THE LIBURTYVILLE INDEPENDENT. THURSDAY.TI-URSDAY. DEC. 15,1 I921. PAGE~ 'I tuntgliut (iiursua> t Yea' Rah:Utas ut '21: St-tata Gotdenburg mnuîed ta Chicago tasi week. The gouil visItes of the class of '25 go v-iti lier. FARMERS PAY H16HliINTERESI ON SHORT NOTES Loan rate in 45 Counties as high as 7 per cent--Bonus is requiî'ed of some Ctiicxqgo, Itll, The usual rate for ,hort tîme loans ta tIlinois fanmera 1 ', t 1i 6 ntîuiî atm hnureaus ta a que-ttqnairc sent out b>- thc liii' inais Agriculture associatton. 0 : . i o .1îiîi,\ tî;îtld it a aute; titcher itn 7 lier cent while bnn tlotift a tair. Foutr counties indt- catcii that Interet for a fult yean t, requireil on igit ai- nine month 1a. Onte of these replies said th b:re- qtiîroment was matde ont>- in a doubt- tut cedtcase. In mnut cauni, s replies showed tttat toaîns are made o iothert- tan deposi- taOis. 'itîttait sanie cîîunties prefer- cu',' t-iown tepositors. Some Pa>- 9 Per Cent. "m e i'limi i a ttîtetate Inis a,'coriting ta eitcî interest rates rateft'o;î as toîs as 5 per cent fo a-ý tilt-fias- per ceai. Tie prevalttng At "ut'1 o tntiu epl tlt a bonti-; a tiirequtreti on long lime loain- Tthe tinnuit 'if i-îci mota swas 'reèpoî'ît as; tanizin'7 trom $5 on each thoîiaandt îlîîtaî sf aftîn to as tîigh us $50. Ttii niait t'ammnn rate, ttow- ev-r. ws ~salît ta he (10 fta $2a')pen Ont'e3')f110am was ýi-tfet an which a mlitif'r$1,500 v-as reqaîreil. In onlî Ilroe couit tes ta flie b;mriu tou cnnes$30. In only twa of thI, fîcit' '1 1 titf-i fic, bontîs fn-t'î ihl .1-;m ii h. ifit Ililnois Az. -irturiat assiation report cd. 10 fA-71 AIDED 0F INTEREST TO'THE FARMER BY LOAN ASS'N ' E. Edited by OCK, Fiî',I at-"'l; t. io IN PST YEAR WLake Conp!RFarn A dv !mr. 01 .1leI istionu u ar lieitu PI-ea iinis n cnedeavoring! Organization backed by farm 'h CUT AFFECTS t o haiu talli and other dairy- pi ailuets' bureaus: Thirty-one bureaus American FarmnBurl'eau Feteration, se lielule. I tisisaîflliIaîieýlit in association formaily - oaected iloto tir' railroad witl diréect'afiî'c- til Chicago, mik situation on October 18, continuesIo dli. rtc VbIcago. IDer. 12. Farm ban asso exert its effeci in bringing about' dîwn- Ttc-ce aie a t--W eeeptîons as lu ciations. organizeil hy couîity farro ward revislon in f reigh, rates. mininiuin toads and certain territory. bureaus, in tire! ual,. have bee-n i The Inîerstale ('unmnerce Conniis- bu t iios; ut(if lec ountr oulside ot New grilat aid tu Illinois fariniers during alun fias authorized (line carriers lu England is coi-ted. te plait yeai, accîîrfling lu a report mike a general iprductijn of lit per 'nade by tie Ilinois xgricultural a: cent on basic farna îruducis,. effective 0 e0ciiitiOfl iOce.This i, le O' ii'-SIgen(tal re. A BIG EVENT FOR HOLSTEIN Ti.,iandi; of idolars were serturet1 duction on basic coinnioditiîîc,'ii- et- BREEDERS b> ti"" Irian a ssociatioîis 10 inatiu- fected îthrOughou, 11w t'nitelitStates. 