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Libertyville Independent, 27 Oct 1921, p. 12

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CRê ICA60O CALLS jWATER PROJECT ELECTION INý NOV. Rad interesting session at counoil Monday. Special session tonight THROWS OUT CONTRACT Mater an exciting session of the etty comcit Monday night lu North Chicago. et wblch there vau a large attendance. Il vau decided to put the PraPQettlon qocerfins the accept- anc. or rejection et lbe contract for 'vwaw gbrltted by the Wm. Caler coahioy te a voté. it w.. gecanatoa ti.tlaspeciai elUo aotio or fiait mouth aid a spea- i %meeting of th councli vil be'beld toaigbt 10 paso the electian ordîn- "aCe. *ttY. Mai Prayborslri, represont. rtfg a large number ut the water »OMs et the council meeting, submlt- fte a report la vhich he recommend- ed that Ihe entire cuntract vith the Cae mpany b h Ibêviout. Ho aiaai hat a tatement had aIea beaui attrlbuted ta, Mayor Hienry boa- cmu that as a candidate for lhe of. lie ho had prumlsod a number of aovth aide- votera that hobcvauld thrav out the conlract If eloted. 1Mayor Deacon rePlied Ibat ho taad Ikever said auy such ttdug, and oet sai that ho vould make a apecial fart te get guod vater and give the People vbat they had vanted for a longtlime. 1 The contract was read and each Mucton cummented tipon. !&aiy Of the consumera s4d orne 0f the offi- «Îile feel that the nov contrat la a àér orne, and that lbe affer ta furnish 1,00,000 gallons a day et nlne cents, *itb dve per cent discount ta maie »p for vater usel for fire hydrant A4 tbsmhtag von, aidtoyen cents for tie quaity belveen 1,000.00,000 O galons. vithout dtboout, la a f air' «0us. Thse sevont cent rate 'vithout dis- *host ta for thse pumpse of prevent- 1*-the lnctlnatlonte vaste vater la 4#fer to get the lower rate. Thé dis O#mt làmtegiven. bavever, on quai-, «ime over 1,40000 gallon. -% b stand. taken by thee ut1 ont. e» lt at thse compény bas expend- qda taie amount of mogey tin ini- IM&thé elosand hua deltvored the wMrthraugis thiemains faitthon- *w buPerformed a service te, the 40MUntY and it Would ho unvtme, tpzpt ta relect lb. contreot Ila on- *017, ate eCompany vauld have »eourse ithse courts. ' Thom.lh one fatureoraithse cou- tract. hovever, tisaI should ho iooked UAM, it la delared, and tisatinI a mi- $1 FlNnelette Bloomers flannelette bloomri white, lu al sts awn derful value Ma 49 imuiD ilft shoutd ho specilied. As theo Woilsaranapt ta veaien tise suc- tion vIii have ta ho laored and Ibis vHii icrease thse coït of pumpage ta, 1h City. la the course of twenty yoans, thae lit* of tise contract, tis pumpago nigisîbecome veny costly. gl ot .....usl Training. Thte enrîient officiai, recognition ot Inanuai traning was' given ln Finlaud. viser. Unu (jyguseus organlaed a plan for sucti vorn lupr-lury echoois ln M8G. and wtrore such instruction was mnade couipulsory fur certain puplis In 1.80. Sweden saura afier recog- nl.zedt lite Importance of sue.h trein- tasg and gave an imptus 10 thg move- mient. -l aret Moîsture From iýý" lu tite Tanaîta vailey, '"Alaska, thougistise anasi le very Igisi.'cropo dnav al~ple molatunf rom tho malt- hIg of srbtenraasean Ica for the first few yerss suer the laid la tiet cuill. watedL Eventually the Iea rocedes te aucb a deptis thaifil ne bouger supplg tise plants vhs n'ter. Study the Golden Rule.. slan lebIse own vonst euemy isrge6 ty becauuo ho doe ual do by otherg as ho would bo doue by biniseif. Hg mey nul resitze il, but the more hg 8tudlIes the Golden Rut. the mure ho viilflou ihereln relallug te correct cuOtlrc.-GrIt. 1Child's Sweaters to $6 A arge assortmoit of childreî'a sveaters la al sire. aud stylos iuclud- lng sllpuover, buttai aid tuxedu. MAm(13TSLU VIN DIED LAST NifiIIT IWÂS %OYRS.OLD Pioneer resident of Lake Co. succumbs to second paraly- tic stroke SHE CAME HERE IN 1852' lins, Margaret alevin died ai ber homo on South Shseridan Road Tues-' day evenIng at 7:80 o'clock due toaa second stroke of paralysis. Mns. Ste- vin reslded lu Waukega for the paut 20 rears. bela n* o f thse pioneers of Lake countjp. If shé had ived un- lit Nov. 6 eh* voîsld have bean 90 years of age. - OIITUARY. Deatis bas clalmed Mm. Margaiet, alevin, née. lcArthur, vifeo f the lae Michael alevîi, bonlahiUmer- ick, reand, Novr. 8, 1831. Oh* came ta Ameica vhenise wvs.16 years of age, itise year 1847 aid aettled la Chicago. On Aug. 2, 1852 shemar- riod Michael alevin, eugsged la tise cooperage business, vho lter tuai up farming i Lake oouuty. Af 1er tihe death of ber huabaud Mrs. Sie- 3i981 As a resuit leaders of the campaign commitee plan ti) continue drive WILL INTENSIFY EFFORTS While, thesealvation ,Army drive for 810,000 ta carry on thse vor or the nrtattun ta Waaiegan' and Lake Coaty for noît year hbasbheu ts.gélil, annosncement vas made ta. daLY by AdJutant Ktchuni of tise Balvatton Àrmy brancis lu Wauegan that lbe drive bas not been aband- oued. «"Wo have flot mot vils tise goDer- ous rompos. v.e epected." the adin. tait said, '"vicis bas boon a dlsap- palatrsent ta us, but w. are flot dis- caWaiged W. sait iîlensIfY Our ef- forts te raiethse quota vo ele for Waukeuaî a ad Lake Cuunty. Work- or& vIlistart out tomorrow and will. visît tise portions ef the clty wilc have flot lot been touctsed. 