Just Cud~ 8a~wk w ma-" « or *hr* es Wwe apw bu00- uI opI *WStb a~ madme &W 010. *- aofaaàe, ar,. t a M dane.9» 0 f - amIbe. w* thsmub « MèN4* - uIs, - 1 . M"ouio. e ap@*br»na "4.*» o ega&uqeU Mose am'- .fe*0 Po*, - slea T W, &e S h garimas *0 tiig ol- eHiram Paler ut bye th isuae wi o woa.n e h Gonnifin. hrns e. lie been a m -' deu . l ba 8*... tmthe .we'. ., groupef. peopylpibt iil Wtra ?dne e, iue but- * lt Rra Plmr atb pia wsouan. olC Heist ad v *aiy i ha i edngh "bek. le byti Henbtam thn e wndrow, goupboaf peole an cfritablienttutimns and rylli, fu m ige , n pe o- lara baes olfruitete oi He ad euxmy.abrrange d o ng scico gone by.h. éhéti ies gu eeroy tem,- silais andcharitle lsit tol aeve twme fpr preme sti nefo i. e He wafo ealforsetsene oSth large baaketcmet ruit the.'s' let- ,lathoe o n old'rmlt ce Andthen- meivea ent to thecacles ~Iii lat Cxi Butsliehe ont r- coiotita' prman Osatru s mepha' et Wet md "Abrer tou Ne as aitn othese fove? The peetuan came oue stret ho got 1pwas ex Tbut0hepoil-a urke yment»a. Poâalesbt out. la iitbing bre.' Blowlii Hiram bouse.e oita r.lor i nopbo'u luth..about finele HirgMN$b l ent. »ta&anuisance te shop?' andi anayi "Matdose M cameabout, amaeculi *é cea bey'ail ho wantil, And hlm adcbii bati nid: *TvIe got te eut down mi, Chritmas À" At et* hadtonrusber pencii throsgi bersgrandtather'i naine. Uer ihe lad ai: "Chriema La ilfor Young poople. oM$.tueeoldt temmreabout prett abaadkerchlet or twe which i~t senti blini - ý- Md. à g a' ooeutm ~tFuWih Chrk",s Pacels " .&T yenr wo îz:i ".ucnmr tun.o ZhoC elt.astroc thug es-en before beeguse eacb percol vas viappeti la such n vas' thet It va lu- pottsiblé e ugilss vitat Il icontpi4i.d. Te astîmnite the chlidi+se uloge- nuits', n prize et a box ot castis' vsfet ferodtu l the incuber of the ftmul> vho dlplayeti the greatest cievernea in wrapplng itts. Tils vas von bs' eigbt-year-oid Jack. He bung a string ot emarbeabl>' lîfelike sauqaees pon lte tre, as as fferngte hic motlior. 'Wien tho iteinga trere îînlted half a- ilues iemattiteed handite nr c I 1clfis tuiMbieonutt. Encl handkenchlef lead lirst been rolici la t- a soleil ctrdboarti and hlles rppeti luInmottied palier. A lose second te - -%vass a- É't-fitin PQQ cncfleti n b candi, jpde out him pasteboîrd vrappod l5n wite ti.sane ppo" tvlat*t te a poitnt thie top tu represent tihe vick and black- enc i vtb a trop of luk te sbow tiîat the sick laed boom ligbtoi. ThiIsvae tuck lto the kcncantiestlck be- form placing It under tt re vhere It presenleti a vers' ealîstle appear- suce. A writ valcit vas ititios lu a bou- quet ef paper floyers. The ie>' vatei hid t Ile in the heart of a fiuge Arner- IcanBeauts' that teraîcti the ceter bleue. cf this materplece. A brace- let vas conceabeti among the Xteus anti ,ho vide rnthou vblihlied them This year, a 2 elik nibrella la to bo tiouialetas a tiaclhapti hy frst wrapplng l andi thon tvlsllnq a vIre aroundi oacb anti and bend- lag; lie eada up tto ornuthe short legs etf"long bowwev." Another bit or paper tvidted on tbe terrule forme àthe tal. The crook hantSe oethle unu- brella le patidel vitticottes battingtfor the bea] anti the viioto thisg ievereti wth broui> crepe paper. Two big pins are useti for @oyeg.. SuaIt giftaslare the eassînt of al 10 malin mystorleus. Tiîey cen be hi-' de lon: Inmitation appies. banus, orankes or 01)er klntis et fruit or