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Libertyville Independent, 13 Oct 1921, p. 10

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~rwo tIBERT-lYVILLE INDE-PEND)ENTr. THiUJRDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1921._________________ COIRT FIES. AND- JAILS NINE FOR MOIE -VIOLATION Fines ranging from $100 ta' $MO0 are assessed; two are unable ta pay the money SENT TO ïWS RESULT boot1oggcr, blindtplgoraandi moon- alU9nera receiveti a tauch of aummary jmaliewhen tisa>'appeareti ln couD- ty t>eourt ai WaukegasIoda>' andter- ceoti ttlfnes varying, tram $100 ta 8980 eacii when they pièetd guuity. 'l'us violalors came fioar Waukegan, * Noith Chicago anti the Lake raglan of Lake colsty. - The toloiwfl fines were assessei b u>'Jdg* P. 1U Persans: Chailes randir- $100 andi Costa. Jloseph Fsihbacisr-$200 sand Costa. ;"ton Zickaaauskis 7 $200 anti OQ ,tu Sfteve Novik-4200 and cosîs. &dta Pamrssaa$100 anti Costa. J9. Watts-$200 antiCocaî. Kasper 011-$200 anti caste. il. G. Iiall-li00 anti costs. Muix Machaich-$2&0 anti costs. There are penbia ift>' morelilquar cases on caîl in count>' court. Tise d.atants are ativisedt t plaid guil- tyati sava thei countY tise troubla * aid expensa of a trial. No uait son. taces are Imposed in Cases wbfre pssas otguilt>' ara enlerati. Thils attitude on tisa pari of tisa * court andthis statesattior'ney bas r.- sulei in tise disposition Of Min>' eues. Of thosa fineti today ail but two puiti their fines. Tii... Iwo. Ott anti Hall. bols nava beeu remantiecita tise count>' Jail ta renai until tise fines ar) pait.in btaetr cases tise sentence la aquis aient ta a Jail terni. BURGfLARY INSUR- ANtF IN WAi1W1FCAN Evening Wrap lermine isulaysafallt tur for evein wear. Tihe Otto Zab% oveingIn"racot. worn 1W In", cutk *ahwnthe. naw tu& BR GIRNEE W. C. T. U. F01R MOONSHINER Make ple" for Kaspar 011 le- cause of large famlly de- pendent upon hlmf lti~L i~ ,'~"'~"" NORTH CHICAGOAN RAIDED BOOSED 10 KCT. Wheu.liisper Ot amrrsd Insurance agents heme get no- Wauhegan, wus arraignetlintacoat>' ticea! ncrese bichappiescourt aI Waukegan Ioda>'. cisargeti tic ofInceas whch PPles ithbeing iaIttonsisiLer, a plea for ta ail, Lake County clemenr1 was matie b>'tise W. C. T. U ot Gurnea. Court officiaIs here NOT BECAUSE 0F CRIMES ray lhisa l the firai lime on record _______tisai Guch an action bas beau takea. Burglar>' insurance for bornes sud Ts uietct !ts ena o apartmenta In Lake ConntY hava e- clamency was verefiai b>' Sate At- ralsait ten par cent. accarding te ant- torse>' A. V. Smithiho matie the nonucement raceiveit by local insur- saitement IL court tisai the hauts cf suce brohena tram tisa burgiar> lu- tise organizalian hati asheti hlm ta do suaace aasOclation o! America. Cok wiatie e ouidt tehava tise tefendant at St.Cair counnUes are inelnt>ad turneit free. Tise W. C. T. U.- took wtb Lake <'auniy lanlise newil ibiths rather unusual position becausa craaed r!te- Ot bas a large fsuiiy. Tise raL.e, fficals aslti. wam not Tise proacuior infonned tise court die ta any incr-OiSîin clie, isut letisat a raid Conducteit otsOte place difficuties o! adjnterb ia estiniting iat rasulteti in .tisa seigiag o! two lthe rosI of stoei articles due to tise large cota whisskey stuas a largo upst economir Conditions. quantit>' of Masis ant i llicit whisskey. WaUkegam. and ail of Lake Cont>' Ha ud thit 50 fir as ha waa con. for tisai malter, feel tisaI tisa tenVar cerneti personally ha coulti nol reconi- cent inc-anse Ita nusalfor Inteati of menti ciemancy. tiare ieing an increase in the number Whea Ott enierati a pIsa of guiity Of robiberies urilng thee îast year tisera Jadge P. L. Persons