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Libertyville Independent, 27 Oct 1921, p. 4

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THE LIBEnRTYILE NEPENDFN. TD AY. OCTOBE 2),1921. ~svcrsyu~,k ,ndepen dentIADDITIONAL LOCALS: M A R OON .A ND WIITE L4~(~i.tyIn~eu.~. -Waukegan Weely Sun ili.-3if nl-ottttin-ittf oterod at thte Paotc tLlsry feftas Second Cas-Ma l ltrin walikegan.PEP MEETING FRIDAY. wii p op i ÏUïi98RWPTîNPRICE-41.50 PÎER VEAR, iSTRICTL IN AVANCE. Lawr-encce linginait ti-ittid ii e(nds.il Ifrcause tplan fcar~rried oui a week Office Telephone Number 1, Libertyviîîp Exchange. lin Wiukegan Friitay. 11f aut Prl lccliwrpae *STH - -----. . - . Editor Nir. nd Mt.r. iRobert Mcii ù n aiii fi The t. ire gio, bî-eugllit e auenis P. . MIH - ---- -- --- - --- --- -- .......... :n il-. notoreil to Austin Sonday. to tite-fieldt wfuci,- wo lînes o! citeering cNAS . o.NALLEY---------------... ..- --------- ---------- Local Manager Joe NMeyerii-of Chicago cauleul on rît- boys anit lgrl rthvcers licgriio I aive-. n Lflert9slle %I(ndâi. thetudents fîezrfiJy respondeit. Gttoiii Vfitî ut Round Lake yuffeif Al lbhstudentt- are Io be comipli- AUTO LICENSES. - <' Librtvviftc fricots Salurday - mented for tb.-ir nhui but te te Illinois, Indiana and Iowa number auto licenses with- Geo. Wcliieniteig was a Chlicaigo busi-filaise, for nc',t ibloe have they puf toU puctutin, hus 4296. Amos al oherstaesne-svi.sîtor on Tfiursdas of t libs'.'elik. o inuch ptii-I.nid spirit mb their o~ut puctuatio, thus:423965.Almoat il othe statesJelîl' of Chica"îo I che rettin e h usmby punctuate, us"uay by a dash between the thousands and itig li'l. Yjs1e- Mr. deog-ea theiibvei lg. ai arker. Lyn the hundreds, thus:432-966. berg WgitnHn oba:rt Swan and Coachi * The latter plan obviously la far easier, to read, espe- 1 sîibi- uerfîud it of tWukgnTeet mate asiort inleresling ssieecfies-. ~L A ~1T1. 4 clent th wee kent fiereîiiting Mrs.' ~aUy if te eae i i ahurry. Wtthe fgrsr t- f Wliny gethr, oe oten bas difficulty in telling at first glance '~1eher .there are five digits or six. With the dash be- tween, there la no such difficulty. A Michigan or a Wis- ma~in lienese can be read much more eaaily and accurate- Iy than an llinois one. If the time is extremely short, mre can get the f irst three figures of the Wisconsin license, andi leave the police to trace the reut. While auto stealing is as common as at present, the lagibility of license nnnbers la of high importance. The atate of Illinois would be well advised to adopt the plan wbich Cther states have found satisfactory. SELLS 3 COWS; IiGi SCIIOOL GIRL RECEI VESUT$50 TEARS LIGAME-NTSý .Andrew Wolf 0f Sai"il Lïtke iold 'd-I Pi, f.n \ Cuîî,iarh, 1f viat:- tbree cows toa aGurnie itman fa-f o1(if f v M NIaI Ml 1 Saturday, receivimg $50 for the tttce.ý ..I the lace oft tiis Xaukegan îwopfcij<e ,iii-- Vî t r are wofldering wfty il il, ttaf tii.