pu- per cernucopias or drumas. A set of dtIelhes bas boon matie tt, Olti 01er> bs' ung crepo paper cevored i wtb Amonicanugll. Tvo oet honsvers cutnt, pasteti on cartiboard And fart. eaedtogether os eacb nid@of ettLt packtage ef dolli andst a amuaill tck attachai te ose end. Thia viii "ive' mesnt effocîiveis' tre. the Christmsi *A , »ttie et r tlegme ,ileMatie jute, a 4tIeL À round .sh.: et coup, ferma the Isat i. ele a totin a ailS'cpl Id o S v I ll e 1 p p e r. E se s, Mor e a t 14 Umth au. ilIt, tracto upon Ils t vacant couteihuce -la 'vter col"ul «r Th bnd ltetute topf thebut or lie, h. long tre.. e vhite c"ep i tu per put on, and nther twist of pager xuais erenviao for aism.-Panule Nié.- id e,lnal lrmera Wtt. Dua elcment occuring ln lie atmol- Iphere o e tb otanti MIrs ant in1 midi quan!ties ln the earlh's atmoe~ phoei Suevral minerais and. certain minéraI waters. l ia. useta leInflate ffqisbmgi*o In.5àa uonsanlaWi i aeaax onplo.lvw' gai, selentis' lgp tr~d ' 4eeb>diegom LFirst Chrstmas Tree Washin awmakers; eryGergân18AnÎ-vey-Wir Councli protestied %gaant big jerg y use of the Sonate Of(ice Buid gaif thlnC and_ wiII ttw.aten ,a beadqgarters for bis anti-Cathlîc Fis, Fight, a Duel or a campain asti sent a latterzte $ema, tostiemanding that bis seat be for- Speech if $e.nators disage totd. with his Opiniions;, has t ive watien'a great ambition seem . te Mom t m . ous ears te bh that of an and. H o doca i<t 0- more umutuOlJ yeas tOfine.himseli te pensnalitte. s i WOe serve. betitie the unfortaîsate main crosstin bis path. He vill thneatOii a flat f ighl.i a duel or eise a speech.1 Washingtoni. Dec. il.-If overyhody Hiae lecliofi te lhe Sonate foleweti1 [se la agreeti on a question, the" a'g hr- red tLght in bis Owai imnatol' Tom Watson viii oppose it. saofrteDemocratin nomîsatlq# liat 10 the consýensus Of Opinionlu In hich he itooti as thMabtt-Wlsm mont national leglialateri vho have anti-League et Natiàoe akt anti-siar1 ratchedt Iis fier>' Georgiafi durins measurca can4itiate. lie freely ai&- sarly a s'ear et tumultuofla conduct, mîts andi la preund of the'fact that hl$i rlth Iniications that b. viii continue publicatiofls opposedti pe draft law, okoep the Upper Hnouse la in uproar thoeploilaif aet and alther var ir;Uouot theii.fvoesears ho still han meaures. Througbout the, porloi et 0 serve. Amerlcae par$lclpatloD la the vi* Sntor Watson vas electeti a moll- these publications ralleti Ut the gôSi or et Congres la 1890 on the vavoerumment, aîtacliedti hé any andti l$ ýf Popullat sentiment, serviii on. draft 1ev asd ever . b*pe have at- orn. lu 198ho vas nomlaated for teuPteti te make ît appear that tbio hé Vioe-PresidelCýy ii the St. Louis governseflt did vroilg lu enterilis opalInt coaventioii, vhich latiorseti the war. iryafl for the, Presidenti nomina- Met autsie the Senate Chamber, on. Senator Watson la sperieflali>' a The Geergia legllator bas arousti charmlng man. 1teHemasau e ong irions Catbolte organisations te pro- mille andtaltoa entertalfllagi n a tt against bis Sonate membershiP nid masser. Even vhem h. rises te td teatiemanti that ho ho unsoateti. bis feet te hegis -a spbeeh there la DO Watsonl> lvîteti Senator Mos5e anti suggestioni ef the uproar that hi prob- I(hors te come outilde the Sonate abIy viii raise boforo helà lhrough. Chamber te settie differencea. He He begins hlm speech In a voîl-modu- an elabeti verbal>' vitt SesatOr lateti voice andt ien vorkic up neani>' Penrese éai thon usedi masy ash1 te the point of frenzy s-hon nmue ose - - *bar, 1 doubt the *>idom f ?bis opinions. Th au ne tE ti be tel tic va te ci ho UF LIGtIT BSN Asigarl us preache d tthe mm hIu lIIflmnuaI SWite, ('hrlàt o the vikings o zlgtet h risaemdt the North, so rmss the legest 1 ilghîo h ru r edt et th. Christmas irpe, îl'-' Lord Sent 'lie/ ofetjevisl> engin, «Ia he -bis tbreo messengers, 1-.