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Libertyville Independent, 8 Dec 1921, p. 9

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-, LIBERTYVILLE LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT XI.NO. 49. VAL ISSUE Overseer Iing tak- e court 6.-Wllbur )verseer of struction of Iglous cont- e Alexander by the 1111- notath, It le oni its neW enin, Miayor lary chut-ch ne court for rfering. te'a higbest tffîcils de- ,'oliya. thru )f the Zion conspiracy r a church vili flot how Futide * enurch Wé ttemporari- a lack of on ly .was ock erected which t hey hp trueteps li but their n went into urt .ýeekIng rntusedr by ai rite? l: e roff, (-i 'i la guninIi .*5 7-nionin.,m- :<(n atli i -d fr.rnl W., ELTO PIIREY a resuit J here 63, of Rid- ly morning the Lake the' moult ber 22. a veterafi front the home , 322 nck on the [le was re- erp it was t compound we right Ieg fion sût ln as beld at al home on by Coroner i testified llurnph rey lën the vlc- foun.d t hat protruding phrey frac- It of a bad ing at ten- with Inter- t Millburn The INDE. F AKE OR TH4E 't VEAR o 00000 Iront the et-n hourc-. bungalow Ldependent 48-If overcoat. office. Fron bed,; ident. 49-lt giving 70 EWilcox, 49-2t ~ki¶ 6 0 INTO î*TAI»3 ClINNLS tiMe0*êd -thit 1w6eek fOmý folt banloe ,BEAT ýFqIMER RECO1tDS 1100,00 ln cold cash. That la the amenai of Monter wmb l. t, bew ul.sed la Waukegan ou or belore ecember. the. bath as a resuit of the. toaudght oser.led by tiiose W&Ukegaatm wbo bave been carrytng cbmtu stlaàBainga accotants in th* var- fous. batiks of the City. làa 811 here are fiv. thousaad Who torte bave that l'grand and glorlous feeling soôme moring soonwbe tie milnan briniga'tii. reward for the.» tbrlftlness tbrougbout the. year. Borne of t"e Individual checks yUl Mouant lnto the hundreds of donLrà but mont ot them wtli b. for amaler nm nuch as have basn saved wthout the. depos. îlot- realizing that ho bas put tbo mon- ey *side. Pauy a Wankeganlte$ bas pald in a quarter. hsîf a dollar or more a week. ta have bis eyeà bulge out Wlih plsure tuis nonth wbmsî b. gelsa chieck for $12-S.60.25 or $60-luit the mouey ueeded te ianke Il a «Happy Christmas savtngs for I beir M0 de- flie figures ive iiflie varions Wmukegl anila for their Christmas savinga lub. wele Most ItereOlliti £txe.d former Figure. Officiels of the local bonks Whio bave the Chrstmas Saviug plan amuonuel tiat lb. &Mount of the "Santa Cdane, checks to be released Ibis seaa« là nuch larger tban Il vas a yesr aro. The mont far reachUji resulta of the systeincould ceotbe meaaured. ManY ,Waukeganites througi the tuse of tic Christmas savings sYstem bave Iearn- .4 th.i value of tht-Ut aud adopted It la other polîcles as weI. The )Lac pro- Vides theM inwhb the mouey when tbey -ýseed Il and bau been mot succeesful. Tt Ioauanicipaled thal the sendlng ont or the Christmaa clWecka yul g fat- towardastlnliatlug hie Ebrtmas ta-ade stuce narty Christmias ighoppers bave been wattng for thits 'beaI to couleeln" before startins aiu their t-eg- utsr tours of the. imarkets. Wili Buy Mort To. There là another aide wicb should not b. overlooked. This year th. mon- ey ta b. sent out ta Chrstmnas savers hac a muci greater purchaslng value than a allghtly langer num tnay have bad in prevîbus