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Libertyville Independent, 24 Nov 1921, p. 3

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VOR ELOIN" FER DEKADI 89, was mu- id'seamer perished aged unician.. e of thD "Lady ilch 300 persoa ke Mkicaga off Bluff barbors, akie MUffay, a nl relatives et- relatives wer. enry Derk. 117 kt. Marilon. sis ad M4rs. Clan- wus an Odd Pel- kat organization Sservices. er of lait Pridayi au~nt of Mr. Doe- q9, lest survivor. saster. dled late ne, 579 Seventh to Nli'wauke 2 and was a mu- Elgin when If Ksukegan. Sent. de or the Union a nd Blacl Jae- ry organizationis nbarked on the '$ion in Chlicago. ey left Chicago p but the eNcur- rilp' until et 1 5 ran'-d aiaid- vess;et AuguotA. 3 Bevea-ung bad instrumenta iznd uper deck when. sggered and liat- 1wonaen seream- d. dis suare drurn ed for it. Doe- t swim. jumped lp went down.* ilmeelf heide s eight hours ne He wss waïkhed the 450 persons That year every John's cathedra# ber. UDUil a few iivors met ecd ragedy mnd prsy lion@, meut Piper. ýde to look lAke awIng simple proe- r perte of wsater phurie acid--edd neyer pouar water, e imsper for s Oew m. Msd then wsm ices. t in hrmgkgs1 av bit' Tii NEXT 6.00 ad $6.00 --.- $5.00 $2.00 ta 86.00 ..... 1 15.00 up et that tahea Market Co. île Re- nt the iilding 'ILLE, ILL Ic. Preuideant ;T Coi IARANTEE LIIID 1 THE LIBIRTYVILLE INDEPENFT, THURSDAYNO\ EVIBER 24, 1921 Wl' ! ZOç~UP OF INTEREST T ~ ~r ~I1 BYEdited b Ail C. E. W ME ELOC K. 'W 1 t pJNÇ Lake County Farm Avsr Bo)YS AND CIRLS HAVE TRIP'Oe P--.'-' '~~ ss cet~SoneINTERNATIONAL ce nl.en 1î .p50) boys and girls wil, hai Price raiqe ^f -"-- Off,InfAý ie big days et the International LivV Corn. Fruits !stock expoiiog ln Chicago Nov. 26 to Dec. 3. There young foîkas inctude Tip ta bouge*wIves. Unl'èis your 1tiiOâe who have made the best records pautry sXhelvels ilre tadeti wjtli honte- ilL boys' antd girls' club wonk. made proserves, the ranned and bot. TI>ene la. a great variety of clubsu tled *unpihInp of Your own litile gar- includlng practically every claas of long. lsy in Your stock of ceuned i lvestock, xethms h il 1rosetl. -i h ip e p J a e erent adsaminng clubs, and Th!, .~-fitaeasage was ro1 ave alIçizmade sanie o ftlle best rec- ,Pd ilie p~ tublc 1w Cofltihn A. Lee e la Inthe llvestock. clubs. ai lite c anerm' convention et the, Theie junior fanmera are the guestà Hatel Sherm an. Chicago, the otlter 1 of the nlatonal committee on boys' and d ey, Mili 1 Cse S :r girls' club work, of whlch G. L. Noble Seve MilionCass shrt I la secretany. e r&willl i a .hortage Ibis yemr I hl. gaid of neRrrv 7000.A00 cass a of This comnittee represent.s the huai- ent n-168.000o rafle. The 1920 pro- i ess interestsé of the coutry, andi ce- duction was approximagdil; 1600.000o operates wtb the egricultural exten- cases. anld thp.e l.. lttIe of thsf vînt siMon dePsrtmelLt andi ait farmeru' or- age left. The normal cnstumption i n ganizatlons. The boys' heatiquarters ,the Uinited States aeragps 12,000>0001 yul be et the Y. M. C. A.a and teh -es: man Ai ýOu are sl ail tiandy at grsS ligua-e. yn(i pan readil e sethat grsa he New' Southem "olI. samphofv wll have ta go wthout They wil have the <>forttntY Of .e dcorn. bearinLg siueh mon as J. W. Cioverdale. A ifftentnal decrease n acreage, secretary of the Amtericas Vanm Bu- acu-rding to Col Lpee lm responsîble reau FedleratUon; Josephus Daniel$, 'for thIý rî-ndîttor. former secretary of the navy. and Mon. "Prit-ca sire alumplng sa," hi saiti. H.C. Wallace, secretary of agriculture. "t