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Libertyville Independent, 1 Dec 1921, p. 8

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THE LIBERTYVILLE INDEPEMENT. THURSCiAi DECEMBER 1, 1921. DDII~ ~iENÂCF e 0 o0o 0 o 00 - ocr-e o 0-90 0 q 0 VOLO o ;9000000 00000000000o %]RfttlEIitl1î u ,.i et likaI t htý iREAT 17) EN I i - - i .yî. ieu.Tiiiak,ii .g ai Libecit villt -, vi . -nd Mtra. Croker. ~p« cent of population Mri ntid caE- Lusk vi-iaied ',Nau- ~d dmca~e rd mu! be1 kegan and Gucnee hri ends Saturdsy. Md dýc.;ýecA mut be Mc". Rober' Gringkýr snd daughter Xade immune, report Mai garet, af Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. - 1 William Richardson of Grayalake weile b rtlfon of the diphîheris cal.ctIlgests of Mra. John tlruner over thse i 9 the epideiieoa diphilieria week endi. t 'MI OW r~ lI ru mte astle, Miss OrpIsa Russel: apen' lIse latter gle attention of pby- îPart ai the week a' home. deauuagvit Ibi plsse Ed Wurster las vhitling lits Parents Ilc. Dr1 i D. Rawlings. i S l ree, Tie bibles foc- tle Junior cIass oh Fq l ha slong:-e have 1tue M.E. cu .S aeMonday 44 U' 'Per cent ut aur 'quùi'jsv ;ec.4. vo a nover st aou, "aalong tise approved mets- ,dcorrect. i1IIhawve r a Pite of Our complote koavi- ,w g th life htory ufthte diph- BEST SPELLE#S~ ýxerxs and of a spocîie icreal- :âd of a niethod of neno bitberia prahiens uOtft vo take representatives ta the ssto spellng iUsce or! the enormitlîrOf tue veek in Decombor are starting thru- Wa1a carrier probiens. Wtt noovl'outI linois. In many countios these ý>*adcts that tie epidemioiogisb lare taktng tise fors o! tovnship tests tpeiâta of 25 years ago did nul ifoîîoved by contesta bolveen the ixamely that mucit o! tue dIpli- tovnahip vinnora. -o! îoay a spiead tlti, car- Rules generlIiy laid davua for the n ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ cut vosa-î u lee~~tests, moat o! vhicb viii start lU s sarc ou ilesecaiier ealyoexl monîlilentille each tovn- grai in perfect IealiL., but whosa hip and each cil>' achool ta bree rsp- 1 menace n lu ta the3 nisas gîru i resentaies. The contesta are open lta tonoaanourmal tpet 5005 ta ehildren regulsrby attendi-u 1h elle- i1homn tbti conte in contatt? 'My imeolar>' grades. Eighlb grade grad- W la that no caoîî:ntty _Would luaies are barred. the tjuaaitilc o! so a i MOTHER Oe LAKE COUN¶'Y MAN flon af oui p piOl)tion). 1 DIES NEAR KANKAKEE. ILL. thé pi i t i.1 îd i iiid____ Ubinit tu cultureu îakiag if li GsaiBei actit o u a il' eîtured j ho tii buquta;ittined io iî-ico 41 1ne agl isae OIn 1(oit i- tir!i l -wek il oiKan .iesotîttoI.al.'. a-e, ai. ir thi etie called b> Ille érow up oui liards atria sty ilier- îLtatli oi Mr. Brgrr.s mother. Mis. >olton 10tiis prabloni il wu iAnooîîe Bergeron. The îoloviog se vt Sarcb ouI and quatîitinu caunt af ber deatît la taken trans s dJphthtria carriers iii oui Kiknkakee pepar: "Mi',- Antoine Bergeron, 87 ,-earas rct, in toxlo antîtoxin saîîcac- I>Ition o! this pr'oblem la nuv *h for the chidron in Ibe faut- b' vhici' physielsans are caied. 