OLIJEN 0F MR. ýle cebebraie t their horuw. 1 Court r 4. 1871. .'i alld Mel>- Nancy t. tflkit tan I'r<'.bY1 iti l 1921. thi, 11m cbldren, gr.,md ose ratv-(0 re-icbî- tc-d t4aeiî their boni. Z326 iauJ. Ttc-ub.L it, o children, Sljitî ive- nortb ot 1.ýJ. T. Artbur L4unic [e-in and Eti<ltr, W.alte-r T. Mic r Kenosha, Wlo. w i fe mi;ry G4.a ,ht-r. Mai,) Eusz 1, o! Chicaini iof Wa<ilea'n ipasec ý.w!iY an.- of 18yetu. T. MarionS-. .Mi. ,nd Mr- i: titi r- %l44 -. 'titi an d 444 l"1. at444 on i, I 4 -la. 44'14 .., i l , bînge h, 44]iii .m l aoi). î'..- US 00. -I( .1rhaDE OR"YHI i.50 Acg wiA, nit Miis Cia rt Eh t ni,,., ;n'!- 'ia4on wî. . nk nn Vr da>y Local and Personal ""~" Short Item-s of sp 'lI nterest to Libertyville People ci--i,I4ine41 i41,iie d u .Mr sni1 Mus. (;-o! t i 411, i m- torfýd to W.tukt-gaii Fric!-.> Nirti. Charl-s Kaise-, voe-. Iiilon, il: (,Ibicago visitors We dnc ,-da' Misai Anna '4lj cliici 4b,,-41,k,- a Kues icI ai i,- Jocb-hlî-îcî1444,4 'Mus. (i T:, ý4loi V îl,-ti~ il1< - lai 4 .4' i ra44 [ib, i ii- (I,,î Nir',. MaLr 11(a -, UuX1444. w.-c -k,. i lia .4iAd;. N.'.r 4>.ticj 0i ait4 Mus..Char-ie-.Eicic-II;i i144,4fl41 l'a Huanday. Mi ý andl NI,4c il K;,-,- , - t was here Mconda)> -.nîn2 %i -i ni.Ni' Ada Jie-l.-<. Rtuth. v5it444-it*,44- 44 <4.44441In4 g~aurday Fo.ha 'iinda) ;and -ci N, amI i ..wý 4, 14 I,-l 44înIî NI 1 a n 1 NI , <%%4 1i *4 441114 1444144,4.4 Th4 ut444'I4 ~1.4-1141 (la, nd pfi 4Ill Mi-4 414414 114 jIllmi r.4n. 14a, a wt- cnd gu"4,l 441 MI4 ;,444 \,!, KI! 444444 4<-k. Wrigcl'i ,4il .iJohn . NJ(' ii n k 14cliSunda> li I .-xiîntn. K> î,hî.lii-an44 Iil, ndiu h- h i Ni,. an4d mc'> W I4. it- rmi.o K-n.-ci,aî 4sit -l d unda 14;il t- ot Mr. and Mirs. it. F.Tlioria- 410441: 4,4 o0wn, I -... A0 l. .1-> i. Nu. - A 1:c>Ioi 44j> al 414 . ii ý --k if I.iîiiie'> -i Co.,, 14144- hi>-,inni],()1,1 1c 4444 14- 4U14---in th-- , >i i 4c, Mr. and41NIry. iE. 'I', .4ii4-i4 -U 1- itainv4d Atlornc-> and Mis.E MKMNI a M is. C.-j î 1'. 11i. > d.-( k- Wood, ni Chic-ago. Scinda> WaVuk.an l,4<' liEr, Ithc-44414 0uf 1;c-,1 we-k i isiting %fi 14041 Miî- Wail--r ofChicacgo and iU Ru>ii-ic-t .har-> Kaisc-r -if Lake- Zurich spent Nionday wiitlc NI, in( iG <e-orge-WcîMrhb-m Ne.-Anna >eihurn.Nu.-. .î I sizor. iBernard i)-i horn 1t(nd 4iî Nu!M: Mi" lienca (oib> ccf E%;tn4414044,-iw-'u dred Etilsizor motored nW:to , tI., we-.k î-nd v.illhc-" cousin. MIi s. Saturday and %îcscîed frîetno. William Wairond, andi laccîil-, Mr1<.tandNIT,, ,,c-4l liaa t 4Gu, nc-e . 1P-nt Scinda a41tt- humte 01 th- la. r', mol hi-r, Me,' S.Alkofi tu '-Ia. . .> t,, i N44 . f -k 44411 14eiw mi4. 1Mi - 4 NI andIl fa4< 44t441 Ilý .jr.