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Libertyville Independent, 6 Oct 1921, p. 10

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TWI(> IIRFRTYVKJFI INIWFFNflI~MT. THIJR~DÀV OCTOBE.R 6. 1921 - ----------~--.,-----.------ -.- __________________ I ______________ I 04 FER CENT CARELESS1 AU*,o1tubile accidents ai g aie CroSlttnf's rtc l te nîcFtIIMnortut ofU ,81a ecucot !queslionsIliti c,îfrtint the rimroads of te countryv et tht- preâei.t ti. C. W. ta voa ic\ie î resitent 0t tllie I.a ii isot'e Lild:î It l., bold the seani raitroadsti eti -n or tete ntii annunl cong-rc--s Of îIre Na- tional Safels counel. "f i s 00w neccssarýi t i ta cossider aIl constr-uctiton ftosun the tandpolni 0of --aie pcratîon'" Ir.,Gallowny Faid -Fen befoie îhiý huma eleententes aplant, seci ecec bas don@ its part 10 miae con. iitou aa ae and sanitary. This came about, prlmarily, because of ecSoaic luecessity. *itit c recurring 3 cir the lu- crease in the nuanber of automobiles and the growing carelessuesa of thea drivera make it very Important thati vu duve.souine etraordinary ef2ot te lcssen accidents et grade cos Jugs. Wa are confronted with the tact that litera are 10,000000 tiotor velile t ow in us,, infthe.Unitedi States. 84 Par, Cent "Careitea." "WIheu vu inaugurated lhe obset-- viontu plan, we founti that 84 per cent of automobiles* failed ta taise proper prec.autions wbert crossing aur tracks.- In tbe tbree i î,:"-s of NoveMber, December. 1919, JaeuasrY, 1920 va made 1,933 obtiervains, andi there wasa total af 484 failtres Io laite safeiy ptcctlutions, or 2, per cent. D*Iuring Itle >ear l132o wve exl'-nded outobservations. 1Inte tweîsc montba of tbat year there were 49,6G;Z observationt itha S ,236 fail- urea. or 16 bler cent. "ln 1921 our obserers Iecanie esen laure active, and in the iraI six motha of iis rear ther@a were 248,98s obsercs8ions made, sud the failires iesched only 076f, or 3 1-2 par cent. -safety Alwaye.', Slogan. Aticocating te slogan, "Sufetv &Iways,'* lnstead of 'dafety irt" P. R. Cotes or Toledo. president Of Ise Toledo tailway and Ligbt cotn- îîany, todaytold the delagalea tîtat the ime wasi ripe for thse nteresling Of the clite country in afet.Y tirtt work. E atouîd 'sorti is typically American expression andi expresses a distinctly, Amerarsn trait," be sali. <iENERAL STFF OUTLINES IUGIE -RESERVE ARMY Ç. W. Galoway says paign of education is .1ýseninq fatalties carn- les - Evetyn Jefflt, formner w...et EHarry I. Tbaw. anapPeda niti ber tes romin aNew Yeks tbc-ý MIer district. The sbop wau r"bed recently of several hundrcd d liara. _jtls hepoli. "As long as an accident does nol enter our homne Oror ar lives, per- sonatl e give 1111e Ibougit 10 prevention methods. *Sorictimes, i nae Ibouglit that one of the contriliUtina ttults las that there was too niuch of a joke made of "Safety Fir"i." lust aq ia is bard ta ever faake serieusly a so- calied 'funny mian,' jilat an bard is it to get serious consideration. for a movement wben the jokesmith a nd tunny papers are costantly usinÉ it as a buIt for their jests. 1 have -6 depp-seated cons lýtiün Iiat ff some imovement could lie launclied 10 cha nge the slogan ta 'Safety AI- ways,' It would go a long way in re- oîoving this objectiop, and, Io MY * way of thinking ,Il more elcarly ex- presses what es'ery aafety cam- paigosbhould have as a dellite plan and acck as an asrad resut.' NEW LUMBERCHAP New Higli Grade Goverument- Lumber Cheapl We have purchased the entire stock of New Government Lumber that was on hand at the time bulding wus aisontinued at the Great Lakes Naval Train- ing Station. ---Ai lSuber must be sold in as short time as low prices will move it.e Now is the lime to build, and save mnoney. 3,O00e0,09 FT&.