, LBE.RT'Y INDLEPENDENýT LAKE COUNTY. INDEPENDENT Lake CounZ' s Big Weekly CINUISIIGmm d t thos WeekIiei in Couaty Cambimed WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN (E XXIX.-NO. 51, m LIBERTYVUIWJNOIS. 1UECEMBER 22, 1921, -D -----LOTS-- 7 ~-II WAUI OAIL TO 1fl' IS SEIZED MYCHRISTMAS WIIsH TIN AT 1ION CITY __________iDOCTOR LORENZ fierssoi ake eason's biggest haul SUPfPLY FROM CANADA Sunybrook, Jlm dore, Kentucky" *011r, e. vEng1li um,.Deasusof deshlasi for Chicago where it -;,id veCbr%1ugbt Chriatiuss (heer, aa e te a n Zion laie 'i,,,- 4' ehrmools heu.thIle autiomobiles W41th lit Iras&belng lîaiported .WGM CUbda. fellI mb the h-nala or Oe eve wahbfuil Zion police. iflR. 18Z. pnaot s fiuny. b«MlkWblaey, 24 pinta of jim Gore. V-Uplats of Kentucky Soue. and 12 -Q10urts 0f New Bngland Rum. the ~a t"dlum" of honours a n nabbed. andl VibIt 3. C. Smth aud 'iherou lDnvis. Yao etus.d t give their "homne ad. e 1l en the officers maiehed MIlielr automobile and fosind thle lquid goldmine. 9). avis andi-Wmthi <r0 brouglit te W*ukegau n arig-uled. Tbey nPer ;bffld over ho the grand jury on e;barges 0f havlng lu their lsotue.,ao *slod tranaportlng Itquor. Ileiabl. te glo. bond they neee lork- Sei la the.cossty la te awnaitaction ' fthe. grandjury. ~a feu ,ltaItbey ive lfront Ciii. ~I~.but tiiey refused to give t eir '8t4iss Attorney 'A. V. Smith IbIs ummag île£ informations égaint ÀPfportatioli of lqeor iu prohibition lit lz esttUmedthat thse nhi.4ey ami " iuum saami lsorta Irorns $l,<1<10t ýTYPIIOID FEVER 15 -VANISIIIN(1 STATIST ICS Slow Cqopvsei of death records show rfàrWd falling off durlng five. years ,3#70' DEATHS LAST YEAR Shols; acordilg te comparison of ft lires eouplled liy th.e sahe departnient ~~fbealtii for lbe past five yeats. - Durlng the fiscal year 1920-21, iig- -,or"a reported tu tiie saae depsrtrnenl ý,'show that 370 deatha esulted f rom fyplevoer ln Ilinois wlh-h a mor- t8lyrate of 5.6 per 100.0<10 îoiula- A Good, GIad CIu4isifasfiJe, riiy fiend, To you and yours is the wisk I oeud. May &Il your tomorrows have skies' of And ail >our frýends Le loving auJ. frue. FOOD; RUSSIAN WOMAN HERE SUYS Scions of aristocracy serve as doormen and dishwashers in restaurants IAPO: unMgre iSJTi4u 5ifl5 F.igures for paut years foliow: 1*194, 3U dathts, rortalitY.rate 5 One Itilealnoblemen sud vornen b~er 10,000pouatlou: 1919-19, 462 :fiatbs, mortalty rate 7. per 100,000 lu Rusais are servtng lu restaurants poplation; 1817-18, 59 deallis. toue- as doormera, naltera or vaittiesses. ;tfftj' rate 9.2 per 100000 population. disivasisers. or cao b. seen in tise >The. departrnent bas prepared tables siowlnt bon the. dise-use fluctuait, a treels, begg iug or sellilng ens- nithln the 7eSC. IluIlinîois, ls gresî- pavera. ille former gent-rais cov- ust puevaleace lo durlua tise late sunu- ereal lîtha nar medala tramp4lte tisor- mIer and.early autumu. In tlîe nuimier. ouglîfares, soelessud în raga, se- of case" cepoeted