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Libertyville Independent, 22 Dec 1921, p. 1

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TYVI LLE E COUNTY INDEPENDENT iNDEPEN'DENT Lake 1Goufftty's Big Weekly WAUKEAN WEKLYSUN UB&!fYVRlLAK ~E COUN1T5LOS, THURSDAY. DEC. 22Z 1921. ke De j»R M i Mlieattorney, lor isa L.'Taylor. exectitar oftheb «i Mmd testament of Élisabethi ki, flOcesies, tuis attern.oolt r.- ~atoltram fr. the clerk of Opem ocuEI, atatins liraIte M OW apfed do»u ibis 6018 eer ft. county, Mmd baid the Prelsa o f thse vl et bmb coudé&l. d.mmd, la every u Coudeli viii devised la Dr. J. àgior Judge enuILH. iller and *l~o.ai titltees, proporty ~e o t eeeigaospitlifor. ~~~oR ~ ~ o tieiiriiaiRubertg- ~, wmtl tisai vithia tiree years WR.« $s'm0 nme sbotsl hé sub-, uI - îeard tho bouilaltianil. &** vas aubscribesi b>,promu- ýiftSM 0f LUbertffle mmd v1- t ttls ie titree Jean ýperiosi. 50 hé tSpital fund wvln»w amount W 00.0*. Tutsubseriptloaa thé cutisons of Lbertyville vol *wtoefaif t,-so as ta mare -at alarg ua possible, and oRmmrgtise erectllof a fine bas- ýýjLtla conc.ded by evrery- ÜWriaLvMie la ntuob in neesi of. Il hoimion 01 the supreme court h e hit oaptal ta Lihérly- a"i esains tise contentU épe t ElBUabethsCoSsi t sitisMone>, haols s [n ti tu in- ga for e pupooeo, asud15a greallegai for jai. IgUiler,wvio drev lte bd eeuiemded ltatItil as losal .iùi- esa' tisai a M. Rb0 tom.tuon loi t body mo %i be wfli'suceesd goso umer W àwP'855ohéer moatInteeSil by the ne Courti Supervisor inspected build- ings and oomplimented new superîntendent The supervisort, îwoo vislted the coutnty poor tarai at Lbertyville, Frtdsty. were sspie 0tulfnd ths faim la .« le tcodton under th:. efficient Management 0f superinten. deni PlUI Burgess. They Inapect- ed the.borne and otber buildings and touad tbem in fin.e conoa Despîte thse tact'that nmre of thse buildings are antiquated they are nov lu fiazt clamie odtlon. Tt wvasthe. uhanlmons opinion of thse board tbat Mr. Burgess la mat the. ind of a sup- erinteadent tbey want. A aumptuous dinner ivaà served. Tisebbard infornaliy discussed the need «f a remudent nurse, eltiier prac- tical ortrtalned, tu tait. car. of the. bedrldden patients at .tbe county faim. A committee viii take up tbis mater at lise neat meeting uLt the board. ,fuat lefore adJosrament. Io larcie I P E I 6. th. board te tve he »seust Idl mL of Sberitf Elmer Oren for 'Iwo tura- tega Io guard the jali day and nîgist. RE ATO À ?Iheriff Green made tise reqhtest b.- S IE T(R Y cause of tise rougimess of tisecisar- acter of macs of liselAntatea of lh. tact tisat tise daiiy avefage number;S NT CE of prisoners nov la 40. vile aItntes theré bave beeu as higis an 52. He Edward Neison given 6 mos. declaresi tisaItiser. bave'héen a large - fflguardhouse; report ethers number of jail difflee ailover tise countîs.and 'wth tise enploy- were seized ment 'or a turte>, la b. on guardI aIl thé lime tise danger of eýsc byi Edvard Neilsen, a Scandnalan of ,htmates Voulsi b. greatly iesaaned. Oraysiake. visa vassezedaif hbat Thse copimittee on Swasnp Landsappace isy a squafi of intelligence