LIBERTY VILLE LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT INDEPEINDENT NT A taîuîl ofl'01o11 Il leise ofi frontî Ill I. write 14, Geiorge- iikî.III. 31 6b ve toir >ale mii tari veiiti chiceiiî elring I > e.rling gill dui eîîie-nîheî. WVriis or tîtunil La.îk 111 1231b ÎU WANT PERMA- IN CHICAGO? tid as You Earn. - & WYNN ENT AGENCY 123 W. Madison St. go, Ilinois. qii ti-adc 1,It hîtl i rlIk«cw tuli IL! îî,îrIthi. stiti k. Siuîi. -t hager I hi ni u t k,- lkîIr mt, ri i. i t'. il f-ini, P ,C.J -i! -d i i- lt -I t-t, tIgl 0 i 0.ii, 0 0 0 0 0 Eii NEWS OF LAKE 0 »ISE FOR THE, c,' Yii- iii0 A*, YA '"t D il 0 00 00 s Co* Mr pocket. cannot af - ans we are $1.00 $1.00 E$1.00 $1.00 $100 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $~ 1.00 $R $1.00 HIT $1.00 $1.00 $100 V OLUME XXIX. No. 34 LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS, AUGUST 25, 1921 O easonable bull-be dîdot'bslieva LL BUTT AUTO hrowing the bullto00bard. Ho w a.' TlREE STILLS AND PULL BU TS AUT ed tae emphasize hi& importance and MU SAS COW BELLOWSA a uft ta break the lamp3 MUH BOOZE ARE and dent the radiator., By this AUrIJ CULL MR lItS AID Slty bad joned the hordamau and TAIEIN IN 6 RAIDS' they drove the bull away before, en- hiýý h ueemf ý!tack. ho B.C. Sisty and party haetenioerwdItwt p e Fiiieen botties of liquor poured thrilling encounter with bull The bull flnallytbacked awny and fbae ntlornM- seemed annoyed at helng interrupted nbsrel l«i c Sudyafternoon at hle pleasant diversion, but. sulîenly Cann pool hall - beo rejoined the cows and wont on hii way howlng slgne of vicory and YtPr IILINU ND PR SMASH'S LAMPS THAT'S ALL kenydspone tbigdr'nGT3I IHADPR awray beotr ho had flnlahed hi& taak. Ifyou see a hord of cours in theo The foks ln the car naturally were StatiPs Attorney A. V. Sniith's gosdandif be ordla eadd b a ucb seared because they feared thl-jsponge squad' bhad a strenuous time aaiian ard lan de b aangry baalwould makre a real et- . audyafeno n e lboulorto.r supbser starIt atter once getting the âmeill fining. As a result of their efforts at you approach and turus and gazeq at the orn gn nlisDsea number of liquor law violations were you. what would you do' Would you Tuho r arnotiaaod su 1 uncovered. TItres stîlîs and umuch gt-p os tho gai or àlow down? iety r cause the - lai- drive ti be nioonabîine and mash were confis- R L. Sisty and & party fac-d that ad.oe bti ii 1 orpI slpetd tuiqeodaatu >ndywhn1 yFollowîlg ii a li.At of the places ver@ drlvlng osai Woo'iln farta URALVienso ae bllor raided boîfbest fac Waukà l. bear the bull, take aarniog; prick THOMAS 'AN OL AL The fc.~ abul. p our cars, et zcady tb wthtýn, ii t h enese Street, Waukegan. And the bull W ( M.î'l- atack but 1<551) milng. in.OU'IS KOROSKI, Fourteenth St.. 4Ttii-y w.'rA diinin 1 S.3'___________nar Gro e Ave.. North Chicago. ker iar. Thcy ajpro)aclîe.l a litrdM E IU 'ForenhS. bCati1.' and In lî* nîldit vas a large, A C UU A . ia Grave Ave. ANorth Chicago. bndsrî oolgbllNv ty jjTS YYUJ!I i EU 13 FRANK PARKER ANtIFRANK knoWï frî,llwell that whtt n >00mcc eRRSN Hihad ak ba' loit f cosv. unîst o on bIAV M A1 STEVE BOSTICK, North Chicago. 