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Libertyville Independent, 13 Oct 1921, p. 12

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UBERTYVIUI NDEPMNENT.' OCTOBER 13, 192 r' r COUNTY FAIRS FERTIL E FIELU IN AUTO- LAW QUEST! Mtate investipators find many violations by inspection of parked cars AT LIBERTY VILLE FAIA t ounly taira ln Illinois ara proving a fert-tle field for te work of te tlrenty-ive stale automobile livesti- galors, according ta W. W.Milter, ln charge cf te automobile deîrlment of te secreltar>'or t aat'. office. Tite investlgators iturt among te bun- dredsacf parked cars for violators cf te motor vehicle law, andth ieir searches alwaJ-a have beau rewarded, lie deciares. A large number of applcations for original antd duplicata icense plates aud sequeste for interpretations of lte iaw folow eacit fair. Invetigatora rlucited Up many cars aItte Lie s oouxty ýfair beid racently at Liberty- v-ile. ln Road of Crank Cars are frequently found witit but nu litcenaa plate altacited. Tite own- ara of te malorit> of tese cars are stmeng te ranks of titose vito "cranhi titeir owu," Mr. Miller raid. Titey bave te ater plate. under a seat of at home lunte garage andt iey explain taItbey lock te plate off te front because Il gel lInbe va>' ven tey cianked te englue. Jiundreds cf liceuse plats are touud coverad vitit mud. Thte jivesti- gtler leaves a tag lu sucit cases on te steerit.g viteel askiug te notor- lIst teasit tus plates. Occaslonait>' au iavasligalor kicks te ud off a plteît and tîncevers a 1920 license. Outer cases have bean reveaiad whiert, an old plats vas painiod lente 1921 colora. .A rebuili ' flivver belcnging le ia maan l. Bu tier, Moontery' count>'. îIld net have any liceitse. Il vas tag- ged. The next day te automobile departetent ne! oiîiy receiteti an ap- plication'for 1921 plates, but aise a check for.te 1920 regiairalion efthlie * car. Thes records sbewed titat teé ban's applicaticn and checki vers re- tnmned ln 1920 for correction, aud il had net been sent back. "Sixtsen dollars more scared mbt te treasure," ciserved Mr. Miller. Farmer Pays Fine A ueallta- Monmoult farmer vas diicovered rUr.lng a tourin& Car un a Ford licence. For tse la ttres years ha itad been fiing bis applica- flot. thut-hlie Galesiturg postaffice. vitere lie la nov knevu, and paylng a fee of $8. Thte fee for big cars ta $20. He vas arrested sud made le pay a iteuty fine le addition te tres years' tltiasuenlfees. PLUMBERS 0F LÀKE -COUNTY MAE WAiE SCALE TO PUBLIC Assent there would be no dif-! ficulty if Master Plu mbers would take a cut also TELL PRESENT SITUATION The plunbing situation in Lak'- Coiunty remains uncttanged. Th e Mat, le'. Plumbeis are. standing pait on t eir refusai te psy more than the Landis scale whitethie jourc.eymen plurnbers refuse te niake more of a roncession titan 121ý cents anh hur. They point out that if the MIaster Plombera would niake a similtar re- xluctjon In tlheir charges 0 thie public for v.erk dene that the publie woutd ýaîve $2 a day for al work dore. 'ltle NW'auk' gan local iotay t'ýued a Mtenent il. reply te an article pubt- lislied by ilite Master Plumbers in the Hlighland Park Press In whieli the bosses asked for a general slîudewn of Work outil te controversy la sel- tled. The sta4eiflefll ssued bv 1lite ?iumb- ers Union of Waukegan. wiicit lakes in ail of Lake Cour.yly.t as fllows: lu reply toe hie appeai in the Iligh- landl Park Pr@e, Oclober 6t, iy J. Bf. Deeker of the Association of Eâst- ern Lake County tlà-&ler Plumbers, ws are plactng before the public the IT REMOVES M iEffllWU (MM r MERITEDAPPLAUSE fl6URATt~Y SPEAKIG DOES THE RUT.O 115MSNT14S RMEYEý C1I1(OPRAçTOUM. proposi.lon re.i>rrlng ta obnOXIOu UAn working ries snd coditiona ln gen- H R N S EFEAT* éral, ln belialof titis we are ln a p.hA K ES illton ta say thal ue are living Up ta te mandates of! our îarlous