o ¶1-J~~~~~~~~~~~TE LIBERTVIE INEPEMDENT. TIJRSDAY. NOVEMBER 24, 1921_____________________ DOMINATE SEÀ; Ah)MJTÇ ABD1RAL Rear Admirai Fuilam, former commandant cf Great Lalces station,_gives talk Nev York.-The ait-plane is thei amil dangenous foc of the $20.000.000 iatlee l ear Admnirai William F. #,l f lthe Naval Wan collage bld a oa~rn f ait-nsua!Ihe thIrd au- ~pgl as-nlaticedinnen of theAs- 0! Amanlc. 0 Mnhelmlig evl- hm~a la r en ste, be sald, forc- il .li cocluion'lat ses poyen vil het-eaftet- ha dependent upon air isCOcmervaIsrn fail cem plet clv 10 soalise,' he said, "the varis'Iy of ggnswich Itp aVsplane rnay use %-ebterpedoes., ~InFIs and poi aua gai-and that chbo9îfg Its time fer attacir, t cen subjecta fleet to j"tiona under vbicb shipa cannot OetPowerful Gun lnvented. *'The saineconsiervatlsm t aillaîo use the ait-plane le tte moat povan- tO suit ever ivented, with a range e190 or 200 miles and wth a pro- - boiSe carrylng moee bgh e xplosives Çfflan>' othanr weapon mountcd on bod orte&.- The successful transstlantic fligbts di tirs probable furtber advancc in Mrs navigation have demonstnated, he us.brted, thal the greatly inoesased euiursae. range, rsllahitity. apeed sud cas-rins capacity of heasi4en tian air Machines yl soon rentier tbem *8 Mogt dangerous ensmy cf te ses- Mek whteh nov congtitule the figbî- Meg 1in. efthe navy. Bro. Gem. William Mitchell, as- setaat chief of the army air set-vice. 40bled that 2500,000, the cost of a $g8tuoyen, the country cculd bave an i4le fleet vblch would stir al tir bttleahps' any fonelgu power Mý send la atlack us. For the de- IÇ>fm0 the Interlen of tite country, tt saId ' ve ahould tom eOur-attention iebuilng o! air fleets. as Psanc. and -England are dorng. IlOOOOOOOcOOOOOOOOo eo 09000000000 000000000 - OuMis Swasseon. Editor. La Vt»u in Auisnt Edter. à 0M lsie bay, Nov. 111h. va Ito4 tr. e, 10 hour rberoic f0 Toties in hcocf Wesley lO a" sd Uener-Albuight ver. aw i.biilé btirsIld vas given in l r o-'tire utûlirnv dead of aur J" ; trely, va ceu »ver forgeltirae obaffl»e at neaciromatea, Wesleyj Mi 0&W. as-e uty toc lii 10 boa- IMl M os- vay. Tuuly. virai a jUuflgo in ute give Omc's lite1 "MIOUe l7b. Se tume tueens r ff~lr e seiromi tiat tire boys9 musatire old Dem Plaines 40 Uifs yeutirulM.eorie vme they plgnted niar te, the etm Usalof Ont-e. OGramniar MaL IY Ous-nea alvays regard , h.. ticea s B&ient prayera o! pràlse 'fo lmeres-icdead. Ur. Howard @peut Salut-day vlth thés b0mmostang crovds e! the Uni- veawity ot MInoIi Ut-baa. Peuh Eohu bas besn absent for a "«"gk because of lulne"e. *» Xd auvrrlng sud Mn. IHowardt 0.5k IriS asa their day of visiting MdI vet te the Mavthorean d At-ca Iwo l'01mte, tham-Mr, bM. F. Scirye reistî l in ins us te maire ~k~1meXIa1platins a aucces. it . yoquai% vith qgr. '~U -e.Leale icCureo! lndiaqa>p Bau-nyKee la serloUsly il. Me r itheM teacborsattended ~j~o~c~s-.*e lre lIste ol~ay aeMued atmia BIes ot Chicago g nt, 01kbirs-pas-nta, lit.a lir%. 