1Abu oisle Oi - gal ta slow 40 IDO SIN A ILaJOHIN SIKOKIS. Highland Park. * sle llroûîîl eh.gn10so The. McCann Ri.,d iO~ Whîan the raiding squad entered But, the. bull dîid not hâte bis oérve rllx Stockz, 1213 Souili Jsck-,on thi.Thiomas McCann place la-te lu gpttIiORsa close ta is female areet. North Chicago, vas arrestel aturday aflernoon tbey found tbe friends and ilîcreforp ho turned. ta Saturday night on coiplalnt of 'drs. doslaigt h &mn okd akalook and 550 If te huts-iagon -lgnati Cirant'[%. 1220'South Jackson doreloadîng b testbin eloked was coming any nearer. treet. Waukegan. ubo charged hiti down the donr and wben they finally Biely saw thlok and ho conclud- wlth amault and battery. Staokz. ýrcached the basemont they found et quickly ho btter top. accordlng ta the comuplaint, wenttOa here f itteen pint bottles of liqq4or Ho did no and tbe front vheela the Cranaka horne loto Saturday f had been tipped ovor on the floar stoppod movîng a fev foot from. the ternoon and Inslsted upon being al.i-so that tbelr contents could run ou. butlte vboad turned and faced the lowed t0a tay there. Ho vas told ta There wan a strong odor of vbiskey. on comiog go» car. go away but rofusod. %Vhen Ciranaosoè ç3meofo the lîquor still rernainod H 1e Turne. He AtUekae. vont alter a C0w in the pasturo in tbo bottles. This vazs aved. The Sisty thougbt that vas aIl there Stocks la allegod ta have made an offfirer aiase topped up nmre of would b. tol, Iliat tho berd vould lnsulting reinark ta Mrs. t!lransks.e lqo rn h aen in inoveono. Just then one of the cowa 1 She rept4msed hlm and ho la chargeoid se lqus from tho basementheoo belloired llghtly sif ta maie an, vîth bavins ricked up a veapon prohibition lv the pourlng out of appoal for Protection and tlb. bull and truck ber a violent blow on the liquor ln prima facle evide:ce of tank tire signal. 1 boad. When ho av Cîranska com guilt. The raîders hollevo Ihat vhen He was monarch of that herd cOM-ifing be ran awaut. but returued later te pordl h olhl-on pI-tl>'a~i he as hi'o 10proodtandagal peslaed I auoyîg ueyan the poolthal-omke amy nervouis cov who felt &o waa l Mrs. Cîraraka. In the meaétmme thje the door after them. and thon emp- danger. police bad! been called and Stockz lied the bottles. And %a. lovering hi head, the Lunge vas arreated and locked up in the The Korookl Raid beast îust valked up ta the front en1 Waulçegan. Ho vas given a hearîng At the LouIs Korookî place the of the car and gave it a gond (?) and ibis mornlng and vous setenced ta raider, found a moonshîne et111 and mgtificant buttiIng. He did't rush it serve fort-y days la tîhe cotint> jail a quantity of bonne. There aise vasi just rond eough ta tell the vorl a quantity of maah. Te confie- that ho wasnt afraid of an>' machine cted the liil ad boteand took that stands on four #neumfaUc tries. e hin aPllow Cai ismples of the mash after vhlch The occupants woro naturaîlly much Theo halliers ln a1 plllow front Ras. the>' paured out the contents Of the frigbtoueîl an1 the man vho van drlv. hls-rfiKo Ut0ofii teworst î.pîu",e at£" ~r las: the bord ruabtil to the acenesto, ehîi onever tokOn ipIace I i l'erùL T he îk S ina lac lb.raI .1i "lie autatita. But, the bull vas alAth MieSwuapacterid .. $1600 ...