1i believe it the dut>- o! phy- to lnforns fathera and imth- this practical and avalabie 4a preventive, and doctors advlse parents ta permit thons thoir chidren thts active (Cap- ly permanent) immun ity t tâpittisoia knonv as taxin n. Parents shouid cosit Mse physicmen about baving ffliren protected againat dipIs ýh auch a large per cent ut' ý& over one year a! sge -n letMl lige, susceptible ta diph- 1 bellove il sdvisabte la give ýai anlitoxin ta these vithout bt thse Schic's test. Tito Seiick pvrahould ho used tua per- oft. 7or 8 Years of ago before taxin antitoxin ta detormne if 3E per cent uftbIese aider chlb ge susceptible ta dipbîheris. coutrol diphtîtoria te must ê v.masaurea:, ho dotot- mus e aled îlUearly a diplithonla case heforo te la>, snd use attitoxin prompt- ho doctor mut use s large in- Wl O! sOtilOSit. Imo docor titi prevent x 1-2 Ma of ontaci cases by ii.Un- ,te cose contacts wiîh anti- #rOvoutive measures: Wq"le inimunization of ebbb- 1p ta 7 yvars. by use 0I las- @e. o! Schick tsst for prî- sons e yeai id ant if t eso ai ' us de thon give tIsom toxto anti- PNSCIIOOL DISTRICT ITEMSI booi Basket hochai gvenNov. 1er7 successftil canld.ein et a nigitt. Tventy nine bas-1 a old and $65 vas recetved.1 b SBaturda>'.1 Wha fUil>' are liack from lo- i tise>'took te ody o! Ihir teMr.moths old baby Bemnice, . elly la feeling somevitat «ýs5 0f Waukegan adlira. b( Ouinevisitedlira.J. B. io bave boon it at Wlson la tiselasti 15 onthi. 1,D.Siith attended tht fune- du Murrie of Waukegan Mon- ual, an, of bue motsprommint ceai- dents ut Bourbonnais 'tovnship, dieU ai tuie hanse of ber son, Dr. Eugene fi. Bergeron, 458, Sa. Wiidvood ave.. tlia nornimag at 9 oclock. tram infinmil ies due to aid age. -Thse deceaed vas haro in Canada July 12. 1834. andi vas sged 87 years. 4 mantha sand 14 daya. Sho moveU i, Bourbonnais when about 15 years oti sec and lias liviedhere el sioce, ex- rept h ls st ev manths, vuen she lias madlelier home vitlitber son in Kankakee. -In 1852 she vas unîed in arciage ta Antoine Bergeron in Bourisannais. Pive chidren vert harn o t iis union, four sucvihî-g as foliova: Dr. Victor A. Biergeron, of Baurbannate; Dr. Eu- gene D. Bergeralsoo Kankakee; Dr. Joseph Z. Bergeron, Chicago, and Geer. W. Bergeron. of Libertyîibie. Onu son, Father A. L. Bergeron, tormeciy of Chicago, dieU uàsaIMarch. -Mca. Bergeroan vas s membor o! the Maternity cburcb a- Bourbonnais. and t-as huari of the sadalities tac îoany years She vas ver>' active bu 'al kinda of chait>' vork. "buteai services vil! ho conducted f rwni thse cesidrincu of ber son. Dr. lEu- gane 1). Bergeron, Monda>' mutiinti ait 9:3o o'clock, vîbb services inte M.a- îolly chi-tein l Bouchonnais ai 10 at-lack. intermuol bn the Ma,'urnil>' <c ms-etry" TWO ARRAIED; ENTER PLEUS OP ,NOT GUILTY" William Ingold denies he wronged Zion girl, as charg- ed in inditrnent William Ingold, aged ZMon mail car- rier, chargod viit havlng wronged Melvtta Kobor. agod 12, also o!fZMon. -and Stanley' Moran. Indicted for allegod burgiar>' and roliber>', vers arraigned this momning in the crcuit court lie fore Judgo Claire ,. C. Zftarda, andt entered pleai of "net guhît>." Moran vas indicted vitit William Beames, foi alioged Implications In te rablio4 a ltse Sutinon drug tore on MeAliatet avenue, reconti>'. Both ingold sud Moran vore repro- aented 1»' Attys. Miler and Herr. Tliey gave bond for $5.000 oach and vere released pending a motion ta quasi te indiettmnns againstl hem. Thte appoarance o! Attys. Miller and Berr in tht case of ngold cames ai D. Smth attended tht fune- .suprise,. au Iae ta nl iu lus Muerrie of Wankogan Mon- la representitig Williur Glenn VOlivi in Waukogan. bngold bling s mombel '1004 o! Kansasa vialled