for thse past five cordlng to Mes. Sophia Sebimmnel, yesrs.lbthe m wpoint cf 4991 la report- ageal 72, niso lias ase-uinluWauke- ed for thij montis of May. gan front Odessa, Russis, ta visit lber rite dialsese creases eluihily for son, Mliahael Schiîmel,: Southi Gene- ,luma aud tiien c.limbe rapidly during- se. treet merchant. T~ulyMsd Auguat sud reacisea ils In Constantinopîle, Turkey, ho hlgiiest point lai Seplemier viii 2,060 whicb place tîtousandsa,fiock iessiug cases. I1 hhen talla graduali>' for Rabsian sud otluer Enropesu sud -tre montIi, draps rapldly for Decem- Asiatie countils, tise population ja 4e sd Jsuuary, cises a bih for Fui- greater tissu New Yack, or Paris. site ruai-y aid Mmrciianal tissupointa asys, Itoshevlk mouey la so lal dovnwari for Apeli unhil Il reacies baiesatah tat place aud la so norý-hs 'tbe"Ion level of 499 lu May.. lesa tise blank ide of! 11i useal for Bt la thecefore een.thie depart- tiseatre programi sud valîpaper lu ment'. report salle. ubat hypisola fever hornes. The amali townneof Russa *157 bo lontataei eta ay tlrne durlug are the usa vier. greatçat te-roc the yma but Ihat conditions ueeom elgui. Tbe blggest desperado le tie *e$OllY favorable for ls spread one nbo runeIt1h. uling vlth gpin anal dietlag U. *igeht. leptember sud svord. Wbîu b. la siiot, norne other 0acobr. gunsuan cas, sud se, ou, Farmlug I'5s boon abaudomed b.- NomOn olf Wih Arplne& cause viien on. calmes a op Il le uhIMI 0m are bais Wit AleineSuth tleu fror thie ficha aht libi.An 1 1 aruly cm be recrulte la lu u hur bo- ruprte mae for 011 Wells lu us ybyvii hua ge ~wwyJungle lniviatre It ules, clothingema omtblna ho est, ani Sthe 011 UIc al i oidIig vege.'- soldiers.face botter liau olV1hau. Fattoie s uhlg érIaI ebsertatlonm ms. ahtmmet Wus accàmpanied ____________ rois Caustantlgpîe Io IbIs country by ber dangbter, Mis Drothy Scilin- 1 permt tii«Ote lesaung a Win. aftec the >soldai. dsae'bu ssé patented. tht isides up xu céýswings bock aldfrhhr ,ýý»wy on a pivot la lis cenier and WELL I S D «Mnsidéaylton binges,- MAN 1 SLAIN A*Nese York mussuubas' a speei. use uttii laguat bleds egg lin lb. inenofthet ftle'.lfC ,SiyrIIt f New York, Doc. 21.-The body o! a: Ký-jg-e. tlii-etiei S nîe ' e îgîîris o veelI dressal mani about 23 yuarî nid. shl, niipiht o liesd issu aot hou.leatb, vas foonal of0 flu Inch ii t th's iicl-eurly today lyiug lu tise gutter at 141h - avenue sud Slxty-ffthb treet, Brook- Mis Of Day.lyn. Police detectivea vorkiug on t14' IRIs Of Day.case belles-e tise mau vas sisot ho «Mi'Wailn' for a train, trangeel' death b>' a woman lu an automobile *4the tà*afue nativ. "certinly anal bis body>'tissu throawn loto the te"replici the.crust>' traus'era treet. "Wba do ion thhik Id becbitngiisg Several persans livinglu the negi- tostn ralirealstation for, witllitilborbonal vbere the boaly'wvasfoun '-4uttmee? I'm golujr ho ride told 0f seelng a man sud a ywoman lu sa en o San Francsco" a car standing ah the con engageal lu s leated altercation. Tiseir lonal talk- Yhe a.