'ieA 1 .Tatn ln ;txn fanen nera il 0tvt'ûlorig ri ir op(ti;Tire Order oft ie Comision alllî'ui TheiA.cIL 0. e fmai aîîndthi'sda>o Thtrt3 oliec- uit v fa rat huren ,u log te act ion 1ut - WiÇa r; e i. a tnt icîl joined il inre ' tl(vetel. i'llie Fi-t o itiearertnla 29. Thtis date witl be çnîîwn a, eral Land Bank of Si. Jouis, wttl, thorizing ttir. to otake îhf; reduc;îtuns Illinois Strae ilolîstein bu> unît ilii whlc'iîat Ilte toansi we neflgoti'aleît. effective ai un,- ilaled is e. 3. '2. Isii be the annual meeting or t., reorsthh. , ieaitnsv'ii, ' 1e t ;ii~a 't i stbitetSiatl- Hollatein Association. coun> rmi îuîtiu vit ves ~ an manaed o a îeîiudîîfsix Tir- morning witt be spent in an lit isfactoi'yinantis througlîuut the -country, ex-itto ftepan n h a In ittot of lt,- countie l) '5 n celii heiween points In New Eng]'tand t ln a bZhe aiternoon a bu ie e te faîni bitr-aus lias orzantzi'ta Titis ta lit servie as a sort iut test pl« i, ndporm tionai iin) ii tian a îi1itti;. il i.i tw l c d triicJltq wi. county Car'îîin i]-.-ut h isai ing , ired- Itle)tt be detrince i tut;', O Ex-Go'v. Lowden and A. j Guie re'"'trasrliîoîtr.r ontih a xit rfeilu tt. h-- ,tîî 'been tnvited ta apea4s St-tce. retay-lea'iî' uftti.îiî'.iiizîiî' ninits hve xpied aries from s urrounding stavc tesiiLi* In ie o; tuti utIoli ici tthe faîtim it Ë SIGN1I'ICAn'ITO AI. tdadi ate neto uu-k relas wZis!itit fliltr[ i gari itri %le n tt hIitn in t rar the a' i' iit'îu t hit î-oii i'"it lTb ii'A erî tan Furni lion a ' I det ilaun evient 0f importance fo, aitt tlut afi ,, tI] fti i' . eneii;',tî attun ia,- ted tit i îtiî-t înî,"ests lit flei-, c-it breedera whetber memrtre't t, li t tic vd a ii tittv- ur uurl in gît întn lt.ii' iirî,îîl- touassociation or flot. tii' n w u îi,'ta ,or hîri' itiis îfier-tiie-ira r rI-ûions ut ,The tplant wili be intiper . iii îî attI sIble rît' tiie tiiAtiil .ini ioî;.îî i t n t,îrtimt Th-'- 1" îr u( - eu;i on a IiO l hai tenumiber 1 iii <u it ec l Iii ;- e.i ,iii' I I!:i; t arit 'î lnit ggreai -ignitiait; tfolquiiî'd ta fili tI tacariacity, NSsiI t%îil muti -li. i'ti i lie-,iiiati 1gîciir and atsîî tu attilîî ýý t n it. te isitors a guud id.- i 0 tliv- îtîîîîî'î'ii- îth. ii I alintier uvk;. Jus i in Ille Ul'ned pl;~îanviih r a oh , ii Itrit t tti'- t i' ; i- ec'ulmiînation or t. un,2'i;i- f- at turties at-c aiganîi-'l .ti îtîî;îîta~ i .î i-, ii'; -" ~ , I t. r;bi te t xcursiOns for that daut anrT't.'iîî.tnr ai.i t tîîNti1)l Û13îî~1; vaY utChicago, w e fît otn > lo tr ol elthýi il, ileiibi-- i fl Il ak. launt>- ta Dixoni. fur i' .;i laf*. ' Xiî ltI-'.uî > f;;t i, jtrip caao bemade l it 11. .i> liiiI,. ..