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Libertyville Independent, 1 Dec 1921, p. 14

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s -AC ix LITiETYVILLE INDEPENDENT.. THURSU)AY. DECEMi3lER'J 1.191.. nfl~ -Dr. . I-FMANDFOR--,-' TuHE SLIPcON" IS ON THE 'WA? Repor t from East cornes wcl en are Iooking for more elal orate designs in Garment NMtY NEW STYLES C1 Accordlflg tu reporte.ilite dela fnr silpofl dresses là; on tbe i nul agaln Ithe voman of lashiam lookilg for te more lut ricate aign et the more elaborate type. For Paim Beach are noted pri rretonne andi g nghamas it asetsa bisiitg of large floppy à iai i matches an elaboratioti f. a mm %-trbd migitt be useti for a drteaa. Btands for the tennis PlaYer art boai >crepe andi satin ribbon vith :liqued motif ait te front., 'rite dance hat of tulle la smart Fur lineti glaces are said Io beb1 tilar since thte passingaof' te in Fir evening wear, lace stoCil .,iiined to favoreti but Ëprioaf' broidcry are aso 4%tensiveiy shavu trapi are being warti vittiblack andi for tjimmiag. coloreit frecits. Strpet .cd~i>~tttlin _b-te-col- -Skrk ufttiirers drop a hint ta lege colorabha" b ee nadpa 1-i.Uo-v eanaseebg-li many of te you]Îger set la te ieavy the box pleateti designs are te .hoal NEScotch. tweeds, plain andi ln lhe dark for a atout figure, If thc shirt bias beatiter mixtures of brawn. gray, bine. a dcrk hip lune. NE orange andi ruaI; and il le becomlng Tva entirely nev colora are ta ho quit lbt adte tabave a bate or tain of useti for undervear this seasa,. the caine matertal as on'as ports sirt. They are soufre yellov. a brigitt cou- ým* Someting new i% a gray velvet ary saate and glycine. an exqulslte ab-» gardal iit an eaborate cutout trîim. ltltaci.Lthbibne miade witit changeable Fanasb inte aops are sboving an QUalitieB. t inclination te deciease in size. cape- Cabochona, long romantic plumes, cially lu the btand paintei and enu- ingeniaus sparts effects. chenille, and itroidereti styles. etiffly baunti tassels stand out pro- )UT According ta wrd !ram Paria. band- Inently as the Icîti. .baga af fine steel bara are demanded Mnnt by Americas. From the came source Peralan Ferri@ Witel. ane, we lear that the draj5gplstrwin cfg type ta ~iil tla Speaking of te 0ew silhouette for .cospce ontubee a i f ic lo de- aprin; h tla believed ,hat the tralglit i l.î-cen thé erdsar thpoSelo lisevii beaee. bt te 'ul f lte jijli te teer'ot excitement are -miat, dresses wili be suci that they wiii %hotas more tiecideti fit titan ibis ses- strtippeti. iviile by matn lpoîrer the cou on. .- revolitiin la motde. lie ridier gotting nocit Tiere hlaagreat demanti for feit. aa tabioldt Irili .,ok te reaniFerris mOk ats la pearl grac anti beige. Many Wel 1 of te nodeis are trimnmed-I bfur tals, r. ef of ahw brim edgo trîmming. U an Bandeaux for evening hieati dressj osHandb ra. are proving popular. 1*-A l'llepanc a nd bym cTr icile iN * Ailehades of1bluie anti oange arce uîî' ipuci î u oi& l pop- favoreti. apeeih h oli1! nufi. Backt satin sliripers with jet niait-l- lo.sS malte ou lite sitielalk. Jorcti kîngs iteada andi tiny bugles enîbroitiereti on 'piece or0f vooil rli teheel cf id.cto emm- te round toec and uni-row intep hait il,- pectitir Mliier jilteli LSEFUL GWJS FOR THE HOME A TIJREE-PIECE DAVENPORT SUITE lîteans added room, subtracted rent, without any incon- venicuce., We suggcst that you look over our lune today. A 3-picee solid oak Duofold éSiite-uipholstcred in Spanisli Imperial Leather.