- s. àIug avoke ies-eral nelgbbors. Ne oui ~ ~ ,u,__ ce*ebers heirng anythi" greisemb- 1FAtMRS CAN SE. -WIETIIER TilEY ARE MAXING PROFITS Iw chart method' shows ofits and fosses in feeding of livestock SHOULD PROVE 0F VALUE- Te determne a'etber yuu are prof iting or loaiug lu tise feeding of your liveslock nul mean the malter ail but s few seconda of lime snd i-carde!>' any trouble b>'tise nen sud sim'tpie cisarî meîhod tisat bas been île seilopel. All ou n-t vse bu do is read tise chart. uxplains tVe Univ'ersity ail Illinois.,vîticis haqperfecte healtIplan. a fronu a gis-en set of experimental re- sut lu uinnmal feedini Il la possible tu couubruîct a cisart, or seveial cisarta, f rou i tciî one ia>'readil>' calculais, isiti lthe aid of a culer oui>', sucis ru- suIt, as tisa total teeall, tise net returus fronu animais, tlin ucesae> margin air selllug prîce os-ar cash af anima!,aud tise profit or bass per be-ad for au>' prices ail feesa sd fls-e- stock. Witiî sipermeail station bulletins peosideal vit suscb chase, lise resal- Ser mu>' couputs for bimsîf, Iu a pueyml vnca ay, nisetiser a given mt o! o feeding or manage- ment vonlal be Ilable to reluen a profit for tise market prlces prevail- log or likel>' 10 preval inlutise near future. - Wili fise aonstruction cf lise ebart )à a strictly tecbuical operahion, thr urne la simpliL requlrlng no extendeal etudy or praclîce. It le belleveal liaI hie ltvestock farmer luterested lul oteer-teedlng operatianswvil i fnal the generai charts cf Immediate aud peauý tlodl value, Tise result of feedlug experimunts, expreaseal as rate& of gain aud ocono- my of gain, are nol o! no muchIn l- teresl ho tbe liveatock lai-mers aithe tînandial Issues of probable profila or lones to b. cealixed b>' given meti- ode of feedlug or management. Heute, thla pubiabeal report of tise Unîversi- t>' expeciments places empiasta on the finauclal reanîts, mut lthe expeel- mental reanîha. BI1i FARM SALE WAS IIELD TUESDAY iýA big stock anal tarin equlenl sle vuas belal Tusda>'on lthe farm of Dr. A. E. Owens, esat o! lbuen. The stock abal equipusent vas owneal joluhiy b>' Dr. Owenq, visa ceaides ut Oak Park, sud Me. Donner, wbo cau- 1ducteal Il. Sixty-tin iesal cof lis-e- mstock vere soldal sud rought sîperox- :-Me. D-.wier bas plîrcisaseal lie 80- aacre fIsi-of James Webb aI Russell >- trough T. .3labl & couupany. The gDr. Own btares iinaist». of .220acres.l Mrs. E.- Feinstein, takes daughter, Dorothy, to noted bloodiesesurgeon IPROMISES CURE 0F HAND MmEs. I.Febustn of lit i K er dan Road, la ln Newn turk taui! ler littl% daughter ýDorotbýy. whe iliepy have consulted Dr. AdoaplaitLoreniz, farnous Alrtrian bloodies, .vgoi conicersuiug the concditiot i (f er daugiiter, nbo ta 6 years od ni, n las been çrlppled, -lncce se w ait i In- fant. .The cause of -Dorotbý* .s iqbie ed one of ber bauds. and leg. A telegeam recelved yisect 'y 'y tiie 1atibve.Ellis laelutelu. rom hît nife* states tiiat DÏr. Lorenz, atld lie coûldl cure ber hand: but tiat an op.