UBERTyviILE INDPE~NTI I3TIIOPIAN KINIi Ruer naffied in old testament unearthed to9ether with 9OYAL CEMETERIES IFO1JND The tuns tortob of thse dacOvares by the Egyptlati expe4tou tioadel b> Prof. George A. Reiner of Herv- ~- *rd was made knowru the. otiser day ' *M tii univoiaity offices. Theéee * «Vatio.ciabou malte it possible t ali tbe biator> cf Ethiopia. 'Vwenty-olx generatloflhlof EîbIop- lai Ie.kiu.gs have been éni-artbed tu t$bdr tomba an I llte reotI'y of ma- tend.4 buried for niole Ilan 2,000 --jeams brought to the surface. The *joint exveditioit chich lbas - mcado possible these discoveitua was- lu charge of Pl-of. Retaner. wiîo te back la Cambrid.-e asuer ten yemin Ygypt, andi it was iponsored b1w lar- vard ulvrity and ie t>Itii u Is- encf Jine Arts, Finti Royal Cemetertes. The discuverY OftIllelist civiliza- tien of Ethiopie was made at Napaae, the. enciept capital of that country. but now calleti GeLot Barnai. Napata Lwin athe Anglo-Eg>P)itaf Sudn. et the southerui endi or Itongola p;ox- tece. t jho foot or île urth tatar icct, and the' royali tîtews were * fon outside ,hte iy. one on the zlorth at the noéiti, %s liage ufEl -__ Kur'uiW, andi the oint un te south a&t Noi. MAt.te latei sîlltg, on a l0w kioll iea ite R. ',t oiok- îiag eu u over tie Sand1lui s onIlrlie desert, t he ILtaad chnaie J gloginssexamnt(Iita t, . ofiy '~a- raids v.hici piocd to t.ninn sof twenty kings andtifltî t,,e quetOS utof Ethiopia frnit Ctsi to 2,1jIB. tC, tnost of whose ruines lia% o ht-ii lost to lu- mnan knowiedge. * Excavations r.îaduatty uncosoîti the buriel ettaîtber otf i iariaq ule king of Ettîfopîs nientioued ln the Bock of Litaitwhti usa une of the ilve Ethiopian moiiglcb v.ho ruied over Egypt, anti then one by one were'unco'.ered the tomba of ail the other kings, qtiena. pritnces and princesees or Ethiopie for a peitoi of over, four cenuruies, au Inierval es long as. thet bt'aeen the dtcov îveo Amestceflby (Coumbu-s cand the ,ns eut day. Locate Greatest Kings. After the exavastions aet \uri, tour * of thte greatest kings of Etbiopta wee still lackng-ktings %e o, like Ttrlia- que, lhadt uled Etgypt as well as, Eth- j, ion. ie thtît.i cat su orcti tse tour kinga, witli theîr qu"ens antin1- deed. six gellerationfl f heir anceia- tors, were fond ai the sîcond royal of cfaIpta. It waas heii discovererl tbct the royal faly out Eiopta hati pruflg tram a tibe of Libyen n- Ma&e uho bad cntered the province, then a part of Eg>1pl, about 900 B. C., bcd becomne ]ngyptianized, revolteti tom Egypt. andtinnaiiî, unden t'lank- * b> conquereti the aider country. 4 P'rom thiis ssuastcorlid place fove of the. inga ofutEitit,a bai ruleti Egypt and 2,Qi15'miles of ftle Mie velley and bad sent thoeir embassa- donbi to the courts ot Asyria and western Asia. 140T EASY TO CRIPPLE CRAB! Nature Hias Provtded That L cat Leg or Claw May Bc Rekileced inin c short Time. "For you yntrself., ir, tulil be e id tilanit, if lik,, a crab you tould g l ,1a tr'ue Hantet. trav, but e cral, tutu tlso walk for- werd and i sdeiiC. At Ille bottant of warm sait wictr, wl.fe hie likes * te take is leisure. te crabl walke 49VI uel'about ion the tips ofthie cee. cal. thirtianti fourtit pair f legs,ad tii.. ce jeu nia>' sse. bc walks back- watt. forwnrd and iedniys. fhough he »seuls Sa prefer the ;tlewJse galt. Geaersly ho foido ic beuvy lews, or plaers, sd wurka bis ptitltes wlth -a la" .cnlllugmoion te essit lm en hls wak. one Ocf Itle tny remankable tIbia cbut the crab le bts cbllty te .t1mw off or drop is leg% and claws andi grow lIeus "e. 