Highland Park Public Library Local Newspapers Site

Libertyville Independent, 24 Nov 1921, p. 5

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*E\DE\T. T~ RRSDA' " 1hrr~ ~~'2 I Local- and Personial 'Short lerns of Especial tnterest to Libertyv!lle People '.ftFrr(r Srvurday i'lr'rjl luri rf.4ir ri. rm wr Ihr Hrrri.. J-t. aiiirl î 1 - r ni'h1 folî * aIV 'orrl ai Vaukerr" I n L r i rt riends Wertr Mirs Lîilliîn WÂ'Il-.u plrr-0 r j mO rjUiijiei r, Nl thEr ieint 'r u r. "rn'rrrr'rr O",.ioda. -n --r" alr la - , I'd Like To*" But I Haven't The Money Did you ever have to inake t h i s' admission when a chance for something better offered? A small amnount saved every week wiII soon grow into a fund wich wiII enable you to take advantage of somne good opportunityI for Advancement ---- or to indulge in somne l'in<v wiçe~d-for nitcuràa LET OUR SNINGS DEPARTMIENT HELP YOU SAVE nr cE \i-AWi Wuk-.gan Thuîriay of las t wcek. Lake County ~ National Bank aeyu a-la 1 LIBERTYVILLE. ILLINOIS 'iaT -drl h n£ n __________________________________________________________ LýR-oy Hfelfr r ii of iZurich 'rs - ng a r a èo , %In r¶. andMr, II1E NEENDENT---ONLY $LSO YEAR1 ' OUR RATES are based on figures of Lake County Taxi Owners who have had years of ex- perience in Taxi. Rates. Snow's Auto Livery PHONE 306-M' Additio-nal Passengers. OUR WANT ADS GUISURE RESUL1S STORMC SASH DOORS Coal S'avers, Order NOW Why flot put in that new hardwood floor NOW? Enjoy it while yo u can get it at the Iowest price in years. Corne in and give -us your room size. We wiII fit you out f ine. SPECIAL THIIS WEEK Advance Scratch, $1.75 per 100 lbs. Fine Feed For Growing Fowls Libertyville SPECIAL ON Lumbèër SIZES,'CE j Co. CARRY THEMf PH9NE 47 AA December Brunswick Dance Records. You con get them here! IUST HEAR No. 562-S1.80 I Wonde UY.. ItüliCone For Me" (Scyder) Fox Trot Lyoaa) Fox Trot sud No. 2144-85c "IOn. KJ." (BurtettAmheim) Fox Trot "Love WMun Id A W.7" fr00 «Shu&AloMg" FoxTrot seaa. rbow Aar Pho»ê Cm PM Ba" tRendo THE RAY FURMIURE AND PAINT STORE. Open Monday, Friday and Saturday Evenings. Phone N"~. "Lrfl CD' h il", rhr'r .r',OiS. finir jjj gl. rIE-r j i,"nr 'nia. 'r.' 'n, MIr.and Mrs. Edar . 'orrf-'iy t irarnr'rl NIr. ant I-M A.K:r rrr" Mr. andtiMys. 1'. n Sa uir day evenlng. Th(- Ladies' Arn d r ,c e' irrljsr church 'wi l oirl egular bu, me -- ire' ring Tuesiit~, t, "-noon. Nc. 'O'. in ire o$urch parlors. Mis.- A. JPrengtr'. *'..'rn-rui, :o: 'r rr i ai a shia n hrnr rrr - 0Cr unrifle Fiiaý- "Id.or la- irri.Turcsday evenin..,r' a*iiirr';ii (ti Dir aujfi, Mrr,. G. y. Lan:' Mi' W ' . Rudollî. , -;,:rý 1 1 r.i E. Zell. (o: B-ý" J W.Brîowen and Mi . J 'U-,v Edward Welch. of Tr r' M'ndMrs. C. A.Kniý-g, -i*ci 'arn cdi ihc frllowing guPst-"' :firrfl. Sundar Mr. anrd M--y: Knrggî. of Irr--rfjeld; Mme A. Irran- .rfd Mý W>nn, of Evanrton. 'A Iicj-ilhrin andl Mr. and Mrs.r-S, '. E, i-ru"ý Thr- Prc.tbyterian ULrd,dr-- id S"r) Ei'. 'ail!l hold the ;egula" r.