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Libertyville Independent, 22 Dec 1921, p. 2

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n£ E BTYVMLE INDEOq>ET HUMAY. DKC Z22,1921. kN!n ~ ---on Tbursday venin t omeet Ut. Hoewoarrived ab dyo t.np froin No. York wbete ho bas oring. He o mpne MONbr ne osFr=ay Ut. and Uta. J. H. Rouas spent Sun-. day-with relatives in Gary, Ind. Mr. and Mm. Goorgie-Brainerd spent - . Senday witi Ut. and Utm H. C. W. ItoCtilcag MeU à ad UMm.H. C, Meer and an.Buatn-'rda. eoZre t a o" h te a d'th e i u n.tl of W r. G b n e t 1 lat btel n Ut Mr»m a. d Bauman and faml »» bau hait W of Round La4».voe egueata of MUan s'aag emvtctlain Mmta. RJ. Mr-Bride où Sunday. Wt P carg. 0 O2Zg ltciiflld of Lae Forest, ihOty kw. Pi m alle01dop Arex friande on Sunday. salurdy hi J ames M. *MY eny iv- lt.Tonne fod onulMt. and Uta. to the Fred V ehier on ohdy.- "M UBinO7MrUt and Utm Tovnaepd 'ith. Mm kW0thd Ct~Oonntl IL. 1> Cookad md ta . H., Thatcher kt mai tvas frea motorod te Waunlanoday evesang. 85411 d ieao Tbel.»nMaiof Ur. Diets. St., vai Ok forittliCommit-;iieldob Uosday. et ox s ai W M A. F. Jattett and daugbter, Mid I wasup -Rounnd Labo, heaJohn 4tt theo$2»0 honi. 51etrJiryett bon. on Sonday. là ms th*I orti aide TiiosateceVing1 làthe. fitty -word s dtotivo afier asmitev.Fla veto: Cazoline bai Ram a md.for -u sik sMarthb esen. department. Beatrice 110gB retzurned tu achool IF isOM aSi hi£ iMonday&miter a vo.k'i gbenc. os b. "ay$ the s f«k ItMtu ltahe Iirt. J Ion reosivlot Idev $h *oUld inean 460 in théfit, t ttiOfOinbth wS : in. V..Llmk§à . MWli am MWitutthelb.New ob ti ýa PÂTREPhoogrmpb hm*. Anl modlcsb Do a Ma poilai lma fades' display. un ho ammgo Belivs '(*~a, 816-38"ScomGeet I, i. oies ovoubiga- ult m& Ukre vas a c3impa ~a MIa Ra andrds Bkr e enter. *ghMbM a. P. MorseCd le8 Et..stbal.i. nii viti Obandiesve d'am msuîy Kano Mdan 88.ove, weÎsDlamond l=b IN llp luimae lb. o vnt le Cbiespe ~NIIR jeurnoying <o a adghborlng villageore PX. Pmnde, en*Ptluggage 4 irât aeoldortlon. And ion maho ne. of auci s ift 06 fond renmnbranceofe konshtul gvr? bave a varty of smort Lug. ean ail prices. Put those on 'Oeliping lit fgr your duar. W. Cl LING TON IMeà MeO ~NIIL omos.oenm ~AB8I Y ST. Gorelovo MW Lloyd Huebscli. La Voi.Svu rancsKelrôy, lM«=r SIs*le asMdRel"sDent vweabset Ut.Mente.wva aCiieago viatot 8t. eman KubW*a Md amiUs M"m onýWeisvnt te 'Chicag Frdo. Utr. ami UtmJoM iLouasvitd in Gar, ndau Suaday.., Uta C. G. SMBol vs.cated te ý4@keMete takcmro f ber UMm W, J. Dies vent teCbog Swd7te vlit h«r taudaou, CliWfflord mlgbt ewvot; gove y7ut vif.a bUlàt taemo»; w±,!s1min vuil Tieh e t n 'A.a t uae é oer ii tw êeim- t a ;oo~le.gtisprImesat lv s tibmw i WSt iW b bst lle moisi ailcom t» - . 51-lt Minai. Hapo'Edileor. - Fatb. 401*1dise records are the ent' orMest«Metare guaraatod te play lm 0timeo.cos a PATRE Pioegrapb *15.00 vorth of Pallie records FPR= viii&ailPhtoograPha f ton $100 sud np. Schwartz Fmu-lture Co., 216-222 Se. Gongs.. At.. ýWaUkeg&». Open Oveulnga na-W Chrisrnas.. 