hat the cannera siMply coUldnt Beaides seelng the llvestock show. .stand the - aff Il wax rpported, more- avin. tltit the governnient vas holti- these boys and girls wyul vAit saine of ing large amaunts oi corn, the these the mail interessing places n the clty eportri ;,rnved ta have bien ezagger- of Chicago. ated, But wth tise army dumping1 The packing Plants of Swift. Ar- rý#nnped goods on the market and the imOur. Wison andi Morris wiu be aveu maturation point about reached, the ate .str nTesa.a d r'înnera in self defense had 'ta eut, hs1Istn nTcsa.a d down ileir acreage Ica tion n ltseif for thern te~ sep han Price One-fifth Migher Itte big packlng plants dispose of thse "By Jian. 1 the pri(e o f canned - thousantis of sheep. cattl-. hogs and goods wiil probably inrease by at rheep every day. lpast 20 Pet cent, the pealt prices w 111l'lie Fild Museunm. Chicago IBoard t:or be jeached because of the IlAmt-'d of Trade. Art IntItuta- naît Chiraci puowraî- >r -r -of the public. letraeo h i' "Ac-.--ree ai-to wAre decreas'-d byTetraca h-la îg îi'enata ii-fa>;. bans, totaatoes A recepltinwill b-,: , b>lr-e and f ut The output o! fiti, esPe Howard and bis staff atitIllegc'u-ra: cr,'î nann. sama'-'ai, rel»ricî riffice of the Aniî'rrr-sn Fa' tnt Buteau ed oni- b'î0~ cas,-, 0f îeas werc Fedleration. parked 'it.î peàr. as again-ir 12.254 On thie-fast day the Iii h- au -r' '00o î.ire.sa v>-cr rago, and I'erp %s- ~lunclîcon aervî'd b> 'lic 1tcornîîck only Ai--:a!i stock lcff ove, The i' ir*ee c ay n wl -ohv ('ilifr-rnia fm ini crop was excellent.,an-nrco an.adwlaio ie but limicd. 1 should b> ail meansi a tripî tiraugh Lincoln park ta visit adiAr 'h-ifty heuaewiî-es tea tock tii' tropical gardens and sec 'ha birds ýup."land animais. Paizes nîli bc given for For- the Western Cannera' associa original club sangs and for the' best lion wishes you e Happy New Tear dernonstration b>. club members. and hegs to informn >ou. wt the Con.- Boys' and girls' club work s grow- pUiments of the season. fihet prices of llnned beons, corn. tolnatoes, fruits ing fat n menabersbipl, in wealti Pro- snd sison will b. considerably n ducid and in quality of work. Club - tdvanoeo,ôf lant year's quotations. aembers are setting the pace n f iclds of grain;' they are vtnaing prisis in KE ~the open clases et livestock shows; i' RTW 'beutlfylng thein homles; learnins ta PLEADS prepare ad ean f ood&, andi. injbort. FOR 11E021are naklng the farmâtaàmore dti rable. ALLERiD SLAYER TELLS 0F NAD Harold Brandt on trial for ENCOUNTERED IN 1 death of Maurice Leahy, @@AUOTI special policeman O f U OT I A miodemu "Portla pleadins for the life of "Antoni" alleged ta bi lndîbt- T. D. NewelI of WaUkegan ar- ed ta Shylock for the lood of ma- i rives in FloCida; 'A.. 4 kind. appeared n tie circuit court to-i~etr day. when Harold Brandt, 3916 mont-,r îourney made by auto rose Ave., vent on trial for thei aI-1___ ieged naurder of Maurice Leahy. aspe-i Jacksonville, Pn. cial policeman for tic Chicago and' Nov. 9. 1921. Nortiwestern ralroad company. Edlitor Indepeadent: The character of "Partia' n thus arrivcd ln .t-sck-on îîIle. Fis.. frote reai dramea As Beatrîce HayesIa 1odell. I1 Waukegs nn rrr, rla i-.oa Orober Chicago attorney, aided b> Att>'. RalPh i ii riait( thanîlit ailfiw worrls In re- J. Dady. Thie prosecution is relîreten- eýî ijt,,rls. eic. miglit ie of -ome ted by States Attorney A. V. Smith. arc-re-- tîî tha-.c aho nia ' lie, Pla Tie defendeni Brandt. viose mother! c-rtc a r:fî 'uti i this wav. was wlth hum, pleadcd "flot guilt