$7 9 A $125.00 value, only . ...........................$ 9 9 A LARGE DISPLAY 0F OVERSTUFFED SUITES. Doli C arts and Child's Rockers fork " ' Christmas Smoke Stands Telie t isplay ever abowti He Ivould s iy eimbera glit of thia kind. Dinner Sel 100-piece and 60-piece0 Prieed up from ...................... FE RNERLES )VOOL BLANKETS 1B'EDROOM SETS CRIES TiASSINETTES RUGS CARD TABLES JARDINEERS HILL MIRRORS Ituv Yottr Gifts Now. It WiIl Mean'/ Money'aed CORN BORER IS ltu CORN BELT European Pest first Discov- ered in Bay State in 1907 now reached 0hio f leks - trbaa. ll.-mFarmers a lu ilis lova andtI ndiana rmust guard aglust lte Eurapean corn harem iit la, titreateaing te do damnage le comn bell agriculture. Titis wsclte vamalng issueti by. W.l P.. Fliat, ciie atonologlat oft . he -liniversity of Illinois, vWho annouacoit at lte sanie limeltaI lte-fediemal- gavotument vas importin- - pArmaifl frona Europe te combat ltepesta.,l la. bopet ta eat.abllsh ltes. parasites In ilinuois hore te corn boror réeies lte ate. "I1 ceemstlitilte oniy metitatiby wviic serious damage can -bo pie, viiniod la taelçeep -icemcccl t ram ho. casatng esaiaibed anti tram increas-1 lng 'te, an extent vitere It viii Cel entireiy be anti conimol," Mr. Flni saiti. Tihe cora barer was firaI discovered In btissachusetts In 1917. - rTe Unite, TStates deparî-ment- of-agrdultumret tomptetl to -sacp t out completely andi sany nmilea of lerrltory vere burbed oL&t great exPense. The la- -f.4alen.~ttod~Ite.vrintôa aorih.- the norbera border of Obio and 'te Canadian cshore af Lake Erie. À apetteti worm ilike ineect. the Eui- ropean corn borea' bas. accerdingint Mr. 1Int clre4j causeti cansldoraW*c diamage lulatieiiolns il baupezo- trateti.,la &. Stri»460alilez long by 16 miles vide nour Pt. Thomuas, Ontario, aveet caorn haa been aimontat £cam- plate Ias and flitcorn bas uffred a3 o0por cntcmmê-- aou. MAS NKAC#4lgDo 0H1. - > "Theite l leoery it toeaet ta Ohia." Mr. MtIla ss "meas ltat il la aiready otabilah ite n theego of thlèr corn bot. Iuditations are titat vwttitna ft e orm l wifl hars &prendP to lte,,Misobsppi river. Ildi.meus ta koep th* ainhlrsora eli seet 'daimu*1 olaatyCentral mets- -to~ ' eutlis detmlj»«. "soPrésent tadlc*liaatitis lu. icaabeof aesin u u mcitla- liytao cra fl the celton boit se-- vil han canacdt tacottan la the aoutb7 doclarea Mr.YInint. 'or lte Hoomiso 1ti taieat. Titis eun h. preventeti caly by c consistant flgbt by cvery- mue latereated." Tite fedieral-govenmcent- la carrybng an' extensive oxperinental voirk ta 'eramleate the mvii. ,- - - - - - - - - - - - - FURNITURE FOR GIVE U7 of thé above items wouild uiake suitable Clujýtxnas Gifts. LIBRAIIY TXBLES ai-c useful. A lairge selî'i-tion to choose fi-oi, priced$87 l-LECTRI' TABLE LA'MPS îîîakc biitîftil gifts anîd ill last a ifc tirn. X'Jc have a large selec- tioîî priced froin $15.00 to $42.00 FLOOR LAMPS - An ap- pîeciated gift. Select yours now. LARGE COMFY CHAIRS and Rocker-s nake suitable gif te. A .Smal Deposit CHRISTMAS GIX'E lER a Martha Washington Scwing Cabine t-They arc of solid mahogany and priced $ 19.75ý up froni . ............ A TEA CART makes a useful gift., A large display priced$197 up froni ...........-.$ 97 Buy Now and Save ts A NEW DINING ROOX SUITE surely would be a lasting gift for the home. 'It makes the sets - food more appetizing. A large selection on band. A solid 2.95 wanut table and four chairs $89.00 yVu GRAFONOLA will bye a' most welcoîne gift; We hayve very model on display... SPECIAL TERMS. for Christmas Mod els prie- ed as low$2 GIVE BER WIIÂT SHE NýEEDS. A SELLERS. KITCHEN CABINEÎT rite bcdt servant La yaur home- wilIIgave miles ai stops. SPUCIAL XMAS mier: $1375 set Di Bilvorvaro. 26, pleces viti Or- ery Cabinet sld ibis véek for Il tiown. A NEW COMBINATO RANGE OR GASRAG w~ould be a lastmng gift. Sec our large line. Goods Hleld FRE E [- in - Delivered, Any Time - Bfore Christmas. ~hIuaos. Tîalnk L.ittle cf tAomesa. IUhise» iTlh aeLiti lofa or.îtat, 0hina litIt acalitet, ilcheti lit a out te gît-eln b is rekoning. lalts* very retit ,îîiorlty of cames Uic girls are.nottauglit tu. rend or *rite, for lte simple rtasoli, as the men'wOulîi mboy, titt ilàla uctlesa for girls t e leno rend. Ali terestrictive cusîtta c re beseti on te i],lefl tht oman làa 'L16 bg Itiferi-rLo 10tit. +rue. A paiil&mndter cen igeot mollo,(lut a .11ts average stua. tritn bis cWn vile PentliaO f the qui. In the Mediterranran, noe bird I better h nowi ttn te q«ialLTý. landi sent. liii' îomlng , quie festival, endi nutny an ýeltinn4lul, b!llnnd ntanY iln-aat oed reut lsla151 i "1150 Possibiillls teRtidft. Nfany, people coittJder il not ât Improbable Ilînt coue day me aising ln Alasa mny vie wtb: c raising ln Miairountr ' *î 0f t0urU' veuiti be a nitober of gears hillée titis coulti ho brouglit aboat' but lbê beginning bas iteen madeo.end ti 4 eas> o ta e.ltaI (tie peibllilîes im boaîndless. I ________________________________________________________________________ I 1 0r lI your gandmother'a <im. a young#woman wris told bdui to avoid much of thie distrew anud pain, tihe dragging daim of bw hesltli and strength, by turning to the right remedy. 'CHOU"eM remedies wer. more ianversally used in thome days, and yet Dei Pieroe's Favorite erescription vas a favorite tonic r=eY l ' Youg 'omen just passing mb v omanhood, 50 years ago, as "b is tsow. Last year a million bottles vere eold to the Younig and-' thie middle-îged omcui of this cont-y. For the young,5rothe,- anid for evcmy voman at ail trying turnes, tliis is the standard taill ynhich brings health and strengtLa Made of American medicinal. pblants, vititout alcohol, this tîPrescriptian for weak women cmi behad of your' neigliborhood druggist, in tablet or liquid form, or you càn rend 10 cents for large trial package of tablets, tW D*. PierWs' Invalida' Ilotel li Buffalo, N. Y BATAVIA, N. Y.-" I have awgys been very thankful for irbat Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription did for me. Wheui1 was a girl ianmy teens 1Icaught a evere cold, imbicit eemned to sciAI. ail through my whole systean. 