-ing un Fr day. Lecember 2 jn"îr'ad or Thuir d a y, Iècember Jc'z, à î ri. rrusiî an- nouncr'd. Therea'iiih. rrrrtîrrafor al and a large attennrr'(,f :iri., neiji bers îs requested. l'au] Ray', of theR'la, Purnlriure andl Prjini Store pulleri an rnuru.] l'oruh liciiv stunt ai the' store !asi Sa'urday In :ire large stro'.r%'. rnrtr w îeje laced a fine gar. stove and a kerosene cook stove, ta ire sold othrr i mon offering the mosi maire'.'fori iLr-rnAI Johnson boughi tic gas stovt. his brd being i$57.50. The first bld po'.îed on ibis . j,w_'. -ai $2y, Henry Yourng took the kerosene stove ai $1S.25 Tire bida (in ibis stove rtarted il $10. Mr. Raý recerved the bids by mai! gpronle or in persan. and coni psderable inient' warr manifested In thp scellen- Jin) ;aller. manager or le itAurl,oa- -un Tîjeater. bas been munbling lire ,-)d Moiher Goose rhyme (lhe une le- ferring ru 'he "ftoIe a goost andrlaMrrJ 1c he un' )r-nce lasi Saturdrj'. The theaier folks had arranged le0gr' -eni -jr.ro ir rfirons r'.'jth a lin. -' 1r- for Tlanksgiving dinner. Mr. 'Saler arr'ruriil Ire finest speciLnui-fi nf re giosç irmily in lhe cauni>. andfin ùd lrim under Iack anrd key in the rear tri the Cole iarnes sirop. SalurdaY DXI fi N OTICE Ail mirmbers of Acme Camir NO 1 16 M NV A.. M. W A., arc requested to attend tUie nexi regular meeting Fri pday, Dcc. 2nd. Election o! offrcrs. 47-1t, FRED H. SMITH, Clerk. "Wear- Ever" !ýQQUART Almùnum a" Stew Pan ~,*rJIl68c: (Regler pç*ce $1.30) Corne to our store TODAY andi get one of these genuine "Wear Ever" TWO-QUART Stew 'Pans at the exceptionally low price of 68f'. Try it on your stove and KNOW why it is that more than two million American housewives prefer "Wear- Ever" to ail other kinds of aluminurn utenails, Schanck -Hlardware TELEPIIONE 39. LIBI Titis Offer Expire'. Novermber 29th ->,t -~r~ ~ZZELL -- TO GIVE THE MOST SABSOLUTE PROTECTION Provided by any one device SFor Your Securities and Valpables t We have installed in our DEPOSIT VAULT and Banking Rom A Complete., A Burgiar ALARMDayight Holdup System. TP S SYSFIM Protects Oui Entire Vault and'Its Contents Against Every Possible Kinmd of Durularous Attack. la Connection Thewiimwe Have butdLi A Large Additional Nuîuber of Safe Deposit Boxes. GET YOUR DFPOSIT BOX TOD LY and Secure the Luperior Pr otection That This Syl G QV8 YOUR BONDS, NOTES AND ý ALLJABLE PAPERS. É- I. wr ntile'gi'., nom' goo>tc the iiial JEi, jonS beIorl rînoKsrng of higi. andI rire bird Il li 'a s gont anyway. Mrr"shrl i trrr .w ac'onsulied and 'n th ie Irbone Iiàrin r r c, "'rn ircorral ba. wni, r r:n' ButRoiSalITr" Ti;'- El".'. mnîloL&agu, ur rh M"-ihto r(.!si'D rfiniipnaj-î 5now's Auto IJ.JVer-.t4 andin TIrr.nkrsgi'.rng ce' i;.anksgir; mg n n~ne a' J-r'"re wili ' an. vIce. Pom lhtyU ileniu calier goan6:liPhone-r. mu I m bu! Dr.ý: cast. br'caklasraet.rire cîrurer - ai 7: lin You arc ,ov ti le iientL Dri ni', 'r'* , - hur ~ Thce rakM'u.orr, r .are n c Lit festival gcnbJ flic- î'himday Scîrol nrC Tb(ie illbe bzaa an superaithe Merirorlrr'? iurrir. November tIo Si Ljnwrencr ', criurcir Nuvember Z9 anld Ilwas as succesa n,,'verx- waý an lier( L An cxcerrtiîna lic rin. rdis-Thteîrroceerlr'amerunhil taIo$3-.Lrini 'n hjirç'. ncy ai.K ai r:"irajkai'lv " i ; e een.sei wierv îrrld flie rn or , r n rrit'eë 'aillhi' the featuitofflc$2.90 was tired inio tirs ibrary mmm' Eiisr7oW .3bazaar Uiis yc-ar. Ar othn'î h omitei hrg jL- hootlas you can bu'. bome-madi' cand,' îthank ire peojnle who donrmred '.0 lb a¶rronrr and darnty things cookenl ai e-rally ta rire arrous booths, aisen Mrs horne, whîle the' Youngsîer., eaîrcall, Kenneth Lovel. Mm, r. E (rance M'r. 