years. Armed wItb his or her Christmnas eavligs check, a Christtoas shapper la golng t j find tiat fil wot-ks wnders ln aldlng Santa Clauis inlhe local stores. Metchants have secured Christmnas stocks whicb were never surpassed in thua city and a revlew af tic. reveals liat the. buy- $mg pover of money bas lncreased Man, per- cent glace Christmas checks wore nmilled a year ago. Want ta Stan A gain Another proof of the succes. of the Christmas Savings club la ceen ln hie tact that score of thoae vio are t-e- ceivlng cbecks tis week have alr.ady begun (o ImIit-e regamnins formlng new clubs for another rear no liaI next Christmnas WITT se.elon uitas joyfui as they are aIt tus Urne. The. bankehbave snticipated Ibis dem'ira and ascii of them viiiInnedlatell stai-t new savings clubs ta b. orgmnla- ad on the name bags as la prevaus "eare. Tiiese new clubs vili b. for aIl c- es of depositors ft-om those who ean afford ta put asi4e a fen dollar bill or more esci veek dowp la 1he club for the baby viti the veekly psyment of five or ton cents. NIEMI 1MUST 60 TO JAIL, RULIN6 Springfild,.1t1, Dec. 7 Tb* hsu- pt-ree, court loday refused to grant a bueMd as to Jlohn Nielli 10 stay the - écullon 0f tie sentence ln tbe cu aseb hlcb Nient appsaled froni the. aNellate court for th. second dis- -k-Ic 'u'ilciiaffrned thi .judgment 0f tbe Uit court 0f I*ke Voualy ln faaNenl$800 and coe$sand sen- tencléghlm le six montbs la lhe Connty Joli for* keepllig a gamntg bouge. DEVRY MOTION, IN TAX ROiIT CASE Springfield, 111., Dec. 7.-Ta the case et Frank P. Ravblus Vs. The County of Lake iii Cotmty-Collecto Bracher. the.!!op"u.«-M.ui 10057 de SAUS lIER LIFE; BIER REWARD IS TO MARY hM Pretty romance cornes to ight; Miss Jennie Meyer weds Felix Druba SAVED FROM DROWNINGI SEEKS RELEASE FROM JAIL ON HIABEAS CORPUS Edgar R. Allen, alleged auto thipf, hetd by police on Fort Worth warrant DEM ANOS HIS LIBERTY A romance vbich begar a litte Edigar-Il. Allen, b.lug hetd aI tie over Ivo years ago viien Feux Btr-a-waukegan police station on a chargel ba4 Wiscaatnaveittis. WanltqSSii lite Iete.a -nbdq ithe letrcuit, gaourd, &sedtMise jesfM - abegs corpus preeeediliglthi dro-anlng la the local" bar r. ty luit cilnineteti tM'dcaltt-- 1?.Lester r. vW-lge~s, deuandiug lire. tEtuba rteutned la Waukegan ta- bis Immedieté releaso, anti ciargini day front their honeynoontritp and Ibal b. lla beiug ur.tavfuîIy betti. ednitte<î lhey vere unîtet in mat-- Allen vas arreseet by DtsIt Sergenat niage la Chicago an Weduesday o! Frankt liclanaman lent lionday on last veek. AI presfent lieY ae tY- aywcartrant Iront Fort Worthb.Texas, lng aI tht'homte cf the biides pet-- cierglng biminthh auto etealng. anti ente, tIr. and lits. Peter may et- of h bas since been held vitiaut baill 306 South Sheridan itoad.InteCy a. Ah the tinte she iras saead ron ThIle pciy er l. el ette drovning Mise tlt'yet vas batblng In Tepiae-cam el niit lie Waukt'gan bat-barIn conpany ta relcase or bail. vili lie Misses Florence Sht-ling Tht' Waukegan police st-e holding andi Panay Stak, two git-t chuins hut pending at-t-l o f tire Fort Worth t-ont North Chicago. autiat-ities. Suddaniy tIre girls steppeti mb 8a The haies corpus action vas ho he deep bois anti a moment lter vere iecrd before Judge Claire C. Eti- stxuggig