offi-ý> reporied - Isacitta tiseisoard,. recoin. cers tram Fait Shseridan, bas been nsendlng tisaI -tIhe quît daim deed given a sentence of six monts, in tise andi vacation plat. in lise village Of gaurd isouselat Fort Sheridan, if vas Grayslaite be appravesi- and tisaItishe learnesi taday. cisairman of lise board hé mutborlsedClentencg va5ab oya lnNeilsen's t0 igu thb. release of tise sssbdivfmlion. case, or Se voald have been sent ta Fort Leavenvorth for a longer terni. gesse 5msj~yue~, Neilsen basi been in Ibis country, W IR I S P NE oniy a short ime wisen a van as de- clacesi ansi alter registration refusesi n g~TqPisgI~g 10 crepf mail, wisicis did flot camne la TO DE I!NTALLED ii."exact addcess. le ciaimed he iselievesitisaI mail .so addressed sdd nuu n'u gffl nt iselong tb IBm andi Iberefone did ON NUP.II 3ISHORE nof tacceptitilu nview 0f tistifacf, lie ottîcers aiso conducted lte court martial were letiient. Crack limited 'trains to be Il ia repartes tisat lier. have heen equipped; expeiments in evraloher irrft5ts i is e counfy but tb. efficials aI Fort. Sheridan are progrese flow not permitted tb give ouItisebcdetailsý -Tii. crack iimited trains nunlng beveen Chicago andsi Mlvaukee on N V M E À tii. Ciscago. Nath OSone and Mili-NO MB W yankee electric railroasi yull be eruipped vitb virelastelepboneil as UNUSUL FO a meane of lmprovîng lise aiready -igb dlasservice tisaI la hélngren- dered prons. Wbon the. pbones are ITS WEATJIER able 10 receive tlml markt reports vhiii.makinshi& business trips. lise frofli service viii te avaglse aiio ta al 1-Mile o rpto*who desire te, avail ter a temaIsvs of Il. Titis innovation la ont leO eîpeced to lacreaso tise-Noft ShBion. 9 co-ldcin'spopalanit>,, Itlah a deparitre oeo.for a, natiroada. P<sst- Uxppnlents are un prognesa at w te the compsngy's siopa at Hlgbvood. ,C. B . The train# iMli hé qslppod as sbon rzXm- as thome experiments bave bebeba rAile. corspletod itîc Islt ls eîpected viii ed b>, te la tihe vel>, near future. TIr.lmitesi tralinsonlise Nantis )aidantStore Une bave cat lh. runniog lime %, $84 betveen Chicago mm< bMuiwausieteel in net.- two tours ondi fiteen -inutes, - visci Pt ýthé establIsises a record. In addition tise of tise Company supplies tise fîneat dlning w.- m»i car service obtanabe on ang roas. Mle la Titis idopartmont us under tise direct tbsj te supervision of Thiomas Welcb, magor es -tu, o0f Higbvood. L I'on Aitisoagbhtie matmter Io not gener- laI the- sll tnown iutlis -ieanned that lb. lijfiNorths Shors-lune aspect& te operate S il Utrains ta Sxty-tird mîeet la Chi- Ol'W effag by the*fiai of tise gear, on short- -~lg attervard. itlua regarded au Ume tais apou- PA* afflty. t it hjq hn ie veig osr tu gabrtr hre bmoempaflap v b1e peratlns î9e lit trains beiveen -'wMiauteaMd ad u aakoo ao- psma lIl aiu eanog - fl..fer tbis uem os e rvîes »40 *" .