UBERTY% Uhaile, Le- Bt.Oer. Auguât Porno.,j 0e.. lruner, Frank L. CheeneY. cnuli H. Newball, Wilai'd A. 01h', Fred Botter. ZTILH. Sheridan, A&. j. RiXle. Arthutr Geiget, James E. Smith; Barry M. Butler, William Skob. Chas. Raffertz, Joseph Brond dard. ErukSet Kuebue. W. A. Dowi. m. Geo. Dtsff. . . Varney. F. B- williams,. joseph c. licCreigt. George Ralph. Ilarry ClaveY, Daniel Yturlbhy. Wm.,Vetter. HARRY EICHLER, Chairulan G. T, M'CULLOUGH, i. Ù.. CRAIN. Supervîsor Maether moved that the report b. accepted ard adopted. MO- tion errl.ed. philo Burgess, Superlntondelit of the Lake County Farul, eublittd the tolioViflE report: $TATE 0F ILLINOIS le Count y of LkD Mr. Ch&irmsli and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervlsors. philo Burges would beg leave to subffiit the tollowing' statement or hi& receiptg and erpenditUrê, SSuPer intendelit et the. Lake CountY ' Far trous lune Il1,131o Augut 31. 1921, nc. RECEIPTS juise 6 Balance breUgbt for' irard frontlint report ...7.5 lune 6. wm. Taylor, 1 bu. 1 otatoes.....................40 lune 7, Allée MaYfleld, 2 bu. potatôes. .40 ...... ..........80 lune 7, Alice Mayfleld, 20 lb. butter, lune, Jli'-Aug 12.27 Joune 7. Sam Schar, 75 Ibe. butter, lune, luiy. Aug 2 7.66 luise 10, Tom Sage; 1 bu. potutoes............75 june 9, Triggfl & Johnlsonl, 138 1079 Ibs. potatoes ....4. Joune13, John Hunt, inmate expeflt'ts May 17 to lune 11, me...........14.00 lune 11, Leonard Mamafl, I3-3S lbs. potatoes ..... 16.73 lune 11, . A. Hudson, 1 .bu.it. loes ................1 jli>'28, Leroy Webb, 35 Iba. butter, lune. Jli>'.Aug... 14.35 june 29, John Hunt, inmate . 20.0t lune 20, Geo. Bairstow. 6 Ibi. butter................ 1.75 july 10, John Hlunt, inmate exe 3e une 13 to JuIr il..................14.00 ly 10 Tourit, 2%i ga. gis .6< july a28, A. B. Anderson, 1i .5 caif....................... 5 Aug. 6 John Hlunt, lnmate expenses July 12 to Aug. a............14.00 Àug. 6, E. H. Corlett. but. ter furiBbiued lu May . 82.17 Aug. I, B. C. ThomPlon. 2 Ibo. butter .42 ...... .84 Aug. 2, H. B. Eger, 15 ibsi. .4 butter .....................4 lune. E. H. COrlett, but toer furnluhed ln lune SI- $.8 lune 1, J. B. Anderson., 1 cl bide ..............- .0 Aug. si,. E.LH.Corleit, but ter turnahed July and 142 Auglist...................0. Augiset 31, 1921. Total Receipt ..............720.17 Total Rupe . ...............5.8 ('ali balance...............13632 PHiLO BURGESS Superinteutieut EXPENDITURES lune 2, stands-rd 011 Ce. 11n ga, gai----------. 23.81 lune 4, Chai.Oison, serv- icesl drivlng truic#.... - 1.00 lune 6ihns Meleti>'. serv- ices pinaltingi..............2.00 Jane 5, John A, Pute 'Ju- cohy care et John Hunt, blid...............39.00 jane 4 Wm. I. Kelly. ex- tracts.................... 4.65 Jane 7 C. F. Babine, 59 lia. sisrteuing ..... 7.18 lune 6, Creaceut Paintdo fiesght................... 1.01 lune 12 E. Bock. -panting es-ter tocer.............. 35.00 lune 8, L. E. Norman,.22 eneka .glhur ................ 86 lune 13 Public Service C. light and power .... 25.62 lune 17, I. Godeuburg. 2 tieeuhi-ome-------------- 14.001 lune 18, Titus Bm.s. ele- trie fltures and labos.. 16.39 lune 22, . 1. Luce, 3 boies <cta------------------------.3 lune 27, Stands-rd 0It Co. Caisud keroaene .........14.6 lJune 27, John Hunt, ex. panse mon.>', lune, Jli> and Augut.............. 9.0 JlI> 1. IL W. Smth, eve- ning papere ...............1.41 JlI?1, C. MI. & Si. Paul Ry.. trelgut -coc barn posta..............7 Jl>'2, M.R oodyke. onde-ces-r................. 1.00 loune 5, Bsk. Rite fBaker>'- 10 loaesie i'o ., 1.50 jlI>'6 Poit office, heu ret ............... J1>'9. Nostii Sh Ga Conal..................7.5< jli>'9. Chicage Telephont Co., <011.................. 7.16 lsily 9. Dr. L. E. Goling, deutit cci---------- 4.5 li>'13,. CIodesbi. ester-* melons........... JUlu>. - 1<W.Sits.e- ning Pspens......... 1.4 li>'19, Public ServiceCo. light aud -power.... 22.52 J ui>' 19, C. U. Kaier, rles-Uer........... 3.46 Itti>'18, t. isue>'.*eltractI -21.60 1511>'19, Smith-Buchanani Ceo. 1 drese tor Mre - Badenge ............... 2.7 - Itl> 2; linM eody, ps-lut- 4sug..... .................. 5.00 lai>'225 lack,-Bradlord, o li>'23. A. Huma. epe <- li c atch ..................75 JuIfr 19, Alten Stste Hes- OUI M4s-. ie Kîne.... 9.04 l> 29;% C.3P. BSbine, 50 Ibo. suàrmag......... 