44 eb caular irasretusseS beiigir ichool agrlcultural club, 44 VbWcirChalmer Betin apreo44mt. $av* its annives-ary round-u4p W&iUe- - w eveming. Tire varloul races prov- AIININGO HOA~ N TOC LE A SI>EM"AL0e 7 ORH OUTILT 030-3-_U004eG -.surprtsing Iow pieeating rontuSts tin b u.sulyitrsig s The Warr en Cemete-ry Association lield ils monUitiy meeting ai the homc- of Mtit. William Barmslable Wednes- day. L. H. Miler, laie ef Gurnee Lumber Companï, is i2ow a full-fledged cattie buyer. The Vikings ententained rnsuy at lheit- axnual Thanksgiving outiug over he week end. (A postal card vas in the batch of items frorn GurueIbis veek, wlhb tbefollowing message: .Dean O- No! 1 havent fongotten !! Jutit Lave been to busy that I bau-dly kuow vbat to do. Expect ts the saine wtb you.1 wull write îornrrow nigbt." HMev corne?1 00000i0000000100000 0 LAKE ZURICH 0o 000000600000000000, Mir. anld birs. Peter Jensen_ spent1 Safurday un Chicago. Mn. and Mrs. Walter Prehi n md Mn. and Prs. G. Geise yens Chicago callers TUesday. Mir. and Mrs. Lee Coinstock were Libentyville visitors one dsy the first of the veek. tertained the Bunco club Satunday eve- ning. lins. Hienry Knopp and daugiter,1 Lydia, were Chicago shoppeni ome day last Ws'ek. mus Prances Plagge of Barringlon and Chai-les Pai'lek o! Wiusatoit vers guesîs of '.Ir. and Mns. Walter LI.aun Sunday. Mn. antd lir. LeRoy Landwet- drove to Elgin Tbursday. Mn. and lins. C. W. Kobl yens' Chi- cage visitons FidaY. "Mn. Kobl con- sulus'd a specialief while tbene. James Snelsings'r is in Canada ai- tendtag tbe funeral of Hary Paf tison. bis maphs'w. lirs. Wiffiam Tomne visited ber sus- ter, lins. George Propstele, at Arlng- ton Heighta. William Snmdmall. wbo is in thc Pal- atine bospitl. bas conItracted Pneu- monis. and bas, been quie sick. Mrn.md lins. Walter Jolley Of Chi- cago yere visitors ai the l2erman Hel- fer home over the week snd., 1 John (lehrke, vbo residea On the Fred Kropp farin, vill bold a public auction Nov. 28. Mn. Knopp yl move1 back le is fat-m about Dec. lit. Mn. and lira. William Gottschalk1 and Miartin cailed aI '%e Carl Ernst home Suaday. D)r. and Mrs. Metie vere visitonsi bere oeaday, 15*1 veck. 1 IL D. Bnandina viu called on the Jury Mondai., 060,000996660.06666 e wRIGHT SCRO-OL-o The folloving vere perfect ta sPeil- tas laut yeeIL WMjiam Barun, Min- Ie, Fralices and ChaMle Belenaki, Belle. Lot-ena and Bernice Baldwin, Otto fladie, Margaret a"d Rboda Me- Cormack. Afred BeclI feli on a cernent walk Iat week. cutting bbs noseeand face qulte .badly, sud maklng medfical aid Deoesny. lira. Msdsen renizeâ at bqme for tht-ce days hat 'mcc to cane for ber mother, vhe vas ill. linasVanna Hel- fer* substituted. Qulte a fev vene absent laut yack on account cf colda. Mn. Saagbuih, or Park Ridge, vislted hWm broher-lna-y, Juliue Itadire, tvo day.s Mveek. li. n.sd lire.Fred Stone ef Lake Villa viited tire latter's Pareta, Mn.1 and Mism. Haet-y Boyaen, Br., Sondai. li. J. Drounoqd laviittasber .soi in Chicaso. B84 p Pe-q vseir o! W. T. B. B. ene.jp. * wu, r$aauon rocenty gI Çpo lu qIsxîtyto Cal- vin bm-c»r, wbe.o u ~O a brokqa les virie plagias lent banM dte L. T.IM. B. campelaist WOOIL Ne scboel Thursday Mud Fniday on account of Tbtakogsivins vacation. Mir. and liMm. R. Gadlke, Jt-., ef Area yisited tbe J. Radke famlly Bunday. 