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Libertyville Independent, 8 Dec 1921, p. 4

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THE LIBERTYVLLE INDEPENDFM., THURSDAY.THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 192 1. êwPry dc ndependent' WW CGoumVy Inependet - Waukegan Weeky Sm, mithe Posatfice OttllserYvle. lU.. a Secon Cls Mail Matter. ~iCfIPTON RIF-01.50 PER VEAR, àSTà-r,-TLY I AUVANCE. OffIe TleponsNamb.r 1, Lîbertyville Exchange. 0A. . NALLIEY .-.-.--- ---.---- Local Manaer« MIER RESIDENT IJRNED TO DEATI ICIiICÀiO FRIDAY Mary Faber, turmnerly of fftyvillè, succumbs in Chicago hospital sM"r Faber. a turmi e vli nresîdent of Lake couSit>, is at her borne. 58 * si Superiar t, Chicago, as thc resulit nI' urfis *ed wben a can of kerosene whieh ste vas pouing oil ex- %7- A Thoughtful Gif t S 'NAÉT Luggage le a gift that se attractive and amoeful. one that shows îho't- fuic.siereiOi.For everY ene needs a trim Case or a -whether he b. a reguler travelir, or Just for weekend tripe end vacations. W* have ail kinds of smart Liaggge t a wide range of pIoe*.-ready for your seleC- JOHN W. COLE tibertvîie Ilîlnois ploded. drencbing ber garmefita wic igniled instantlyl. She waa, dcaih ocmired a tew boucs later.c Faunerai Saturdas oorning aI 10 vnclocls ut Schlute's undertaking cuomns Northc Clark sîreet. between Chicago avenue and Sulierioi sîreet. Wliflthe il caugh: fiC i îîeiglî bolr rusbed lu tho rescue out Mc. Faber. V. îapping a rog rourid and parti> subduing Ithe fil icheoeig I- bar tiien gaie lier attention lu a year- oid baby Nica. Faber bad heen caring for. The ire in Nrs. Fahrs loiling caught lice agaiic as she stanted to rush ta the bedroom. She was a asi ly burned betore the ire could bic cx- tinguished. For elghteen yesrs, ir Faber. abuse maiden came was Holton, and whoae irai husband was natned Rbc, made ber home in LbertYvilie. She wss born at Antlocb. Some' yeaca ago abe removed 10 Chicago. She leaves severai relatives in Lakte county, Mca. Frankt Vogt, Mca. Frank Wagner and Mis. King, ail of Nortb Chicago, heing cousns. Mca. Floyd Recrdon ut Waukcgan la a niece as aie talsov Mrs. Fran k Ccnover and ý le sAris MeCreadie cl Nortb CLI cago. DEAIN 0F iREÀT LAKES BULLETIN IS ANNOUNCED The Grea. baises 13ulletin is dead. This news wiii cause bundredi of ibousanda of goba and former "salis" a pangof regret as il vas one o! the Most uniquen publicatIons in America. andi iisfi re was -ocIdwide. A Ilrder from the Bureau ut Navi- gation ioday caused al paliers publ lisheil u0 ubore stations outhue iiav. 10 Le dicontinued Immediat-iy. An issue ut the Bulletin this morning ttcc-cefon did flot matectalize. The Bulletin was etablsbed five ysi-acgo and duing the war some ]of Ille cuohi noed newsapper men of ice country vere editons or contribu- tors. The editar in chie! when '30' was written vas Logan E. Ruggles. natio nall knouwn ai a witer of bis- * torical na y stocies. Chas. H. Maug- ;han vas asociate editor. Useut. Com. ij H. tngram vas aupervisory office. styu Ili3 Finab.d le blabo&ye»d Oak Make This a Brunswick Christmas An ideal-addition to the Christmnas fes- tivities is a Brunswick, foc it bings to eacb menber