7.00 1'3& M8t85da-1d 011 Ce., fse................. 4. .Çe.,SaCe. ÂIIg., B. W. Sm M. eve- ing paperi............... 1. 46 Aug. 6, POatage taulps ... ~10 ,Aug. 1. Chicago Telephofle Co.. tous............. Au>'. s, Trigas & Johînson greCeries, July and Asie. credit . . . . . . . . . Aug. 8 'Friggs & Johnuson baU & %............. Aug. 9, C. M. & St. P. RI freigist cow barn equîp-, ment ................ Aug. 8 Chau. Frederileki expenici <o Chicsago . .. Aug. 9, repairlugsho. éJack ,Aug.. 20, Chas. Peterson.. thruehing ............ Asig. 19, J. Godclsburg, PO- tatoes 5.30 bIs. 2.20 .... Aug. 19, Pat Flaherty, cas, tare tu Chics-go.. Aug. 19, A. Jackson, 1 rub- ber vot .............. Aug. 27. C. M. & St. P. R>'. frelght. J. IF Adame, grader bis-des ......... Aug. 12, J. Goldenhurg, 15 bu. potstees.......... Aug. 19, Public Service Ce. ilght and poer ... Aug. 31, J. Goldenlburg, 5 bu. potstoes.......... Aug. 31, Norths Shore Gis Co., gis............. Aug. 31, Dr. L. M. Golding dentist........... .... Aug. 31. E. T. Langwortby mdse ................ Au>'. 30, C. Ml. & St.' P. R>', trelght on cow harns equipusent............ 1.52 6M38i 2.001 .66 21.43 11.66 2.00 3.00: 1.27 34.50 24.52 19.50 7.50 4.", Al cf wlieh le respeettull>'suis- Mited. PHILO BURGESS Superinteudeul Superviser, Mueiber move th iat tbe report be referred t0etise CouutY Ferm Audtlut, Comniltteu. motion carrieti. Thse folloelug comunication cite rend: State Aesotiation of. Supervîsori ~D3~r JR~Y~ Oc P1robate Clenkî -and Count>' Audi. 1%3 $100.00. Iuterest Il tors.. Ceunt>' Furm. furnîture and futures Ms-y 27, 1921 Secrets-syg Office. $10,000 at 46/100 of>1% * $45.00. Total1 ten't list. Springfield, Ili., Sept.8.1921. ton Coont>' Parmt $145.00. Aug. 31, 19 To the. Honorable Chaîrman and Cont>' Hospital. $20,000 st 2/10 lint.luit. Memhere cf tb. Cont>' Board: et 11,j$40.0t1' *cash on hall The 35th Annual Convention et Hespitil turulture sud futures. Totu acceni the State Asociation 0forSpervia- $30.000 et 4/100 et 1%. $135.00. Ail of e ors. Couuty Commissiloiers, County Total for hospital, $536.00. i*itted. and Probate Cieris ansd ocuaty This eould Ms-to a total toi' &i Auditere ilîl bo held st Aiten ou buildings of 31303.00. Ceunt>'1 Septemise 37, 28 and 210, es-c&h The abôve figures are suesely estI- wsul Cousty la entltled <o foUr dlegatea, mates, but th.es-ste la thse rate ehicis To theI loi vil: thréee-Supervlaers or Çommlm- vo eouîd quelle yen on an apprasasl visors Of gloneri sud th. Ceunty Cdes-k, sud of this ps'opert>' sud 1-wiîh te callii 1 ireeit lu thoîe nounties which bave a Pu- Yens- attention te tise tact <at the Pot of th, bs-te Cierk or Cont>' Auditor. tliey City co!Chiec-o hs-i ben peying «- .the tins. i are <o beosdded. By direction o! perts, cho de not ms-k. an appraheal Dhtibtti thse Association 1 urgenti>'rs-quent comparable to our con,. a rate jumI yeer as &bhc you te appoint delegates te attend. ton im bes as grost as ours ou bulId- isitted In For detalled lunermastion regardiaginlge, se you @cee t la apparent <list Township4 tise progs-am please conuiuttise tise rate quoted you l very rea- <hie teesaIl Coont>' Clerk. Dues frein cbch tise ahi.. ligible bute expensees of tise Association are ps-Id 'Fie enter cl b. lu your City tnrmed oves hi teénty dollars ti'om oaci County. ou the 14<1' it Septembor sud bu glmd - Diaibitiq clii yosnthesetei'eplemUe In«ts-InteMoet yvonM s uryes- iecat o by prluteid your CIe'k tIsue n carrant for go over th matter lu dotsil, lu th townsips tust amounst pays-hie toc. Hez- meantlsue, If ye« desiro any addi- yeas or s-u de., Treasurer, clth tise roqenttouai Information, do net bonntsteW proved: di <bat ho msil thse carrant te Mr.ssa for same. Township Hendee, aetWsukegin, Illnois. 'iahsklng yen toi' yens- ceurteoussad dity' e I es-t t. imprei uppou, you tise ln. trostueni, I1s-m, Thoto hi o ports-c.etoryour Ceunt>' affililstini Tours Tory rai>',tuad st tI euth bis convention. Tise resulte. R. I. IITTER, WisIêh la il zebtnined tram <liii organisation have Reproeetative for the Appostioned been et gret benefit <o ever>' Court-Lloyd Thomsas Ce. trhbut*d, <y lunlis. State; b>' the coucerted ef- Supervimon Vercoe moved <bat <hie Witiheild1 forts e! thé Cles-ke and Commission.