00006606,,0006000 le AIES SCIOOL o 00000000000000000000 The achool vas closed for a yes'k ou account ef scarlet feven un, the neighborbood, but bus opaned again. lim-. Genke picked a mens of -bas f9r dinner November 2nd. Misl% Mildred Underwood Is emPloy- ed 'in s large firm lun (Iicago. Mise Morlock purchased a pain of sitage curtains and sone other articles last wesk aiso a new pencîl sharpenan. lins. H. $chwerrnan's death vas a shock 10 the comrnunity, and as' yil ha grs'slly missed li thIe future. Mn. and bits. John Groas sud daugb- ter Vers of Wilmelle, and Mn. and Mrn&. AI Gross and childrn of Chicago, and Mir. and bina. Bd Gross and daugbler Haze4-1 f l.shngo.-a...ss' is Chterful Algerls. Aigeian womn, chen mat-t-ed, ae- pasmtted te leave Ibeir bhome@ but onçe sr week and then ol>' te viat thre cemeter>.1 1 1 on the Mealth Chore.. liilds-ed Bat-bat-as. Clarence Scbar- inghasen, Joseph Meyer and fisymoncl Graff yensr perfect in attendance last month. Our Reading Cirle Books bave ar-; rlved sud va are very mugitpleased' wktI t tra. We are seing to ei gold seuston ont- iplousaIbsWu ar MAssue Mabel and Nanltet Kaanpett atteMeluteleachera' meeltng at LIber- vlviB. "ip seventh sud elgirtir S"s e.are &tu**& gthe dissanam*W coogmoea tfflg the dail>' payons. Jéeph Meyer visissa ibi. s .n*nuth trate the stou-y of 'UItle Red Riding Mood." li. nsd ina. Heramn Hendricks ne- turned f nom Battue Crack, Michiigan. Wadmesday evenin. A uathet- of the neighbors attemded the dance at Ridge echool Baturtday oveangu, Nevember 19. The Ilite folk& have flnlshed suit. able dosigna for Thaniragivîng bordera. ooooooooooo oooèo :FO HL SClOOIt. or lu Chicago FriSa>'. S1IideSoq Tn qIte, Nhspon converseV îj- "Tu wuas-si an ~ sd E£metmle*Cr*et-i ont et icboole cm~* T~s-m~Lyen acceunt of sickneau lest veel. Mm.é lnsEdvard QW sjgt cla Davis viositeS ui ichocl lait ÙiÎâ» faChicago. - srai. jQyer via MWcAigst i~ ae ~ t» u * 1 *in b«tlunch«,a.sud w. man borne Tluraday .vmnilg. cswêj thez, *eV ut> h. lir. Close imlerrucety vis- Ur. sud Ms-S.éo*.Brevet- @pentlesta ited ue;lvm à14st wlFs-lday un Ubertyville. lira. LusI &e chilldrencame beffl fretuin ertyvIIlt-fosr e veek end. loi 1VD* 0 0 nira d Ms-s. laîlliDavis ver. in tIADR .ScBOOL e*Waukegu Tuody tknt The ntera ment t te acoolLake county hoapital Tueaday and oy- bouse 1Thurda vas w a pleasaut erated on Wedkesday for- gall anes. succ.ss, due te thi .ultiring efft-S! 1Re is gtting siong as vell as could cf the maur persane ibtereated la the lie expected. undantaking. The entertalnmenl effet--: Wiltned Grever and Lee Br*wer ed by Mia. Ruth Castenton ou Kenosha !sPent Tuesd4y ulacHens-y. aud the violta sehacîloas by the Wis- Raymnond Luel lise vthdrawa ftrn mnbrother. ot Chicago were t-sa] j Libertyville higb achool, He vilI at- mrats o omnyofr the business collage ln Watikagan. LeonardlMiman han vurchaseu2sai nevw mlling machins' tnrougb the Lih- 1 entyville agent.Bett ]Flnsted. :o IG HOI.OW SCIIOL o The seco,'nd grade is comfortably Ib-;0 0 0 00à0000 0 0SOS 00 0 ,0- cated in the nsv chair-desas.racélved1 frnmthe Anieican easting Co. Wiltand Tonyan and Wesley Garbutt Walter Brandt le nsving a bamn huilt W-sic absen twIo days thia week. on bis 40-acre fat-m in the xnethvesî The fit-st. second sud third grades corner o!ftedistrict, mr rakinsç 1og cabine hast veels. t Oscar and Paul