- eration on. the leç v.ou!d bai necee- sary. .lIrs. Feluatein expeets inlhave thse chitd treated-by De. Lorenz, and slie sud ber daugbter probablyiy l!tru -tui borne* at thse end of the a cpi;. Dr, Loreipz, il vas annoîînc&-d tl day, will b. lu Chicago about Fylu. i to conduct a fre. clinie, )r. John fuIi Robertson, beaitli Coulmi.son.'r oi Chicago, bsvlng Roue t10 ;oîcaai tIc prevail upon Dr. Lorenz to ticcept te bospltalltT Of the ly and con- dt t.1 dmi1.lupile of fiesspaperi cri tlelam orthie assaut of tiu c igr medl'-al profession. NORTH! PRAIRIE DISTRICT NEWS. Tisere nill be,* Chii'îtmaii pî,gram' ut lie Norths Prairie churria Frîutay ulght ut 8 P! rmi Tise schSol was opnedI Monday alter beiug closeal for two weetka on account o! the teaciser, Mre. Laura Ferry belng Ill. Thse North-Prairie Boys dial uot play Basket Balt agaluat a Waukegau teani Frlday nlgbt ou accounit of thse roada being go bal Mr. sud bMes. L. 0. Beunett spent Snnday ah the borne of Me. and Mes. Re,. Olmatead, nbo la s miisionary from ludia, aud le on bis furlougb, took Rev, Amatutus' place Sunday as he.was sumrnoned 10o bis home lu lu- diana oholb#sgeaudmotiier's funeraI. Rev. Olmslead &apent Stznday ea hea home of Me. and Ma*A. Gibson. Robert Ghbsonaivisited ah tbe borne of Mr, sud Mes. Wenzel Conuel lu Keuosba Sunday. M rs. G. C. Skoyles ventL ho tbe Ken- osîta bospitai Tbursday lu bave au oleration. Miss Mary Scott vas borne a few days last week nis a colal. Misa Elizabeth Bennet as lii for a few days last veek., Gladys Melville a-bn la quarantineil for icarlet fever lu Kenosba Hospital la gel.tng along flne. JOHN D. POP111E TO 6O UNDER KNIFE Atty' Juhn 1D. Pope of lhs law firm of Cook, Pope & Pope. wili go tai Rochester, Minaii., aI 1cr'tie first of thse year 10 undergo a serlous opera- tior, et lie layo liospital. Il vas learneal today. Attys. pope nl bhave a turnor remos-ca. TAX ON SOFT DRINKS GOES OUT JAN. 1. les cream sodas aud eundaus nîli dost lesa begiuuiug January 1, for ou tisat date tise tait ou aoft drinks vili b.' recindeal under lise pies-hlona or tise ntw revenue laie. A tai of t,. rcents per gallon la lm- Pouýd oun Ili! ttidlrOproducer, or i.uporter of lilaeraîl mtitexs. vblcb Bell for more than 124j Senti ver gal- lon aud ou aIl cereal lleverages sud nofermeuted grape juice., A tax of.,$ cents per gallon la lui- poseil ou tise manufacturer of al fin- licald or fountain syrupe lîseal lu soft drinks excepta syrop$ useal lu carbon- ated bcversgu.s sold-a urlosed-contatn- ers wbth le tax, lu fis-e cents per gallon. A tax of 4 rente a una, la les-led ou mauufacîu' eî-aci cacbtis cal Characteristics of Geulus. Mot-oflf4i(le îeritîips li îik uieet liltelîi')' or menîtii, hi, or i aër msenî of geilus, is ret irii îg undiil i ha live lîiî-}ta--,"i sTua iiic of thi îilsebevil (:t,1 l 1>1, t'lit io! It Suggests Russia The