$100 ...$1.00 Fal Feit Hats...................... $1.0 Wash Dresses...................... $2*95 Wash Dresses......... ,.......... $3.95 Wool Cape all colors................5 Serge Suits....................... $9075 Tricotine Suits,....................$18.75 -Wool (ioats------------------.......$8.50) 10,0/p REDUCTION ON ALL FALL GARMENTS PUR- CHASED ON DOLLAR DAY. ci btained a consîdorable qtiantityI of moonshine tiquer. 'l'le ktates atborney ba receved comnlaIt ti. bta lie.a asboom dlmposlmg tiflbonze1 in large quantifoo. Parker.Morrison Raid f Frank Parker and Frauk lilirisin t live lu the maineie huse aiI ighland l'ark. lu IbIs place thîe ralîlers i found a %1111 lu operation. lTle Iijuor j still vas drippîng Into a Jar uCtder the stîll vheu the offîcers aitîi-edl. ITîere aîso s a forty-alz gallon jar of mnash. The mash vas detioîç-d. The Sostîck Raid %t ie Steve Bostîck ( ittiChicago the raiderq î-ii-ti a stîlI. a cousiderable, quatîtit', of moonsbine vhîskeY end a lt rCt. ouen- tiîy of mash. The latter a, - 1iund out mtter saiples of It hil I-Iben laken. Thé Sikokis Raid At the John Sîkokim holil-i-n Iligl land Paîk the raidors fouul da ;i4 qutiftty ot vine sud i.i,.~în whlskey. PAY THE. DOLLAR, GET $I0OOO BRIGi MRONM REAT LÀKES Supervisors get' title to val- uable building afler rnaking the "payment" CHINDBLOM PUT IT OVER1 The f.ake comnt>' board of -sap~er- vIson op MJonda>' acqulred for Il a building ai Great LaItes %fat' ion bhat cooltoebulld lu 1917 19706. . This wms the bîuilding foriteil>' knovu as theo brig lu Camp Decatur and Il vas 'thore that niant- a slor- rowful hour vas &Dent b>' a lot of Great LaItes eatiers wlio wve 'nughty" 'durlng the viii pet îod and who ver. mont thers fîtnlion- inhent. Thebuilding In question nii ione' wbich Congreasman Chiudbloiîi urg- ed the navy departmnt at Ma;iing te 1 t ura over te the Lake i î,unîy aupersîsors, vho lu turn pilan te take it to the 'ceont> farni ati - ber- tyville and recontruct il. Mar. 'iîindhlon vorkeît bart alth the navy uelîaiuhsofll LU gel Ità cou- sent tg daiteilsa building te Lalke confty anli beuans--1h. countybas doneses much for ibe atitiors at Great Lskes, the departmeflt at Wabihing- ton %er>' readjiy conseîitod n make flice transfer and accordingl>' gai-e Lakeoccuuny a building worth close I0$.io ail for tirle sinoîl sum uf Si ile tieie liai, been Maüy bar gains at reat 1akeâ in the sale oi buildings, suppIlies etc., thits ut cours estands out as flic one big bai- gain iu fite Abile iransaction. Accordlng to a I-ittc-r that came ilirough It u So-i tor Holîstein iroin Congresital i indblom, act- ing Secretar>' ofte Navy Theo- dore Roosevelt iFsuî-î i te order one day last weeit diîeiiing Captaîn Wurtshaugl utft3iesî Lake& tu turn tlîe building ot er iltire supervisors of Lake coutiLy w a the explicit quialificat ions lio%îue', thaI bbhe coun 1>' board stand ail ilite expens nec- es.îary for îaking te building off tilti ation. 