Naumaun eft Cli Er îsze, eoe oyu.WI cage Iast bionday for a sevenal rnonths' lard Tonyan sud Albert Hucken vers visit vitît relatives ta GenmanY. Tbsuy IPt-ni n sî.elhung Iast week. yens' accornPamlad by their nephs'w, Misses Laura and Louise Stedman Otto. These gentlemen ana veil knovný(n r,ufSwiua i.und Monda> îtt it- s. by many bers'. baving hein fnequ4-nt C. Lankin. visitonsa a the Emil Neumann berme. N l rks liant-) Dlizel apeut Tbursday Ralny veathen enlargas rnany et the., with heu rnotbs'n. is. R. Dalsial. strertms. Ait exemple atasseen of thisi Mn. and bineB. Nos-ton'teturuad In the McKaovu pasture. A sprng home Wednesday from up iotti. bull Pasluned there b>-Jac Thomnas,i Miss Frances Tarbutt ls speuding a Of Saugatucl, vas ové-come yhill orod f su dayt n Chiosse. lUg the aîreain and bis damise was in~ atanaiieeus. -'PRA. IENW > aFriSaY ntgbt bas beau snnOunced Qp10 O-, ;fft sNIIWîs F00 TIGE.- as the data fer the Mass meeting t 0 INOIPENOUN-41M OA YVAI e the achool bouse ta, discuse tire sel«c- e e 0 e o 0 0 0 e 0 0 0 9 e vyl noq luuvt M>d'izn n Nvem- ber 27- to visit several Madu',n . Wl-. Vaoliva starts out Novelnbér 27th w Itb a big 855 essive ccrnpaign ln the Stale of Wisconsin. His fit-el nttack wul l e on tht State capitol, and he will zpeak a! Madison on the atovp date. His Intention Is to covpr everv large city in the state of Wli;consin. and titan branch out Into other n(.arby etateg, gradual' radiating untîl he reaches every saite in the Union. As an adjunet f0 hi. evangelistle artivillas. Voliva will have moving pictures of the City of Zion shbowflg 's-.. . Um omault ie7 ite qualty and auge t..1 Ilargmomm*udsfor i<hOu Mmd @mu mli «ot- --bu thowoolorm lAuto- ut.# gm-get TàO»Bh laa t .w LUPIVUUEL FIVE JURIES IN 1'hohus.Aturinsnw DEATII RI DES IN COURTIIOUSE AT wllflld o mnyo or eidnt. TAXJIRUSSI3LL THE SAM4E TIM4EIPUiLdnat S;ag e nias r at-rretiosMAN IS JAJLED lw&s Leld a i tse Parish bouse for Mr. Cramped condition show need and lira. Pfannenbtill. Thursday night Adam Waskewich found dead cf nw Curthuseor Adi- tha Patrons of the achool met ai, oflnw Corthuse r Adi. chool bouie for a social Uims.Sattir- in machine when it reaohed tion to lit day lte funerals tf tyro Weil known Rissuli Pive ureswee loetd n helaen were held ai WautegaL-William- couert neswne losw e ted the iSpelîMan, forrnerly owner of the Folly When Erwin Lojeeki. driver foi the cori boselatand a the satda ai e ocn.e Farm, and Fred Scbîli bas don., mucb Eagle Taxi cornpany, Kenoeilt4 open- siderable planning to find room for work at Wilson a 'as blacksmith' for ed the door- of hie machine Sunda>' a]l of tbem, mc tbey could do thair de- ttbe farinrI n this community. night a! Russel fe let out two pas liberatlmg vwtibout interfering wltb Perfect grades in spelling fer the «es,-sùhn of them. Adam Waslce- etch cilser. mmes0 h out rd aowich. 39, of IRussell. was dead. Sher- Ther wee tw Juies ut i th jeElmer Green found a quart of Thee wre wo utlesoutat hibeen earJad by Heivi Gunsuerua, Ma. moonbn iitatxi n tadWs saineUnin luthe circuit court la ad. rie Naumaann.Sophie Skwarkowskike i'a tmtaiond ~beed dition te, the grand jury. whlcb tein an eihscmao utlhsbrd special session, and two Jurin e esadAnale Victor. Bessie Miller- of up snough te teslify ai the inquest ai in session i thecUnyou. firth grade ltks received the saine Waukegan today. Thtis shows that the agitation forj boiter. Two women friends of the driver, a new courthouse is based upon an Misses Anna Paskunas. 