>: Fia> %1 or l14144, non 444 4a411 4M i..d \141, 1 .1' 4' 1.4 oi I. i i. I..1 i and 4. iiik 44. (-k 4' h- 4 im I w 444.444 THE SAVAGE GETS ALONG SOMEHOW The savaige makes bis income meet bis expenses. The desire to do MORE thin that is a test of civilizatien. Civijxzed iiian seeks, beaideax immediate iood, elothing. and shelter, resources sutticient to pro- tect himsclt and bis tamulv irom sudden adver- sitv-to (-stahIishh is homec, to educate bis vhildren. to enjoy life ditrine: lus acti% e period, «iid main- ta in lus old azi, n coîntort. AHl (r1tlICsL- ii nts comîe 10 the mati lit> saves r(eittlarly. Every nîwîn niust decide for hînîiseli tne road lie is to tolIow-nobody evan borce hiin to save-hîît this bank stands ready to co- opcrate inicvcry waj- with those who ohoow the road to prosperity and happiness. LIBERTYVILLE. ILLINOIS * DONT LET "&COLD"9 GET THE BEST 0F YOU; Get The Best of Goal and Wood From us now. Don't wit until you are OUT;, thait is Poor Management. You can Save a Lot of Goal using oui Hardwood Chunks., SAIT SALE TIS WEEK 2BbI.LIiMIT TO ONE CUSTOMER Libertyville Lumber Co. PHONE 47 SPECIAL ON SASH, AL SIZES, COME CARRY THEM AWAY Id Kohout, Mlisa The-ni-sa Sokul and- Frank Novak, of Ncw Builso, M4ich.. -and Miss Lilian Kohout ip1enTi Tui. dxi ,wlipifgL4 nel hunzinn .ai the- Sols-cl '4-b , i.4iciii.1 tn -nb,î b 4r.î ji md -tî(4t4444-4'-c-1 41i 14,44441, and1 :in ýi . n ýw ý- - ini 4 1 44- 1!1 14î ,4 .4 . Mi 4< ' FA 44 444 -qp: M i m. ri 44. 114 1 4 . 444 44 .44,~ 4.4... i - - 4 -4 .4414144 .44 44 III. 4 I. Il - 44~~ h ... 44 44 iil,- .114 44,- îil- -4441 -4- Xl. 4'. - 4 .,.4,.' 44~ ~ 4 41 4 - 4~ <îîîl.:> 4 i 4.114 -4 4:,.- -4.îîi4. - .4u - 44' lîl. i-.4,îii' '4<4'.' ,4~ 14. 4444- I I "14114 44444 MU Phorie 140-R .i, Ia 1 in.p4, X'u Mrs . <Violac Kimbai I'd %Il i - 44.ý Nii-(orn,îck I ~- h..îprI., h: s%,.k -kttc-ndini, 41. i oz'dî' i ibuof the Si,'.. 1 ironi the iel ii Phone 340 FalCleaning Itsalal right to sing about; the leaves that fail in the fail, tra, la, and the harvest moon and ail the autumnal artistry, but you've other things to remember. Dont forget that Wilie is getting rcacly for the three R'S and Mother is hauling down the living room hangings and Pop is looking quizicmlly at that 1919 double breasted. In other words, when Mother E.ath makes hier zodiacal dip into Libru there is a lot of cleaning to be done. We are reidy to do the clcaning of your entire wardrobe, your drapes, 'rugs. and furnishings. We can dye your old garmerits and make reptairs that wili make your older -garments last a great deal longer. Remember to Cali Highland Park 178-- 179 or Libertyville 67-R when you are ready for us to Cali. THE RELIÂBLE LAUNDRY, Hghland Pairk & L'bertyv«lle LauderrsDry Cleane'rs aD 1yers, Highland Park Phone l-rfX-l 70-Phonc 67-R FJRST FATHER AND SON - BANQUET IN LIBERTYVILLE NEXT TIJESDAY EVENING 444 4.41 ""44444 1 , ' . and41,4 44l4 il! h. I. , 44;,! ;. i-t Indc-rlakinz r n ' !! rîi. 44 hatnque't «il! b-,- 4 -1 h, lfb, thvaini, i-ir,' Ois. wilh tii' î-:, (1j..