his O! bbe Voliva churcli. sud W, C. Greenî , I Flood of Wilson. fied manager of a ZDon Institution grc we from Chicago visited at cery store. signed the bond. Il la un of -À.. .Stahî .otWiilsof. derstaod that Miller mand Herr baveà w Ptaaenkle iad ber sîster number o! other Zian cases pendini er guaaintu he local courts In wviclitise Voiive 1evmiing Jouas-leDelîx vitile faction ta interested. titi Mi>Doroîli>'as-d Rase - e hIt b>' a car, but vas flotA Olotnction. Thse vieela o! the car vers Tht alm r-f 'botti reî-eîing ta t( id could flot lie teered. engageIn ii dscussioni of otan cantem .porzÀrl'-s, andt tiis is -ivly book ne *&v# the Carpet. ieia bîg. wiîitîlk a sdejîtrtient o do not t-isb vour Cair carpet joarnalîsîn. imuaI ho carefaîl>' distIt uneventl, pt 1:ftiibg iiier- Jgît. -I t rý rit cri! icsîti. ss-lili i Tlser.p are 1rtrrs ir,'trared ex Iduîtîîrtîîînt o!literature.-Brndea or this use.,iut saning etese I katthewst. Iàsf *Mfnipint hody %.ta uînteet I-___ wevapers.an te sîtir .end Tongus 0f1lihe Frog. ttuit the>' viii projecutiîcree or -Tuie tilîgu.' o!thet fr.g is ixcU i mu Ieyoid lIhe ttain. If tick the fon a f ts tîî.,,thî. near tut. iip v7w1iiasî-ea gre'at deal Of .alienîi tIn us-,. trint-u le, -. teî tsar e tise carpet. aiso de". pointiog- down the throut The fro Ibid O!foetepe. . la very adet I n tîte itie o! is tongiM WANT ADSI WANTED-Me orvwomen to take O>.10 o o 0 o o o o a o 0 o 0 e dora among trionda and neighboru o FOR ALI. THE NEW$ 0F LAKE.o for the genuine guaraatfed homter>'. o COUNTY. SUBSCRIDE FOR THEe full lins for mon, vomen or chidren. o INDEPENDENT-.41.60 A VEARo ilm"ntes darulng. W. pa>' 75o 0090000000-0600000,o aour %pare lime, or 134.00 a vek for uMi lime. Uz»erienice unnecessay. Wrt nertie" ~Stockung unis. WANTED TO BUY-Direct froa the NorrsoPa. ovner, a 6 or 7 roons. modemn hanse. IDN' , IIIi VASST SCHOOL 0ABOTAOA TO BANDITS AND 10000-000000000000 00 TORIES W LBE gbAnrg ~ 100 P iecause Di the illne.výoiMrs. Meruih - !0UB BM F,!D" 0 f JI'Russell, but openc-d again Munda) ci B16ESTI IN O L M this week. DrtyDillon visite'd Waucondaf G.:-rge Pavlik carried several hîîî scho Tueaday afternoon. Exne-t tn ernploy 1,000 teo- If blocks and then dumped out 1The pupîls husled thenîselves by car-. Pie when compteted; work- E of speeding auto rying in the kindllng to thé coal shed ing on 6th building Monday. Kidnaped by automobile bandits,. The upper grades are busy reviewing The average Wankegaa or North 14 robbed 0f $400, and thon tossed Into for the tirait of the tri monly exansi- Chicago reailent doos fot realilo the - the street several blocks away, was the natinsimmenaity of the Abbott Laboratüries j thrilIng experionce FrIday naiglit Ofions. nder course of construction at Pour- George Paylik. 412 Clinton St., Wauke- Dorohy Dillon bad tlie miafortune teentli seet. Wlientbe companyblas tl gan. Daelfraon the severe beatîng he to hurt her riglit foot Thursday ove- compieteà the building isit which It T received, bis clothing torm and rnuddy, ning. lias outltnod the conceru wiil emplOY - was removed ta the police station at AtuCals.adWlimMri upwards or a tbousand mon, according Pl 10:15 o'ciock where be vas attended .rhr hro n ila artn~ the statensent mnade by an official. by Dr. M. J. Kaye. His injuries were enmployait their vacation ta a gond ad- The proximaty of cold wolerl flot serions. vantage by drlvlng