THE! LIBERTYVI NDEPEZNDEWf1. THURSDAY, DC 2 91 TXSCiIEDULES " Mts, mnufacturer and #W nien uhuld have no - dffloufty T he befoloivngs tatensent la issuoti teIIollc or of Internai Revspue. ,anson, te inal District of »Ma~~Wrchants, manufacturas itnd bus- lsse mgenerali>' nettiexperieuce 4 no> diMeity lu akngbia;toeir hsvetor- tu for thé. year 192ta conform vwitis the. uov revenue sel. Tise language a, Ze Revenue Adct f 1918 and te L eneAdIct f 121. (Sec. 203), ne- il Ug lu inventtorlea are idlenUical: -- 'hat vbever ilte opinion o! the Commsaloner the use of inven- fadai la ctea 0 luorerclarly te outeriinpe ttc oae or a»>'tax- NWe SuIvetories *hallhe oLaken b>'1 gwall taxpayer up» oenb hbitIseashttc 'Ctqnftboomer,.vîit tealuproval of F sOcrotary, mi> prescribe as on. 3ruusgpractice lunte tradte muulzeum andi as Montt ean>' re- Uoltic thecme, -frètient Treasur> reguidons pro- viii that inventorias mui b. valued .8t chier 'doit, or coat or market, vhlimver la lever.' Taxpayera ver. Ope.d rndifess of titeir past pMlaotle10adopt te 'cosliormeanr- ket *mis., vbiciever la lover' lu ak- Inmg thir Iuvetones for 1920. There- "»Thoil aa OtalWyu vos ber b"« t itt felov e andi praise. To .ugt"bearocharg«es isproduceti a » e Myae e loltteon, lu dm ouIls .raloateaProvii c ae obtablo trousIbthe maisone r 0f ifurmiRevenue. 'Ilathe e ai ar àmercitaut -Cte assaithe Involce priese lets Irde or1 Ober dlacmgle *Ouptlog edtr mo bômaceutsaiprzatlug a fa ir tât et lu itertet vtiis us>' te de- etior no aitiheoptio t e tao- iyr rvdlng a cousisent course tihJiv.d. To te uet invaîce prie ouMb. adici the tcot cf trans- .Spetalon asMd othet necessar> %M,9« lu.'urred lu acquling posaes- ofaucf tegootis. la"inbe , case cf a manufacturer %Wst mea«a thc cosl of rav mater- " Missu auppiies, expenditurea for lon ssMd Indirect cosis Incident 10 jtailuction, includinga areasanable pgoportlon of Management eîpause, bet ot ineiu<lng ths coat of selisg « o ecunlsreturnuou capial. 1 - 'krW taoii tie curront bid. c.POUicva ling ai theO date cf tefin- 'e>' fo tr lU.partielar -IMarches-i market guolatiosas are avaliable, Cetuaier met use evidencs of al aIsr mket 1 dice a i te'dates wsthfe lvtr> smal ho ielâscb au spclàc tnaftsac- te coupeosation Ved for ca- *fOéelut'àt or perchai1 4~talents Wbers, bocause of ah. I coandsitii.n. the tae,,....bu 1 piogranh la given b>' the entlire Sunday Scitool. Scitool wyul close an Friday with sp- lrapriate Chlritmas exerciaca. for, a tva weeks vacation. Fred Hailin vas confined :o tia home by Iiness last veek. Our baker>' hare-opened under ncv management-that of lMr. Banna, vito vas consecteti vithil itduring te atirn mer. La' patronize aur home Indus- trie, andi help a gandt ling alang. Bocal al togeiher. There's aso a rumor titat aur fac.ary rWll b. open- ed at the heglnins cf the new >ear. Tbat's anctiter gant thing te booat. Let's mare a Ne>' Reslution ta be loyal laelthe home tovis and hocat ev- ory ' iig tIsaI tends talils btterment. 