umen.5 boise r t58 a gttesl aI ti e on thse sîcit lis r famil>' metole 'Overty. mes lu ai th* do i for thei baagia, Iayside Taise. .coud loor 3) be offer- s so ex- ý of stîcl il céareful d touch. es, give ed of ail le Coats iii hi î'.îng Ic THÂT E- ie measure. eflet their g source of tid practical enise furmer- Bie and Goid'. at-y or 'Den eT- >r-icth finish, -To'u Ready SMALL TRIAL TO lJLL MILITARY COST £200.000 JHONMRFOR ZDON - IS ESTIMÂTE1' 'CIT WAR JIERO Ruflors that his .ropres a- Mifitary furmrg held in Zion tuve had flulo ulO n fer R*h F. DtimagsMMh here are demi was MW Ire WI i tn- 1,- AY STAY IN CHICAGO BRAVERY RECORD PRAISIED Gay. SmaI's trial on te h fent (F IR W. ciift) elaIaWg hlm with conspliraey te de . Zlo f.1e mont eti ofth Slalm, the City of àmqn bas __ firaud titi state out of 12,000.000 (liWnLbil lha is "Tapi%" au a reslit 'âf ith out ln uthe opinion of dlinteréated truat war. ilaipb Wrankllu » age, iawyers. $200.000, tho amourit being COnwaY C. 3«tl ltt"pl. litDi- diviided about equaflY betreR U ~I* 'Mt Il~ifil ID alla f a& defense. nt Pi11 A O ed Tbatthie faim.i Ia£et51'Sa %à*0.<s lIu alid __ 11awyers WiiMIL ru " rous U &SW*v WM buaéia,&y ibom. A cou- $101>.0o ra a av-0ie b? I îles.ul- p'.5 ý eF % »M n« m m il __ tag ID moite » a umsi0 the trwa mmb u le »*MM s. b.look cent. part ina aiits,, funarai wblch ras 1 Go,. Smîl ami Yoeum CMUSlà 11191111i111ta u"aacb aemueb Né. S. I...l Whous batikthe tI.afé 1500~ftSau- s.-MI- Elliba1 mruL.Apoutle W. actîions wre carried on, wflIbu 9. Peekham Coadueted the fanerai red together. serfice and six solitel «esé spail sport at lian SinnPasss.d btrers, while Mx more bore flowrn for their dead comirad.s. Amon.< the Tiae ta a report lu political cir- ldesw pva Fd Nelson, *id uas feh e eV5d 04 we' 31 MM la the *g* eFor- bts. b fe, beaU l rdseg Ma 4 ut. Tib* fiseal vu ry mpre- pobia ffrienda. Joitholders, It V« 1~ UM.Uult.1li aIT& rere exPeeffl ta lik tW., mie 5àIr4 iugtSt. Nalale-ere U~glwifg l - ilZu sata* be em 5f i1'l, Cht t ficiai. lu- ira"bng a M.l tsw lud .. tie" <2117C Ath.emmV Tbadore mÀ&-wb a wei-kBow lawye, WhoFeOai le W» b" a am asthe hbo«iht the tria" woff bat f ru 11111frna.tiMa Zis us lama ud the Po Couiefor suail and Crh p8109.1111111 U ter 9î n ati wgja e îl ge Cousue) for the smite - M * b@ef y MCWS at di Dugra Jury_- -. 12000 hind them.a insb. Stenegraphiîc report -- - i------ h10,00 The enwoatne Mte n ailyoad tares - 00 the funerai yere: M o el a d i r - -frc ,0 0 O sca r B en n ew a ite . R ic h a rd licE ) - court cwtts sud Ine-datala 1-" . 30 0mrg, Xs-z *.0&Ha i. ligua ia bop. llaumidLeet I TisaI$6.50. prisai ~ou. wt) b 8elarf. and Vicor Enmmanuel- UplTt ln a tys Dot yetfore effl Vs was predirted. Çn ca«,adt"Wspayed' amlait b-PU'kid Làw"r@ l pCate& Wcharo, sitapaJustieW Goy. Smalii ln eeusitM" buv- <2s W s ble.ate Fer immediatMy ast« t Wu aO- IL . Sdalfu, was &aimaprsseltat ueuneed thnt SangîhilOulcouftty grand th grave. ewy lad been neassembled te lavn* AàmaIllre 5CoUpauliCd.l te rumsains! gate chargem Ihat he hbdti Iegaiivta ZMon, andte ibody Vas then uaed state funds whie lie w&a4tate turned ove, to Mrs. tulmage. who1 treasaer. Placed funerai arrange-meas in the! lerein that day on, ;Le bas been haii; o f undertaker Otia