'rue ceritisls Ccli ibis 'autoloiy,'* eth~e ut omtte' ,W, uIlmln oit of - - ges of 41. ebel>' and IliOn reelng theiu.* If a estcb le seze4j by aljeg or caw la the ucter. I: oteva îbrows it off sanld *geoes, and' t 'lhe place weho l bocks off bis oc'rn leg nature hec hi% aldbed an arratngemnt wblch 111. vbats excessive ttieediag. Tis pIe. momuien làeûcmmona czong fronts- ems<osa f v.hlcbthe c a euoe. 1A unexemuple of "autotoiny" the 'Cu7fted States bureau cff illieries bas t» reesel e! a crab whIvh waa kept "nom observation ilua aiituc cage1 '- bMeset it lSwater. .jtbijn put la the efal the crab liebai ot l eft cîew. S De> by day c new claw grew andi the rat* of'rowth eu be lied fron theb lenberle bureau. At thie and of 51 dais the let cînu lait beet estui:ed Tielasuels t6 cboose betucea tIses.-tte uuu.. iaresg Joli>' Ma 11 .le, 739 POMU d.Prîncees Wee Wee Ila2S andti Itet i-e yersutoz tanii s.1jeIncises tati. Misi Cieve. Ciii, lthe Texas' wgtrl. wili tut .1 hieggiwben a$ho greWs up. althoyugh lshe'sn11Y aven çet. ninle jît.lt.s tait sow. TheX're cIrrUS Pcolie. blop Eitrhy EarIy iii the Day Ear-ly ilt the ionit uli - rhel3et store - n0), .17 > Ch ri5twuçPur$ .Nothing il gladdcn the heart of a wornan likê a gift of a Fur Coat. And not for inany a Christmlas have Furs been so low in pri-e. Never before have there been so niany kinds of beautifu] Furs to select f rom; never before have styles been so fascinating and never before lias otîr Fui' Sec- tion been more replete with the finest mmîdels. SPECIAL Cone>' Ceat ' 3,ud îhroughout. Garanteeti Seat Ccat wltb bell eBape sleeve and large lange Martint collar and 5ee chwlclars $97 urffa.$3.O Hudson Seal (dyed ususkret) Cedt wlSh equlrrel collar. - Seal 'Ceat with Squlrrel col B11k lned $25r and. cotte. $ 41 At .. ...... . .... $25 .0.0 l'nlced et ..... 1--- .Ot <-rond Floor> OTHEIS ti, ti> P TO $475-00 y -~ The gift of the' blouse nIever cornes aîniss. 'There"can '.never ,be teo many oA them and th~ Christmas *diiplaybrig to your attention t] Many 'iarietieis and ManY beauties o! tle ne biQuSes. i .~J re vtüxy juôderàtely priced.' A,- new Sltlprent- of psitt>' lieues. bve just arrIveS 9 Hi4cy Bellini. 'The>' are, mnde of Canton Crepo sud Ceeg Crope., Pricad trous 1 $ 95TO $39 Sh p Eariy Er li Sinte Day aL y in tise Mentis OPEN A CEHARGE ACCOUNT HERE It will proî e a rmost conv enient way to do your 'Christuîas shop- ping. A BOOTH 0F GU'T SUGGESTIONS FOR BABY àltliough Iiîly lias~ iiever heard of (Christ- mas, lie niust not lie forgotten and -w e have muade special efforts to assemble here ail that's ncw anîd dainty in In- fants' goîds. a Hanti made Dre.,s $198 tu $4.50 r Embruîdeîod Kinionas Entbroldered Cashmnere sacques $1.49 te $3.98 - Record Bocks 98e t $200 Hot Water Btties $11,9e12 Teflet Sots $1.256 te 2.98 3weater Sacques $1.98 te $3.98 a B ods 1 8c t e $ 2.6 9 PilIlew Slips 98e te $249 (Second Fleer) SILK LINGERIE A KAPPY CHRISTMAS THOUGHT Witb ever>' unnC4rist- mus ls a tinte whube eue ps ber lingerie cheat wil)1 b. r.. w Lnssluth Saiàt>'. mulot. hbne n or e abe.tb 1eeade d d wilh aliken gýr-j I.D)elts redy for ynur selec. 811k Camuiscle@, $1.26 te $3.49 zlaVelipe Chises $249t-lS 811k'Bloomers $t.98 le $460t Slk Pottîcecte $4.50 - titi Night Gewus $4.98 te $9.98 A rost'-Compeeline 1 dipayedi a'a * exal booth for, tea ap'is ehoer white IPÏL.&ý,i;lls ms bitiite, dotted SWîss8 ed fi3in - j 59e Io $3.95- Wh ~cr tte STORE EVERY il-I Fo« . mummot---- $e5.0 uiî $17.75 and Overcoats and Oveoait.s ....... Mcjn's e85.00 Suits $220.75 and 0verco"ýts-...... men's8 $40.00 Su ti $24.75 and Overcoats ....... Mcn's $.0m0 Suite $3475 and Overcoats 20e Arrow Brand 15e Collars . ....... .... .. .. 