'erîl rejoire in the really gaod things George I'rtce Miss Ida Wbeelir and titcry book oui af tht fisirponil Thi Mr. Hawk. who so wilîingîy gav.e ,f spoirtsman cari test bis exjrertnese 1 afinniime ftia hîr. rîrssofythen i r tire use of "armr. of precision." and ai ir 'IrfestialThion rîwi firi tire lame rimteMAY carry - arweesabismntan a' Ijandeonît bird tisai 'erll g-race bis: ci c oin u îtiar> n rIgj Christmas table. If you getlirungry or l zc o n1ýlbay ihii'atv during teafternoom or eve- ning. tire cafetenîa vit! fffer 'you al GRAYS LAKE THEATRE' kînds of light refreshments. and fhc i charges will ire corresîrondingly lighi. Dedicated to the silent drama, pre- You will ire seo rllghted wîîh Tues aentIng phoata pla pi known merit. day". entertainmnent anld bargaîns it -- Fi eatrure a ad lanuy caimedios. i :.otî 'rli eagcrly anticipa'e thre great,à Every Wedneda,,,Saturday and Sun- chîcken mupper offered you an Thurs- 'day evening at 7:30 and 910 u'elpek. day evening for bal! a dollar. j The Star- Modeiate Prices Flowers alwaYs brin@ o. tur*ne As tihe waéting lo0v,@ r yearne. Diani flowers in the gaiten ar her heaf, Woo ber 'eUh the Incesas Soff Nature. Flowers .. prress. devotion in apar- feci. lîttion 'abose f rane a tel eoquese. - Worth-While Dry Goods For'The Holidays *Silks, Crepe DeChine, Georgettes, Wash Sati ESplendid'Values in Wool Dress Goods.' ELinen Sheeting, Muslin, Long Cloth, Nâinsook SToweling, Towel, Face Clothes, Napkins. MTable Scarfs, Pillow Cases, Pilliw Tubing. RUR-aot kneets, ± ickiflg. rGinghams, and Chambrays Ladies and Childrens' Hosiery, Underwear, Glove W. alto have A. lage cavers W rthes.aver aars.u'ment o f Handkechiefs pans nt thGedLie fRi-=s price of 25e. AG.dLn fRbos Co. _W. W. CARROLL & SONS' COMPANY. ~RTVîL.EPhone 29 Libértvifl IIL ci M'R!. 'Ffi2, r ili . i Jrce o 'r irrlr d l I'ijjrStnda'. -'rrn,1rJ- v it h his unclei, n. (7 ,1Lbe 1't h' Mî. d Mc('ornijckir'îen' îhe 'aele L'aikers Superfin, rfil']t r ueýcf rt ' flii fl j( iao. aicrnijc, niake bakzrrr. liofli lorgetil liprhrcken dinffrs at ~ f' at'*:i ileHomreRrjr f' r'Sirnri' , îa %Il*$. P. j I jjro vas here o.- ltj'. Frrjh' Tand l"n r n . iK j i l n,, h ; , ': o or- XX r'irn mi vcr Sunday. Jran- Local Rates 50c. EES - ýEL CASE inty court dis- >hm Fridel. Foi vîtir teing il' rge quantity or d was for ibis Feeling. -flangetd yCr '- r. n lrl"r lj:. 1 ng rîtwr linger aul dowtr one@ nong dcent mnany vcak- irden s not' child I ess EyAs EAu ARMS STOMACH PANCREAS SPLEEN KIONIys MWLS APPENDOt SI.AOOER* LOW1RILINSS NERVE, WAGNIFY* SPINCHED IEO joiNt PESCANNO -ALTHPUL UROPRAC- 1SI No Charge for SALT SALE THIS WEE K 2Bbi. LIMIT TO ONE CÇUSTOMER OUM MM-0«11

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