54880 Cubic Feet. Accordt ug 10Io the olItitaIrecordl of the building in que-tion vbîcli is knovn as 812, îilt-i a building with a wood foundatiun. sperstructure of vood. roof ieady; lengblî 112 ft., vidtlî j., fi., one stit higla, fluor apace 3136 square feet. Cuble foot 54,880. Duilt in 1917.îat a roqt of $9.- 706.5. Tite building wiul b, movod te Libertyvillte Ioor fallu viterè t vilU ho reconstructed and because it bas a largo bomber or steel cells vlth- in it wilI ho utîlized mosîl>' for the detention of ininaies wliîo ecome violent at the farni. The readinossa vîli vhicl.the Davy depattfliOt rosîionded te Cou- grosamnan Chlodblom's appeal that il domate the bufldiog te tbe aupervia- ors shows that the navy department appareutl>' appreciatea. LaIt, coun- ty's cooperatiou vith Great Lakea naval station dîîring the var aud ince. la thip Cunuection bovever. It la vortby of note te roeniber that Congressman Cindblom ha&sumf- dient Influence and te .lnterested emough in Lake count>' te put over a propositon of tiIs klnd. lmmedlately upon bing asked ta try t0 get the building la question Congresaman Chlndblona lot bus>' lu the Davy dopartmnent vlth the re- suit that the order vas burrled tbrough and waa recolvod b>' the supervisora ànd Captolu Wnrtabaugh thîs veoIt at the naval station. The suporvisera commttee la flot certain as yot what method yull be folloved ln nîasing thebuIlding te Libertyvîlle. The chances are It vîlI be cut in Iwo or. thî-ee plecos aud the count>' moving outlt vîli be useai lu movlog it te the eount:-, farm. -- Make *"Payment." Supervisera Kirchner. Hollateîn,, and Balrsto*, earinîg- a braud nov dollar bilîl.vent tueithe station Mon- j day fteruoon and -turned over tp Lient. Commander Ros5e tlîat mumu of mono>' sud lu turn recelveil a recelpt for the bîulding ln question: ,rhus the building nov stands la the Dmenisof theie tîpei vsarm ot taie cotînî>' aud vîli b. îoyed iromedi- ately. l)avt-oitort. local Iighthou e keeper LAKE 6I1VES UP th bing abject. Tjîp> f naly ive eARMS IN OPENINGi a.tadiscrrifattee BODY 0f SAU ER S,9 bi- boat and att.chd a line tshe EVE NT IN GRAND Y5 od>. lie then tuwed it to shtore snd the lo su Tbn fneral humoe, tWhee MISSINfi NINE D AYS te roaiTin- ver r ome, to he Av iu AN IA the inquest willis h.eld. Althougli M R.H N IA the body va-s badl>' decomposed -ir Body Of Michael Samuels is vas easil>' identlfîed as thiat of Silu Chaî-le-s Armne-, 0f Walkegî-n, brole ela .8atngi mut o I.andI Ed MrCorrntcx. of Liberty'- îg i mouh ofo- amues dlsaîpcared Saturda>' sf1 cal harbor at noon today ernoon, Aug. 13, afler îeaving lus ville., l.oke 9, oui of a possible loç) boarding botuse sud lelling bis ilnds birdî Moula>' afternoon lu the in- there hoe was goiug to the soutk pler troductor>' OPeuing of tbe Grand SUICIDE OR ACCIDENT? in Waukegan tu fislt. When he failed Amierican Hlandicap shoot it south t0aririve htome bis frlenda fsared lie Countre clue. Chicago,.a six-day Tuemyser> coceringtlî tua nlght have committeil suicide. The event. ' lu which flan>' Waukgant Teraustaeranco nSaborda>',fact that lho had not been vorking rarisîno ili particiliate. terlus isapearnceon Sturayfor some tinte and