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Libertyville Independent, 8 Dec 1921, p. 17

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________LIBERTYVUI INDEPêrEDmrTHUERSDAY#. DJEUEmimJ gh1 ,J9zi. ~3MAS SEND -POWUR TO (DIE WATER AÀ'ICK'I Chea9 and makes IR possbl foe au te have wui stocked O *Qci'cw radvises e4OULD PflOVE POPIJLAR Federai proirluton offiemaare spai whn ty cme otopossession of &circuler priîtied la Gemman>', nov belng ulstribuied bmadcast. if .theoffrs mde n ltareliveS up ta, Wael stocked in e-le llera e-tilb. vithin lb. reacit 0;a..aid at a trif- -ling cool. Tii. circulaster. ditrlbtîd lhe Otier nhgblta nimembers aoflthe Na- tianal Republicaa club of New Yorir. The. Bdtertsergs ay us>' bave dis- coverei the. secretl.t o!eêsentteting tie vital elements of ail vines and *couverting lies. mb oa noi-alcbha!ie subatanm 13 Y A "simple prs"ços Il in pointe aut, the. non-alobolle Inaterlimay be <mvrtod me. "Jo>'. p u. beverago," e-bleb ta the actual wine tram vilcihie substance lias bera "lglally .xlracted. thi pdisgeof lb. tacenllen. tvblcbcoults a dollar, lb. circular mayae.-Ifmairle-oana h. all gai, loua c« th Jboum vine, and cem<t» bacis oi lie liocment lsa avins liaI au compreeasie au thal fetuerly placed befete cenvividal aualea firat clans bosdlerles. Maderla, Ma- Mlags, Moselle. Toay, Sherry, Forth- ail are Iaclade in le . emerous oSfer of the manufacturera, e-hase addres.s M. modesty vlthbld. The vine in ma"l, fret b> diolv- Au pavders la s1alal quantlit>. Per. mliting lista l ferment and laher ad- dig the fulquantit>' Of vîte-, t-a aud a bal gallons. ici la te. "bail aM bol s»d boIL" la tact the cep- ige gays lhe longer It balla"hiet~e- ter the wie-blmi. In conclusion thee ýtr< ular Baa3a the wj» JeIo bt *hie "te]yin& onn lt NO 6UARATEES ON. TIRE MILES. te ete Udfl D be.e.A14 <te eibah m h k a £ .1cM Laurs Casumter. k4ew rorCitr. cm0 STUDENTS ENrt ROLL IN U. S. VO- CATIONAL SCIIL " inl plat or q"ist botiez tram dire. ta twenî>4tise >ears-prefer- Students at sohool have been nMy the later/' h la advised, haw- selected from eust and oser, tint ince the alcobalic content iA&erea»es constantly it wilI as5 weil central states ,>eW sand 'ena op afler a week or two 4 a sies Uteemoitits the content 5 4 1 e s lh as ta .'xceed thet. LL MODERN APPLIANCES oend f good judgment.'" The. circular conciodes ultb an ln- 9Vaslirglon, Der, 7-Witb an !ni juaction that .th. InstrucUions musît ial qnroIm'-nt of ejiff studenis. the 1e casuêliy tfoowed. altho lb.>' may first big govemnîtent vocationai train- Imeum p.lsted. Tt la palsted out ing renier la be established by thie -»at nothtng warth wile in obtained U. S. Veterans' Bureau was opened mihliut sOne degre of coxaplica- December 2, at (hillieothe. Ohio. tien. Col. Charle R. Frbes. Director of tbe Bureau. and aponsor of te gar- ermenut training cester. bIpt Wash- TEACIEtSTeKEoPean fthe scisoal.whieiil Students attending the sehiool bave SALARY fmirr heen'seiected, tram the, Eastern and Centrai states. ad Tt liqplanned ho Tu SP 1NtiJELD hale an ulltiate enrallimenIt of 50110 TO S RIlkur-IELD at lle -seisl. Ever>' modern sppli- ance- ha@ heen Installei ta praperi>' Syrinsteid. 