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Libertyville Independent, 20 Oct 1921, p. 12

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PAG f Iý LîbèrtyviIe *Inde penden t La~ Gon~ lnepçdMt -WaukegqnWee Sun WAUKEGAN Not"Th zetbcity o ~i unâalted Sa, but about to b. thse mont famou , now famed by the declaration of its chamber of commerce secr.ary and its nevapaper as a place wiiere justice ocm be obtalned, near thse Great Lakes training camp, Dt far from ZIOII itY, couvonlent to Chilcago, on ýtii. dge Ôf the fashlnable residence dis- trict of thse norti sblqre, tb$e ciy vhlak firust made a suc- ceas of the commnuàlty war d iset and built a Balvation Army building whloh woUld o crodit to New York City, homne of one of theimoot *te rp$ung Kiwanis clubs -in America flot f ar from the home ofPred Lundin the wix- ard of CLicago politics, witii well paved streets and a good iiewspaper. Ia it any wouder that Waukean is extending its breathing regigns over cepturing the biggest legal show the tate bas ever staged? Now cornes the added, ïf curious distinction of beingA he temporary capital ofj Illinois. During thse summer »sOntbs thse montisa the capi- tal peregrinated about the hi&bways and by-ways of titis great commonwealth thon ithus.ed for a Urne in hottest Springfield, andsoon it wiil.Move agam t thcity by thie lake. Waukegan is to have wilo~in its midst thse $40,000 a year entourage wiiicii the royal family wi.ý undoubtedly take to thse trial. Thse tentisMkers will ù' taxed Wo pro- vide accommodations for newpaper scribes and parking a pace in and neïr the city will be filled witi tise curious visitors. Street corner iendors of p ictures of the. defend- ant will reap a isarvest. Great politicians, wiio carry in their vest pockets thse destiny of tise state wil walk about town before tise wondering gazo of thse visiting tisousands. Inside tise court room thee tate will.b. on.trial. Tiie very entity of statehood will Jiang in tise balance. Thse great test as to wiiether thse oste is a state or an empire mut be made and thse issue whicii bas been raised by self, isii politicians mut be met. 'Thee amail audience wifl biang upofl the w9rds of. thse uge as lie decides questions of law and millions outaide thé -ioom wiIl wait for tisose decisionu and weigii them lintthe scales of common. under- standing. There will b. o. verdiat, a verdict wiiich the peo- ple Wl weigh in their own fasision apart from tise tecis- nicalities of the law. Waukegau isa W b. praised for the. cioice, but Wau- kegau wiil be on trial. If it furmashes a fair and impartial jury and gives thse state a square deal,,as it promises to do, Waukegan will get more real value out of tisat fact tisan from ail tise ini- cidentals of thse situatlon.-¶Rockford, M1., Star. North Chicagor Miss Lorraine D)escon will v lait t Chiampalgn oves the week-end and wlst elte Wisconsitn'llliiiois football Thse Northi Chicago watrcntrac matter bastbeeu pobtponedu lnez( Maflday nigbt. vwb n twilb e r- seuledt t the city caunicil. Etivard E. Moisi'.ofiChicago, visit- eti frienda here vesterday.I Tbe gymnaslont class for te Ope- ka Ail Stars wll be hel-d Ii eve- nîng at 7'o'clock. and tlie Americafi Legion tISs at 8:30 P. m. Both clas 'Y es have been well attended since tbeY .tarted. aud it is ver>' gratifYiflg taj see tise ittei'est the local ,OUn uen ,are takiflg lu the alffletlc work luinlh city this seaitof. The Business Men bad Soue- yerY lnteresting ganes Of Volley BaillIst evenlng at tseis class. Tisere wer@ enough mon ouit I form two con- sîderahsîr large teama. Atter tise meet- tg of the l'osa Park Board. whicli met in regular session asat evening st the Auditorium office, meiuhers jolned thse claits 'and aI-o enJoyeti sot.esplendid N'olleY. Mliss Jean Ml.,arn. af Sitenth Street, bas accepted a position as bookkeeper wth T. H. NIcl<nr.ey andi Son Hardware Store. TIhe womans Auxiliary of!Ille Amerîcan Leglon are planninga a Hal- lowe'en party tor be helti at theis neit