ... ... ....141 Otiser hbis... .. .. h1.... Juiy mllk (ap.rox.> . .......20$0" Total..... U20S8S19». This leaves tise Conmpany vila a MeW auce nt azauroxtmately $400,000.O Tise tollowing lmtahie report et àlIe committeea aipointed at a meeting haiS atý Ein Auguat 4tis. Tis report wue unanluously adopteS t In snhmlittlug Ibis report we ven t ciearly underatood tisat our tiret a&U ocly tatereat lm ta see that oua'ql marketing comnpany continues ta -fàm tien and gives pruper and miiaIk service to tise mllk producers. la R%- der' for tise Marketing Company ta os tinue ta dolis vurk iaroeerly. ve 1£W tisatiut lm vital and necessary ta quis certain changes in ils policiez au f*j ifs metbods uf doing bausiness. sngeted changes we bave Vr= under tisree beads as foUowus: l'lrat. ln tise organisation Itzel?. Second. In tise management of the, affairs of oui' company. Tisird. hlatise metis oftnaef and accounting. Organisation Tise Milk Producers' Coc<serailve' Marketing Company la organisel W. der th bucooperative law ot ths ttt St Illinois. Tise spirit ut this a evin tse organisations daing buatinee , der I shuuld benetit, each etok ' in proportion t0etise amouOt0f - ness due and sbould be govel»Ae a reiaresentattve way. It appeffl f your cummtttee Ibat ur 11(1k IMadW ing Company us not living op0t - - principles. Accumulation and voting of prol*m have enabled certain bidividuals 10 c"- tate viso shall be menibera 0<'t Board of Ilirectors and- therehy taken the management ont of bands ufthtie milk producers. NetM and policles bave been IolIouredet, iicithse members do not approve,,.; Tise present metsod of selectiag t Board of Dîrectorl at large la Ive to centralisation o? iaiugM s and o aI ing tise manager B O" o? Dîrectors iack responhivieU'0. the wili ansi jusigment of tise mJr of thie milk »sroducers. Be the ager e, er' 80 capable, tise mark organiza sots cannot afford te Ion benefts cunilng train tise c jutigment of ail ufthtie nilk Vti To remedy tibis autucratieid in our marketing cOaafY, *O to divide thse milk prodsicingt i i a certain number of distriots. îlcairict compriaing a-bout ani ssmolsnt ut milk. Thse at ntitk prodiacere lu eacb uft bm: Iricta sisould nomninate or lseett own i'epresentatives on tisep Directors. We alma.iselleve tisat every Obbg*4 boISer sisoulsi take a greater latU«W and vote bis IWU sbires ehd rOe e shlow others, le U.C=IiiltO ptimiése, bu useS for îsirflOseS unkuofat 10, ovuer. Furtiser. es" tuber et t»e of Directors siî<uld vote M *0 îpartant question. Tisere ehiah Lroll cil ai least an evef? subject. Tise tok prodoceW o b oiers are entited te k»M b0u r"epreitatvd vote ORAthe prohlema. We also beleve j uneti : hchaffect gener1: ccotne npg O VAJUME XXIX.-NIJMBER. 33. CO'UNTY FAIR TO Lolee County'Ps Big Weekly CImQeiOrWhnoIbWeekrmm' a ComCbed MAR PREMIIJMS 114ILK MARKETINO- 1I-Suits Priced [.9.75. e, - s, t !1 earance d SiIk 6TS S2.00 Oc W ý, t..lt ~li 1 kit s' c> 'ss' irlsa ah $5.991. lly SIssuris alun 'st lls tu $12,50 sllusk ai $9.75. kiclu n ihu% s a n i aiiai shlki an'd tO wilite and ail ises- i 10$1

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