caotle foar Mr. aasnth amayt u h ts las Pavik, accordlng to thoe tory told .Geary. vîuî aIl possibile speed in order thatH the police, ho hal spent the day In the various buildings under caurse of Milwaukee, rturning ta Waukogafl tui onstruction may lie under caver bc- the evonlng on the North Shore line. Ifh( 1 N fore 11ro weather hiate wark. Eighty elL Ho vent firat ta a local restaurant POLICE BREA,8.daamnaeatwr ntoJb ~vboo h ha lunh. honho vlke I ugi ygia>i To Indicate the seed witb wiîich te to (.enes,- and JlviIAre greet tI compàny haa proceodod il was learne4i wsait for a street car. today-t-hat thi While ho vas standing there a Buick * chemicas tae profain in vo o!ihe One of thons ieapod ont. OiN NOR H ,5DE buildings. o îna~~,.î ca'r, otiis fordm o am e aitg-f1~II Thq Abbott company have two fieA "Whee l Shridn Rod,"ho sk*story buildings at Ravensvood ai the ed. lrsn inie and il bas flot bilan de- Pavllk told hlm, Thon vithoul var- Carl Green, a sailor is under ciedfnitflflOy whether or not these F nlng the man sprang upon hirm and are ta lie abafldonod. 'the bildings dragged hlm into theauto. The driver arrest .of charges of uringIiii going up nov are iocaled on a tlwenty- speodod Up the machine vhich turned mridwmnhre fu cetatvbhpristeo oouth in McAliter Aie., marie ______ pe fualrduct are cheicals thichhié Meanvhilo the tbree men in the rear plpunlke aney liaboaoi th Aht3 seat held Pavlik securely, preventing Carl Leroy Green, agzed21 . a'ob st hil campanysPecialize.-ti hra him front making an outcry. Hi Ma- the naval station. is &-aîiiOnl.ibY founri guiltiv ln thé (-outil%- rurt ur thiog vas torn inrohhing him of the s taichairgea ýas 4Shr it,-.-i' o lii- drlvlng atriatioilr' whilin :'n ln- $400 vhiciî lie lad cocealerd about fis îng transported a niarrie-il otîtan ection of several more unils.3 persan. IhereitraRacine al- a few -ýýo ceulical suppliés. Sane of titli inci-- The auto slowed down as ilt eached ( G:een. Mîlo lias ac<Ailnrtd a celi i !e concero manufaclured dîîcîng tile var HeimholzAve., andi Paviik vas throvo eity :il lhure sine Satul ,.V.al w ven imiportlation tram Gecotanv wa- ou' w hile thle car wîas stili nioving li ii,l oI a t i tle i ia' ýi ( i opperi. qui t eapidiy. He vas su dazed ftram e s~i iof ls h13 1h01 tirl i l $ il la one of thé largeAt lbrl îherough handliog lhe had received thiat jlocketiL u in the bîîg tli-ie lin the United States and doubties., v.îli lie vas naie ta makle an uutcry tar Sa~ Atitflt< A. V ....-ake fth, e ad vhe ftle jplanti i courl w several momients. lkn'lemtie, oh w iiiil t . n yIvcomupl eted. Thîis niay takP tvai Fio vas found hy Joe Abduia, 779 pol la,eobeen Intoi-iîd lai iti fl yars, fi is asserteri. I5 South Sheridan road who notitied the may bu transferred t sortie tat ! lý police. Policemen Metz Kennedy Mc- tant point. possîbi> China inu lai Donald vere rushed ta theascente. Paî- 1tîjal lie nmay forgel hi" intatu lion AD.'D i lik tld the Police thal. he oulauie for the ioarried woman. 