- matter bu ieft te tho Publtie Bulid. 449-9 . .., ers mucb gooti leglalathon has been luge Committee fer cemplet@ report' Cash on hi effected sud hnd legisiatlen des-ated s-thtie Deceasisos meeting. Motion eberein tb. tai payer et oves'> Coon- caried. t>' isa been ss-ved tbenesudiet dol- Mr. Gndim au architect tramn Vin- Ail o! W lars. 1< etueetftte bet invelst. ceunes, Indilana, adds'essed the Board mitteti. menti that Yeuen au msk.<oaend lu regard <e s- nec Court Rouie. delegates to <bhis convention. The' foleing report cas suis- Count>' Important iuhjects no e oe'.tise mitted . Ws- Cotant>'Boardsioethiesto cUl buho Reportet Cont>' Clcnk te ho Certi- Stntemenl tiioreughi>' discussed, , so nov ,ub- fieti 4o0 st esch' meeting oft<hoeBBoard Note. A Jucts ebicis are noc bfithe<b.Cen- et Count>' Commhasionorl or Supeor- lait >'esr it stîtutional convention. viont:* trlct No. Tisose couties that have buen rep- STATE 0F ILLINOIS s mhool s-cc reseested heretofora e mac d li se55part due ti Dcornesgain sud ti.se counties <bst Liake Coont>' 'J1 changing " bave not buen repreeunted ce hope 1, Lac. A. Hendee, Cont>' Clerk Sept. 15, 1l c)uil bo repreiented atethie Conven- lunund for saId Ceunty. lu tisetste Receivêd oc tion this yeur. Yen cînnot afferd toaeforu3anit. do hereby certlfy <bst tise Cont>'T 2mise this opportunit>' no gît botter folloing la the namo sund renidence Scisool F scquainted cith the prablems ce etes-ch applicaut deturmlped b>' AI- Sehool Fun' b ave ta niiot. no piesse intrsict yens- burt R. Brown M. D., examiner of <ho Total for( Clenii te aend tise teeInte .Tr'enâ- biind for snid Count>', ince th lait'B>' the sý al res'and appoint ydsr delegs-teOst meeting a! <is Honorable Board. te cire 25,161 once. Tise City et AlLen in- prepar- hiossntitled ta the beefit provided yers cf ai 0 lng a heirty receptien fer ne sud s- for hy su Act for tis* Roetef ft<ho la 1.91. gocd progrinsbuiea binrepared. Blind, appravei Ms-y Iltis 1903, sud Lake Foref 5 Very reespéttuily pouns, i'evied b>' sn Act approved lune WILLIAM ..SMITH President 2tb, 1915. and <bat aucu applicintsl Township CHtAS. W. BYRS are èntitled tu, eahd benefit frei n d 46-12 .-.... uRecosdîng Becrets-ry. &fier the. frst day et Octoises, A. 48-11 Supervion Bilntow mcved tust tue D., 1931. 46-10... 6Chaîrmen bo utuhrlaed <o select Mrs. Martisa Edeards. 608 Green 46-9. delegates te tise convention, aud <bat Bn>' Rond, Highluaud Ps-k.Ilîlinois. 45-12 tieseaum et $20.00 ho approprlsted Faunie Hous-ew. Mon. Illinois. 45-11... "to cever tise duos fer 1921 sud <bs-t la Witn«sm Whereot I have hore- 45410... the Cierk bu intheriged te, drae s- onto ait my hautiand nfflxed MY 45-9 c arrant on <ho Treasurer tas' $20.00 ses-I of office at Wsukegau n l sid 44-12 .- lu -payment et tise aMe. - , Couat>' <is l4th day et September * 44-11. '0 Ayo sud Na>' vote bini eslied ton A. Dl. 1921. 44-10..- tisemsme cas cars-ted b>' tbe follov- LRW;, A. HENDERM, 44-9 .. 'bîng voe: SEAt) Count>' Clos'k 43-12.. - Tisose vetng Aye s-se: Aumtin, Superviser Dilger moved <bat tise 43 il 0 Bs-hs'toe, Baruatable, Crapo, Dilger, report bu refornd <ote lieh Fnlu eI 43.10 .. Eger. Efingor. Fic»e.- olltelp, Koid- Cemmittee. Motion cars-led. 439 --- 6 idte. Klracisuer. Mietuer. Meyer, Lewis . Breckca>'. Circuit Ciei'k Wankegun Msa-ia tal. es-, OCnnor.- Simien, aind Recorder, submitted th. fellio- District 0Fisompeon, Veree-19. lng repent: lii. Foets Tisose votlug Nas--None. To tise Honor-able Board of Super. District. 0 Tise,-folcing communicationuWvas vison eof Lake Cont>', Illinois: .Cshuon Il presented and osq mooon et Super- Tise lndeninod. Cierk of tise Cii- 4 vioecr Bsmen r.emrd te <hoe gtate cuit Cort sad ex-offIcie Recorder o!f Charities CornlakCe: - ms-&id Conat>'. eold respettl>' se t2 To tise Honorable -nosrd'et SàW p- ort-the feUecVXin. wç~itz pndE- vIso cfr Lakre Ceunt>: pendittirea et my offcea om* e~sl- 'w 6 W. s-re' encloing isereiti oncember th.Ii, 930te luno 4th, 1921. 