c ily ai*--E O DM A lnrgisto inspection fl fplumb- E r.tiii A D ing In Waîîkegan, we bave no offi- O S k E LE4iI( cial Inspecter KaI. tpe iresent tinte. f T therefor we bave our delegate inspect- ing tlitis work so as ta lïave titis work isalled Ir. compliance with te Waukegan candidate and fo plumblng tnwi% and ordinances of thte other candidates withdray vax-loua clies of Lake County. Be it knoWn titat at ite present tintelte their namnes Journeymen plumber.s are providing Ibis Inspection 1talits public at titeir M ALYAANEET own exitenae.C ALY GI EET Referrlng ta lita Landis wage award of Cook Couty we iteg leave t0alatoe ta the public of Lake County titat te iopes of the American Legionp plumbera o L.ake Couaty haitl-ne f Waukegan taI James W. Ha voice or vol% lnu 0cting JudieLga- nffl- a member, would be elecl dis as a waga arbitrator hic declsion, commander of the State Legiota tllU tla Cookt County onîy. ganisation, wsre ,tasbed whan wi la regards la waga scale we bava waareceived Ihat William R. McC granted a cut of 12%h cents par ibeur ley hiad iteeL re-elected. Harna ta the bossesaet our last conference with BradMord West as his campai wiich la a cut of 8100 par day. the manager,.itad waged a dtarmit bosses ln rscognizing te LsJidis figit over te entire elate antd c, pr-opoalUon bave et fered un the 96 sidered is prospects very brigitl. cents per itour et a charge from 1. h Decatur, Ill., Oct. 11-Williamn public of $165 per itour ieavlug a net McCauley, te buck private fromt profil of $560 per day on oait man ney Iil., wa' reelected state cc for an eight ltour day Including an mander of te Amarican Leglon enorntous profit on materîi also. Iitles at te lird annual convenil Tbe proposlition proposed ta te iDsession bers Ibhis atternoon. Tii bosses ity tbe Journeymen of $1.12% was oly one ballot. per itour bas been titoroughly cau-- Afler tan of te twenty-tive sldered aud ln as mucit as tbe jour tricta itad been iteard from, thtef Leyltten are wlliiug 1 stand a cut or candidates Whit oplposed "li"1 .1.00 per day w. feel titat il wouid Caule>' took tbe fl6or aud wititd oIV b. fair for te bosses ta drop titeir nomes. A motion was titan mi an equal amount icit would mea taI lite elecîlor. be unanimotis. a saving of $2.00 lper day for every seas. elgitt iour work day talite public. oS reN Efrt Referring ta tb. appeal of thte Mas-, T pr N fot ter Plumbers ln tbe Hightland Park "Titis wiii be a bard year,"1 Press, October Gui, va iteg 10 cati Cauisy said i bis acceptance spae attention ta tetact ofthlie bosses "W, bave much ta do. We muatIfI tying UP the work. beter cars of te disabied men. "lite JourneYnten Plumiters stand muai ses titat ail ex-service men prepared le be aI lita Publi's service given jobs. We muat ses that in regards t aait rePair work and new men Whbo stayed a hornte and tock weîk If necessary. Jobs cf iteroes are oualed. We n gel e-etrlling ltaIte veterans G.ographteai -,ni Spiritual, te var ileserve. and ynu Itave At l.îîîcut'ilrie stands al traC word titat 1 wii vaste ne efforts. vîttrît clainis, or lias clatruei, 10 b. Other offIcers eiectad vera: CI tlite geograpitical center cf England. W. Sliîlck. navy, senior tics ci A few miles itay lies Srattord on mander; Freda rick Pond. deleg tle Avon, go0liîcar lIte gengr-apiieni frontIlite Armour post, junior - canlar taI eonemiilitt fane>' it ptaced commander; CaPt. 1H. D. Reed cf7 titir,-mii iurpo-s.'1'sguif>' it sthelor, Ill., state citaplain. spirtt. 'cnte~t'îgaud.osegates at Large. Relegates aI large toate natiti $and Seoet Are lnvcr.ted. convention.,viticit convenes i N Slies ithw1d %,oo(en «ols h,06sas City tse tact of titis montit, Sites iîh~lJe .ooensols bS.eiected vers: W. L. Keiey, Site Ina projecting points are au Englisit villa; NHilton J. Fot-anan and A. Invention for persans wiîe talk on Sprague. Ciicago; William R. Mec tend taet ould enguif ordtnary itoas ley Oins>', and A. L. Myers, Chien iR bur 'EU lrk- laed ord eau- aigu Con- R. 01- eom- ion bers dis- Me- ade il Me- Wa are 'lt, cB f bhas. 