111HE LIBErYVILLE INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY,\O\ýENIB ER 10, 152 1. nENT IN 00) '&VJNfi h'sw litai the state .d game saveti tht- he la-at four years, the prevlous four a'tailable hs i-h- prîngiielti of the i for te year end-' pt8 over tilaburse- 499.12 for the year D.000 for the quad- lared wlth the de- r' $160,000 for- the s. This record was iratiford. w ho wasi tandi trapplng il- ai- ending June 3A 'ilaon $181.317 50; 131.764; fppes for ng iaws , 0,077 05; la of saine laws, wliolpisale licenses, 'imita. 1.,910. andi tIpis, $1,074,93. To- 4891. dîstrîbutel? arnnng Itable instll utlon't 4 pountia. wbi'l at I would be wortb t tht- year wet-e di SalarIes and wagea expenses, 8.2. 66; operation. $21,. 0370.46; equlpinent. ermanenti mitrove- Total exîtendtlures. and MFii O&hreck, teck Mlate Nclntyre tere lit niotht-r met ut-k to Milwaukee. lit bc-aistt' ci a soi- Villiait stciîr.-k t-n &JEDl avent tht -s--k end 'ih t hicauct : ti ves, Mr., ft-oge S. Hogan tni' .an' litr n.otht-i-andinnlew cf (Chctgo ait week. Mns F C Shadle wa' iai.hi vie: %î-I"toil s.ui-da>. 1r and Mr>'-Fil Zt-fn '" ion' te Wâukt-gan Sauria. Mr- ttt-utrl Eddy itý tftndlini- ' i tiays in 'ltait tanmil) w' r. itýL(-,>ltv ' t-' rt-1atve's Sundas MVrtt i-ti i> rvantid ,gt. '- Arlingtort Ht-ight's v t-:- . J.t-s0. Mr. and is.John Gosswiliei -ttn1da -Mr,. Dus al Williams wsýas .Ct ita- go vîsitot Frdas Mss Anna rial of WaukeýgaB i%î tptndng a fetw days wilî NM-antd Nr- Hl A Watson. Mms Rta Eddy >of Chucago is st-lni ing a lt-w tt> ssu-il-iAi-ta i-latiss Mr. aud Nrs E. Fi-aher and son Oi ('hicago apent Sunday wît-l tht- forin ers mother, Mn-a R. Came,cn )dr.anti MrR PF.lous.- ;pet - un day aftt-neOn witb Mr., and ir-' .alph Rouie. Mr. andi Mi-t. George S.na!liand f am ily o! Lbertyville were tht- gueSssOf Mr., and MNis, George Sî8-USUsDlay aft- ernoon andi evening. Dean and Ruth Wells ICicabi-go ttpent the week endi with C C. Dean, G;eo. J. Smith anti Miss An-a Hast- rît-h were Waukegan vsitois, Salurday evening. Mr ,and Mrs. John Kruckman ni Lb- t-ir ivijle speni Sumday afteunonn andi evening with Mr., andi Mrs. ltrederick Voelker. Mia- L. Wendeikin andi daughter. Lorraine. a3pent the- week endi witb 1relativesg and frends in Chicago. Miss Rhotia Beasimann O! Round Lýake vas an Ares visit0r iaturday. mm,~ V. F. Baà anti dauglter, Jane. ai-e spending the week in Chic'ago, Mr. 'andi Mrs. Clyde Harris enter- taineti the folowing on Sunday: Mr- Harris, mrs. Eila cady and Mi-. andi Mms. George Sctot andi daughter. Haroldi Wells was an Aniiot-h visilt isàturdai- evening- , 'W. D. teloteus. Nil-s Niidred P0* teous, mrs. Morris Chander anti ht-tý duugtt-r. Ruth, motortt-ho McHt-nry M, n dda>ihofAe l.lbeî-iyvuhlt t1110101,1r0l te X~ikttUtan laia Mis E.' 1 j l 1 vtijs an \it' tille.