369, Lernon argent need. The board of super- street and L»ttie Prokop. 2nd avenue, visons will convene in special session.l 0* 0 0 0 0000aa0@* 00*0*00 enosha, wtre in the front seat with Dec. 13, a wbich tfne the remodel- 0' W 1 L L 1 A 111S * LoJeaki. The titree declared tbey lins of the courtbouse or the construc- *0 00000004000000 had nçvs'r seen the two Passeners lion of a new building willl b. dis- 1befone. cussed.1 John D. Murray has tsaen doing 'Moole l blarned for the cause of Thens' aneaai prasent two offices Isorne ebuilding on hi residence. Wasltewich's dealh. Lojeiki çalled tlint sbould be iocated In the court- j The boys In this communlty have for the passengers at 12 Congres bouse but which are located In pni- hegun trapping. Several mink anmd streef, Kenosha. and was ordered te, vaie buildings because of lack fi rroom. Tbey are the office of county skunks have already been victimae drive them to thein home at Russell. supeintndet ofachols whch i ini Wllia Gelin, averygoo frend The driver and tbe two girls stayed supeintndet e ecool. wicbla WiliamGeling a erygoo fnendai the Arlington hotel lafit night to the Wetzei building, and tbe office of 0f everyone i nîbe town. passed awa> be ber for the taquest todkày. stateas attonney located làu the Yager Sunday evening, Nýov. 61. He vise laid eWaslewihwsntrare.H builing. Theaupeintedena 0f 10rail Wedns'sday, Nov. 9th. wIlb a camie to ibis country from Russaa iii tics' ie rentad at a cost of $50 a rnonlb, lovely service ai the Mt. Reet cerne- 1912 and badl been Ut Russell for six and wbile the rentaI 0f the aiate'saai- tery. Mir. Geiiing bas lived. in Rose- years. Both he and bis companion torney'a office ie mot paid by the county dinectly, if comea out of th crans for 51 ys'ar. coming bers aithei were employed by the Si. Paul rail- esi-ninga of the proaeculor's office. cge of five years. roadlat Russell. wicb would ha turned over to the We bave just received Our set of The body or Wssks'wicb was takt-n county treasurer if fi were Inchided 30 books of the Reading CIrcie seîec- f rom the' taxi It the llirk hotel and In te srpls. tie fo pat o themony foinourafter Sheriff Green arrived the tiody in Ie srplu. .tionforpartcf he mneyfnomourwas remo ed te.. Iolland's undertak- bhfset ioclai. îng rooms. The i-heriff found Yasks' 0 0 00 0 00 0 00 00 0 0 0 0 Those perfect in attendance for Sep- wicb's companîca lying hlufiant of 0 STAFFOD SC.HOOL o tember Care. Ida Edwards, Marion bis abanty near the ralrcad trackie Howe, slud McNamat-a. Lucile Me- The latter probabiy 'would hais 000... ... ... . arnara. Rbeda Morlock, Imogens' Ol- frozen to deatb. We bave made "The Landing of the son, Robert Shea. AIea Smith, Alice Loieski said he had lncked up tht. Piigrirns" on the sand table. Smithu, Emma Smith, Esther Winters zassenaers atifz:50 o'clock Sunday Tbe fifîh grade bas finished the ;Md Mat-ian Winters. nlght and tbey arrived ai the Birk -Good Healtb and Good Baglisb" Tboae perfect in attendance for Oc- botel utitRussell ai 7:45. postrs, obe are Id Edwrds lon Ed Tbe companlon of Waskewicb touiay postrs. obé am: Ida dwads, oue d- ailsufficientl>' aobered Up to tllu Tbe resulta froin the,* last writing Wrards, Evelyn Januz. Riteada Mot-iock, Sberlff Green bis naine and te teeUify we Iseut in were very saflsfactory. Emogene Oison.,iRobert iha, Aiex ai the.