of the houschold his favorite music in the intimate atmnosphere of the home. And note, too, that thene is no reason, when buying a phonognaph, to he ais- fied with anything short of a Brunswick -for pices and ternis on Brunswick are the sanie as tuiose of other instruiments. Exclusive Feetures Brunswick pays ail makes o! records witit- ont attacbments. Titis means tati vth a Bruns- vickin l your home you can enjoy ail the great atse regardiesse of the make of records for vhicb they record. Titis is accompished by the Ultona-. aret o f The Brumwk-not an "'atiachment." Another exclusive Brunswick feature ia the Osai Toue Amplifier or bor, made entireljr of vood and maulded lite a fne old violin. It 'a respansible for mach of the wondrouuly beauti- fui Brunsvick totne. The Ray Furniture & Point Store OPEN MON.. WED. and FR1.NIGHTS PbfNpamgLIBERTYVILLE ""Buy Your Chrisunas Brunswick Eariy"# --ONY$10 ySA M 1ARO-ON AND WVHITE Editorin-Chief-Eleanor Waldo, Assistent Editor-.Mavie Galloway Business Manager-John This$. Desk Editors--Carolyn Butterfiold, Kathryn Morse and Ethel Hanson. REV. MORGAN AGAIN PAYS - 1easy usage of language and bis beaui. VISIT TO L T. H. S.c fui style. Tuesday uorning. Nov. 29, at gener- There ia no coun:ýry large enodgb 10 ai assembly tbe scîudenis bad the be deaignated as sucb. in which tbe pleasure of bearing Mr. Morgan talit people do flot use some corruptions ut of hie recent trip east, wbere lie visil- tbe native language. America isa0<1 ed historie old cburches- in Pbiiadel- exception. %ang ia fast becoming the phîs and New York, Franklin's grave. crutcb of the American people, and Wachlngton's tomb and many more Ol1 (bis conidtion of affaira myst be remn- the spots made sacred in the Coloniai edied.' Good grammar cornes first; days. Hie emphastized the importanceJ slang prohibition forma a very close of showing appreriation for the e#otCsI second. There la no better way to get of our fathers and grand fathers in tc ind of It than 10 do it, for slan.g la Just 'veloping this great land. eitber carelessnes. or lazineas; the Mr. Morgan said acnong otber im- former f rom habit, and the latter proli- porrant things. ibat the people of New! ably because the vocabuiary of the York and Washington are intenaely ln-1 slang usroac i fot varied enougb for teresled In tbe Conference. EverYunfl free and easy expression,.Liuerefore seema to ibink thtat if the Conference corruptions are used lu avoid tblnk- falla the Woid la doomed. cxg. Th clty of Wasington bad a mag Good use of Englisti wiil really avail nificent electricai disp*y to greet tbe; one ittle if the voiee is not beautiful delegates from o'Iier countries now "i'isad the enunciation poor. Thie Engiish this country. Diffenent colored ligbta. are -sid t. bave the nbust beautiful and maklng a rainbow effect were fiasbed weii mcdulaed viecs. They know upon ti'e capitol, Waablflgtnn's Monua- tha: the apeaklng. as weil as the ing- ment and niber public buildings for ing voice, bas a range of lone, and two bours costing tha goverfiment f ive tbey apply thia knowiedge. In tbe Uousand dollars. comparison of the way in wbicb an The higb achool s.udents tborougbiy Engliali woman said -ill you pleasa appreciate Rev. Morgan'a visita as bis îetcb me a glss of water?" and an talita are sure t0 stimulate their desir.