00006600000900000 0 NONAVILLE o 00000060000o0006000 A Merry Clitfîr.mas and a Happyl Nev Year. VTe basket social-beld at our scitool lut Thurada>' eveniug vas voîl ai- teuded, èonldering tise almoot impos- subie roads. A total of 134 vas realis- ed from the sale of baskets, vhicb viii be used te bu>' saie needeti sup- pilies. We thank lir. Orvis for bie klnanl auctioning the besketa. The attendane vas poor Fîda>'. LEverycue vas tired afler the. basket social. Those vite vere perfect ln attend aura for the menti cf November vere : Bertransd aliger, finI grade;; Clar- ence QaUger. Frances Martil, Nelle MarnIssand Morris Wilkinaon,. second grade; Lloyd Barnstable, Veru Bars stable. Marguerite Gaiger and Haxel Tweed, third grade; Lloyd Atvell, Lo- na Nelecu.and William Nelson, faurtit grade; Miary Gabiger and Grace Sulli van, fiftb grade? Doris Banastable. mcv- entb grade. We are planning on baving a littie part>' Frida>' afttrnooc uijur for thse pupili and the littIe lots cf te dis- triot. UlissWalsh vas lu Waukegss lasI gaturda>'. J. B.' Billings vas a Chicago passen- gen Baturday. BLÀNCIL4RD SCIIOL DISTRICT 1NEWS Our achool extenis ls deepesi sym- pat>' taelMr. anti Mm. Heury' Thiele and faml>' In their recent bre..-- ment. VTe fuserai of William Thiele vas heldti tisaaflernoon. John Chittchim returned home f rom Victor>' Memorial Hospital Saturia>'. rcaptais William SmitIr la a Citi- rage visitai.. Mir. &adirin. John Holsu i vslted aI L. Moore home. Members of th. Gien Fiera Counr Club are rectinh a toboggan side. 0. L. Raye bas movati mbo Bircit- yae Tony Vankus vas removedt te VIr.tory Memorial Hospital where b. te lofai treatoti for loch Jaw. VTe cittîdron are makiug 'prépana- tiens for thoir gavation AÂrmy bas WV<'"~P' !T ESTATE MONEY INTO U. S.' CERTIFICATES Probate seks information con- cerning 4 1-2 per cent i- terest bearing notes Receipt of tise nov Uniteti States Treaur>'savinscertilicates at the Waukegan pot office a short tino ago andthie ituouncomoal yestorday of titir advantage from a tastipoint of interest. Jutigo P. IL Persoas o- day, of the probalo court, avto ho many peope com. for ativice concern- Iug luvestmeut of estalo moue>', oh. talned information ccucerulug thse nov certifloate. Thse certilicatos are sold in tienom- Inatious of 825, $100 and $1,000 on a discotst bussof 820, 880, sud 1800 lO mature -at face value in Ove yean's. Titis means ttai a te end cf Ove Years fronm date of purchase an $800 certificat. viii habe carueti 8200 In- tonal and viii b. redeied b> thse goverament for 81,000. The Iulerest Ileld, if beldt t matur- It>' viii ho 4 1.2 per cent per asnn, cOMPOUuded somi-anual> Registre- lion, lusunsa over BiainsaIever>' icra of lois. The cortificates are exempt froin ail state. coput>' andi local taxes, ex- cept ettale asd luherilm asce is, and f ran normal iodera1iincome fax. Tse>' are net aubject tb market uctuations. Postmaster Daniel A. Grady la ou- thuslastle aven the ativautages te certificatos offen 10 Investorsanmd ho believenshey' vi ireplace mia ter forme Of gaverument securities an tise> are thse mccl liheral no fan issu- ed. 0000,0000000.. 109 LONGOVE OUr scitool openeti again Wednseday 0f last yack, Our nov teacier belng Mias Conneli, cf Delavant DI; We vili have no Christmnas vacation Ibis year on accmou f iavlng a va- cation a fevveok2 aga. There viii be a Christmsas progmam in the Long Grave churcit Saturda>' Pvening, Dec. 24. Everyoue Is val- come. Helen Lafrenîz. George Stelling and Laurence and George Rimers visited at thi Chtares Heracihengen. Jr., home Sunda>', George ilepper visited aI the home cf Abert Pcpp 6&aurday. SHeury' Cordes speut Sounday af tihe Charles Kleàusmiti borné. UMesTubli- Popp sud Maybelle eilier speut Sunda>' vlsitlng viith Miss Zltel Umbdeustock. August Landveitr helped Augusl Grever a few tisylasut vek. William Tonne opeut S#nda>' lh bis parents, Mr. ad lira. Henry Tonune. * WAUCONDA e y sold mercitandusc ai pru.ies a es as tiseir Christmas pro- 00669609 O000 00001 thaonte market bld prios. thc gram. Mns. George Meyer anti grattdaugit- tory mu>' b. Osil t aucit T, A. SimPS.ou visiltttechoci temr<q liflenr>' spent séveral days laIt Te 'erroe so! eb Yiiiy. veek et te home of Miss May anti vili bu ctesmiued iy rdtai4w lmas. A. PimaisW a stidimm ere Henr>' Maurn. toté actua4 pite. fti e, l tas- W&qeu EIt iioras gtùn4ay.Mran s..R.KooflHey rtor a r«ooouble'penioti before C. van »Hounder narrovi>' escaped ln nilr.J .iuxc iHu> after the. date of Inveulci>' mmv>' vises a'lostio!