- NI ttitity .oihtlot. ttî' ýnltih w' - k cui w-tilt t'a .tntiîl - iOu svitî ttii Sîndaiy Jolin {t Mor-Niris i' hliandlt-r Tutti 'isu lo Knil-te 1'.J. Li-One. Har-oldi W.els. Albert Knlgge, E. A. Wellis, J. C. Dor- ooooooooOOOOOO00 t-Itl> -îe' ti-srai davv 'aîîh i_ 1Andrt-w Harrison of DesPlaines, Çu rtM- - Btetir'nPt-arc-e. ; transat-ted business ini Antioch Monday. U 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 jI i r nL o !!Ii X i-' - lr-t-Mnv u' hi Jas, Stearn s transaceti business in M : 4n d M r, -> M < i j( - o '.Iu iorn. i-,( l i 'i tu'-a c t..ltan d lC E b s: 1es - i C hi iag c M onday. e d om S l a i th e(Jh no.%(GIrasF t-vt- 'v nrI; C E b u in ess f T h t- fu n era serv ices fo r M rs. J o se - uicJon 'itbod> iat hni F il> 7ein- ine Belter were helti at the 1t4ethodst t- A gtt oa > t t t-Èn i 1 O r n c s n a v l' a kh u rth T h u r stay aftern o o n w it b b u ria l tin- Knei and Ai " i aemond a>t ak:r sisn the Hliside cemetery. Mrs. Belter Ai--'-- Aiatl'e nii l- ItnIt.I n ri'n ].wthlassurviveti by ber huabanti antiont- ià- a ia> son , ht-r mother anti several brothers M- nnab.iI' ond Ani a o0o00, o0o000o0o0o o 1 ianti sisters. i-t lt st-k end w0ht W.C oF OR T H IL L SC HO OL O Tht- Antioch Vlunteer Pire deparî- io t-îtiittiin (hltavt Ooo00O00De o0oo00 0 0 ment will givt-a dance at tht- Antioch '%Iii J I i-nat -nt- alii-r opera hcuse on Friay evening cf this aun an ti(l irm eouh rt r d Tht- scholart-st-vei t-c theirîreitport1 week. Everyone uome anti bave a goti aut anlt-i uni lendrm ai ih Bt oni inticards Prîdas. ,urne anti help a g30d cause. tionai xasonagt-. The eighth grade ai-t- wt.rkting tîi Ni-s. Andrew Lynch antisoin, Jason Qi(anumbr ofî oui ,ý t- l ,- tht-t- bird bock covers. were un Chicago Sunday to set- Tom inCiaoSudul ît i-eaaý iaOpaRusl iiedorsho Lynch, who ia tn a Chicago hospital. : ndl >,t Marsual Foet-n isat Wedinesday.! La-t Thurstiay evening tht- Royal Th(-ineber of h, Ietto(fsi isaRoae spnt atufiyin hicg tNtighbors anti Wodn g ave tht- firat Tue tl ad one cf tht-aieitiit i .ans nSauFryiCycaof ~a sent-s of dances at t he Wootiman - ttu-u ntiuitogegaio gat . ii> A son was horn ito Mr-. anti Mrs. hall. They art- planning on giving a hIlasanti rereption on la-ai Fi-dayt> Walter Sykes asat Thuratiai. card Party anti dance every, two weeks. tht- new hastor and i wire, Rt-s anti Several from this ntighbouiboodi at- Lait'Thursay vnng u Mr F LJaestendetithe uneralo)GrantimaTownsend tion wsgiven to 3lse Rev. Mt- recP 'r-P FW J helokt- tri MnMumfortiferoo. a Ai' J Wet-lck pentNioniaY undy afersîon.untibis family in tht- Methodist church with rtlativs -ai AfIiotb. Mr. anti Mrs, Edwsrti Lus k of Volo, anti they were given a royal welconse M'c undttianti that Mr. Hilde-bi-nti.d' ent Suntiay at the Ibome of Mr. anti by a large crowd by the. members anti hais purchatit-t an iaterest in a drititmr. Howarti Converse.: finso h ehds hrh stoi-t-in tht- ciy anti wil lfaite possea- Mr. anti lrs. Forest Thomnson motor- .iotn un tht- near future. I to ]w i-- eti to Chicagg anti spent the week-end 0000000000000000O grttted tfial Ibis