1 do not know boy long It willi take us ta comn- ploIe tise von" Juat boy much of the doslned $10,- 000 ila ttU ta ho cotectel 1inflot ino*n but itlai.uuderstood tisaI the e.rount in conaiderable. Should tise Salvatiof Army flot gel visaI -illa asing for its vork vitI b. handi- capped mnuch as a resuît. Leaders of tise drive vish ta maie il uer that tise Saivation Arnay maies but one appoal e year-the money Ihat la asked nov la ta carry on th. vork for thoeusuing yesr. OlffeI'snct ln Mnds. Tg the living and affirmative mind dilmeiuiJ4 and unlnteliigibilities are *11 drq _111'11h succsslvely rifs te1 th- sufqe. and dima th.e Ole.d.r o2 ao"talued and perceived trtgb, but WhIW la cait away, timue after lime> outi the molten silver remains un-, *ulied; but the negatîve mmnd la iead, aid. when al lut formoso0f drues are Pkimmed away. noohing remîtes- Coverti.i r Patmore. vin sold ber farming Interesta and miovod to Waukegau and has resided here ever sine. She leaves ta moura ber death five cblldren. Daniel Sle. vin of Wadsworth; William and Frank alevin of Waukegai; Mmr. J. R. leason of Flînt. Michigan and Mm. H. A. Gray of Waukegan. Funeral at St. .oseph'a churcha t 9 O'clock Thuraday morning, Rev. Father Lauermnann ofiiclating. lu- Chuld's Beaver Hats h cldroe nsylehl In idemaeanve talas .9 ln navy, black, bravi and tnlaIl sizes. 29 Coats to 8 9.50 I050$ Whon vo annouucod Ibis sale one veek ago vo said it vould surpass al othors' lu iunabonof coats sud stylis staui and ha lovliess of price as weil as desirabbeneas or fsbrics. modela, coloreansd vanimanshiç aud tailorlug. Hors aie Plain aud fur tnlnaîed cuats; long and short coals: clotît. pluas and fur conta. Mant' hendsoiuely siji tined sud tntorlined. AiU sizes ais uncluded lu the var- ious aasortinenls. By fan Nt'rtiîera Illino's greatest coat values. Speejal 1$U9-50 Coats to $150 a Your Home 'J What 1t- Can D rown Paper ýo for Ylou- Ffràt of ail, it'eau bring toy ou the NEWS of your own home town.. Week after week, it prints ini detail the happ$nings of the coin. nmunity. Faithfuly ït W4t forth the goings and comizigs of its pfople, giviing careful 4t- tentioiv to the homely littie items that are ig nored & '-the overcrowded daies, of the big cities. It can furnish you with more interestinq information abolit people you know, or used to know, than could a dozen private corre. spondents. The one who writes to youý xnay knoW enûly a few of "'your friends at hiome-but your Home Town Papcr knows thcm ail. It tells you about people you are iuterestcd ini. Finally, in a good, hard business seîiâc, your Home Town Paper-is of value to yoù. It keePs you postcd as to the industrial and commercial growth of a comimunitv which familiarity may have caused you to«neglcct. It often reveals that keen people sec, right, in your home town, a mine of golden*oppro- tunity. The moral is obviou&.- Subscribe today for your Home Town Paper WflSS flbSSDDSCnefl.n.sn..nnn.nsnsnnsnsnnnn..s.s...... r *.u- VOLUME xxi: NEW ROJ LAKE ( POL State to star way orograr f rom Illim .' iîvisl -Idepartmont )f p' * îgs, arc'>d in~ 3ipringflild I. roredhrilijîu 1t n ir ," I*. ,f 1'. e e, n,i i ~ v Inii r rk w o di n 1 o eri 1 rd 'o. w . ii 4f ' tti.' .4 Ofiup as i of goo4 nxv in , I la) , il eo, iî.r'k ',it i n t< In cSuidî liaSiierîda Ibie throuho. hi>i l lt-ir> as tý [lie rina' rh e) th -il>d r p i l>, oltia fg fîer a t.o A lm put off.fori a litr. ou, th, Ma ri tilt , igaor theriri'. sn onthe '. gliwa', -crnttnredtht 'if Lîk' oun t M thein tw"în . at ml@ rni" nd ~ is Fn1o igre t, riad biing t Hunt of orA r> i r -. X')'rent the May ern wri pi i n i,, a orsii elft as Atlce bherofil nieari nie hgwav *'cnrln<edthatre slt. eteci tha mtefie nds QUOTA FOR $ALVAu '-TIONÀMYIS FAR I FROM BEINfi RAJSED corsets to 2.50 A Tory special groupis 0of l discontinued numbers In vant- $ ed style. lu corsoe vorth ta $2.50. Coats to 27.50 1 8 Years of GOOD GLOIHES-7housands of SAIISFIED Gustomers-No. ii lýnois Lûrgest Apparel Stora Sale Ov er 2500 Çoth Plushâ.Fur Coats Coûts to $25 Coûts to $50 Coûts to $65 .15 j m75.5$ 1 I - 29 terment at 9t. blary's cemetery. 44

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