- .u *i*' ila , I atiz.. jus; titl, t iii Si.; dune b>' ane auto bau l ti A- îîi tiar i- caiiiitiiititit tlieril " il ' lil, a,tended the Fat-mers' i,iî.i 1,ît;'îtil i ; e ittîil l 0; sutîlnue(]* El ixon tast Septerab i.t Ajit' un. ii'ieau ttift 1îl, I l.-tt i l, Xtiu't tia' km jil î in'î tt'iusted lin makîng îthe ti iI., u Fat il, 1ui, iii i - tîilon. ii nvitihesinaur-itl e.- Il 1, .1- tueitli t i-îlt F t l a lît til llllEtitiii, m t ; iii ; h i i ela i . -;otiiiiiiti graitn- (Kali tc îînilit belonri' >ot; ai utii. couiti tlariit t.; : cti- u)IaiIiz, alii tutti. Nito iit andit Shlatt u s g- fi; lt'-tald x it '- fo Il Ni -s-..S1,1 l- riî î I. . BI l t i ,. i ttjzr-fl. udge. 1tIia tou i) viU oildo t ijit',.'i \ I, 1111il .i 'îiulti;î (Illei tr idresser]). Iluda' t-' cl'z~' I k îj~-1~ i '~-mî1 t';;'a, \ttîî t; !Kénitfî I t 'I("'(i",îtt i i tîlit~.iii r i ii'l f- ~ uu t iu Kâiitt I t,(..'. :ri (;lt"I ii i<utl*lhtatidýs i' h u( l ittiO 'lu" \.i-(JA îjt Korean Race a Mixture,. Il res.4 a . il l'ti i tutats itti liead. t tîî workers end ar- rii -rrnti'î iiiiit î('abbagI. Celer> - (ai rote. (luivs Caaut tîtuti ut t1'T' tuîlliriîck ndiutr japan as îîî'îhaî i-i. ri r ea- it . tiai -c. (.'Corn in t tic iustIr, Cucuinîi'rs. Lid Ili 71o fît su I i- 'i tlh tfitI te îî'î' ferent raices i i t(- i i ntri ,]î itii-r; Eg Ptan t ("a; ie, iIorio- ttditiivrî ttie' 1,tuo i. a nd i uîîttt u' ia a great i rtii 'f fîttiire'î 'tirniî' entits. Leh i-rue.Okra, Onions. lysIi io' and i u-lt lit faces arn' oi'tttrît>sut l itoiIr;'l ii'rPliant.I ',îrsle,tc.liarsot l-.Peu1,st'i o' have rtîtî-Ik.sik t-i'tîrdt-iîandl î liski-r,lier-. Potaîoi-s. Pumpkîns. Radisîtes. N EWSLETS white thlils.ifit i-rs îrsî'nt noi tg htubtîrhItutabaga. Spinacit. Squash. .T 1 ýIsgaetl oil or 'but a course tiîîgti'dmlflsS. Tanîatîîs, Turnitît'. X';gitahies. tri iiih. dS rtttotcIor ýi iiEdIucation for the ni->%% ong books. fl-t'gri'î'n. nut othiîca lueSifiedti-iin utuss aýur a ptrecîatiun. cier> uuod)'. in Teling Age of Triles. theia'. Coin, sveel, iea 1lîntdn giving attention tand singing with Treex iten llv toa great âge, and tei[nl vC)ptpe id.îeîîîeî's w«bile ther are gtaninlg Il lm a diffi- ('bti egetabtes, drîid or evaporat cuit talter tri i îvts lt their aire, ei flot otherssise siIcifieil in ttis isl hLiilian 1-vepper as a vettane addi- but when liey'la, t- ;it]i lon, Catteand cati cs.tuon t; te Seniurîdas lit 19 said, the ane ina ia> ftret-kouned Hîtise;, andIl iiuti- iiig,. -tii t- tî ntdJTh, nesiîi inetorutthe chasut b>' v'aotIng tii" ittîier -l itisga ts, ot f(in greaset. 