151-lt The report carda vere iven out WedneadaY and thome vWho veto pert inlaattendance lie pu.t mnti vee:., Esther Delta, helen Bedereske. Kaliryn Moore. We are Putlng soin, of eut Christmnas decoraltona up thii, eek. It maies tic scisool rooni muci more attractive. - a Lea Delîz vas absent f tonschool Tuesday and Wednesday. Mise Ransom vas a Waukegan calier lutI Saturday. Miels Emlse Hapke vs, a Liberty- ville caller Tuesday.- Mr'. and Uns. Christ Hapke and andaugiler, Ulunle abent Sunday &'. lie AugustMoyer borne.. Joe Delta snd famUnli went le Wau- kegan. SundaY and calied on Mn. Detas fathor. vho Iolu lin th e Watt- kogan hospibal. Chist aIHaDkD fin on jury ea, Wauie- gana tiiaeekt. lire. George Waters o f Grayalake, Je vialtint at tie borne of hon parenrî, Ur. and Mr.Joe D)elta. Orle Keller and Mldred Ernst- lut veto absent ftrous ichool lait veek ou accoÜnt, of belnt aIci. Brnwitck for Chistsmas andiail ya;joy sand evetything; ts are oay Imy r. nov, and 91on Be. Rom." roîrtîlmg. Bhsnsvlcks .01 b>' ~ P 0I . Ray'. ata Prce sot bard 10 . py. Con. Mss.. heWIn >; bu>'oe the etalimeut Vamy. 61-11 Woighlng witnout -, -210 Tise resourceculniesof. theie rIis 1 shows ln lisoir neblîod cof vclghlsg vltieutscaien. "To velgi -a plg,- Mid an Irlaimnntise ellcr day, "ant y. hbalibte do la te la>' a plaab acree a nvhbeows, place a big ste» on oui 5d o tihe plami aud thé1 mg on me olir, ienuifi l i plU mtitn SEEKING 25Ot' MRINE OVER TH1E "DESPLMINFS RIVER Board of supervisors recoeived resolution asking for oounty aid in proleot. Construction of a J35.00' bridge over the Des Plaines river wost of Gurnee on tie ptopesed re-ubeatton of Grand avenue, is sougit by War- ton tovnship, whose hlghvay coin- nitasioser, Johu Thomas. loday pre. ssnted to the. county board of super- visots a pietitJonasakinga tist hat counly appropriate $10,000 and $2.500, sepresenblng one-half the eslimiated coat of the bridge and approachos. 1The. natter vas referned te the road and bridge conmtteo.- - The board receivod a jury tiat of 400 nanies, aubmitted byL the jury and jury lista commlttho. Sheriff Elmer Gronaubntltted a. remuet for th. emptoymont of a turnkoy, s0 tiat oeeofficer yull b. on duty lu tihe cousty Miai t ail 1inies. Tie. natter vas referred bo a commîtte *ti pover te act. The board ad»ntned ai noom today to go to UÀbotyVijie for dinner and Inspection of tme county Pour fata. oooooooIogooopooooooo Ruth iJobassle ditoMr. liU o*at4 Aaet.Edihot. lite. .LW.Chittenden hmas ai er Crw er dangb. Ghotle.»»o"uWas a Osicago viator wo eureeesin ud É day oehem fu Ti. lb ciol osw» atansd fr tii. ~ ~ ase Obltmaboias plninh e a Nov Ye.r'a ptty la b grflvoinbnc t tb f* aluna i e aitli mout wO*'%elp aforS nd in-. Georgo.WMater are ul*l eu»l4 la ht ov ewbimalov. Ibe Royal Nelabbort eleeted otti- ber-s lait Sabto atnoon. Norton Ploo4 andUhsàMargaiel LHoward ef Ruasell spent SuAdmy vîth i.l. LF1o04 and familly. 