îh, Hope, astndt t ii, t i oil love, te help iiglit the lr8t.tree. Seek- iiesr, eorts'rciPtlno aris' taoeur De, lig one titat shonitilbe high as hope, ceisher, and the twenty-Pflh dey, JOwl trvide ns lov e, ssd that bore te sIgn eiebrated the feaet of "ticatien c9 ofet lecrss on evers' bougiî, titey chose 1 Iheir temple. It ladt heeh dedicateti on the bosu tir, whlch boit of sî1 the tittt day by j4tiochus. It vas dedicateti trocs la the forest met the requIre-1it>' Judu a eccabeus. anti, accertiisg to mente., Penhaps that is a gooti reasos Jewish legenti, suflicient cili as tound wby tbére chins about, the Clîistmas ln the temple te asat for the ieven- Iree ln My old home that whliclî lias brasclied condlestick for eigbt dey&~ proserved ilt rois hing su ept along Ini and It would bav-e taken olgbt days te te flood of senss-iss innrr> that lias jpropane nos cil . Accordiflgls' (ho Jews ssvnmPed se ony lhIngs in unr mono>'- wero veut os the twents'-Ltth day of îsad dey. At leait so ît nos tuen. KJsiev in erery bouse te liht a cao- EVery liie 1tsece a tino Stud<led with die, osn1the soit day two. anti on the elecîric ightt., gerIentis oftlinsel goidti th elgbti> asti last day of the, feait, feahoooîg evers' brancli. aid aung cîglit candile twlakted ln crih ouse. wili thie hundreti costly kiclknackî It tg sot VOr> easy teozLxth.ee«- ifte storekeèlei-ar invent yeer by yeiir ae! date et the Nitivits'. but It teu "t niit traêo," usîilithe tree Itse-fif Ist probabîs' os the lait day et Ki. disa.ppeniq eutirely uiidcr its tiuràen, lev', n-ien ove>-> Jevlsh bous. ln Bth- I hav-e a feeling lînt e fraud liîas been lehesiandtiJerusaleux vas -wlnklîsg practireti os the kîndly spirit oet Tub. sitl> llt'hts. IH Iovortby oS note thit Walý(*ndin ae he nlyrea t ithe GeMa Dame for Christmas la for p ,ÇhrIStmu.s ree, candles et vax Welh)nacllt (the sight of ddtication). that angie iboîr ierfume vitb that'outLISthough It wtree smcated s-ltb this, the bulurg tir, net the by-preduct Ot fetiet. Thec Greeki aie Cali Christ- Bouie coal-oii or otiier abomination. Dnesthe fea* et lghte. the. name WLAt If the hooglis do catch Oire? sires tu tLe dedlcatlon festival, Chan- Iles' cas bc vatcbed, al toc>îiany >kah, b>' the Jews. caî>dfles are tavlry, anylîos'. Aise, reti applèF, oranges nti otd-fasîiieed WH TECRSTA KSES cornuopias madeet Ucloreti paper, H TECRI MKSE? sud made e ft home, look a hundrediOciteAiwdb ut. ae lismes btter nnsd f511r ln the gren;; * bratoAllOsed et M etoaming andi so dodrums andt oy irumpets anti EvteOne of<Metadiin wa'it-horns. Raid a rocking borse ithtEntinTato. neeti îlt bave jost forts' dollars. . ~ ~ mnbs il h W ashinq W inAow&stnd unfer nisletoe Waibin Windos. licause thos' lMe It ant ié.o If windows are vaslioti vhen, the canice ruaient iews Il. Brens' isa sun la shialsg on tbem their dry betore entier the uielletoe, hkowver, le a kies il%*e're