-0F NEW LUMBE'jR War deuartment plans ta keep 4,000,000 trained men for ready action NATIONAL LAND DEFENSES Comprehensive plans for creation of the organised reserve of the army on a basis that wiii permit quick mo- bitjzt.tion of mare titan 4,000,01)0men bave been preparcd by the geisîral staff. An outline of thie prellminary s1eps aow las progress was madè. >ub- lie bý Acting Secret ary Walawright. The schemne whleh was developed t iînder authorty of eongress, contera- Plates virtually ila expenditurea in Its Prescrnt stage!(, vet in the opinion ot -Mal. Gen. Harbord. acting chie! of staff, vould furnish the frameworkg for mnobilsation of te nation In arma in a miatter of i-zs nead ofj months. TwéNty-seven tnfaniry divisions of the reserve are lwavided for. number- ing troni the Sevente-slxtb ta the 1O4tb. thus prcserving both I ln u- ber end the geegraplilcal location, whe" é ach origlnated, the sixteeà war-lme national arîny divisions. The sanme territorial distribution as te armtes and army corps areas la fli lowed as In the regular army organi- zation and the presesît structure a1 the National guard. The resut willl be 10 e9tabllsh the three arma of the national lanld defense forees on an Idlentical baskts with coitrol tiecentra- llzed trots Washington for ail tites loto tbe bands of the corps ares eom-' manders. saredbags .-..ong 'l'ie i' t ient îmstîîi.sgs iii. h m uesarly spprouied liklas. affécred îyl w(,,îteîî of today sece carriesi by tlb' Byzanilte lies f Consstantlinople, under thee castern ellîperurs." Thlir was a perioui of great tunierre viti the Asintie races. wlto tînd a rassî Dmrket in Ibis Itîxîriotîs court for dt ricti lruades ifVîteriis mU Imdita and u lsbthe ,eiiiiis tif Chilna. N0 11 %%etr, ie itîIl-ad illu s-Il,,'îs tîa o 64,m,-' humrt' "ti't 1> îu l itiia;nt thiitî Ile scortd bas peen befoit Or silice. Huntintî Witd Honey. lq linting "let,'t.v ' " inIl tlie s 1-ali 's As bigh a, 3tiilut'-tf lioîeY Iha1V'e beeu fortulit ii une ilultîw tree.'thel trft's are lot a the by itihniers s toi fîIos'the flilit o(f h l't il fl'ue r- eq- i.i v zreheu t- t-i glt and a te- 2x4 -Lengths 2x61 8to 2x8 28 fect. 2x10 2x19 Per 1,000 Feet $3O1 Lumber Yard is Located on Main Station. GORDON &CO, ,GREAT LAKES ILI. ENIIIANCE TO YARD Tl'HROUGH MAIN GAT'E 2 BLOCIIKS EAST AND 2 BLOC(Ks NOWFII FROM àMAIN (iA'1' J Salesnen onPreulises Daily fini ( )Il a. îii. tu 1:301~ ti .. ., ** FONS DRIVERS 9F DkN4ERS AT RAIL CROSSiNWSý t. i HEATINýG PLAN T ~135OO0 Cash or Terms SEE THE NEW MASTER CAST IRON FURNACE - A COMPLETE HEATING PLANT THAT WILL HEAT A 5 OR 6-ROOM HOUSE -SPECIAL- FOR ONE WEEK WE WILL INSTALL THIS. PLANT IN YOUR HOME FOR $135.OO--EVERYTHING INCLUDED- NO EXTRAS. This, Plant Will Le on Display at Our SioP Monday.- Corne Dow* and Sec IL Standard Sheet MetalWo1rks Phone 2101 Cor. Genesee and Water Sts@. DNwnStairs, Under-Yanké Bakery s - - .**ti* *1 . PURPOSE O DRIVE O NOW To get figures with one or reporte OF INTEREST fax C Ommiss;ionsm en boardm ut roi fCoUflhlesi for asset E. (larlstrom. a r mission, declared forple tusate CEj cierks. cvircuIt eli lier.' at week t Xiven [or the pu delialte informaîti. î,arisofls wit i 1 ccounries ta Wh1d had lie Informe on capital storko been miade., (oiinlner< th., tiscre would cieslis Inthe 511 present biennun> Furert Uv -Ille Ittrore cf hent oui1 by tuti 111g Ille astavttie an rri în a, fi puld. , rt h.' ri1 bdelti5 wween 146eSsn :ll tf tlo~ , il[ it.lionn 10 tprkot * 1) it lie tt reihî t lai .t(tL nit,' information wab, i%.,ewsary f1 Il) <lc r ivdeteri anv îîî',îiMfclent a ilefli il tOrt, Wer .'t lyt 88 i glit, ii,.. i h. ;li, 17~i 1Fg i i i I I i Cool Weather is .Coming.-Have Furnace M'en Wio K'now IIow' Repiir' Yout Fumn&e. h Pl Poiret I beade straig 1.1 LIBIERTYVU.LF.,DMEPENDF-NT&-THURSDAY., OCTOBER6,192.1- Two

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