- - Robe-rt[ougia,. 4 11444 4,4li. .. îIler î,Ioyed on thîhm-o mi .4441Sinuk Farîî "44111 lvic lîîiiIN... - I1th, >ouhwest cet Libc-nî iii. I. fi Tuv'.«-.Local Colincili tn lielie-id ai [hetable 1 sid al (hi- banque; >. , 4h,- banciuvî day for New York. iront wlh-ncv <. 1is-in opvrffaîr î1 ic uta I n.c 44111 sailfor Süütlilnîl. loi- r4i mnon'h- ornr c,,0<4 1. lw .I 4i4tof l a. îin ii n-jh reiativc- and t i je ne],141. Il i, 414 ft, nte tionlthar ive'i-> ho% shall an* 4fd ->%ei-> A. C. Murray a ndi 1.- 1. 1jIl,.1lic c- 'he uo. al hc-r a "n."ha Il44 S'04,, i (l ; hc- wi-ek for (4(1<..111'. u tl.ron l fihe-h %*ha he, 4no ta,-"! Murray wiii take îîo,,' 4.7rduaîd- w on, williet 1 04' Ille' cI 4-144444 ID thai in the-Science (41 Chîopi-ctic' l.--ic'f. 44- .hal i, lia-44:1a <n ',wiii thê fýPecs 1 loal- ina nrth-mbc provicied foi îh,- . ve-ning. Thi-, thlinois\petown fo0lCa.- of440 ir p îrie'Of the hbcnquet has puveiosc-i> prlioession frtt- .'alc-o 'bêen ti-d dOwn Io near the- armai prt-ao.For iie pa1 ,,. vwmontli.,ot. in ordfr thar the mont-y , ,id('- hi- has been empiosrd in iliay FJet- migbtt b.- rcduced to a minimum, W,-. nitur.- store. -<oild liiic-On nN-rfowinz ho,>4.-rThi banquêt hoiu- is 6:». Messrs. Lan.ic .andi licv.4sî<-ngi if-iitl Oî,owin 1w ii-hanque--. jwill bc- the Silvvr Eagle Invesitcre.ý and neé-c r.from Ilce- s!ai.-hii,-h.;,>di-part jCommission EF rie. ( b-euc ment, werce in Libc r!> 111. W.dn,'-'cln> i atlliioriun-. The, speaker of th(. <<e' With local Me- i Lf4nL, d i n il-- ,..,-niig. ilh.- 4h. 1-cout Execulivi-ni' I,sd cenient roal i h-', m - Ill o.i,, %i,' 111l ..lii Scout Exeuci%-c. or: route.- -ugg-St(,d by 1 -- ' 4l. 4lnuhîwa- Ithe- "--% f nth RtiniDistrict Kil,r 1iLý e (rysaký \ilii lm1 fi , 4 .444 r <4 J-ackE. Aust.i-n.E, 1. 1. 1 fil in4 t hi 444ou44, I 1 14'1>. *-n44 .' Il n I, .ilý i n E. (, Ni l ;c ,44noune--444-n4 44 J;., ,1 , 1 ; iî.rjiqtts 4 Il 1. . 444 444 1o 44-ttil).4 i 44 441 .-il li444>- 44i 44 44 444 C rS'iI7'LPf<?6 .b1, 1 e, bave nou I, - ii i4i lic [44tî4 cf 4lic 4.4i Iii- îîiv ik 1441 1,hc - i n -4\ :1 ~ -- E,4 C N.4.4 . 1, hoo.444 '.. . . - . clu, () -44z4Iprtite441--l44 i>'ertahinr atni l . Ili. jijjtîî c(0444414' ,at1ion. Oood til, A co-rdial <-cI lion to a Il4414. w I-lI, o r-hip land [44 ser ToPir ot the- 1irnu414 -e'rnion. Chr14'4î4l14istian (ur->encs -- i hri-4':;in ;I4.1444 c , 30.The. Fcc 1.11 4.4 :4444'4 44444,4 Topie. -1o0% 111,tjî-o -Ti- ýNIpei nn., o! ()Ut- Sa î'i4'Tis ni41-4-tni, willh< e adie- c-ý and<1 411 141'- have l ,lnew <- l Ilil-- N o> .