for their lives.. wrs Druba. vio vas etnding on a bath-.a-s ng pler a hundredtest or more cvay heerd tbhe-les for ielp andti ilautC NF R W Tt 0 . a seconda& besitallon dore lto lie A F R I T 6 Y valet- anti viti lueîy sroItes saan tavard tient.SM LTO C A E clore he could t-eci tirentboy- M LTOC NQ everthle StacIt anti Siirlng girls itat drovncd. Dt-ubc seizet lilas Meyer 1ILWU KEE,1s R OA vytebira h as going dovn MLWIIZRA for tettdUe He managedti gel ber esisore tiers ai@ vas saveti byprompit eia attention. Tic Delegation ask governor to re- bodues afllie athert ho girlts vere t-e- locate state bond route thru covet-etibut hhey couidti olb. t-euu-Lbryi clateti. "Lbryi The foleivlg vinter lit. Druba began 1u caîl on MisselMeyer andt hey §~c ctm am reds oESTABLISHED LAST SPRING thttihe eding vas nol far off. but A delegallon of pert-sasintet-culet the Young couple tbah no one loto ln cbcnglng the route allihe sade ait! their confidence vîten lt'ey tecided roati mc htitIll ii tcy on Mitlwaukee tu slip avdy anti gel mat-rieti. rosîti trougir LibertyvIlle vcs In con- Icrucevit 2Y. Len SmctI bers Ibis YARD W RKERSafet-oon in an effort la gel hlm 10 eoae t-c rule. At a public bearing belotethie stahe DEE P tJIMfINQ îgîvay depaaîtent In Chicagolu -M.. th. _f. - v-n f DEÀ H T REA S hie St. Paul tallay lirrougi Liber-ty- ville 10 GraYs Lakte but LUbettyvIlle lbrough wa tie syov ni tiwuen Chicago. Dec. 7.-Tireals 10 bomi, avenutb1h theutoun ant pant shoot ho kiltla lnthepaeking honte ettthS.PalUetapon att-ike today putlthe poluce bei-e on norti of lb. Iovn. their tes.- - I la undet-stoodti tat lie only par- Otto F. Niaurock, general stipet-in- nov havlng paver 10 relicate l Je tendent et lie Western Packint & Govero fmall and ti lei for -the put- Provision company, comuplainedte 10the ic or cevinclng b trinlaI the te-b- plie that ut-Iers bati watneul -hies *cation là the proper îîîng liaI that emploas Ihal Iiey vould "shoot anti comnllee ia tcklng lie natter up kilt." worItsen baveaucen1014over- the wvîhhi il. lelepione. lie1 101lie p.ýolire at. _______ tiei- bon.. woutd b. bombei. ' Décaislaune, eelaa-y of the Anal- CHIARILEC DIE7 ganated Méat Cutters and Butîcier 1jw ITLL Workman et Norhi Ame*a, bhis att- ernoon Monoed a formai stafomenuf fat 19,000 o! lhe 3.000, usa altecteti by SEEKS DIVORCIIE tic ut-Ite aI lie yards are on sîruike.1 The Dackers bave cimed Iicy are --____ operatiug t'practicmfy mnotUal." Chicà.ga, Dc CimlPies,.lier- merly dlreetor-g et ftihe Unifl I tMtea4Maeraoy metloorieratii%4 WILLIM C. . O~L ~>19 ~ diore trum s. so. MILWAUt-, SCIIOOLS deserien ifts. 'tilla safiý b: nowlivng a ýNo*Tort. W&IBbqmedetamscef ou 1 A...,Tmi% a pcmeleéry. Ka9Ib.h,*I~lsstepsafet .,~~<09 bp, Meffl #Ur à'e m INDE.PENDENT Lake Cou t'sBic Weekly CkSm cf W mtur edleswoCournty Cotmnaed WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN LIBERTYVILEILLNOIS, DECEMBER 8, 1921. CLOSES 3 ýDAYS' t DELIIEATIONS Iindimàents ag t, gover. nor too fuito!