1921, tiaie arrived atndl are î'eady ta lie 0 visuie In the .Pctnn.-Indianapolisu MILK ANIDAIRY Pliitfitit'1 ctiristencîl a;t tie Fautbait Banquet 0 Chas. Dom-ner, not Chas. 'Denman, is ta have a sale this imon-h. The item in last wet'k's issue was an erron. George Stepien ta quite sick at te present wrtting. Nirs. Maud Lawson and son returneti tu Chicago Fruda>- evening. NXarren Cleveland of Chicago apent Frîda> and Saturda> mith bis mther. Mfr. and Mrs. Earl White and daugh- ter ot Esanslan spent Sonda>- v'ith te honte folks. Mrs. Davii Young iras a Mttthurn ratier Monda>. There wilheil Christmas ente; tainmlent at thechcurci Dec, 23. F'rank Hause-r,'Sr.,dlied Thursdtî> at Elgin andl lte tînerat ivas tî.'t; Stîturda>-, vil I buit l t t i lihumn centi eter>-. Ins Clee'tîlnd tîîîved t 10Chicaigo '.;turiiay,. iîuî ii ' îtî ti-r lhtintte' ;îrc ,o Warren. Ttîe Iilltbui n e; tititit ait u il Chtristlinas poion tîtridhuiiai ,.'; tion. itecemhier 2. Schu>'iec I cnitiatn ut' t s tn -on t ttc jury ri n Xauki'artîn u-s'u'u'k, E. A. Maitin. 'n 'r; Isoitotac New-' ptr i ' t be lut > t ti'i - e cun ' houiet lis week. 000000000000o000000 0 PRAIRIE VIEW 01 000000000000000000 "tetuuttzatur t'tid-t> sening vas 55eth attiuýndi-d, and it s.,!-;tted 10 hae ie ;.î a gouil titu'. T't iýt; 'îru' ltent> ci cals uandtiaalott idf t tut Ail metu iiti t> '; '-iilitMrî. taut Nirs. J. J. ttaitk t i.on ticleait-k tis:. 'rue>-weco riîlitilin H'IleSttita>- Schoanuîd clittiru c "ic M r. anî'.I r:, hi1t'iy ~ -Witllimu and Theodor,- Nasmîti l,nt Sonda> Ni tii NMr. andl Min, toua TWIteli Mrs. Wytiî af Chîicagu catteul on t riends at Pririi; ie santuttook un tii- huzaar Fi'idut> e in,'. Titey ri tuit îî' ta Chtcago Sattrdatu niarnin Miss Flioinc\tuc ,stiv i--tti week end at tiomie. 'Mr. and Mrs. P. Wî'Iia and ilaugli c: motorcd fou Wattkeztîn Saturîlay oui tuasiness. Mrs. Il. Coon and T, Lynctt spent Saturda>- a, DesPiainea. Mr. andl Mrs. W. Lochhleal. Mi,. and Mrs. L. L.Martiecand son sisiteil ait 900000ooo00900oo000 thc' bome of Mn. and Mrs. Gnaft and j daughter Sonda>- afternoon 0 A R E A Henry Getst ut Ocean iVtea' sVa. ooooooooooooooo 0o callid on Mr. andl Mns. Wittiaîîis and Mrs.Masn ad failyFriay. Miss Newbore of Chicago, apent Fmi- Ms. C.aT.n as pntl-t grtda day with Mm. and'Mrs. Garrett Newbore Mrs.C. T Maon sent atudayl and tamil>-. and Sunday wtth relatives in Chicago., Eieanor Priess apent Sanday a' ter' J. T. Mitchell was a Chicago visitor home here. ýon Sonda>-. Mia. Frank Holîje went îuu Çliic-igo George Sîîith and Musa Anna Hatrich tast Satumday.. were Palatine visitora Sonda>-. Miss Gertrude Lynch visiteil vîtftMn. and Mn,. J. W. lietse ut Chicago, tter tatier Sunda>. spent the welck-end iith Arî'a friends. Dan Herseliberger sîlent Mionda> ai H. A. Watsun neturned hume Sunda>- hiome in Prairie î4.'ev. Giail ta '-t' noun froat a trip ta Kansas. you, Dan. Maîry hoonita of lvanttoe visiteul at Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Payne of lvanhoe, thet home ut Mrs. Stînague Sunda>. have moved inta the nooms necent>- Mca. Rlittand Mamie, Nîril, J. 