Move wiliitakPhui with r'latives. fi-cm our village. but we wish lmniev? Mra. Bert Trombîce returneti home oE V ER E TT S C H OOL o t-r tuctes In hit new suricîtndina-s- fron visiting friends ai Lakte Gent-vs, O000 OOO00000000 00 000 A numbel cf frientis fremibtis sil- Wisl. Mms. Rouse hall no ribs broken in the tage attendeti tht- îunerai of Mrs. Rît-h Mrs. Nellie Rent-han of Round Laite, accident Iast wt-ek. arti cvistnilaiRoud aI. lt-s S i visiting ht-r daughter, Mia. P. J. Miss Haie~tt St-yl wa a visitor ait tiaï aiternitinMier. sil last Wetinestiay afternoon. 'Ihe barn ci Lt-t WiAilans on Wes-________ lerfit-I laeti onuedb fr Thuirstay, Nov. 3, osai girls layeti a PatFiace was ins bunti2 by lire 00 0000000000091, ~'ganeofintioorsball aamtt'-e e Lake fheenin'i tt-ti-eit uu<ow Tt0 L A KE V IL LA 0 Foreat girls. The score wui 14 to Il Ford stdan was tht- moat vaitiabie ai-. 000000000000000000 nThoerfvor. ]rlngfo heu tit-le intht- bai-n ai te ieune. LoIEIS1ta Mr.anti Mrs. Buforti Mr.anti Mr Thsee rfect lmaun aeln frth-Mai isai îIilly covetet by insorance. McClokey, F. M. Hainlin, Mns. John Blomme, Elizabeth Kostial, Geore ________Natir anti Mra. R. E. Huait were in ColbGog uhm Helen Pbhp, 0000000000000000 oo* the city on business lait weet. Conius uizenga' Lincoln 8t-, o FENOT CNTE o The Bugy Bees of the Ladiest Aid Adolph VanLantiuyt, Genevieve Lubeck, 0 FRMM Uff R o wiil met- for work with Mrs. Buforti Henry Huizenga, Etith Sibley andi oooOO 00000000000OOen Wetineaday afternoon, Nov. 16, anti Bt-sie KontiaJ. George Diebolti o! Chicago vîsitet IIa ont! attendant-t-las aiklt for. Work Those nerft-ct in attentiance for the- relatives in ibis vieiity over Sundai-. isri tht- Christmnas sait- Dec. 9th. month of October are: Bessie Kostil, ,Mike Obenauf anti faiiy sPent li Lena St-bora spent the week-end with William Lubeck, Lortta Yore, Robert Sunaywiîî n.ant M'.Joh Sria frientia in thcty -l>. Yoi-e, Calvini Carpente., Gust&v Nemet-,i Sundy wiiiMr.andMrs Jon SriuSteve Kostial, Atiolph VanLantiuyt ait Gilmer. -Mr.. anti Mra. Will We-ber enj«oyed anEtith SibIt-y, Martin Joues, Robert Maytne ani Elsclî Lyon .1 Wuuki' auto trip to Tipler, Wis., via Greent-0Colby, Gertrude Philip, Hugh Philip, gan' t-alled on fîiends -tnt- relaivr't Bay latt week ant i wll visit Mi-. anti Henry tHuizt-nga, -Genevieve Lubet-ç Mrs. Ray Kerr'. Duane Jones, Dotris Colby, George Lun- iitrt sai uuiay nd Suna>l i. anti Mn-a WlilHrnnu and Mi'. anti Mrs. James Kerr- -pent Sun-haergYteSln Bugnr son oftîs R ou tîtnd Lakcr t1Itta:tday witls Mr.,andl Mrs. George Mitchell Coret-l ueg niDrtyYie -iintî> ai ilit' XV wFi "iin e.h'îmbCilca.gi t. 1Mr. Lunhant tls steadl 'improving. Miss-sletOntî Ft--tTht- Royal Neîghbi ns are llannîngi Mr- Si'. lt-r-i-ietwrî carlatis ,f Wi ar th-i,t c u-w- t-k -iti gt i, 1,t t i - îic' ng -teei:gs Itor the-' cîîtlc frtm tihe st-ocik yard Monda>. 'î~i- M wli~fli-rpontha and 111metml-'r i art-Most tft thet-î ti -thrt- tht-brantci A.Y' Allai ini-t-, Nv , ,n- !