assessei a fine bui beau a steati> anti perceptible de- Ot $200 anti costs. Tise deferdtant as. crouse. This i espacial>' treLa sertati that he was unabie ta pay anti Witukegan wiere tise actîvities af tise was remandedto thie count>' jail. Un- police deartmenî hava haut crime eI drlise order o! tise court ha muai a minimum. work ot tise fine on tiseroailsauthlie Local dealers eannol figura whY rate of $1.50 a day If lha doesB ol iii>' Like Counly andthie uliser two coun- North Chicagoan Raided tiese ncîntiat. sianiti have been si- Raidera tram tise office of lise glati oui oflise ther counnues la the tatas attarneay descaideti upon Wil- bt ate for tlise lncreased raie. lam Ilansel. of North 'Ciicago. Tues- __________day aflernoan anti fouati a well-de- s'eloPed andti iorougisl> equippeti moonshina stîll. Tise stili, mash anti CHARACTER NOT EASILY READ jlîcit whiskey was confiscateti, litas bto ta Contrar>', Long Helti, Have Bien Diapprovlld b>' Painakig Studio&. Even one oftite itrai plaisible '9tateinî.itl., îstuiîcy, tuftiac iigisfore- ieliis ilit ,gls i"f iiiltlgt'ipICs ias Ii-it dtiitlîiy y ~-sîto db'tise pains- lisksng sluls'.s of Karl l'eussai. Il@ teiaisîsîitr-a-td xîî-riiîtt-isiislly itüt lIte COlor of Illei- iir.,trirlis sralisies lir cu-lit-ts, sIus ames Initelligentce baller tison dues a iigl foreiseati.ai- thoîgi tlie re r& fot oiitred îitier as goot Iindices, li t alier si-rds, ltera -bas bat-a fourît-iso defiluta relaiionsisip halive-t uny Fcinle pt-ruliariy of tise sMaile af tire ti-ail und ny trait of thaut-er, llemry Foter Adatua iriies For mati>' 1<ars an Ilalian rlrnnl- sgis. Lomibroso, Matleilcstaîl>'et!crin- lai structural peculicrities und t tiir l'-inionsip ta crite. lia foursni ivel- mari-ad tentiancles for critaiinnis te ioga-.sa certain stlgmnitc or litas, but uuforuruateiy tise sigtia e! the rinal were- tîunit ta ha awidai>' prevalent tu4slg toge aboise nanas baiine-pi- béeistîpon polIce blotiers. Il vas is iai tt'li-ne la has-e al individuiaesv-ho iveri- issrki-d iy a pecullar sign wtilw-is-y liii deiectlst-s, usras bile- Castt rimee la'tead utfisereiy puin bliiij;il tefîr lit tiad 1h-ciicoîtiitteti. l i as i -nI Iireil irstr' is-Vil-.for te ,,îiiilntitgis of a5 issîtlrt'r v'a fOiill iii0itiitr ~ts iisit lder- 1114ti"hiiîîl'uai i sî Ilsit ite g ae it ii slt -1. uf --i-î'sn siî ilr i.:tlire, In ýbtwlîrin tridtii'f."f ,iîr'it-r tîi 1p-u- Ili-lt>-utItue sIru ttt4.li t I.lltu thiesane fatle. Alrnu'ot on r?, csi,, qPs-tr. -" Tiepetit pI ,.on s1:10 il $bdIt il; î'rin'e1îitîi Afleriiii1 i i a»d Opon ppapat tsîiilç b>'AusciIn .naktg astlnes. Thare are CARRYING ON SERVICE FOR DISABLED VETERANS 0F THE WORLD WAR THAT IS COSTING $10,000,000 A VEAR, THE AMERICAN RiED CROSS IS HELPING FULFILL THIS NATION'S OBLIGATION TO ITS DEFENDERS. HELP THE RED CROSS ÇONTINUjE THIS WORK BY ANSWERING THE ANNUAL ROLL CALL NOVEMBER 11-24, 1921. àmA A. iýleano. ,The Momst ftt' %, !ano in thse wod ta mouait 5anily. Ili h11,190 fut bigi, md i& situateti on tise estori chahn o! lh. Atnîles, in South AmerlC. it bas been in constantt eruption ince te i-ar17 . WS INSUAS GLASSES AQAIf4ST *REAKAOE rhree Doctors , Two 110w service 109 Soutis Gentate St. 111 N. Gense. St. Waukegan,. 