- lumber, viticit peut 8Bus tia' lthe homeocf M. ang 1~ree vtib vrymaerail' ros e vas baullug tippeti aven ce bim., lra. Heur>'Geiry.,1 osaena pies oa caeralneti viiiMiss Eliottresmas>' frienda lu be accepted a reflecting teé0.00 0 00 ,6 0 ,09Watcond vere sitocket asti grieveti 0* * 0to learu of her deathit vtict ccurred 1 I'evalue oa! cdIteum In te in.-0VOLS090 0a0bair home in Vole Monda'. voutory mc>' ho measurd by cool or s e O m e@ ê@ Victor Sauem a! Long Grove spent as iket, vbichever ila Qer. Au on- lira. McCandleee of Round Lake vis- te wvek end tiIte home of M. anti tirestock mi>' b. lnventoriod ai rostitled relatives here Sonda>'.lins. *111 Sauem. snd aise ai market price. andth ie Frank S. Easton of Rogers Park Ray' Murphy of Gary, md.. bas ina'- làtoer of tha.tvo Inventories useti. spent Manda>' at'Laivndale Farm. ed is funituire into MurptY's ho'el. lufenstoles ounvitatever hasis taken Misa Edit Conversa of Wauconda viteme ie anti hie famil>' viii reside vii ho subject ta investigation by pn h eken >-brprnt.ti itr 4b. Comtmisslouer af internai Rev-setlieveenilhhmpant.ii.iit. oibu, ad te txpaertutst ai li ra. IM. Russell dietetathlie home Mr@. Mludmeti -Huffinan vas a Citi- th ms ter tay r. tsat f hieson, Sidney J.-, Wednesday, Dec. cago visiter Tueeday. s. et te priea adapteti. He muaIet e21.Vuerai services vene hel t thlie - M. anti lra. Sorensan entertained preparedtel show bth the cost and home lest Saturda>' aflernoon antisite Ciicago frientis.aver te yackenti. thi market pîlcëe o! escit article un- vas laid te rest in te famil>' lot at cludted lu theiti'ieantary' Vola. oo0000000000000000 . >*n te cafil'luctof modlern husi- Mesmr? MbÈrt Kaukeniterg anti o: D E ER F IEL D o nos., te ulinost importance tat Johnson of Waukegan vere Sonda>' 0000000000o 00o 00o 00o 00o o aven>' businerss, large or smal, vitetit- visltora aitlite home af John Walýon. er coraittion, partnersip or indu Mm. anti lma. Henry' Krugr anti Mr. anti anti lre. Clarence Anderson 1val. saoi malulain an exact ec- 80 oerd of recelpts anti capanses. Nu speccsosof Waucontia spent Wedneeda>' anti sauts cf Riverside, Micit.. Mr. anti î#i system, of accounia la puescibed i wth tite latter'. parents. Mysr. Peler Perry for several daya. by tetBurealu cf internài Revenue, Mes Edna Baxter gave a ver>' inter- Itivin Plagge ai Nev York ii>, ar- bat te books ilucultishoit n setaîl esting te M. E. churci t ai mtyd Sonda>' ta spandth ie holiday sea- Iuventories, port-hases, sales, capital Sunday'. Spécil Christmas services son vitit hie parents, Mr. anti Mrs. IaVemtlns,e.dpreclatio, anti sun- Suda>'. Dec. 25. W. F. Plagge. ligr Items reqoIred a mu ~aking up In- . Mm. J. W. Elliallof of Oak Park- anti cous.- lai mrets." * oo ,oo0eooo oo Msa Gladys Ward ai Park Ridigevweme 0000 000 00li0te goaste a! Mme. R. E. Pe.tia last *OOO@@@@slOO@O000 aeu G vsLa SR li0onday. o. -LAKE VILLA e*oo0Ooooooooooooooo Mr. and rs. Harry Oendomf enter- 0.1 00 0 0 010 0 00Q0 0000 Titase absent from ichoci Monda>' lainati at a 500 part>' Satorday> eve.