segulas meeting ulght. Tues. Oct. 2th. ai tbe Legion Homo. They have exter.ded a apecial Invitation ta'mon. bers of the $harvin Pot ta luin tisem atter the :eglar arder of busi- nesa is dsmissed. The entertalument committee will useet ttisaevnlng t th home of Mîs. Resis Callahan to ingice arrangementà for saute.,« The condition of Mr$. A. C. TeFtor i.' very critîcal taday. Mr. Toiler la rema5iLing in ('hicago during ber serlausueits. -The Social .rnd itetreat ion C'ar. mi-tees of lte Methadist Social Guilti met last even ing te malte further ar- rangements for the party tu lbe held at tise churcli parlons. Tisursday eve- ning The 0141.ct o!f t% affair la 0te ecreate a decîi" tttere't ln tise Or- of ctO iL l la rt a om n- iemabsrt. rlit cmtil a ord 44 w t a brt asr There will lie a 'ho:' musical pro- grain followed lt4j. a iiliher of in- teresting gantes r'onducted isy M. Robert Hammond, Cofi!luniîtY Ser- vice Olrecte.r and ltev, Get F.Fran V combe, pastar oai the M. E Cliurch. AnI ldoor Traek Meet willlcanstitute lb.e main attraction lu tise sportst of the evenlhig. Ait menbOrs 4Of the4. Club are roquested ta invite t-'raY ' prospective members as» Fda.ibluS However. beLng a meanber a! th~e or- P giziLofl dote ual neCestate t- ter.dlag tihe M. E. Mothodist Church. Thgssu'. yl b. a gond timte for aIl wlsO **e*eeeeeeeeeôee*ee*@@Lo SPEC JAL Reduction of Women's Incom- plete Lines of Brown, Black and Grey Kid Lace Boots With High Leather Heels. LOT NO. 1-Wonîcu'h GCrey Kid $4.85 Lace. Value $10.00 -......... LOT NO. 2-Woiticn'ï Browvn Kid Lace - Light elothi toip Boots. $48 $11.00 values... ..........- .8 LOT NO. 3-Wouien's Black Xid $8 Lace Bots. Value $10 to $12. LOT NO 4-Wometi's Brownî Kid $5.8 Iface Boot.à. Value $11I to 12 .... Ail aises'and wldtiss can b. found in the. four iota. Repairing a Specialty -4 4 4 4 4 4 4 * 4 r i Doolittie & Whyte I ~1~ <-/ DI3NY~TIZU 5IIP Therq *i11 be soveral, laca s (» b Crs ssiithe musical vpro improm. TO iAi<iNiS WHiO l le to be gond, One of ie peclal dans by the Wommal Aulj~y thé Aihérican Leglon. lh 0 W Sevei'aI refused .citizenship s"au wlft b. made ta09teo tat they 1 1M e l0ome lu the conimlaty. yesterday and today for this ý The ozamination et tbp ssptcta reason; muet #art over Yèàtr yandt tdai showoêd th* Pot- - saahip te ail allons *wl, lalued ex- TO SWEAR ALLEGIANCE 0*- Ption tros the dr&f4 hiesgtaof - Se - , :pIouera Wor. notihetidurlaxtbthtW'" days Every effort te bolng made ta maire tout thoywould baie taI&e Oa the Amerlcanlation meeting at the, Piers aud siart 8a1 Apte court bouse toaigbt t :00Ô o'clock the blggest affîr <of the Iint over nia"tI~ beldlu lWaukegaa. Ail the allen ,. Vaabasua Uitltl705553 Who succeaafbxlly papse t leiz CItl. jetdt tElÙlI teratUiéwa5 enshlp oxaminations la court yoae h u- t ale a ttjgld. ILUlas lerday andi today vill be Qu band et o~ lace thon.-eUI>d1 grOStEOSU taire the oalh of allogiance 1a thse Iau rttence. QUI~sqalty andla Untedi States. It la expecteti that ~î aîtlplbe.1f0 * they will be arranged la groups show- Are you weli equipped with THE MOST UP-TO-¶HE'rv-MINUME ELECTRICAL COMMVN ENCES MTE ARE EXPERT ELECTRICIANS and shalh be glad to figure on ail yotîr ELECTRICAL REQCIREMESTSr Houm or Factory Wiing Power Work aofAil Kinds' BrglarMalam Systeu Private Telephone and Annunciatot RU011systeins Sigu Board & Window DspRlàLglitWig Fama Tighting & Punmping Plants XleotricelFevators, etc. The first important $tep> to have your-build- ing carefully and propcrly Xired, avoiding ahi er- rors and danger of causing firse. You can then en- joy ail the modem labor and time saving conven- iences, such asu' Eletrie Wusbng Mchine Water Rectig Devito for Bath Immn Sewmng Macine Motor Cook Steve or Water Baler Grill and Toaster ]Portable Kleetric Radiators Ieading or Piano Lampe Teléi-ühone ZMon 37 We wl bave a coinpetent -a cIl ad advise you- regarding any electrical matter, or will pie an estimate en asy job. Credit Ternis arranged for Rlhable Parties. Ail work donc in coupliaice with the National Elctrical Code Riles large variety of Electrie Furtures on displagy, including Irons, Tostors, Portable Iamps, etc.. ZION INSTITUTIONS & INDUSTRIES (Wllbur Glenn Vollva) DEPARTMENT STORE f7The LÀargest Store i Lake County. Store are two pricea whWhOý.Wll maye thea. suit@ ila a hurry. There are a number of wanîed styles ln plala and fur trimmeil modela according to price. The savings offered are ertremely large. $3 Heavy Union Suit. 1.