- cmplt- November vas a mont pecalian mcmlii for veatiier pecuiariUies, se- corduns ta oa reparu. ii Claronce J. Font, U. S. meteorolo«Ist la chtarge of thinUois station. hi vas thite vlth coniecutive moitis vilstise temporaturo above normal. Tise monts vas uusuali>, cloudy vltb iieavg raina belag report- ed la tho extreme soutienu portions of the ît4te and ratiier large anowfall ,totale kt some stations. ClouS>, siys vere more numeras oila ln1895 ansi tise ssino vas Iar beioW normai. Violets ver. picites isere on tise 7tb, a second crop of green apples on tise 12th ansi second crop of ripe rosi raspiierries on tise 141h. L0v leaiperatuno on tise 12th kilies tise vegitation tisaI isas I vi- stoos tise emiler troits., Tise Mssissippi river vas qalte 10v bat floode occurrès lanlise Wabash Valley dqring tise 1mantsecade, citusîng conaîderable Ilasa ta cropa ans i ivo stock. Boavy incîvidual talla occsrr9d at a famber of-tise soutisen stations on 'tise 111h,_ ,lthasud ltis and aiCairo en lte lOtis.Ti ta he l. lth aet. ,jabmr. 4.50 taches, la tiseaiUesi 14 hou, tsl .>er s'oosied in miae(sdo>' lus -«g. T"é séeftu Mauss JUR1 ONW i IS VERT LOW. ITise condition 0f .)udge Chua.H. Donnel y. 0f Woodstoct dean of Ian le l th1 Adistrict- wa .. .... - -u AT VI. SIIIRIDAN lsn. gs.as opictosbv e Robert Lutz, of Highland Pk, Mm. Frank Blaiteslee, of 418 Norths walks deliberately, into path Genesee treet, -bas gone fo Ibis besi-1 aide. Mns. Blakeslee's husansi vas ocf car a brther0f m.. annelg.Robent Luîz. 325 Vine Ave., Higis- Mn. ansi Mna. Fred Scisiey of Wallike- landi Park. vas graunsi ta pieces bg a gan ver. bier. Sunda>, visltlng Mn. lirnitesi train on lb. Cicago. Nantis and Mrs. H. Gleason. Shsore & Milvaukee nailroasi Saturda>, Ms., Maude 0. Lust spent Batarday nighî, St 6:30 bWlock visen b. delis- nlgkt ansi Sundinl Laite oreit at eratel>, valtes Inl front of il ai tise tise h0cm of ber daugisten, Mn. Tbornati gate, Fort Sheridan. Vanne,. Laîz, visa vas 67 yeaj-s ol d a h iseen employesi as a civiliai t a Fort Mr. ansi Mts. J. P. May ansi saugs- jSiseridan la lbe transPortation depant- .ter, Barbara- Jane, Iet i nrda ient. vaites i m liseidlde of tise sPen Thridy ,tract a afler lie gate basi heen 10v. nigh is r. a'spaet- M.enesi. Several persans mmv lise acci- ansi Mmm. Byron Colisy. dent andi sîlemptesi ta warn hins but Tise utIle son of Mn. ansi Mm.. W. A. eapparentlY dIS flot Sean f ietu. Brewenton, of Thornisar> Tarai cas. .tle asetselmtsas p ot tise sillage, is among tiseltn parentl>, vas watchlng a Chicago & cases of scariet feser. lti Nortiswestenn train puiiing ln front tue soui lise limiteS coming ftram Mrs. Emerson Coen, formerly con- te-suh nected vils lise New Yort City, Ubrary j Tise body, vas cut in f vo at tise as cilsrens aton>, teiler, vill be pres- waisl ansi noiled unden tie train. Tise ent ansi tell toies at bc ihrstmascemtains were nemoved 10 tise Pnyor Partygte, be belS if fise M. E. cisurcb un<enîaiing motus aI Highland Tarit Satunday atlernoon front 2:30 te, . 4 wiere coroner J. L. Taylor conductesi an inquest Sunday momnlng. Tise la- Tise CaOmmunjty Tree exerdies viii, quesf was atlendesi by one of bis ehél betaICoo's Memoniai park Bat-,!fisc., sons. Robent Luta, Jr., 0f Chfi- urdaY evenlng, Dec. 24, at 7 oclock.i dago. Tiser. vil hé a sisort Prograz ansid_______ tihe folloving Christma canais viii b.