y" and 1'Ii rati- consi-rcd of ilhree aduits inîpannelling of a JurY was imînediafe nil thcîc chlildn-,n We made the iy begun -ilril, ilailnem Nristî , îvifIl p terfornmed Brandi a mere youtir, la ciarged with 'frrir-aor r- i- cards, wfircli One having abat Leahy te deati whic ite îîcrfectil a had no tire trouble, .1l latter vas trying ta prevent two 1e a wh a ddcd ta the pleasure o! frona breakng into a frelght cart o 1t Iwuulîl ,dvIse gettinz road Blodgett. A revolver battle ensued I aa>gef fiee of chlirge, ' irom the 11hi whicb Leahy vas fataliy wounded roi, Auto Assa. or frontich Chicago but tii officer shot Herbert >McGam- 'tiotor - Cub. if a member. Tiiese mond. 4154 N. Trlpp Ave, Chicago. cardii '.1m te t nitre n ialetai], and vira died n Highland Park hospital Iile, one- i cîîmfirti,' feeling la tvo a iYq later. Blrandt cscaped. butl knowiag that îhcv are on the rîgit vas captureti whea hie rîachedhilart """lad e lcaiii actlgt born eary th folowin moring. .I n faite -oad itis fnat sAgn _________te ____ iiuiiring oliriid -of wiîich there arc maay. W, iailevia Disie Highwy mosl -riilracebuit ilenurefil occasion SEi KIN Of CIVIL 111,ri it)r, of ganai- attendant- il d frîl i goaîl rait-m lan î"rcli in- WAR OFFICER; PAY nr t 101, %taî, îaPiti" 111. t rrnl -irrlt or iralit Illie oa rlr.r.în'r- c lil uas 177 uiles STILL DUE HIN ît:t.n r tniiminzlnI nd. vi Widow and children of Tracy rÇtoý~at rer rIiarTu B. Harris believed to be in r i. ir rlîrrr tnii,'. ron f-itlîer ,id pr- - lrlly. ini W aukeganj;,1l! le an 'i,,1rn-l, ;n imxi r.î-r' 011i- l '(lut 1 A t- , pa% tir! a pî-r'rrtr. (fie Adtil Ooxp-.ii- î r îî- t- t-r- tt r ait T.': l i - ~ vîr -r itt. l i",'t tn-î rir' C'it'ri l I t e 9 >1 ia i l : -, rr crrp i n- <irird mi, ir r it A tirut t li-ved i ' l'ociif rrr , lin t trr' 1. 5) rir i lu lmut of ind ý; ý,0ll i fnritI ,rhai 1rm ghIr îîd rl i i i laies. V ~ ~ ~ ~ ýý 'or in i'fint < etCil-'t-r - rf ~ ~ G Vi - .- .A. a.k. - I . !rt 4utail ti ln orail. volieilin, fili(,r, r ti i -rîtr spots id ira-t ur . t Iir Il > :-.deailIt iigrtti a1-t'so sirt.t : nî'u ir Ita taîiîc taflu r "Il' ~carn will Ilit' Slikeîî l' ka'X i- rît. i, 'rit- tron> ItiIllei!. Long siindlng Si-"î t~r CceaI i A' cusag 'ni, umt n rittùstftalnv rc 'h ro THE FARMER XSRVC E , or'.tn. . R ý T LD A 4""T foi t!r- r talaI : - film tc-fio i.,The', are- tionstrtar ýR Jlia,,a o rubt Iir tan bi- dînme ln rtr-was ao li. r RCL&1 S bac>kcard ta. temaîn at therr di-- ta ii lrîdtli-rron. and are laaîag thiii, hEIN athredouLth-%INli l :inilltin ot a-.mole pro.ilieriilî.ag- - 'ton îh . le-stu ttto ll-xr tdt a, ln - 1 n914 na-r-c wcre 23.OOuî vclub iýi-i Cean-up squads of the U. S. ing. tiose viasem dicoraged. and Lt- itadit(]l a atotal of 331,00o. Tite-Veterans Bureau per!orming 'am ittoia> m an out fitio ter i l' . ticar asnerductate>milliondo]-d valuable service fiCultias 'verp iAtintc for those carl> auistadwanai in ilo o scenes caming before thear. an don- li odthe- cost o! producing it. four- One o! the bet proofe. ths' tie nin- yard tiey go. ýknoving in >outh the> Sad one-half nsgllon dollars, Banks! ly cneaieti u. S. veterans' fluneau laswcre taught tiro ecr. ic;afld lub mernbers 11.636,000 toi functloning efflclently and Ain fie hast Seveuteen yeamaaseJfu4t Mfinance ticir club projects ýuüil tie intenists o! the disablid it-servîce go ot' g Jhewid t e fin-t Sfai siales brougit the club miembers min, lien in the work' of fie Clean- dian school. niere site soon learueti Itofunia pa>va back fie loan. antd n up Squas. These Squadsa tre