1 becamo bloodicas and 1 was in a wetched condition- weak and nervous-and wasS 001able. to be ouI ot bcd vitea I began taking the 'Favorite Preacripition,' and it eompletely restored me to health. « Favorite 'Prescrip- tion 'As the best medicine a girl can talc. when growing inba womanbood"-Ms. EbfA Ut CCLUnG, 34 Walaut St. WreckIng Camp Decatur BIG SALE AND KATERIL Lumber, Windows, Doors, Sash Roofing, Plumbing Supplies Radiation, Pipe Elettrical Equiprnent Prices Slashed This Camp Must Be Sold In A Limited Time BUY NOW AND SAVE MONZY Open ail day Stindays for N'oiîr coný enieiice. Gordon Wrecking and Lumbr Company -Office One Block Southi of North Western Sta. GREAT LAKES, ILL For information Phone Wau.kegan W06 Shp heArowJMWy- Direct Deliveries from Chicago te-Waukegan and return. The economy conveuieuce. andi aafetY Of ahlPPing by truck la an Item vblh ipndretis af manufacturera therougitout thte countr7 itAvý'recognizeil. Sitlet cheaper titan exprop.i -faster titan frelghtl or boitatnd >justan.areigble sany. Tit. Arrow Mins viU cmli or your goade and de- liver titei ta tkclr destinatioa n uCiiga <or 'asT' - point on route> la te siortiot posible lime. . aie# are exceedIngly nominal. baseil on cblpments aoflO00 Ibo. and up. *A repromentative of The .&rrow Ln in Waukegan every day. Drop'us a pouta1ý at our Chicago office, and lie wiUl be i. to cal) and discusa the matter without Ob- ligaUing you in any way whateoever. VOLUME X 25 YRS One juror h( 'slaughter' Tvoaty-ivo Y lIta Puatbmen inuer, ageil 34, 4"das . ournil. lobs L. Johnmoî ýChicago. andi m tira et Aceer lk sho1ta odeatit wh'iue the tva rTe case vent day aflernoon r lte cale gto againat one lii man»laughti ' morniegthf,-Ji" Nlggemeyer muinutin a ter. 1 In titi-court t i i lte place bai out lite four d'a ent .a wife anti COUrtrOOna early cal belveentIL Claire C, Edw benci lte jury 1)epuly H. A. 1) dir. readth ie Niggemeyer's 'viitt grief. vel bo trie te taconi Mrs. George B. t.ake. arase iLnc upan -the uman tti. punisaimeit by a court alla Atty. Wtn. D defense, asheti Jutige Etisards itearing fer the Theite etimany vas kllled short Niggomeyer. vi lte eye ity a aIr titat Jobinon w. te an argument *latter atartedte t er. vitit an oct] you'. pultc-d tof ,charge teariiig innacular par ii blaving off tIre Johnmion fel bý Niggemeyî-r row ors ta take thte He expireti a abat vas fircd. intilcateti that hi fart ta yard off rTe evidence î ing looch piace a ,ffter Nig,-emeYt spent abat. Accarling te V ai firet cîcirnet cioenlally but 1 aeven knev anyt Iag bis oye hu rovodte lashore vit a aviceti hi ati have Il exac Ho vas arreatet by Tbas. Tyrre -police, anti irouji denieti attemtitf Niggenîeyer v business ai Fox "biis fatter, a fo livo sergeant. b years. Citaracler vitr 'vlthout exceplia irepulation ai Fi anti vas knovn a ors fater. vWho VCravfar&Th.'ie aeigtboritoad. rE of Siteriff Eltue linually vitile h preferring n01to Thte principle vas Chartes Holi vito vas only a viten lte aboctir JOHN fRUl EiUILTY VERI Grass Lake new Iaw ma 1 of liqi .1ohn File, Wau fount "nlot te cotinty cou citarze ut viola .4 ". V,'Frittai was trii T à e stnce Jîtl merep e's-it fiquer primat fa Ibis taw the' terf expanation of f the liquor e-as a baS tmanuifacturt bIe under lte wiuth bet'aîn( E Titis tras lte cal] as court < 11511 Dec. 12,- U e bPin Peari: 1 he Gift that 7ruly Re flects Your Thought.---Here are only a few Suitable and Appreciated Gis 7 . 1 Ir

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