111,. Dec. 7-Uaclaunied veterýan. A large bospîtal. complete by icflle i te r itfor ain $30»0,- In every respect, high cdait. coanni- M 81,311111 chmo i, duoh" tcb ty houfto. vhieb wer teeduing ors afI llinois e-tii renew hbeir betlle thé. war as iavtess ilousfs. a large ft- tiai a@masse befère t tii ot ie&Wlaundry. rompilel>' equippéd and hame. RL C. IMiooe. eecretary of the -funnîng. and many ather feaili-e-s filak StaLle Teschers' aaociatio<1. hav e been lnaugurated b>' (V. Forbes. said ber. today. Mca i tif.sbool wili'be iaaght Witb 120.000,00 a year as hbir goal the varlous tiadeq undir comîietent the teachers plan ta go before te leg- Instiîîîtora, asnid ideal surroundngs. Msature eltht the l lmn liatale S2.- The lorlb9t?ýes have heen repairéd, 000.000 boost gîven Ce fund iiy the lite bFt of! tquilpment procured for 62nd generaasaenibly eas Insuffidleut ithe onvcnience of the mesi. and for the. needs of th. taIe achl FYseve everything poa«Ible donce ta give the tm fiefnd was lncrea5ed front 1M. men the ieai coilece s i ad Coi. 000.000 ta lt.0O0.000 luis Year. F*rbs tna y neto fleVtr 1'wolve VearBureau ta interfere ta » an> -y The techers' figiiufor larger aPP- ith1rFn aursuig professinutal aloi- priations began tweIe yeara alto we-bes ai any af the 1niversitieq or ir- the fund vas $11.000.000 annnailly. That crédtled ntuior, conlnued Col. amouat bail been appropriat'sz for t1111F lorbes, "nar l9 It .1 e plan ta eHm1- t>' yars ln tiPn of te Oid -milfl Mate nahe proper placement tranng. Men AcbOl tas. eWlM continue ln placement training Tira their leglsatlse labiles th" eih ail institutions or organîlzations toachors obtaîned an Increase oifS$1,00 hat are f6unîl cultable, and wec 00 01n111Ly tram Ilbe legtalature hl are realiv helpIng the man, and not Weil. gesdingirobies te "MerysectIn exploltln'g hlm. .. of the leglslstuM ,tise teacherq galned "The firni U. S. Veterane' Bureau Inereaseq webubeisite IPfundICI 0Vorational Schoal ill Iiopena anew $3.00.000 lna1113. 4.000.000 In 1915, era for the disabled sas. 1 amn confS- andi $9.000,004 In 1919. dent. Witi caipett Inaiructors, In thier campaicli for 1919 te Illin- proper houslng afcltie. and modem OIS Ste TeRthere ItqoCIialOnMet $10. equiPmenî. thecinai ait aIChllilcothe 000.00 n year a, Ilheir goal. Comlng eill provide lh. *pport»4nty for vet- bâclettis ye?.thiev aaked for S20.000.- Pralns ehoamarevocatko.liy handicap- 000t. ai vli.n 'lheannmal meeting 1t e edta heome rehbiitateainlaevery bed lier. iiecember 29 t . part of Fen'te of lie word-mentally, physi- tii. îeglalîvp.prograrn a ito iemapprisal]al> nd i ancWaiy.' out viiilacînlde a renewed iesuand for_________________ tie amont vbchie h last genisma .- sembly rensei ta itve. Adopt 1Leogimlttce Plan I-i- - Other ltemresaut lthe legialative Pro- grala ilc the asociation tu eoletd ta readapi and taire before the nexI lsilative body Inlacsdes tb. iollow. Lie v.lloUmt ofcantinuation scitoals for cildafen te employaient and ln- crmses lui iceolfinances unlil a coin- pulsor>' alteadance Law- van be made effective for cidren up te 18 yeara af Comituisar>' kindergarten viierever schoal financems wil permit. More liberal finsicial support for teacher-training mcels. Change ta lb. standard et lie teacilog profession by ralsing slghlIFthe meurementa for certificales and fie repeal ofithi.pro- visiong aliawiiig emergene>' certi iI- % Piotagi Mars. !uirct~iliua ti lihologrîpliîv of Mars bave been i elt-iithe i.owll ObservRtory, Fiagstaff, Ariz. Ninerous exposures Êare male leh ci l 1 1th wl the expectaiioii tf getting the mo. Uneteiofabet dellnitten af tbe pianet. t6ftei. Water. Wliere tise ord t olr>' e-tem la bard. pta bRllet and 16ilSt bait fulil et 