1 Uta. Moran o! Waukegan vlslled lie. McCaun fansliy the lirIet olite Uts. Rat ph Cittendenm vent bo Ci- cago Wednesday t0 meel iser daugiter Uns. Russell Cail, of LeRoy, X. Y. Ut. and Uts. H. W. Orrnsby aprnt Sunda>' ln Cicago. Uts. Helen McClure visited in Bel- videre last veei. Misses Marguerite Thoms and Clara Fulton vote Cicago vîsitors Wednes- day of last wveki. C. M. Brovn lefl Tiursday for Hlot Springs. 000000900009 0000001 e PRAMMIIVI- e 00000000000SS00000 Gustc S&oery lransacled business It Area ilaturday aflernoon. Th i lil tsck of Long Gro-e contes b>' lise wayof Diamnond Lakç on ac- couat of the impaisable roada, duo tûth blesiienge ol tic county oulfil. Percilai Macliier lab.ing eianîsioyc. aI Ith. Pattersoq imnonar Liberty. Mr-. sud Uns. Wiliî.ma open' Wed- neida>' sud Thursday vîth friende lu Shermorville. N'orenceUMae.ber is nov aI home ou her, Chriitai vacation. Ut. and Mr&, Horaciberger ipent Uosday lu Chicago. Mta. Schaeffer loft Fiday morninu: for Pees-is te spend th. vlater viti her â«on. Uta.. A. 0. Usether mang Florence avent Monda>' la Chicago. Diat . spte R. W. y. Kilagisor0 ftreeet. mtaolsed'a very ipltual ad Iuspi« stermn lait TIbUod> «"&M ,g. »0 &Mo aqusielai WO0"- mantes sevice sndseveating. mise- 64 lyti potOea*.C.LK. oteIm. à the cidrn and a docoratd Christ-, nilas tree, viii he there 10 greet Saute, Clans. corne and enjoy youraoliea. A Morry Christmnas. Say It vith a Patio .Phonegraph. Cois.laIn d bear the n stpuWxaRé fltspayed ah osly the Pathe cas play thon. The Schwartz Fursiture Cq. 216222 go. Genesee St., Wauk.gan. , 514lt Mxa. M. 0Coon 15 spending a lev d*i at Walkeiau vlhh ber son. Ur$. Fred Prieig, vi. emubeon 111, la aroatly Improved. 1ts. C. Glisezanad childron 414 norne Chrlastias shopping laý Chicago Saturdiy. TOmÉ Lynci apent Suaday at'Dea Plaintes. wiierepvolu givon et the qugfterly eeenece luit Thursday evening, la- dlosted a gffd progrua ail along the lino la chnrcb von. Tii datriot anp- «eatol* who preiMed aet the. con- tereace. wui!ralt pies$$& Rùs. PMedPrIes. vWu a-Chrtunas shomws.nlaChicago Uenday. WSUan M. Masonspaent Sunday ta Chicago wth relatives and £1104 on s buddy vho aerved la StasDomingo inthe tMarine Corps dnrlng 1917 and Ur. sadUts. Williams in spendilai th. hotldaya vltb relatives at Warren~ Villa, 111. Prank Touley wu. la town Tnesdajr traaaactng business and cailas on friends. ' 1 ubas Sebool next Saday t 10 o'clock. Preaching services atiil and 7:Sb. Will y"u ho preient?" . Clunsy Enucitk. nev and seat: Pretty tunes and son"s replete. Huy mgp Do* A"i pies,.the hua; pet ld ,mep opiff os' the iids. The n »rift1wWckâcabinet vIll deligiit y»onr oye; boaritslupure tbac, price.and torn». and you'1i aur.ly buy. Want a perfect pboséograph? Play and &inc aMd dancet Duy the. beat; the Bruns- wloik vgrah. i'a a gek-Peu in"e Dàoehace. Rave a Bilmnhvlck1 PiinogaphcereBl in tios 511gb; botter « es lu n the.phone. or vie rlght av"y. The :Ray Purn$tune ad Peint Store, Lbertyville. 