organ- trosrý cases heavi a nean lîttle sum. ca izid trugi the District Office and cheir signas and ways. in returf bting- the gt.od. as the figures on the value tiare s. ai the prnaint urne. rune Squad Ing tiena ta undirstand our language. costof podu operaiing la e0mb of the forty-eIght anti îcb one learneti ta love ber, as tI h o w . ,î u t n i c o t o r d c i n ta te s o f th e U n io n . t e i [ le tt i-is v A îl te s ify . T h e p a r e n it s lhw The U. S. Vterons' Bureau la a gov- off en traselleti miles to' vsait tic achool This one week in Chicago vili vortit1 ernment bureau which came into hi- ta jecevinat tir ciildren nere learn- tAhe effort of the vhole year to tic boys ing upon the enactment of 'be Sneet îng about tic new vorîti the wite v- and girls nbo bave cils opportunit>- of Bill in July of Iis yecr and Is cons- mi a ecig hywr rew seeing sorte of tic best tiings lu Chi- poseti of ' the thnee old governimenc at a ecigTe e rec cao hii ueclyha t ofe ati-agencies, thre Fetieral Board. dor Voca- tapr o t ir but the calling for tcg h e rtenal featsofftic ave- tional Education, U. S. Pubic Heclth olti friends vas strong vithin lber. and theeduatinaifeturs o th lie-Service and the Bureau of War Riaitkeslenesigned, coaalng back to us fit- stock show. Insurance. ail of viicb vers consol- teen years ago, and taklng up her olti Tire Grain andi Hay show s on at datet ta or fa Iis new agcnc>'. This profession. the sanie tîme, District. vhlcb la ia the eighh conn- Her funeral vas belli Satun-day. Novr. A aumber of Lake county stock meni prises the Stats 0f Illinois, Michigan 12th.' in the Federated churci. uandir will abown ahh International. andti Wsconsin, the district office be- tii auspices'af the W. R. C.. vio con- It A-siel tiat thii.county nl beasngai Chicago,1.19118. dce hi evc nsc ude iikîly 151 b Inorder to gAve service and ecumin-dutdie sr-iiAsciasbud rePresînteti by alilfour classes of ie@- ate -réd tape", the Veteran"' Bureau loyal manner, shoving how deeply they stock--iorses, catie, sheep andi bugs. bas bien organieti on a decentralîza- ail fait their ltogo. Tic purpose of tii big exposition s tion plan. Fourteen district offices Rev. R. C. Hallîck preached a ser- tno-fold. Firât. ta show tii best lve- have bien establlshed in different taon neyer equalleti vithln its nalîs, stock that con be produceti and, sec- parts cf thei country, andi unden these. teensing witii eloquence for tie depant- ond. ta demonst rate econotny lanluro thern are on. buntireti and fort>' sub- cd anes cliaracter. and yen but voie- duction, district offices lu operation Thi out-i- te- uh.adsi, oc T.exhibît fr0 ttie t' S.depant tnigtnueo hpa st hi- a rd. sayiag. prepane a tirone,a if-ti tif 'ill muh meniideiîins relief or training frons 'inoragriculture wl be mc larg tii goves'ment can geti-r idrectly Ilaeti is coming. taoapen vide heas- i-r rhan et-cibefora Probleis ise on tidstrict office. wvieas ionm- csgt.t di i e-lt o .stock management and theii-utilization crI>' t vas necessar>' foîr adjuslments lighr shi- hath added. aur- ava dark- o' le 'dng 4tuffs are tihe aew phAass- and auuiiorlzations ta be-made from eaed homes t-a declare. flart cr11 bi- 'akpa uîr b> ie leîîear t i0 tAonefscBureau bas e-rabii-lidper- Witen bur a chilt sote c-as a laniîP n a 'i i r.ilav s oal contact vith tie cx.qicvi r-a' min oui er rîtieFrs leet. r-sumiag CîtlI-t-i- andi caperi,-,-t %l-cho are ts varda andti olai "s ery't.iIige.si a h-ent sfa-o *' 1 nl ilî u - tate~disableti man can casily firi mi-aans erýln rsewsal vnt. t- IelattIo-iattop lproductionata talk aven bis case pin-.,IIî iiAoii>tahu -r- tU, l a Bureau represintative Ni-uer i di tli' hoir rende rhaî Nrr:iîIti a ail]ifeaturea tI aziant 1Tii Clcan-up Squati-tonan' t:wiichietet straifit.oaimeloti>. -ofta-nedi b) Th. î.