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Libertyville Independent, 1 Sep 1921, p. 18

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't Direct, to You FROM NEW YORK AND CCHICAGO'S Greatest'Tailoring %Establishments Uncalled For- Tailor-made SUITS As Low A Every one of these Suits are Tailor-màade and of very hest material. Weguarantee you a saving of from $10.00 to $25.00 on any Suit you buy here. Waukega Clothes Shop BoQom 202, Second FIoorlO6 N. Genesce St., Cor. Washington St. SVALUE OF FAR < TO OUR PFOPL&! Agricultural and Industrial show for both the town and Country Folk EXCHANGE FOR NEW IDEAS; Besides, It Appeals to Ail of -Us who want to be amused while we're Iearningwcjoser touoh with home lives of neiglibors The County Fair isan educational ,clearing bouse. it le an agricuitir, ai and industrial instiiue for resi* dents or both town and country. It ii; a ahort course ln better farniing and better living. It ts a pitysical demt- nîttration of why the tuin wbo farmns sith hte head lnstead of witb hi% bande inust lnevitably succeed. It is a conîprehiensive exhibition of %Vhat the ambitionis boy or girl niay achieve lu agricuilture, live- stock raising, dairying, horticultural, home. gardening, donestiic science air houaehoid economy>. It je an ex- position of the marveloiîw improve- ment tu tari n nachinery and agri- cutural linplementa. It .îî an object lson ln the great part which lm- Provcd machiner>' plays in the devel- oPinent and cultivation of the f arin andi the Increased prosperiy of the farmer. Look For Yourself 'ho chie! educatiolial '.a[ii' or ur fair lies in the fact that It iLa dem- oistrative ini character. The ýye Ila a more convinciflg insiructor thit the ear. We are tlow tu a.ccept and helieve ln any new netod tn:l we have had optical p-ori,,rf ti inper- lori il over the olI. ofîcît itla edifficuittu(o t,.-(ie h attention of tbe bus>' tîali or wonian long ennuih to give such a deflîîf- atration. 'Not infrequentlY iL bhaP. pens that farinera who would be most benefited b> better methoda of farmlng are not aufficientl>' interest- ed to b. present at an>' special meet- inîg called fer the purpose of diprus- lng the subject. But the fair appeais to that trait of înankind whi, -demandi enter- taininent andi amîusemenlt and bie- cornes a common forum for the dii- cussion of all Mattera havlng to do -couttiauoi on Page ELECVENM At Libertyville, Ililinois September 59 6, 7,8 and 9 PleasureInsurance Front your own door-step to the Fair Grounds at Libertyville, is the only way to spend tbe day ini really enjoyable fashion. -A Goode Taxi Tour- ing Car insures a pleasant, dustless, safe arrivai. Pheine for arrangements. PHONE 658 iCoude Taxi" ýCab Co.- Juit reeeived an account of a remarkable Franeisco'stated that the car was rîînning even -41-à miles in onie day. Mr: Miller was runuing~ M.MIestîiîlatttlgat '"î~? cross-country drive mnade hy an Elgin Six owuer better at the finish than at the start of the trip. far ahead of bis sehledule andl bis teheguarn to tule I.,raîe'iseq, tells tleloi- .îî of tlle fui4îi. ini a closed car, which it is laimed bias never been 1e drove the car hismeif the entire distanice, trav- Elgin M-Notcr Car Corporati4,it said: "iitry foi, Au e Sî îaîisi, :5.îlvItiS ' equ lle by an mat ur riv r.eling over the Lincoln H ighw ay. Salt Lake toniorrow ." >îd ts a ' -aiîîl 9:2,15 eîug '-t s î ýîî Si- Mr.Miler s ennetedwit th VitorX 1e left Rock River at three i'I ikou, t1le t. . ue ofChcao bt fienl ~ Ray Corporation of Chicago. 11e lad just bouglît birltg0 ii 8h ailîuIa uaSi a ve auiliai aslîlor-.tiets-giiv. Ci-ii i iii ?t> that~~~~~~~~~~ lecuddieisEgnixCuef-t î the car a short tirne before f roîi a Chic-ago dealer'. Ct t43 i ni tînater tct-xcbt 1 1) . I 1. a ili-aIl ai a ire t 1,1hi . 11.1îtîîîî cago thoSaîrraatitceinwllevi. alie HeastrtidixhL- àedis 2hiilElgiexSixn otitiertthetwfieel Ife tall overid 402 iilisiV' t 1'.1(1. o a n r aciscon hlee onidaysofiesatrd T1 sâ bstir lnS of road, scventy miles biîîg characterized 1wMu.driver unix' for a-vart' fooît qi tilt- dat. I1îad t tii t on itslon2t. ealyon ue ornngof atudayhTh fistnigtfM.thele raclod oonfMllr a Miller ' I t.îklîii aielt tous ti Uîh îi NMilleri (lt-stulîtt ev J îii'a ni r.îtIt Jun 2. ainedoneah sdeofthehod f Iowî~a, 39-2iles from Chicago. Ie used ouly sev- iiegotiate tis sex'Ciity tiiê.îiakilîg ttîii îiiî vart '.' iiil i carwasth moesttehed 'To in bt-Ci-enten alonsofgaslin. he oal Wre oo, .t ::3 tic norîitgallons lOitoifîeaiîd t-at-ls ..aiThe.'lii)îîîiaî eliiii ii ojtili cago o Fnico. . but le pascd trougha heay nai stOtfll.Ely, Nevadla, after cox'erng 286 i miles sof Utah i'î ad of 1:quî t î-alitSi--. A ftvr îîîakiîg t rip ti ut ý' On F ida cvcing JuI -,seve da s laer eny, Nebraska, was the .stvp nt the end of i which lie reported to be "titu xvirst t1lat is leftt Oni rodaydowninarket Stre veSn ansco liesecndday-thc day's mileage. :37. Tle Joxva e>f rfi'Btvî~~leve, rasilg(vi!kH utliii iiiitit 'ýi. after one of the most remnarkable cross-cotîtr roads were good, those in Ner-. 1lcax ' wit'l da, lic crsssed four imoulîîîaîîî lge-.. x'iittt-t i'.Ii'ith tir iti te'ii ru o n record. He lad covered 2485 miles anddutadan. itenglû- Cg-iiieWC Adat92anthcxntîtutFi;x,.[lv1 - o'uloe123 galons filesli c- a avsage ofn day:25 .o t t e ta. x a of îîm and1re d cf 1t si uC th tilt , e t ' t a i ' e 20 miles to the gallon-and in a closed-car. 11e Tie Elgin coupe lcft Kearniu.v at f iv ' clokmle n- .. ys ie a ascnianerd .ii, Ist.zli ý,. ' i and. used only three gallons of oil. He lad ýno echani- cal or tire tro4ible and in bis telegram f ront San on tite thirdmnorning, and fifteen liolirs later roll- 1k' the Mark Mýoton Uonlpany, Elgin deaiers in Sali onlyoftElîgin SX tii' ti uI' cd down the main street in Roek River, Wyoming i rancisco, and placed inivi h-mu sloîînîwi.udow. as weII as iitv drix'mg. r'j We v' IBI Var '4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 .4 4 I 4 SEE THE ELGIN and MOON CARS At -the Lbertyvile Fai BARRETT & BURilG E -T-T PHONE 309 GRAND- AVENUE AND ASH STREET WAUKEGAN rU'~ nom L' - mmuumamff Ulm

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