th' ee-Plece- costume Me <ultth$iem0fft usethipait 0ol mUid?. ,'ardrobe. She Insists that there b. a hiiut et Rtisaia about It. The. caracul wrap which la part of this Claire costume. la an intrlguing thtng' nartly -enough eut t0 auggont Satamoat mililtary hoe, yet diatincay PROMPT REFUND' 0f EXCESS PAID ON INCOME TAX. YOUTIIS FINED FOR PLAYIN6 ' FOOTBALL AMPAL CASES Over asessed persons wiII flot Two of 58- boys convioted. of have to file claims in thé Zion ordinance violation go -~- future to higher coùrt CANNON MAKES STATEM'NIT OTIIERS TO APPEAL 'ALSO Tise foliowiug statemeuta la lassued- Tno youths belonplug ho lhe md. by the Coiector of luternal Revenue, pendent f action IunZMon, tbrough John C. Cannon, the First Dstrict cf their attorneya, Albert L. Hall aud Illinuois: John D. Pope, today Ilieleau the Important chsanges lu Income-tax Cont>' court in appeal lu thelr case procedure, dIlrecleil bit dommlasioner agaluat lie Ciltyof ZMon sud Wilbur Davidl H. Blair, #re embodied lu a Glenn Volvia. Tbey are Robert Mur- lreasury dlelsicn' effective Dacember dock sud L D. Wilson, vhi rth 56 16. wlikii prosides for the prompt ad- otiser ludependeut you the, vers ar- JusInuent o! (laitus for refund and i estedl receuhiy for playing football abuteLîeiol of P1ederal tuxes. Hereto-1 .sud basubal lu Sisilois park. They fore wniga an oseassèssment -or over- I nes trled lu tise Zion justice court payaient vas !iaclosed b>' the audit o! sud louat guilty.' an inconie bix return, thie lapayer Only the two boysi hook au appeal w us invIted ha fie a claim for thieIn the Couuly court, but 1h la under- abateieul o! the overasseasmeul. or stood ltse hiier defendauls wnUl thie relunal if *lie averjsuynent. WNlien appeal lunlise Circuit couret, sud tltey rpeelv-ad the claiîîî waa regisieredansd 'bave aunouneal tir intention of fuled uwsyi unîil ljeacîtea lu due course giving Valisa a merry legai teit lu toi, colistderatiaiu. Itecause oaithle an effort tb establisis tisclr aim that la'rge naimbler orf auchadainiatileal. de- plai ing baIl la not a crime, es on lu lti in adi îi - i taiaInece'sailliy rilt- ZIox, ed. Af,' IDeco-, t 'uttIh, taxpas ers nil! a'lstt~ UI n0t bai adýisieî of their pris lege of fIIlIU~N W L filiaig a elui', loi' the' neunul of taxes q T O IT "W L svili-hh itte een pai luInexcess or awîounis 1 cli. but lnedwil R M M ERPl mient andl a chseck tii correction of tise errur r. faieilauassessment lao utsland- A in aaistte axayrfor Incone AT YULE SERVICE oaxi'saprofila lax, lihé overpaymenl wiil lie aPplied us a credil aguinat tise assessment. andîthte balance Imme- Next Sunday evening wilI be dlately refunded. This ail! be of dis- sutngta htcuc t Inet financiai uds'atàge 1a boti tiese for ot t hatcuc tuxiîayer and tise goverumeul. Ifll friiiit do aa'ay nit the uecessity for the ta payer filin a claim for cefunal sud will greati>' reduce tise amount or GIVE FOOD, TOYS, CANOY vork tu be doue by lise bureau in the