- Misa Haytieu o!E1oss, Conu., camevero: Alvin,1 Ralph anti Esteila Pofla. niug. la0 fu'idaY ta speut saine ime at itae Alvin Potts wai on.tise sick ist te Msern arit>'. ahentftueNartha pMrsonsage viith Mli n a st M Clos- final of the week. hesthoe.Uie iy pn udye ýkèy- Tithe absent frein school Frda 1Mme. Lincoln PeIltis enterýained the -lè AtétKapple anti famîl>' moveti ln- vere: Enmma. Clara, Ernest asti Alice 500 club Tedyatron te teiruev Ihome titis veek. - Hoffmeier, Priacilla tTlatélse,« Loretteeta' iemon lit. ra~o eeu a iv ay laIandi Flix Ryan. Wednesday afteeomuOODec. 28,the ,wus-k In-Chicago vlslttag Rusit Medical Helen Johasn vos perfect n speimg l0asiet iss Anis vitttIe-os mea asti saineo!fite iosptal. tihe pnt veek. te aVitRoya Neihs lI heoltninto terv We havé receivéti ou Readiing Circle regular installan meeting au Dec. Yî.îrink Daube vas a Chcago vstar bookis ad tbis' are very nlcq 29, ineteati af lie linti. Th Ise' ii aise en 1.aurtiay. Misa Piscilla Thacher visited aette bave titeir annual Christmlas part>' on -- iti. asti Kms Buforti anti daugluters hane o! Odra. E. J., Weiekopf, Satordtiata evonlu>'. lct Thurstiay ta spendthie , hoîîdays aflernoon. - ..Franks G'C6nnor returneti Satunday *it t hein relatIves at Parie. Mo. M. and Ma-â. George Thatcher anti trom Pendilelcu, Wash.. vhore bhé han ,r. oni Mrý Frank KaMlis veme famul>' vent ta see lte show S aluntia>'boas for aome lime. oei(tlgo viïsItors laI Wednesday. evenîng. Mn. anti Mn. Fred Imliark anti son. mius111Ulzabelt Jàrvis came home 'The eightit sn-vha ts-ejuat finishetia Sherman, aifRaensvoti. ver.e bl tadt'le1, frteam Siaev, WIE., boo-k on he i At ' iraharn Lincon. at Mns. Adas uudaY'. ur ýOpie bas.-been alb.sdisg scitoaL m. Cm-' t .k r;ieivepermission -Mm. Io"nCaison ententainedtiet w,";ud te Isoititys. tae.t r Ictildnen ht eave ladies of t.e prebytrlat Mlouary $AOý WImaâ p54f l-b ho ven e".rrp h t yat> fl o~ u""ia>ev4u'ag '- '0 'f tf,>>Ri'-hsp u'd e 1ione thle hwtm of MrIL wai ,ud bilte tisetc hiàslns pi "v hobielest u»r visela a tqlotttèed Urbe, thei peUcý tale leordil iv4vtedTI "", -' gmr ubou-l uumn a" e l« «Uudliel Dectmmstron. Di" vite tati just starteti gciooi, lbougtt It von>' smart i big vordia. Rista@iter wvas ld t> bi bande -ben ha '-9eniuxr' o» du 'ha came l[i. f' .: 3pab#udy iv Mie nmue .tu euoe Raj4ýl ii - t,; n 1, '~ a I weibe ad eaui. Alil underrr fr weiglit rhildren are iveri a liait î:ni K P D U S of niik in the iitonin- uU U S r.adMt.E. J. Btnghîîii ani Mlis, BUT HÂRDI PSJD Emelie Pyle ofIlrving t'aik w.-îe ti,'I-I JiI week end guests af Mrs. K. Ender P5fj The Kitchen Symphonji whieli -a...R ~ MU I given ait the vaudeville i, week ago, E ET OM C viii be preaented again ilt tchiei school P. T. A. meeting Frillay evening xlJhsnwn osntr Januar>'yAx!Jo1o3.n t antr 11ev. ant, Mrs. F. Bosiold of Man-. iurn ;In effort to recover from heim were calllng on -friands %fonday. war's frightfulness OBITUARY Axet .iîh n'.of or'Waukegan has Minnie Schnadt Clavt., vite ot about decided ihat war le ail that Fred D. Cla've>, dieti Frirlay eveùing, Sherinan vaid-about It. Dec. 16. atter a short illness 0f erysip- Thiief. imeF. while ser'lng in te elas, fllaved by pnaumonîa. Site va nurcianl Marine d!Àing the war, the borm In Korrhfleld. Cook county, Sept boats on whicýlî hi' as stationed wore 1~ 167. ae ~~0 Fd DtorPedoed by Germain l boatsa tr.0 Clave> in 1884. To this union were Quie lime te ship îlited ls;ltt bars thirteen children. Shie leaves a foi seventeen 11a.s before te and th'e fond husband and tan children-.