='- f or con- siderat!on"-.LOForgee MRS. SMALL, IN COURT Attorney allaner F. Beaubien, local couriéel for lte defense, luis af- tet-noon opsned hie Attack 10 quash th. indietment, oharging embeze- ment, against Covet-no St-mal, imme- diatel foiiowing the. conclusion cf the thte cays' argumenta of Atty. C. C. La Forges.. Attorney C. C. LeFoirgee loday closed hie liree-dal altack upon the indicîtents against Govrtnot- Len Small with a demand Ihar Judge Ed- vardiq rat aside ench and e-et-y counl th the' bills and vipe out the enlire praceedings tran lie courts calen- dat-. Tih. indicîments cierge te goy- ernar viii conspiracy and the ent- bezzlement of sitl funda. C. Fred liortlmsr, slates attot-ney tram Sangamoa counly bas lef I for Springft8ld. 111* depcj-tut-e was foi- lowed by aunIntimation front the' shah. that a delay vould be &ougltla gîte attornesys for lie state IL week Or more teamie tiie voluminous arguments of IiJr ee Le]Fargee. la BunmlngD up today. roieeted hii generai charge Ihat lte Bangsxmon coual1l' grand jury icit ludlcted -the ovetuor vas«'Illlegally dravr" and Ibattiat Jury bad in its "s PeclAl report" Mbbed tire governor of bis consltionai rlght ta a bear. lng before conviction. He sald the jutr'à report vas ,an at- tempt ofai minter toi-ces uBing lb. grand jury teblacken the fiane 0f Gevernor Smul before lie people ef Illinois bY preJUdla and convlctlni hlm vithonl defense and vithout a trial." POLITICAL PLOT, CHARGE "11, vas dons for, palitîcal effect," Attorney LeForgee declared. ",Sucb action reile%ls upon the honor of the stale of Illinois." HO cantetded ltaItiche righl af a man to a fait- heariug by due pruces ,f av "vgs fDot a Iecicallty but a et tfhle very PrînciPies of our liii- ertY,.-" aisted liaI t m & M net libot, tiche v wbe.;i a trIa "vîthout lhe proper and legal observ ance of ail lirase vital safeguards." "The entire indicîtent," be eald ln conclutilon, "l9 go fullI-of botes that l ls bard ta belleve liat those vho drew Il erar expected Il would conte before any court.for hearlng."1 The hilgh lightsln t he final argu- ments o! Atty. LeForgee vie: Thal the' indicîments dû 001 set up particulare they are requit-ed 10 ini order that defendant can proparly angver them. That thre canaplrac "' charge doeen't show how the money wae vlthdravn, wiether ln lhe regular ciannels or lllegally. Thet Il leaves indefînite the point viether lie ntoney- vas paid ta Ihe bank or vas deposlled. That il doesnt charge Ihat Siaii gal ay aofte motea'. DEFENDANTS' M'IVnES PRESENT -The governar's wile and lire. Ver. non Curtis arlved Tuesday and ver. la the courîroont Yeslerday and te- day. and memiers or lte goyernor's Party vert' guesîs caithe Rotary club lent evenlng. WADS'WORTII DIST. ýITEMdS 0F NWS Agnes Kelly bas been 111 for lb. 1at fev daya vllh a severe cold. Tic- follovîng were petfèct in at. tendance durlng the monti: Lesie @Rlare. Elizabetht Edvards. Edîth Gallagier, Lea OHere, Hasel 'Hare, Vit-gît Levin, Met-nu Lewin, Franci, Kelly, Eat-l Lewin and liar-y Englar. Hovard O'Hare liras discantinueti drlvlng t1 la bigsechoo1andi la ioarding aI N111111 EDaîziepa. Wm. Levin atterideti'Jtire Stock Shov lest veek. Mrt. and lire. T. A. Kelly vlsihed ClIcago on business lest lionday. Guslay Chrlelenson vieltei home over lie veek-end. lit-s. Jas. Hagerly visitedth Ie Ste- piens famlly lianday. e LevAin atlended a parly allihe Waukegau Higi Achool. Ir-a Stephens bas been colkecting lu- sut-anc. dut-lng the paît vecIt. UNIVER-SIT Y IHEAD C0141ENDS RUVSSELL C. CI WUley. assistent profegsserof