- de f v et n 'tilt- ll Ivr ci th irtîil 'lTui-- r'. Nov. Sinif t. lati-rck - x- i. k ti- -ai~i lt it' ni il - City on lbusinte-ss 'ue'-day cri iii -h i%, r-rl it Iiii tieof tht'e ,rt i 1., .~ 1 ~~h.-~ .î~ i A ititnieltf Iie-tdsiif Mrr. anti Mi-thtr- si- ýa r t.ndute-ftlti ritt-tt -er -.il ~ l.iV' ~,, H. 1'. L,si-v, svhtt ni-w- i-'rt1 nj hanf-eit-' iii ulitslttp C. ilbin- - WtS- vire t cil r otfii n hi-rt' ia-t Satundty i- ntri -i -i t.î -f iitren. Tlhe rît-st-t itirtlt niAtFil tay ni rniini- l ai JI t e-eni ng andi with stt--f i ht-m ' 1ntio h presct-' ta ri-' uthttir Lottr -1. AI--r rt- t-tti,, k 'l'ut Il--e, . -1t', -M Ai f: ,'iltiion frtt nîs. suiprise.-ti ht-m in an i t yii(l:i a an iin . Ilii i l-t'iti l-li ligia u l oii-ail (1ttti p entan t manne r t ttht- te'utcsit -n cf mnai - B iri-r î- t- miti Sheriduit; soitiers wlîc ga% t their iîstin thî, t-, tht-jr itony-lf-hv'rding anitiversti->, cent wai, anti lie culsua n t-il 1 Tht-y hitil gifle outtii dtîtnî-rr tntd.Ite-n Firat un. LaieCounty - Thte INDE listhe-patywas riit-erniieti a- 'heur ht-me menubei-s a-apossible 10 attend. tht-y îv- i-etl lIr e, ai idiit iturei>- >ENOEN- November Bargain Sale 0 Bargains in Groceries ONE POUND 0F CREAMERY BUTTER, Wfl H 1 POUND 0F COFFEE OR A V TEA FOR ONLY.- * ~ AIILi A LIIa'gi-nuine' riurprî:ý r. îi PLU BE S*À CE T NNL ,% ýNîÂN ýa ftitasantly sper'.in- ;:1i i lin rian]lunlch w..4 sel ' htoiurie' PLUMB RSACC PI ~ -î-~ w e MENÏpresentiid with a.a t fui $1.10 WMIE SCALE; DI. VORCE ASKED ro 1e r. At midnigkî t., nayif RETURN TO WORK k dOI t IN BILLS FILD MINs. E. X' Wiiton a'- tl Wiln Capetes r oly trdeI ARE^ SCHOOL NOTES Forest C ummings of High- horne from Waukegar; when a car whic hods ut or o scle; tarlîine Kublank, Eeo u- wood charges wife was severedand hit thebeii amnaging jt Iower scale at Area îooh> lîoItoný,Asslsstani dri ~ finl i* te e some but flot injuring tîIther, aithough Blarbara Jean MeLonald. MeIi rel' ifiCe e the other car was hadi-.- iamaged and T.ie trike mtîWaalk oiit ,-ite(- Clamberlio. Marquis Kublank and one of the occupant».,Nrs. Peterst'n of îttilt r adst ii tei rl, c irtnJretit îei5ho n Mis. iorencF <umllInge- (f tiii Waukegan, was pipnt- under the car rt-cool> bIeen -T eti 1arlti t it men day altet 000.a -cd was malle ilefendan1i n a bill and had serions nui- Site was baereuntitatikT i t'-T1"grt- -cLi1"o u n ' ' lî'orce tiled in cirIittcourt mtut taken te the opital aht-re site vil voitntaril ' Nagiet-t i lt.e-'ta t-utt )twrli-ni v s ,$51). ls Tr i nw-e t('u-rdrgThtkeprobably remain for Yt r'- tm 110 a, b Iout Omiit-at]i fflc$.2- lizatbeth llugle'llin' 1. ut Il e- ià i'ct-ht -an The friends of Mr- . ft ouiton tty tceh ldfornery.- . j (aro.1 Ilb.tn 1tî1-21 si, i%;.wten NIrii.(ummringt- will be glad to know oi h-r returri from 'filieannouncenîentfilait the pîluinb ton, Helen Russe-l anti Geýneviüeel-O- ,, tir -t.!s uaijn h- etiehoptlnttaoadl trs haie s'îld their 11ti1( difîuitY ta-reived Ittt00ite fit> S Wt(l ý: IFn r Augu-' 1. 