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Libertyville Independent, 20 Oct 1921, p. 9

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tu be as itucli up- ng joint wli;c, heii furblddonlinl Zion. i-otic n e an edict ulti andi tiiieat cm-cl ii t in-tafl expul . a Iglit wit h q:"ili out. Il is ai.-O a,) ionwtion t' ll ry.untflguîlîe.! atc1 I t - t en m d t,) ienîit-d froui liii as guln. ng lure dsutr. tîsu clîunming a Wati athli1ke au oid brin 0 000 0 00 0 NEWS OF LAKE o MIRE FOR THE 0 '-41.50 A VEKAR o 0 00 00 0 00 Studebaker Six, îe- tnted. Ilargai n if 85. C., F. Klitaucr. 41-4t itching donc. Tîtree ep. Wîti. Wîg 41-3t LIENT- Moditu, 7 E. Pl aittî. 0. A. .111v 5 42 2t Ford coupe, uotoaIi- iie condition; lin. s; lai te wte..ýi anti yf-ar Piton- Watt 42 It d louîîng cat and nielianical condi Suas> Auto Lia er> 42t O RT UN ITY d lit- dealeri n L-akt rae vit us in. thte r 6-c>l a utomiobile han $13ùfp "A car a good car to sel s demonstrator wiii il nîoney lnaklng bus e lime. Ativise us aI ulars ragardîng your 5 cars. Tbe Simlons Mcigan Ave. Chi 42-3t use ai Area F M. phione 184 j 42 ti I IN ONE 0F OUR iLIKE PUTTING N THE UAM AND R CENTr IwESi VENIENCE 0F AN MOBILE. low prices whicia for reason of re- e used car stock an automobile mow wil lie able to «Ml r cent (or more> uring. $345.t0v -dan. t;-tmutlachd and uni) Rotîdstei itlà istet tandh uveritaul a $4,01t. witii disc r Touring; $62U-00. ring, ini gooti couti carry our standard raic. Cash or payments. tiii 9, and ail day onday. rro EXCIWIG Lake Forest. on. 1134. for Lake CotantY HAYNES 'a Fret Car." ted Pts and LIBERTY V-ILLE LAME COUNTY INDEPENDENT VolLIMER XXIX.ý No. 42 Lake County 's Big Weekly WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN Ckruldong reater tbamotherWeekies in Couniy Combinad LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS- OCTOIBER 20, 1921 _______________________________ - --~ --.-- -- ~OOOTREFI AT À AALSTA AIS ARREST O SE YEN «tUam Kerrfoot, olîef petty ftrheld in brig,'chargéd with being, instigator MAORE ARRES TS EXPECTED seven mea. oae et then an oMlcer ,ai the Great I.ake Naval Tralnlag $tatlon, are antier arresl an tihe' charge et havlut carte avway la ma- tair trucks gavesamant property te s value of 010.000 or More. VTe ol Lhottsl#teti et eteain radiaters, îlumn llsg flxtto ecand laber. Tisenly truckloeds of 1loci, Ve been bauleti tram the gutiels anti, dis.pesed ef in Cbicago accardlag le, the admissions 0f lhe six Chicago men vite are lie- Jng belti la the Waukena Jailian chargmes preferreti b>'thte naval &ta- tlon authorilies. The Vhicgoentamara'tookd as folleas. Leray Sleeple, 1? cîrs alid, 161r' çullotu avenue.,1 eial;176 Thoemas Grant. 4' ecnI,16 Bennyside avenlue. W . .Crawford. 24 3Aars ON,. 452ù N6orthî Hermitage aveuie. staniey lrao. 28 tests clN; 17-1r Buanuvide avenue Robert fShannlon, 21l yt-roCid; i-; Kiipatricic avenue. Dtay More.. le years old; iSSU HiermitaeOavenuie. Theie umen vere arratgurd 1la PO- lice Ceurt St. WaLukeg4ntunIday and Vere fermally, itargeti wthb ircenY. orant. diver of tbe motar truck, vabel in bonds Of $2.000. Thé other alen, is beipers, vere heid la bons of $1.000 egri. Tisey wera te hi arraigned i n talerai court titis 3fterueen. Wiliam KerfoOt, a Citeltaîtffl, cor atrit e naval station, le luck,-tiup iu the brig ai ietation on rctarges of cotaspi rat>'Iote dfraud. st ealfug and vas imi.licatpd by lh itaxtvChi'a.go me ieu v, vefe caugitt red-hiandeti lasd nigit as titey vere Carling L'.. ,.et out of Camp a-renca, lZnd rcg- imeal Thi s camp bas been abandon ed ad thti goeraunent le praparlin te, disposet the equiffle5t. Kerfealt vas givea a preUMninr>' bearing this rnorning anti the dtails oet hecase have been reî.orled te Washington.' station althoritie arc awaitilfg lu- sîtrucîlons wtb regard te holding et a court martial. Glrant l crediteti vit lb ling ftatedth