ý Ameican woman's *Bring me a glass for knowing wortb -hile thinga. of water. please,' It was te varied tone of the Engliali -aoman's voice and the monotony of the Americans .ba L. T. H. S. t tive Auditorium belli comparera' attention. Tbe Ameni- Unulia nterest la sbown in tbe cans are famed for lip lazzineaa. Voire Nautilus Vaudeville and Moving Pic- exercises, aîong withh hp and mouth ure. wbicb will ocçur ai. the Auditor- exercises. wlll overcome tbis and soon ium Tieater Frîday'atternoun and eve- varied voice and weli enunciated sylla- ning. hies and letters wii result. Four clever comedy acta charactet- The pleasant use of English aloing izeci by ieloclioiis congs. sccntiiating wuith a pleasing. we]limodulaccd soice. jokes a nd mirtb porvoking plolts, bave always designates a refined and cul- [been planned. Miss Wilder is direc'- nuned personality. Amerimans lead in ing the show. assisted hy Miss Sand- most îhinga--we oughltot lead as suci berg. Miss Bryant, Misa Russell and îersonaities. Englisli is fast bemomuing Mc. Teed. In addition to this. the tbe diplomnatic langsiag- of the wocld. popular ini-ma sIa.Bb ail,ýl Studenfa are cornîng iere tronc loi. be sean in one ot ber laie releases. eign counties to cucrple icý,eir cdu. "Oh. Lady. Lady!" This film. wbich cation. As, a cule iheur -tudent. promises 10 lie unusualiy ogod. was- speait the English languatie better ,ecurcd lrougb tbe cooperation of than those 10 whom i cis a na.ive Mc. Saiter. manager of the Auditorium tongue. A beautiful îersonaliît can Theater. be aquiced., Let te Amei îians ranit Some of the hest bigh scbool talent first. as those wbo have acquired il. bas been selected for tbe vaudeville casi. Those ut Ibe public. Who bave enjoyed at previona igb school Icisys the impersonatiotcs ut Gilbert Vocîker. Hobant Swan, Donald Fitzgerald, Wal- ter Panker, Eldon iKtchen and Cecil Heoit. ahI vemume he announfcement that these young men wiii appear ln comedy paria Fiday ingbt. Feminile attractions wiil ot lie lacking. A beauly chorus. cmrposed ut sume ut the îretiest girls in L. Tý H. S. is an important (caure outwo ofut ue pro- ductions. An Oriental dance ncuber by hbis he'.y ut rharning maidens is ibeing anticipated with murb internast. Unusuaaiiy good incidentai music for the pîcture, "Oh. Lady. Lady" bas been Iecured, as Mias Kathcyn Halin and Chbarmas Waldrnann are conlnlbuting their services. Both uf these people are piosicians ut cecognized ability. There wili be jxcree shows given on Fnlday. one at Ibree fociy-five in the atternoon. une ai seven in the evening and s final performance at eight fOty- five. Tickets are thicty-tive cents for adulis and twenîy cents for cildren. You can'n! afford to miss thia oppor- tunity. Save Fiday atternoon and evening moiher. the girls, fathen and tte boys. Pleasant Speech an dOtherwise hi icîküs vont.but suc are noled as nLoney iamers and we mcc> L- e- nowned as personaii> carners. -Myrle Huhbaîcl. Eaglish il. '24. Lasi week V.as a busx cn(. ccr îu- dents of L. T. H. S. Work and mocre- wurk. and mur