55iiéL*i«Sttrre00 IN THlE FUTURE Betters Pledge to Be Given Faulty Tires wil be Replaced MOTQTSTS INTERESTED lnsteed of tii.mileage guarantee ot W111e4comnes the. surety af freedem from defects ln wor-kmànmbip &ami nmfterial. That lis the new terni of guaranty adopted by tire manufacturera deter-. mnIae te elImInat. the evîl Of unjust ciaima fer mev thre.bu"s upon the tuumete. or nmusas Hereafter manufacturera have de- cldai te eoe.1ie deltve tires only on theb b.u.cetbefr appearance and the condition in which they are re« turned for adJustinent. A standard laim feai bas been deviised for the: in@ of Ureakes uud dealers ta b.e presented by tii. moterist viien enter-1 lng a claim based an defect.tve e-ork- nianablp or materfal. nhe aew fore.la expected te go- suit ln the. elluinatbon of "'polkT ' ad. justments wiech are sald ta bave oBus- ei losses ruanlag iota large uis ne nually. Abuses of the. former method say tire mten tenied ta Increae casha. According t. the »W walTaaty,mnn efortreemrsee te erijit Ioteded whetiier the. daeiaged tire falled te' give gond service because of fenlty workm»sslp or niateial. lathbat -e? eut. the tire will b. repaired or replie- ed and a charge will be made tbat wtti eompensste for tle sservice relidered by th. returned tire. Tiie tançlard warnnty Includes with tiiswarning ta mnotorists: i "Pnc-umatic tires bin bfrai asubstl-1 tute for air bas been used. res when nof Infla , rd ho the pressure recommend ed, used on wheels out of alligament, ahu.ed or m lsueed , us .d an rim a o t ier Ihan iliase bearing certain specitied Staanps or wltich have been inijiired ruaccident or deý!gn, are fit sub- MI Cloth Tabl SeLs N~e iomesvle e-tUfail taenjoy hie new table sets of olklotb viti uder ûbeerful borderof aigy fver and froits. ¶'iey are mucih andaomet titan thie stenclled pieces and mnny women,uise tiens for tbe <uiner es ele, as the breakfast table. Theau mehs comost of B centerplee, plate daUbles and soînirr doUies. 'h rieiuits and flo%%era lln ie set -t iiretl are n their n'tîri colorsa cnd the ail- iot1b l a dtorp creans culor. fLtter Thar the P.eve'me. 'Do Yt tI ii e lîî ýV-jçr, iîigl Faid hO' i-Ir I-) i, ri*e .% wnsud -iIC11 sl'1 t. ' (li t lie h(0>e. itîîi'IrI. te*red " i . '01 doa fot; hut i Ilt' t o Oi ii-fer Ilterr%-o rk to Il' rkîîr----B- (1Tran- WE INSUltE GLASSES .AGAINST BREAKAGE Thret Doctors Two Hour Service 109 South Gene... St. 111 N. Gehiese. St. Wnuk.gan, 111. Th~,le APniw LUnWay- Direct Deliveries from Chicago to ,Waukegau;and returu. Tic ooamy convealence, and afety ai ailpplag by "= k auan ltqn wick bu4dreds of manufacturera hbroos he b.country' bave recagulizeds lit la biper tan express, faler than treigbt or boat.,aid jiit @Â reilabie as an>'. Tic Arrow Lme'*111 rail for jour gonds and de- Ikwar tMein t bir deallnatiçn lu Chicago (or aay point esu route) ta the ahortest possible lime. Rates a&re szcoediu!gly nominal, based an Ebîpinents af 100, Ibo..and ux,, A'i-gpreaéta4ve of Thé, Arrow Une is in *Waukegaa ,ie day. Drop us a Postai, at ou Chicago office, and he wil be glad to cail and discuas the matter without -ob- lgating you ins any way whatsoever. Imcor~or~tei *Real lapanese Petter>"Is- es af brilliant bligseak af the orient lTbsy add muon of interest end beauty ta the. moaderato bone--13.50 ta $9. Aveji Pottery Tablea are - Ever acceptable ta bousewlve4 are tino unismual pleces ef tabieware, $1.50 ta $11.50 Bie the. prices. Cold Detorated Glass