adjualmunt off daia. An unusual service null b. belli Taxpayera may continue t0 file ucît Sunday evening aIt te Fîrat dlaims for abatement sud refnnd; but MeiluodîsI clîurcb nien "satunts" nili Il la expected tisaItishe number Of be tise main attraction, aud eacb clas sncb claimsnfilIed useli month viii be In tb. &unday Scisool deparîmeut nl greatiy reduceal. Efforts are beiug endeavor taont-clama hie other foc if ui7e by tIhe bureau ho adjust vithîn novel entertalumeuts. si% mou [s, alI dJa!tus non pendlng Tise school vili gîve offertugs. o! snd lise rafler lI o i, ethse nuuk cor- clotiua. food, candy, tbye, sud the reul. 'Il'e itevenue Act ofI 1921 Pro- cisurcis offeeing sud aIl tise coutrtbu- vides tisatitiualer certain conditions lu- lions of tise evenlug vIii be given ta hersaIt isal bu paid upon claims rom tlie cbiidrîu att he Lake Bluff Or- thie datre of tli aymeut of tbe tai ho pïanage. lte date of tise âlanieatdOf tise clallu. Tise services wil! be-gini at 7:40 p. M. TIhe ienw procédure sholîod grOat!>' re- sud the comnattee ou arrangemnts duce Plaimrs for refund. w nl bave tise ehurch profuse!>' deco- rated for tise occasion. - Tiiere vil! be othier apcial Christ- IIUSBAND PIREFERS mil services uin4. edy Ta Preserve China. SÇERIOUS CHARGES I il alus uv ut'll ha fins 4enia- AGANS W FE Ltii:I' [ikt-i i1,Io%:e -r: r hilain h. ni, , lns Ul'iulh~ iî,lv llieruuu 'I - - - (lut t,'.ti h ir ik b e l o nî g t ho a i e su lo i u is lil i e ou l lo î i u î y -li ft i u a i i u p s , u u î l : wI z s il î lu ri - na sgood l il leuî-î- iclii snuctor uf t. d îW.Iluid ybu uc ofi o! li,,'Zu -lu iii!lzb o hlîtut truiesI liuikai'u didii i,1lie. a s-h today iilda bllI!fori uirotce in tliii 10b;na.ia l. ltu long; tuîitlier duthîl t:[ittî.i;ui l- lise LaIte cotit> circuît roui t sp inb LIi. iiii.tiî'il ' i a ihOl'toi let liii tn- 1ieluîu-IcaOlisc- ill-uiuu Ir ';t ene l'lubîtîtason, chî;rgiaig hec aiit i,.huIfi uilitu. "M!i'fre v4 j1e, ulula, or ollia'r mo rthclu of il tîto nuiiccetiaics wsitli ollir mten, sîtulili iii 1I, iiii 11.0,' t fil ii 1 l ICgaiillcent ue>. 'hiiimysu-leii i ie doca fut nainîe, île chou iesa tiii . l h' f'u I îlî ~l bis quiet fnul C;rlylù grtuuuut(il'l iiilis aincesJob', 1919, sleipîas £c tueltu fil(, Imli îî Ill- %le. i4,ti iu lîtn garrot, bOth teluicl ir w ii n tlisc.ufitiuure lis-e isIni hiîsuaqa sii e. Pa', , aijli .-Tîitt ':a 4Dnul wltiî a bs te tliülr endou!r.s. lute-iiuaon aise chaitu (-, lit histii.~ lii, i ;ujiîit oi.s :jIt ie'fhw;1e'.. u Ainoung fie iNous'Englanal uot.lul, . If.lisl in a dilicabe curîlition an] I iii ucilt't xaidi 'i tie iidliiuof thue laLcel ulu-y, uatîiy asseIthatua luicli., Itise fiulier < ' lI itia. ae a-. îî. utu--f te- 11\%ilvie isdowunrigbt uiasutcuhîic, Iexpeoiesacilla Iltseuimunesa i The .'Hutchinsons wvc marIadat îuuul. tie tnaQ (tue.u o a ,.4<swsuia C11t1 j o 4 Feb uar.17t,»0tne bmlIaî CluOO(il Win3Of FORMI fox LAKE MAYo . Mrs. JOhn i. Brown dle in Columbus hospitaitfotlowAo 