Is timo t10 pellh them, asti lok %l>ich clebrales one et th. mont streaks'. Always Aust windows before charmiug erents la Cbritmu iriai- waebIng. hlîc. >.dtia littie amoniatlen.. te the wator te maketeb gluss shtbe Ti oac oa akt od and pouh veOf etihe gois ef Scandnarlvie s be Bai- MERRY CH4RISTMAS WHETHERt ve %hout It or irg 1t we muort b. sure ta mena t; fort1"Il se reali! mess It when we say, *Meh7y (Chrisitmas, ecrt1- body," wvo wlli de aitlu our pewver te make Christmas a daY of unsulJed joy for al those withis reacli of our Inilenee. ~Chrit came Inte the venid te bring light whIch brisp JOY. He came. te brisg dtierrmce te mes; ta moire diir ticult problemi; tonJe * igber hope la the spr meL ~Thot ln the cause et the dee O Y to amkin1-. Tes, IVhrla lnâ l ajeytui day as veil as a 'açt It Ji a day for tiolag gondi kdeetis, asi voltau thisklug ti itheugý&itiIt la mlot a day ter 1reçiing giftz IFol. Ther are go mans'ernOprtuitloa for doing god. that we snar recoiveJes'IR hustiredfotitt,'- vitE>the "epenil- turs et Jut a litHtus. meanti thoeeght. There are mny wl>. bavayte W; .mur Whode Mm ikaew the mangef Ibis dey Os ,onu know it; sens'W hoe apirlta iare crushed Is' dsaftr. 1*. Ilember tii..!-Eos'a World. .I lgpiaUoh.ele ii e. as ie "wemtians êvi,'eof tljieaevb btt ~ovett theotort bO. io odla «olis' imes vas beiyeto t letlathé gesm thie utttvzal. Cor-Wreekt. Ai fhst-Hewdo tue"* b«0e id .Iu.Ieoiuuils'tr Plu- Bt- lieat et. t aosflnla i thie çpint Éof Evil, yul an arrov of Mltletoo. But haniW e nb. Venus or thie North, restoredtimueIllto hsas- lutiisg svtb luesAU vIe paesd le. neath a brasc bêlaiti net la ber hand» Thuns it becane an emsblen of lov" ansd happy clebratlen. AfIcient race. hld the ilaut ln aliI yeORMHlO<i.Par'. tlculari>' tbe Druide, vii. vent lu pro- cessilon ito the toesato1 colect IL .'fter Neiy Year's day It vas dis- tributeiamnthi the people as a sacreti andti ol>' plant. If %Pr part-of the iustletoe touchai tbe grount It vas regardoti as an ois ofet pendilag A FULL ST@Cihf4. ]Rock-SalaClans a.Weatls' lb» ifla le pleIl nfferlid. Roc-Ts. It »«»It tens la aolblng ho 4«t muibu la at*& ne reuglt me e voanet us' acqaalat. mec à divorceavlth £ l a'and th@ cestods' ef thé pootils, Overahadeva l'nlia. No malter« wbut bis finite mas' ho, we.alwffl hàvo a ioft gllae la Ouri bearti for tbe pesn ocans ba"ela gotitisse . wvh,-ýFsni Lite. gie rssi.e eu wilh Taaale ultedv', an.Mm ast~~~~~e au>to tha Xe0ébOf angue. WaJ0ll eroednWal. iu . I Shnoll, ~tiet the Ku l<lux Kan, la th Iial 1ari test imesyy ho for@ the lieuse Rle ommltteO.HMe Sensatienal charges of vholeaale hangt-painlathe .Ari'ericaii Pedi- tlonary Ferces aroused the countri anti led te an officiai investigation. Swbenever Watson gets up le apeak on th~e floor of the Senate aomethli la aure te happes. H-e ba% foufld that thes. speeches get hiesnme In t ho neviPaperis and bliedislikes thîs s et et ail. iIn 1910 ýWat sOf publishpd a book. "The Roman Catholic Ilier-arhy." jwhiciî got hlm JoistR lot Of troube andecaused i$hl indictaieft in 1914. The Indictient was quaaiied anti an- tri:d. The first jury.diagreed and tho second acquittet i hm. 'Matson thnrençwed is enti-Catholîr ram- palga,' whlch bas incrP5.00d in blitr- noms. fecentl>' the National Catholic - Rigobt or Left-Eped? Fese pensons, perbhap.