-taquent, in charge of Coroner Alice Brya bas beau absent on sc- Szoith, Estber Winters and Marnas J. U. Taylor. He gave bis Damne as count of a severe hur sise received Winters. 'Steve Bohai. ai borne. The sheriff la holding hint for fur- The Stafford scbool received ten doi- ther b Investigation. Sobel refuaed te la.. anc a pair of rollet- akates as a te11 whare lte liquor wa@ purchaaed, pize at the Lake couty fair heldlast es WILUOT SCHOOL e The ta"driver testiflad hesaw botb Septeeret. The wonk vas under the mencatsk a drink froin a milk bot- direction of Miss Tessie C0009ha.**o0000090000000 tle a? the place whene ha vs called The ichool bought library books fori We have finished the big cabin for t0 gel the mean, Sheriff Green de- the MOIaeyanaexcbanged tihe noler1 the Pilgrim spnd table. clared tod&y that Ibis ià.,the home of skates for an lndoor balt The lde and giant stride are now a masnam-ed '"Steve" who formerly Ilyed at Rusell and was in th. county Oherinan Sponnenberg, of Gurnee. at the deot.f, ali bers several times ia cometion lia buit a new garage.1 The folloving pupils have a t-ecot-d with becs.e cases. Sberiff Groem aise, We ana making vinter hoquets froin Of 100 in aPeiulig- Ie Puat veek: El- loarned tiraI on Oct. 10, 1918j, Waak- rail vees vira Mentzer, lt-eze Bocknran, Lydia evicir attempted suicideaai 455 Peau-l We vill have vacation Thursday and Rockeabach, Chester Magie ad Loy- itreet, Kenosba, by plunting a knif e Fflday, al Melntzer. juin his abdomens un. H. H. Sponenburg la 10 bave a)] Mr Md lira. Cari Horenberger an- be tils om frTbWwivng nunetne bltrt gson,.a ber oik hom fo 0. 1. Eoèkenirach lef t for Gienvood V OLIVA TO CON* 00900000000060106,ity, Wis.. Sunday evening. o ARCHER SCHOOL *0 Soe of lte pepleocf oun distr-ict D C F J A atne h,footbàl ganie aiDeen- D CT À V II A 00000 00000000000 0 fSOileld aigu school Baturdzy afternoon. The loyer grades ara maktag the The ueventh and aightb grades dld IN WJC SN Tbanicsgivsug decorations, good vork maktag a rnap of Anisa on The fiftb grade pupils are' vorkingj 1 t-he . .n.. table,.. Ir So i rs . -.-- SseSpse- lUh-i torth its advantages as i l 1jgious crnimunity. free frOm iquor,.tobacc. J. Pl Ohanitv. P rk, OYsters, dancing,1 'heaters, and many other evils. The City of Mion nuibers about 6,000 persons and rnany persons, inembers of the churcb, keeP moving. in f:om time to time. Business Inut tulions In that city under the control of Voliva are a success. their iutal busines s otYear batit over $3,000, 000, and tbeir cash sales In Zion le. Parment Store amountlng tu $12,000 for one day. which was SRturday ANOTIIER CAMP AT'STA TIOMN TO au 0JSM4ANTLED Camp Lawrence consisting of fourteen buildings to be sold Nov. 30. Another .ctep tnward lis pre-war condition will be taken by the Great Laites Naval Training Station witltin a short Urne when stilI another camp th re la dismantled. Advertisernents have been sent ou' advertising the sale of ail naval buili In&& and equipment ai Camp lew- rence (22nd regiment) Great Lattes This camp le comprised of app.l)o imat@IY fourteen bluldingo Tlw' r clude barckg. mess hall. powe- house and miscellaneous e9uipment The buildings and sc.