î intt atidifVnt . ,Mordusay tti ,pice of steak remains so f igh. noir. Wfî;î- <ri lier hNi-a' fî(i i tiie-Warren township idgi sehoof. FRED ROWILING it1na . IST ..rle ; ir. ausng ftie pigments of BREAKS WRI" theiankl(c to lie lord andti he blood vesiles to burst. Dr. Jolley of Northt Fre Rolin. apaitr orkng Chicago and Waukegan was i-alledl Pkoued Rohlite aWpibur Lumrg nCo.tlke rare of il. This liapien(,d on tb* seds f th Wilb Laber o., li gIl Sc iioot road ii sonne teili grave] at -Grayslake. fell fromt a ladder and rooelved a fractuire of bis right wrisft. ittîis., ee lout O is le the olitw So was walking on thle ladder which 1i-. (logt Isictng oifr wvas suspended sideways. about 15 ablv i lhlet oa.nd i1 ie aid Ifîll, feet from the grounil, wlîî n lie Iot fo Intil, ieisilSiimri Ma balance,.i tîî a nfif ulnf Minneapolis, Following y-sf erdays littiit . . jiiitiet" decline in the wheaf Maillet, flour -tan ind t 1î v ii ipli-t;ii-fing ornt broke 10 new fow levels here today. ~**iliitfli.'f ii- lf'if .lýi-itIî .touchlng $7 a but-nef foithflitrst lmie 1itiri- i <is ol*.1'ti. II(i- h iitd' la about six years. Milfa îiosicidlirices fUji 1s :: i ie"S i.: ,îsf1î'l 1f: of $7 to $7.15 a barrel for family!i shifi u'ik-i*i an eii n $:;la*.if: Datent$, a reduction of 4t) cents lu 55 <tj if -. and: l d fm-i ;n-.a c il il Breaking the Grip of Rheumaitism on the Body Healtit Talle No. 2. <'lia-i '1f. Nixon lD. C.Ph. ' The rincipal characterîstic of rheu- matism is pain. There is duil and continuous achig, vwith severîty'and sharpness at turnes. If the pain would stop for ntervals it might be mo4e bearable, but the fact that it is con- tinuous is what mnakes rheumatism the most dreaded of diseases. Theucause is weakened functioning of the kîdneys, due ta displacement of spinal joints at wvhat is knomn as "kidne4' place." This displacenient causes pressure on the spinal ntrves. Chiropractic spinal adjustments restore the spinal joints ta alignmen presure removed the kîdneys act no disease gradually ciears. SUFFERED TWO VEARS- THEN FOUNO HELP1 "For two years prior 10 consulting a chiropractor, f suffered witit rieu- matiom. li Augusl, 1919, thte pain was s0 intense that I vaï gnable 1.0 move. After the firat Chiropractie ppiRsI att justillent the pain eased. 1 cOn nket ntAl Décember, when 1 was discitarg- md. 1 bave been ahoeing borses ever .inc.",-Jobfl Schauss, Chiropractie Research Bureau, Statement No. 1283R, nt and with the ormafly and the IIELTH FMALOl PRESSURE ON SPIRAL NERVES IN DISEASESOI TNm ',LOw»' - ' ,S Lm WHEN HaLTH BEGD<S 'I When bealth begins de- PANCUEAS pends on when you tel- ,U ephone No. 26 for an *wgeLS appointment. Consulta- AMPNOIX tion is without charge. q*à ùt IlNIEUNU TitcLOWER MERV£f ORS. NIXON IR DAVIS- iem ipNt CHiROPRACTIC PiIVSICIANS PINOIEDNEVE CNOtI Specêaists-Correctiofl of Deformities, P~INMON ES ANPUL Nervous and Chronîut Olseases, TRNUSI EALNIOPN Heurs: 1i o l and 6 to 8. Sundaya IPULS&CIG P. f *-and bNolidays by Appointmnenl MOVEDJSTNGPRE-DU-E Suite l.1011-Newcastle Hottl THE UIPPER NERVE IS LIBERTYVILLE ILL. FEANTIITNS INO ýtisjus MIEL? I!UIÇM j REak - i OR-Vi P. A. Niuusge.iin of Xauk-gansii iting at te home of lis 1aughter, Mia. tiVi thft mattet wit lte feant? H. G. Hlagerly. on Firsf sîrcet 1 Titey're a,, righti. - I~ Last F'ridas- we îook Wauconita into I camp ut Libierty field and itefeated PARACHUTE LEAP FROM AIR- 'fhem for the second time Ibis season, PLANE SATURDAY, OCTOBER 29,128-7. ______ Liber3villi. layed loose football te -hickandfirsf quarter and Wauconda scoret ,lic"Wliîcier