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Libertyville Independent, 22 Dec 1921, p. 5

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22. 192 1. - Pay. As -You Go "1I and Pay Yourself Ffrst The ."chrp it' habit is keepins many a working %Was. nue oe the. vgnâdtone. w. a b.d habit because it breeda worry, ciscontent YààeuaLie free of this.haudicap if you WinI foflow 1 et-Naàk. up your mind to bie for a f ew weéks op 10per esp W then yomearu. If you eams $3000. put $3.0 inthe bahk. Todi zà---Kt",t6ai up for tu a pydays and you Wi have theamout Of orne pay check i h bank-velvet. 3Md-XIumby rcarehd buyin foircamh yownI fv. hettpon $37.00 dmanyoga cid on credt f« $3000. Pay 'rdtebIn~. Put à.i he bk fnt ap a y m ,b ore you qmadim RYLue-. Il WU W W'L NI? O s~~~~~~ iegW 1.UU .kw bht Zama luitbleGifts -for Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Elwelà. of 1Highland Park, visited Sunday wiih Mr. and Nlre; E. W. Parkhur.ît and Dr. and P al C.IL Galloway and family. Shr tofa l ý î.nd Pre» . à ryvi-eéopeMr. l a d aMrs. S.lP. Evitsizoi-eit b:: Shor Itms f Epecil Iterat e Liertvile Pop 1 (Thursday) afternooti. where thev wili d. mm lrs, C. B. Olney vers, in Barkers Superfine Flavors are daugliter. Mrs. Vern Corley, and Chicago Saturday. n05-alcoholle. WIil ot balte out and family. are simply deliclous. At ail grocery Raymond Oould vas a Waukogan stores. Paul Kohout relurned home Wed. visitos' Wedsoesdaye Rollin MiNer, a studont ai Yale Col- nesday f rom Notre Dame Universi;y. Mma LUIlias Kobout vas a Chliàgo lego, l spafdlng the holiday season He wiii apend the bolidays vitb bis abopj>er Satin-day. j vitb bis parents, Judge and Mrs. B. H. parents, Mr. and Mr$. Joseph Kohout, Miler. ea.t of lthe village F'rank Clark of Waukogan was a lbertyflbe visitàr Tuesday.' Misses Evelyn and Adlaine Miller Woe visitais ta, Waukegan Satin-day. .Misses Elimahetis Dgyleo0f Wauko- am -vislted relatives in Libertyville Roy Titus, of thoe loctrie Shop. ae a business trip to Chicago lait Wonday. Mma.Clair Smnart and Mns. E. Har- riN»ton ere Waukegan visitors lait i'ueday. MS. I. 0. Wllsob and lira. Howard Wilson vere Waukegan visitors Bturday.1 'YIiar and Henry Edwards vere bore frain Wauegan Tbursday ta a tend the fuserai. of their uncle, Sfia, Wright. Sditb Colby, littIe daugnter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Coiby, lias been ili for a veek, but la nov someybat Im- proved. >4 Richard Sobauck. à student at Beloit Coibege, la horne for tbo Ch ratmais sea- son, vit>. bis parents. Mr. and Mes. U H. scbmnck. Mr. and lirs. WilliaM iudolpb and son, Versos of Higbland Park. were bores Mm&y, gusts of, the Çbarles Ilpper faaaily. The Sauga'.ucl< seboul. nortb of LU ertyville. with Mi"s Helen Beck as teacher. re-opened Monday b aving bOen closed about a week because of iliness among ihe pupils. -The Good 'lime Club will hold tbeir First Annuai Masquerade Bail et the Barnstable Hall, Lake Villa, Saturday evoang, Jan. 7, 1922. New and old dancçs. A good time assured. Ladies please bring sandwiches or cake. Mu- sic-by Grump's Orchestra. 51-2t Miss DelS l~>~i.Loo Drry 1.V thJ ornn (Thurs MiuDora aigmýin onfedto erday> for 1*Graani., vhr.o ii homo. Sufferinï 1vltb inflasnmatory Iait.teh ie Cbhstuna sexercises at tbe ibelaumti5 1 It auol oidmo tMe evening.1 Mr&. L1 Whitney veo Waukegan vis- Mai01 aud Deibeat Alapper of Wau- kegan wore the guests of Llbertyville )Carl Kaiser M4 Miss Grac. e er ,orf Chlcago were visitors at 'ho Chas. -ECdvard Cssey of lit. Cirrali Coi- logo. la spfflding thse Chrtst.sai u days villa bi% parents. Miss Crac. Smith -of Wabutoe ID. C., las viiing t the home et ber oncle, Dr. IL IL Matia. HI lMr. au lirs. S.A. Penwmgrsv er. ~f~eaterlalaed utlbhe 0 flMr. and lie. .amea OnoninSuaay. Mis. Halen SlkI' ey l hMo r Illinois University ta spelsdtAieCb=s mai vaeaton vtib er parents. UmsaNolie Smr.b of Ares. formerly omployed la thse Area postoffIce, ia as- ulsting'witb thse vomk ln tbo Lierty- ville office durisg tbe holiday rush. /MXr. snd'UMi. T. A. Simpson of Wau- kgm called on relatives bore lait Tbursda,. Mr. Simpson upon blâ re- ihoment ai maier of, the Waukegan Maoi lodge lest Mobday nlgbt vai imseated vitis à finepast nxater's ring by thse aembers of bis lodie.