- ang: "Little Tovn 0f Bethleie',ST 'Silent Nigist,'" "Camp lpon a M si- PAUL RAILROAD nigbt Clearn.'V "lya of tise World," "Hart, 'l.eHenalsi Aunis Slng," and TR l ohr.Tise consmittee.ina chrge la REFUSES O EL verg dearoui 0f isaving. ai maiigof Our peupile as possible to attend ibis commuait>, affain. BJL Mn. ansi Mrs. Louis Ruebocis ansi thein cbildren, Lloyd andi Gessevieve, veil itnovn residenta of Premaoüt Tvp. District engineer writes, Supt. narrwlyescpeddeathsesrtlaitM Mon,» di mraliswente famliy xes of highways that: it wouldn't Ovr eb>, gas eacaping Indu a coal rangllbth itchen. Tise tire vas left I unefit themT burning Sunsia>,nigist vien tieter-j tiresi, ansi lb. gas coledi aliste roont in *hicis hhey ver. sleeping iHope.tisaItishe Cicago,.,_'Milymu. Tise tact tisaItva v indosiower. î.ft k e & St. Paul nalmroasi voalsi islp open la probaisly tise oaîy ting finit finance tise construction of a aubvag savesi tie lite famil>,. Tii. 1110. ho-> under t-be tracts of compsany at tise vas lth. mont serlousîy affectesi by cnossing easI 0f Round Late, went tse poisanous furnes. gllmmering Satarday wvien Chsas. E. 'Russell, countv asiperintendenl of Tise Young Men', Club enter-taineS hlgbvaya receivesi a lelter frot C. H. lise members of tise Village BoardsPI Tici, district engineer of tise rail- ansi a number of local business aiea1odi. ansi tniensis Manda>, evening là the Mn. Fnicit stateS fisal ie had takea club roonts attise village bail. 'nier. up lise mallien vils Generai SupI. vas a nic. turnoul ansitho bog dàTisiele adtisaI la bu opinion. no mat- vsua ter visaI plan tise coantg faliovesi la Ibemiselves prousi. Gantes of v- la teiprovement of tiseigliva> be- )indi mapplied tlie entetainment and, Iveen Rainesylhe ansi Ingleide non. la addition, tise boys aerved au excel- of tise preaent h bwsaY croosainga can lem. lunchs. Tise tasati amer la iicisb.e lîmngted. tit so. l fumlid. s tmelte ur Tii. dIstrIct engineer also, statesi th mm iln , uhr faDed ts «».esi &<I tis tise proposesi construction of a favomise liplemionupo ti e . a ubvar vonId hfot btend Il the rail- falromle- t»BoMdP04oWP&">. bocause eeyrgime a *ieb~ 1in mm l=,io elm provesi It taltes a Os>- are te be.0w MutOto upOn M .th* l" umut or ttaaportatlon bail- ste t *t'heï a i.Ofi5 té eioai MOTOR CLUB ûIVE REPORT ON ROADS There la flot mach chsange la' the condition af Laike county roada, ac cordlng te a report issued ibis veek by thse Chicago Motor club. Tii. report says: "Oid gravel andi dirt rosds-are sllPPerY and rougb ln Lakte couflty, but are diylng rapidly. Grand Ave., route betveen Lakte Villa andi Fox Lakte closesi on account of grading, whilch la under vay." SEEK IPAVJN6i0- F EAST FIVE MILES 0QIF BEL VIDURE RD. Chamber of Commerce aise asks Supervisors to back paving or other roads Improvemnent of tise easa fise mile-s of Beividere road , connecting WVau- Itegan with ýImprovementis atready niado ln tisewestern part 0f lthe coun. ly, and tise closlng of a gap of a por- lion of Grand a venue no<r unpsved, la asked ln a resolutlon tisatIol being aubmltted Tuesday by tihe Wauitegan North Chicago Chatuhér of Comn- merce taetise county board