liadtheon ratîter Frank Stafibon. of Long Lake, broka Auguot 13, of Michael Samuels, aged melanchol>' as a result, gave s'ren .gtlî 94 and TomntGrahanm, of Ingleside, 92, 4'.. of 1033 Wadsvorth avenue, North btI tIs theor'. tand Charles L. lîtrder. of High:anI Chjicago., aa solved sîtoîtly bhi-ors Bert McManaman vasata the laite Park 85. Spven shootiers broke lJi about 5:30 o'clock on bbe day lun-treiglit anîl in thîe -hoo!off a min nîoe toda>' when thte body of0f thý question whîsn a mnu jitulho froni Southt Dakati. vlth 3 cieap gin iiisîing nîsa-tes found floating neStitiouglit a-as Saînuels., came In oifthelt hat liai a wabblv broe.cb von îtt ilIt moth ih f the Waukegan harcher. pier and started Iup owu. In the an unfinlshe'il ion io! 7ý5 m q-ivin4 Although it ws ear eted at flrst Iliat mndus of soine Ibis eiiminaloel the tint 17-5 straiglit. lie might have been a vîcîin of foui po-tvthiliby that bis body was in the Th ii. llgtav wili i1),-tc.' Ors play it la nov bileved he eiiîter coul-i lake. It nov Is belisved Iliat Mc- - impiîrau iandii-a n-txr Ft-baY til initîîid suicide as a result of (tiepcnd- Martaîan nult have bien nistaken. it i- i-CTed iti11 t V eRadt t*n of ta '-ncy, or fellInio the wateiCi ss hue lt-1A fev days atter Saniipi tlisap- n-iniiet s of -k't gun club il! i[ig. pe-irauce a portion of lita fllipolo a-as tt-îtlit-paie in lhi. evoen' l-i-est Brand, rU'aterioAn. Wtt. found tlpaiing In the lîtrbor. Saîlors The tek.' catînivmen) ili-)welI iit bîtîther of Phîl liràu4_ot Waultcgan. frîîni bbc naval siation tlragg.-d tbe faiIva-cil an- itil .i exîetei'n was the mian a-ho discoîered thelitTbir anh laIte but apre uns uc"'ea- afier bh.'v gel Oyîtr tiîe fîrSt u'aýe o! body. Mr. Bragd vho la vieil ing at the ful lu fîudîng th. body'. The authori- btille the-m score ailt pi-k up la g)iJ home ef bis brother at 421 Mdarioîn tes then determîned ta alltv the shape. Armes aud Staniley C(lriqtien street. biail laIt-n a vabk out on te rustouîary nîne days ta elalîse and aie sxpecte-d to s-,n goal wvrk soubli pier. ses if the body vottld irisesta the sur- In thie irateice shoat at Leglin Ilus attention vas atîacied Io a face. Todas- vas te nîtith day since Park Suntias- Armes broka ý 4). floatlng abject lu the vater. The oh- bis disappearance. Christian 48 and C(harle>' Quiggi.' 47 j"ct looked lîke the besd of a utan. Samuels bail no relative-t ln Nîrih Iirds in thie 5 h-eveur. Mora îlle calliai th,, attentiun ut CoapI. A. J. Chicago or Waukegau. - tau1,800î birtIs were throw0. Be Sure To Visit The. Second Floor Dollar Day Be Sure To Vusit The Secoud Floor Dollar Dal. Women and Cldren 's Apparel Alil These Specials Will Be Found on the Se'cond Floor WHITE WASH SKIRTS Carefully tailoîid of w hite coîtou fali iics. I T1his c..i ,- 1yIe-. clile .. -... - , TRIMMED & UNTRIMMED HATS A lai g. selection of attractive bats for.-wo si nien. close out Dollar Day at .. ...