- Tihe Sunday Scbaol at HaIt Day vil! bold Its Christmss services Saturday ovesing ati58ondock. The entiro scbýool Jao1uding the aduit clas., yul partiel-, pâte, and the prognam p'omises ta ho lunpresaive and beipful. Everyoge ln lhe eOmuunity la oxpect.ed ta attend. ANMOUNCEPiENT Shampooing andý round curling donc Bt mni'homne. 117 E. Clark St. Tolo- pbonelSl1-R. 1 M4BNL WIIÀAMB. 151-Zt Wl eWe ae the largest aDd beet fine cf FELT- SUPPM foi men, wooeen à,d -children that ave have cirer carried. There -s notlaig that wiil be ejoyed amy more than a pair cf these slippers durng the colci winter evenings. Pricedfrom $1.25- to $2,25 RAY, N. SMITH, SuLl.y Building Libertyvlle, Râ"iloi lite UMIENDENT Is Rend--By More People Than Any Other Paper In Lake County. We desire to extend to- you the Complements of the'season, and, expres umosncre . wishesfor ty1th. Comm L'eari.with a çoninu- 'c f the côrd1,lrela- auceô r1 tîmswWé.ws i e tii' Furnishings He>'11I Like OR Pract"clUseful iflw pdC"revs uo F prsentsslctio. Be. ae have the kimd of Fir- milig m a" wodd select for hiunel if à* avere to chc.Lbsvifis, No eue eau make a mhtake in hying, because quaiiy is right-and so are puices.. Neckties, a splendid fine f rom which fo choose; four-in-hands, 75c, $1.00 anct . .......... ...... $1.50 Other four-in-hanci ties, iii oece, hue of colors 5 we are selling a3 for $1.0»; ech...... Men's Beits, with pair Hose Supporters,. a nice present, for . Mem's Scarfs, the kinci a mnas is always prouci$2 to own, priced from $1.25to............_j Medas Kid Gloires, silk ined, $LZ Men's Kidi Gloves, unined, Men's Winter Gloves, lined, at the paur $ Meusa Tuxedo,,Worited Jackets, extra gooci values a t $700 M"'s Worsted Vista,$50 every masnee" one. priced t.........__ Mem's S&l Hose. in a wide range of colora, *$1.00 per pair 75c ad. ~ a per pair 41 A FIULUNE OF WINTERFOOT WEAR. E. W.purk,0s Womnen's Made'iw the new Heather, Shade ma- ted#l. N. Smith àmil ea asy, your trduble fear. - Flowera' aiways brin 90.0d ci.eer. J'LOWERS corne to ban- lsh trouble and to cheer tbosM vbo are sad at 4pbami. ,Thbere is ambition tà bq tound in contempla- ting thern and inspiration ~ i their fragrance. Bandrnaster Chas. Il Nicholîs bas acceped a Position as Band Expext wl! h a large music house in Chieago, (ollimencing the lirsi of the, year. His dlies wit! consist of organizing bands, 'raining l3andmast,,rg accoriling t bis nethiods and placing thera in charge. Mer. Nicholis to oversee each bandl or- ganized until is succeas is asEured. Il is the îneution of N.Mr Nichoils to continue bis residence in Libertyville. an dhe has arranged to stil1 direct the Libertyville band. The other organi- zations in nearby tovns vhlch he bas developed will likely be placed under an assistant bandmaster. as the flsw Posi'alon in Chicago vili require hie flings each day of the week exceptI ville relative#. Wedgesdaye,wh& laWf local bond. TIê»"U Nîchols congratulate I- titis fine c.nnectio&nwIth concern, as It carnie. sponsibility. and frm a ftl of viev hie. nov posri" la one. The tact that, be Ml wll flot lbave Làtiervlfl.ý neya. as tbey bave aà »M bore. and lMr. Niobogà bh hi. every effort tai UB1ê Uh a succes. Mrs. George C.' Great i Monday tp ber bhamte l Wis., afttr a sh'rt visit *1 iir RSCMAS CiDE bv1<a (fk teoOur, beari s a spiriteo ence and - - -- pIfi the realz tioaftls6wi *IV, tbe spirileof ib#Wt ant er et crutlb hMoimgute0 M "Pelâace On Eartit, food 1 Jlecording1y w iut qs« eum'seles luin efwsiensd. ice. buinains te Yeu a fint siý$M lbeSass etns ll ( Wislb er to, a evtui Ciwlstmu, «4. a llappyas4 Pr peiUIs fewYr., ffl take the opportunityi tis ime of, exteuding.ý our many- friendla and'custome: our sincere greetingsof the m~ son. May you and yours hai a Merry Christmas and may.tà Coming Year 'be the Rappie and Most Prosperous of any y<C have ever experien~ced. ÇCordially Yours, IWorth While Dry -Goocis * For The, Holidays j ilks, Crepe DeOhine, Georgettes, Wash 8Mt S8plendid -Values.,minWool Drese Goode. E Inon Sheeting, Muslin, Long Oloth, Nainaook Toweling, Towels, Pace Olothe., lNapkins. *Table Soarfs, Pillow Cases, Pillow Tubing. ShetaTicking. I iglamas, and Chambrabys Ladies' and Childrens' Uouiery, Underw.rk, Gi on A very large auslortment ofHadehis IA (*ood Lin. of Ribbonse W. W.- CARROLL & SONS' COMPAY. LBatyUlp --v - s,' s,. '-v. - ;-_à

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