%rs.- atiiermemberq orfthe-û, ew wer" p;i.k William Werhaue of Shiermervilie; .oad aî ti n 1Noiv.-,% Mrs. George Williams oi Highland tai oe9ca&on ?',*-v .,aihjio Park; Mesdames William and Henry or wateynîopot l il-ar ;. tfi' Scheskle. Alice, Ansanda. Elmer. Eaurroî 1, "r' - q ýyd ;:II. r>', Raymond and Roy ('lave>'; also ter- grandchildren. a mother. trea brat- At4 il(. I;. I ' arn If) Wa> ers anti a hast of frlends. The funeral kegan and uii ast ,"uniii--%oi-h services were held Monday. Dec. 19, cd foi O 'a '-'r-- (If ou tirîe hIs ait St. Paul's Evangelicat Lutheran healtI tet ic s ;"nsuds ltai he has been untl'i- Io wark, expasure dur- church. Rév. Boescitger preached in lng the war hai ing undehmined it. Engllsh and Rer. Boeolsi Maniseim >taday he vent ta a sanitarfuzn at preacited in German. Site was laid ta Oak Park for trealment. test in the famil>' lai in te Shermer- ville ceanclory. FRED BORN OF FOX LAKE 18 SENTENCED TUESDAY 000000000000000000. Fred Bor' cf Fox Lake toda>' vas 0 F OXI L A K E '0 entenlced for violation cf te prohibi- 000000000000000000 tort lav and vas flned $300 and oe- Editor, Editb Peterson. tesced 10 serve 10 days in the couat>' P. T. A. huld à speciai mieeting * -Jafl b>' Judge PersosaTueeda'. day at the sehool.bouse. Five membeze bave boon added te, tihe ___________ Fox Ule Wona'sclub. The grades are Ilising thsetri- nmtohly examination this week. The preparing a Christ- mas JWogrns. The Masonie club gave a dance at Ltmd's b*Woàetturda>' evening.. Mdelaine DeProfI vwu the vinner ila May Nagi. returnD" frons Mlwaukee Suuisday. v "ýThe Boock cf Prds" s been addod r ta the lbrar>'. lira. Keoth, Jr., entertained at bridge Thursday afternoon. Lilian Kauianski jen on the Honor roll in the way of ai LT. H. S. X S iie What to give, boy muci tota ay, i la in e easily solved heme. Se. special vin. dcv displa>' of gifla of ever>' descrip- O a g aC l tion, vitetier far aId or ycung. at Irices miach lover tian you intonded ,a g r « 222 So. GenespeaSt., malst outh of lb. tt.le, ee bridge. 51-lt .,~ .ca Antan Hess, a resort keeper a' Foi i.h*a sa Lake, vitose presesce bau been mucit de@lre4 ai Waultegff cr-the pant ivo moatha, le nov a m~ent 0f that cit>' ad vili puse the next fte* montils thier.- Grocery SM, The Cathalle Women'a Club beld the second t îa serisil of cen Parties ea Roled Ot tihe home aorlir@.. àolasStratton at la- gleaide. Aucticu bridge sMd eclumhre e. li2oà&fr. played. Mla Isabelle Halil, lira. Quaker Oats, De Prof t a"sdlr. Tony bnsai ver.e et, large airg swadedth boor ai ýbijge. vbile mu eliéMthe, rsi. ud rktu Navy Beant, new Micigam r mu n. gtriuckissd ver adiidged 10 4 Pounde for ho boit ai eschre. Del monté Catsu, lia.Frfk avnlantieic pint size boutle for-.->..........., The Knickerbocker Club enmertained Vintage Coffee., lir. and Ml. Tony Basai ai the Rush- 3 poïnd for more home Monda>'. Miction bridge Armu'. eLar&t wus played. Mrs. Banisaixi t, Mire. Sayles second and Mr. Bansi tâIird. pet podihC Te P. T. A. of the. Fox Lake schsoo Finest Bulk Cacca, le planning on giving an apron and per, pound necktie party New Year's ove. The -ai Am&H meSd, fair viii be in the nature of a valth .A é Hm iSoa Naaevio - ii per package hie Mae Nge h bas heen n Troy Evttpcrated MâIk. Cicago, has returmed and wlll reaum'- 2 cans for .. . .... . . .. her duties at te Nagle home. Landry. lira. Lester. Mra. ibby's Dili Pickles, OBrien, Mrs, Slafford, Mil. Otto per cati .. .