î* 44el4cni- ar- i4-4444 47 20 î. ci, ý Thoughî cîî the e%# ýnfi4414 1-444444>"\'4haî Is NI> TIh.- C:cîii14 Fcl,. 4î- is ;l >nd the- lyi> Se lti4 4 4Iluh ie cth. î'14 i.t 4e-t ings 4 ol- l'4 1 1 O411'Ft lwci .and Son Ban- 4!uî'4., 5 :.1l'! .~IInînalur,'oný - - - mn, i - 44. TI. 1i4.i4qu.-i Will heý Piiî-i 4-4link. Octî-,d4,(. 12. Top'.- 44 Dil 1-'4- ue? fi.--îus' ; il l t1 i., :Iîlîcl- înîdst cii Iii. 414,4 .4 TI 444 .id îlo4e-i 4Wit]Chi'îsi 14,44 4,414144 l- 1, '-î-icn i'Il, [I4 l b,, .-44 I44 i A q44-4 1- liI ,4li. 4,441 44 444- u- t.îi * *si. TI,ýI h. ILIlor-.41 ,,il[ Ii. î'cad 1f44444 T.- 1,,-; l ph ,44 7!,, 41 Si44 of i h. l.41.4 i, ,;. K .010111 r 'pîî Snow'ic Atto 1 i"-.ry-Taxi .- Vireý phoup I ;b..-tvî';ll-106-m' CAN DY Wouid you like to have rei-Cal O il fresh Candy' i 1I L BITIR SWEETS 75c - I l. MLK HOOLATES $1 .00 M. N. NELIN, Deunt. 39. Rockford, MI. A Few ReasonsWy 4! 4- 44-114-4 .444,ou1 Aiild cal] i 44 Ur bank today amd * i i0(,' ARERICAN BANI<ERS PARTIAL PAYMENT BOND: FIRST. se4444444ll. . îi rh.'<i ,heenci. ar4îh.- h cîhlilga- lon ni thi,, iîanI SECOND: Vnui mon.-: .c 44r-, >c.- THIRD: Th.- purrba- of nI .000,je bond is scmpcle- ancd easy, h-,monîl:>pa>yna.-n41 bcing ni> $696 FOU RTM: Thi 4mo. pa> i iIDnaay h.- ailhçlrawn 1hai line and tii- bond canct-Iicîi Fi FTH: - N 4u 4.0 î,î>îv.monh-y 4<44444tiî >, tcnk 14< 4urcent i*a:. oi inte-nstaccord inn 40to hc îiotaf v4<itlor I4lc<mc-4I 1hIdIhave' bi-,,n adi, SIXTH: The bonds joii .sh-0 icncl cccfo. i. ae:e'cmu- laton of Irt ..ct -oti 51.0<10 bo.nd iobda). Thc- looneI >ou hase-madle youc- lir-ý it Pa>ent ol $6.96. 4he- ,ffone-r >ou wii male your lacetay- me-Dl of $696 <1<44444 oic i4 th., -ncl ocIthe, rcrice--perlod il -w0 in <a-b Philip Jaeger s 4lt o p..e efe ligtun, Vt-al, Potiltry. idl .-(c NIsci Butter and ~ Prord ofcomittmul flPlpt' re'ncittpd Tbf iq letbe .Ide, 14 11$0 on the Stree. Tffl nd ppie, iists furnfmb"dM ê» Commission. iriin odftoflPM Merchant FuIton .Sre hWl bkt 1212 Il r If we could recluce building coots we would cut them flfty per cent. We can make more mone.v when prices are iow. But what indication Ès there lower? None that we know. that prices wili b It is our advice to build now what youi neeJ INewFal Dress Feabris EBroadcloth, Serge, Ottoma Pop- lin; also Plaids and, Striped Nov- - - elties. Very unusual, values in iBlack. Taffeta Silk $2. 00 per Yard - Good Assortment 'of Percales, Ginghams i and Chambrays. *W. W. CARROLL-& SONS' COMPANY Phone 29 Libertyville, 111. Wili have a car of fancy DAKOTA POTATOES on track about Oct. 12, at about Iast year prices. Ca sh at the Gar LIBERTY VILLE A. J. Faulkner, E. H. Corlett