î'wî.-- T iotclîl îclîoduci-'i- s opcraiiag liu each star' r ý-. Stich-is iteti r ici. untit an, coulti noit tiiod 'rinnaurc he- prairti- ranids wcirhirire gati. Wisconsins anti Illiois. t' anc of c irretrinL. Th ii> c ti vnn tir ast tuuui-î t ua sý( i-otlta -x)eimaiintîpas thie mogt succeQsful mean-tof hring- cttts c-et-e but a svhslî,r. 'une-. ng tic Bureau ta tic îltsaàbli-îl ex- Lk eti lwrwihted Eu-r i-t lor tebeaag matie toilîîkcserv-ice man. Each Squadrl onsista of Utear. wni ern fo ercirr oe i cd tii eisexposition lie hi-st out.a aCompensation Expert., ai ninaIer mii.r.îu->lite cîfli us. andi hei tir, [,iEpert, a Physicien anti a neretary, s-- - score of >iai.à. On ligit efl-cta alone via are sent oui fronitue Bureau:;îrn et artt- ail alang ai-r patil- a larget suait ai mone>' s expendedt t and furtier than tuis ail Squads a c a> fleure brillianct->thiie eening enter-titis District are nov accompanreti by taininfiwhchare periapa the beet a representaltive of tic Amreican Le-LO S O part o! thbe calositon. glan andth ie Amerlcaa Red Cross. Goodi musit- voîl be pî-avided al i e Thesi a8quatis travel about in the state INS O P TH tflùe. anti istablisb lseudquaters for several Theralw) assngr ssciai as f population la the District. The ex- W ORLD; CHIRISTMAS have grantîti a one and' tîne-haîf fane service men living witltin a radius of usvg Ataqe r for tic round trip f rom alI pointz hi- iveniy'îlve or flfty miles o! that tovn nveen tie 0h1o andi Misiippi rivera. cam then conne 10 the Squad for par- I R R L E D Lake ount>' fermera anti visltors cas daima for hospllalls&ton, comitena- - taire tudr choice of rail Or enta, viti ton anti vocatUonal traiaing. bord rondes ail the vay ta Chicago. lu the event. Uaat amy ex.s.rvlce ma Walter Christmas and seven là physîcally saable te corne ta the glog th aulie littie ChristmaM s ake their another bati atrelet anti noulti .dvise Creus make arrasageilents anti iom. home there making t by dtayigtt-at least the mesmber o! lthe8Uutil visita the ex- first baif. as there l8a&bout 20 mils service ma et bis home. detuur tbrough tie pine forent that Durlag th. tint two matia of their Vin, . I:Chriuimus l hege! Uni& la bard enougi ta follow b>' dayllglsl.exigence. the Claan-up Uqquadin l this elly Christmas uqako bis appeerace tien about 25 miles of ratier beavy District intorvieveti J.483Me perion- on Dec*ber UItl,4 bult bls e arI>'hèe golng niru sand. The total distance ally. 0f Ibis number 1241 min matie liis yer. Me tiltiat conne tiown chilu- la 90tamles. Iboir first applications for COWpeU5f ne>' pots, or race through the clouta I have not bien souti o! Jackson- tion. 177S men matie application for on a reindeer shti, elîber. Re luit ,Il- but lie reprtias tiat tiiermatin vocational training anti 3,167 men vers blew lu frnt. tho.north, anti bas conne arc gondti al tiie vay ta Miami. givin phystcal examinetlons. JAs ca t l2e City' of Zion ta stay. Walten W~e made nhe trip la letr days-a rest aof ibis ivo menthe' vork. a William Chxiatmas vas a travelling total d.riimi on o 1432 talles, but o! great many min havi bien placet ini grocer salesmanln the City o! Wini- conurse. hette tinte could be matie if aocatianal training anti many Itpareni npeg, andi having heard 0f ZMon andi desîr,-dt Moar af aur