af super- visors. Tiie resolution foliows: Wisereas; Tise people of Laite coua- ty ln tise fail of 1917 vatesi a five han- dresi thousansi dolla r (8500,000) bond Issue ta cover ils portion of thse con- struction of the federal adi project 0f lmprtsved roada froin Cbicago te Wis- cousin, and for tise Improvement 0f the Belvidere raad front Waukegan te Vole near tise west uin. of Lakte counfy and, Wisereaa; When it camie te fr tise taklng of blde for tise improve- ment eftma Belvidere road thse <oot of constructIon iiad Increasesi bey ond lh. ailotmnt la ibis bond Issue and it became ilecessary t a tart the tnt- provement at Mlwaukee avens,. Ove miles tram Waukegan ln arder te buld tise road o-ver tise isasi tretcb of Belvidere roasi hélveen Milwau- kee avenue andi Volo, and Whereas; Tise State bas passesi an appropriation Providlng for a retund of tise cost of state bond toute No. 20, tnown as Itelvidere road andi,- Wheneas; At tise timteof passlag said hopd issue in 1917 tise county boa M passed resolutions providlng thar any future nefunsi received frorn tise Siate siouid ibe spent in tise lm- pros ement of tise Rani roasi tu Wau- couda and ompletion of Grand ave- nue iseîween Waukegan andi Fox Laite.and Whereas; Notiitistnding tisat reaoiution, tise tact tisaI Ove miles of Belvidere loasi adJaent t0 andi con- nectlng Waukegan vas flot laprovefi owing 10te heigis coat of construc- lion, s moral obligation la due floi oniy f0 Waukegan but to liaI part of tise coîînty whlcb Beisidene roads officia witl lte coanty seat. thia said Bel-videre roadsi honîsi Se cot- pileed iîom the fIrst nînnies iecevesi fcom lthe cefunsi. Tiserefore, e it freilveci: Tiat lte supervison$ are berewith iespecttul- iy nequestesi and petitionesi t0 urge upon thse State iigbway deparîmient tise construction of tlisa nimprovesi part of Belvidere rossi as a State bond roads. Be Il tartiser resols-esiTisat if tise Stale la not in position le mate Ibis impravement.tisaItishe supervisors iserevithspetitionesi ta appropniate sufficient money f ram tise refunsi to complet. tise Impraventent of eBîvi- dere roasi andi ta close tise gap ln ?Îhe Grand avenue pavement belveen Gurnee and tise Lakte Villa concrete and se tar as passible extend tise lat- ter tovard Fox Lakte. MiE. NUiEMEYERe SLAYER, (iOES TO PRISON SATURDAY Two Laite caunty mens tomorrow wiii begin prison sentences ranglng froin on. te 25 year. Tisey are: George Niggenseyer and, James McLaln. Nlggenteyer of Foi Laite, wbo vas found guilty of lise murder of John L. Jobnson of Chii- cago, vîli hégin a 25 gean sentence. McLaln was convicted of stealin a large quantîty of cigarettes front s freigbt car on tise Chicago,. Milvau- tee & St. Paul rafiroafi, ansi vas sels tenc.d ta serve tram one toi 25 years. isy Jusige Claire C. Esivards. -Tise case of NIggemeyer, attracte'd state-vîde attention. Hia victvas a Chicago hardware inercisant, vbo vas isuntingduci 'on Fox Lako, viiere Niggmyer cqndicted a- boat livery. Nltggineger mitotJobinsog a-A ter ho had been struee the *y* ei by- a spent &bot.' McLean dumpesi ti*e <igar«eifrosi a frelgit car, ai4d Wb"p ho