111. QOOD WATER !an be ha" from a Drilied WeU. T. fi.,FERGIJSONR .Weil Driller. Phono 1664! Zion, MI. peupuj attention m"d BLIJE SKY"LAW 6ETS CIIAI ER 0f COMMERoeBACKINGi Secretary keeps - check an th-ose Who would sell se- curities tiere FAKIRS TO BE ELIMINATED Pro moters çf bina sky propositions ai do wellinl stear clear of Winke- tan anti North Chicago iereafter. Pramoîera of ail inds wisa hava se- cuitie ta, seliiereafter wiii ha re- fan-ad ltisah Chambar of Commerce when thea> approach maniera witli tise propositions andtiheymt fista gel tise "O. K." of tisat body beforel the>' canaproceeti. Tise Chamnier af Commerce wili ré- quire solictors 10 file Informiation canceratng tise L85nea, cbiracter. Ita- corporation, cassification undar bine sky iaw, location of home office. planta. affices andi diroctors of com-I paS>', assotlaibiliia, net earirnag for tire. years. Laînra of securitios. ourpoe for wbiici prceeda of suie a securitiesala lae o eti smi> other thinge wicisaret-la n terest ta Iflveatorus. If, after Investigation, lbe concorni le reible tise represenlîtive will ho permittadti taprocoeailwith iseispropo- sition. Il la8isllevedt Iis plan wiil ba tise mains cf isavit.g thonsantis of dollars aninuaily for members anti others bars wbo monme imes have been the. victimeo f "goIt i blé"sales- moen wha leave nalhlng but hanti- santal>' ngraveaticertiticales. We are apt ta SeMseryprt nt ceé. gnrtng olisers. svieirO va iil t an. dura atirît ourselves. Anti nothing shows onr %veakness niore, titan te be so sharp-sigiîted atispying other mena faltta. andi se purbliti about ont OW116 -WVllIanm Pan. HARO COAL HIGHER HERE THAN AT LIBERTYVILLE Waukegas consumera of isard coal are wondering why It la possible ta purcbasa gntisracita' cheaper la Liber- tyville than here. Tise prics per ton in Wauhegan la $165,. viile it la sold ln Lîbertyville for $11.36. This in spita of the tact tisat tise coal la sippati b> water ta Wîukegan anti by rail la Lbertyvilie. transportationl by water belng ciseapef ibmn by rail. Mnterey's Otrlch Trie. MIontgomeory, Cal., la as proud af Ita ostrlch treeaua renidenta ofthie lower Hudson vailey are of Anthony's note. This celotiratat cî,rioUty la folined of tint coast cypresses, sw tiat tudr touiage seenis 1ta ethat of one troc: andth ie shape ot it, together witbthtie pacuilar angle nt wiîicis tisetwO trunks are placeti, giveg liie silhsouete of a isuga and ear-nest ogtti'ich stalking tlong shore. 'T'le brave olti treps Ilînt inake te ie lcturc ire clone on a barren longue of Isiacis ruittiEoutinite lte breakwatrs,' .f- <Pacife Dc«arm in Constantinole. *Andi thon tise ieggs! Thcy are et every tura in constantinople. Fortbe litot part, tht-y areArmelians.Th f0130w a person for great diotan<'ea. whInlng and cryiug. Sanie of tisem carry deforrnedl babies, prohastly' rentait. as il seera unliheiy that a'- ery befflr could have a daformnet ehuld. Many niche hher chiltiren lie la the. treet 01et atpavemensîsand pretenti ta b. csleP ta excite the PUY of the passerby and tisas secure baiL. ingratitUde A.<..à& CMonsîrege. 1ngrftitude laxmiitroua'i ndtfor thse multitude ta lbe utîgrateful were to niake a monlite ofthtie mulitude.- gbskçsiante. Orator>' iof .. I mPcrtanO. Juti Tutîkits i aterY seemste have a bacekset, iserans. a man who bas eloquence anti magntian cana vmrka more tmotte>'Ont of aoine kiat of solesrnannaip. ANanlsiust as Young and Strong asHisloo No man can fight the batties of lite and hold hi. owa if his blood is not pure for rich d blood in wbat stength is baued upon. Whea you see a strong, vigorous man, who never lcnows when fho is licked, you may wage that such a man bas eoursing through bis veine, rich, red blod Many people have thin, ale blood. Thoy are weaki tire easily, become discouraged quicklv, and sometimes feel liii. gsvng u te struggle. Such folks neea a tonia like Dr. Pierco'. oldenMeical DuSovery, which has been sold by drug- gists i liquid or tablet form for over fifty years. This alterative adds vigor to the heart beats and tones up the' nerves i a wonderful way. Thise "Modical Discovery"of