15'21, ýücording o the reccvering nicely. antd havs'Utaen tht-irt-ut folicws 1,tt-ling contesi lïst Frday. rharges mad(- iîyFile husband Mrs. The schoolisl preparî-.g a Ircgrani at tilose onflthe- afnouflt-enierit of the Monday atletnoon t-e r mar> rttkii .i' rig-w--'tainu 'wi'î a tImanrthe schoo bouse for Arttî*îc d'y, bri-klayers thal t ey hase aee-erted gave a Hollowt *en îtarty. Ilollt-.tt-tit n la (t t, u-he ttýartdIalmit Teinno h o--.nî ilgv the $110 st-aie and have eturned to garnes w.'r" îîiav'-dantid l crt~ lghedtsLIkc - aad ba nef tthe cnarnt ll work. ajtjles 'avrt . 'tie. The liffle 11 ks nain dc otko h iasabnqe te uh Frtda The- carrienters are the only trade ail itltotitti a t-t>i nt»able limie. Ht tsksfor -ýiecuýIo(I evening of this week. and ri. H ughitt flt of Northwestern Uuivt-rvti> will 8peak. uintIfIlius taid. ahich is st-il hoid- ita'mond hublank iv ouI , ttt ~t o c0I1f"jle fý-th. old tiauglter, e-tf A pleaaanteveningaziia îtendid supper ing out for the old iteale of $1.25 an oIn account ol tiskttes.s 1 'entitng lliat ' re riotlter t.no!' i1ae:' a n almn r eloe hour. They have declined up ' thie l'aulti liojder llütt clitoolFriday tO ý i-A tt -t-1 cu,,todi prement lime to take a cul. a(oui.pan:, his* mother te Longl Grove, Seeks an Annulmnent Mr. and Mrs. Wirimîgtî.n cf Round la aphte of thla fact howceSer. i IFvIlil'rt-e stîIIattend schoi lfoi t a ttw M' Anno,- Donii ~Wilans. rt-t- Lake, called on their îîaughter. Mr@. knor.tht arttniriatrewrjgwtt k-. ,hl.itlit, i.thèr i ii-ting- 't it t aher mat.- Le Sherwood on Mcrt:a-. at Fort Sheridan ai $15t) alInlonthm. hantas. ' - -Xi- g. E \ iasat'iunr ___ la in tated fuitnetihat carptenî'rs There waea i't erles-î attentd4r'n;;in- "Lr X -"l'h nA îgumir'4.12 wcriing on the bir ie'tifolit- uniterl-lit- pritidu> i-toiii las 1 week Tht-e t Lt- .,*riilHcd on the grounda that Wil- 0 0 0 0.0 8tl4yua Area ait- ar-teîiîlt,g $1 1t) an w.îv one- liait dayî, absence nb lie grain- ': 19 Years c!d when tht- jo ANT1 hour. ,ItOU i i(50 . 'î mathug cin 0 00 ,00*00~0000 00 Thle carfeterît aie foIîîatt-tiwii lu nIMt .ERtItt ;asae i.- -o. ] e L6. .Mi ad Ms.A.E. ic (jýasle Beth bili. t j.-'ietd b, Attcrne's j Mr. and Mrs. JBrni-. Stearneandi th- tarienter cf Ctitagtuandt a.'- v,-t 1-undla> iittl T- )t ( t-h- j aghe otrt t t'oaý't 'dlittlfg untititht st-ait- ' Gtî i-t, Ertîgi' tîttù ________ 115V. itelore th-ly take t,-. Ief:.t. -- i .ndAr'\> onVt- 'o M tuif-Fe t' :'t-r- IOêOOO o<» 0 0 0 0 0<0 0 0 Misi, Ruth Polloctk w-nt te Lake litre _______n(____i - H.0ini KuIlank r o ML LBU0 NFort-st iiriday night '-i ipend over Sun- 00000006000 000000UJi l A ltttttnttlitthioo li î:-l0 "a0w0îhM0s0r0c0hor0-ash A R E A Fi -- i i,, tt(,ri ^ ý 0 -0 0 0i -- M.. Dunham apent -t r Sunday wtth 00000000 0 0 _1,10..