meals vere Par, bave hein grantiti compensation. some Wllbur Glenn Volva. I deiedt that cha-'et at grocery stores anti cateti o! tie avards as bigi as $80.00 per ZIon Cit>' vas a gooti place ta lie and h%,rte raad-ide'. vilci sat'ed tims monti since the date cf the macn's dis- to rear chiltiren ln a dlean aimosphere. nul %aisnmale ecanoatîcal. The en- charge. Ans a resuit of tiese awartia. Accordingl>', like many otiers. hi dis- lre roi5 of aur trip hing a littIe un- many mein bave receiveti checks rang- poseti ofhils gootis anti movebto'Zion, dert $8l0.îltIntles aor garage ciarg- ing front $500 ta $1500 as firat pay- anti is nov a grocer salesman in Zian v r'-e na' excessive. . ment oa their comnsation dlaimas. Dcp artimcni. Store. Beeldia Chistmas, A gîrrîtinattitr5turtats ara arrts-ing. fn speaking of the vonk of tie Clean niiere s Mrs. anti ema lîtile Chist- trrnrc-rag tliai, tennts, cois. and cook- up Squaais. the American Legion, ticmsealhpe.alnl.at I ng îitrn1*lii, îaî-oidiag tise bris American Redi Cross andthticVet-ans glatiste,'rilhapyerlel, n r rutet ; int- îuifrrn t arkni acetse f Foreign Wars trfothMrasd~ r. Chistmnas, whetlîcn is on ac- rani ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a ,în Vrgi ilni icsf0higil> for te co-operation chat -no u ae h nv ii a it iclb>-thc dl>- for tiiese te have gva nsc athil ampi t-o Iouato i oe ekosnt a t(itrr-, ir l **ia 'lanners rtticy are b e-'g ersett -e tti tetaenfrequently calleti upon ta don tie 'Irr- ain sorneî'imes caner and ylnîgrpeeta.'s*~ ae of Christmas. He has danneti the clcînniî-r ils are alsa furnnslîed. field ta assist the nmen in preparing white beard and the red suit and par- One molre tlîing la regard tu, roauia th.eir dlaims and by giving tie propen de may a tume as Clinistnas-mut-lt %ii fltle of theo road travelled caul datvance puhlicity to tie visita of tichet tua atecnc by rjas.vanlu le-up Squatis sa that tie ta tii- deligit of Suada>' Sciool cuil- Youa rul'. ex-service men migit kuow vhere andt dren anti others. Canatilan ators@ VusTrD l vilI whîn ta prisent thirnvarions cdaims, havie bati im parade theIn prennisea An>' ex-service maWho lei. iter@st- as CinsmsaniCnsma ivs cd in prescnting a dlaim taoana of thisi suri- inoligi. la Zian the>' don't be- B A OLD BRA DI Squads. rnay procure furibîr informa- lieve n faoling fie childnen vitihbug- HAR LD RAN T ton concerning same hy communieat- houai fables, andti nllng ta mote thc 1ng v, ii local post of the Aniarican ciiltinen bîllîve that datidy Chistmnas MURD R M L te District Officc o! tic Bureau direct mas Evi anti crama tie tockings full at 14 E. Congress St.. Chicagô 111. of gonti things vile lic litile huti- TA IS NOites sleep. andi that stork bring lsbe ST R S N V 8OBITUARY, f brougi the skies, wrapped up ina - tontributiti) napkln. anti are ihien turuicti aier ta Ifi 1sr.eîdoni tîtat acoitimunil>- s as a docton vbo passtes tie baby on fo Special jury called to heal, siockcd as vas aur-t Weonestiay, Nos'- temte.Te r o a tt believe auci bunk, anti s0 vu-a an>- case o allegd slayr o! . aln voit rentiietiuts tltf u"- body dons a Cirîstmas jacket la Zion case of alleed slayer blos-eti fnd. M lisAlice A. Poole, theise no h ieI ndlul R. R. policeman thall îunsscti rstrit. iic ati hien rail-antienjo>- thenîseîvs staas mach. on infg for a > car, bil 0j t tE tivo montdis 1arore titan if nie>' lituilbe-î toi i nilie '-si. ialirîl oi- f 25 vcfliremerr sias sili adsit aeu l iis,- ainst regain- Es-en vien Dr. Dowie ilanneil a tiati lit ikii Tfirutris s n nIrte ci rt-uit t-our0t-pi ieî-n Ir ut il ci i ni fuitspArti s atiI >-Christmaas suit antigave-o' uinon lya fi' inift(- I:i f i. randt. :1916 'Nt'~ n X i t r gtt. cîtntgi-ci it .