eV.ork, ces ews and ihen sourne. examsa ainosi unendin.g it seemed. Tbere vere clouds wiîbin and without. gray skies wich thi- -con tried in vacin 10 ienietrate. Monday brougli: a mumh more prom- scng outiook. A risp airnospice just enough snoss to suggest skating. sieigh rides and such guod imes. cand Mr. Walker smiiing and joyuus Wh'iat matter f tumuorow - brings re- portcards. Worcy is noî oniy toolicib but alsu destrulctive. Loot lu Ibis day and cemencher: "This liltie strip of lîglît Twlxt niglit and niglit Let me keep brighî Today' And Ict nu shadow of tumorrow. Nor sucrow From the dead Yesterday Gainsay. My hai.ness Today: And if Tomnorcoy ahal he Bad. Or neser corne St ail. I've bad VOLIVA CALLS' MADISON BEST CAPITAL CITY Says he has, visited many but finds none which can com- pare wîth it Madison, Wi.-Fuli ot pralse forc Wisconsin and Madison as a unîve-- slly town. Wiihur Glenn Volîva of Mion City opened tbe campaîgei to ce form the state with two address bere on Sunday. Students wbo flock- ed to bear short ckrts and bobbed bair ccndemned came away diap- pointed. fe:- Voliva Ihînks Madiaon la the be.ql stîlte capital and uni ,%ecsl5ty tosun thal lie lias se<-n. Th, Zionistbave e'tablislied their statn headquarters here preparatory le ac. 'ear's woclc in the state. Tbey will *rcc,'et wltb r portable tabernacle thtl:ci -l 'mal close un 400 people. S. C'Wh'-elock, rnpesentIng ltce Aniecican Citizens' Protective asso- ciatilon of ZMon Cty, was on band dis-ý lributing literature warnlng flixe pub- lic of "V'oliva's wildcat achemes." Wheelock claimsd lu represent tbe otber ide of the lpopulation oftZMon City ani sald Ibat a delegation witlc simiiar literatuce wouid follow the Zionlats wherevei îbhey went In lte Stalle. FINÈD $10IN ZION; APPEALS TO JIHER COURT Charli s (cisjcin. 2100 E-,ekiel ave. nîul.Zion C'ly.. Who wsiiacresiecl -a t he resulc of an cil terra ticn w Illihia nfighbor, L. ('alclrii. on Thanhsgiv- ing day. suas arcaigneci;n justice rouît bl-on iciiu~iîccfcct- day-. The a ici ialitkm g tiew (oui t oi dispcute oserlie locaticn etflratreù'c, ni cil box. Cl(t c sîcî t, r mancg (2rablt ri. haîl îlared il ilithicrenter of th(- divewa ' . The charge wcis amendeci recîd ihat of ni i-s ut of-' ieace,* andi a $fi ne wcîa 's sessed but lîis wius remiltcd c iiirelus, d tl'il' thie rosI s binlie rasi- cand iook an ai,- ice.l Thce trsi dia, ge agaiî.i.cî. w as ihal lie !l(]ail c .î,, iruiilbox Af?, r Ci i'ciiilîucnî-cc l ci,. iace 1*11 lcl,-ciuli liejusil l O i- cic th(-in Ue lie cca],c cc .i.d Io lioule l ilil h,. : c cc .u îii di rs- - S. -ubjel' îc cc i, c c..ic c !lu' itSI, i-i c mîIiiîcnoi Jances Ciac:. 'Tie Jislcic* iii, n, c. Ciiiciîc Icr ta tile, c ic, c- olcii il iarcîl.. cuggeuj, t i liai he Iîî-c li Ilice iOliliiti, Iii. . 1'W luadifferenre. ADDITIONAL LOCALS The mee-ting of tbiii Womcns Auxil iarY O ol ie Anîccîcan Legion Wiii h. hi-Icini-t hi uradcc esî-ncng, ber. 15. inslead of lonigbt. as had bei-n pre- vouualy announceei. The date was ühanged un accouai ofthîe Il. T A. meeting lonighi. lit whichi Judge I'cr Sons is le sçîeak. The littie son of Mc. and Mrs. Bruno Itaidtkc, Afred Elmer, dîcd iast Salur- day atternoon, afler a short ilînesof Pneunconia. The liîWe une w"s lwu monthbanmd 17 days old. The f mrai was fildîlMonday afttcoon. caid ih, inlermeni was in I..ckeside emt-te,>. We Amneicans are accuaed utfniany At least-Today.