- 0îM- ii ~,- ut.i t-l.. i, HartowBarker iax -'itrg relatives in iFt! t Chitcag to this week. Mr' I'l~.:n-i,, -'t i' -. -- - - - ~'i' ti ii - - . _ -n i Nrit 'trgae Dai t etter Suri' 'trr.- lii'nà 'n-t--d'a>in Chicago with htr daughters andl rnd titrit ii ti fli ' -' . ' . i- - i- t t ttî .îM their famtilies. nd lt-r- tIt io..n. ihl.nk-. i 'ni- r. - - ii: -: - - ... t -- Nr. and M rm. Sari -lraghin ttentý M.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - i, uît- 1i tr . o - - ' '!-t Ei t.t.ll - I- .- ti-- - terSundaywithrelatirtsin '.%.au.gan. hint >1-Ji i-t- ,- r l- .,n" i ~--- - -'- - ' .t Mrs. Haeecia visitîng iE "ative's sis'îr' .tuîJa!pt ai -îturl. -l1 lI -- - i .- at Foresat ark. Xi .nt Mt.lî-:.-. A ' it Wheeler wh ttt-a L.ht' *î ~'-*.,t 1n-iîyLaiSaturday evenîng stxteen me- si-tni uni., 'iltin'sn S: t-lit'ut'.1B-li. -- - ~- t- -d bers cf the Epworth Leaguera attendeti Mi-' 3 tc ltttrîleî'Mr- Li,, Thi.. mp- ~ w ~~- a diitrirtconvention aIt Grait- church Mi. anti 'tii'S1aL Tlii-; tri \iti:t . .n.rl- ni\V.-uk'-gan. , - i'Chicago. Richardtt w.-îetht- i-.ý>,s 0o.M: ii ir antd 1 - Iitita, If (ijl'ni-n L-o.- ýVMs J K Fititi anti ýarrlN 'n 1t X E ri-, l' ni ti-r-t(Itti ( 2i- ": -'t-:iî lni- Water Scott andi Edwin Drim spent 8unday Zet e gî-'- lt- 'tarît- W'îîI t Eti nover Sunday in Chicago and attended t n iu~niit ~~l"' , b irtl>. -X'tt-'the district convention aI Grace church. Mrs P tac isenIitaningnt: C, ;, :11ai;7Aàýil I,(az rhqjýý:Born to Mr. and Mrs. William Davis s.ileMiss WFP idat-k i tel i jcnt jn t-- : ti't'i u . .(at kl ' ici-- wtk- 'tut-a at Billings, Mont.,t-n Saturday, Nov. 5, Mra.Ariur allci ilrrî "ls.Btrt (hânibeilin a'ndt i. c A-- -tcV ,uca Anticch. (;u: a son, Rae William. Tuesia> wtliht-ýr nioher. Mr- Alim n unot Iln ft- 'tr-slt,--nt, -% -tE dLaeVîLa Last Tuesday John (OBrien had the Joncs itt-C,<JGS:n-a]] hot rFit i' -riv t zý -F'd. %'Sening. mifortune to break his wrist. The Mis A)Us.-Sit't-t t i'.\fie- -.Mrand Ars -ý UTiti-t t-t i -' Wuc.itln(, ',s. William accidant happened ti schoci whiie play- lt-w tla>s wih Iiends an M atideii':st- t-agi tivtsttn- nd Mîh -'F~i aVÀt-an att(-nd'-d tllt-iîng gamnes. Aifryile hli nti MiT, tantt Rus'l,1- -cl nd ba0i R es. Mumford antd family spent Lîb. ertysille elitatd, n si-itt: !tîî nati Mi-' ýredAcýr ad SatudyinCiago and witnessed the andi Marquîb spen' Sodai- afternozi Tht Ld.ttt.%u (.t~tn~~t lîien tt Etne-ha spcni Friday at tht-I Foch parade. atH~bad'r. a' 1il,- hletefetMrs Ht-nry hant- 01 E. A.Martin honif -Mr. andi Mrs. W. H. Olsmondi visîted Mrian MKarx :itla> iîtern:-t Nrs lt-mit- Low of Yîork Heuse Ni'iîn Chicago with frientis. 32c 14c $4.50 12c lOc 19C lOé Bower i-îty Mince Meat 9-ounce package for Heinz Ripe Olives, 1 pint sîze for. Heinz Ripe Oliv'es, half pint can for - ----- ]Beech Nut Pork and Beans, per cav --- ------ ....... Palmoilie Glycerine Soap, per bar -- ..... .. Yeio,.t Coi-n Meal, !û pounids for RolIed Oaîs, 6 i,otitnd5 fer Ise, 11C. 25c Dressmffakers Wants Black oi- White Cotton Tape Stay Bindinçr. 