bWhwaayengineering. Uuiveruity- «gIl. 11els, basveldi Chartes U luselt eeMty imperinteudent 0cf bbMyua l ompilmeel.Prtof.W bau vnit. tste Sept. lusi " at bta a u%- ber et smpet.icilaulamaferthe pupse. et shewlag te neha Ugie au ifstt ab ivsmr. àwbw g Ib Waàei bu ew"kTh * O Bis i Irishi stat* vas containeti ln an ex- clueive Dublin dispatci tqIthte Inter- national News Service Tueaday. Evente began 10 move raply ta- day for selllng up lhe new poéthicai ntechtnety cf lhe Irish pecce agrée- ment. Finial plana wet-e nade for tira meeting cf the British andi Sinn Fein parlaments ta tatify lb. pact and tone govrerant hegan la arrange foi, lire ai-tbdrawei cf ail Britishr edmin raîrativa aiifficials front Irelanti. The Ir-ith oilice willt ai iibc diacon- tlnued anrd Dublin Castie. long thre seabof lBritish milltary authority in lreiand. vililibe evecuated. Local British governmenh aihicils in Iratand wilt be rentoveti, lncludlng about 1.000 50 calîed civil servants. The poil cf chlet ecretcry for lreland. novhetd by Sit- Hanter Greattwood, viii be airogaltdaal. Irish que-slions viii be bandied througb lte colonial office. Ibis poil heing heid aI the' preîent tinte iy Winî9tcn Churchill. Lord Flt'zalan, present Brtish vice- roy, may be the it-et Brutisht govrt for-getralthe Ir tishirl-ecLaIe. FirrstGreat WarshipR The tiret real edvnnoe un seeut-lng stcbulily and grent carrylng pover ln -a shirwne made by calBritish erchitect. Pioas PeIt, via iitilt the Bovereign of tie Seas, to carry 100 eqn@, ln 1(37. Afler lnnnchlng h. foun t lat ber enat-anus upper vorks, ln viic b e bsd fallowedth ie falionan nd, ln- cldentltly. tb. sbîpplng 4eftect ofbis pet-l, ad ede her somnevial unstable. ga be 100k -ber buck; iatdly uvept aver ail lb. cumbroué upper fSllings. Increaseti ber length, gave ber tva decks lnelead af the original tbree, and rellaated ber au lie Royal Soverelgn. Under Ibis latter titi. sie te- ecneti for 60 yedret-ple tOuest, stcuncheal, andi most easlly- banitiet -vesgetun thie Brtish navy, fat- In advanoe af eny oher sbuip a! ber kind Mylnlegloul Bird.. The AustrcaittIcIt-beadeti sirke li cbotlsix inchas long,.rlci-yellow betow. vili à jet-black coticr andi à wile tii-calblack bhectiandi partil black tait. Itlàlu sMetimes caI#tei bîsci-breheiflycalcici and.- vhite- thtiroîthilcIt-beati, anti l iau s" a varlel'y o«French andi Nes latin la the Mythotogy 0f some low tribus s«Ch as the Oarise, Bruaa4 nH ar. V« lsdet'5< Karcol, Behuancd Eautost ters aret egeda o! a "mp plul et dubln u boer bird. vic meem 0traunslate Soto Myt lhe Ibaegi -f Ibunder Md llsitnlg de- omndiatouslite sM«eregioas et lbe. i» *0bernW ~tbie ON» amitic lb- is& Wh~. *,ot mabwhe vIS e u omeu %nbomue W Pa Wblqu ifl am tb o - County glane coulul not put over a fair sinrilir ta tbe oa ne hled last Septe'ia ber. tHe deIaredilIraI the L.ake Court- iy Fait-. un courtcf rire large a- irrount of adverlirring, wvms noar knoai-t front liilwaukee itaitîhcago. and ltaI Il watasolutely neeasar-y la draw froint tbbs eriir ory oit aûconitiof tire geta expu-nie itn olved. Tha t lilq ettila fni n di tinol qti te -taltityrire crowd, in factilIrai tire ra- Joion? ofutêxtee ia it ,ri-nie totire toeettng dperinineuIc ta ut Mr. G rrb- ha anti corui ot be u.ayerifront ltait- put-pose. vas