- At Ilice regul bad traits. Among ibem cornes as thce ..-- bohard last Mo irsi chicof u critirs. our money-get- Calsîn Bracher and Arthur Golden- tenderc-d bis ing 1)iroperity k Lajeuni> lurcigners ,burg. who are unable ta attend ambool tenden, out he of course. wbo consider it a (nuit rath- ai pi-sent. si-n Messages to L. T. H-. S. missian. Mc. i-r than otherwise. But sumetbîng ai- frccnds lact week. as good as il, :nso ,L0ntlce serge af bccng a habituai Herbert Jlohnson ofl Chicago vîsîîed ceaso)n i- de rnannerism and a national ciaraclerca ligh sclîoolh'rcday. job ccl the îcuî ,ý, is our eloueuiy use af a beautiful o0- 1bits nuil yeî b language. Englcah. 'Tile codbaillbanquet aili'hicicld liicbhncan vill The LBrtish say-tha5 Ihece is outhingTcusa u on. k 5h. t ,esui-uee '.ucc..iis aca Engiiali a-crent wbc-n alîcak- Hcgh Schbol invitations iili hý i-vc na "piaions fi ing tlc language. We arquicate, Le, hy :îcc-AIblicî Association. Anen- u:h the villa; eaust- ilcc logic js mrrer - but v;(-,u.cc vbo has hein uvcriooked and darc cc-rtainly compeiied In say tuaI itte t 1 ccii. oi.Ici> ccore an invcîatiun by Iteulien E. Amertran way ofi apeakcog il, vicetielcoucunnunicaiing wilb R obait Swucn. cibed accen- io, u is nlauta ail lsudatoc>. . __________wî-î-k exiibici t tai. som-times a tact St wbiccbtuoçsan-.anmals ai tte der (bat people, wbu have raine fcot,, CAurc/z Jervtces Exposit"ion i cuceign countries wih languages dcc h- pirze an 'Jor .etitfg ,o greatl) from ou rawn. ace - oinpetitors i able tue dam 1tu speak in any rompcc lcIîfih'rPRFSBYTE.RIAN the United Sý cîcosîble way. Wlat lttle Engiisb the Eaci C. Morgan, Pastor. " Senior Boar Icaucer classes do iearn je abundanll Sabbaîh Sebool at 9:45 a. M. Our! uf Sire. 4 P- aprinkird with tbe numerous inmper- schooi is consiàt-ntl$' gcowing. There Rend"; third cectiana aif aur uwn speech. Dnatend is omfor y>u.and owned b> ot bianling out-acîves far ibis we biamcc Preaehing ai Il a. mn. Junior con- ior" viii be :cîco. Oic. hat ae could sec aurFelvua gregation. Topir ufthlie message.,'"The and Johnsoni c.ia others sec us. Positive Eh-ment in Christs Gospel.' others were 'ccbhasaone ot the Must important Gond music. Public cordiaiiy invted. wene 8bipped thinga nececsany in gond speech tà Christian Endeavor a. 6:30 P. M. uned tac hree( gond gramiman. Nu malter boy lange Tpir. 'l'oints la ijie Pîedge That W, record 'Laite s vocs.buiany une may have, il ceallY are likely tu Fonget." Leader. Wilson chesty abouu;, accumplishes very uitile when anea Oenon. oga can ie use of grammar in pour.. Studylor iPrearcing ai 7 :30 P. M. Topie u ounf grammars and apPlYinli te knowiedge the evening message. -No Roont for gsîned te oune sure w&y ut leariig cor- (ha Christ!" j remifleim in this regard. But Mbe way Boy Scouts wl meet eIt te qCub* Most pleasant, whiC-h anolîibc oon on Tuesday, Dec. 13. Th iro TO CC twu thingmataiOnce, la the readjng and Commtîes of both Troupe No. 1 and., *Al siudycng Of gond liierature--t-hakes' No. 2 wilI ha prealn, to Ment with the AlB$ peaces playa in parlicular. Those boXs and formulate plans for Ibis ciii- *in 1j'.of pIes-s wili teacit une go><>< gramînar ang year.