-49 Women'a heavy weight Winter Union Suita ln ail atylyes and aizes for thi.s peclal sale at AGreat SelL%!"-lkWasàts At Three (Jnusually Lot Prices 3 -9.1#5 Soin. 0f the bantisomeï§t styles Of th.enliste season are now beiag Of fered ln great àr4er-prîcet selling. Many arte eabqrately enbelliset i wtb band embroldery. beads.. etc. Sensational Sale Dresses Pretty Styles In Serge. Jersey and, $iks 9..75 -14R,50 Nturally sucb a tremendousiy large stock as ours providéà styles Impossible ta secuseeali§eu'hO as well as aavinge of uncounterpasted Iimportance. Here are dresses of wool Jersey anti serges at 89.? andi 14.60; you may select £roni serges, jerseys, ailîka trlcotlues, etc. twor 1.50 Coveral Aprons Women'a $1.50 "co eral aProns lta light. rned- fun and dark coloringa lta ail aisesà. WooI Middy Blouses 4.48 Girl&' and Misses' mlddy blouses in navy and red flannel prettlly trimnîed cuff or plain bot- toms. ,OATS! COATS! 'COATS! Short and Long Coûts, Plain am ."lFurred"' of cause. these pricos seent redlculous1l 1w Entiîbe' are. 'And tbeY are, mmde Possible only be. Luse of our great buying power which enablea us seure jatiked concessions f romt the 'markets ef the sîtid. You may. choosef rom long, short anti mediunm length ceets. -Women's 44ew Fur .Chockers Specially Prlced At . The Moasons nemldt stYles and ï4solt l. fur chokrei are shown hero la a wlde vgeiety. Two speclal lota are Bhowu at $6.98 and 112.98. A Sale of Women's Fla &elte Gowns At Two Special Prices 7OIr Ç-j1 AO' good lqittyarofreit for : tii Irly gret solin8 ette gowars of extra these vesy 10w pnîeit ig. 4 VOLUME XXIX.- 0ON T V RDE WITI .Velvet andVelour Tam. Children'a tanw of velve tand velour ad plush with adjustAble beade, bands la red, navy. black and brown. Alleged slayer business man taken in 1 Gf.org4 Niggerns Pax Lake,, w at pli la th- office of D 3166 Li rcotri stieo day nï ,r4iing on a and i- heiin... b l Jail a4 W ixtwtrgal klwas me il- i.ul -- John-on i.4,707 \oI 4ipeî'.l1tI~ ir4 ,f 62r, W-: k n .ni 4 f -t. 1 toa iy A . si. tUrne*ba Jo r.i4iw aned ' L.r j(4i-Çtii Ir ,and tSiat I- Arneyai.. au'ituli. HmUS sI. Ariflttt)ptl tur4 away, 4s henl clared .-Y 'u Set you,. arid he l gun .Johnton ral-îed his fa'- Jin instan elis,Iîiotg-un was da ilroip-d in b.- lii. of I.im-amni and tir.- bis bandsaait the t meut or afterwards Nlggerineyer,.afit lib.eWaultefaa poli Salataut chief of Po .rell. .qtated tha liht the boat abRi '.C pain in bl 1.-f lng bis baril! 4454 head hi- -ýhotgurI dlsicharged .Il. a wbeIher il r44 ed fo' th, li J4)14 ..4, Ii b-'1 A ili ;,-.' h. j< ,, , i 1, Aim-a iiid li- t- i g e -i m 4 y r *- 1 4 .4 4 4 1 ) Fid No Sb c X'l-d à1q<4,444 'l' Wi444.m. > and, 4 4 Il l,4 tri ( 4444.. Ms4lhbulis 'as Ain '4'il- .ilit Ii4i 4.'4 e i fl4l 414>4a laniti zho tu ('Ili lii i4,444444 444. ài34 .z0441P. Eng40 1 toil: ('ie! Itoi, bai ljfli i h'i 40 (iii * bile. ,ukiitg l 4 .44C> ' pçive sbncI .star ej 'Il.,- .'4 4ro1 li-ha4i i mecr.iiî> l.' it .satti'1.li go Il 4 * ist i c a i 4144 444M aller be corl ti'u -I've Wlien lîtînt in o filmi t ikx Lti'e Wife Goe Niî,i .Itii. 44, , i ,444-'l i 4-0 44 'Il'!'a r,' .tieI 4. r.îîî tle w len site walked lU 40','théeeo.urti fl4'WSj4I;t4)' eptorte .LCorset to 2.50 100 A very ispecial groupime of discontlnuai fluER bers la w&ntod stybes kit corseta worth to $2.50.ý Child's Beaver Ht basl ay2098 iadoenew styles ln ehldren's beaver bat.in nvyblack, brown and tan la ail sise.. Sensat 4ý" IV, ý ywwww 71

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