---- GIRLS' MILAN HATS Or bIlick Milan istraw, î irnîiîed s',itît aide rib mb ai i bn Iand -trieanier s ... .. ..j BATHING SUITS Odu li)t of batlinig suit-i 'tomily îliildieii «£? WOMEN'S UNDERMUBLINS litîltiditt g go ns. pctticoats and -els lopeai chetn lîp. Ncatly tî inmed. Clico .. BANiDEAU BRASSIERES Fleoh color; f ront or back fasten. Made of heavy niateriali. Chire 2 for ...........I$ GIRLS' SOHOOL DRESSES Cut front glngbani or beach cloth. attrac- &1l tive styles. Very speclal at ........ ... j SILK CAMISOLES $1 Flesh and dark colora. Neatly embrold ered. i Very special at-------------...................$ SILK CAMISOLES, 2 FOR $1 Flesh cler. finlsbed wîth wlde lace,.i Cholce 2 for---------------------------............. $ BOYS' ,SHIRTS AND BLOUSES SamDlo lInos. includlug flannel, ilIt and nia- i drasashirîs. Cholce--------------.........1 ..--- WOMEN'S KNIT PETTICOATS Colorod pettîcoats. kut of soft yarna. Values ta $200. Cholce.......................$ ENVELOPE CHEMISE 2 ]FOR $1 Mlo Gow ns. lesb color. Made of fine Nain- soait. A reniarkabloe value &t 2 for ....... ....$ WOMEN'CORSETS Models for aIl figures. made of heavy mate- rias, i. sîteci, fle-il. Sanîplos, values ta $4 $ WOMEN'S FLANNEL'GOWNS Brigbtemî Carlsibad nmake. sampîels ue Worth up 10 $200.-('hoice $1 CHILDREN'S SLEEPING GARMENTS, Agaîment ver>' iuch likIe Dr. Dentons a 1 Foot attacbed; ver>' ope clal at .......$ DRESSES, CHOICE $1 l1Ciii tidt-lk di es s', a-li dresiie anid jui per di C-.ioice of tii.' a.-i-itiîîwit WOMEN'S VOILE WAIST ode of w hite voie and coloredinaei-$ (lliolce .......... --e r.. -ia...... ...... WOMEN'S CREPE BLOOMERS Ver' ,periially p ri,-d . Made if fitie fl,h col. $ or Naîîîsook. (lice .-.... WOOL SWEATERS FOR WOMEN Made of fie softlephyr Yarn. Pure wool. Slipover and tle-back ltyleu-. ('boice ... MISSES3 SMOCKS AND MIDDIES AIl sizea. Made of beavy. vwhite cotton .mate-$ riaIs, natly fîîîlsbed. Choire.......«.... ]Boys' KNICKERBOCKERS Corduroy or cashmiere knee pants. Mlxod ai$1 colora. Ail sizes. Cholce ........................~ WOXEN'S NAINSOOX BLOOMERS SplendId qualît>'. lncluded are the step lu ia styles at 2 for ................................ ....$ BOYS' WASHE SUITS Remarkable values. Made of nmaterla that wîli wear and wasb excellently. Neatl>' trltnmed ........................$ CHILDEENS PLAY SUITS AND> ROMPERS Made of plain color and trlped matorials. Cholce ............$...1.... .......... e J COVECRÂLL APRONS Cut f romt percale aqd chanîbray, rick-racItai trlm, cut full, 2 for .. .......-....... $ FANCY APIRONS Made uf glngbaiu and Percale. rick-rack $ trlm. A neal stylo.-......... .... .... BOYS' HATS, 2 FOR $1 Rab Rab styles. Pries to close out at 2 for ...... --------- ... ............. $ 1 BOYS' RATS $1 (iood styles attractive maleriala. LargO selection. ('boice ................ ...... $1. INFANTS' WHITE DRESS Long or short stylos, lace and ribou Irîmu- uîsd. eut trom sheor. white malertala ... *WOMEN 'S PECTTICOATS Made of fancy pougee and sateen. Choico--...... ................ _ $1.... -- -- - -- - -- - Lake County 's Big Weekly Circultion Greater than odier Weeklies in County Combmned WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN Wash Drese Wash Skirts- Silk Hose ..... Blouses,............ Duvetyn Tams ,...... Baronette Satin. Hats.. --------------------------------- ------------------