3y - Pj r i' )1 able ta identify the man vho fic.t ac- The case vas cailed te, hi tlen costed hlm. tioni ut the Waukegan police late N O E BYM N ________last veek vhen Mca. J.H ' . Nyeo N O E YNA Y " Racine, came liere and coinîî,îîed i tiat. Green had brauglîtit e'l daugh- PO IC RES REci-, Mrs. Mary Brown,. agud i:. - ON NORTH LSIORE I P LC A ESU E es'rae. rownan. îîi u, AN AUTO ,FENCE tli di0nlg ta the polie- ne,î1 Bruce Stephens of WaukeganM ~fERacineufil a Waukegan taxicai, î a.t one of first to enjoy treat;b OPE AT S EuE Tuesday. Thu cab was left stanîlînir oihers foIiow suit I OPERA ES iear fie Noyce home. One ifthte sali- fi"n Discovery of stolen car stored ing -ta Nirs. Brow~n. rwo ai ',uer shore mîliionaire ta nov aaying: voanger brotheras ouglît, ta îrp-îeut "Catie over ta itiv hoile tî., --I blee snceAugIstad dsto hini fian takiog ilfIbut the. we' n î ng and Déat Gali-tii"I strong enough. Mrs. Brao is said Or. If if bu Saturdav, lie mighl *,.. t their belief t0 avse accompanied the sailor ta 'Waould i a sele t hfeai ilie R'-îd - the taxi adsoU talive coame tu auke- Sa-nSu preaciiin la ittsbuig u- Thse discovory by the Waukegan P>O- Stn vlllllem lice,. of another tolen automsobie Green, accardiag to the police. ol)- Thse ansver is the virelas f-, vhib bs ben tord bre or hotainied quarters for Nis. Brown ' fîi a ne Ifis iepîaciiig 'lie Roll:- lest few monîhs. ie belloved hy the home on Gien Flora avenue liere. She R)vce- as a diiierti-riî-tiii.tlI;e officers ta ho additionai proof of the was located tuere by (lie police and tîiliîî ofthte wealth',. "lie :siilily exitecehos f n atooblefoceMis. Braon consentled tu leturn i Claytan Nlark, brakler. gatbeià atc vhere stolen cars are brouglit for the ta Racine viill er mutiler. A liteils Lake Forest ilceside almo$ night-a 7purpase of disguiaing anid thon dia- later Green v-a locked.up on a war- IN, and lastens ta lthe grand opéra fier 1 poangof hon.rant swocn out by Mrs. Noyce and lormance at the Auditoriui. A vire- The car tound ta-day was stolen va edhr ni ii ono: less telebliane apparatus bas Iteen In t ram the Chelier taxi canspany of Chfi- auration in the- Nlack home lac ai cago lest August. Since thalturnme ut ORDER OF THE BUILDERS week. bas heen secreted In a barn In tbe INSTITUTED IN LIBERTYVILLE Ells Gififth lias iistalledl anotiier cear uf Jahn#jKelley's home, 51i Mc-. pieîiýi atus ifi tle ruaI ustaîn'2 Alisier Ave.. Waukogan. Kebiey In- On Saturday useniog. November lboffice aI bis lather, Johin Grifith. An- formaid the local police that a man has othler, nt te home at Edvard Sam- been paying storage an the machine Libert>yville Cliap.er No. 58, Order ofmnets, last Sunniay caughi a sermon sinco lait Auguat. the Builders toc Boys, vas lustituted preaclîed Ili Pitsshucg. Others are The appearanceofo the car bas been hy Parkvood (hapter No. 6, in te belni installed, ebanged greatly. The familar pint lodge roama of Libertyville Ladgo No. Bruce Steunhenis of Waukegan vas bas been burned o! the machine vhich 492. A. F. & A. M. ane outftle firat on tIse north ashore basbeen painled black. Ail four tires The membeca af Parkvood Chaptor ta avaitl himsîf uofthse uîîîîotunitY and rima have been trlpped off the motred ouIt ram Chicago. arriving in ta -cul in" (in grand au'eia, et(, Sei- car, the battery hias been rensaved and Libertyville about 6:30, aud vere s.es- oal athers in Waukegan have since several accessories removod. corted ta the M. E. church. where suP-failen ino lino and have îoatalled ra- The police have notifiod the Chicîgo per vas served. Thç Chapter was dia phones in their homes here. Nov departinelit and alsia the taxi com-n'apenec a. 8:30) by Master Buildor Pus the Laike Forest millionairea are lie- psny and expect theowovers ta cali forbeadheerescnredun