iat lie w8s cm- ploycd b>' kýrfoot ta haul thec c4UlP- ment avay, racc'ivifla $35 a load fer taking il la Chilcagol The lît-IPer3 echireceiveti $,-,sanigit;. l->cartluent . -g justice in%1ctîaat Or$ are .,ndeavotillg Ie locale the ciiesago men vbo received te stolen goOdse Wai'rantd iarc le be avorn Ou, fur lupus as ânon as ilocate.. AiprreuuniOn et the' six suan Cime about as te result of a til, r-.eived b> te station afteoritîes. Wa'tci *as kept and thé truci naa intEr cepted allant midigitlas' il vas lcsV- i" tlitastation loaded vilb radiaturi. @il t rips wra madie t nîgiti. TA4i DAY IIERE NETS $290 FOR ORPIIANS Tuje Waukegan Fîrst M. E. citurcitf beid chir anutal tag day for titet henefi t orte Lake BMUffChîlldtrcu'i Banefit i.eagucetorChicaga, Monda>' ýûctober 17. Te precèeets from Iis t amountedti te$290.00,.'Lake Bluff. 1 Northt Chicago, Zoa City, Liberty- ville and rYsiako aise belL part in the tag day fer lhe Lakte Bluff1 Orpitafage andthtitotaliproceede incl'tting w hal Waukegailli beinl1 vere $400. la heahaioth le Lake Bluff Or- pitanale the First m. E. churcit winhes te express tbeir appreciatioli .Mnd Ibanks te the generai public fer belpisag te maie Ibis as-Sucttessful as il vas anti tor thir contribu- tIm o Iithis verv vertt>' cause. 3C1ILDREN IN TIIRE FAILlES 3ermany Speeds Up QOV. SMALL WAS IN WAUKEGAÀN ON TUESDAY NiGIT. Was here to make arrange-1 ments for ternporary quart- ers during trial VISIT HERE WAS SECRET Goy. Len tiseli vas à seeret riâit- or te Wauicaa Tuesday niglît fer the purpose etimaking arrange-meuls for quartera tiuring bis triai hire for ailegeti enbezzlement of state fends. Friands etf he goaruor retusati t0 admit thta t le a a ',îsîlor but the neye . caketi throukh an unexi,.ctcd Willc tis -e oer hbasmadetie 1c tallsw raseriatons for quarlana t the Saîratn Arm>' iîot;-i, the Ilaca' l. tee public ta ,uitt lat anti ha is endeavoriuigt,) gct sitittlg mara seC ludedJ le was'agu- -.iat a dtiener ivan for tutith -ra. Wifiam J. fîttatton ot Ingelsîtie. CaIe game vartien, vas a-sa la t1itisCity lIset niglt but uither hi - fir Eugene Ni. RunYarl." assistanlt counsci for t'-ý governor. would admîiterit e govarnor vaâ hîre, :.eanybile thte Western Union Tai- egrahtocmpan>' la inâtalilg vires anti has arrangeti fer 16 recehvlng anti sending stations, seataI vien ttc seat et governuselti letempôrar- il>' transterredth ie press associations anti newsPaper men anti stale efli- iaIs yl bave adequale vire ser- vice. Tpewrterq ara being inétall- eti at te telegrapl ofEce andth Ie Citanaier et Commerce for te f rea use efthlie press. iE. H. Cliffard. sec- retar> etfte Chamber cf Commuerce. las planning a diînner for lite acriha'î. PROMINENT COUNTY PIJYSIClAN, BORN IN LOOi CABIN, DIES Dr. 0. V. Richardson passes. away at Barriflgton; had lived there since 1853 Dr. V. H. Ricitardson, eueetoflite mett promînent residents of Barring- ton. passeti îvawaI tbis bouse Tues- day nîglit aI 8 O'clork, deat follOw-I iug a ten motbe lînesa etfiteert trouble. Dr. Ilicitartson a-as a 'ifs-J long resident et-Lakte County. baving beearnbon laIog cabia titrea miles ve.it t Barringlen, December 2), 1853. He vas married le Emmua M. Lantiver in 1882, ha graduated' tram Rush Medical Cllege. Ho heldth ie office et village board member for anc lerm. He vas ciacteti echoel trusteaetofTownsh.ip 43, On April 15, 1895 anti belti the office up le the lime ew is daatb. Dr. Richardson& motter. Mr$. Ithotia M. Walerman, ageti 92, fsaa rasident of Barrinten. His widow anti daugitter, Vartielie. survive. Funeral probably viii ha helti Saler- day. .Another Old Setlier Dies Chtarles Gruber. Sr., a tarmar In Ite tewb et Cuba, a resitient et Lake County ines 1859, diati Salurda>' at bshain oe. agati 78. The faneraI vas $15,OO TAXES AT STAKE IN CASE 0f TAX-D0DiERS IIERE. 