Scripte-r. urraended by a formidable batterY Mr%. E. 0. [lulmage naceis'ed a el- et le-i talent. calent lister tramu Thotsaan Chas.. First lu1the cage were- Gemrge 9. CaPtaiS 31h lnfantry. The. eaptank Gll-l. former G0v. Fifer anld for-. wanfanleyCvitnes5a of Sergant Dýul' mer Congreessmsf f;ratiam. ail law- mage's death., He my: yr &ito always have re-quiifd big ar5.Ly eu thea *osislof eSeXeM,. tiees Thn orne AlctFlnk of C'hi- lier 26th. CO. C.. a Part Of th*a lit bukk- cago -vi'.rai l 'wye-rs frnm difterent talion of the lO4th lInfattry had tak-' part-R'of 1.l-" 7- ~ r - il 1 -ie a poititonl e-ind Mount t) s AI- Itj* n g?: i- illiux, îopposite - ii erman lin s in La Fa-gee la Bg Item the Boiîs îde tiî ,a rart <,f týo- (*Ilaile,3 (,.La l'ree"wa 8 re taîfleit For-st of Are-oin-. Tbi y fornild about thse lime that feeling began to part- of the great attacking forceI rmp hie-bsaainqt th governor for whIlchistarte-d the famous Meuse Ar' hi.i evasifi of arrest. goutte offensive, along a front of Mr. ILa Porgee's rePutatiOn Il 1h51 shogi flTtr Miles, lte latter par-toff of "ne of thse Iigitet-priced lawyerm September. TlhIs ras inthie province did fnit talie-the goveTfoies case and '"At (20 on the morie - O agrpea tube-orne chief coan'- i foîr 26111, tki lai Battailon t*s'dOut* pouical reasofli. thioiig lanlei rut throuth thse Frenchs Il Is iunîleratood amOng Mr. La wir, over **"ýnumans laad' acres. Fog--5f.îeds tîst $&5006 andid 1.- Germian trelclie-s ardid aIte treniet 00) rotait r'f-e-s are flut unet5mcu lOf tC)py icaittiW tr Y nus hlm. wri a SoId 'maissof German deffence. Titre-e- iAke ,oLii!y't- awyerhave Titis attack VrSasited aler a .1i b.; been aildAid to lb, staff Of terrifIc bombardment. By nine sanuamon County Wili Pay , O'clock lnthie nsorning, Co. C bail ait Mogi of the coi't of the trial!(in thse vance* shunet te te N. W. edge or mtat's toile will have- te be paid by the- ChePPrY Woods. Just before conm Sane-aroion county. Nether Sates lng out frein thein vues,,hey Vers V Atto)rnet MNori-nie-r of Snafmnnov eubj@ected to very>' fire Stahe-"- Attlî,rlvSmjth of La-ke roua- frîîm the GI-rinans. who were throw- lv aili rei'eiveo- ira rOmFtie-ftoii, 1g ovtr se-n' Oivh exploiiVP. One- or but ther' oaturallv ilihaVe letiti- fuie- '-e-k-i carne-Ithe death ,of r mate exposses. Nà will thbe sheriff SCut. tkimage. or ii atorc'eveexrarcm st- Sergeant IDalmate was about ten tion. feet10nMY rigit Vite-n t heard thle Tisene HI. boweyer. be peial ceam of a shc ha iir-Is1 knew wa, cownsel for th1e state to aqsst in th. oning e- Isy close. Instinetvelv1 batte aea.-t tlt' ii?"a lte le-al droptîed te Hie- ground, frlt tOce forrc tltent, and il lu bolltevel thalth1e-se of a tri m-ndoue explu-ii'uwic IC law% e--s vitlle-i ve nîît lessthan eenîied t-o drive tae nîghtitlfl'ia th $5 0,o11. i' Thp cits frequiii'ly tpays govutd, and fer a moment drie-dme J17,0ila day fo'ri ipirt lo-ttlversli--.Looknt uop I -aw Sergt.