0 annual report oft th wonk doue bY Ntimbsr of Documents recOrded during 3 year tise Orpisanage fer La-ke Cont>' Reconding t@eie eeed............ 8 ,413.20 chiltren. Recrdisi tees receivod........... ýb Yen cill notice <at cre have eared Reerding tees seeeved prev. report. for nlnety-feui' Lake Cont>' cisidros 0 during th. psst yeas-. I tuAi report Total, recordIng tee received.. ce have reckofued t<b uvot on the court Coite Eirned ..................314690 '> pr-car bs-is".L e. tes dollars par Court doits Received............. month for ciildren oves- tWo yoano Cout Coite Réeeved prev. repost.. S5 et ige sud <cciv. dollasa pr mentis fer ciilds-en usder <ceo. Tiî ,doea 1 !oté1 Court Coite relofd .. 4 net cover the. atWl et, ontlîni Micelléateeus ventsoarned ...........1,168.00 ntblng for s-st sud viothiag, as ce MiaceliuMneCoivsta received .... )0 cen tise home sud thse mot o! tise Mscela&neous ceoi t ecelved prev. clothing ln domsted. sud h. helpera report ............-.......... ý6 lu-tise Osphaus-ge recel,. oniy hein support. . otal Mhcellaneous coita recelved M Les-ving 00< those Items tise coat per chiîttia. iveraged bbuteepuseuv- Tôtat cotse ened.............310723.10 enleen aud eihteen dollars pes- UXPENSES Il mouth. Tise lueludes aciseellua Sas-ny.. . ...1700 tis-oautiste slxtb grade,imedilcal Clenii Rire .. ......... ..75 53 eue, nrinetc. Postage anti expres .- 280 W vryMucis appreiate tise O 1stsnce yenhave given nius ereto- you* >0> ct-4iPessl a lueiTotal Bernis, e 21. Muxia'..etc. n ýNo. 121 .........1.8 1921. W. C. Guiler .Neo. 12'2......... 41.00 mid...............416.53 lnted for .. ........ 822.61 hîchii 6 esîîectful>' sÙb- T. A. SIMPSON, Stiperîntendeut et Seheela kekoga Ili., Sept. 12, 1931 ânors-ble Board of Super- 1Liii. Count>', Illinois. ith mubsit <o yen u>' i'r be Distributive Fud tor nce my luit report. jon vasms-defoi' laut eon ou printed report aub- aui townasips excep<tet 44-9 sathb.accoontieto Mp muet b. ms-de intel- re spportionusent oabe on wiii bu mde as shee àreport muhmltted <tus-Il b>' October firit for <bis s»Muas accoufts a*'%.&Pl otributlen bs-s been sent tu 43.12, City' o! Waukegan of Liii.Foreît., on isandta <hie tho preunt tîme 126.74..71 mssde up et: d, but not dis- .25383.15 1;;ý........ 1.317.0& nds-b>' report 43.51 126,743.71 alsich in respectfuliY sub- T. A. SIMPSON Superinteudent o! Sehools mikegan, Ill.. Sept. 1, 1921 nt <o Townshsip 'Freasureni. <t ter report cas printed it es-s dlmcovered tuat Dis- 79 had net ms-intaiised cii-ding te 1mw, hence <lie tat district wese cthdrucu Cash on Rand."' 119. cash ou baud 151.43 of L. W. Bracher, Treai. Intereat on sund...............334.60 id Fax .........47.00.#3 distribution . 48186.96 chbool census of 1919 <hec. il persona entier teent>' ou. %e; <ho rut.etofdistribution et City I)imtrictflGo ]m Persona Enumeratet Ausount ......2$64 $ 5;088.24 .....395 754.45 -829 1.583.39 .....157 299.87 ..... 2300 4,393.00 ..... 546 1.040.95 932 1,589.12 393 750.63 ...... 1612 3,078.92 ...... 1169 2.232.79 .....479 914.81 .....397 758.21 ... .. .. 321 6,209.41 .....435 830.8I 5.... 36 1,021.81 .....454 867.14 lCity ..,5 14,162.1u et City' ...... 1299 2,481.01 hand 129.AE T. A. SIMPSON. Connt>'superintosideul r î . ..... ..... 44,91 6,819.20 399.45 2,2».90 12.315.3 $1,030.0 'c <C >1 Il - I Wm. 3. Bmlth for Est STATE AIO HOAO ~UND -r Alive Michalek ..4........622.06 EICEIPTS Win. J. Smith for Est. .loe Ciail On band Selît. 1, 1920 20,160.23 -Krucsek .................Tta........>3...42.572 1 .L-Omith fer Et Pet a- Ttl........002 rick Baldwin ..........41.1o' Caâh on biand Setpt. 1. 1921 16,346.0g Wm. J. Smit<h for Est. Axel 1ISBU'fSEMENTS Quldisig.................. 122.36 Transferred to Shieridan Ro4atiFUnd ..............2,505.93 Total.............$20,890.61 Count>' rders -,...... 129S.:4 Camsh on baud Siep»t.' il1921 18,102151 DISBURSEMENTS Trotali................. 3g04.11T W. A. Dean. for hein lin Cash on bîandi Sept. 1,.1»21 16,346.08 Est. of Chas. TOlmulis. 827.48 _____ Rarry Wolf, Est. Richard .2,5~L Wolf..................... 84.31 AOAD FUND Nidu Petrovitch, Est. Jas. R£IT George................ .381.86 Cash On baud, Sept. 1. 1920 251,862.35 Ethel 'Tatsry, Est., Mary Tranaterred frous tite Aid 'Fstai-y................. 260.63 Itoad Fuad............. ,059 Paaotis cis-uakakoe Ui-ores-IPortland Cerent Est. John irnstotls. 