2n HOMES. CARDED FOR DIPIITiERIA ce recarde' ghew that et the it lime twenty-geyen brnes lu 55511ar m der quaraLntlnh ýfor taeris, la Rome litances titerp ao cases af diphîheria in the es wbere lig quarantin' signq beea put ap, bat issemlbfr" Of smlly bave respeaded pl"tl iss ia ether homes t,>rf, are ai cases of the diseas- Titre prýese -dinhh t4 M I3LECTRIC FLASH' C&USES YOUT1I TO BECOME BLIN» Lloyd- L. MacHees of Public Service plant, hasbeen to- tally blind for a week PHYSICIAN HAS HOPES _______________Lloyd L. MacUnoes. ageti 21, an ers- Drea Lor.ploye Ofthlie Public Healtit Service Drea 1..ro. ompay plant la Waukagan. vas dreana of beiug in a ' li bîinded severai days ago b>' île baun- te trAdeutien; ttî wbu t uig cul of a fuie. aI litapower pleut. mlieti b>' enyonea it v.i-VTe actiident renderet i hm totally blînti. Dr. HUM, wjîa is atlendlag the Young ma, l:%hpefuti that the affie- tion May ha ouly temporary La na- ture. Hie thina that la due tia. the Young min' su' ye iii respond te treatmnt ami ho Wiitracover bis aiglat., Thie la the thirtl similar accident ItAt r. Macliaes basuffereti. On bath Previaus ccaions haveyer the. flashes were net so severe and whie he vas bhiided temporarillyhé final- ly iecovered hie sight. Recause of hie 'previons expérience h a lehe.- fui that these ama znay prove trae Ibis tinte. Te Young maresîdes ai 316 North West trPet. Athough hia bas flot live d bere long ba has made uiiny fripntis and la popular. A Diffrent Art. The tact ltaI ae oman cen roati her neighbore lx no evideuce or ber cepucity asn a ok.--Boston Tranoc"Xt SALVATION MRY FAR UNER tuO DoePite the tact that tu liant* ArMI drive for s10,00 l a te progrées coniderabi olà *,'wuk Wnereet mema te b. lagffl*gmi thé total emeunt ratled to *Abe la fa uader the goal soet Oi tvot th* ceuntry towns have submilttled r porta thtia far and Chalrmen Rend» le urgtng theni ta speed up se that ho au au tot st vhere ho stande. An appeai la extended alze te thae who bave net yet madie their d'ana tiona, andthi bs inciades many la Waukegan, ta cerna farward wtbaut mare solltation and give what thejr, cau atterd te Ibis opiaadid caaae. -a..-..- Waukegan 'sj - Foremost Store Waukeau8 Foremost Store sousem have, lhe fa to tes To taa fui. Is 2e ,- Supreme court takes case of Waukegan tax objectors under advisement today AFFECTS 30 PCT. ýBOOST Wauitmgan lax-dotigars vito wonaa victory la Count>- Court vhen Jige P. L Persoa rulcd that tlhe tliirty pier cent Increase put Jutae etect b>' lie Lake Ceuly IBoard ot Reeiewvua Illegal. viilnet know just boy lbcy stand untîl the Suproine Court rend- ers a final decisicu, as Ibis important caae bas beau appeale tat the ilgh- mît court in ltae state. According te a diat le tte -Suu.totay lte Su- preami Court bas just laken lthe Mat- ter uud'-r ativimemnent. If lb'- c-,urt rel ersu-v tthe de-ciion cf t ie cou)iy Court lte Cilty ot wau- it-gan anud tUic arlouti local ttîxing bodies vîll cave semething uta $15,- tj(i)ý Of!lii amount $5.(000 viiieh seti ta the et>' sud 87,0>0 tea te scîtouiz§.Thse rest la3 spli up anîong tae olter laxing bodies. Net only titis but it voulti etabillh the right of the Boardi af leviev la paltalne effect a tlanket lncrease la values. Iftheitebuh court sustainz ltae local court it wili mean thbat Waukegan's assesseti valuation wull bu reduceti some 52000.000anthit amount of taxes lthaI coniti haralsad aeuid fai tfar short of bcing suffi- cient le conduct the city. Ttc tellowing telegraus te the Sun. telle of lthe action laken b> lthe Su- pr'r-eCourt: <.-pecial ta lte Sun., Springfield,.111 '-.Oct. 19.