îlf îîr-hd woun~li e flirrianî-nf sli in d ianIy ta the cîildrî'n Christmas t1ý I ldo rIl lptMitcet-te -ahiy, apecia ike a boitf i nt ru lear sy Eupe servyboi kneewlis i-na tt ' to le Cilag Nonr thir -a n IîIc 'u nrrtI r- i cii. almsuicrîîî AENW VM ut : r.l 1 t -t illîntigi, alan ît u.rî- ,'o îî ncncaî i-KENOSHA M4SONS TO rLIr; i nrit un n , It- t t HAE rWTE PL lýI-ý -' t It niiud ibatrist, tant ' NI i- trt. r iirl.- .iti- it. einl - n îîîr i of ir I.r hlo gi \ r17 t M -t- ' itnnîîtrrond aol w-: ira 'u-.t r'n- dftfrl n 'rt tr A itrî,titt ti tar r-r r-litai nn nai tr-e ttir" tnt ttii-, ili iin aeiet i i irîrrî i la i. t*ii-s , h f i-l i u n d Ofi lt-trI r:'n I t 'orttnnt.r i i ti r out îron ut i a. r-p- it ou- i 'lttiii-t. l ]'tr îrvtoirtri' t . ofrn nu hie imoiti xini-r '-m rtrtmlt tir- -to'fi-t- aîîîîiî-- r . - r .rî.n ý -il I--ctenhl .î iirr- 'olIti 1' tI ttt- iltI itfa eI tu ii i-- I I ni iui rnli -. I nn -irc - nitn- ttli r 7oiittru ofî' tnrîi Ititfi. r.btas-ni- rnîrnîtît tiri ulhit-nie,-îî-îtîîîîfitt-i. tnî t kr'ngI ~t il flAti rMt.IL r Capital $25,000 Surplus $2,500 WOU are cordially inviteê to attend the openiug of the Wheeling State, Bank, at Wheeling, Mlinois, on Satur- day, November 26th, 1921, from 9:00 a. m. till 8:00 P. m. JOHN A. SCHMINUE 't. REUAL MfATE TItANFERS 8yA.K. BOWEs e., S Sioo~oe i: Nov. 15. 1921. Estate of t<ugh McFarlaae f0 Agises A. (Sergea. lot 4, block 50, Highlandi Park: Wl) 812000, scannp $12. W. D. Thompson ant i vie 0' W. J. Tela. lot 25, Camp Aqua sub. FOx Lake; Wl) 110, stansp 50c. Fu.L Blacher ta E. L. Hutchîns. et aI. part lots 2 4nd 3. block 2, Original Lake; WVO $10, aîamp 86. W. T. Brooks anti vife et aI ta C. F. Huai, tract o! landi on E side R.und Lake; WD $10, atampt $6. Nov. 16. 1921. W. B. Ingolstadt ant i viii'rulisaik- on ifecg ant i c-ie lot 136. Pi"rtsant Vica sobinl Sec, 24. Grant tc:t. Wl) 1145o, stanqmîr50c, Almbert C. Antes andol ife et ai ta G. J. Ballargeon. lot 1, hlock 1. Di-er- fi-Id; Wl) $10.stanîp $37.50. F. W' Bock anod vife fo Genîral Ilailers Ca.. 10 acres la N 1-2 Sec 15, Waukegan 'wl,.; Wl) $10. stamp $4. WV. J. MacDonald qond nife ta Mary Randi. tract a! landtIAn 8W 1-4 Sec 36. Di-arrllcît tep.; WD $10. slamp $6. Nov, 10, 1021. A. P. Shanaban ta Robin Krugly. lots 3 anti 4 hîlng 20 acres An NE%~ Sic. 16. Benton Tnp. W. D). $10. Stamp 81.00. Josephine Novak and bushanti to Minnie Wîren. lot 24, Ostranderu Lakeide Sub. at Fox Lake W. 1). $10. Stamp 8&.00. Ennemi Schroeder anti vif. to Sam-- ue] Freese 1 acre lot Village of Hait Da&Y, W. K>. $10. stamp soc. 3. S. Grnley andti vie et laItao0. G. Thompion anti vISe, lot 11. block 1. Everbreese Sub. Long Lake, W. K>. $Io.Stam 5se. W .?.uOum" toa Bnp Puure Club, lot 151 Biodby Vhrm Sul. oni r«x Lake, W. D. Sl."Starnp 88.00. Nov, 1 ~lii Louis' Calr n U n. Rlch, lot et Doadout W. D. lie. Stamp $1. Rudolph Weuilanti to Alfredi G. Taylor anti Albert F. Outhrie, lot lu Village of Lake Villa, W. D. 810. Stamp $8. F. T. Fovîar ant i vie tb ,iae Kool- mira anti vifi. lot 26, block 3, Fl'aI Sub. Lake V'illa, W. D>. $10. Stamp !Ilc. John Tynrell to Mary Anthony part lots 9 andi 10, block 90, Highlandi Park W. D. $1. Stamp 83.00. Antan Ventile>' anti vife to Josepb Novota>' et aI lot 7, Siati>'-Laae Sub' An Sec. 21. E. Antiach Tvp. W. D. $550 Sf amp $1.00. Nov, 14, 1921. P. J1 Blco- ad vife ta F. P. TIiNlot a 22. Bloners Sub. la Si-t. 