Table- wure for the. bausewife Who takes pride ln ber decarative tablivare; 15.00 to 18.00. Irridesceat Glassware that reflects he hues of sea and sky. beautiul ta farma and nma- teuiais. Tumblers, and gisa for w.1er. ite"tea. lemnouade or sherbets; $3.5%) ta $13.50, -stet aisix. Anetican Giassware that vier w9libthe rare art ai Yen- tee. Slendid ezantiles af wiiat Amerkan ingeeiulty accoas- plisbcd sînder the spur of war, $6 ta$10.00. CRndlestickis la bragis are e-elcome additions ta the liv- ing room. For inantie or la- vared nook. $5.00 ta $10M5 lie pair. The. Sewlflg Cab4netl iimtrated above i. Mahogan>' finish aM& came- fulIy maie. $7.50 ls the. pries. Foirlthe mal, ho enjoys n snobe: at haine Ihi.s Joking stand wauld he a inout deiigbtfui git. Soll mabagan>'. priced at $17.5O1 The Kenilworrh Gift Shop Featuring Elgulvo WGfts at Moderate Prices (iIfts thiat*refleet personlality.- You are inclin- ed to jtîdge the refinenient of your friends by the.. mieasuire in whieh they appreciate the better things of lifé. Their homes reflect their personalities. The' Kenilworth Oift Shop is a never-f.aiing source of gifts that ex.press ,personalif y in the %ome. Wholeaome Sentiment and Practicl Utility Combine In This Collection of Appropriate Decorative Accessolies. Besure to visit thie Kenilw-orth OGift Shop .1 The great variety of gifts and convenient mùthod of display niake gift shopping in this store a pleasure indeed. The Kenilworth Gift Bhop Ià On the Third Ploor. on the Visit Toyland Third For The reasonahblencss of the prices in tbis toy section are ail the more evi- deint wvhen one compares thcrn with prices eleswhere. Theni, too, the.comiplete aissortiments ont' £ound lîcre is wvorthy of speeial empliasis. description are ~* bere. - PileS 50c ta $22.60 TbY DRUMS A io t aried assorînient rance in prire floîti 10e ta $8.00. STRONG WAGONS Made for iougi usettge. Al rîtem $4.85 tu $10.50. !I~Z~~3I~ DOIL PIJENITURE Inaaieled Dresaersi beds, rockers,eciii- fonlers. china clos- eIa. etc. $1.00 ta 19.50 À NEW BLED ah Christmas lime la a neyer forgotten Incident ln thse1lite of ever>' boy. 1 11.00 ta 86.50 TOOL CHESTS - A 13OYIS DELOIT Pomtule noflîlar pleases mai-e huitheb.guitorai Ihest. <Octa o$3.50. STORES TUA BEALLY COOK Real saves vith ail the. eookingr utenalis. $1.60 t0 $10.00 UANES Never bave w. aiown sncb a complete aaaortment of gaine e ail kinda. loc ta 13.95 Roll Top Desas vtischair,- AUl sizrea Piàel tram $475 te $18.00 BRAWlNG BOARDS Every cOuld laves ta draw. Thts blackr boardaid design chai-t la a good teacberj $2.00 and 12.85 THE NEW HANDLE Baccalite and hardwood haandies; mny bave leather Mie aýtrap and fançy tip. prced frein $1.75 ta V12.75 (Firat Floor) -December Clearance of Women's &Misses' Ready-.to-Wear Evcry woman who lias a Suit, Coat or Dress t pr.ovide nt. t bis time. w)ill feel extrernely foxotunate w-heu slie inspécts, the wonderful values this gale brings. In faet every Coat, Suit iadDress in mir -entiro' stock is greatly rceduced for this sale. Ouim Entire stock of new . Fali inodels. At prices ranging ut $19.75' $39.6O $49.75 $5975 ÇOÂTS Every Coat is neýw and per- fctly tailored in the latcst modes, $10 $2975 $25 ý$9.75 Silk or wýoolen ]Dr"es s or' W0111101 and misses.-t, $15, $25, *$e.75,:$39.75- -SKIRTS Skirts of plaid or plain nia-- teials. MI-are new, Fait and Winter goods.- $5 $7.95 $8.95 $47-50- (secondUplouf) . 0

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