uoflDes Plainesan toucbdown Titey also kicked goal. W. F. Pet erson of Chicago sycre in ttt egnigo it eodqa Libertyville Monday to make iarrange ferAPteourred ig fthe bailoder for nents for an airplane exhibition f0 liea toucittown. île also kicked goal, la given aItte fair groundsa next Satur- lIesneqi .a icînmd w itay. Oct. 29, uniter tedirection of!heth a Qmtoucbown Teermaice bot Clita.orelle & h'eterson Comptany o! Chi- goals. cago.Titis company maint aim a reg- 1 Aftfthe begioning ii i tiî quai fer ular service for te acrrying ohfipas-KîitncretI.hlovrfrit sengers. and willt lring a new tutti Iat tmlirlidown. Ti-gttiicver kirkeit pîlane efietî-wtt h tini net -hor-s'- towe'i roui nioton A tlîilling afuntl I libe perIn h oin(Vr formet by Mn. «hien NI-len hf ie tvft e f ic fui tIii q>.îîtiri- at-tîtit. niake -a plulmachwet.-lealp tnom i if Nng,,i-r, lut i Tfîscrell Vucoi o! tite tlane -a il- 2 000 feet honft air. l ndifviîlual stais - wtt,: Voi Iker, Kil He ha been making tiiese fligitîi andfC'i~W i t:. 'i-i.iim srit pua:achute Iveupq aI tle di ffrcn t ta:irs h -ihiniian akr titis fîmîf Lili'îtt ville tieoltle w f Wb4 uineýp ul eT i-.- repî:iîf lis oing t eWolrC ~tfî t, i balon i tîm ouu I Passenget. -wll lie carnîîilridring fth;la-DLaltniitod0iI (Ia im lt- iomoinal feu. TL. ankiiffî i u.I Swan MAVBE WE'LL CET THAT NEW , End- Hagert, CEMENT ROAD EVENTUALL.Y' Citniîr f-uuik -- - - Quarter- Fitzgei. iii Wat L kb Tlîe ioffos.-ng a ppears in theit,(, w.-ekl Fuît -Engl-bi- ,ti reor o rad diiosdaed(),iEno-î Hook 1Ki!, in, X1igltiîiin reprtontuitcondtins faedc )tHullt Wtghim un tîoî 0 o î-lmk 251h. sent ouI t y te Chiago ?uotoi .Winu Club:,: arn Lake coutvhuba le, rouît uni fo, o-- improving îhirty miles K o tout, in SOCIAL. clîîting Shreridaun Rondtfront Lake For. est b Norit ('hicago: 'Milwvaukee diC Annufiii i-tiPifi--uin ti front Witeeling 10 Libenlyville. anditi ',"(;i-t Aquiinteul 'tpit>is î, i 'iitnu w i tait fioitLake- VilI-, 1lu Anfiolit.* uite Pr.-i n L. T f1t -, W re einclîncdIo biîiî- thi lýi iUlt f "f Frtis tv 'th uuSoploiliii, '-gamttî i ticr: m an ton t he Chlicago u Motoý Club if tfie liitutmih:ci uh-11fuit oI just liatd alufelî-ant tîreunt. uffîr it.kik n 'fI( ut roIutlinfiî it '; ýnIt al fn 4a trtu flrouititLaku- otiniy houu: uc-li oItu-:.tmm , inf. he tIflu ais viffiAni- (utnti ,n "348.-auditoriunt. Titi-i- fasve'been no i u: i,t îî i ts lf?, Titi- Senirsî 5 m I iliOn - t Li. iO' u n t. k- couiity il-. u n y imi ouons,.blt:' tio nto ii-l. i fioaiîmz suii atrtflC.ai tii-i- I-fit igtl. lu'" ifius. - 0Iii 4)f Ih-tii' til enitWlititi- tîîî. t o pa.r ticiIt' ft-il nu:ul lui.ciu Iis-flii- ioniltli-if 'itîii Vmo(ii! luu-tii of it s i i'c ut-n pfui'i'Hlien tit,- ian CHRiSTIAN SCIENCE LECTURE 1 N WAUKEGAN LAST THURSOAY, A ntiit (it Lîit Xfi- tîîulufî 'ilC,4urch Jc er vices h niteif al f-ctmiii,-on ('fîiiian Scieneiý gîven trtdert:.' iuuticp ri-i iti- Fin- f it.1'ST MET1401)1'ST Eîi C'hure-lof rit (t afScie-ntfiat Xiu keg:in, Chlesf aJ liickvi. , af t:: ut iti-ew a' :sînic 'renitffi-, Waukc g lafat Ttuca!ay nigitf, Oct. 40 Suntay Scitoof uit uii The- oiici-f.xt'ift' i-th, jtiu Morning a-orsfiifu at Il al1iîm liit lui-in 0p ace 7 of - ts i. iii- 0f Tfîc iuu-or will fii-uachluon Bushi-s 'n Indepîentcnt. Religion. Music by te choi r Eîîworth feaui.i6:30uv rta P. T.A. SOCIAL FOR BENEFIT OF COOK MEMORIAL LIBRARV The pîrgtiii n fi c t- Il r.A.13e-x Social tlubclitf-It aI i ti(Higi Sctriof F'rfday, October 28 fo- ihi' liencilt (i lte Public Lilirary, h, &a. folfows. 