241.40 .Co.. Crodit Balance Sept. Miaule M., Cory, Est. C#11- 30, Belvdere 11oad Bond s-a A. -cmry.............9#2,42 Isou*......... 943,12 1- We rospetfuuyroquest <t t rSTATE <OP ILLINItS il -5 W mou eau se 701rw ay csenr, yose viii 'ne .-e Maniât us <is pyear on the basls 0f Cont>' efLake ' J the actual cost pet cbild. Lewis 0. Brock"wa> being duiy SiftOfflif iur t--aaMhs, utht hn for- LUCY J. JUDSON going repsort by hhu madie ls corret S ýSupervisor OConnor rngved te ad- <o the beat of blm knowledge, in. T burn until 10 o'clock tomorrow formation sud belle!. monu.mMotion carried. - LEWIS 0. 3IROCICWAY. w Waukegan, Ilt, Sept. 14, 1921 Subicribeded seorn to belter me Board met pursusat <o aloum <hs lm 3ds-y ef Augiiet, A. D., 1921 teut eith Chairana Paddock presld- A. D. BOTSFORD. ng sud the tolowing mumbers pi'ei' (5WA) Deput>' Clerk T~ en:SpriosAsiBisOc, 4 sut Spetiii'iAutin BlrmDi g*perrmwMaetber moved <thstie' Beautable, Breen, Crois, Crapo. Dl report be referi'ed to <ha Committee 4 ger, Egt-, Efinger, Ficke, Rolatein, on Settlentent wltls tbu Circuit Cléik. 4 moldrldge, HInttou, Kiraclinier. Lar oincare.4 nnyrMahsn , M y , Mcrtin. T. A. Simpson,. Couit? Suusrn' iegh abs, ie,4Yruurp-u.tendent ot Schoolm, aubmltteul <ho dock, Rlugdabl, Saxmon, Stretteis, tloir'ing report: 4 Thotupson. V.c.3.atiegan, Ill.. sept. 12. 19214 Ahsut-upOYl5r5 )ro, E~b~To the Honorable Board o! Suiper- 1e, bst-3. vsos )rw lé .Vîis, Lake Count>', Illinoi: 4 Minutes o! precedini meeting te ofIthe siuts muisit fer th e port4 sud upon motion o! Supervlsor 4!têlsttie udfrteps Maetiier approved b>' s- nualmOu i cash oonnad $807.414 Sept. 33, 1930. vote, Fb-ca i date er luit report te, The. folowing communcation cia thij eFm recelvedi.........150 presested: . n-r..........1-0 The Lloyd Thomas Ce. Tota eb sconedfr.. c835 Chies-go Septemb>er 6, 1921 DSUF3ET Mr'. Lec. A. Rendes, Cont>' Cleric, Oct. 18. 1920, H. IH. Scisroeder, Lake County, 1155. lent. No. 109........I 30.00 Waukegan, 111. Oct. 18, 1920. Rate Crammnond Des-r Sir: luit, luit. No. 110 .......... 1000 Pef cenversation wlth yous'self sud Oct. 18, 1920, Florine Fuiker- r Mir. Ensil A. Fiche,. I.amgliniü yen ao«. letlat. No. 6. .00c the !ollowlug information regardlug Nov. 13, 1920, C. R. Rounds, mu appmisel ot .te Connty's proper.- luit, luit. No. 11-92......... 2.00 i tee lu dots-il, asing thse figures eh Nev. 13, 1920. T. A. Simpsou, vo tatked et luayens- office as-a s upp1.lnt . Nu. 113 ... 4.05 basii for calculatliii., as fleiov: lmn.29, 1921, P. B. Pearson Court Hente at Wsukegiu, $1,60,- Supplies list. No. 114-...12500 000 ut 2/10 of 1% appreximate cost lan. 29. 1921, M. Il. vmuclevp $320.00. Supplie@ luet. No. 115 ...112.80t Furniture and fttures e! Court ian. 29. 1921. Milliard Re>'. 1 Hoise $40.000 st 4/100 of 1% $180. suais.Muslc lint. NO. 116. 6.00 Total for Court Houae..$500. Jan. 29. 1921, Arlie Toulouse, County J lUet $50,000 et 2/10 of muaie, Imat.No. 117 ..... 5.00 l1ý7 $100.00. . Jan. 29, 1921, W. A. PotIer, lait furniture and fuxtures $5000 g lut. leat. No. 119 .......... 15.00 st 451100 et 1%, $29.00, Total for J an. 29, 1921. T. A. qinipsoti, Juil $121.00. Expenses lInt. No. 119 ... 3. 211 .-.,.....,Faro..5.00 0ona.00 tc210af a! M-27, 1921 . Jay McClask>. S ftaterinat te Township Troasurera. Sept. 1, 1920 Cash on baud $ 129.45 Recelved of L. W. Bracher. Counity Treasurer. interest Ichool Fund, Tax.... ...... 47,349.4b Total for -distribution:..48,013.51 By <lie echool canos, -o! 1920 there voe 24,600.pereone under twent5'-one' years qf age; the rate o! dlitrtbu- tion la $1.95. Personq Township Enumerated Aunount, 6-12............. 2863 $ 5,190.90 46-11........... 387 754.65 49-10.......... .... 805 11569.75 46-9................51 .99.46 45-12............ 2276 41438;20 5.11 ......... ... 436 850.20 45-10 ............818s 1»69.10 4&9...............348 . 620.10 44-12...........1604' 3.127.80 44-11 ...........13270 2,47460 44-JO..............974 1,133.20 44-9.............. 407 793.6 43-12...........332483 6.36 43-IÏ ....... 429. 