et idenlt-iran ltaevotes wera counleti. lit. Woodin receivedl 207 rotes. white anly 39 ver. cast for Nit-. C'rabee. Thal tl ienthaîes of the association vert' nol unnrindftll of lte atrenaus efforts put lotrth iy lMr. lit-ee ta make the vat-tous fait-s a succasa. especially dur- ing tire lime ie vas president. vas sean vian they tendered hlmt a roa- Ing vote ciltirenka fuorIis efforts. Mi-. (.Grthbe ie- eno compensation as pt-t'ident. Tht' net pr-t'ident made a shot talkIn un hich he piedged bis et ef- farts loward ntaking the fait- a suc- ceas nexl yeer. Ht' bas been active In the vork of the' Fat-m Bur-eau and aleca te c slrongvot-ker ite iet-este aI lie milIt producers., John Wirlz vas re-elecled sacretary opposition- Robert Rouît' vas noniin- aatid for treaitarar but decIIna.d tht' bannir, saa'ing lirat ho had paid, out $700 of bi% cwn money la meet pt-tes- lng obligatitons and thal wlren ho gol Ibis backlvie' aioulul ho ready lu quit. Eari Coeat Libettyville grocer. vas elected Ireasurer Io succeeti lit. Rouge. Contrata ogenex-al belle.'the' fait- tbis a'ear didt shcl iow a profil. and thet-e la a deficit cf about $2300 la be met. ThereIsasoma fiole outetand- lng againît- lie fait- associction In lte suin of $5000. 'iaci-offeél Ibis there are a nî;:ltIç i-- rf ,irountg sf111 drail'- fair- association. Tii. enîn of $2200 le expectedt i e recelveti fram lie state af Illinois. Tht' officials gavt'eat-alt- et- peeelmlslltie v o! thue inalîciaI at- fait-s of thie asiocletian. -Practlcally thte enlire boiard ar di- rectors vas re-electeti viti lbhex- ceptian of tva or titres virorefaiseti la serve longer. Antong tic nev dI. rocCors arelEarI Kane o!fremliont tovnsip andi'Frank Bur-ke af Wetn- Itegan. lMr. Bur-ke said liaI nov build- ingu at-s needed- sud howvatr lt-yil bave lie - generat appeat-ance o! lie fait- gratintis ImDroreti.- A d etalle<i repart of lie sccrelary anti treant-er vl be pri nted, usaI TIi. darkest bout la tlitsfe et Fou mam lu Whea b. iis dova te stud hoiy te geê meaer *wIiqe «smg aigmlg IL-Ronce OoUle. BLANCHIARD SCIIOOL DEFEAT EiRABBE DISTRICT NEWS AS PRESIDENT Tii. toîlovîal'g publieshave had pa-* 0F FAIR ASSN. fect ettendance teoards for the month of November: F'rank Castesis, Pt-aIt Memanlck. Charles globe. Lavrenc '~rsta e itnst Tile, William Moore. Edvard Reot 't, e itnst T14ele . Arpin Piruigian. Williamî move fair to Naval Station SmihRudolpb globe. Henry Sib..i epnil Tony Yankus. wvialicd the mosfot--srsonie lune of havieln ieslwo flngers eut 0~ aif, bas etrned borne irons Victory W. I. WOODIN IS ELECTED liemorilthospital. Alma and Paul Tiiele attended the' card party and dance given- by the Tic annual meeting of lire board of Daughters of the G. A. R. et Huil directors and slockholders of the Lake bal, lest Wednesdey evening. County Fair association vas held et lirs. William Smith spent Saliird.ay the office uft the Fat-m Bureau in Liii. la ChIcago. ertyvile Wednsday aftet-noon. it wax The new home of lit. Slck l8 enat- atiended by one of lte largest crowds lng completlon. eery part of the country baing* rep- 'Williamn Thiele l.9 wot-king for con- remented by both men and woman. tractor Evereit Phillpaw. I_ Moot-eliad a narrnw escape front Inierenýt wax as ded to tihe meeting