attemptea STATE TaX Was TO' oents 7w O1k proposeui ew rMd@ Mo e quaizàe amt A five cent bo-tlate s4< rate is. chedulied tua etI c to, announicement at p4 W-hieh viii affect al the . Lakte cotlnty. Thils meafle the ~ of the county, flot lots. Thse boost applies only to thée i that goes to thé atate. Lait geai amnount of thse boost yvas 10 per 9 over the valuations as retiued lise Lake coun.y Iboard of rer Thtis year. if tise rate la fiîed at cents il wiU be that amount Stven board's ahtialion on thse sbire goe.ý 1 tisehéstate. The rate last year was 40 oeflti each $100 assessedl value, but i reporteti that tise rate ta b. Ibis wepk will tse 45 cents which mean thal these caIe lai wiil be a thse saute. Thse three rate makers are1 Stuali, .Stte Treasurer Mlet v State Auditar Rilasel. Tihe hbae ta meet as soon as (loy. 13a" gel backIn 10Springfield andi aMi for thse session. The. other tgo i officers avait bis retura in the. 0 capital. The. job, vltb (GOY. M present. wili hé compietd some1 ,tbis week, as requirosi by >a*ý cordlng ta yest.rday's. infdiua at, Springfieldi. Citimeo f Smaili AUIie.ItS Fi'gures that are 10 hé fNuriis the. gavernor, througb bis dgs 'of finance, undoubtedly vii that. even at a 45 cent rate. vwiii have been a 3 cent euqt--O net, by reason of the. incee.f the. generai ass§eiblY added 10 distributable tusd f or 49 com acllools. Sucb legistattve încreÎiàe te» a booet ln thse state tai h=C'a tvasm' 7 and Scet8 fr <,dl poses aIoue. Tii. Ogrftea in i nibus bill also carry a ml]Ucq,,M incremse for salarsz and expm"s the generai assembly, a cl4bgé lis radical and Io chargeabie 1t t proaching tax levy. Rj#mblngis atlp4giu.hv ifldlcate ltat qév. Sma" gta keep lhe sdate rate at »4mo JIDUE DECLARBE*' COUNTY CAN ADDITIONAL States $900,000 le aMM before finit of lnd tem is reaohed Aitbougb It was tbe iniprousio number et mombers of thte boéo supervisais that tbe letter fraieC B. Wood 0f th ii. oin f WC" & < ley, Chicago bond experts. thatZ county bad reacbed itss Omit 011 esi Indegtedness and theretore thý 000,000 road bonds inLa labe proiiably could not b. sol11MAi. thse muila 0f the Supremenolew1 flamber of cases affecting other 0 ties of thee state, Loy A. Hemdoe. 9 ty dlent. declaresi today titat titi1 ty dons not face sucit a C0êdaieRL Ibe bonds to vbicit Mr. W0o4 ferred ver. lte $30,M001-»U county intends. t10 bat forA hé p 0f Impraving the. courtiioffl thse road bond Isue., litvlWet tact tal tthe propositionf sUt $300,000 bondsWvI B oti0c!A0 vote unmlithie election neied 4 Mr. Wood urgW bt BI1 11h4: for the. Voient. Mfr Hende. stated tast thé. lion of Laite CouâtUgle158 cqn mise five per cent of ith" visicis vould Omit Its beuffl neas toi 2,200.00.Tbh u .d 11,500.000 but0fIu 00bas been pe.id off. le mately $900,600 the, eoumtW, rale befonereac i s t Tiiere i.nova efrs thé' tional convelition thet cbanging tb. lav. peflBittiftg- to mise imore tien tiat eve i f tisat 05tiqI belp Lait e couay years. Trant Gant sISal or tit oui>, to vis aLý Mad wm $1.50 PER1 ln1 an. lay of ehorne, ritir-re- aute nd »e 19c corng 1 ý.1 ý1-

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