88865 '3-10............520 1,014.00 39..... *........'459 81.10 'City of Waukegan 7158 13.968.10 City o! Lake Forest 1182 2,304.00 liais -on band 43.51 $48,013.51 T. A. SIMPSON Couuty Superîntendent Supervlsor Maetiier moved tint thse report b. re!erred <o thse Commîttie on Education. Motion carrted. Roy W. Bracher, County Treasurer, submitted the folloeling report: Waukegan. Lake Couaty, Illinois l'o th. Honorable Board of Super- visors: Gentlemen: 1 hereelth submlit the Couaty Treagurer'i Annuel Report et the County'Helrehip. Mîcceellaneous. lnetitute. Roa7l. State Aid. Count>' Bond. Non-Higis Sehool, Statuas At- <orney'. and Building Fund.a. as weil am <the Inheritasce 'Fax Moneys, Dog Tai and Wltuses Feus, nîso the earn- Inga of tbe office, dutlng from Sep- tember 1, 1920 <o September 1. 1921, inclusive. I bei to cnil your attention to <lieý fact <bat final settlement of 1920, tai coilected, laa not yet been matie. This setflensent clU affect the fol- lowing fundi;, Count>'. Mlscellaneous. Stat, Aid, Coiul>' Bond, Non-Higis School. sud Building tunds; aise the earnings of tihe office. COUNTV FUNOS RLmCEIPTS 1. 0. Brockway. excese os-ruingi................381,34.02 LU 0. Brockes-y, Sherltt's fees ..................... 1,967-78 Loy. A. Rendee. Count>' Clerk, excess fées .......5,41.67 Lew. A. Readed, former Btate's Attorneys tees and formçr Sheriff'i feus 187.5 Lew. A. Hendee, delluquent sud dependent, childreu. 3,974.44 Loy. A. Hendee. Sheriffs tees................... 765.30 Lee. A. Hendee, Commis- slou.r's tees;..............234.70 Lew. A. Rendue, State'a Attorneys tees............10.00 Lee. A. Heudee, Minute Cloriez fees..............15.00 Lee. A. Hendee, Cleri L tees Truman KiLowles - Insane....................50 0. J. Greon. excess fees 1,727.37 E. 1. Green. Ex-Sheniff's tees...................... 444.51 Sherta feus.............. ..17.7à Jas. G. Weich, tees and fines.................... 4,661.44 Wui. Wslrond. fine.... 10.00 Audrew Russeîllrefund for repajring es-shout on L ShBsidau Rond ............16.5t Use o! Road outfits b>' var- tous townships.. ...... 2,25Q.71 Use of Road outils by B Village ot Lake Bluff..-. 173.4'. 1Use of Rond outtits b>' Village of Wauconda ..-. 82.81 1Use of Road outilla by Village..of Grays Lake..-. 77.M2 2 Uae of Rond outiLs b>' a Village of Deerfleld .... 219.01 iUse of Rond outilta by (, Village of Lake Zurich. . 15.4( 3Count>' Farm CoumIttee with Scbuyler Apple>' . - 316.0( Cari Grant'refssnd on Coun- 0 t>' Warrant.............. 2.5< 3Justice of thse Peace... 10.0( 6Refonds on Count>' Was- e.rauti paid out of Count>' e iýind lu error........... -34.5( rCity' of Highland Park fuel for County Outit .... 6.2( Borrowed anticipation 1920 ta% levy...............164,000.0< t1920 general lax colleeted 4 <o April 1, 1921.......... 81,177.11 9 Total.............. $269,941.7, 7 Account overdrewn Sept. 1, 1920.................... 10,789»0 2 259,152.71 3Accosint overdrawu Sept. 1, ý2 1921...................2452»0 19 DISBURSEMENTS ýCount>' Warrants ....$280510-9: 7Jury ewarranits.............14,884.21 4Coroner'. warrants .... 781.0 Tai refond-----------------101.2' Peus repertiug birth a-nd A deathi............... 681.56 Fporeigu vituses feu.... 247.6 mother'm Pension............280.0 Court reporter'. fees ... 3,019.0 0Coroer's foes....... ».....1424.0 5Probation officer.......... 3,24.7 -1 % on Coutity Warrants la- sÇ ued fronm lune 1,- 1920 to lune 1, 1921.......... '4,73.0 kAnticipation Warrants and Transferred te Building Fond.... ........ 1,0. Accunt 1.ve-d ----Sept. .5 Total................. 32119.83 Catdi on baud Sept. 1, 19l 2446935 l>ISBURiSEMENTS Lee. A. Heudue, Extension Jas.* Anderson, plat tex... Wa.,k..gan fs-liv Sun. plat 7,571 18 40.00 <ex....................20.40 Total ................. 7,65048 24.469.25 Cashs on band Sept. I. 1921 32,119..83 WITNEU cfig FUND - RÉCEIPTO Csh on baud Sept. 1. 1920 134.3z toc. A. Hende.. onclim- ed cituoe i ee .... 16.61) Lacw. A. Rendee. unclalus- ed appraisers tees---------48.00 t. 0. Breckea>' unctali- eti vitueme fee----------. 75.20 Total-------------...-.7.16 Cash on banti Sept. 1. 1921 259.45 DîSBURSFËMENTS Hurs'>' oyer---------------1.1o Jai. A. Iteeven............. 2.00 M. K. Conie. Jr ............4.40 Arthur Dlbble.............. .00 Heur>' H. (Grim .... 2.00 Henny Kau@............... -W0 Mstt Miii................. 1.10 Jscobs Weuts-................1.10 Total-------------------17.70 Cah on bandi Sept. 1. 1921 !59.45 276.15 INI4ERITANCE TAX RECEIPTS Estate MarilaMilady . -... 