ginning ta realize vhal they have tht. manhiteeAt tht. prosont tino îî been missing. th mcin. tth reen im ibe Charter membera. The maiy Mas-________ la tored In the nov police garage. ter Masons préent, includlng the Ad- FN LVNCARS. TEUL Il vas learned loday that the ma- viaory Council, vers mach mnpreaaed "NO 1 chiné whlch hal l uat been found ti, ly the beautitui cersmony and the ex- N O I Y thé Wauhcegan poliela the eleventh cllent manner in vhich the degree machine vIsiclsi tho local départai t bansexemplitieri the vork, thoir ef- V RDC 1IIS bas recovered for te police of Chii- trshig ihVcmpield vago. This la considered an exil- Edvard DiaBois. Master oft Liry- ci"on. the joli" ëeri minute, ville Lodge Na. 492. A. F. & A. M..,l u NT T l-_______ macle the presentation speechi and pro-- Ssentod the nov Builders vitit a Bibis. Mcalad Ade ek n 0OOO000000000000000000 Grand Scerretary F. LeePovors, of Mcalad Ade ek o4 M I L L S S C H 0 O L 0 lte Central Council, afficiated a ~ re fboecag;jr ,r opooooooooooooooooouly Grand Master Builder, In the ab- ushrtin sence of Grand Master Bluldor Arthur orsotun - Editor-insehlef. Barl Buefching. -M. Millard. and Instaiied the folloving- y Assistent editor, irene Dusbek. offîcers: Michael and Andrew Bonko. of e Mrs. J. A. Manon apentThazksgvn Mas'e Bulder-Walter H. Jeape. Sheridan Road. Northi Chicago, vere h veek willi ber ieller, Mrs. J. Brown. floputy Master Builder-David Fiagg. found "o uly i uyI h Mr.andMrs Luhei an daglier Senior Inspector-Wilson Olendor!. county court Wednesday aflarnoni, spent lte week-end in Chicago. junior hisp)ector-Wlnlfred Wils nov. 23.They veg lqre Ite ir p as- LsSenior Overseer-Lee Walrond. sesnginto. aii iuo nterpa jS Paul Heuer changed the map eauO junior Ovrseer-John Haes seion. agenMbr fboz ,aan utte ewmll.Secretary-Noei Young. cases titthave been tried in the tr Lucy Fry celebratedlirsvn Teue-JhBrrd. county court this year, Judge P. L. a- birtliday Thanksgiving day. We ail Cali-ihr eliPrasl etn ra ae a - viali ber mn i or happy hîrthdays. ChpanRchdScak. Prnslaetn tiicssfo n, . Stevarts- Albert riaa. arl Guyot, Mondaya and Saturdays nov, vhlcb a r an r. dad entortained a GoMdon Fendick and Joeu Chandler, heretofore have been ceserved for a ubro red iThankaivlng GorW ,hserPag juveniel and probate vork. kg dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Casi am ' arahanl-Chek ason lg. MIKE SMOLZ SENTENCED Fa Mr. and Mrs. Fred Towner and daugli- SnieiFakMao.like Snsolz, wbo reconiltly vas ter, Franees wore thero. The trembera of the Advisary Couhi- taxicated condition, Ibis morningva proferred. Cal Bt the Indopendent ,office. 48-tf FOR SALE-Small coolc stove and a itoater. Inquire atIbndependent.. 45-3t WANTED-Residentliaundrsas, brot. days' vasising and heip vith other vorin. Telephono Lakne Forsot 683, belvoon 1:00 and 3:00 p. ns. Sunda3% 48-11 POST-Fensale hound; black and tan; notity William Benner. Lîberlyville. Ill. Revard. 48-11 FOR SALE-Choice. goose feathers. Phono 261-R-1. Libertyville. 47-2t FOR SALE-New horse bide avorcoal. Adiress "A" Independent officeo. 4%-5t yvill. III47-21 FOR SALE -15 young ese, grade ' ai - 1 tords. J.a' i uerln, Liberlyvîit-, il]. 'tIt RENI UiGt itt, ei.-clcic lîgIsI d. ' Teieplionu 2.65-IM 2. 47.2t hall blarý-k initîtu snes., idistit (in .iIwi.uk. .- a- itcasonabi' iiquhit LOST- fInît fcase. Tiursday. een 336 N. Milwn~uk,e Ave-. 