50c Tics -35e fo r ........--... ..... $100 Tics 75e for... . -- e2.50 Dress Shirtis $ 1.85 Underwear ---- --------- $150 Dî-ess Shirts 95C $2.00' Dreas Shirts $1.85 F or -. ---- ----- - 25c Men's Hose, 15C Mil colora .. . ...... 50 Me'i Hos_ 35c for at oes$ 7 for. . ...... $3.00 Night Shirts and- $1,95 Paj amas 25 Men's Suite, uizes t o !1 40 velues up t $37 $12-0 Your choice of any Mn Raincoat ùi the. storeMa s $0) Me $21,0.rnt $2.25 Oohkosh Overali, 115 DELEUITES BOYS CONMMENE State meetngal ,~aUr tended by 1233degts was gret-event The. 16 boys trous Wbukffee ubo represeted Iis City et thi O tate 015cr BoyV Contcrence bell uder thce. uspices of the Y. ]I. C. A. st De- catgr, errived horne tede>'witb & feselng hhet Ibero neyer were lbroe ticys more profllatblY speut. Tih. Wcukegea delegation made a mark for loln lathal tiser. uce a 98 and. ona helf percent ettetidance aieeor>' Meeting. Oui>' tue boys eut Of Wau- keganus delegation mîsseel onemeet- Ing aud tous psolled tbe pertect rfc-. ord. Thse tonference wes thse lergest aver hbodln Illinois havlug 1233 boys lu ettendance and more cliles and vil- lagea and comnittea repneseated than ln esy 'p-rovions ocnference.. The pop ahevii was trernendous. The ratters or the chstrch talrly *book wben thse boyst cut bos ultîttheir yeill. Slnging aIse use a big testý ure. The delegat'cs wilI malte full res- ports te the varIous Organlistions sendlug theus. The Confereuce next year la to be et Peorla antji 5ta is oped tisat Wau- Itegan w 111 hat e a targen grotsp ofth1e saetekintior floltows te maire the trip. Bos 850 Canvas t $ 4.85 ~~ysli-i .12 hî~85c ............ - Bo04ys, $4.00 tul $2.95 Mcn's $2.50 Un ion~î $1.65 for ..---- Black Calf Shoes -. Men's $8.00 Blackd $ .8 Lace Shiocs, E l'i'4 i 58 pprMcn's Brown Fvervit $1.95 Mcn'a $10 Crosseti >t $7045ý Black and brown.........s$74 Stacy-Adauis Mca us 0< $9.85, fords, black and brown- Mcn's $4.50- $3.15 ' Work Shoes-------- 'i~ersoeafor the entire faunily $7.50 Men's Stetson Ratsi $5.65 &]l colora and shapes-.- djue lot of Boys' Oi ercoats; sp9cial1y priced- $4.75 s$10.00 Blanket $ .8 lined Coats .....-..... .... 68 $»O.00 Duibak Hfutin g ý and 4 Dits Wi Pair ol 'se Suits are les for yoîînig ir fcllows to( t~you'h!l)C p are beauitif wspiendid fa terlis and sh. at you want. B ible breastcd r Oed. Many ha, lits. coxubinations ru Think of i MI SHOES of on E.ls rWelt soles and 1 hoès. priced at 5IUOES -E ai in 2-buckle i.sBhoes ..-....... RJCHOL 5H0ES *Bd tan. Bat- ,hugi tee let& z-45 OPEN NIGHT ci 119 & 121 NrhGus St. Waukegan, Se we were fqrced to this whirlwind sale to ranse $54,MOO cas we were compelled t. have to meet our press- img obligation te creditors. Frankly, we have te have $à000O to satisfy obhiga-, tiens te crediters Our steck piled UP On us faster th#n we were selling it and our enly hope lay in SMASHIING PRICES right and Ieft to get you interested in buyin.g -TO HELP, US-That's exactly what we did - SMASH PRICES to Smithereens, and it's "turning the trick" - We're getting the business--we're turning our stock.* - "AÀLL THE PLUMS" aren't picked-there were so many Bargains originallY that even the heavy seling since the sale opened hasn't cleaned out the "best buys" So you had better get in on (lus sale at once instead of wishing you had later on. à These liperb sto( riiolesale-c ir-Overcoa hem again >VERY O! STOCK 5 vrerc .Ir- Boys' $5.00 for ...................... - S-el-75 1 rn $3.85