97.00 ets-te Richard Cole ... 493.61 Ruts-te Geor-ge W. Mitchell 323.23 Estite Adeîburi W. Smiths. 532.03 Fats-te Anale E. Ayore ... 447.61 ets-te Frank Carlson ... . 94.44 I Estât@ EmmauA. Dambeki 221.63 Rsate Auna S. .Johnson -.- 7798W Estata- Cîtiarînu Dletmeyer 126.52 Fitate Maria Pnieu..... 813.52 Eistt@lames Anderson .. 100.22 Rsaste Anna F. Pacte .. 106.72 RaEtite Sarsah A. Brown ... 61.25 RattI. o. Link ........... 172.61 Ratlste Frances Foiter DIeter.................... 93.25 Total ................. 44.6.7 Chs.a.sck. Appraiser Est. Martin Meleti>........ Chas. Ring. Appraser Est. Anie E. Ayes... Cha. Jack, Appraiser. Est. Auna B. Johnson.. Clarence Dives'. Appraiser EsaseJames Anderson.- State Ticis.............. tý. A. Rende., Ce. Cleris tees............... ... R. W. Bracher, Ce. Tre. tees .................. 90.00t :2.84 3.983.93 90.00 89.25 Total................ 446157 INSTITUTE FUNO RRCEIPTS Cash an baud. Sept. 1. 1920 456.86 T. A. Simpson Cotnt> Supt. et Scisools .... 595.00 T 'ots-I.................1,0186 Cahaunhband. Sept. 1. 1921 457.53 DISBURSEMENTS Casrie Edmoudsôn.... 50.00 M. F. 'leaon............. 65.00 T. A. SImpion .............2.85 Fiers- Bocmsa..............50.00 W. A. Pettes-.............. 25.00 Rate CarMMrond........... 10.00 Eliza-beth MicCenmicii . ... 3.50 H. M. Schs-eeder------------- 30.00 Kits- Crammsond ...... 10.00 Fioreace Fuhiereon .... 6.00 C. R. Rounds.............. 26.00 T. .A. Simpeon .......... .0 Millard Heym-n...... .t. IP. B.' Pearesn.............. 1.00 M(. R. VancIes-ve ........ 11.80 Arile Tousleuse ...............0 T. A. Simpson............. 8.25 W. A. Potter............... 15.00 àgra. T. A. Simpson .... . . 17.88 la>' McClaaii>'............ 6.00 Tetl-..................6943 Caph on lisadsept. 1, 1921 457.63 1.051.88 COUNTY BOND FUND RECEIPTS Ca"ison bsad Sept. 1, 1920 110.347.45 1920 Tai .... ............ . 18.84 Total ................ 16143029 Cshe on baud Sept. 1, 1921 115,729.17 DISBURBEIMTS Rond Bondse............. 25,00000 lierait sud Commission on Rond Bonds ......... 0111 Tot -------------- 45.7011 Cash ons baud Sept. 1. 1921i1,791 Rond ................... 10.581.49 Paihen Brm.. RPtunti Bel. vider, Itead ..............180.0 266,072.89 Cash on hîcutisept. 1, 1921 65,U0277 lISBI2RSEIIENTS Ceuuiy Orders ............199,013.14 11/ Comm4aslen on ordure isijueti from lune 1, 1920 <o Mach 1, 1921.....1886.96 200,440.12 cii àon tiaud Sî ,191 65,632.77 266,072.89 BUILDING FUND IIECEIPTlS Cash cOnbaud Sept. ,19 20 4#.169.23 unsnîa n 1L bertY Bo uds 1 912.6t) Triilan ferîed trous (osiinl> Fund ...................1.010 T.<1a ................ 65.081.73 carl *,îî ham, i .1. 1921 46.()81.73 Dir. A. E- Itrown ..........1.îi i pi,i '......................4,00.9)(b 65A081.73 NON HIOli SCI-OOL TAX C UarI On baud SePt. 1. 1920 2,37.96 Wu2' 'aix................. 3.51.17 Crmils on baud Sept. 1. 1921 DISBUIOSEMENTS . R eiscyver .......... Chicago Board Educuti,u . R. q. laruu............ T. A. Simpaon.......... Rushi' rank ........ ;..... Bail> Sun.... .... ;....... Tisuodono Forby ..ý........ M. W. Weîcis Rfx. <o . Joha C. Baker..... F.. Willlmpý.......... E. I.Willls-nss........... F. 8. Reru ..... . .. Mrs. W. W. Ioola>' . ..... W. F'. Wandei........ H.F. llergises'u....... M.F. tichryver ........ Wm. Il. 80o1t. l(a-u... W. S. Ilesupre . ......... NîIni E,>'......... ...... Tota-l............... (s-31h on <nulSp. .1 C.i noi lafd Sept, 1. 1W2C CoulleciîfîI by Auissors or- 'teniru.4 Tocuelili.-... Les-. A. I-endep.. nt>- (il li, I'OK L.ieu-r -ï T04) t.......«... ...... Cas-It son liesid 1epi. ,ltil 1415141 SEMENTS Ray Praddoc.k for Watt. coude caiaid........... E. A. Martin for N.-wporn clainr . . .. .. . .. . CaTotal............... iih n anrld' i .1, 921 1.39 100.00 24).00 32 54j 30.00 2 0.004 U.29.00 7!2.23 7,23f).00 7,4M5.00 -9800.00 4.740).00 871.81 z1.01 175.00 38,448.05 1:6o4.18 4o,062.23 3.146.00 6,055.00 STrATE,$ ATTORNEY'S FUNO RECFII'TS Cars cr)sbaud Sep't, 1. 1920 1).01) A. V, Sinush. f<ca-s ur fines 19,337.19 Total ................ --8-, 3 7.14- Cah ounisaut Sept. 1, 1921 925.16 DISBURSItIIENIT.4 A. V. Sisîti, saiary trous Mercis Ssii o Sept. 1921. 2.3v0.00 ('onu!