îupiment wili Le sold by seuleri bide. Propossl4 with complets' informatienr nsy b.- obtained f rom Ueutejàant Com mfaLder Howard H.Attire -')>. S "ais senior niernb". hard of survev aI'PraisaI and sale, t'. S. avsal train- ýng station, *Great Lakes. 11). Sealpd bids will Le ûperied Noverm ber Mff. ween the suceestful id probably wll be annou-need SOS 0000000 0000600ili * GRATSLAXE 1000000000S000o000 r M. E. i3baffer %as a business %isitor rIn Chicago onday. ' 8 Mr. Riad Mns. Ed Crabtree havt rs-nted the upper flit ut the Mnt-. E McGrath bonne. Mir. and MEr$. Alutond Thurws'li sic ît ed las? Sunday ai the home of the former'e aister. ire. Boy Knigges'. ai Area. William Fistier and family have mov f d ino b(th Edwards flat. y Mr. and Mirs. Lionel Richardson are F ejoicing over thue arrivai of a' baby 1Loy ai their borne Friday of las? ws'ek, s oa a x 0 x 0x a x0 s THE INDEpgEtMT uleM«» a s meu widely c#«d nevwffper in si a Lake ceont>'. - o vouekesesoaswogomogi Back To Pre-War Prices. AM tii. à evwom éoddde tià W, -te MM ini. hbgi pieu t aaome"l1". 1Imtryiagte deouvbit. W N PRICES ON GUARANTEDWNISIY FOR THE! NEXT 30 DATS AS FOLLOWS: Gold Crowns, 22 K Seamless -85--------- S.00 and $6.00 Porcelain Crowns. Pivot Teetb, Trué Bite moulde ------. .. - 8.00 Porcelain Filiings ............. ---............ ---..........82.00 to $600 <WAIl mot cilA8ge color> Gold Inlays or Fillings. accordiag to size --8........... Plates thai 1 guaratee you coau eat corn off the cob .....815.00 Ulp (Accordlug 10 mateajal) Treatrnent. nerve kiiled and root fiiled ... .... ............ And remember, 1 yl Dot buttYou. i use medicine tinst that taheS away the pea. TM 11PuCESAU! FOR 30 DATS ONLY. Dr. F. L CORLISS 130 Wadbhinaton et Over the Thomas Market Co. WAUKECSAN. IlL 'wI 6"JIM'PS"9 Auto Repafr Shop W HEN in need of Automobile Re- pairing tu-y us if you want the beat. Now I-ocated ini the Durand Building on South Milwaukee Avenue. James B. Wetmore Res.. Telephone 364-J LIBERTY VILLE, ILL Shop Telephone 367 Thoodore H4. Durat, Preaidant W. . Smilth, Vice Preuldant F. W. Çhurohill, Sucrotar>' and Manager. SECUR1TY TIT.E & TRUST CO. AITRACYS 0F M TIL TL U ARAWMER Capital: $125.000.00 WAUKEGAN ILLIIIDW cYOîr JAN LAST SURNviYOR- 0f "LADY EL(iIN"' DISASTER DEAD Adelbert Doebert, 89, was mu- siliun on i-fated 'steamer; 300 ersans perished Adaîbent Docent, aged gusiciafl.. Es, c lb.esrvivons et thW "Lady lg"dsatr, ID.vhich 300 peusn lost their- Uv.. inla &ke Ullnoff Waukagan and L.ke Bluff bit-bora. vaàt bus-led la Mlyaukee Monday, a number et Wankelgan relatives at- tending. Am.8; Uthé relatives vere hua cousins. Mis. Haut-y Denk. 117 Lake street, lira. A. M. Mona-son. 618 Bluff etreet, and Mr. and 14ra. Clan. ence Herberger. Haevas an Odd Fol. loy for 48 yeans. Ibat organization baving charge of the servyicea. Tha Mlwaukee payer oelt aide>- bas the felloyiug accûun f cflit. Dos- bert: l Adeîbert Deebert. 