'om- vice ray- Kan- 1, as L.A. rago. Thîe new state exrectitive comntit-' tee include' A. A. Pantelis, Georgeý ilring Jr., Julin A. Hartman, DeWitl Cleland, Titonaîi K. Davey, Willam P. Simn«t, and Audy 1togets, ail of StatO hesîlîtuarters il be inîcil fronm Sprir4fteld I 10 îiiton. The, contention backsd Maj. Gen. Foreman foi, national commnandter. Rork Island waBsaelected as te city for the 1922 convention. r,îovm.nî. PlanaIs. Ilite sue lanti tlte plnetaappei to baye reittIt. rhellegltof lte gay 01, ail except Mprr, Ventus,, sud Nteptune bIave iteen determntd. The rmn r>tates once in 1.5 days é7 bourg 49 mintute,,. fol' ait averaige; tlteertit a littOudr2 imr;Mole.evr1 minutes, 22 mcît;JîtPlter -9 heurs 55 îuii uie%; Satîtru hil!10heuea d If minute -'-d ' 15 lînîrr 'Penny Pale.. 'ae ,aterînpenny ie cotaneetlon ivtl ititaliwniyg uoed lu combînatioft vlt refixpd nunerals, sucit au four-t pennti>. aipenny, etc., te fort an ad- »aclive. Ihetie adjectivec now denote certait arbit rary izes. OrIglnally, they detîte lte prc*e pea' buudred 09 Civing 'Sm asaSl" @le. «TL.aies sudt geanteen," sâid t& Citeiriaofethlie eveîlng, "In a a w mintutes 1 shah inîreduce te geulla- man vito la te edtlrassycu. .1t tg net my funeRiotuittdeliter as 5PS5ci t- titilme. btt1Ishail jîst uie Up fivà or tan mitoes se that you n aY know Ilow good n siîêech yoîî vould Itity bad 10 lWfi-îcut wlc lte ý*Penker andtlh lite I iiî 'rerîltPo Net LiI'.ely. Urtiihall r' uic te ile <'rut tue. e-rîtes a ts.îtlrMisatoit w,,Ier In L.e Petitf Nord,. liii bie cîîtdId tot1 "Cleate te Silits5.',,~r hit& 'stmnîeit hit dcapsize4i." I f,i- i ncunîbeiît 0it me te adtulelister castor oit, thitking tattati iîglit lie sufficuet jtunish- ment for wiiat 1 bail renson to beitet'. vas ouI>' s ruse 10 escape werk. Il wtis barld for itt%to gîve te ci, but harder stili te liste lte boy look up afierwards viitt a ecbruble grolle MAî tsk If lil were te ssine ioit tlitI lisita gave, i:? wtdî.w' tîoman l-Y-iutli' s PECIAL- SIX COUPE $2450 FOUR PASSENGER The, compjetely appointed encloeed car at a moderate price_ In this Coupa, Studeakar bas produced a car cf good lista, coinfort and panstaking rafinamaut of detail. Soft carpets, aubdued harmony of coior in the upholstery, lnviting dapth of cumblons, gracful fittinge - ai offer an irresiatbia appeal. Silk roller curtains ara providad at the windowsr and the lectric daine arqd aida lights glow softly at your tonds. This uuànl car providas a big, roony, Juin- rioua body ina which four people can rida in coin- A Partial List Uphoistery of gray mohair velvaI plusbijeweled 8-day clock ona the instrument board; adjuatabie' ventilator in cowl adjuatable agit abades to match upbolsary; Ihrm..pie adjuatable rmin fort. A unique feature is the foiding seat for the fourth pasnger. It ia, lu realiiy, a coxy chair with cnsbloned seat, arma and baci. When not in use, it folds ont of the way. With a&U Its luzury and beauty, you get aI Ibis low prica the machanical excelence, powerrand esy riding quaitia. of the 50 M.P. SPEciAL-SIX chassie upon which this coupa body is mounted. You are inviîed to inspect Ibis car at-our Show RaCOMS. of Equipment vision windsbt, windshlid wiper, beater in fioor froeted nickel taixniugs; aide coiach lampe; parcei compartmnenî av - el of aest; generona luggp space under Teaàr dock. Achen Motor -Co. 217 N. Genese. Street Waukegan, lilinois NEW PRICES 0F STUDEBAKER CARS, EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER 811a, 1921 Temasg -. e. I.Fmimie Ziwiw Ca andRomeieyam Sda UICH'T-SIX 3-PAS. ROADSTEP............ua uIGH-Sîx zA.ps.COUPE.ROADSTER ....$1550 UGHT.SIX TOUINOCR ................ 1190 1uwn.TSIx.u-PuSS. MsEA...... ....tu SPECIAL-SIX 3-PASS. ROADSTERL.............. 