- Dîrmage- lt was oaid iltrine- the caiaàtltro*n inlaa Ittune-positioîn sgaintat lam ie-r tl).it 2ii,5was spent ta tree tri My rigitt. i saw instantv tst ele-t tot. Snail. -bhevras denil. Tie-saute ihel 1Char The salai-v of the governOr Of 111- kiliai tWo otiser memsbers o0 the coni Y rois Iî$1.0 annisall for four pas>' vite ren sear me. 1 know tht years.Sergt-. ilinaige VIts kUld Ilirtant ly * Reportýs that Goy. Small'a repra' a fragment ofthlie sheil havlng bit settatîve- here hai ciosEdte dia) hlm ln thse bacit of titibe-ail, and I for the leaie ef a privIte residencein uamn Pure that ha e-ffenieîino pain. tlO i îtule h occsspted by the go,- Ta the best of my k»lsu edeehe- wass ernor during te trial are withovit luied Vtit msny othr American Illunulsllon. ccording ta persons 1u- soldie:,Sin a fie-Id just te the- tort* terestes! la the mater aid Vho are east of the w juds lu wYii< lie w aa In a poition ta knoV. They declare kîled. that as a mater oftfact there are '.Sere-enat Dulmage- wRs one of te fine- or six resldsnct s to be baal but most valuable- men In my compan>'. that mis have been decilid upai. IL andl I ha-ilthIe bî-est regard aud, was lvii st*ted that titi go-enor esteata for him. His deatis wtt a de- may net resde bere but may mIa>' in cide-d leV 10, myse-If and to every Ciicago snd commute. niexber et thse compan'- Tbere la _______________but the ae great consolation. t-at 1 hi iles! fighîluz bravely like the reai O'fande- Dign il. m a e Vis, ad fer the gre-at cause Jlm FBin. coul i*i lns elains %thst fln&H resulted 1ins îctory forl a >tlaltn lport-i n liaii e-liut rnl erladeusee«rae>'." braneit. De n-i-in fa bîîff. t r(BIgd) camue shoot this aay: One niliti .lu Terit Cnandine--. nf s%-os standing on thie 1latforru atlCor:Cn.nig eodi. Sidely lie silpped ani) tell, am(jIous e feU i lrewv hhs tanrteru hie-h hito the tir. Vite enizneee Onagin ofTreadlmili. thoiet t he lantril wu'. gîsme- tthi The trendilîll thât wns <niploe hirlitiaI saigri sailpulleil out ofit he' ta- fS M mon'3-ars lu British prisons tue tin, leavîne- Jivoou lIhe plaifuriliitUlpi-Poses of disciplinens as insened - cee- iJsn idlie decided tu quI-1 lu prisoni torm by Sm William Culs. po r 'iý LI~ U VW..C 14 CI 'w'I 'wUL DL I' SJ'wI'J LW'W , I7 l - - - - - - - - .S- EE OUR WINDOWS Id Sec thue Garments en Our Weond Floor and. You'Jl Be Convinced of Their Superior Value. %iLOEE The COATS ARE BEAUTII And Every Style Feature That Pre- dominates the Garnients For. Fail and Winter is Diffplayed. Three'Hundred Women 's- FEiur Trimmed In a Price Smashing Challenge for Saturday At No Other Store On Tie North Shoré Or.Anywhere Else Ever Attempted Such a Price Smashing Selling of Smartest New Coats Right At The Height of The Season. These Fur Tritned iPlush and Cloth Coats represcaut the~ most remarkable eolleetion of super-values that we, you or your friiends have seen in vears and ycars. In rnany instances $24 'would not pay for fle ic ateriRls alone. The Cents rare assembled frosu severai of tht best, known Eaatersa manacturers who were heavf]y over- tcked a"d glaly oo-operated witis us in aaking thisf the greatest coat event we ever aanounced. The Màterials Include: F - ct i - rs* i trirîl hi rtr' iti-ti. Il. i. tir. VELOURS, PÂDIVELAINES, BOLIVIAS, BUEDECNES, PECO PLUSHES, DUVET DE LA&INES AND YA LAMA VELOURS The Fur Trimmings Are: BEAVEBETTE, RACCOON, BLACK O'POSSUM AND) AUSTRALIAN O'POSSUM Both Làong and Short Models and Every Coat Is 1 Richly Silk Lined and Iiiterlined. ~~:st4 #4*,***44***,,*********ft'*$ w Coats N eÀ