-Tite Su- prenie Court toda>' teck under ad- viqpeutlou subsis sion on itriafs anti witiout oral argument uice51>- peal vase etfHooy W. Braciter. county collector et Lake couuiy, against E V. Orvs ansd loi otiurs trous tha Lakte Ceunt>' Court, *in wvielt the I (ount>' Court held Ihat lte action of Ilte board et review ertLaire county int raislug tbe assessynuofetheIbec- fendants tIirty par cent trous tbe figures efthlie ycar before ounteir re-si etate and i lprovemeata there- Ion, was illegat. An opinion is et-, pecto i aIlite itiecember terus. JAMES 6i. NELSON STRICKEN WITII'. PARALYSIS MONDAY Milwaukee road resident fails fromn wagon and is found in road CONDITION IS SERIOUS James G. Neson, 65 yearir- id, re3îdent of the Yorkhouse nelghbor. bood, w" s tricken witb paralysie Monday,'while hauling cinders frm Zion te his farm.HR e tel rontbis. wagon and was foud on Miwaukee raad by soe persona residing in the nehborhood. In the meantime bis son. H-arr'i started ta look for bis father, the - - amlle i Ie~dths ttenon.Besides is wid- teara havinog conme home witheut hlm. Lake uay ie t e2s re failhaesad1 0w lhe leave seven cbildrefl. Mr. The son feund Mr. Nelson at thaý Lbrae anuY Idcan e ae u Gruber 1vas bons in Mecklenberg, place to wbicb he bail been takan. thee ae RY Idiatins f rce u'Ge r m al'Y .l Heliîadt een lying ia the road ila cide. TbeY are the familles at Mr. DieOsAt Agi 0f 89. beiple.as condition for perhape hiait aud Mre. A. Farner, af Vernon town- bubeo ayncmethn slip, who have fourteefl ciltiren, Mr. The fanerai of Mrs. Mary Dosseli an hu eoaayn aet i and Mis. A. Rocbet.bach, neigihors was belti TuesdaY atternoon at the aid, of the Phrners, *Who have thirteer home of her daughter. Mrs. Mary WbiIe Mr. Nelson's condition la chitdrefl. and Mr. and Mlre. IH. M. Miller ef Cuba township witb whom tili Quie serlous lie la eomnewhat FlooI. of Gurllee. Neiglibere eofIlsse she hati ived for the last sixtean tlnîroved today. thi ce familles dettiare that they are yaars.' Mrs. Dssell came te 'the about as fin e as ayofla coulti desire. Unitedi States slxty-four years ago, ( It wiii be recalled that the Farner comiflg later te Long Grave lu Lake Net a Cent. family wen thabain that was offerad COulitY. Her husband died 13 years Clifford-1lwactr your rili; ond-e la as a prise to the targest familY at- ago. Four chiltiren survive. deai, le lçft you s.illietiliiig I1 sup- tending tie coufty fair at Liberty- p_______Iose. ville. The bam was dot.ated by tha Ai,is-ii 1ii. ciOlilu..-o- Chîcago Markt, Waukegafl. M"r KICK IN BOTTOM OF don îse. Flood ls a director of the fair asgo- ..cation. Ailtbree famnilles reside on SAUERKRAUT BARREL Im'har -Icekd WE INSURB GLASSES AGAINSt erg. Piea6e dont tll any one that tha BREAKAGE -raw juicaetfsauerkraut shaker. up a t e with ice'contains a kick, or George Tt<îcit Vi :1s C 'aI Wolf, president ot the Greetars of cil*ru11111lncf tIr t. . 'id Chicage, wiii be slrry he said any- V rY I and l i la 'nerrl-vî. .veeanything about il at the. meeting of and z~poîîu , by iwl5 the Stewards' Club IaBt night !L the uMvg mbchins. Ttioreavae Auditorium Hotte. Mr. Wolf wanls rbrce Doclar& TwO Mou; ziervIGc Paper tollKl gel a barrai befere the price a ieverai Amerlcs.a5 empoyed o teUP. He aIse asaid srnerkraut vas .gId 0Souith Gensse. Se. te qat-.qmhalht. sfaU llthat. 111 IN. Genestet - . Waikeafélit B INDEPENDE NT Our Great Fali Challenge S-ale Is Now In. Progress Every One On the North Shore Knows What That Means Thousands of you have shared in our Challenge Savings-But great as. these sales have been in the, past they cannot co mp a re with this great value giving event of 1921 and remem ber please- Tlis reat Fal Challenge Sale hs NotMerely An Attempt To Seil You 'Goods For back of it is a well conceived plan to stimulate buying so that we in turn can place larger orders for merchandise and thus as- sist ini speeding up the wheels of industry. TRIS ISONE OF THE ACKNOWLEDGED REMEDIES for what ails-the country today, and we are doing our share with -t h i s Sweeping Aniîhilation of Profits.'.- Now wlll you do yours?- 1 1 1 ý --------- - --- --------- 1 m m 1 11-C. p %, 1 t l'

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