1588 SPECIAL-MIX44PAISM OUE..... ....2450 SPECIAL.SIX TOURING CAR .................. JUS SPECIAL-SIX S-PAS. SEDAN .................. 2550 SPECIAL-SIX 4-PAIS ROADSTZR.............. 16»8 BIC-Si 4-PAS. COUPE....................... "50 SIG7-SIX TOURING CAR....................... 19M8 SIC-SIX 7-PAIS. SEDN.O........................ 29ou -ALL S1'UDEBAKER CARS ARE EbIPPED WITR COUD TIRES <iLhie is a, Studebak.ar Ye ar Choose a Stunnm ,--Fur- Trimmed.Suit -Thiey-re* ;!uviluà Stiits - Suits Nwiljî ail ifi eslartnless youi've loîîgîd for .1u1(l il those! liltie- style touches vîîteadmired so uitii. re i)(.-. teniais inelude thec iciîest ani nîost î<tnî'fa- bries Ataîmiiii lis 1rodueed and the niudî- art. as varied i, athe' pt-îsîinal pi'ef4-rvîîee of tut W01111111 w~ho iik AUia. îFuri tîlidai îd Sl illt ' Warm, Luxurious FUR TRIMMED COATS *2500) 71 woîiderfui UçiOaIn S- Eveî'v une Fu in itiii.( anîd Iined and initerliiîîd. No wunder this iii a phenoîtîctal Coat year wvhen garnwnts flike tiiese arc offered at suech a price.* Tlîy*re so gi-arefîîl of line, so ricll in fabris, andeoiorings thcy ap- peaI to e-vcrv w-ornait. Most of thcîîî have tiiose big, snîîggling collars that are so beecoriying ai distiitctive. Tlîey'rcii ail sizes. Autumn's Sma1 SILK AND WOOL FROCKS lt s:aple:k eInccd t2 ùca froek front thseharrnrng array. T~he st.vles are st) attractive- ly vrie auàthecolors so newan ofsitng The aterials inclIude Canton Crepes, Charmeuse, Tafeas repc de Chines, Triootines, Jiquetines, PortTw'ills and Serges. They boast nu cend of individual style touches. LOOK A LITTLE OUT 110W YOU RUN YOUR CAR Also be sure you have two license plates-State inspector coming if yeur car lias oui>'oesPlaie or you, are drivlng a truck and itaven'l a chauffeurs icense. or are operating a mnail lruck abiitba loiy a sa ure car licence. yoï 'iad eer'wtr out.", For a ci.d under 15 yaars of age to drive a car wiitout- batitg accom- pianied ity a parant or guardiat. ia an infraction ufthlit law, but titere are flot many cases cf luis kind, Mr. Mer- rit said. Tite inapector worlting in titis dis- trict generaiiy lakes offendera before a notary public az.d causes tem to cempiy stti thl aw, but occasional- 1' tsey are arraigned in a local court. '*Tite ntezigon la nottliehaiarmh. but to oblain a -generai observance of te laws." said inspector Merrllt. The pisasure car numiters Il. Illi nuis are nov up around te 57<1000 msrk antd ts lrucks about 801,001). Thte i.. .Paces. The .tir wn!s ci- esr and ~it? line. The 1igitîhîitue's onituee cutts of lte 15 iii pers., ihtougit Sonte uilesitiM& tant, seantetid as t lianti. Whte iterrieg gîtîts. cruisistg lnst te l'ie, fiamtet tiili-t fheli s ol f an ilit9ilt SIIII. %A tvslI l Irpt.za itsîkPit.1I' i l btîe t iet tsurf, i. -if te a ti sIc.,t r- bli 1h, w ite teste hts«siltiili te ial, twficward olpr te ittitt, th li lurî->'itg tii-1(,f saud, and i i 'ti ta OreintaI lit t t c refreiliii'.it i u lte uiljesa'c. e'at1>,a 1MWlVý VOLUME SUPREH Lake Cour cison of l of Highl tI.n , î lit L: . n ri bh bée n -i ji fart t' t Sait4 '-i DeSri.thei a-hola-i'rit wasin r.'ntnil ei'ii.- i!uit ecuns oi1 me-aerd. i hii tHi.ghandHi aes,'of the leudi-t on t 1920 agaInst t'- Ivemerl t The, circuit tariotin pur[ viticitth, ti and void te t Peir $le0sud cent mnade bý Iliegal Thte 'viii d-cide t' TWO Mi TIIIR[ LAR Trio of ac Grass L ai Ti -e acci ever t(- e man ieing i pilai with a i.akp uiercit dcx l'ii'-u.a! both aw ho Iteai cimie boltingine ali> hot lit Ilits rigitt t ,Gra s Lakp gumi n oa bu. charge of th hospilal ie John Spi( li Fux Lake calibre auto tenter Sounde Sfiicatî te ir i k- f hani Antireîw heuut t'cutppf te. aFi '-1S Tiie- Iav;b.i lie2ntWas t vei (- kuiteki cul t.ie na lie tsides.i Parts of1 Tite you:i:o Itis P)t '%V( -] a wiv-irc LONG le TOI1 TO 1 of --i - .- t -i.i

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