~. Frana and lira. Converse ver. 4d- a àAnn pio mitted as membera cf the. Fox Lake $aa naApcos 'Woman's Club ThurMday.'.On Thurs- 2V2 size tin ftr... ....1.......... day, Dec. 29, the %Wamafl's Club wiiil Griffin's Shiced Peaclies, have an open meeting. Msn exceUItnt a 0 au t......... speaker la expccted and ail are vel- a.4cvlea . . . camlie. Armoýur's Porkànd Beans, isie danie giveui aI the Illinois hotet ela b>' lteBlue Club vas Weil attended,, Wol ap,........... .......... cansidering the Storm Saturday nigât W o op T'hose ual present misant sine ver>' per bar...... ..........1..... 1geo dmusic. oieinS &enpueli NIr. and Mrs. Powell spont.lait week NreinSriei1pr ini Chicago. .prpud.... The regular meeting of. the Knicker- Pure New YSrlçB uckwlieat bocker -Club was helt attlite -home ai 10 éound cloth sack for ....... Mre. Landry Tusda>' evening. Te Rushmore famil>' received a, Ginger Cake Molasses' card filo Kyoto, Japon, froin W. J 1 lb. 6 oz. tinfor .......... tSmnitht, edîtar af Tîse-ndependent. Mr. Smnti.,viti a part>' of editars, te mak- inig a trip around te vcrld, and vrites taIý his next stopplng place wiii bc lu India, Egypt' andi thon home, thus SpeddBrunswick Phonograpit; g up odt;home and happînes in one; a snap; investigate. Biuns F Fruits, and Vegetables for ihe r.--the finest Naval and Florida liE ornia and ImportedGrp, KXIn-dutied Sweet Pot&toesi,. tpriest.- rasn 4c. --13c 6c 21C -------22C . ......-22CI olive ail, 9,C . .......-65C .... .. ......9 ç pet qae, Chocclate Coated Peanuts, Pound ~ ... Asaorted Fudges, Marmalade'Jellies, per pound Large, Soft GUM Drops. per pound.------- - -. Sahted Peanuts, per pound . . ........ ..... Chocolate Drops, pe2 p und ..... ..... - -Colate Ciements, assaited flavoms Cocoanut Bon Bans, Inderreiden Muiter Raisins, per package... Giffin's Seedless, Raisins, per package Seeded'Raih15 I per package --.- - isplay of ToyI4, ýs 1For the Whole F ESHAEI Grayslake, nlions ; '~t~ .-~.1 t- i lot IS DEC. 22, 192 1. - Our, Reliable Damp Wsh S A new sp"V ice is added to our laundry departmeftt. We have instltuted titis serv ice for those Who w&Wte-40 the tubts, steam andI muas ct washday or of baving to ý9 wîîh sonie one comîng to lte house ta do the wahbg, Poe toý dry and iron Ih at home. We are givIng you a ds~ WHAT OUR RELL&ILE DAMRP WASH SERVICEg OUR RELIABLE DAMP WASH- SERVICE M«»a i-1~ goode, viten laundered. wili be .'eturned ta you u imp wet) condition. an ironable condition. Your goods are weighed viten received at th e Laundiyy flot wet. Your goods are washed, separately by thoih flot marked. OUR RELIABLE DÂMP WASH SERVICE motus thâtà can senti us 25 Ibs, of famil>' waahlng for 11.25, whWbIo W laundry than the average family han. Shoiald you have * I1 26 lbo.- ve will then charge you 6 cents per Mb. for each tOBiNW Pound. OUR RELIABLE DAMP WÂSH SERVICE moia tht, will do your family wasit in thse same umaser as yjon vtUII yourself. or have a washvoman g~o it, except that vo vfil do strate ta you that we viii do il better and Choapor and salé, lthe Inconvenience as wel as Tender you bete ervmi. GIV OUR RELIBLE DAM? WASII SERVICEÀATUW Send us > aur famîily ash in a bag made 0f t-likigor @ witte material about one yard vide and oanad OD64foertbtlM long. This bag wiii ho waslted each tiane and your aui turned In il. A LAUNDRV ý9AG WtLL BE FURNISHED AT CO*T. The Rel-able Laundry MIIAN» PARU Md LIBER-T ILL I4igland IP&F*Telephonie 178. Libeityville TeIpb~O Sill Hv iigSeasont