51l-ti dOit IILL SCHOOLO Jeeeph 8S&«. vu.absent from achool lit rjday. - The. dulr.d rdu saines W.dpes- day te usehasage jweseti r Cheitua. Mn. PIeodl0fmitiwuva aLiberty- Ville caRet laut vek. Ur. Fona m t.LeooBrewer tet 1huriah l Véo eat, the. bSof ett O 3:uq - atuiatt1 $C4 0S Grand Cuir» ouam trocs M'lai asÇa Butloe~hmin vluitlng in Wackeffe S.,.. ts. Frd lesile Min a rti Wktoes md Fraue Leabm aées absent eY. 0, 0 -0 0 04 îîW41U Ô'b0 p «= ofaroy r 1pjeet Mnd MotUion Howe vusited la Kesba lai G. W. Grou wvu choses% to ksea ordet IOUB nt the. Long Grove jane, Bstr Ut.M S. E. Mumre visited ber siater. nightMmJU i. .UNainaa. RnaWoo>el acting asmthrt Max Mayer, 61 year1, for tiiirty-ive aiser ut ondy u uat. e asaociated wît hmubrother inthe bottn sBtolaitUO ldan f OscarMayer & Co died Moi. to'aten sebol.day, Dec. 12, at the. Aliexau Brotheri George Groaa took two lo0ada of boapîtal following an lium. f ieveril poultry and calves to the city laut wee*. weeks. Ur. Mayetrla aumvied by one Mms Woobel visited Chicago tbree brother Osar if Ma et one aiater, days ltitweek. Utm JLi6 P. lino; dfoer'bahai jter Utm.Theodore Hitzler, Mrs. Cbist!e Hoga were butcbered at the. George Mackb, Uta. John Corrigan of Chicago, Gros. and W. F. Bergborn farma lait and Mma Otto Wannet of Gerniany, Tuesday., bidea frienda innumerable, flot to R. Gruebnau and faîniiy vitited Ut. forget the tate brother. Gottfted Ma.yoil Thii. romains were Bt the chape on and Mr%~ Kuhtuan, Sunday. N. Clark nt. until Tjiuraday noon. Soi- Edward and Matilda Sandman-ted vices wor heid Bt 3 p. m Bt tbe Roso- tbe city Tuesday. bill chapel. Intorment at the Rosobil Mrt. Sheeban bai announced tba aioe.tery. . prize will b. given to the. boy and girl Out scbool wau cloied on Thuradar b that show the. mont internet cheorful perision of the board aa Mien Knox and sportanianlike altitude in ait achootý wiibed to attend the funerat of be. work and play during thieyear. oncle. Uta. Grouan d ebjidren, Lois and« The. Roacrana basket banJ teani de- FredrIck viaited G. Hollasd of Ivanhoe, f.atpd tihe North Prairie teani Friday Tbhurday. nigwft Announcemnent (,'rva'1 J. Gauqe, M. D. Round Lake, Illinois Rou»no, e Office Telephone, Round ;.ke 24-R Ca -,. lnptly Answered Day r Night Physician S-untiyarook 'r riu iCtephone, Round; 2l le - - -- -- LOCAL IAO U .Chiot of Enginser s woul4 permit.expansion spitIfthe faksrprltle1of 8IIT. 21rcmmeù4ddb 1 > bo of enhinets la Madea*lab. The. appropriation would permit the. aunuai iprtinldr.lglng of the 1000, harber aMd aise Would permit continu. onc. e« the von etf »attlngla dec01M te replace' theo wiebcibave bocome Praehieat l sss. 1'humwort vu earttedon cemalerbly laityen beut o e au oomldfuther os a targir seat tbis 7Mwu Wthbe proposod apprepti- It Se eesuhe aise that tho appropri- ation vii eutie t04.geveramt te etnd h tbe mk#stir lteiig absoe, lino te keep ait-'uu* cetthe oand that i. vaihed la -hy ft4 galesfrom thé aortboat. Tii . lm an pr«vment that bai b... n Mon eO«UMUMertor e a long lime.1.1 : .- The. nova of the appreprIation la ccatained la thc e 0ovins .dfipaleh, Item WauinatS* Waihiaton. -D".e.1-Téemuai roport e thtie uVsed statos a"nr cil ef Momorsday r.seniiud lis «Opiture of Sli?1,99 o et tpee meuti te rivets Mmd bib", , 2 tho àmwlauke.diatret. Tus le 0 rte <* timalonfor au Of8k e l f11M to Bupp ffl î - = labl 0f tuas amonut us->ni .4 te impro,. the. ont8000 ah Raolmm. 