* and a pleasani use ut EngIigh, and at Prayer meeting WednesdaY. Decern- Mondavi t.bc sane ime "fi help oneatu acquire ber 14. Tapie, "A Sludy of te Man *aCCOtant that pieani and much daulred asset. Calebt."- * of scbool a large vocabulary. The recreatîon Camp PireGirls wlll meet ai lie, pnovided and the love o! alilgond manne on Tuesday evamig, lIce. 13. imnosuiblq wrltinge are things surely acquired Work towards the Vanity Pair. Ail in stD i and not tauha e epied. Sh'kespeaf O mambers ara urged to be lîresent.* himself la eaid to > .ba-had a vocbu- The Club Rom xi viii hopien ton boys Mondav. iary of some fiftsanl/houalid words on Frlday evening. Dec. 16.'> Houre. and leiserenowned for hs lelht,' 7:30 tu7:45. lar meetcng of ihE village lndu>- nigcit AI Klchrnan ireucanaiion ccs supi-rin- ie Lihi'rîyviiie water roin .Ktlclcm.cn' hialuth inul It slcuuld Le and for itei lcided lu cclinqucslcicIis iOp lcusî ýIbis successoit uc-en apiîînied. anti M c. ýi rdnciain iiicharge cintl sel-mcîld. Two or ilir-î for, th hp-lamici ci- on t i-ý ge tucitorjiiiu Thcomacs and Chas. John- uto Hasmpshccre-hoga. las' ed sevetal ofthlie-r ici izv e nternational Live Stuckt c Chicago, winning tirat fluor Bouc' againat ninc of lice hi-st breeders in 3atea; aise tic-si piize on x Pig"; second un -Gel Pigs"; thîrd on' Young 1on 'Young Herd, hced , exxbibitor.' "TiraI Jun- kepi by Messrs. Thomnas as their tend sire.' Tue aold ai the show, and ilu le owa points. te be eding purposes. This la a county may teed raiber and shows taI the besl 3and are raised in tbis ORRESPONDENTS *; hool news MUST Be * )ffice flot later than * of each week. On * of the lam~e number * As reuresentedil i is *» de to set the malter* i received later than* oooooooooooooooooo!oo0ooooo0ooo090000 o WILMOT SCHOOL Io. GRIDLEY SCHOOL o 00000000 0000p0000I000000000000000000 The spelllng conteat beld Fcrlday 1Toeperfect in spelling the par, wekare 1'riscilla Thatcher and Helen Dec. 2, was a success, Elvira Meintzc r won a prize for havîng a perfect paper1 Brockmuan. and lsowon irs prze fr oal!Our bk-sket social wah quite a suc- ,words.'5. We mnade about $60. Wi are Corde Hablomwon econ im g o0ng wuî,uîchase reading cîrcli' books Corde H.gbom on ecod iizeand a new Waaîr fountain witli the in tbis contest. Lydia i(ocki-nbach woin iir-t lirizi- 'hî*dctr. nV ciîsi u in fourth grade work and Mary Horen hi ae w-ppisnOU berger fnok second.. iOnAlvin. itaipti nd Estella In scon an tbrd rad Poi Theie aie flow -7 ciildren in In ecod ad tidgrde'.îck cîo i un %%,-wîîî noltihavî- room Lowell Mintz, r su cii c:a pieami (I asci Ilussei l ii i won ,(rond priz.. A lunch Aai- . , .fur oelud.- iU c:îlii i, u ;î.sen. îromi and everyone cnjoy d lihe aftcrnoon c.clcîoI iicurcdaý, uni!uf KEmu.E %aVte *h-it,.e-ilocrts o 'e LClraand Ali,.fil ffi-r. Enimna atoinxîco. J0,i1fl . ,-i id and elux lt)an. We have finismhed our txaminationsi Thîc,ý ;t- .1. Fricxav sicre Euia. and wii i lu gin mr foc ci ici,,nliih vo, f. i c. .c n. i anld Ernie i liofiiele r. Wcîinesday. Dec. 7. 