3 boits for. loc Ali Widths Black or Whiîte Blas Tape 2 bülîî for 15C Art Sîik Mîddy Laces, per pair Half Fiat Narrow Fiai-tic, 4 yards for - ......... . Ail widlths Inside Belting. per' yard ........... Dye Soap, 2 cakes for ........... Sida Embroidery Floss, 2 boits for................ 04c lOc 07c 15c' 15C .t -'Ii .-t- Whîte Rick Rack, per boit V-tbîîie Snap Fasteners. per card . -.. - - - - ... -... Black and White Dress Pins, per card ... - ............ Black Sik Binding Braid, per yard - ........ .. Cling Snap Fasteners, 2 dozen for --------------- Hooks and Eyes. ail sizes, per card ------- ------- Sewing Needies, best steel, 2 packages for ýý.... ... Corticelli Sewing Silk,, 2 SPoois for --------- ----- 10e 05c; Ise, 15C Dry Gooda Specials Ladies' Brown Pure Sik Hose, 85 Ladies' Brown brown-thread Sîik Hose95 Per Pair .. .............. 5 Ladies' Brown Fibre and Pure Sik Hose, per pair........ ...- _ _70c Lades FneBlack Seaniiess Hose,2c Kern's Chidren's Perfect Hose 35 Supporters, per pair ........ 35 Ladies' Fine Black Mercerized Hose39 per air _ .... .... .... .... 9 Comfort Sanitary Beit,35 each .. ... .._.............. ... 5 . Men's Soitex Fibre SAl Hosc, 45 Per Pair ..........- -- -------- _4 5 Clark's O. N. T. or C. M.C. CrochetlO Cotton, per bail .................. . , Hair Nets, single mesh, per dozen ...............__........._ 8 5 C West Electric Grey Cap Net, each - .....................-i..,, ..... Hair Nets, double strand, 2 fo r ....... .......... ........ --...... .. 5-4 Whie Table 011 Cloth, p et yard -.......................... ... Best Qualiuy Light Percale, pet yard...... Plan Chamnbray Gînghams, pet yard ------------......... Apron Ginghams, per yard ............................. Ail 10c Handlkerchiefs, 2 fo r ............................... Ladies' Plain Hem Handkerchiefs, per dozen . -............ ........ 5c Pencil or Ink Tables, 6 fo r - -.................... ..... Dreamaway Sicepers,$ e a ch ......... .. ........... 25c 35c: 18C. 17c, 14c 5c Men's CoId Weathier Nee Tîck Mttens, ~Ai-rubber Overs, 4-buckle, (flot t> per pair ................... ..... ........ gov't surplus) per- pair ........... Horse Hide Face, al leather Gloves,4c AIrbe,4bukeOes e 4 Best Quality Feits and Rubbers,<A7 quality, per pair........... outfit for ...... .....- «">* 4 7 Seiz Supreme 1 -Buckle Overshoes, $ 6- Four-buckie, Cloth Tops, best $3.6 p r pair ..........-------- 2 quality., per pair ......... Lanterns: We have a few dozea Sarpleigh CoId mgast 7C ~~~~Lantern ant which we offer while tiîey lait at79 a M. ýE. ýS HAFFEIR General Merchandî*e Grayslake, lhvniýois No 2 Can Sitced Pneapple. per cao Del Monte Cati-up, 20c size for Egg case conîaining 25 pounds coffee for ...... C;arden Brand Satier Krauî per can ........ Monarch Peanut Butter, 6 ounce )a r for -............... 25c K. C. Baking Powvder per can-- CamnpbelF's Soups. per can 'I LLE G L uctioneer 7_e R.'R. EPHONE 74 ........... . vipç-