'Wolt vacated b>- Mns. Mary Weakiy. tnd daugbler and son vistted a, oor The Martuneaus will hold a meeting bazaan It'iday t-s-cing. on Frida>- evening at the' home uot Mrs. Ttî;-stiasing utfthe heets is sv-r) uîîu Heonry Kubtank. îu ruduce te croît next yeaî, Mrs. Bent Swan waîs t Racine visiter -uîogc' Ritzî-nthater i s sîendin, i on Monday. few days aith i. arnd Mrs J. 1'. Mns. JuhRoder, viii. as henin l1 rtitzt'nthtiltr. for severai înuntbs at the home ot ber MacnlMasoa spî"at NMontayai tt'ittun sister, Mmx. Henunan Kubiank, retarnc-d uit Lirrt-;ilt' ta hi-nhome in ('icagutlinon Sndai'. Sana>'Schîo ti 10o';loti s . Ais. . . iEddyandl Mn. V. 1'. pretîcting sert-sice'ai Il t. int and .i ~i Basse watru- Watikeguun isi tir- "çît-siha> - 1). o tc î'evu'î n- the quai tî tIi cuinitiinioa st-t il"iiiliei condte t t rs. Mutrîuhy ;of W-,uk;,-giis int by nitut Itîsti iiut pîte rtntcndent. ill Tuisan îd Enidayi', vth NlM n,tintr !sn. \V't. Vu.'. Ktingtil utrlreepoi, t. J. C Tout anid our tfri-nits tutticocdtatt Mraniin ,'- fhruge'tLong s l'l luattaut ttes '< icis. ruive stent t'riltsî' îcth Mr.tîrîd Mrs. vitýd i atendilisjWint. Zc'rsici. M a't l tuaiL' su,41ent tti t i; 'îîlw thl IBLANCHIARD SCIIOOI N;.mu'lt I M. Lester JaruttO. tur -I,- DISTRICT NUw îî r tv tt.îun t. FARMERS RUSH CROWS TO MAlT STA TF PPFpoRT rNepd n L-" md slacknes8 1 J freinh4h ilet;,,itqnidth m oem e ts fa e oy tou'marke i-t ifh nunprecedente i rvo rt'editthuts tati, acýCor4li j ii Dr. Ivan Witu.lrofesor of 800 omiu' ti tnîe-iyof IlUIn0iL. Pt fWight sasys in explanatiom: - or Nov. 12, 36,525 carloada4 boxes of apptes halli moved ho marki aainst 21,138 ail year and b t>olite, 121,111 cactosds. agalnst . f15 fhe privioug vear. 'Tt-mevement of pîîlatoes Mlay îIYnlftd tateil b>- lhc sblpul j t'î'-o lît 'b ig tour' leading s"t NaMi tiesotii. -- î'î tgregate viima rlozids In August. Septeïtl i 'ifî i t îî tIlts t-i eqos to ilà lif(;m t i ttt']aIs ft'om thta elgi t'en le,;dttg ptiaiîto .tatps the preVJoq "'t t îi ;,n til grain and eq .1 hti'itfas been el% i'ait;tb, en titr-ketred. On t - î, .'i- t' î,.t:teuordtng ho th i! t t;it-nit ýIlltet"Kansas r fi:î Iteti ttuî ii<tfr Itte arms. 'ztui, fi arei-iîfing. tIfie iorthwue ti \I! 1 ut;' t nc1 ( i i tut 'fh eq' titiil\ I!, Sutli't mbelth111egrIn i - i ' i î,m"it - andl DuluthI - --;. .1. ' tRu se atîd H. C' Meyeur S iltlit ': 1et tic-;" att 1!ffîlath.I&IM tti- wuei-eundl millMn . anîtdtUt s. I 1îu i lu..I i' "Ct'of SePlembe John Kashliey of Chicago tilift iRounai'of Relkae.t, NrsMe'* e;' îvho ,tli gitttiii]Y ut N. Ncmmack's. jh- utt tunîing tia uc-k a'it l ietîr ' .. '!