1,ic., iii,, ILu lY n cand El titSturin. Our teach(-rMr * stics l>erk, cul. ntl E-i. e lii,nd il' lin Johinson. cd the special mi e..ng 1c-d i MNi sî-,iccioîi Iieîtic igrade î'uplý )ffnpcm ,velli- c:c'c d,.,. 5 rkircg on iî.-o lrd bîsîke-Ai :., i;h. sh,k and i t look,.s irý Best Pvt.ce W,,,:. n meic cn i ' . . ~ cc cauicLms an-d Sccnla) Aim,îîcuîîplaccI in reoî-.c- r mii, c i.-:.. c c Snew's Auto uverv-Tari 5cr- cio:i t, 1- c i, -, t. - r- ,iiýll cî.îîr fo..- c i.- , ,ic. vice. Phone Libertyyille 306-M. As the grax\ ticskens, as pancakes 9Jgrow in D>opularity, and the holidays pIn,,r/kv near. there 's a tendancy among those who sufer from hiver .and kidney ,oc weakness to expenience backache and als brother lumbago. Failure of the kidneys and bovvels lu îhcow off the waste of heavier f oods devolopes the soreness as the blood absorbs the tuas te. iChiroprar lic spinal adjusiments get at and remove the cause of this sluggishnnss and recovecy cornes about nraturallv . Manywo are' learning the ali ing.number' to ihe A i iloffecu. anound efficacy of chiropract:c are turning in increas- ~BACKACHE 15 GONE. 13, ' cfl.ccicjc ch .ccn.. i jcustl iii-ni- t wi1' botcil i cd w iii tucy bcck and lcîdni '. anmicoulîl nuli<-î-îî cilpir iwo. or ri. ccclock in *ie miortne cng, buci cdi.-" two io, three cdjuctmcnts 1 couid siee til i got up. The cicJust- menis wuc-r. oniinuî-d andîlnow the barkacbe is gone foc gond. A-ii tt same lime 1 was cured of piles. Marcon Morgan, Chropractî ie-esar c Bureau StatPmen, No, 1227H. WHEN EULTlî,BEGMN V/len bealth begins de- pendsi on wben yo'u tel- ephone No. 26 for an appointment. Consulta- tion is without charge. DRS. NIXON & DAOIS clIIRoPRACTIC PHY81CIANS 8peciallts-Correction of Deformlties, Nervous and Chronie Dieee, Heure: 1Iteo 4 and 6 te 8. Sundays and Hloiday@ by Allntfint. Suite 1O.111-NwOsetle Hotel LInERTYVILLE, ILL. HEALTH FOLLOWS CHIROPAACTIC CORRECTS PRESSURE! ON SPINAL NRVYES IN DISESES 0F TUE! FOLLOWINGORWAS: H ~ EAD 1,EYES EAUS ARNS BzlEAR7 STOMACII PANCREAS - SPLEEN KIDNEYS euwELS Tue« LOWIR NERVE UNPER THt MAGMFV- MIS GLASS I5 PINCHED SWAMMSUGNIO JOINTr. PINMIONERVISCANNOT - TRA5NIT HEAII'IFU T NE uIPPU REM le8 FRMAUMU Public Sale 1 wil offer for sale at publie auction, on the George Wall Facm, 2 miles northeast of Libertyville, on the *ulkley Road %tirst farm east of the river bridge, oui Monday, Decdinber 12,'1921 Commenclng at Noon, th~e followîng descrlbed.property: 10 HEAD 0F COWS f reali, 1 with caif by ide; 6 cdose sprinters; 1 old milker; ff 2.l0ZA ionths old, MISCELLANEOUS 18 hens, 12 sprint roosters, 20tomsalfafa fiay, 4 mnina, 1 hot crate, 1 stock tank, 1 tank heater, 4 brood sows, 2 gai vanized hot troughs and other articles too numerous to menti On. TERMS 0F SALE Ail sumns of $20 an~d under, cash; aver that amounit a credit of 6 monthe will be gîven, on good bankabte notes, bearing 6 per cent in- teret f rom date. D. HUVELjKÂMP, Prop. FRED GRABSE, Auctioneer. JOHN ROUSC, Clerk. Elect Thert Worti our ei house No, The OPE J Tel OUJR Co Whr flooi Enji 10w4 give you SAL' THI 28bl TCs emi[le, NEUVES vlr»olMçý ý F , 1

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