set-lotns njury when hie new colt ran by a report a proposition wai toe away with hlim. lntroduced lnoking to the removal of A. Pirsigian le building an addi- lthe fait- to the noî-th shore'. The srory -lion bo hie bat-n. bad been going the rounds thar Presi- lit- and Mre. Jensen and fanîily dent Fred (rabbe.was working ta se- were Kenosha visitors last Sunday. cure the lire or Camp Part-y (the old Joseph Vankus vas absent f rom - schooilaet week on account of silck- M.,sterson faim) and conveit rî into ne . Pilga a second White City. lire.. P i liii 11,in connection aitii uni r.lory vas Chester- A. Smith vas laid off fronut ithal ie contenîplaled abandoning thel vot-I Salut-day. present site cf the' Lake Couniy fair. lit. and lira. H. Thiele enterla.1ned Fermer% front every part of Lakte frIends ftroua Gurnee Sunday. County vere present etaite Liber-ty- A. Zedigian 1l5 vislting et the Pir- ville i-î-îing %VSertnpn.ay. drlt.'rrn-r H. Thiele and con are hauliflg grain t0 preveni changlng th. place of hold- zîglan home. ing th. fait-. and lncidentaliy la elect a new preqidlent and allier offilcers. AMNESTY iRANTED lit. Crabbe wax nominated ta suc- ced hinîseif. isving set-ved three terme. BY KINO i 5ON ceOppaeing hlm athfrms*çn Orahbe made a speech in which hie de- WiIl gain their liberty as a re- nied that lie conlemplated nsaving the suit of officiai decree en. fait- and aseerted thial the report vas tered today strated by L.ake County newopaperi man fer polîtiral put-poses. Mr. Grabit' eîaled thaltihe subJect of sterlingi New PEACE IS SPEEDED would bie known as an Inter-Stale fait-. an part of the Gret-cl akeâ Naval Loiidon. Dec. 7.-King George ta- station site. had been discussed In- day issued a decres a! amnesly grant- fot-mally. but ltaIl.t never bai been lng ihberty toaail Irish prlMînet-s. înîended to terre the project "The. LaIt I.00 ind 5,0 i atei risnre Ien (,nyFi" @a% eldi 4,0 ant le 00eSliued i r at-er lae 'hintopFaiot', ie ifothecte airi -&ItLak-diellon campe. The firetwsbsoino Ia f ien ti iUMUo agtu îyWMW bed », waxr organizéd it would be 0:5 9 as ae.it f tafhe ,,,.atonote e thaI even Lihertyvilte, or èveîi'Lae - - ...sr b , ,, -. ..di ..,ttechnical a.ps.t u OStao Japanese disarmantent delegation.. anapped in Weahlngton vitir her happy c bldiren, John Hanmilton. 4, andi Yut-ie. 2. lins. Tali vas Mies Etiel Thomas of London andi met TaJi wlSen i. vas sludylng ai tire Greenwich Naval College. m cho HOPs. Rides. nMent la tb. Ta" arket, LAUNCII PLANS FOR COMMUNII - CHIRISTMAS TR*-ý Numnber of local organiation< to co-operate in makingc plna success SUGGEST SITE FOR TRE' HELP TH-E KIDOIES. In lne wrth ils usuel poicy lhe Sun announices loday ht - it witi b. Pleased 10 accepl 00. nations from people Who waual ho make surs ait have s M#n-y Christms. The monoy ralsed- in t'&manner will be turned over iy 1he Sun to local cher- Itou w-lh instructions liatItI b. used in brrnging Christmas, chcer toto fleedy home. Those who wish ta aid are urged to do et Once, as it wiill ake tome tronc 1temake lhe put-chase.. Il présent plana1 malerlalîze Wau-. kagan trisayea wiIl ber.lie blggest: Conrnunity Chitmas lt-e. celebra. P lon Inlts hikitoiY. Tii. suggeslloc biai been made thal Inasmuci as Bey- et-at organizatrons are contbinlng their efforts 10enuire tie allai- a se.