7:30 t.. k:30. social itotr musi~c li Mn. W. IGlBragg. 8' <î;.plaS -' Asti-s mut Roacis." Kiti, ufyde fut i- tf:;li 'l'ityltra' Mn Mal, i 'V"aut.ý ttu>oxini t mmid fu Xi M sC'I d Miný. iMaryv 'i iîe 1 * 1cihnt ' Esening worshiîi ai 7:u .10 1. S'1;-i Mon bY he fiastor on "The Contenot Ment of Love." Musi.- by the choit. PiaYer mreiting ednesday i-ienio<t ai 7:30. We sitaîl continue te stuils of te Gospl -f o!John. Subject, -S- aration: ls Necessity sait Outcome. You are cordially invifed lfi attend: flics.-set-sir es. tiurviCe ai 4iamnond Laki a-2:30 n he atternoon. PR ESBiYT ERIAN Earl C. Morgan, Pastor. Sabtbî.t i h t a ut 9:45 15 Ili. W il, W. fis- Su u WI'e i-acf: titi-Wordt o! iCod Ufai. i- I f: .af]agi-. tireucfirn, atIil a. m. Titoughi oe i- iioî'ning imessge, -Ouir Open MWur. difimti -i. Jîttîon congregation. CGooil nitiitt. A coiffal wielconie- 4iitr: tian Endeavor ah 6: 30 1u. i.i riiîîic--Ho, Can We Appf9 ftîî- Goif ,n Rtue Tiuîay?" Leader, Miii- tt:t:Ii i1rice , -W tiî-aching- ai 7:30 p. m. Topie oi the i'ventng fie-mon "tur Untiâisltei i b i., a .nd iilliiiT'efi.' cit if thlic ivciing NN:iu apent in dancing. ftîk-so-feuî fîirnislied the miusic. Mrs. A. M. Lovell, Mis. Kennettii Lovell. Mcas. E. o. Wilson, Mn-, Flagg I andt thei Waiconil; Eh-v. n wertc ns itcd gueteti, SEWING NEWS. .Mondkiî-iiorning Mr,;. Moyeî gave- te girls in te sewing ciailia ver3 inteiesting tafk. Friitay aftt-i omt, tils. MoYer ultendelthfli rsi meefing I o! teIlilinois Homte Econotîtîcs Asso- ciation in Chicago. Mrs. Moyer iook a' tiip tirougit MarshjalFief d's whole- sale deîîarl ment wliere sire saw i al titi new colors andt styles undit ariaIs ta j Site also viqiteit a flaif fn the U ni-, versity o! Chicago. The Hall was buiflalter tîhe Eliza b-titan iei'iod. In Itis ballilt.î ', is <tom Ifor .ixf lie useit in lte spring> clubs Ioho boItmeetings. Tbere ta a smaill heatre, living roomfi swimmîng 1pool, gymnaslum, litIle kit- citena wbere the girls nay îirepare ne- fj-eshiments. Readifig room and of course, lte Precexf remis Office are ail in Itis big hall. White at titis meeting. Mis. Moyer leai-neit o!ftte' work otiter scitools are doing in titis sîsti-. Mris Moyer toIte sii low moie iifthi-girls in 'Hoie Econonîy e-lIa.i-ýi-sn otticiscitoolsi madfe garmenta for licilîtren in need trot tingi ut home titat rouîdteli iitiliti-d :n uns otltir way. Thte girls er-vi hifs tiqîîjîc very entitusias-I t icaîfs ndui. î ivený mucti iniî-rested; i t X.- - P. i - .s iiî i, y gouit gar-1 iii-Ontýwitf.i n i imiti ib iis du-part nni n Pf N iiI t litý-girf-ls iîct icein ii.ikiri.taitii 'nusu-in i-oit:; îîtiIiti t - îIîIl ii iatî-iiala ut-si. li,ti.i n iii.In n a giii ii- -niuli'i- Iian tI1.1i1îtlt YVA A IAt M MýOVEIt' VNEA liAIt' SEWINU (GIRLS. Xiivoui.i l,u iUf. - ui, r ood w ork, PJEWS. Titi- ew.t'- gfl' um n rifortit li- NtablRhufînd ,fti.iuiîit ier hcn . lî,uu t i. - XtIonuttiis îîn in g Ci tile.s if Jolif eku -'2(k 'Ittus Mi. ings frum .