4 months illnes FUNERAL . IS ON, FRIOAY'L Wýlord hti becn received bere ot tihe de" h in luColumubus bospital, CiilcaSGeaý ou Tuu',day. of MraS. Margaret BV6*u, aged 67. Deati toiloned anu lesg of four iontis. Mrg. Brown vas the vf ut John J. Brown wbo focr eifsa VeNt one of tiiu' be.sl knnnn,fàake Oou-ls r(,siaeaita. bMe. Irow-eu erved as pÔat- iuagti-r /tfo-lqxLake for fifté#ii yedfê andl fer soyen years nas'.Mayor pK hi ,vjliap. Hé and bis wife moved to0 V-' bile. Ais., four years ago sud bail boee living liserae ver*since. -Vour months ugo Mca. Beo*vu caMe to Chicago to receive treatlhient troi a opeelaliitst lîa abeen iu tii. boa- iLuil ibere ever sýince. Mr. Broie bi rernuined l nIllh er conalantly. Mrs. Brown wsas boru lu Germazy but bal lived iu Fox Lake twsetY yearq. Be.%ideslier hueland she lea*,e. a brother, Nicisolas P. Gruder of Wox L.ake anal anotier brother Franki Grti4- Pr of Chicago. Funerai Friday. t)ece.mier 23. at St. Uicbael'-. ehinreis.Eugeue street,'Chi. cago. at heu o'einek nith lutermentla St. Bouif.ace cemneteey. W hea.fd----------------s Iak B.d. e pe b homa C.h. Pm.1bla Te ua.dm ou Uin Ma. aw di.é.q, cm. ~ .a» dm. .oi- s. ai%ép AJ.duah..S mdehéâ «naà e., mohq l'vua . hm . .ssge m7emu d -daae. 1 21. 41beeM mp vl!mt__ wos But It does flot stand alime, perlod lu which- the cld ruleu the world. It marks nowads>'sfile cWI, iitationor0 a civilisation wil bba l! a leading princlple, The. selldai, fle bard, the. gras>. Ing and the unsparing are st and apart tuit ou, week 4ro= the. great ilowing tille of the development of thé- worl progress. Thé man or woma who does flot know this or ffl fi or teet il la allen to file Chria tian spirit and fo ailt the proel nets wr,,uciit by lb. Christ spirit ln the twenty centuries Last pîst. Christmnas dy, tiien, bringsa message. But il: alsesingulsa aong of hople and caille aloud a prophecy. Thse message tn tuaI geniîtenees s latronger far thon. force snd tiiat the greateat PMv- ec on earth la the. compellinge power of tendernesa. Every Chiristmas tei lit nti that llght. The assai flood of prelleuta bears fllei.es is message. The choe abi charity of the whoia eses an ted by tiislove. If the resuit of tutu proeff fl ouly a ceuturl flowqa, bey- eve, or one that bIeoo r.f oaly onée a yu.rtise twe spectacle and flot an ablidhW CELEtY AND CHEffl SAZ-â0 Chop ulcely blestebed, tess4ee lkn fine and biod h togethp IWlth elise. LUne an iee créent dip5l5s"g4 cottage cheese. thoen 111L op i tbMi celery mixture, paclclagi 1hIn *M- Serew out the caneis on crijipei Iettim lenven arranged for indivtdua sUd CHRISTMAS IFOR ME P ARI8$, Never deny file baies fiet Mdr ý Oais! It le ýti.he aunseait e o aar utl.piiieàm. Le bu Il)i sntilas. ,or' et. 'lcIu Erisa t<riln é r riatarer lfl Plî uiTnteis saint bce s la yow BMr anHrlanut. .uOilusl eae - ol at lutI tllat lZbe et 15, w11h 7. the "Y., suds, neigli- e beautlfu ie "aria of. zig the qilk- ed one. T. OUNG Il 'c5 j- er .4