- tcas e big treaboutit b. placeeIla a conepicuoas Place. Tic sile oppo- sil, lthe Elka club on Shieridan Reati ias been suggeited as a more adis-, able location then - the cotartiotis. square. The Sheridan Roati elle w6uld maite the lree visiblt 1PeOO- pIe paselng op the trains and au» te rtouriels paslng In automobiles. .t la aie aecentral tocation and acces. aile from ail parie af the city. Ji le suggested thet lie lt-ce coulti b. igbhed nightly acrveral ulgits before Christmas. rThe' Hattie ilat-vel Goadfellavalrp club le onie organisation liaI la laIt- l1 ng e pr omineni pet-t in pronotlg tIre allai. Amonig lb. organisations wich lisve agread ho c"-pmral ait titiis isociery are thre foiloving Anterican Légion. Vouns lienstChristian association. t Waukegan Woan's Club. The Ratat- Club. The Klvanls Clubl. Calhoile Or-dat-eof Fort-esters. Tire Fat-restersaet s meeting fbeld ls night voled ta gît-e $50 towarti financînge Ieplan. The Iluinaue society Iodai, an-, norînceui plans for, a Christmas Ire. lier lfor, 600 chîldren, but I11la possi- hie tiraI(iris oiganlzation vîli 1pint 'il Illrie olirets. Tire Sala-atioti Army leantaiug pîlan,, for a Ciiintimas tres cejebra- lion for tire cîhiren toelie ield la tIne Arnioy. IL is baiieaed -thiset. fat, ll i h iti;te lt-ontthe' others. 'TIre Ancix and At-k lioîic lodg- have anuounced a Christmtas trac eniertainiriet for lire cbildt*m of l'Iittons to ha baid Decenther 1l;. The Eastern Star a111 holti a simlar Party for lhe cilîdren ai Star meS- bars and iasons aethe nev Masonin 'Tenirle on Decennber 9. BOT ON TRAVELER'S NWES- Load.d Camel in Cafe More Thie E'en Expenienced Tout-lut C.uld-- Comfortabiy Endure. Your brIn prafesslanat voyaier- doent otlice the' Besiauli Caap-1no chick, goatl, trni t's. do, camsel, britt ame or fies. He bas seen fart 0é many of thirn. Or. If ho doe glnUjaps lie thflng 111la ouly te feminti billa 'e c reeliy rallier cut-ionas crovd h.o ofes t-an' across a thlie Upper Caticasus., e perîtap.q ut weî among thc Ooaaie. o! the Kilaluol Iin lie sontiera aloSe o! lie Petuîr-ibe camé' place,-W tie by. vîtere ira heppened tapon the man wit tire lisp and the -whalei0.c- anulet-wlIjIei14laenother story. Tht' fatal word la 'trevet stuif" cëir cles la "pro)vincIal." And, da-k asilt* suspicion rMay be, il:muet hb. fecdls Wel souns ter. I ciaProtvicial. Tilagis v don'î do In New Entgbud- sth11 etrItte tue as str-anue., Whou 1 @M e very lroly mati ealiitg e bantifut ~et 6-penny nauls. my Internats proteSL Having bean braugil up li a a4ê grade 5<-bo.l physiologiesansd bOM~ cookltrg, i know hhat nnlls iîren't go for hlm.-. Or viiena C O iieevliy laden wlth cactius cornes àttsëki tIng and bubbling between Uic tabi« of the cate viere I ait at peece WX the orlrt-whétrI 1Matant lhé habte, escape-I cen't ielp it, mi proïvaiet.I pultsematnts Icia. Tii. episade doeon't remind M, anylhlng. Not anyhng et aIl 1I ' cul-a camel-withi d a t10511 cf At borne 1 have Itnovn sem A heate for seeing ju@t the carnet Daulel Steele In Est-pers 80,Is~~ Sridge Gable Weveti la Pl"ce$-t The. elgiheus-luc atite et **; Itoolyp bridge vas OveOà ID It voitihave been Prlcaii$ poeall"a te boletIt'i os "

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