-unns ftiliornru. wre-- lu. i, unlinnîr-- i- iuft a i and sif - i fliw.- id-..i ci i-i it . lui , f. - ru-i .-- i f. T I-. S. hfr ai- i ii--ag' wt:, .î-î'îîf.a -îî iii f.. t ir ntwîuu.u 'fi hf- -n. i n -iln - lmt, iE i.if tý h.in i:. b fii: n . lui, -NIi îWt 411 '-. i. oi :i sk tIaf iui - [ý- îoit) ~ *, f.o ti -uitut!fiviii' tiiii tant bhim i iii*inu Tuî i-ua.;. Not . iiit::da> r ii. th, Ano if Ifazaai ui ifili, ai- Aiil Soulii. n lhi- eluretu i,:ii lii -Wedne-îf(ia Ni,; ihî,î 2 tu Mii tmig, f'imnînued vtttiii n ii Epistte 0f St.lPaut I0 th, humai, Tbiîrd(ay i-ienion. Nui% a illfi ,hfi Annmal (tliic:kt-n Pie-~tf. ii- Lui-Aid o-ît NO CORN BURNED IN ILLINOIS Titerf,- w-Ifli e no t--muî,in i au fuel in Iflinoi:s this aîn'eî i i ii'-u ing 10 iigltoutfilie Oost floiiittu' coîrn a:' sing i în1 y fanm blit'cui n ttir'e tat- and ,fîteiufs muttht-Iflixlou. Agi-itif muif A-i-n lttmo!i:iulab t-ut in h!ini.. .iuif.t ii.f igmi faly tslaitkctit iii sait 'af..o nrîiagilit ing ta hofiii- in li, -J.iufut1i luit îio o, ilin. rnu.:- unlii, stockf In order tu geltihe ftai- on fi lion teleigrarîfld -uafi u.îînty 1 a mi~:f 'No i-orn u un 0i lin cveu' s , îiei thtii-Lis ingslon tiuunly Firi ff-i f,utu.'i iu il n- fi - ýiliiiiil i "Six ut- ciglif busti,.I or-ts iii u:1:ti îîîndîî-ut swiuir-f ,- I.ngerousfui >;«i(i. , the~ only e-iti flri Ou fî.' ti-" ifýc ( 'fus nu îýiîtn t 'îut t s Y rn: htulk-Uu Like replies au-n, eeivdi utf ruuimi ti See . Libertyvile From The Air The Ch3ppelle & Péterson Air Lmne will have an Aeroplane ait the Libertyville Fair Grounda Saturday, 1 October 29 ALL DAY "gChick" Wheeler will, make a Para- chute Ieap from a- height of 2,000 feeV' Reliable Pilots and Safe Planes I - 9' ,î OiOiu, Oi t e0,itL> (0 u u Lu ( A, - ,C'. i'CN OB ERS. '"ýKE -. i t. . f. i . t i 2-f i.ii'~- i t 't, -'. 'i i t i i-t::"-, t--t'- . i hi-' .5- - , i iii i-lu, - t. .* - i. t --. ' . iii' -i f. u lt. i i-. n un un iii f ~. ~-. là i lv. t , ' i-i ' fiP i.. f Xt - tif. 'ut t ai. t - .:. ý - , , ,-- 1 ti a gay %,.nii -tî Niî t, i. -- -.! TIPVs CAP Guaranteed 100% oPure Worsted * M Weaer Cod & &toroey Wenther uuaer uttoned Around Cap Muffer ButtmenAcnd Ne Our Men's and Boys'- Mackinaws have arrivedt and the prices range from $7.60 to $10. The ýold price. Sheep-lined venta, leather sleeves, $8 and $10. We have a fine line of Men's Cashmere hose, i n Black, Heathe', Brown, Light and Dark Oxford- at 50 cent@,. M en's silIk hose, ail colors, 75e anad $1. CÉildrenl's long, stockings, Bear JDI-and, thiat weir. Don't tako aur word iw- it, bl -u tho ullotih- -ors that try thein. E. W. PARKHITPST, .Mr- anidM sons, B01. oitn o! Evanmion. Sundrty, iiilsl of Mr. ndi M Oki//Èç 54gg7J7~jf6e e,~r 5lacifwair/ dé] L Oui As a re s Ask DC GE c - Y Farm Electricity WILLft LMORT fur. nimbes eioctric light to m-1efoetus more at- tractive, and lectric power to make fearmer* more activt by belpI7 them in a thou di feront wans It in a complete, hiEb1 perfe«ed, economica, .lectric planýt with fifty distinct Idv tao o sid" knowabtan have. Aak about the imirovo. monts Willys Llht orets wbich you cma get in Do other planit. DIETI MOTOR CO -------------- -- ----------------------- Iz 1 Il ild

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