89, lest survivon. of the Lady Elgin disastes-. dled fate Thnrsday at hia home, 579 Sevcnth etreet. Mir. LDoebent came fo Nlilwaukee from Get-nany lnt 1852 and yaa a mu- sJclan on the Lady Elgin wben ft isnk len miles off Wsukegan. Sent. S 8 0. o - liembens and friands o! the- Union guards and the Green and BlacItJas- rgens. popular mililary organîzallone of that day, bad ernbarked on the steamer for an excursion t0 Chicago. At 10. 30 p. m., tbey left Chicago bomevard boynd. A etorm sprang up but bbc cîcur- sionis3so danced merrils- unîill t 1 a. m. the veine] vas ranimsd arnid- ships by te lumbaer vesse!t Auguste. floabert and Chat-les fieverung hâti aIt-ady packed Ibein instruments î.nd yenes tanding on the uper deck when the sbip snddenîy atasgered and llst- cd. Lighf e 'ment out, vornen sersar- ed and a panic ensued. jBeverung tbrew bisa nars' drain oôvet-Loard and jumped for il. boa- bent. irbo could onot siit.jumped afler hiu as the ahip wenl dovn.* Luckily ha found himsait ealde sl flontiag pIstil. or eighf bours Le eîung to the plank. Ha vas washed ashone at1 Winnetka. About twothirdi of the 450 pensona on board yere bat. That year evenY famiiy atlendtag St. Jehn's cathedra# rnournad a los? inember. UnUil a few yeans ego the survivos mat eacth yeaa te recount the tnagedy and pruy for their lont companions T. Malte Parchmit Paper. ]Payer ecu ibe tmade w o oklike paer-lirnérît by the followlng simple pt-oc- as'. ri, three or four parts of vatas- &dit one part csf Uiphurle îcid--sdd lte asid tau Ihe vater. neyer pour yater, Itarîid; Immrerae teimp' .ser fou- s 5ev secons in IDthiuis iloo, d itirer am uit lu uieail intioiia price raiqo C( Tlp ta boni patîtry shelvel made prossrvat tIed *unsihlnp long. fsy in Th!,bu~ri Pd tio bruhl artii,-irtner Hobel Shermar daSeve.' MI~ Thbr& will hb hp sald ef net rot o-t 68.060, duction w55 Ra cases. and thi-. age left, Thei the (United Stz catas::sma If figures FYotiý somehto uls ui acerriing 10 C 'for thIý riînditis 'Pnb-es cae finat 1h. can .qtand bhe gaff L er. titthe -ng large amou seports b.cos'ed 2 ated liButwit P'#nnpul gonds 4 saturation poin tinners un sel down lueur acr Price Or 'iJan. 1 icoods willl Pro lpa4l 20, Del cen toL e escbed uîauu.g i undt fiuits Thu -J Ont;b,5,ud',l parkëd rIl,.% s' h-fo .,o-" a ce: ('ulitirnia fruit but titnkeit I adeise hlt up.. For- the Wesl lion wishes yot and hega ta unf, pUiments of the tlnned basits. audsainon wi .,gdvanoe,,of last FOR ILLI Harold Brai death cf 1 special A modem 'Pc tifs off "Antoula~ ed ta Sbylockf llnd. appearedi day. yhen Haro rose Ave.. vent ieged murder 0f clal policeman Northweslern ri The chat-acter real drama is 1 Chicago attorne- J. Dady. Thîe pi ted by State's At The defendent vas with him. pI' inupannelling o!f ly begun. Brandt a nmers' having shot Les latter was tryinj front breakng Blodgetf. A t-ev vblcb Leahy but thle offirer mond. 4154 N. who died in HI tvo days later. vas captured 1 homle early thef SEEK KIN WAR 0f] sT Widow and B.- Harris b of \tV f ur1 judril, Wlf .tl f a t i lbillil Ca nett rIaieud but wre linoan und r ishcket MÉ hO ced t: 1