9, CubaitiTwp hXV1D. $600. Statatu $1. Max PrzN honaki and i vfe 10 Stanley' Gtuleveki anti cife. lots 36 andti biai'k 4, Wasîîburn Park. North Chics- gui. %V.D. $6.95. Samp $1. .1 S, Hios tri G. S lenson ati vife frot 7. îlot-k 5, lot :37. block 6, Mylili Park, Waut-otuta. W tD. $10. Stami, $1, G. W. Waosworth ant i viiita Fmi,a" anti Annas Cuden. loi 107 Wstis- coi us Suîi. Wtakegan, W. D. 1,000. Slamp $1.00. Est, o! Mary W Yoe ta iFrank anti ,%nna ('aiea. loii 1(6 nswrontiiSub. Wouik gal. tîeel $!,' ut. Sfantîî $1. F. N. Toniliason ta, Chas. Saukal. lots 5, 6. andi-Î. 1bloc-k 24. North Chi- cago,. Deer $300. Stamio 50c. E. J. Monahar, anti vife la W. W. Griffis. lot IL. Lacnences Sub. lAb Forest. W. D>. 83.00 Stamp PiSe. JensePeterson anti nife te p. g Jensen, lots 2. 3, 12, anti 14, Dausiu llutrick St. Euh. Waukigan. W. 8HStatan $2. Blanche G. Loveritige et ai 10 - WEllis anti vIle, part lot 2, Coql North aide Add. Waukigan. W. ch % Stamp $9. Lucyi E.' Bull and i bsant ta Niai olas Gaîtir. lot 5, block 2. Clovordel Sub'. Waakîgan. W. Î). 810. Nov. 8, 1921. Tien Scieurmon ant i vie 10 Se ai-I Wliner anti vife. E 50 fi. lots anti 2, blot-k 79, Highlanti Park; Wl $1050, atamp 8.0 J. L. Horaa anti vue ta Hanusl M Edmantis. lot 131, ('-unt>' Cile soi, Antiocin WD $800, stamp $* P. J.tHarding ant iviteto A. ]W Hinason, lots 1, 4. E 1-2 lot 1 au*i 1-2 lot 5. îlot-k2, Everbrceze sub. Lonig Lake; WD $If),51 amp 81.50, Antan Saimi anti vile ta fi. Pi.- Ne ris anti cife. N 50 fi t Il1:1 Tffuny 4 Frazers rab.. Waukegan; Wl) $M stamp $1.50. Beaj. M. Lovenmeyir anti nife Augusta H. Miller, undivitiet 1-2 qi NE 40 acres of NW 1-4 sec 36, De, fieldi twp.: Wl) $1.,. stamp 87.50. Nov, 9, 1921. Aasdrew Kozloveki anti 'vfi t Geo. Wiktor and vule, lot 1, bloci M endi lots 1, 2 and 3. block 97, Noig Chicago; Wl) 810, stamp 59e. hiable eSlavis antid ubnt1 t E. Reardon, lot 3. Boitte sit bleabI 6. Kirk là Povoli's aditi Waukiga WD $10. 0. B. Von. Unde 10 UmIe LjW m il acres lu SE cor S«c 86 y0 îvop.. and MSWder,.Sue, 1»u=1 tnp.; WD MO,0, taaip S1l lot 3!, U SV Auna S.Ualrot a h,~ ;osepb tdre 3 fin'& tub, lbwryv1l H. E. Wagner to IL J. Mer@onq. vsie, part lot 6. block- 9, Moogý Highland 1Park; Wl) 4,000, s'ale, STATE READYFO SMALL'S TRIAL, MIORTIMIERSW Thîe tatow vilI be ready for trial i« Wauîkegaa 'Is tie Small Curtis ces" on Di-c. 5. Attorneys for tie pre tAon yull tell Jutige Etivardu tihe>'& prepar t fabegin tie impanellag a jury as qrickly as hi deelties t preliminar>' motioas submltteti flair SmaIl's lawycrs. Att attorne-ys vho null atle Jla prosecution conferreti ai Spring5 Yesterday. anti follaving the et State's Attorney MortiAmer anaoua ise sees no obstacle ln the nAY - lmmedate trial, If the dteuese mts ils propoacti motions by lirlday. - Accarding ta reports fronn the g firent-e. the sfaSte anlîcîpates a iraI attack upon ail the laintem la-thse case. vîth a apecîfle oniu upan the consplracy charges. Traveling Needs- W \e have one' of the best asgortrnients of Suit-' Cases and Traveling Bags to be £found in any store, and at prices niuch more reasonable than'usual.. Corne in and set' our gôocs and get prices. Hamess Repairing and Oiing NOW is'the timt 1 have your harness oled to lay away for winter. 'Our repai rifig depamnt la Complete, wvith.expert workmren Expert Shoe'Repaiuing Bh lring ail your shoe repairîng to us.' Ohly tebest of material used, and firstî class wekk guaran--. teed. JOHN COLE BULKLEY BUILiNG LBEItTmLg, I&L pArc L. C. HOLTIE

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