Dr. Pierce%'s j made from Blood root, Oregon Grape root, Stone moot, contains no alcohol-yet tones up the stomach, stimulates the liver andp uts the blood making glandsi the best of condition. Many people write Dr. Pierce at the Invaids' Hotel in Buffalo, N.Y. i follows: (Jhampain',111 '- "For twenty-five years I have deendd upos Dr. Piercels Golden'Medical Discovery as a tonic and I am positive iii bas kept. me immune from disease germs, for my health is îlways exceptionally good. I have also taken Dr. Pierce'a Anurie tableta <at .ur cdijust to keep my kidneys toned up ini a healthy "tte. I cnsier r.Yerce's remedies invùluable to keep in the home."- MALER WHIPPLE, 719 S. Neil St. Send 10e to Dr. Pierce's Invalidà'Hotel in Buffalo, N. Y, for a trial package of Golden Medical Discovery Tibleta. AUCTION SALE I will seli at Public Auction on the Carman Farm, one-haif mile north of Spaulding's Corner on IMwaukee Road, on THuRSDAY - OCTOBER 27 12:00 sharp the followmng described property: 21 COWS 9 Fresh; 12 Heavy Springers. TOOLS MANDIMPLEMEN¶' Corn Planter ]Rock Island Sulky Plow 18 XilkCanm Broadcaat, Seeder Sulky Cultivator Two-Row OiWtvator International, Hay Four-horu Pulveriser Loader. Deering Grain Binder HAY, GRAIN AND FEED deStack Straw M00bushela of! Barley 70Bushelsa of Oats 50 acres of Good Corn 30 Tus imoty Ry .in shoek. 30 Tons0Ttoothy Hayh4 Ray in Stack in barn. ýE1RMS:- Six per cent on good bankable notes, six monthe. THOMAS GRAHAM, Prop. Fred Grabbe, Âuctioue'er E. P. Spaldlng, Clerk LOSI3S BA1TLE TO GAIN POSSESSION 0F FT. SHIERIDAN, Johnson Prail who won courti fight here tta get gomerment Iand, loses in Iigh court Springfield. Îlit, Oct. 12-A rehear- lnt waa denied by the. aupreme court today t6 Johnson Prali in the case th wich ho had baun given a decree lu thte circuit court Of Lake County against Samuel Burclchart andi F. B. Carnathera, commanding officers at port Sheridan. giving hlm possession. of landi originally compoaed of streets andi alleys of a subdivisionl plattedl by Prail, which the U. S. goverliment hait seized. The suprenlo court eat the lune terni handod downflaniçpnlos reveruing the lower court and re- manding the cause on the ground that Sectijon 2 of the Vacation Act, là valid. Urder the riitu of the circuit court of Lake County Prali received tItie to theolad streets and i aleys which have been »edi by the goveru- ment for a number of years as sites for buildings and for parade grounds. After the supremne court revçrW th. îrultng of te circuit court hare Prall aought a rebearint but appar- eatly waa unsuccesaful. We Clean and Dye Everytbing You may trust your dainti- est frock or most delicate pos- session ta us. We'à cdean, restore them ta their original freshneaa. We do aur own cleaning here, employing the moat modern and scientifici Dry Cleaning methoda. fThe knowledge that we cau repair any damage adds ta your en-. joyment in wearing delicate apparel. Phione Waukegan 2725 We Cal for and Deiver Expert Cleaners' .........*.************************** ......*± We have the biggest and best stock of Monuments of Perfection You Have Ever See n!l We have. just received fromt the quarries a very unusual collection of fine monuments, and ~.it is with considerable satisfaction that we an- nounce this arrivai of the best pieces of memorial art that we have ever seen. This collection is made Up of exclusive and beautiful designs, with prices well within moderate means. We invite you to visit our stock at Libertyville this week to see these handsome monuments. "Look Us Up I The Books." -FORTIETH IYEAR- HUNDREDS OP REFERENCES Colins & Doane Co. 108 South County St. Waukegan Shops and Stock at Libertyvile. Foir .Sale' Cheapl ,SeNvcraý se Cars and our $hop an&i Show room arc too sniall for ail of our Cars and several have been lcft outside at night and Storage Batteries and Tires bave beeîi stolen fro mnthese cars s0 we have corne to the conclusion that it would be bet- ter to seli these Cars at Rcduced Prices than to have them stolon and get nothing at ail. Ford Roadster ............ $150 Ford Tourmng,- electric starter and 5 ties ............. $275 1918. Maxwell Tourimg- 5- good .tires, shock absorbers etc. . $195 Dodge Roader,- with Rex Win- ter Top> only used 7 months, 'better than new.... $5 1920 Maxwell Touring,- good as new .................4( 1920 BabyGrand Chevrolet, los like new ..............$M5 1919 Overland, repaited, 5 Cord tires, cheap at.......... $440 Small Overland Touring,- a bar- gain at.. ............ . .$250 1920-Big Six 7-Pass Studebaker, goodas new,.......... $1450 1920 Big Six 7-Pass. Studebaker $13U0 Special Six Studebaker, - only- driven 2,000 miles...... $13M( 1922, Light Six Studebaker dem. - onstrator,-winter top, cheap. Rememnber these cars have ail been ovcî'lauled and put in first-class condition by our neeiaîîirs. TERMS OR CASH Achenh Motor Co, 217 N. Genesee St. Waukegan Open Saturday Evening and Sundays fror 10 to 12 s J PRICES TO IJP 60 PI OVER Giîîett deolarei Uet eventfs ~forecast of 0 OLO TII ta normal Main, Il j"Icesi ad wagu.s, bigiier than lin19111 "I matie that pred StOcent business d Praving Its accurai P. Gillettr. econom ]Clgineering anti Co Gilietie calle attei Index compileti by Bureau of Labor et tex shows that. on Wbolesale prie. cf of commodities bas -.213 average .. May,. 1920 ... .Marcis. 19211.. May, 1921 ... Juna, 1921. Juiy. 1921. August. 19.21. '*The Auguat lOgu 'regiaters. 1 believe IndustriaeliUdo. Ikla la the uholesai p: Vant 15 mentise.- Gilletto bases liii K(leI prediction on Puathematicel forma testeti back 0l5Y 80 that itlfitteit sacis Wagles sccnrutely. ni" ant According bte ai wisoieiale prices wel uimili (ha> are 60 pe level. Tis, ay. na'go ibl>' woulti fai ba( anti seutle at tha60 Furliser indicatio dwcîtne bas halteti. ef tisa daptbs, getti Iluxa, are pointait o foiiows: April, 1921, bankc about 25 par cent. tour imenthea. tise> i *Most atatioaary. 'Two-A similar laumiser of traihtit ]y' haa occurrait dur monthe. abUiiith unile lion miles>) aligisîly. Moay '.Most eco...msstE ondVpi-irelevais Ch$ lu te volume of Mc deposts-tise.twe the mieasure cf tel; maya (lilletie. e'l bave show-a tt the came wage levai. LIa.wîre asis igis as VI deposits locreaneti money during -tise i "Il bas not b economista that ba sen t fro zen purri cause il la necessi acumulatlafnds lw Inaturing lbans. M man la building u] meet its obligatlo. tise same lime ba pi purchase of more deposits woulti op( frea money, were Il bandculied tsi matî STRANGE KINSF «Degree and "Osg, mon Origin Cen Il la net easy It tîsere sitouiti h a m tise nords *"degree' mut h kinsisilnhsdols coni-r lte tacts. t-rai phsases of mcs degree ot temperat cirefflar tieasura, t siîngsiiiy and prol of excellence, the td arts, bachi-lor of ar It>' andi ail degrees Tihe Nord taille usasse-tithroîgli th(1 tritrOîiuted Iîto En mnnFrc-nch and hie us! Il siarîrd fr010 Wiiil mm a s graduiation" are gradua" would Se "de," "di" anti "di! word imeanhtsg tl "Separllie froin.": ta 1e 'step doscu. down." Now, "de" anti parents of 'degree" tiret, "degradation" ftrameagrade ci anti tisan ilcama îlrawci of an>' rank la some ,way wa 1, tista a n f !degn of!ftelow, and 'tisai a lOolsesr" l Tlsougt'ihIese sWC crigin macii' iitur --itîle. ud a.-t

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