4-, tii' 1maors of -)anti 6. alcîti cantaîn- - i-dl luth and rlr.-.tsjndenee. Kîndly toii t John A. rt-r-,n 3641 Mapte FO R St-iS Suare:-.ChiriagoIl.,Tevtrrd. - .47-It Il iýai r tiîî:îin Lake' coun,ii0 w l nàLhî- tou, one tahîroad ao, 4 trami anoiher. 1 milesrtrmshilîuag abat ionA 51) 1 ilîbi f rant Chticago. TIIE GIEA'i- u t EST PRlODUtCE MARKET IN Tlii.. WORLD. hait mîbe ta rural arîtoal, 5 miles f roun lte North Shore nelghbar- hood, vitb ils rapidiy lncreaising poplua i lation, boctd onan s ery riopular pub- Sl lie roari direct .o Chicago, and whictî la soon ta o bepsîed aI state expense . This la ai tue îury busl quaîhîY Of silI, W. H. POPF WILL SELL AT level and 1Iree fr001 tone. 35 acces PUBLIC AUCTON 01( lIS fle d Ucul;iiated, th- balance îîm- ber pasture land. At la veil r-ncedj FARM. 3 Mil EÇSMUH. wlth vos an vire. Has a goori vclb- buit ndwel-fnibe 8ronsbouse WEST ('1VWADSWORTI4 1 wizh cuItai. ,výIIi sud c.,turn. soUtil MILE EAÇT OF MILLBURN. front , tini, 'yard, vîth shabad Ulo's ers. I-as a or-v combinatinhrs-sd ON dalry barn, cornsent f bars. stails anti alanchions foi 14 ijead of stock, large tîay loftI snd ralo rooml. deep, vebl. r d y tank, nov poutrY louse- and an abun- F i a dance ut fruit. Price $20() Per acre, session aoy lime 30 Usys after salie Dec emb'r 9 Thbs i ss.icidedly, a une-otan dalry fanai ln a daicy community.Titis tarin t-ilb . a . carry ten cow.s and 'iienaceissary se tosmecinea 1a . companyine a ock. A y'ai snd a a ll fHOISEIN CATTLE.. HORSES, aga i voulU have consideccd il ata J privilege î tu ave oftred Ibis isam.at AMSFARM MACHINERY 8300 per acre. AMND PLEMEIrrS. F. M. HARDING Area, Ilinis. Phoine 184-J L. J. Slocum. Auctioneer. The Local Telephone Directory Goes to Press Soon In the in terest of good service subscribers are requested to cal. The Telephone Company ana give notice o'f any changes or corrections that should be made in their listings 1LLIOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY PICAL attentlin glvmen Mtn.Veau. Pouitrt., Rides. _________________ etc. Also Butteran M . Proceda o! cousiasst G eneial prompti>' remltted. Thi la 5the b oudest houge on the etreet. Tans OMTM ~~~and Price Uns tW né cOu 8810~ n piicatidn: Coid Itoralle E . Merchant F-ltn jMarot VOLt! gare <io 30rn ts t pv75 03 W I o lui CH tARo TOv t 1 r!i Publici clude la ce ill, - --"tac t-Na oas lTe jot i . ta T, lot' tht-en !Muits a Male agot :',iit es. atut carre .rlîy ho '[le CO ,ignizaticl chico il( siorin o! c The soi ni,-etlng 1 ter. vhber viui give of the Co C'. IL.. Je Iwso a. P tif the col àti.op Ella "Ild te V MIsa JE (hicgo.' R', t-irât a'reuat Ca EDUC, lion to tb. tcan boys tlsemselve Prekident claiîtiols 4 a-s 'Ans Diiring ed tMat etilms of Pl roadsler; goad unecisanical condi- ion; good liuy. Snov's Auto liverlr. Tebephone 306-M. 42-tf 'OR RENT-A compiebely furnislied beven roons bouse aI Aresa. F. M. Hardiig. Area, Ill. Phono 184-J 42-tf HORACE BULKLEY. 905 N. Milwau- kcee ave., Libertyvibe. fil., viii psy shl for rav furs.. 45-tf F O R S A L E-Pure brer Toulouse geese. H. A. Smith, Prairie Viev. Ilb., or phono 269-R-1. 46-4t SITUATION WANTED-3y narrhed man; tarni or daii'y. Experiencd. Addreas P. O. Box 684, Liber4'>vlioe, Iinais. 47-21 FOR REN'i- ;ix roons bouse, coin- pieteby furnished. vii lie renlod for A- bil"àjLdJLJ

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