>' si-tirs luctudin>' îîlary cf asitant ...14,960.21 l", on orders Iiseti for Marcli, Apirl and May.. X1.82I Total............... 17.412.03 Cash on baud .rt 1, 1921 925.16 18,337.19 EARNINGS OF' COUNTY TREASUREA'S OFFICE RECEIPTS - 2 ý,, on generai tai colc-- ted te April 1, 1921 ...17,340.16 1 %t on Ceunt>' and Ros-t endorstrotig lune 1, 1920 tu, lune 1. 1921 ..........6.119.99 1% on State'a Attorneys ordere ....................161.82 2% Commission an Iniseri- tance Tai .........:........ 89.25 Rank Interoat ou utoney de-. positeti................. 1106.3 Roy W. Bracises, Co. Treas. sud Supi-.- of Asiemamente Ira ]L Pe-rs-il, 1)epjty Ce. Tmiae . ....... ...... ... Deput>' Collecteos for var- tous toevatshîp ........ Suntir>'Clerk Rire :s... Pubilhihng dellaquent lust.. StaNnlse anti reglteri nen- . ......... ........... Advertiaing............ e,400.00 3,541.94 10.500.48 2,760.40 305.01r Total ............... 22,50122 Exceuaeas'ingm to e psid <o ConFuat i---------... 1,716.82 Tise !olîociug figures s-ggrugaie as on hanti September 1, 1921, chieb inhcludea tbe respective tundi lu <ho office, sud moue>' relilied s-pd net dstnlhutiti: <lenenal Tax ............. .0.3.1 Speclai Tax .... .......... 71941,59b Conlty Fund ...............B.. Iabîpn sd....... -P.. 18,2JOUIt Cash on handi Sept. 1, 1021 18,103.51 RECEIPTS Cash on baud SeM. 1, 1920 12.340-04 E. J. Heydecker tes- Julia- Wlilte....... ........... 15.9 E. 3I. Reytieckeirfor Redy Ryu. . .. .. . 590 E. ..Heydockor ferJohnft Strmng.................... 23.62 E. J. Heydecker foi resr L. Stifford............... 188.02 E. J. Reydecker for Kan. teubergs ..................50.40 Geo. L. Blanchard for his -- msit-ae 'ax «Fs Inabtitute 1<uid .. !ilra. Fees and Ej Bedemption f F Property . count>' Bond Fn State Aid Rond Fui Pond Isus Rond F ~~ Building Fund .. Non Hlgh Scisool i IJog 'Fax.......... Perbonai Property Statens Atty'iPend < Total . ... Y ?., ATE F ILI N ( Lake County 1. Roy W. Bracbý toi, do oleniy sw going acount la in and true according knowledge ad bell. ROY N; Subscribet andsd wî ibis lotih day of * iEW. 1 Biper% ior .Meyer report. 1e rferred tee on setticinunt Treasurer. Motion * Supervil'or Dilger matter f tranafet the IBond Iissue fui aad Bridge Fund b suce Comumitteo ast Bridge Uemmittee. Suporrisor Diger, Mdotioncarrled. WFaskegan. 1 PSord met purs' .1bent Wih Chairmai ig ad the followli ent: Superviiori '-i Bs-ris-abic.Browu. ger, Eichier. Eger i., oUatein. lioltiridge tiser., Mawman. Mr an. Murphy. Ne O'Connor. Paddock. son, Stratton. Tom Abent- Supers te e. Larnon. Wbb, Miules of preed nd upon moion of okpproyed, b>' a us The following p sTATU 0F ILLINO coon t fLake own of Antiuch Te tiheBos-rd of Su Coant>'. Illiniois. The. underaigned flighWays ef the la s-id County. 1 represent that tbere sructed over the Whero <the came 1I bigisuay leading if sylvan Beach in i *b1eh zsud work li çch le wholly recp total coat of sid i Thoumaud (2000 semul wli be more il en tbhe ilundrt ltion, on th3e latest ofs! id Town, and id bridge tai foi IBuI patfed in %ai eseh yesr for the lowed bY law te 1 *road andi bridge pu Sbylui out. allering, tina ronds, the ma 1ev>' 15 needed for pair vif ronds ant it Wherefore thses of Hlghwayi doesl you for aid and f tien fronlthte -Coun guru aufficlent <o ni expenses of said t3 work. aiti Ton b furnilib the oliter it required. tited eit Antiocls,1 de> of September,J FRANK Commissî STATE <OF ILLINO County f Lake Town of Antiocb 1. the undercign, et iugbways of the County sforesald. that 1 bave smade a e0thte probable coi bridge oaci' Drom C froml Antiocb to Syl do est imate Liat t ot theSaine vilii i Dollars. Wltnetts my haud September. A. D).. FR<ANK Commslc STATE 0F ILLINO County of L.ake Town of Antioh F r nk Bu n , . t Illghwayi o!fithu being dsîiv iworn (o Twe TisousandVeoli the estiate <o Wb la stiacbed la nec tise ale cl i eIl pensive that Io net pose required. Consmisiol tubscribed and .wa tiis 34<13 day orf B. 'r. 1 (ne fil. (SEAL) Superviser Nbel* î,petition b. reforreti ]Bridge Committee Supvîsor Verco a, nt Fnance Coms CeunI>' c L Extenmion tees for 1920 taI Mertin C. Decher fui' Catis. es-lue Kinue>'.......... Martin C. I)eeker for Ern- est nuak ............ IWukegnn Park ilt. for Rate Sehid............ 5.03 129.71t 11,500l.040 1 1-