3 on1 es Vukogma and on Grand ,bs ve Bv It rb4kintaMdfit kopt up ail day, but %ë *1,e «theat wetlavhad a splenffd crowd at tb. spelliag dova. NMBa8eddon von bhe pria. lnspellung and Ut. Luabaunthe pria. ina anti. Ftlday afteruooa Salon. Bungare 'won the priso ln the spelling comteat. Rtichard Gibbon. paaob away Mon- day aIt the home ef hi. brother, Demhie GibbonI., aller a Ptoged 111ceas. Thoeo perfect ta' splllng for the PMi vook veto Adolph Vman eanit, G«oviove labocb, Henty Hulsega, Blea. MstIl Eva Crémer. Clyde VanoyozGeutge Terne.CyriliVan Lau. duy. Esupelt %COMwy, Elaubeti Ko.- elLzaza"xceeflua Hais 0 IBmacnr.-Lincols 11971, Hanrlot TUllY ad Hele n ip. daooimCtr Touniboues u.d ether baud ptM RM MLwmnvIILU PhLp Jaee General, Conmision, : u, Preosiae « Pea. C lu&k TO Pir..0Wr* et TXypicl pue GUAEAEJOI u m m- Ml m P»«aCrovai. Pivot Teoti Tru4 site mouda et GoldI nlays or POtlinsi, accordiag to çmia ... 3 Plte. I t 1guatante. e cmea et cors Off the eb........1. <According 10 materia) Treatinent. nerve killed and moot tilled va And reaiember. I viii net burt you.1tune medlicine tiret that labuS àe away the peL. aiTHFE PRIVES AUE FOR 30 DATS ONT. 13 Wah Dron.~ F. E. CORLISS Ln 130Wathinton StOver the Thom" arkenct C& 0, WAUKEGAN, IL - tAuto Repafr Shop XU'.HENin need of Automobile Re,, V V airng tTy us if you want the. best. Now Iocated in the Dutand Building on South Milwaukee Avenue. James B. Wyletmore Res., Telephone,364-J Shop TeIepboaie1367 RYIjV- Theodere K .Duret, Preeîdmat W.aeih if p 09.W. Churohll. «ertarjamd PMineur. SECURITY TITlE & W ,Uà ARMTACS O mI.E - TI WAWCEGAN i.w: t-IM Moke Ik Chrishm u 'A muicaliQinnsu àssue to b. apr.cate oePeciaiwh yoet pocket bOo& is at ils lWu~ eb We bti ave a nmiber of desrabl mstemta. Drop in auid tok "hOever. Phono 1Il&* or, UW 1W en Affeiatment G. IL M& AD RA.D.'NICR . iota a tVeù u Bat ab hu oat et0o etiingb S'th lts i.la Dot tiv *0antjol wmst Itvel of w vanl (0 pu wvoi above i "ma ineme *artiftcla o B,- (bus bingi 1. faltnis, o oty bluhet, b' s,,, Mie cas ho 4 question. N 4i experlent, Xt.silace sep wet ton mucit motiolistO pi eu.,meas vi 1ra in la idu ,W. May go -mersdoubl $M ma wa itl 1, 40@Uction1 Wuoit la saih ib" ilvl. il t'e get a hlgli 0 the tartier Siducîlos an *Oha. il I i th. preaence sm su*Iua p .-r oY yea bêipay oui I et uit lio the mri ri l roudoresi buaeo 9*7 j o! au Esutlton e iletor Fini amt botter lis feu 1011011,10 Proïvision foi short ti* 1k ver ceeua. le d as follovs. »Y cure of ti Sycure of f *pretident M adviff thse ** bi sames 1 ite thse 'nem omis«i ami oirfaew-ysai %à principli. ter snd payli a you gelt Il.. a an astenli avement for e-. It imatia li Oust ho th, mv.ry muci i t. turnover a tho 1r. hli trend of direction. thse trige It. The i irai econoînil arnodiate pro tai lneyilabi, sre are lie thse prephecy 1mathor Wa diig thse dc lbre serves la e lime tochs FOI ý 1

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