~e" usons fort .C". Haseitutîn a Fmiî>- of Kenosithatîite rttri-i i;itm-a'tt; thiioti ;uîtt i er visited't tte NM. C. Jenlsen homoieon01 Sunday. " tif it,; ttiCO %*MU~ .Sonda>-,j 'Ora Nelison; and;iEthcil I'tiiie.t siru 'l't t ' ' John CUhichîia ivito makc-s lits Chic-agît v st a;:- ' 1" ;'lu; tigkal l4u hiome a ithi-1. t'irzigian was aîruck an 'Mr. andtiNrs. ilh J. entniti-ernîi ht' boeil stune 'itittrda>- titttb>-an automiobie n-u- j ineçlMNl, amndNMrs. 1. Srittiotia ucîsdtiv . t rc-7, ;îr, lticttîcprcw.i evenitng. Il>. I ctruc hff tO BWT3s'-I Country-club. He was tait- Ii-2i ona to thet N'ctory Žfcmoriat itospliuit Mf-l,.îkIiige yî;t e î'ttt IIt ai-eh ,i -i 'fuface, Ibe fus-i ivîere ilirtts iitc'rninctl is injuries w iththi-r d:ugh tel s. . AL. l)îrfler i: î t ii -ipe a.îaU ant1 I rMc. .1. C. Iofleutr. jI t' t i : wcro ver>- îtigttt. The car was iidi vu'n t! dcP b>' John lattentine or Zion City. n JJ lit"upasseil ta a>- at 5r f 1uîtolril Dir. Chanles Smith wasa a sliton lit hMsnD- nSîudyecing h'tm ~ -l tt s tuu;ertîiw as bell 'T'esda>' attennaçun. ,(itt"rt tua, homeor fWtllianm Smith Stinda>. Tht' conimminity exteuids thuir deepesti. 'Fîi t. l itind lPaone q* WVilliam Tiile waa 1raid off front syumptuhy t;î the' hireareilt"întil>' y' iuai. itt ý work. :Ii. 'itid Mc'..F. L.Bi',' ii 't Oî' «ii t arket bis croptr Atma Thiete waa a Waukegait tt thv sweek-end wîth relajtives uitlhDrue a t mil e«-(lrhis Nea uit>' ta lor Saturday. LLake . n", lu 'wi r hi memehat "ua îi Il 0000000000 00000000 0 MILLBURN 0 000000000000000000 )LL S St s, LINOIS. Marktsa NEXT U inii $6.00 t$6.00 .13 00 lu) $15.00 up. - -$2.00 etiiO E.,ILL The art, the skill, the discriminating taste of many crafts unite in the construction of Electrical Appliances to produce them --- objects as attractive 'Mform as they are efficient in operation --- ideal Christmas Presents which satisfy the giver and gîatify the receiver. Electric Portable Lamps, wrought in copper, brush brass, verde antique, silver, art iron. wicker with shades in art glass, silk, cretonne. Electrie Cooking Utensils, Chafing Dishes,, toasters, grills, dise stoves, percolators. Labor Savers, Washing Machines, Irons, vacuum cleariers, utility motors. Electrical Articles for the toilet table, that increase comfort 'and multiply convenience. Monthly Payments Nothing Down Till After Christmas. AUl in great variety, prices the lowest at.North Shore Sales Rooins: Lake Forest' Highland Park, Evanston. Public Service Company 0F NORTHERN ILLINOIS DArv