%réu-tli.:o lIait they are as iuech right or let t-e3-cd as they are iighý or lefI-handeti. Bit losin ln a chair andtîlix YotIr attention on siime obicet os n. uw tier aide ot the roosi. Quiekly iwm Iyour linger ut; irht lui front ofrliii-object, asdtilStaly s mît v.ur eyets Tues, wîtheut inovlng jour head or qui fin- ger, open your eyes ose at a tinte, if wites sou open leur rlght eye you tind your inger dlreetly lii front of lte object, >ou are r19hi-o>o.d-lu Iit lat case, you viii Sund >onn inger vers' n to thie riglit eoflitc ebJen7t tIto yen open >our leftI ye. if s'eu are rlht-banded, s'on vlU alnîoot probahis' flnd tbnt >ou are right-e'eti. This ls due Ile tue tact Ihut ef the tvo italvee of your broin one lae mgit. 1>' mono derelopedt ian lie ether. Asti the organs antilibe os that side ut yenr body w bich ln controileti by tho morettieveloped lba reable te curry out yoir viahes weuesiiy asnd quiet- is' thon tubeor thte other suie. Useful Cigar Ash. Stains mas' b. removoti fronti pellieti oak vers'caily. ilSuetim>es vo Lsd, ho our tilamas' a bIne %tain on our table or buffet top, modet fron eater or nme otier inoisture. Save cigar ase until yen have srbat s'eu mev vwili be sufficent, vbon uoist, . te meer the *fain. Do mot use ans' more w ater tiansenougli 1 maea nthick paste. Spread os-er %tain lnd tlleW- te become porfecily dytis lion hmusb o19 vîth a soft dot. Teu sIN-111Su the surface rbstoreti. - P%ýý re,..-a tRiver 134d. Ceylon's great sport la, thebull lai et jevelipwhich are ettec te bo feunti slb.thebeda ef irere. Some- times thone stressas are dnieti up fot a time anti then the rewertii art greit fer the hnter. Goemlment per- mission muet b. granteti betore oms uns' go gems bunliang, astilng ob- talue t is pormIselen, the huntén in alioe o e eop ai ho Inde. To the Inefpedenced os',thie precicus peb- lie, as It rese ionthie grountiloocS Uko an ordinwart ous, Hie exprt cas detoci the valuahie MnetaIOnce Preervine Vaiuaaie Deeuitnt5, An expert resterer et acient docu- mente ln WasbtagtenIolabale te epflt ls (ins shotet o er," aeparatlng t a- vniltontvo aieo6laiest a uliddlé )ayer et piper, -anti ce ehoentre obeet vltb a Ihînasil> gause. This eu. ables the document tatostiu considen4 gble bandinlg. Invincible AlIuremeate., L "eurtbrakoWI wusthe naine givel te artIftcial ingeta, a 4dnturs'or MIde ige, worm is' ladies le onbane Iboli bôaisOr. If as laimoti a tt hslimse 1h11 *0 ie ot invetopate venin biAter vwu 1wt~preot aiettw*afu1rtitattra flu Uffl ifl UAlMTM U4 P U II iUJlUÂL.! NEEDS AT TUE A Rm y & N'AVY STORE We have just received over 5 carloadIs of merchandise, that, wfil put on "al at lower prices thau you can oban any" where. 4cLiited FtîîPPIY . ..... ... ............ -75 WOOL UINDIYRi)itAWEtts Our suppiy Ile lmmited,. ..... ......75 WINTER CAPS, Aru>' cap!,. Corne orer ears anti neck .... 0 10 WOOL SOCKS (sCw)$10 ZJ MXE OCISS <'e> 35 50c value; 2 pair ..i RECLA1MED) SOCKS (wool anti cottensoraks).S Peor pair ..... S WOOL BIiSECIIES (ju..t jeceiveti new suppi>) * W artn anti heavy ....... _---- . ..... WIOOL COATS, Armi; ail sires. $2 Mot, of thes -e r e o...... . .. . WOOL SPIRAL LEGGINCS., 7 pecîal. pair . ..... ... _... .. ...1... 3 c - CAVAS LEGGINGS, * WhAlie ihe>' las>, pair ... .... 5 SHOES, Arm>' chocs; heary garrizon type. Worth $10 (nov> Our >upply ililîed .. $4.56 SHOES; Army -$3 '.HOES reclalusot, garrisos, marcblng, Z k Bast se, air............ I ~ Blankets! B 1anket 6! BlanketS 14,000 ARMY. BLANKETS (Just arrîroti trou Jeffersonvilld, lsd.) Specil .............. 2 6,000 BRAND NEW U. S. N. BLANKETS Ail a'ool, large tirae 44î,8, oight 4% ibi $JUS Worth $12; ouI>'-......................... 100 'Blankete, double commercial cotten. reclalmoti. Pull aie ....................... 200 BLANKETS. ool ap, double commer -$ .2 ciii, Nai5bus plaida. reclaimeti. Ail perfect .2.5 60 BLANKETS, ArOl> 0. D:. $7 Ail wool. peclak ............... ........ 3 7 _hW 2,000 BLANKETS, aruy asti 5ev>, 295te G rays asti plaide ..................29 * àS WOLSHIRITS, necilmeti; $ Pofect anti dean ........... .............. 0. I>. SHIRTS; ail w ol; bran ti n ov re n- torcOti cîbovo asticollars. Ail aises, worth 44 $3.45 MIARINE SHIRTS; ail vool; 'oortb $6.00 *~ Brandi nov, ail sites .................... .. 7 7 WOLPANLSHIRTS $ 3 Braut nov; ail aIses.................... NEW WURSEY OVEESHIET % ail aires ....................... ...-............. ARMY OVERCOATS; aIl vool, Your choies................... $5 * ALL WOOL NAVY SWEAERS, .9; DWorth $4.50, lrand.ne - ......» . ....... 4~ WOOL BLIPOVERS;osÈ brandt-nei.......W................... LEATHEIl VESTE. 4J Brandi pcv vlth uleeves . SHEEP LINED COATS,$ 0 leelaim e .......ti....................... SHEMP LINED COATB; fulilangth; bnandii* nov fur cellar, verth $22.50........... OVERALLS andi NAVY DUNGAREES*S N ow .......v............................. NAVY WMPERS; hoavs' donîn - 12 New, 2 styles...........................$ M PON4CHOS; r GLOVES AT ,E»UCfl f10 Tau"E, SIT -CAM SA» EKA MRAG IM OP M MUEX GO AUl> MlTCASES AT NETMMEl>On. I & a1 Select Armory asTo home; State to fuiit Instrum"nt STARt RECRWIT Waiikekan as b.au ielected by1>7ý State oftllinis .an the boat WK*ý for . the 1iZ th isfantrY baud, w4 Vk viii b. organUlet ber, e mda The body wtli consait of for-Wbt piecea, ail of whlcb viii be.furnia -P& eniîting ilu Ibis group et. lnusiciafl wiii ho paid for their rohearials. The announcemnent to this eaffc , vasî made by Wel>soW K. Needie,È. banduaster, titis moralflg, &a6is taU. that the drive for enlitiseiti wold start Thursday aithei Arméry. Fel those who do fot ae hlm at -he ar1h-.i bls home, 600 Waler street, l the ening. 1 11 Heatiquarters for this orgasiai.tJI hava been under coislderaLtiei te#' nme time. Shou4i the DOw>ariuorve' hult vithin the noar future, the 1i3foV lnfantry band i Ii be nmoveti into siife> Temporarils' thougb, the nlid*ikrpl,- vi bé uaed until another location * selected. flL trr. OIoclortç ire new reallzisg Ot grcnoer iîre iould be taken iI n AIs. lig up prWe1riptio5i'." itate% an eyl nlsg puper. And yet nul s it ueOk vo heard ofthIle ea*e et a medice vmhO sen.t a poor patient'$ medicise to l'$ ichet pienCt 'sith 1the unfîertuiwoÇ redult ihat a complote curé >w419,~f fected. Mesof vltberln ce the ho aor bex f la tliel et ubol. 10e dr la Amer Ir vilha, e ueo80 Qte. 0 isit fas ieaire -.hove b hedre 01]c. t V lme. Adi lou as PC corse. kt te lv.- 4 aà tins ma a t.ai SMillion LInualstr .voe-thi le tb. ij Ibe ffl ce for ft 6. rouais> mmt be le. Oi yirtuall la their o f Ai mbt.dly. abolîie a bolti ne me. Tit. yi the1 à ter-rier vlth littio i;al. efâe A ta"d Chi Ma.itbe U>Ob ahI. .4for a Çint la-I m public ]Potu do as for Iliant i1 nt il ou 1 turi iy ord iltances , f. $10 1 to recog package neoit of -bans, toi or te wet ullil 1